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Posted - 17/02/2005 :  11:44:44  Show Profile  Send Luka an ICQ Message Send Luka a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Četl jsem, že zbraní připravují mnohem více..
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1690 Posts

Posted - 18/02/2005 :  14:04:34  Show Profile  Send Jedi_Knight an ICQ Message Send Jedi_Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Luka

Četl jsem, že zbraní připravují mnohem více..

Taky že jo... V tomhle nášupu se jaksi zapomnělo na některá povolání, takže se už těšim jaká že kopí a tyče to dostaneme v CU.

[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]

Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus
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2991 Posts

Posted - 18/02/2005 :  15:01:49  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
jankovi uz nestaci klacik co ma
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4364 Posts

Posted - 24/02/2005 :  14:50:03  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote
tohle je proste boziiii

Publish 13.1
February 24, 2005

In this publish we bring you major changes to Star Wars Galaxies. These changes are listed below:

Galactic Civil War (GCW) and Temporary Enemy Flags (TEF)

The Galactic Civil War (GCW) will be heating up as players fight for control of the planets. The system is broken into two major components. The introduction of an improved flagging system for factionally aligned players (redesign of "Temporary Enemy Flags" - TEFs: they no longer make players vulnerable to PVP without declaring faction) and the introduction of a GCW tracking system that allows players to battle over planets and win control of cities for their faction. Click here to read the document on these changes and don't forget to check out the FAQ! If you have any further questions when you are done, check out the forums where a discussion is taking place on these changes.

Group Friendly Looting

Group Looting in Star Wars is a variety of methods for how players in Star Wars Galaxies can distribute loot. These systems will allow the group leader to determine what type of looting system his group will use. Click here to read all about the changes to group looting as we know it and click here to view the discussion about the group looting changes.

Player Event Perks

Every week there are a many player-run events held across the galaxy. These events can be anything from PvP tourneys and role-playing events to murder mysteries or dance parties. To help players more easily run these events, the Event Team has been working on some special tools and perks. Click here to read more about the Player Event Perks and click here to view the discussion.

Force Sensitive

The Phase 4 version of Captain Sarguillo in the Village of Aurilia will now grant his second quest to players who had already worked for him in a previous instance of Phase 4

Server Fixes

Improved Server Stability
Fixes for crashing to desktop
Optimizations to water code to improve client performance. Water detail control currently does nothing.

Veteran Rewards

If you have triggered more than one veteran reward at the same time, the announcement will remind you that you need to claim the first reward before the second will be offered.
The command /claimVeteranReward will now bring up the choices for the new veteran rewards, in addition to the Sorosuub. This will also fix an issue where players choose the option to be reminded in a week for rewards and they change their mind but have to wait out the week, now players can type /claimVeteranReward to reinitiate the process.
Anti Decay Kits will now reset the item it is being used on to maximum hitpoints. Items that have already had Anti Decay applied will also be reset to maximum hitpoints.


Fixed a bug where a dead or incapacitated person could shutdown a factional base before it blew up.
Removed insta-deathblows
Made incapacitation work if you are feigning death


Changed escort ship on Rori rebel story mission so that it highlights as an ally
Fixed plasma conduit repair bug


New mouse button behavior in modeless test interfaces:
Single left-click selects object when the button is released
Double left-click now selects object and causes default action
Single right-click selects object and brings up the context menu when the button is released
Pressing a mouse button down in the scene to move the camera no longer deselects the object; however, by default, clicking quickly in the scene will deselect the current target.
Using commands targeted by name now works for targets on vehicles and mounts.
The UI hud effectors will no longer override opacity. UI elements will appear at 100% opacity instead of 80%.
Fixed a issue players were experiencing when they didn't have a target and typed an action
Ground radar optimizations/fixes
"turn strafes" switch now works properly on "New MMORPG (EQ2 style)" keymap
Hovering over a blip on the radar will display tooltip info about the blip.
Removed extra popup windows when clicking on friendly players

Musician / Entertainer / Dancer

Fixed /stopwatch/stoplisten canceling buffs out
Entertainer mind wound healing has been toned down. There is still a twice as much gain in experience for healing mind wounds than there was prior to Publish 13.0.

Harvesting / Resources

There will no longer be a penalty to harvesting while in a group. Instead, there will now be a 20% harvesting bonus if you are in a group and at least one group member is within 64m of you when you harvest. If there is a Ranger present in your group and is within 64m of you, the group harvesting bonus will be 30% for you when you harvest. If there is a Master Ranger present in your group and is within 64m of you, the group harvesting bonus will be 40%.
Creatures will now yield more milk after being successfully milked.
Its been a bountiful season. The success chances of getting mollusks and crustaceans while shellfish harvesting has been increased. Expect to see higher yields from your shellfish harvesting!
Searching a creature lair will have a higher chance of finding eggs as well as a lower chance of finding nothing or finding a jar of bugs. You might also want to try searching the lair again; there might be a chance you missed something!
Increased the amount of resources spawned, so that rare resources will be slightly more common.


Fixed the lack of an "hour" suffix in the residency renewal statement
Fixed housing maintenance so it now works properly
Fixed an issue where if you drop a bag in a house, leave the house, and come back later, and open the bag, you don't see the contents of the bag until you pick it up.

New Players

A single-waypoint mode is active for new players.
This mode is selectable via the waypoint tab in the datapad.
Single waypoint mode keeps only one player waypoint active.


Fixed problem with mission lairs disappearing


Numpad keys turned off for non-modal chat, except for NumLock and Enter
If a non-numpad key is mapped to a function it will still go to chat for non-modal
Modal chat will turn off functionality while chatting
CTRL+R reply functionality works across game servers.


