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836 Posts

Posted - 15/08/2005 :  18:16:06  Show Profile  Send Olusriel an ICQ Message Send Olusriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Giltanas

Originally posted by Jorssk

Ja nic bugleho nemel. Ty spawny je uz celkem u SOE normalka to je chyba enginu a tim se nezatezuju, hlavne kdyz se nekdo spawne tam kam nemuzu tak mi to vyresej peti. A pokud te Giltanisi sere ze nemuzes psat do casaku a jsi starsi nez ja, tak.....tak s tim nic nenadelas. Nekdo umi a nekdo cumi. Ja se nedoprosoval abych tam psal, nikdo se k tomu nehlasil a ja chtel zachovat aktualni stav swg a informovat hrace o datadiskach a novich vecech. Jinak tva reakce me nastvala, clovek pise do casaku kvuli SWG komunite a nejakej nafoukanej vocas ho tu pomlouva a sam dela kulovi, ani neni schopny napsal clanek do nasich SWG stranek, nevi co by hral a vse mu pripada zabugovane. A to ti reknu ze vse zabugovane je, nikde se neobjevila hra nebo program bez jedineho bugu, vzdy tam nejake jsou a proto vzdy vychazej takove ty veci kterym se rikaji "patch" nebo "update". Jestli mi rikas jakej sem fakan, ale tve posty hovori za vse, ze se totiz nedokazes vyjadrovat a ovladat - pises ve tvich reakcich nadavky a dokazes si v nich delat z druheho co neco dokazal srandu (ano jak nekdo se zamrzlou pubertou ktery s odpustenim zarli). A jak jsem jiz psal, nemas zadne pravo me pomlouvat, pac i kdyz si starsi tak si pro SWG kominitu udelal narozdil ode me kulovi. A pokud se mylim tak mi napis alespon jeden web, kde vysel o swg nejaky tvuj clanek a nebo alespon o EQ2 kdyz ho mas tak radsi. Jo a pokud chces dopre poradit tak nez neco napises, pocitej do deseti az vychladnes aby si nepsal jek nadavky, u me a u ostatnich to vetsinou pomaha .

Takze postupne.
Ty spawny sou sice u SOE normalni ale neni to enginem ale lenosti programatoru. Maji nastroje k tomu aby se to nedelo jen je nepouzivaji.

Nesere me to. Psal jsem tam kdyz jsem byl vyrazne mladsi nez ty. Naposled cca pred 7 lety. Ale nebavilo me to. Co se tyce tveho pocitu, ze jsem nic nedokazal tak se pletes jen nemam potrebu se tim chlubit. Ale aby sis to zas nevzal do huby tak mam webove stranky o hrach. Pravda dlouho neaktializovany ale mam. Pomahal jsem s preklady nekolika her do cestiny Aktivne jsem se podilel na vyvoji a chodu nekolika ceskych Shardu na UO atd atd. Ale vse pod jinym nickem.

O moje clanky a komentare by nikdo nestal. Ja jsem typickej power player. Me zajima funkcnost a balance systemu. Zajimaji me taktiky, tabulky cisla. A vzhledem k tomu, ze SWG nemaji vybalancovane ani PvP ani PvM ani dokonce jediho tak bych o tom nic pozitivniho ani napsat nemohl. SWG je zamerene na lidi, kterym staci ze jsou to hvezdne valky a nevyzadujou od toho nic vic.

Ano vsechny hry obsahuji bugu. Ale ani sem neslysel o hre ktera by jich mela pomalu stejne mnozstvi jako funkcnich featurek. SWG je rozhodne nejzabugovanejsi hra jakou jsem kdy hral.

Nemam problemy s vyjadrovanim jen byly urcite vyrazy vynalezeny proto, ze pokud se pouzijou lepe vyjadri to co pisatel mysli. Co se tyce chladnuti tak muj post byl velmi mirny. napsal jsem ho 6 hodin po tom co jsem si precetl tvuj velmi urazejici a nafoukany post. Takze jsem to psal docela s chladnou hlavou. Jen mi proste vadi kdyz se do me nebo mych znalosti navazi nekdo kdo je hluboko pod moji urovni. At uz znalostma problemu (coz jsi dokazal) nebo intelektem coz mi neprislusi posuzovat.

