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4364 Posts |
Posted - 01/05/2005 : 03:42:18
DR = Decay Reistance, OQ = Overal Quality, SR = Shock Resistance scitaji se hodnoty pozadovanych vlastnosti, zajimaji me suroviny s vetsi kvalitou nez uvadim nejlepsi je, kdyz me kontaktujete primo ve hre
** DR+OQ+SR **
bone - DR+OQ+SR = 2281+ avian bone - DR+OQ+SR = 2100+ endorian evergreen wood - DR+OQ+SR = 2100+ endorian conifer wood - DR+OQ+SR = 2100+ endorian decidious wood - DR+OQ+SR = 2100+
** OQ+SR **
------A-S-S-A-U-L-T--------- dantooine wooly hide - OQ+SR = 1347+ dathomirian fiberplast - OQ+SR = 1600+ intrusive ore - OQ+SR = 1903+ kammris iron - OQ+SR = 1880+ mythra copper - OQ+SR = 1613+ amorphous gemstone - OQ+SR = 1865+ -------B-A-T-T-L-E----------- nabooian bristley hide - OQ+SR = 1410+ corellia fiberplast - OQ+SR = 1259+ extrusive ore - OQ+SR = 1777+ phrik aluminum - OQ+SR = 1822+ beyrllius copper - OQ+SR = 1325+ --------R-E-C-O-N------------ lokian leathery hide - OQ+SR = 1464+ nabooian fiberplast - OQ+SR = 1838+ polymer - OQ+SR = 1737+ carbonite steel - OQ+SR = 1859+ link-steel aluminum - OQ+SR = 1716+ crystalline gemstone - OQ+SR = 1718+ --------P-R-I-M-U-S----------- neutronium steel - OQ+SR = 1691+ polymer - OQ+SR = 1737+ gravitonic fiberplast - OQ+SR = 1422+ vintrium extrusive ore - OQ+SR = 1523+ perovskitic aluminum - OQ+SR = 741+ --------E-N-E-R-G-Y----------- ferrous metal - OQ+SR = polymer - OQ+SR = 1737+ plexite amorphous gemstone - OQ+SR = alantium carbonate ore - OQ+SR =
Jerzee <Mor do Kuli> |
Edited by - JerzeeG on 08/08/2005 13:53:54
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2991 Posts |
Posted - 02/05/2005 : 16:42:45
Jestli je to jen na reinconesense armory tak ti na to hazu kladelko . |

4364 Posts |
Posted - 02/05/2005 : 17:30:08
quote: Originally posted by Jorssk
Jestli je to jen na reinconesense armory tak ti na to hazu kladelko .
nebud drzy, nebo ti uz zadny armor nevyrobim
quote: Originally posted by Almych
ja chci rebel battle armor
to umi jen rebelsky AS.. takze musis zmenit faction a chtit ST armor.. |
Jerzee <Mor do Kuli> |
Edited by - JerzeeG on 02/05/2005 20:19:18 |
Average Member

1691 Posts |
Posted - 02/05/2005 : 18:20:22
ja chci rebel battle armor |
Average Member
1314 Posts |
Posted - 02/05/2005 : 18:22:24
ja chci shock trooper armor a scout trooper armor  |
SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene
Edited by - Carmax on 02/05/2005 18:23:09 |
Junior Member
504 Posts |
Posted - 02/05/2005 : 19:18:10
Ja Mandalorian      |
SWG Cheeeewieee cosi - SWG Lygie Jedi 90 Shadowknights SWG Wlk spy 80 Shadowknights WoW Chewie Shaman 60 Zdechliny |
New Member

415 Posts |
Posted - 03/05/2005 : 08:23:22
No, oblital jsem uz temer vsechny planety (2 chybi) a zatim vsude suroviny (teda alespon ty zivocisneho puvodu) peknej shit ... |
PotBS Roberts - Paul van Staff (NO), Paul LeBaron (FT), Paul de Witt (PT), Španělsko, Storm Riders SWG Eclipse - Pave'l vanStaff, Jedi (ex Jedi/ImpAcePilot) SWG Eclipse - Pattt vanStaff, Officer (ex MRifle, MBH, 4000 CM) |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 04/05/2005 : 05:46:10
Nesmis je tem zviratum tezit ze zadku... |
Average Member

1690 Posts |
Posted - 05/05/2005 : 16:27:19
quote: Originally posted by baron432
No, oblital jsem uz temer vsechny planety (2 chybi) a zatim vsude suroviny (teda alespon ty zivocisneho puvodu) peknej shit ...
Říká ti něco tohle?  |
[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]
Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus |
New Member

415 Posts |
Posted - 05/05/2005 : 18:16:07
quote: Říká ti něco tohle? 
Sem debil, nebo co? Ale vzhledem k tomu, že značná část informací je někdy 10 i více dní stará a často neplatná, lítání po planetách je bohužel nezbytnou nutností  |
PotBS Roberts - Paul van Staff (NO), Paul LeBaron (FT), Paul de Witt (PT), Španělsko, Storm Riders SWG Eclipse - Pave'l vanStaff, Jedi (ex Jedi/ImpAcePilot) SWG Eclipse - Pattt vanStaff, Officer (ex MRifle, MBH, 4000 CM) |