Fixed inventory flicker when you add or remove objects from the inventory.


Fixed problem that can cause the stomach not to empty.
Reduce the stomach empty time for a full stomach to 30 minutes.


Galactic Civil War - Compiled Update

This is a long update, so please read the entire update before posting questions and comments here.

The Galactic Civil War (GCW) will be heating up as players fight for control of the planets. The system is broken into two major components. The introduction of an improved flagging system for factionally aligned players (removal of "Temporary Enemy Flags" - TEFs) and the introduction of a GCW tracking system that allows players to battle over planets and win control of cities for their faction. Be sure to read the entire update as well as the FAQ at the end.

These changes have the following goals.

Give non-PvP players access to the GCW and traditional Star Wars content.
Continue to make PvP an important part of the GCW.
Allow players to change the galaxy through the GCW.
Help make Star Wars Galaxies feel even more like Star Wars.
Improved Faction Flagging System
The first step in improving the Galactic Civil War is the removal of Temporary Enemy Flags (TEFs) from Star Wars Galaxies. This system acted as a playstyle buffer between Player-versus-Player (PvP) and Player-versus-Environment (PvE), but also made it very difficult for non-PvP oriented players to participate in traditional Star Wars activities such as killing Stormtroopers. To help achieve our goals for the GCW and give more players access to it we are removing TEF system from the game.

The Factions
All players will be considered Imperial, Rebel, or Civilian (non-aligned).

Players who side with the Empire may attack rebel NPCs. They may not attack Imperial faction NPCs.

Players who side with the rebels may attack Imperial NPCs. They may not attack rebel faction NPCs.

Civilians are players who have not chosen a side. In the original system they were referred to as "neutrals". Civilians are not allowed to attack any factional NPCs (such as Stormtroopers).

Note that players who aligned with a faction in order to use Rebel or Imperial starships will now be fully in their faction. This means they will be subject to all of the rules of being in a faction while on the ground. Players moved into the faction automatically will be set to "On Leave" by default - see "Faction Settings" below.

Faction Settings
Players who choose a faction (Rebel or Imperial) will have three settings to choose from. These settings not only determine a player's PvP status, they will also have an impact on using helpful actions (such as healing). This is described later in this document.

Combatant is a setting for players who have chosen a side but whish to remain out of PvP. These players are similar to "Coverts" in the original system. Rebel and Imperial players who are Combatants (PvP Disabled) can only attack NPC enemies. Opposite faction NPCs will shoot on sight! This means Imperial NPCs will shoot Rebels on sight and Rebel NPCs will shoot Imperials on sight...this is war! Under no circumstances can Combatants attack or be attacked by Special Forces (PvP Enabled) players.

Special Forces is a setting for players who have chosen a side and wish to participate in PvP battles. In the original system these players were called "Overts" Special Forces enlisted Rebel and Imperial players who are Special Forces (PvP Enabled) are allowed to attack opposite faction NPCs and other Special Forces players of the opposing faction. These players are at risk at all times of being attacked by opposite-faction NPC's or opposite-faction PVP enabled players. Special Forces players of the same faction cannot attack each other.

On Leave is a setting for players who have chosen a side to take a break from the GCW without losing their faction standing. Players who are On Leave will not be attacked on sight by enemy faction NPCs. This setting is useful for players who wish to group with civilian friends to hunt non-faction NPCs and creatures.

Additionally, the following rules apply to players who are in a faction:
Combatants and Special Forces players may wear faction armor. On Leave players may not.
Engaging in combat with factioned NPCs will not set a player to Special Forces. This means players can attack enemy faction NPCs without risking attack from other players.
Engaging in combat with factioned NPCs will not affect the ability to trade.
Combatant players will have a colored character tag.
Special Forces players will have a different colored character tag.
"On Leave" players will show up on Radar as light purple if they are friendly and light orange if they are enemies.

Faction Perks and Pets
Both Combatants and Special Forces players can use Faction Perks.
Faction Perks take on the status (Combatant or Special Forces) of the player.
PvP Enabled Faction Perks can be attacked by Special Forces players and other PvP Enabled Faction Perks.
Faction Perks being used by a Combatant cannot be attacked by any other players or any Faction Perks.
Faction Perks being used by Combatants or Special Forces can be attacked by NPC Faction.
Faction Pets are flagged according to their owner's status. If the owner is Special Forces then the pet is considered to be "PvP Enabled".
Pets owned by Combatants cannot be attacked by Special Forces players.

Squad Leaders
Squad Leaders who issue orders while they are Combatants will not benefit Special Forces players in their group.
Civilian squad leaders who issue orders will not benefit anyone but Civilians or those "On Leave."

Special Forces players who are killed in combat and revive at a cloning station will be reset to Combatant status when they clone.
If a player is killed while "On Leave" or Combatant their status will not change after cloning.

Helpful Actions
Buffs, Entertainment (healing and buffs), Trading, Rezzing and Healing are considered "helpful actions". In the new system, Buffs, Entertainment, and Trading will no longer have TEF restrictions. This means that buffing another player will not have a negative impact on your character regardless of factional alliance. Buffs, Entertainment, Trading can now be performed by anyone to anyone regardless of factional (Imperial/Rebel) or PvP affiliation (Combatant or Special Forces). For example, under this system, a Special Forces Imperial can trade with or buff a Special Forces Rebel without any negative consequences.

In order to avoid situations where a Combatant (PvP Disabled) player can help a Special Forces (PvP enabled) player without any risk to themselves healing is the one exception to this. Players will be restricted from healing other players based on their faction and PvP setting.