Omlouvam se za pozdni odpoved ale byl odruznut od sveta na horske samote.

jj podle mne je bug i to, ze se ve vode neda potapet a ze tam neplavou zadne ryby, coz mne rybari dost vadi

„Já bych všechny ty počítače a internety zakázala“
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Posted - 15/08/2005 :  21:29:33  Show Profile  Send Carmax an ICQ Message Send Carmax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Olusriel

Originally posted by Giltanas

Originally posted by Jorssk

Ja nic bugleho nemel. Ty spawny je uz celkem u SOE normalka to je chyba enginu a tim se nezatezuju, hlavne kdyz se nekdo spawne tam kam nemuzu tak mi to vyresej peti. A pokud te Giltanisi sere ze nemuzes psat do casaku a jsi starsi nez ja, tak.....tak s tim nic nenadelas. Nekdo umi a nekdo cumi. Ja se nedoprosoval abych tam psal, nikdo se k tomu nehlasil a ja chtel zachovat aktualni stav swg a informovat hrace o datadiskach a novich vecech. Jinak tva reakce me nastvala, clovek pise do casaku kvuli SWG komunite a nejakej nafoukanej vocas ho tu pomlouva a sam dela kulovi, ani neni schopny napsal clanek do nasich SWG stranek, nevi co by hral a vse mu pripada zabugovane. A to ti reknu ze vse zabugovane je, nikde se neobjevila hra nebo program bez jedineho bugu, vzdy tam nejake jsou a proto vzdy vychazej takove ty veci kterym se rikaji "patch" nebo "update". Jestli mi rikas jakej sem fakan, ale tve posty hovori za vse, ze se totiz nedokazes vyjadrovat a ovladat - pises ve tvich reakcich nadavky a dokazes si v nich delat z druheho co neco dokazal srandu (ano jak nekdo se zamrzlou pubertou ktery s odpustenim zarli). A jak jsem jiz psal, nemas zadne pravo me pomlouvat, pac i kdyz si starsi tak si pro SWG kominitu udelal narozdil ode me kulovi. A pokud se mylim tak mi napis alespon jeden web, kde vysel o swg nejaky tvuj clanek a nebo alespon o EQ2 kdyz ho mas tak radsi. Jo a pokud chces dopre poradit tak nez neco napises, pocitej do deseti az vychladnes aby si nepsal jek nadavky, u me a u ostatnich to vetsinou pomaha .

Takze postupne.
Ty spawny sou sice u SOE normalni ale neni to enginem ale lenosti programatoru. Maji nastroje k tomu aby se to nedelo jen je nepouzivaji.

Nesere me to. Psal jsem tam kdyz jsem byl vyrazne mladsi nez ty. Naposled cca pred 7 lety. Ale nebavilo me to. Co se tyce tveho pocitu, ze jsem nic nedokazal tak se pletes jen nemam potrebu se tim chlubit. Ale aby sis to zas nevzal do huby tak mam webove stranky o hrach. Pravda dlouho neaktializovany ale mam. Pomahal jsem s preklady nekolika her do cestiny Aktivne jsem se podilel na vyvoji a chodu nekolika ceskych Shardu na UO atd atd. Ale vse pod jinym nickem.

O moje clanky a komentare by nikdo nestal. Ja jsem typickej power player. Me zajima funkcnost a balance systemu. Zajimaji me taktiky, tabulky cisla. A vzhledem k tomu, ze SWG nemaji vybalancovane ani PvP ani PvM ani dokonce jediho tak bych o tom nic pozitivniho ani napsat nemohl. SWG je zamerene na lidi, kterym staci ze jsou to hvezdne valky a nevyzadujou od toho nic vic.

Ano vsechny hry obsahuji bugu. Ale ani sem neslysel o hre ktera by jich mela pomalu stejne mnozstvi jako funkcnich featurek. SWG je rozhodne nejzabugovanejsi hra jakou jsem kdy hral.

Nemam problemy s vyjadrovanim jen byly urcite vyrazy vynalezeny proto, ze pokud se pouzijou lepe vyjadri to co pisatel mysli. Co se tyce chladnuti tak muj post byl velmi mirny. napsal jsem ho 6 hodin po tom co jsem si precetl tvuj velmi urazejici a nafoukany post. Takze jsem to psal docela s chladnou hlavou. Jen mi proste vadi kdyz se do me nebo mych znalosti navazi nekdo kdo je hluboko pod moji urovni. At uz znalostma problemu (coz jsi dokazal) nebo intelektem coz mi neprislusi posuzovat.