4364 Posts |
Posted - 06/05/2005 : 01:05:31
quote: Originally posted by baron432
quote: Říká ti něco tohle? 
Sem debil, nebo co? Ale vzhledem k tomu, že značná část informací je někdy 10 i více dní stará a často neplatná, lítání po planetách je bohužel nezbytnou nutností 
jj pavel ma recht, ja jsem na dennodenne, dokonce uz tam obcas i neco doplnuju , ale je to strasne neaktualni 
edit: heh ale to jsem chtel hlavne rict - pavle, viz edit nahore, nezbyva mi nekdy, nez se spokojit i s horsi kvalitou, takze kdyz tak pisni.. ted treba lovim na naboo tu bristley, co ma 1410 pouze, protoze uz nechcu cekat, je to posledni co mi chybi na battle armory |
Jerzee <Mor do Kuli> |
Edited by - JerzeeG on 06/05/2005 01:08:16 |
New Member

415 Posts |
Posted - 06/05/2005 : 09:19:59
OK, staci rict, ze beres i horsi kvalitu BTW mam porad jeste cca 3k te "spatne" Tantooine Wooly hide, kdybys chtel, nasyslil jsem ji tenkrat trochu vic, nez jsi potreboval  A mam stale 16 peko peko brk a cca 16 battle armor core z Voritoru ... |
PotBS Roberts - Paul van Staff (NO), Paul LeBaron (FT), Paul de Witt (PT), Španělsko, Storm Riders SWG Eclipse - Pave'l vanStaff, Jedi (ex Jedi/ImpAcePilot) SWG Eclipse - Pattt vanStaff, Officer (ex MRifle, MBH, 4000 CM) |
Edited by - baron432 on 06/05/2005 09:20:26 |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 24/05/2005 : 08:27:45
Hele Jerzee ty armory jak si po CR nemohl dostat ven ted asi uz dostanes:
On Tuesday, May 24th, 2005 at 4:00 AM PDT all servers will be taken down for maintenance. During this maintenance we will be running a database conversion to fix the following issues: Fixed the following problems with converted armor crates and also with armor already pulled from these converted crates Armor pulled from converted crates did not have correct general protection values (they were too low) Assault and Recon armor pulled from converted crates did not have correct energy and kinetic bonuses and penalties Armor pulled from converted crates were not having the proper scripts attached. Corrected a problem with Nightsister Armor Layers, RIS Armor Layers and Dragonet Armor Segments not showing the proper health bonus Removed incorrect additional modifiers from converted weapon components Corrected the weapon speed on converted grenade crates and grenades pulled from those crates Fixed a problem where the attack cost on converted lightsabers were getting set to 0 We are expecting all servers to return to service by 8:00 AM PDT. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience.

4364 Posts |
Posted - 24/05/2005 : 10:50:53
quote: Originally posted by Jorssk
Hele Jerzee ty armory jak si po CR nemohl dostat ven ted asi uz dostanes:
On Tuesday, May 24th, 2005 at 4:00 AM PDT all servers will be taken down for maintenance. During this maintenance we will be running a database conversion to fix the following issues: Fixed the following problems with converted armor crates and also with armor already pulled from these converted crates Armor pulled from converted crates did not have correct general protection values (they were too low) Assault and Recon armor pulled from converted crates did not have correct energy and kinetic bonuses and penalties Armor pulled from converted crates were not having the proper scripts attached. Corrected a problem with Nightsister Armor Layers, RIS Armor Layers and Dragonet Armor Segments not showing the proper health bonus Removed incorrect additional modifiers from converted weapon components Corrected the weapon speed on converted grenade crates and grenades pulled from those crates Fixed a problem where the attack cost on converted lightsabers were getting set to 0 We are expecting all servers to return to service by 8:00 AM PDT. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience.
parada, pokud to skutecne vyjde :D
edit : heh to musim rychle do vendora a stahnout je z prodeje, pokud by je opravili, at neprodavam solidni armory za 3-9 tisic  |
Jerzee <Mor do Kuli> |
Edited by - JerzeeG on 24/05/2005 10:51:44 |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 24/05/2005 : 11:37:42
Psal to Tiggs nebo nejakej takovej picus |
Junior Member

764 Posts |
Posted - 24/05/2005 : 13:19:02
quote: Originally posted by Jorssk
Psal to Tiggs nebo nejakej takovej picus
tam jsou vůbec všichni takový divný, stejně jako CSR Jeden psal někomu odpověď na ticket , že ten člověk nedostal unlock skill ve vesnici a část sochy. Napsal mu že to prohlíd a že opravdu skill nedostal tak mu to namačkal ale co se týče sochy psal že už ve hře není a že její kód byl odstraněn ze hry :-) To jsou ale specialisté hehe, hned jako další post tam psali lidi že když jim takle někdo jinej dával skill tak že dostali i tu sochu :-)
Omg... |
Quartax Xarys - SWG.Eclipse
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