Special Forces
Can NOT heal members of an opposing faction (except those "On Leave").
Can heal Special Forces, Combatants of the same faction.
Can heal "On Leave" players of any faction.
Can heal civilians

Can NOT heal members of an opposing faction (except those "On Leave").
Can NOT heal Special Forces players of the same faction.
Can heal Combatants of the same faction.
Can heal "On Leave" players of any faction.
Can heal civilians.

On Leave
Can NOT heal players who are set to Special forces or Combatant for either faction.
Can heal "On Leave" players of any faction.
Can heal civilians.

Can NOT heal players who are set to Special forces or Combatant for either faction.
Can heal "On Leave" players of any faction.
Can heal other civilians.

Changing Status
Players can change their faction status (Special Forces, Combatant, or On Leave) through a variety of ways. There will be a 5 minute delay timer for switching from one status to another.
Players who are On Leave can go back to Combatant status simply by attempting to attack an NPC factional target. This will pop up a dialog window that will change their status. Attacking an enemy faction NPC will set the player to Combatant.

Players who are either On Leave or Combatant (PvP Disabled) and wish to become Special Forces (PvP Enabled) in the field may do so by using a menu option on an enemy player (who is PvP Enabled). This action will have a 5 minute delay timer on it

Players can change their faction from one setting to another by visiting a faction recruiter. This means players who wish to change the status from Special Forces to Combatant or On Leave must visit a faction recruiter to do so.

Special Forces players who are killed in combat and revive at a cloning station will be automatically reset to Combatant status when they clone.

Special Cases for Jedi and Bounty Hunters The removal of TEFs will affect Jedi and Bounty hunters. Once a Bounty Hunter attacks a Jedi who he has a mission against, both the Bounty Hunter and the Jedi are forbidden from receiving a helpful action from any player. The Jedi and the Bounty Hunter can not be helped by anyone for the period of time after the attack begins. Note that multiple Bounty Hunters can attack the same Jedi if they all have a mission against that Jedi.

GCW Planetary Control
The second part of the system is the GCW Planetary Control Game. Because of the changes to the TEF system we will add a second type of factional base - a PvE GCW base. We will use the two types of bases to create the first of many steps in a GCW Planetary Control Game.

A global tracking mechanism for planetary GCW conquest will be implemented. This tracking system works for each individual planet. The score is modified by placement of both PvE and PvP factional bases.

The two types of bases work differently and are described below.

PvP Bases
PvP bases counts significantly higher towards planetary control than a PvE base.

Base Placement
PvP bases can be placed by any factioned player.

Base Defense
PvP Bases can only be entered by Special Forces players.
The inside of these bases will be populated and protected by powerful NPCs.

Base Vulnerability
PVP bases will have a 3 hour vulnerability window but this window will only occur every 2 days (48 hours). These bases will also register on the planetary map.

Base Destruction
PvP bases can be destroyed by those who can get inside (Special Forces).
The method of base destruction will remain the same is it is currently.

Base Cost
When a player purchases a PvP base they will receive 2 PvE bases for free. These can be sold, traded or placed as needed.
Factional bases will no longer cost lots. You will be limited to a maximum of 3 bases per player.
To soften the transition, for each existing base you own you will be rewarded replacement faction points up to the cap.
New PvP Bases will cost the same number of Faction Points.

PvE Bases
PVE bases allow all players to participate in the GCW. They will count as part of the planetary control game, but not as much as PvP bases.

Base Placement
Any factioned player can place a PvE Base.

Base Defense
PvE Bases are defended by NPC's.
PvE Bases can be entered by Special Forces and Combatant players.

Base Vulnerability
All existing bases will be treated as PvE bases.
To soften the transition, for each existing base you own you will be rewarded faction points. (amount is TBD).
PvE bases are always vulnerable. When they are defeated, they will explode. *???????

Base Destruction
PvE bases can be destroyed by those who can get inside (Special Forces and Combatants).
The method of base destruction will remain the same is it is currently.

Base Cost
PvE bases may be purchased from Faction Recruiters
When a player purchases a PvP base they will receive 2 PvE bases for free. These can be sold, traded or placed as needed.
PvE bases are distributed to PvP enabled players as part of a PvP base purchase. They will be given freely among friends and guilds/PAs, traded or purchased on the open market.

Planetary Occupation System
The players' actions in the Galactic Civil War (GCW) will be reflected in the 'Occupation!' enhancement. The guards patrolling cities and the symbols of power in the cities will change based on who is winning the GCW on that planet. As the tide of the GCW shifts so too shall the planets!

The system will track the status of the GCW for each individual planet. Players can affect the status of the GCW through placing factional bases, both PVP and PVE. The longer a base remains in the world the more it benefits the faction. PVP bases count far greater than PVE bases. Initially Tatooine, Corellia, and Naboo will be affected by this system.

Two cities on each of these planets will never change faction. These are the stronghold cities. Anchorhead, Vreni Island, and Moenia will always be Rebel. Bestine, Bela Vistal, and Deeja Peak will always be Imperial.

Based on who is winning the factional conflict per planet, faction point costs and the faction presence in cities will change. The system will continually check the status of the GCW and determine city allegiance as control shifts.

City Patrols & Scans
The non-stronghold cities located on Tatooine, Corellia, and Naboo will be patrolled by the faction that controls the planet. Cities will also have patrols of neutral police, regardless of the planetary controller. For example, if the Imperials are winning the GCW on Corellia, Tyrena will be patrolled by Imperial soldiers as well as CorSec.