Omlouvam se za pozdni odpoved ale byl odruznut od sveta na horske samote.

jj podle mne je bug i to, ze se ve vode neda potapet a ze tam neplavou zadne ryby, coz mne rybari dost vadi

to neni bug, to je jen lenost vyvojaru

SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene

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718 Posts

Posted - 15/08/2005 :  21:29:57  Show Profile  Send Giltanas an ICQ Message Send Giltanas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Olusriel
jj podle mne je bug i to, ze se ve vode neda potapet a ze tam neplavou zadne ryby, coz mne rybari dost vadi

No tak to je zrovna feature. Ne spatna ne dobra proste feature.

EVE online Alypia, Aureol T'haen - CHON
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Junior Member

504 Posts

Posted - 15/08/2005 :  23:17:29  Show Profile  Send Werrevlk an ICQ Message Send Werrevlk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ryby tam jsou kdyz si poridis od artisana prut tak muzes jit chytat a kdyz se pozorne divas tak vuidis ve vode plavat rybu.

SWG Cheeeewieee cosi -
SWG Lygie Jedi 90 Shadowknights
SWG Wlk spy 80 Shadowknights
WoW Chewie Shaman 60 Zdechliny
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1177 Posts

Posted - 15/08/2005 :  23:27:07  Show Profile  Visit Hosty's Homepage  Send Hosty an ICQ Message Send Hosty a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ja ryby vo vode vidim(ide len o nastavenie grafiky alebo terenu v options)Musis nieco zaskrtnut.(zajtra sa kuknem co presne a potom to editnem)

-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free-
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836 Posts

Posted - 16/08/2005 :  08:43:58  Show Profile  Send Olusriel an ICQ Message Send Olusriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Werrevlk

Ryby tam jsou kdyz si poridis od artisana prut tak muzes jit chytat a kdyz se pozorne divas tak vuidis ve vode plavat rybu.


„Já bych všechny ty počítače a internety zakázala“
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To jsem ja

1691 Posts

Posted - 16/08/2005 :  09:39:47  Show Profile  Send Almych an ICQ Message Send Almych a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Olusriel

Originally posted by Werrevlk

Ryby tam jsou kdyz si poridis od artisana prut tak muzes jit chytat a kdyz se pozorne divas tak vuidis ve vode plavat rybu.



jasne, ze tam jsou ryby, je docela makacka nejakou chytit, ja chytal hned u coronetu, kdyz jsem zkousel, kolik to da scout expu
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415 Posts

Posted - 16/08/2005 :  10:42:06  Show Profile Send baron432 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ja jako ranger mel uspesnost chytani nejakych 60% nahozeni. jeste mam v domecku nekde schovany prut (ted uz nastesti WS expy nejsou potreba ).

PotBS Roberts - Paul van Staff (NO), Paul LeBaron (FT), Paul de Witt (PT), Španělsko, Storm Riders
SWG Eclipse - Pave'l vanStaff, Jedi (ex Jedi/ImpAcePilot)
SWG Eclipse - Pattt vanStaff, Officer (ex MRifle, MBH, 4000 CM)
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Posted - 16/08/2005 :  17:21:05  Show Profile  Send Olusriel an ICQ Message Send Olusriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Almych

Originally posted by Olusriel

Originally posted by Werrevlk

Ryby tam jsou kdyz si poridis od artisana prut tak muzes jit chytat a kdyz se pozorne divas tak vuidis ve vode plavat rybu.



jasne, ze tam jsou ryby, je docela makacka nejakou chytit, ja chytal hned u coronetu, kdyz jsem zkousel, kolik to da scout expu

to sem si nikdy nevsiml, ja videl vzdycky akorat ty velky bily ryby s kladelkama a rybare s dalsima kladelkama, co na ne cekali venku.

„Já bych všechny ty počítače a internety zakázala“
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1690 Posts

Posted - 16/08/2005 :  21:46:53  Show Profile  Send Jedi_Knight an ICQ Message Send Jedi_Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak už jsem taky dospělej...

Byla kalba úplně největší.

[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]

Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus

Edited by - Jedi_Knight on 16/08/2005 21:51:16
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4364 Posts

Posted - 16/08/2005 :  23:26:27  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jedi_Knight

Tak už jsem taky dospělej...

Byla kalba úplně největší.

jen aby..

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>
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Posted - 16/08/2005 :  23:38:35  Show Profile  Send Jedi_Knight an ICQ Message Send Jedi_Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by JerzeeG

Originally posted by Jedi_Knight

Tak už jsem taky dospělej...

Byla kalba úplně největší.

jen aby..

+ =

[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]

Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus
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Posted - 17/08/2005 :  08:19:09  Show Profile Send baron432 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jedi_Knight
Byla kalba úplně největší.

A kde? Theed Cantina?

