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776 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 11:22:49
May 10th, 2005 Version 0.122312 Please Note: "Double XP" week has ended and on all Galaxies, except for Chimaera, and on those galaxies play experience will return to normal experience point rates. Chimaera’s 4X XP will continue through May 12th as previously announced. Buffs Re-applying a buff will now extend the duration of that buff, as if you had just applied it from scratch (instead of ignoring it).
Character Respec
Made non-combat professions eligible for character respec (Crafters, Entertainers). Clicking "yes" on respec dialog box no longer closes respec window if it was open.
Fixed an issue where zoning caused auto-attack to turn off. Combat spam now reports the correct weapon name when using Force powers or grenades. Critical Shot will now correctly do more damage when a critical hit is scored. Area Taunt now correctly generates hate to targets in range. Non damage attacks like taunt will no longer show an invalid flytext amount. Nightsister and Peko Albatross should now have proper bonus attributes. Commands that fail due to a bad state or posture will give feedback about why the command failed. Nightsister, Peko Albatross and RIS layers should now have proper bonus attributes.
Crafting weapons will now grant the appropriate General or Weapon Crafting XP. Fixed the way resources are evaluated when used in crafting. Under the old system, a resource's final value for an attribute was the position its rating had between the minimum and maximum possible attribute value for any resource that could go into that slot. Now, it is only relative to the maximum. This will generally improve the value of all resources, especially high-end resources which have high minimum values, especially when used in slots that have very strict requirements. So, for example, assume Frobozium steel has a toughness range from 750-850, and also assume that this steel is being used in a slot which specifically requires Frobozium steel. Under the old system, a particular frobozium steel with a toughness of 800 was considered 50% tough. Under the new system, it will be 94% tough (800 / 850). This change is now also reflected in the visual toolbar. Food and drink components should now show up under the 'Component' sub-menu of the crafting tool and you should no longer be given the option to consume food or drink components.
Moved cyborgRevive and cyborgBurstRun from the COMBAT tab to the OTHER tab in the command browser (CTRL-A). Wookiee armor can now be worn with cybernetic arms.
Fixed defuse minefield functionality for faction bases.
Players can now equip an item without having to remove any item(s) that are equipped in the same slot. The item currently equipped will be put in the player's inventory. If the item the player is trying to equip is not usable by the player, the currently equipped item will not be moved.
Fixed some collision issues with impassable terrain in Kashyyyk. Tree cantina in Kachirho is now a usable cantina. Kkowir Forest: The Arena Challenge should now reset properly. The launch terminal on the Avatar Space Platform will now only have the options to launch or eject from the station. Double clicking on the terminal will default to the launch option. Made launch to be the default option on the Avatar space terminal. Traveling to Avatar Platform now invites all group members in the space zone, rather than within a 1km radius.
Mounts and Vehicles
Varactyl PCD's can now be traded.
Players will now hear music when they learn the Wookiee language from Omwaan on Kashyyyk.
Player Associations
Fixed an issue where the Guild Management Terminal stopped working after a PA Leader removed themselves from a guild before transferring leadership.
Profession: Armorsmith
RIS layers should now have proper bonus attributes.
Profession: Jedi
Removed Jedi PvE experience penalty on death. Experience penalty for Bounty deaths still exists. Lightsaber elemental damage amounts will now correctly update any time a crystal/pearl is added or removed from the saber. Fixed issues with Jedi healing that caused incorrect amounts of Force power to be used.
Profession: Shipwright
Made across the board stat increases for Max Energy and Recharge Rate on crafted capacitors. Made across the board stat increases for Max Speed on crafted engines.
Profession: Weaponsmith
Grenade crates should now produce grenades with proper execution times.
Kint Szam will give the Kkorrwrot badge to players who speak to him and have already finished the Kkorrwrot hunt. The Clone Relic quest for the Clone Trooper armor will now give out the Hologram X-wing reward correctly when you do the Rebel path. Clone Trooper Armor Quest: You will now receive the full set of the Clone Trooper armor when finishing this quest, even if your inventory is full. "Befriend the Wookiee" quest is now repeatable if failed. If player fails the quest, just talk to Boshaz to restart the quest. Fixed an issue with unpacking ARC-170 deeds. Added bio-linking to some of the weapon quest rewards. Corrected range for Soulstinger, Heartbreaker, and Necrosis weapons.
The Vaksai fighter, Advanced Xwing, and Imperial Guard Tie Interceptor now allow droids to be installed. Dying in space will cause wounds again.
If you lose a skill that you are currently displaying as your role, your role is changed to the next valid role. The map UI now appears for Hracca Glade. The map UI will correctly disable when in the Arena. User Interface reset defaults now resets default locations. Messages about XP granted will appear in the general chat channel. Fixed an issue where last 5-10% of spinning timer would just disappear suddenly. Fixed an issue with the duration of the Berserk particle effect. The particle should now vanish when the Berserk buffs wears off.
Message Edited by Thunderheart on 05-09-2005 10:49 PM
Kurt "Thunderheart" Stangl Community Relations Manager
EnniLasi(BOH)- SWG "zase parim" Esmeralda(BOH)-SWG "zase parim" Essmeralda - WOW |
| |