The neutral police forces are loyal to the faction that controls the planet and some will conduct scans of passers by. *tak kdyz na corelii budou vyhravat imp. konecne me nebudou obtezovat corsecove ? The police will be searching for contraband such as illegal spices and sliced weapons (regardless of faction) or enemy faction players (Rebel or Imperial) and will fine or attack as appropriate. Running away from a scan will continue to have the same effects (loss of faction). High ranking members of factional armies will be safe from scans if their faction controls that planet.

Players who are scanned by the police run the risk of having their faction exposed if they are in the opposing faction of the one that controls the city. This means players who are "On Leave" may become set to "Combatant" due to the scan. Faction NPCs will then attack the player on sight. Police may also call in more powerful reinforcements should they expose an enemy faction player (Rebel or Imperial) in opposition to the faction controlling the city. Scans will never set a player to "Special Forces" (PvP) status.

Additionally, if a Jedi is scanned s/he runs the risk of being exposed. Should this happen, the police may panic and call for help, bringing a very powerful force on the Jedi. Note that Imperial allied police will call forces to attack any Jedi, regardless of faction. Rebel aligned police will only call guards to attack Dark Jedi.

The strength of the guards will depend on how tightly the planet is controlled. If one side has a significant base count advantage over the other, the guards in the cities will be much more powerful.

Cantina Crackdowns
Officers from the controlling faction will occasionally check cantina patrons. While the Rebellion stands for personal liberty, they also understand that security is important during a time of war. Scans conducted by agents of the Rebellion will be done with the highest order of respect for the rights of those scanned. It is important to remember, though, that spices & sliced weapons are as illegal in Rebel controlled territory as they are in the Empire.

Changing Control
When the control of a planet shifts from one side to the other, control over the cities will not immediately change. It's up to the faction to clear out the enemy guards holding out in the city. As the old guards are removed, they will be replaced by new guards from the faction that controls the city. If you want the city back, you'll have to take it back by force!

City Banners
Each city will display banners that allow players to see which faction currently controls the city. These banners will be displayed in various areas of the city and will change according to the controlling faction. Banners check for control updates approximately once every hour.

Viewing the Status of the GCW
Planetary control status can be read by civilians using a "news net" terminal that will be placed in starports. Factioned players can also find out what's going on in the war by "talking" to a faction recruiter, who will give them updates.

FAQ: http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/content.jsp?page=Galactic%20Civil%20War%20-%20Compiled%20Update%20FAQ

Q: What about dedicated crafters? Are we going to get attacked by enemy faction NPCs?
A: If you set yourself to "On Leave" enemy faction NPCs will not attack you. However, if you enter a city that is controlled by the enemy faction and are scanned you will be set to Combatant and be attackable by enemy NPCs. The scanner may also call reinforcements on you. This is a war. Choosing a side means the other side will want to kill you if they find you.

Q: Why are Imperial forces attacking Dark Jedi?
A: The Empire has a campaign against all Jedi. The soldiers of the Empire have no knowledge of what differences there are between Dark & Light Jedi. There is nothing to indicate that the Emperor and Vader want Dark Jedi around.

Q: If my Dark Jedi is also an officer in the Imperial army will he get scanned?
A: No. His officer rank overrides the fact that he is a Jedi. The scanning NPC would never scan long enough to figure it out.

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>

Edited by - JerzeeG on 24/02/2005 15:17:10
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4364 Posts

Posted - 09/03/2005 :  15:02:33  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Publish 14.0
March 9, 2005

In this publish we bring to you tweaks and fixes for the GCW, some more UI loving and a new story Arc! Read on for more details.


Today begins the first part of a new epic quest series called "Secrets of the Syren"! Who is the pilot that everyone is searching for? What was the dangerous cargo he was carrying that both Imperials and Rebels want so desperately? Rebels should report immediately to the Tyrena Cantina, Imperials to the Bestine Cantina and Neutrals to the Theed Cantina!


Increased the difficulty of higher level faction base spawns. (Now that the rebel and imperial faction bases spawned entity difficulty and numbers have recently been brought into balance with each other, the difficulty of the spawns at bases higher than the forward operating bases are being increased)
PvE (non SF) faction bases can no longer have control terminal menu options for resetting their vulnerability timer (which shouldn't have been there anyhow, since PvE bases are always supposed to be vulnerable), nor can you shut them down to abort a self-destruct countdown, once started (which better fits the non-PvP nature of these bases).
Added hacked terminal and base destruction alarms to factional bases
Added exterior reinforcement spawner to hacked factional bases
Decreased point cost of faction turrets
Decreased point cost of the factional forward operating bases
Factional base deeds should now indicate what faction they are for by their name.
Increased GCW point value of factional bases for all bases higher than Forward Operating Base
Slightly increased cost of Tactical Center to bring it in line with the increased toughness of its spawns
Fixed an issue where Imperial guards were spawning and entering Moenian cantinas
Fixed rank display in recruiter conversations
News terminals will now always open the news headlines when you double click on them
Fixed several bad faction base objective-terminal spawn locations and orientations
Fixed terminals only working if you were special forces
Added roving security personnel to hacked factional bases
Fixed a bug where objects could block players from entering factional bases
Changed how GCW faction perk costs are changed based on GCW status. There was a bug that caused items to get cheaper as you started to lose. This was incorrect and backwards. If you are losing, items get more expensive on that planet.

Fixed a bug where AI would warp when moving towards a destination (such as fleeing, etc.)