PotBS Roberts - Paul van Staff (NO), Paul LeBaron (FT), Paul de Witt (PT), Španělsko, Storm Riders
SWG Eclipse - Pave'l vanStaff, Jedi (ex Jedi/ImpAcePilot)
SWG Eclipse - Pattt vanStaff, Officer (ex MRifle, MBH, 4000 CM)
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Drizzt DoUrden
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1591 Posts

Posted - 17/08/2005 :  08:23:16  Show Profile Send Drizzt DoUrden a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by baron432

Originally posted by Jedi_Knight
Byla kalba úplně největší.

A kde? Theed Cantina?

Ne, v močále na Dagobah, v Yodově chaloupce, pili močálové brandy a flambované ještěrky
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Posted - 17/08/2005 :  13:28:12  Show Profile  Send Jedi_Knight an ICQ Message Send Jedi_Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Drizzt DoUrden

Originally posted by baron432

Originally posted by Jedi_Knight
Byla kalba úplně největší.

A kde? Theed Cantina?

Ne, v močále na Dagobah, v Yodově chaloupce, pili močálové brandy a flambované ještěrky

No chalupa to byla...

[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]

Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus
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1177 Posts

Posted - 17/08/2005 :  14:23:22  Show Profile  Visit Hosty's Homepage  Send Hosty an ICQ Message Send Hosty a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jedi_Knight

Originally posted by JerzeeG

Originally posted by Jedi_Knight

Tak už jsem taky dospělej...

Byla kalba úplně největší.

jen aby..

+ =

+ = - nieco pre jorsska

-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free-
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Posted - 17/08/2005 :  17:53:40  Show Profile  Send Jedi_Knight an ICQ Message Send Jedi_Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Hosty

Originally posted by Jedi_Knight

Originally posted by JerzeeG

Originally posted by Jedi_Knight

Tak už jsem taky dospělej...

Byla kalba úplně největší.

jen aby..

+ =

+ = - nieco pre jorsska

Taky se z toho pár lidí zeblilo. Jako teda víc než pár.

[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]

Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus
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Posted - 17/08/2005 :  18:06:58  Show Profile  Send SNowie an ICQ Message Send SNowie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
tuhle volovinku bych chtel mít
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1314 Posts

Posted - 17/08/2005 :  19:11:13  Show Profile  Send Carmax an ICQ Message Send Carmax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SNowie

tuhle volovinku bych chtel mít

rofl ja to chci taky

SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene

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Drizzt DoUrden
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1591 Posts

Posted - 18/08/2005 :  13:23:33  Show Profile Send Drizzt DoUrden a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Btw. to myslí vážně s délkou restartu dneska? Od 4.00 am PDT (tj. 13.00 u nás) do 12.01 pm PDT (tj. 21.00 u nás)??????
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Posted - 18/08/2005 :  14:16:27  Show Profile Send baron432 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Drizzt DoUrden

Btw. to myslí vážně s délkou restartu dneska? Od 4.00 am PDT (tj. 13.00 u nás) do 12.01 pm PDT (tj. 21.00 u nás)??????

Není to poprvé ani naposledy a při velkém počtu (resp. komplikovanosti a provázanosti) bugů a oprav s nimi spojených ...
A se.e mne to taky (zejména když Eclipse nabíhá tak o hodinu déle, než je "předpokládaný čas").

PotBS Roberts - Paul van Staff (NO), Paul LeBaron (FT), Paul de Witt (PT), Španělsko, Storm Riders
SWG Eclipse - Pave'l vanStaff, Jedi (ex Jedi/ImpAcePilot)
SWG Eclipse - Pattt vanStaff, Officer (ex MRifle, MBH, 4000 CM)
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Arkos Agnos
Starting Member

89 Posts

Posted - 18/08/2005 :  14:37:32  Show Profile Send Arkos Agnos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Co rikate na XP nerf?


Experience is now divided among group members, rather than every group member receiving full credit for the kill.

A larger group experience bonus was implemented, to ensure that grouping is still optimal: although experience earned per kill is less, a group of players is still able to earn experience over time at a much faster rate than a solo player.

For example:

If you solo a creature then you get 6000 experience.
If I solo a creature than I get 6000 experience.
If we group and kill two creatures together, then we get 3000 experience per creature each (6000xp total), plus an additional bonus amount of experience because we are grouped (and two of us together can kill those two creatures more quickly than we could have solo'd one each).
The display of experience was altered in order to minimize the notification of individual experience grants, and emphasize the notification of group experience bonus percentages. Since individual experience grants on a per-kill basis decline as group size increases, but the group bonus percentage increases as your group-size increases, we want to place the emphasis on the increasing bonus for grouping rather than on the decreasing individual experience awards.