4364 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 11:39:47
quote: Originally posted by riddle
Profession: Jedi
Removed Jedi PvE experience penalty on death. Experience penalty for Bounty deaths still exists.
to jako ze jedi neprijde o XP kdy zajde treba pri grindu ? |
Jerzee <Mor do Kuli> |
776 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 11:40:41
ne.... kdyz te sejme ne BH tak neprijdes o XP |
EnniLasi(BOH)- SWG "zase parim" Esmeralda(BOH)-SWG "zase parim" Essmeralda - WOW |

4364 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 11:44:10
quote: Originally posted by riddle
ne.... kdyz te sejme ne BH tak neprijdes o XP
rofl a co asi pisu... ale to je jedno.. to je proste bordel zkurveny hovada americke zasrane.. jeste ze jsem si vzal toho BH, od dneska jdu a kazdy den zabiju aspon 3 jedi..
a vyzyvam jorsska a wlka a nevim kdo jeste je BH at se pripoji a my tu eclipse proste deratizujeme od te jediske haveti spinave |
Jerzee <Mor do Kuli> |
776 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 12:08:30
ja bych zas tak moc nejasal.... tim ze tendle system je trochu nevyvazenej vuci jedi.Tak aspon 1 vec v jejich prospech.Me je to v celku jedno jestli me zabije BH nebo nejake NPC. Jen se mi zda ze je trochu nefer aby nekolik (3-4BH) utocili na 1 maleho newbika
EnniLasi(BOH)- SWG "zase parim" Esmeralda(BOH)-SWG "zase parim" Essmeralda - WOW |

4364 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 12:28:27
heh a me se zda nefer, ze v SWG vubec jedi jsou..
a kdo rika ze to ma byt fer ? vsak kdyz pujde nekolik BH na jednoho maleho nooba, tak to neni otazkou cti, to je jen deratizace.. a nekdo tu spinavou praci udelat musi..
a konecne, kdo rika, ze budeme chodit v hojnem poctu na nooby ? na ty snad stacim sam, kdyz jsem docela dlouho vzdoroval i girossovi, coz je mlaticka prvniho stupne  |
Jerzee <Mor do Kuli> |
776 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 12:43:32
EnniLasi(BOH)- SWG "zase parim" Esmeralda(BOH)-SWG "zase parim" Essmeralda - WOW |
Average Member

1690 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 12:57:15
quote: Originally posted by riddle
ja bych zas tak moc nejasal.... tim ze tendle system je trochu nevyvazenej vuci jedi.Tak aspon 1 vec v jejich prospech.Me je to v celku jedno jestli me zabije BH nebo nejake NPC. Jen se mi zda ze je trochu nefer aby nekolik (3-4BH) utocili na 1 maleho newbika
Tak tam by vochechuly s mečem vůbec neměli dávat.  |
[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]
Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus |
Junior Member

764 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 14:15:51
EDIt: sem slepej nevšímat si toho :-)) sorry enni |
Quartax Xarys - SWG.Eclipse
Edited by - Quartax on 10/05/2005 16:19:58 |
Average Member
1314 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 14:17:02
quote: Originally posted by riddle
ne.... kdyz te sejme ne BH tak neprijdes o XP
no praveze kdyz te sejme BH tak o expu prijdes ale kdyz te sejmou potvory tak ne.. |
SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene

4364 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 14:24:02
rofl.. tak jsem vubec nepochopil, na koho reaguje quartax a co tim chce rict ? |
Jerzee <Mor do Kuli> |
Drizzt DoUrden
Average Member
1591 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 15:07:29
quote: Originally posted by JerzeeG
rofl.. tak jsem vubec nepochopil, na koho reaguje quartax a co tim chce rict ?
Já si taky na první přečtení nevšimnul toho NE před BH. |
Junior Member

764 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 16:15:11
quote: Originally posted by Drizzt DoUrden
quote: Originally posted by JerzeeG
rofl.. tak jsem vubec nepochopil, na koho reaguje quartax a co tim chce rict ?
Já si taky na první přečtení nevšimnul toho NE před BH.
nojono tak sem si toho nevším :-) bijte mě .... snězte mě.... |
Quartax Xarys - SWG.Eclipse
New Member

415 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 16:57:25
nojono tak sem si toho nevším :-) bijte mě .... snězte mě....
Pošlem na tebe BH!  |
PotBS Roberts - Paul van Staff (NO), Paul LeBaron (FT), Paul de Witt (PT), Španělsko, Storm Riders SWG Eclipse - Pave'l vanStaff, Jedi (ex Jedi/ImpAcePilot) SWG Eclipse - Pattt vanStaff, Officer (ex MRifle, MBH, 4000 CM) |
Junior Member

764 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 16:59:51
quote: Originally posted by baron432
nojono tak sem si toho nevším :-) bijte mě .... snězte mě....
Pošlem na tebe BH! 
Jojo aspoň pokecáme a něco mě naučí , zrovna potřebuju BH karabiny... |
Quartax Xarys - SWG.Eclipse
Average Member

1690 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 17:51:05
quote: Originally posted by Carmax
quote: Originally posted by riddle
ne.... kdyz te sejme ne BH tak neprijdes o XP
no praveze kdyz te sejme BH tak o expu prijdes ale kdyz te sejmou potvory tak ne..
[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]
Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus |
Average Member
1314 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 20:26:56
quote: Originally posted by Jedi_Knight
quote: Originally posted by Carmax
quote: Originally posted by riddle
ne.... kdyz te sejme ne BH tak neprijdes o XP
no praveze kdyz te sejme BH tak o expu prijdes ale kdyz te sejmou potvory tak ne..

jo pak jsem si toho taky vsiml  |
SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene
Average Member

1690 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2005 : 21:19:36
quote: Originally posted by Carmax
quote: Originally posted by Jedi_Knight
quote: Originally posted by Carmax
quote: Originally posted by riddle
ne.... kdyz te sejme ne BH tak neprijdes o XP
no praveze kdyz te sejme BH tak o expu prijdes ale kdyz te sejmou potvory tak ne..

jo pak jsem si toho taky vsiml 
[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]
Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus |

4328 Posts |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 00:30:31
nejak nechapu co maj nekteri proti Jedium. Bez Jedium by SW byla nuda. Byla by to jen dalsi nudna scifi jakejch jsou tuny.
Prijde mi, ze BH si vzal kazdej, kdo si nedokazal udelat Jedie. Doufam ze BH poradne nerfnou a Jedie poradne posili, aby to byli skutecni rytiri - postrach okoli ;] |
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.

2991 Posts |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 06:39:51
Ty si ale pako. Jde o to ze v tehle dejove liniji bylo jediu minimalne a vladlo imperium a BH tudiz nevidim duvod nerfovat BH a posilovat uz tak silne jedie. Opravdu promluvil zase chytrolin. |
New Member

139 Posts |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 07:03:58
quote: Originally posted by Rodier Prijde mi, ze BH si vzal kazdej, kdo si nedokazal udelat Jedie.
Na to si jak prisiel ? Hrajes SWG , alebo tu len placas ?
New Member

