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1833 Posts

Posted - 13/02/2004 :  19:07:53  Show Profile  Send brutus an ICQ Message Send brutus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Par japonskych.slov/ vet ktere se mohou hodit:

hai - yes
iie - no
abareuma - runaway
Gomen - sorry
douitashimash*te - welcome
tasukete - Help!
anseiji - resting
sobou - hard
moshimoshi - hello
nanitozo - please
zousanai - easy
forou - follow
kouzoka - following

Nihongo wo hanashimasu = I speak Japanese.
Nihongo wo hanashimasen = I do not speak Japanese.
Eigo wo hanashimasu ka? = Do you speak English?
Eigo wo hanashimasen ka? = Won't you speak english?
Nihongo wo hanshimasu = I don't speak Japanese.
Gomen nasai = I am sorry.
Doumo arigatou gozaimasu = Thank you very much (simple arigatou works)

Tohle se hodi pokud schanite grupu a vedle vas grupa 4 typku se jmeny jako Yamaha, Sukimayu atd dela ze nikoho nepotrebuje:

Baka literally means stupid. In Japan attacking ones intelligence is a taken very seriously.

So: anata wa totemo baka desu. You're very stupid.

This is not a nice thing to say and is more vulgar than in English.

Co je take zajimave

Or I just ask them in real simple english and keep the words small. Like I just ask "speak enlish?" they say "no" I just say "ok" those they understand. Japanese must take 6 years of english lessons in school so they know the english words and what the more common ones mean they just don't know how to speak it.

Takze co se tyce anglictiny jelikoz ji maj 6 let ve skole tak pokud to nehrajou samy kojenci nebo idioti tak rozumnej - ale nechtej pouzivat... holt vsah japu k Anglictine je neco jako nas k Rustine....

Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE!

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3722 Posts

Posted - 26/04/2004 :  15:30:35  Show Profile  Send Rashaverak an ICQ Message Send Rashaverak a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The asians have a very different system of smileys than we have over here. Here's just a few examples (add some more later if you want)
Happy ^^ ^_^ ^.^ n.n u.u(rarer)
Angry >_< >< > <
Crying T_T
sleepy, annoyed, etc. -_-
winking ^_-
surprised O.o O.O O.0 @_@
nervous ^^; ^_^;; etc... (the semi-colons represent sweating)
shadiness >_> <_< >> <<
dead x_x
kittycat =(^_^)=
(^-^)/~~ Goodbye
(-_- )Y~ Smoking guy
(;_;) Crying Eyes

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4328 Posts

Posted - 13/05/2004 :  18:05:35  Show Profile  Visit Rodier's Homepage  Send Rodier an ICQ Message Send Rodier a Private Message  Reply with Quote
mnoo jestli nekdo chcete, mam nekde na cedu vypalenou japonstinu pro zacatecniky, par scanu..anglicky :o)

First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave!
Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
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2156 Posts

Posted - 08/06/2004 :  07:59:52  Show Profile Send Gabriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Original posted by Masseur, který taky neumí číst fórum...:

Jelikoz jsem se zacal venovat lehce samostudiu japonstiny, tak vam tady nabidnu naprosto trivialni slovnik par tisic slov je to v excelu, kdo by mel zajem dal jsem to na web : http://moh.gamezone.cz/excel_slovnik.rar

tak snad vam to bude k necemu ;)
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3722 Posts

Posted - 08/06/2004 :  10:58:56  Show Profile  Send Rashaverak an ICQ Message Send Rashaverak a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Gabriel

Original posted by Masseur, který taky neumí číst fórum...:

Jelikoz jsem se zacal venovat lehce samostudiu japonstiny, tak vam tady nabidnu naprosto trivialni slovnik par tisic slov je to v excelu, kdo by mel zajem dal jsem to na web : http://moh.gamezone.cz/excel_slovnik.rar

tak snad vam to bude k necemu ;)

jojo super uzasny

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Posted - 16/10/2004 :  11:58:46  Show Profile  Visit WINNOWING's Homepage  Send WINNOWING an ICQ Message Send WINNOWING a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Takze som si precital tento topic a napisali ste tu niektore fakt sprostosti:

Shuushi---Stop! // Stop sa povie Yame(te), hento je ZAROBOK alebo VYDAJ
douitashimash*te - welcome // znamena NEMAS ZACO. RADO SA STALO
moshimoshi - hello // hej ale ked volate do telefonu. V hre asi tazko.

Nihongo wo hanshimasu = I don't speak Japanese. // prave opak I do
speak Japanese. - Nihongo wo hanashimasen je I don't speak japanese.

ked mate otazky na japoncinu som tu pre vas. ALe najlepsie je na zaciatok povedat nieco ako. Mam rad japonsko, japoncinu, japoncov. Z toho su velmi nadrzani. Rovnako este viac su nadrzani ked hovorite trosku po japonsky a snazite sa.
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75 Posts

Posted - 23/11/2004 :  13:31:12  Show Profile  Send Listyx an ICQ Message Send Listyx a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by WINNOWING

Takze som si precital tento topic a napisali ste tu niektore fakt sprostosti:

Shuushi---Stop! // Stop sa povie Yame(te), hento je ZAROBOK alebo VYDAJ
douitashimash*te - welcome // znamena NEMAS ZACO. RADO SA STALO
moshimoshi - hello // hej ale ked volate do telefonu. V hre asi tazko.

Nihongo wo hanshimasu = I don't speak Japanese. // prave opak I do
speak Japanese. - Nihongo wo hanashimasen je I don't speak japanese.

ked mate otazky na japoncinu som tu pre vas. ALe najlepsie je na zaciatok povedat nieco ako. Mam rad japonsko, japoncinu, japoncov. Z toho su velmi nadrzani. Rovnako este viac su nadrzani ked hovorite trosku po japonsky a snazite sa.

oni je nechtej sukat ;) jen se domluvit v PT ;)

/salute all GGs DAoC,FFXI,EVE,WOW
/poke all BGs E&B,CoH,AoC,ChO,WhO,STO
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