We hope that this clears up any confusion with the experience changes.

SWG Eclipse - Arkos Agnos
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Posted - 18/08/2005 :  14:48:51  Show Profile Send WereHamster a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nefr expy je bezva, alespoň nemám špatné svědomí, že teď hraju něco jiného :)))
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Posted - 18/08/2005 :  14:49:19  Show Profile  Send Carmax an ICQ Message Send Carmax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by WereHamster

Nefr expy je bezva, alespoň nemám špatné svědomí, že teď hraju něco jiného :)))

co hrajes? :)

SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene

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415 Posts

Posted - 18/08/2005 :  15:40:24  Show Profile Send baron432 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Arkos Agnos

Co rikate na XP nerf?

Bylo by to sice pekne, ale ti tupouni zapominaji na to, ze pak musime zabit (ve dvou) dvakrat tolik zvirat = dvakrat tolik lairu = dvakrat tolik cestovani = dvakrat tolik unavy a nudy. Parta osdmi lidi znamena osmkrat tolik lairu.
Navic diky lvl systemu (ktery sam o sobe neni az tak spatny) nizsi/slabsi levely maj smulu, nikdo je do party nebude chtit a jejich ziskana XP nula-nula-nic ...

PotBS Roberts - Paul van Staff (NO), Paul LeBaron (FT), Paul de Witt (PT), Španělsko, Storm Riders
SWG Eclipse - Pave'l vanStaff, Jedi (ex Jedi/ImpAcePilot)
SWG Eclipse - Pattt vanStaff, Officer (ex MRifle, MBH, 4000 CM)
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Akoh Adi
Junior Member

539 Posts

Posted - 18/08/2005 :  15:46:16  Show Profile Send Akoh Adi a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Uz je na rade Eclipse do 15 minut myslim

Edited by - Akoh Adi on 18/08/2005 16:18:11
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Drizzt DoUrden
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1591 Posts

Posted - 18/08/2005 :  15:58:14  Show Profile Send Drizzt DoUrden a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Už jste koukali na tohle?

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1746 Posts

Posted - 18/08/2005 :  16:13:10  Show Profile  Send SNowie an ICQ Message Send SNowie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
ctu si posledni posty na pub22 discusion foru a kdyz doctu stranku a dam dalsi uz je za ni dalsi ... nekonecnej prisun

btw nejakej armorsmith tam odhalil jeden malej bug ... kdyz ma armor 1/1 condition tak je jak s adk a furt funguje ...

Edited by - SNowie on 18/08/2005 16:15:52
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Posted - 18/08/2005 :  16:21:47  Show Profile  Send SNowie an ICQ Message Send SNowie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Drizzt DoUrden

Už jste koukali na tohle?


moc moc husta vecicka uz se tesim ... doufam ze vesmirna cast bude homeworld-like <-- best realtime strategy ever
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Posted - 18/08/2005 :  16:56:18  Show Profile  Send Carmax an ICQ Message Send Carmax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
loooooooool tady nekdo pocital mastrovani profese v grupe


vychazi to pekne..

SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene

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Arkos Agnos
Starting Member

89 Posts

Posted - 18/08/2005 :  17:52:02  Show Profile Send Arkos Agnos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pokud budes grindit 4 hodiny kazdy den:

Master a Profession: 47 days
Grind out the Village: 5.8 years
Full Template Jedi: 5.31 years

Jedi za 10 let, no nekup to.

Ja sem cancelnul accout, mam to placene do 7. zari, tak uvidim, treba az jim par set lidi cancelne accounty, jim to dojde.

SWG Eclipse - Arkos Agnos
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Posted - 18/08/2005 :  17:55:39  Show Profile  Send Carmax an ICQ Message Send Carmax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Arkos Agnos

Pokud budes grindit 4 hodiny kazdy den:

Master a Profession: 47 days
Grind out the Village: 5.8 years
Full Template Jedi: 5.31 years

Jedi za 10 let, no nekup to.

Ja sem cancelnul accout, mam to placene do 7. zari, tak uvidim, treba az jim par set lidi cancelne accounty, jim to dojde.

dyt to rikam, vychazi to pekne

SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene

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Posted - 18/08/2005 :  17:59:30  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote
myslis, ze kdyz das cancel, tak se jim to ukaze hned ? nebo teprve az v dobe, kdy dobehne predplacene obdobi ?