There are 4 new key bindings that are not mapped to any key-binding at this time. When bound, they should filter out friends and enemies in a previous next manner
Player movement should now feel "snappier" (run, walk and turn rates have been accelerated)
Hovering over a blip on the radar will display tooltip information about the blip.
Fixed an issue where the buff window would reset when a player logged out or relogged.
Planetmap should honor the show all cities flag.
Fixed an issue where players could not run through streetlamps
If the quest journal is open when a task or quest completes, it will now update correctly.
Duplicate journal entries will only be displayed once. (e.g. Darn Droid listed a speak task 3 times before).
Destroy, loot, and timer tasks will have a progress counter in the journal. (e.g.. "Killed: 2/10" will show in the journal description for a kill 10 worrts task).
Tooltips on the radar will now display instantly
The waypoint window in the datapad window will no longer overlap the checkboxes in the detail view
Radar opacity should ignore UI opacity setting
Improved double click options:
Double-clicking on NPCs will display the appropriate messages and perform the proper actions.
Double-clicking an incapacitated player will death-blow them.
Double-clicking on your mount will mount or dismount you.
Double-clicking on a crafting station will start a crafting session with a compatible crafting tool in your inventory

Giant Canyon and Krayt Ancient Dragons should drop pearls at their normal drop rate
Nightsisters should drop crystals at their normal drop rate
Fixed a problem with all high-end loot drop rates
Fixed an issue that no longer allows dead players to loot factional pets and dead players

Player Cities
Fixed a problem where some Mayors cannot send ingame emails to citizens

Player Event Perks
Changed faction perk gating to fix coverts not being able to wear armor

Vet Rewards
Anti Decay Kits that were placed inside house containers such as a bookcase or armoire will now have a "Pickup" radial menu option.

Fixed an issue where players would experience a crash to desktop in /alarmsnooze if no alarms were previously set
Japanese Localization Fixes
Fixed some issues that would cause players to crash to desktop

If you are experiencing a bug in game please use the /bug reporting feature and provide as much details as possible to help us fix this problem.

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>
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2991 Posts

Posted - 22/03/2005 :  14:39:29  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jerzee o GCW pis do GCW a ne do Combat revamp
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Junior Member

836 Posts

Posted - 23/03/2005 :  15:41:25  Show Profile  Send Olusriel an ICQ Message Send Olusriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nevite nekdo co bude se soucasnyma perlama, krystalama, lsabrama? Nebude to vsechno na vyhozeni?

„Já bych všechny ty počítače a internety zakázala“
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776 Posts

Posted - 24/03/2005 :  08:49:11  Show Profile  Send riddle an ICQ Message Send riddle a Private Message  Reply with Quote
melo by to zustat pri starem

EnniLasi(BOH)- SWG "zase parim"
Esmeralda(BOH)-SWG "zase parim"
Essmeralda - WOW
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Average Member

To jsem ja

1691 Posts

Posted - 24/03/2005 :  10:39:05  Show Profile  Send Almych an ICQ Message Send Almych a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Health, Action, Mind pools
# A character's maximum health will increase with the character's combat level up to 300%. New character health will be 1000, maxed character health will be 3000.
# Players will be able to reference their combat level.
# Short term buffs will modify this health value no more than 20%.
# Long term buffs will modify this health value no more than 10%.
# Species modifiers will affect no more than 10% of a base statistic.

tady je o tom healthu. Newbik bude mit 1000 a na zaklade "combat level" muzes vylezt az na 3000.
Kazdy hrac bude mit chopnost zjistit na jakem levelu je.
Specky nebudou stat vic, nez 10% zakladni statistiky
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4364 Posts

Posted - 24/03/2005 :  14:43:05  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote
ja myslel ze species jsou druhy (rasy)..

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>
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Junior Member

836 Posts

Posted - 24/03/2005 :  15:42:19  Show Profile  Send Olusriel an ICQ Message Send Olusriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Almych

Health, Action, Mind pools
# A character's maximum health will increase with the character's combat level up to 300%. New character health will be 1000, maxed character health will be 3000.
# Players will be able to reference their combat level.
# Short term buffs will modify this health value no more than 20%.
# Long term buffs will modify this health value no more than 10%.
# Species modifiers will affect no more than 10% of a base statistic.

tady je o tom healthu. Newbik bude mit 1000 a na zaklade "combat level" muzes vylezt az na 3000.
Kazdy hrac bude mit chopnost zjistit na jakem levelu je.
Specky nebudou stat vic, nez 10% zakladni statistiky

character combat level se bude prepocitavat podle pvprating nebo podle ceho?

„Já bych všechny ty počítače a internety zakázala“
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To jsem ja

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Posted - 24/03/2005 :  15:46:05  Show Profile  Send Almych an ICQ Message Send Almych a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by JerzeeG

ja myslel ze species jsou druhy (rasy)..

aha, asi mas pravdu
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2991 Posts

Posted - 25/03/2005 :  14:36:39  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
podle skill boxu ne?
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Posted - 25/03/2005 :  14:52:09  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jorssk

podle skill boxu ne?

presne - prvni co me napadlo, kdyz jsem precetl "na zaklade "combat level" muzes vylezt" bylo, ze to bude podle toho kolik mas jistych skillboxu..

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>
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To jsem ja

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Posted - 31/03/2005 :  09:07:21  Show Profile  Send Almych an ICQ Message Send Almych a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tady je pekne prehledne zpracovano, co nas ceka. Mam z toho znacne rozpacitej pocit.

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Posted - 31/03/2005 :  14:07:54  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nojo vsichni maji kecy ze tendle system ja na prd, posilaji tam tyhle napady a navrhy tak to soe udela a lidi budou zase nespokojeny. Dete taky nekam, ja sem na to celkem zvedavej.
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Posted - 31/03/2005 :  15:45:30  Show Profile Send Quartax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jorssk

Nojo vsichni maji kecy ze tendle system ja na prd, posilaji tam tyhle napady a navrhy tak to soe udela a lidi budou zase nespokojeny. Dete taky nekam, ja sem na to celkem zvedavej.

jo zvědavej sem taky ale až mne sežere první kreetle tak se mi to jako líbit nebude a budu chtít vrátit zpět kdy ho usmažím llc bez problému :-)

Quartax Xarys - SWG.Eclipse
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Posted - 01/04/2005 :  11:48:39  Show Profile  Send Jedi_Knight an ICQ Message Send Jedi_Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Je to tady.