415 Posts |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 08:44:31
Ja si respecnul MBH misto MRangera kvuli grindeni pro vesnici - vic moznosti ziskani bodu, ZNATELNE vic usetrenych SP na "vesnicke" vetve. A ze 99 dni po prvnim prihlaseni do SWG nemam jedi postavu je snad vic nez samozrejme, ne?  |
PotBS Roberts - Paul van Staff (NO), Paul LeBaron (FT), Paul de Witt (PT), Španělsko, Storm Riders SWG Eclipse - Pave'l vanStaff, Jedi (ex Jedi/ImpAcePilot) SWG Eclipse - Pattt vanStaff, Officer (ex MRifle, MBH, 4000 CM) |
776 Posts |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 09:41:06
Vcera jsem mel malinkou navstevu 2 BH... 1 machroval a bylna 3 rany 2 byl o neco tuzsi ale taky sel... -nemel narok na zivot |
EnniLasi(BOH)- SWG "zase parim" Esmeralda(BOH)-SWG "zase parim" Essmeralda - WOW |
Junior Member
504 Posts |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 12:09:51
quote: Originally posted by JerzeeG
quote: Originally posted by riddle
ne.... kdyz te sejme ne BH tak neprijdes o XP
rofl a co asi pisu... ale to je jedno.. to je proste bordel zkurveny hovada americke zasrane.. jeste ze jsem si vzal toho BH, od dneska jdu a kazdy den zabiju aspon 3 jedi..
a vyzyvam jorsska a wlka a nevim kdo jeste je BH at se pripoji a my tu eclipse proste deratizujeme od te jediske haveti spinave
hned jak mi pojede net tak udelame Jedi purge  |
SWG Cheeeewieee cosi - SWG Lygie Jedi 90 Shadowknights SWG Wlk spy 80 Shadowknights WoW Chewie Shaman 60 Zdechliny |
New Member

231 Posts |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 12:48:44
ja sa zatial hlidam ale ocakavam bh behem par dni , cera v noci ked som hadzal kladelko po humbe tak sa zastavili asi 3 oby a zacili si delat screenshoty ::D to som lapil urcite fuul vis kym som to schoval este 120 SP a budem hotovej jedi |
Average Member

1690 Posts |
Posted - 11/05/2005 : 18:45:27
quote: Originally posted by Whom
quote: Originally posted by Rodier Prijde mi, ze BH si vzal kazdej, kdo si nedokazal udelat Jedie.
Na to si jak prisiel ? Hrajes SWG , alebo tu len placas ?
B je správně.  |
[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]
Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus |
Edited by - Jedi_Knight on 11/05/2005 18:46:07 |

4364 Posts |
Posted - 12/05/2005 : 01:33:50
quote: Originally posted by Rodier
nejak nechapu co maj nekteri proti Jedium. Bez Jedium by SW byla nuda. Byla by to jen dalsi nudna scifi jakejch jsou tuny.
Prijde mi, ze BH si vzal kazdej, kdo si nedokazal udelat Jedie. Doufam ze BH poradne nerfnou a Jedie poradne posili, aby to byli skutecni rytiri - postrach okoli ;]
hold nekdo neumi ty (pro nej obzvlast) cizi vyrazy ani sklonovat.. ale mudruje jako mudrlant 
btw, ty nechapes veci.. |
Jerzee <Mor do Kuli> |
Edited by - JerzeeG on 12/05/2005 01:36:32 |
New Member

415 Posts |
Posted - 12/05/2005 : 08:26:27
Ty to stale nechapes, Jerzee. Jedium je novy prvek Mendelejevovy periodicke tabulky prvku (patri mezi Lachtanoidy, pardon, Lanthanoidy   ).
PotBS Roberts - Paul van Staff (NO), Paul LeBaron (FT), Paul de Witt (PT), Španělsko, Storm Riders SWG Eclipse - Pave'l vanStaff, Jedi (ex Jedi/ImpAcePilot) SWG Eclipse - Pattt vanStaff, Officer (ex MRifle, MBH, 4000 CM) |
Junior Member
504 Posts |
Posted - 12/05/2005 : 10:33:01
quote: Originally posted by Rodier
nejak nechapu co maj nekteri proti Jedium. Bez Jedium by SW byla nuda. Byla by to jen dalsi nudna scifi jakejch jsou tuny.
Prijde mi, ze BH si vzal kazdej, kdo si nedokazal udelat Jedie. Doufam ze BH poradne nerfnou a Jedie poradne posili, aby to byli skutecni rytiri - postrach okoli ;]
Jak dlouho hrajes SWG ?? 2 dny??Hrajes ho vubec ???? Prave ze naopak...vetsina jedi si udelala ze svych altu BHcka (vcetne me). Jinak souhlas s Jorsskem  |
SWG Cheeeewieee cosi - SWG Lygie Jedi 90 Shadowknights SWG Wlk spy 80 Shadowknights WoW Chewie Shaman 60 Zdechliny |
Topic  |