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>
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Posted - 18/08/2005 :  18:10:21  Show Profile  Send Carmax an ICQ Message Send Carmax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by JerzeeG

myslis, ze kdyz das cancel, tak se jim to ukaze hned ? nebo teprve az v dobe, kdy dobehne predplacene obdobi ?

nemyslim ze se jim to vubec ukaze ale nevim

SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene

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Posted - 18/08/2005 :  18:26:44  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Carmax

Originally posted by JerzeeG

myslis, ze kdyz das cancel, tak se jim to ukaze hned ? nebo teprve az v dobe, kdy dobehne predplacene obdobi ?

nemyslim ze se jim to vubec ukaze ale nevim

no rofl, to si pis ze se jim to ukaze.. nemysli si, ze kazdy mesic prislusni manazeri soe nekontroluji stav accountu, prirustek ubytek atd..
mozna kazdy tyden..

a kdyz jim v jednom obdobi zrusi ucet znacna cast lidi, mozna jim to v tom slamniku, co maji na krku dojde..

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>
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Posted - 18/08/2005 :  18:30:03  Show Profile  Send Carmax an ICQ Message Send Carmax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by JerzeeG

Originally posted by Carmax

Originally posted by JerzeeG

myslis, ze kdyz das cancel, tak se jim to ukaze hned ? nebo teprve az v dobe, kdy dobehne predplacene obdobi ?

nemyslim ze se jim to vubec ukaze ale nevim

no rofl, to si pis ze se jim to ukaze.. nemysli si, ze kazdy mesic prislusni manazeri soe nekontroluji stav accountu, prirustek ubytek atd..
mozna kazdy tyden..

a kdyz jim v jednom obdobi zrusi ucet znacna cast lidi, mozna jim to v tom slamniku, co maji na krku dojde..

ja to myslel tak ze se jim to neukaze samo od sebe je mi jasny ze kdyz to kontroluji tak jim to napise kdo zrusil acc ale imho jim to nedojde.. je to banda debilu.. maji na foru snad 15 strankovou petici a stejne si toho ani nevsimli..

SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene

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Posted - 18/08/2005 :  19:53:40  Show Profile  Send Olusriel an ICQ Message Send Olusriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote

a kdyz jim v jednom obdobi zrusi ucet znacna cast lidi, mozna jim to v tom slamniku, co maji na krku dojde..
[/quote]ja to myslel tak ze se jim to neukaze samo od sebe je mi jasny ze kdyz to kontroluji tak jim to napise kdo zrusil acc ale imho jim to nedojde.. je to banda debilu.. maji na foru snad 15 strankovou petici a stejne si toho ani nevsimli..
porad se vsude pise v mnoznem cisle.. Devove. Spis bych ale rekl, ze tomu v SOE sefuje jeden clovek, rekneme DEV coordinator a ten je totalne zmatenej a ani tu hru nehraje. Ostatni jsou jeho podrizeni a jen poslouchaji sveho sefa..
Nechce se mi verit, ze by tolik lidi najednou zilo uplne mimo realitu swg??

„Já bych všechny ty počítače a internety zakázala“
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Posted - 18/08/2005 :  20:21:10  Show Profile Send WereHamster a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Myslím, že když jim zničeho nic poklesne počet logujících lidí o desítky procent, tak si toho všimnou...
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Posted - 18/08/2005 :  22:13:18  Show Profile  Send SNowie an ICQ Message Send SNowie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
pocet postu brojicich proti zmene xp uz presahl hranici 5500
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Posted - 18/08/2005 :  22:20:57  Show Profile  Send Carmax an ICQ Message Send Carmax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SNowie

pocet postu brojicich proti zmene xp uz presahl hranici 5500

hmm stejne s tim nic nenadelaji, tolik postu bylo i proti CU a stejne bylo.. SOE hrace neposloucha, aspon teda ne SWG tym , hlavne vyrejzovat co nejvic na jmene

SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene

Edited by - Carmax on 18/08/2005 22:21:54
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Posted - 18/08/2005 :  22:23:38  Show Profile  Send SNowie an ICQ Message Send SNowie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
odpoved Tiggs (dev - zrejme zenska co sem cetl):
Tiggs wrote:

Hello Folks,

First off I would like to apologize to all of you. When I first started receiving reports regarding experience I thought it was a bug since we had one earlier in the day with the display issue. I posted asking for solid information to pass on to the team so it could be tested and verified. Wednesday afternoon when I received word that everything was working as intended is when the community team found out that there were changes made to how experience is calculated.