Začněte drtit svoje linky, CU je k dispozici na TC!

Teď jen doufat, že to nejni apríl!

[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]

Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus

Edited by - Jedi_Knight on 01/04/2005 11:50:03
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Posted - 01/04/2005 :  14:04:53  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A kdy nam poslou oznameni ze sme byli vybrani do jeho testovani na TC? :D
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Posted - 01/04/2005 :  15:44:10  Show Profile  Send Whom an ICQ Message Send Whom a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak som to chvylu skusal na TC. Hlavne ma soklo ze treba stlacat F1,F1,F1,F1,F1,F1,F1,F1,F1,F1,F1,F1 , uz neni automaticky boj, ked trebalo len raz stlacit a uz strielalo az do konca, na kazdy vystrel treba stlact. Expi sa dostal len ten kdo dorazil potvoru. Potvoram sa obnovuje healt Nic viacej som sa tu chvylu nestihol vyskusal lebo sa tu dost tazko expuje , hlavne to mackanie vkuse mi nejak nesedi. Ale este je na to mesiac sa moze selico zmenit.
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Posted - 01/04/2005 :  17:41:10  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jo me to taky nesedi, ale muzes si pri tom tim padem vyvolat vehicle, jinak ja to uz take zkousel a predstavte si ze BH dostane carabinu na kinetic! WOW! Ale jinak to vypada dobre a vybalancovani az na tech HAAAAFO BUGu!!! Snad je opravi nez do hodi do live protoze jinak by se SWG vratilo to faze bety.

- Zatim skoro nic nefunguje, muzete jen jako newbik zkouset newbie zbrane, ale ty barevne ikonky vypadaji suprove.
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Posted - 01/04/2005 :  18:31:00  Show Profile  Visit Hosty's Homepage  Send Hosty an ICQ Message Send Hosty a Private Message  Reply with Quote
nejak dlho sa to stahuje, ne ? 1h 45min
EDIT:tak ne, vcera mi to chcelo stahovat tak dlho, tak som to vypol. Dnes uz iba 35min. To bolo vcera nejake cudne...

-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free-

Edited by - Hosty on 02/04/2005 20:10:18
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To jsem ja

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Posted - 02/04/2005 :  08:36:22  Show Profile  Send Almych an ICQ Message Send Almych a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hm, tak jsem taky testoval. Na forech si strasne moc lidi stezuje na nove barevne ikony. Je pravda, ze mi taky moc nesedi, ale asi pujde jenom o zvyk. Nastesti nemaji na hratelnost zadny vliv. Nove zbrane vypadaji skvele. Dival jsem se na certifikace a treba takovy republic blaster muze pouzit jenom master pistoleer. Ostatni jsem moc nezkoumal, ale asi bude hodne dulezite, jake povolani si clovek vybere, prave kvuli certifikacim. Brneni na testech neni, ale jak jsem se dival na ruzne ability, tak jsem narazil na cosi jako armor mitigation. Muze vylezt az na 60%, ale brutalne snizuje accuracy. Tohle me docela dost rozhodilo. Zvuky co vydavaj zbrane jsou naprosto priserne, takze predpokladam, ze to jeste predelaj. Combat queue mi moc chybi, mackat porad dokola F1 je opravdu opruz. Zrejme chteli hrace donutit byt atktivnejsi pri bojovani, ale podle me je to krok vedle. Macra jsem jeste nezkousel, ale pokud pujde udelat nejake utok macro, tak to nebude tak hrozne.
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Posted - 02/04/2005 :  12:29:06  Show Profile  Send Werrevlk an ICQ Message Send Werrevlk a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Reconnaissance Armor
Ubese, Tantel, Mabari, Kashyyykian Ceremonial, Ithorian Guardian, Marine Rebel (Factional), Scout Trooper (Factional)

Certified to use it: Bio Engineer, Pistoleer, Rifleman, Smuggler

Battle Armor
Padded, Marauder, Bone, Kashyyykian Black Mountain, Ithorian Defender, RIS (Quest), Rebel Battle (Factional), Stormtrooper (Factional)

Certified to use it: Carbineer, Creature Handler, Combat Medic, Fencer, Doctor, Swordsman, Pikeman, Ranger

Assault Armor
Chitin, Composite, Kashyyykian Hunting, Ithorian Sentinel, Mandalorian (Quest), Rebel Assault (Factional), Shock Trooper (Factional)

Certified to use it: Bounty Hunter, Commando, Squad leader

Keep in mind, all this is subject to change. Also, if your profession is NOT listed here (most notably Teras kasi), then you are NOT currently certified for armor. In the case of Teras Kasi, word is they will be getting something like Jedi Robes in the CURB, hence their lack of certification.


SWG Cheeeewieee cosi -
SWG Lygie Jedi 90 Shadowknights
SWG Wlk spy 80 Shadowknights
WoW Chewie Shaman 60 Zdechliny
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To jsem ja

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Posted - 02/04/2005 :  17:22:53  Show Profile  Send Almych an ICQ Message Send Almych a Private Message  Reply with Quote
je to trochu jinak, ty povolani maj ty armory mitigace na pohyb a mireni,

jinak ja pudu do karabiny, bude mit ability na zruseni dizzy, stun a blind
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Posted - 02/04/2005 :  17:46:56  Show Profile  Send Jedi_Knight an ICQ Message Send Jedi_Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Kdo neni Pikeman, jako by nebyl.