There was an oversight on the part of the producers with notifying the community team of these changes. =( The community team thought that it was a change to the display for experience, we had no idea of the magnitude of the changes made. I sincerely apologize for this miscommunication and moving forward we will make every effort possible to make sure that something like this doesn’t happen again.

A few team members and I have sat down and went over some of the top questions in this thread. Here are the responses…

* Why were the publish notes not clear that this was a nerf to experience?

This was simply an oversight in the process. The details of the change were not raised to the community teams awareness.

* Why was the community not given advanced notice of this nerf so that they could test it out on TC and provide valid feedback that would be taken into consideration? Dev’s should have allowed for player concerns and tweaking.
* Why was this publish only on TC one day before pushing it to live servers

This fix was implemented as a hotfix candidate to go directly from internal testing to live. We felt that the advancement rate of the grouped players was so extremely broken, that we needed to implement a solution immediately: just as we would do for a duping exploit or a gameserver crash. Only concern over the severity of the change led to it being held in development as we tested and tweaked the numbers, so that it wasn't released as a hotfix after all, but instead rolled-out with the publish.

* Why was this change done at all? CU forced people to group now we feel we are being forced to solo
* As a paying customer, I would like to better understand the reasoning behind this change. I have heard my fellow players' remarks, but I do not want to base my point-of-view on conjecture and heresay, but on facts and purposes.

This change was necessary due to the advancement rate of a player in a full group vs. the advancement rate of a solo player. The disparity between the two was so extreme that playing solo felt like a waste of time, as you could gain xp 1000 percent faster by grouping. The xp requirements and awards had been balanced toward a solo player's experience, but grouped players were able to advance not only much more quickly than solo players, but much more quickly than we had ever intended.

* Why was the system message taken away? Why not just simply add the group bonus to the system message like every other game out there

We think there's too much clutter on the screen, and would like for players to be able to see more of the game, and read less of it.

* The new display is very confusing; please explain in simple details on how the display works.

The XP flytext shows the total amount of xp that you earned from the creature. This is divided among the applicable skills that you used to defeat the encounter: For example if you gained 1000 pistols xp and 1000 rifles xp, you will see "XP: 2000" as the first part of the fly text. In your chatbox, you'll receive the messages "You have gained pistols xp" and "You have gained rifles xp". We do this so that you can see what kind of xp you have received, without cluttering the screen with a lot of text. Under the XP amount flytext, you will also see your group bonus percentage. For example "(Group Bonus: 12%)" means that you've earned 12% more xp due to your group size. As your group size increases, the bonus percentage increases.

* While it may seem like a great thing to you to slow down XP, there are some things you haven't considered. Since the XP is getting divided between the players in a group, groups will want to kill as fast as possible. This means that medic, doc, tk, smuggler, pistoleer, squad leader, ranger, ch and any other profession that is not a high DPS profession is not wanted. Why would someone want a medic sucking up XP when they aren't making the killing go faster?

Killing mobs "as fast as possible" has always been the optimal way of gaining the most xp in the shortest period of time, even under the old system. Combat support professions are designed to help the direct combat professions defeat enemies. Just because their assistance is indirect (for example, healing you so that you don't die), doesn't mean that they aren't helping to defeat enemies. We continue to review and evaluate the change, specifically to the size of the "group xp bonus" and with regard to the feedback. We felt that the old system was terribly broken and needed to be changed immediately. This method gives us the flexibility to tweak the numbers - the base xp amounts as well as the grouping bonus - and arrive at an optimal implementation: Something that rewards people for grouping, but not at such an extreme rate as before.

* Will we be raising the experience at all?

We are monitoring the experience rates on the Live service and once we have enough data we will be tweaking the experience rates.

grupy takto expily kolem 3 MESICU a oni si toho vsimli az ted - tohle ja osobne nechapu - proto muselo prijit OKAMZITE reseni (po 3 mesicich) aniz by ho testovali dele nez 1 DEN na testcentru !

Edited by - SNowie on 18/08/2005 22:26:03
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Arkos Agnos
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Posted - 18/08/2005 :  22:56:31  Show Profile Send Arkos Agnos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
To ze spolu v grupe mohli efektivne hrat hraci ruznych levelu jsem povazoval za jednu z nejvetsich vyhod SWG proti ostatnim MMORPG. Ted to bude stejne jako jinde - mas o level min - si pritez, nechceme te v grupe. Fakt lituju jakekoli novacky, bud budou hodinu shanet grupu hracu na stejnem levelu, nebo budou solovat...