Zůstává mi úplně všechno co jsem měl a přibyly mi nový věci. Hustý.

Koněčně je Pikeman to, co jsem od něj dycky chtěl a co mě dycky bavilo nejvíc - opravdovej tank.

Jakmile tohle hoděj na Live, kašlu na školu a psaní recenzí, tohle se jim opravdu povedlo.

[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]

Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus

Edited by - Jedi_Knight on 03/04/2005 00:52:35
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Posted - 03/04/2005 :  12:39:12  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote

a ja doufal ze pikemana zrusi.. (a taky swordsmana a fencera a tk a udelaji z toho jedno povolani, ktere bude navic k nicemu..)

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>
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Posted - 04/04/2005 :  05:31:08  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Taky je o nicem, myslim ze ranged povolani maji proti meele vetsi defense a bonusi aby nebyli takove sracicky. Co jsme pochopil s toho postu o armoru tak to znamena ze urcita povolani obleci urcity armor, takze kdyz budu jen BH tak neoblecu padded, ale kdyz si k tomu naucim CH tak uz bych zase mel.
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Posted - 04/04/2005 :  07:46:26  Show Profile  Send Infik an ICQ Message Send Infik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
lol cera sme boli na testu v grupe plnej skusit zabit jeden kamp

tak to bila sranda nas pozabijalo jak maliny

inac ikonky su pekne a aj medic vyzera velmi fajne

je to slabsi odvar z medica a combat medica
uvidim ako to bude ked budem ho mat komplet

no a nepacia sa mi tie carecky co su akoze strely
prvykrat ked som strlil a ostala cara pred pistolkou som myslel ze m sekol comp
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To jsem ja

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Posted - 04/04/2005 :  10:37:00  Show Profile  Send Almych an ICQ Message Send Almych a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jsem opravdu zvedaf, jak to dopadne. Co tak procitam ofic fora, tak prevazna vetsina lidi tezce hani novej vzhled. Ja to hned poznal, ze se snazej okopcit WoW a EQ2. Asi maj dojem, ze jim to privede nove lidi, ale SWG je trosku o necem jinem. Troufam si tvrdit, ze vetsina hraje SWG prave kvuli SW universu. Pokud se budou snazit z toho udelat nejaky patvar jenom proto, aby pritahli vice adolescetnich americanu, tak si asi vetsina "pravovernych" SW lidi najde jinou zabavu.
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To jsem ja

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Posted - 04/04/2005 :  10:37:50  Show Profile  Send Almych an ICQ Message Send Almych a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jinak moje dojmy z Lego SW, fakt to zkuste, je to docela prdel. Takova spravna hra na odreagovani.
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Posted - 04/04/2005 :  14:37:37  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Me se ikony taky libi, jinak prave naopak almychu chteji s toho udelat spravne SW kde nebudou tolik meele a budou se uzivat jako ve spravnych star wars hlavne blastery.
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Posted - 04/04/2005 :  20:37:26  Show Profile  Send Infik an ICQ Message Send Infik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
pobede sem taky na tste bol sice bugou tam maji hodne ale konecne je to o tyme kde parta lidi nekam de no a co ze to bol zasrany lesel bol ale velmi dlho som sa tak nenasmial ako dnes , dufam ze to dobre dotahnu do konca aby to zvysli hratelnost o naky tenkrocik a aj viac zajimavosti prineslo do hry .

skoda ze tam nepude v konecnej fazy otestovat jedi to len ti picuzi zo sandboxu mozu.

inac zbrane su velmi pekne ale nejako som nenasiel certifikaty na tie nove vymysli :)

jorsku nevis o tom neco ?
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To jsem ja

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Posted - 04/04/2005 :  21:39:50  Show Profile  Send Almych an ICQ Message Send Almych a Private Message  Reply with Quote
medvedik, mam te rad, ale to co obcas postnes na forum nedava hlavu ani patu, zkus to obcas nejdriv po sobe precist.
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Posted - 05/04/2005 :  05:34:53  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Medved - Jo taky by me zajimalo kde je certifikat napr. na takovou Geo. Carabinu, mozna ho tam nemaji jen napsanej. Uvidime, s mastrem carabineerem by mela jit ovladat.
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Posted - 05/04/2005 :  08:20:07  Show Profile  Send Werrevlk an ICQ Message Send Werrevlk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
CU je EQ 2 style (ted ho hraju) a podle me se to k SWG vubec nehodi.

SWG Cheeeewieee cosi -
SWG Lygie Jedi 90 Shadowknights
SWG Wlk spy 80 Shadowknights
WoW Chewie Shaman 60 Zdechliny
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Posted - 05/04/2005 :  08:26:05  Show Profile  Send Infik an ICQ Message Send Infik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
jorsku ty skusis carabinera?
ja puskara no uvidim co z toho bude :) mne se libi ta sniperka co dava 700dmg fajna zbran a ak sa bude dat slicnut range juuuj to bude masicko pak
a z tymi zvukmi by mohli neco delat , ake vcera mi nesli vobec med skily teda nikomu co sme huntili neviem co s tym porobili sme im to posli ako bug
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To jsem ja

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Posted - 05/04/2005 :  10:27:54  Show Profile  Send Almych an ICQ Message Send Almych a Private Message  Reply with Quote
ja du do karabiny, vcera jsem na tom zacal pracovat, dnes ji dodelam
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Posted - 05/04/2005 :  15:56:51  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Delam prevazne carabinu ale to kvuli ranged support co potrebuji na bh, jake tam mate nicky? Ja stejnej jorssk.