SWG Eclipse - Arkos Agnos
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Posted - 18/08/2005 :  23:07:08  Show Profile  Send Olusriel an ICQ Message Send Olusriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote

We are monitoring the experience rates on the Live service and once we have enough data we will be tweaking the experience rates.

grupy takto expily kolem 3 MESICU a oni si toho vsimli az ted - tohle ja osobne nechapu - proto muselo prijit OKAMZITE reseni (po 3 mesicich) aniz by ho testovali dele nez 1 DEN na testcentru !
to svedci o tom, ze oni tu hru vubec nehraji, nemaji kontakt s realitou v swg :(

Dalsi podobná perla, ktera se tyka CU. ...Po testovani na TC si na CU stezovalo 75% procent hráčů. Oni jej, prestoze byl daleko horsi nez puvodni system, vypustili ven..

„Já bych všechny ty počítače a internety zakázala“
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Arkos Agnos
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Posted - 19/08/2005 :  02:08:43  Show Profile Send Arkos Agnos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Group Experience Changes

Test Center group experience calculations have just been reverted to pre-publish 22. We strongly encourage our players to create a character on Test Center and report any problems that may arise as soon as possible. The publish from Test Center will be pushed to our Live service later on tonight. This will not require a downtime however some players may need to log out to see the changes take affect.

The new display for the group experience changes that was introduced in Publish 22 will be remaining as is. We will be looking into longer term fixes to address some community concerns about what the display shows.

The announcements section and launchpad will be updated with new information when it is available.

Thank you for your patience.

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Darth Maul

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Posted - 19/08/2005 :  02:21:26  Show Profile Send WanargiMort a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Arkos Agnos

Group Experience Changes

Test Center group experience calculations have just been reverted to pre-publish 22. We strongly encourage our players to create a character on Test Center and report any problems that may arise as soon as possible. The publish from Test Center will be pushed to our Live service later on tonight. This will not require a downtime however some players may need to log out to see the changes take affect.

The new display for the group experience changes that was introduced in Publish 22 will be remaining as is. We will be looking into longer term fixes to address some community concerns about what the display shows.

The announcements section and launchpad will be updated with new information when it is available.

Thank you for your patience.

Jerzee & Carmax nastup zpatky do hry prosim
Koudyyyy grindi

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Posted - 19/08/2005 :  05:42:06  Show Profile  Send Whom an ICQ Message Send Whom a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jo XP nerf bol nerfnuty!

Thread o tom na officialnom foru ma teraz 285 stranok. Za dva dni dobry vykon. Jak tam ludia zacali davat ze canceluju acc SOE si to za par hodin rozmyslela. Tomu sa hovori strategia. Robia len to, kdo najviac na foru krici...
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Posted - 19/08/2005 :  07:36:07  Show Profile  Visit Sagger's Homepage  Send Sagger an ICQ Message Send Sagger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Arkos Agnos
experience calculations have just been reverted to pre-publish 22

Hm, nerikal jsem, ze to vrati ?

Btw Olusi po CU je to mnohem lepsi nez pred CU.

1st Lokian Platoon, IHC
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Posted - 19/08/2005 :  08:44:00  Show Profile  Send Olusriel an ICQ Message Send Olusriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sagger

Originally posted by Arkos Agnos
experience calculations have just been reverted to pre-publish 22

Hm, nerikal jsem, ze to vrati ?

Btw Olusi po CU je to mnohem lepsi nez pred CU.

dal jsem cancel, nervovat se kvuli hre nemam zapotrebi

„Já bych všechny ty počítače a internety zakázala“
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Posted - 19/08/2005 :  09:37:09  Show Profile  Visit Sanix's Homepage  Send Sanix an ICQ Message Send Sanix a Private Message  Reply with Quote
takze se mnozstvi ziskany expu vrati jak to bylo, jen ty napisy zustanou jestli to chapu? teda mam pocit ze v tom plavu trosku... =]

dik za prevysvetleni situace ;]

WoW: Axgri
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Posted - 19/08/2005 :  10:19:12  Show Profile  Send Almych an ICQ Message Send Almych a Private Message  Reply with Quote
jj, ja to nechapu, stacilo upravit ten group bonus a bylo to v klidu, opravdu mam pocit, ze to ty lidi nehrajou ani netestujou, jsou tak drzy ze na ferovku napisou udelej si ucet na testu, aby toto nemohlo nastat

ja hraju hru, ja nejsme kurva placenej za testovani, to jsou oni, je to proste banda namistrovanejch programatoru, kteri delaj neco jen proto aby vykazali cinnost, zmrdi zasrany
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