Edited by - Jorssk on 05/04/2005 15:57:15
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Posted - 05/04/2005 :  16:36:03  Show Profile  Send Infik an ICQ Message Send Infik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
ja som Ocke
wow dnes som ziskal novu abilitku sleham protivnikou pazbou do zubou zacina sa mi to libit moooc libit a ked ho aj knock downem tak dostanem jedi exp

jorsku skus to taky a potvrd mi to ci to neni bug
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Posted - 05/04/2005 :  22:25:28  Show Profile  Send Carmax an ICQ Message Send Carmax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
certifikaty budou normalne.. na geo blaster je potreba z pistoleera jakejsi skill na II tak tohle bude nejspis podobny

SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene

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Posted - 06/04/2005 :  00:55:36  Show Profile  Send Jedi_Knight an ICQ Message Send Jedi_Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jorssk

Me se ikony taky libi, jinak prave naopak almychu chteji s toho udelat spravne SW kde nebudou tolik meele a budou se uzivat jako ve spravnych star wars hlavne blastery.

Podle koho?

To, že se v několika knížkách či filmech nejdřív střílí a až pak se ptá ještě neznamená, že to tak je správně.

Originally posted by Carmax

certifikaty budou normalne.. na geo blaster je potreba z pistoleera jakejsi skill na II tak tohle bude nejspis podobny

Jsem prej slyšel, že jako ne, že to se jako mění taky... takže to teď (jako) bude trošku jinak.

Chápeš mě, že jo? Prostě to jako bude jinačí.

[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]

Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus

Edited by - Jedi_Knight on 06/04/2005 00:57:02
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Posted - 06/04/2005 :  05:40:17  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Carmaxi ja nemluvil o geo. blasteru ale o geo. carabine.

Janek - Co to zase placas, videl si snad nekde ve filmu ze by se stormtrooperi a rebelove jebali klackama? Vzdy prevazovali blastery pred utokem na blizko.
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Posted - 06/04/2005 :  08:07:29  Show Profile Send baron432 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Predobjednal jsem "Nasrane Medvedy" (). Jen pro info - tohle mi prislo s potvrzenim objednavky (live predpokladan 5. kvetna):
Dear Player,

Your pre-order for Star Wars Galaxies(TM): Episode III Rage of the Wookiees has been successfully placed.

We will charge your credit card no earlier than 12:01 a.m. PST on the date the product goes live. You may cancel your pre-order at any time prior to the live date; at 12:01 a.m. on the live date and thereafter, all sales are final.

The applicable taxes listed are accurate at the time of order, but are subject to change and may vary based on the date your credit card is charged. A notification will be sent to your email address on file when this transaction takes place.

As you know, this expansion is available from SOE only via download, no physical discs will be provided. To minimize the size of your patch on the live date, we suggest that you start to gradually download the necessary files using the 'start incremental download' option that will appear during the login procedure some time before the live date. Thank you for ordering Star Wars Galaxies(TM): Episode III Rage of the Wookiees.

PotBS Roberts - Paul van Staff (NO), Paul LeBaron (FT), Paul de Witt (PT), Španělsko, Storm Riders
SWG Eclipse - Pave'l vanStaff, Jedi (ex Jedi/ImpAcePilot)
SWG Eclipse - Pattt vanStaff, Officer (ex MRifle, MBH, 4000 CM)

Edited by - baron432 on 06/04/2005 08:08:24
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Posted - 06/04/2005 :  14:35:18  Show Profile  Send Carmax an ICQ Message Send Carmax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jorssk

Carmaxi ja nemluvil o geo. blasteru ale o geo. carabine.

Janek - Co to zase placas, videl si snad nekde ve filmu ze by se stormtrooperi a rebelove jebali klackama? Vzdy prevazovali blastery pred utokem na blizko.

tak ja to vysvetlim pro nechapave: bude to NECO jako geo blaster s tim ze na certifikaci budes potrebovat nejakej skill z daneho povolani (z toho plyne pro geo carabinu nejspis neco z carabineer povolani atp)

SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene

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2991 Posts

Posted - 06/04/2005 :  16:11:09  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jo jenze tam neni napsana v certifikacich...
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Posted - 06/04/2005 :  16:12:45  Show Profile  Send Carmax an ICQ Message Send Carmax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
no a proto to tady taky pisu... geo blaster taky neni napsanej v certifikacich ale kdyz se podivas na jeho staty tak je to tam napsany..

SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene

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Posted - 06/04/2005 :  20:16:45  Show Profile  Send Jedi_Knight an ICQ Message Send Jedi_Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jorssk

Taky je o nicem ... bla bla bla

Esli si tim myslel Pikemana, tak takhle - .

Originally posted by Jorssk
Janek - Co to zase placas, videl si snad nekde ve filmu ze by se stormtrooperi a rebelove jebali klackama? Vzdy prevazovali blastery pred utokem na blizko.

Neviděl, ale co neni, může bejt.

[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]

Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus

Edited by - Jedi_Knight on 06/04/2005 20:25:46
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2991 Posts

Posted - 07/04/2005 :  05:43:34  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Carmax - V combat updatu uz to u ni napsane neni, alespon u carabiny.

Jinak je dobre jak udelali ze nejde strilet pres kopce .

Edited by - Jorssk on 07/04/2005 05:43:55
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To jsem ja

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Posted - 08/04/2005 :  19:58:57  Show Profile  Send Almych an ICQ Message Send Almych a Private Message  Reply with Quote
na tohle jsem narazil na forech, zajimavy cteni

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