Budete někdo hrát nebo zkouset Dungeons & Dragons Online?
Zatím se mne zda, ze minimalne: Snowie Koudy Olu Kravka
to chteji zkusit, je to tak?
Olu : ja to určitě zkusím, co zatím čtu tak to vypadá dobře. Jo a s Horacem (nirem) jsem ted mluvil a taky to zkusí.. Rejpalové : nedělejte z komára velblouda a přečtěte si úplně první příspěvek tohoto fóra od Aramira - o čem by mělo bejt :) a rychle než to někdo zedituje Jorssk : výčet přídavků a oprav je opravdu bohatý, já si raději počkám JAK bude vše fungovat, SOE má totiž ve zvyku něco naslibovat a schválně tam naseká bugy, aby pak měli co opravovat a aby vypadali že se o nás starají
Jen ve strucnosti: myslim, ze jsem slusne vysvetlil kde se nachazime v jake casti fora. Nikoho to neomezilo, nijak neubralo na osobnich svobodach maximalne trosku posramotilo ego ale to je kazdeho osobni vec. Takze si laskave uvedomte jak se forum pouziva nez se zacnete do nekoho navazet, prakticky bez duvodu. Klidne si tu kecejte o cemkoliv, uz jsem nedavno napsal jinde ze tenhle topic cistit nebudu ale melo by to byt v rozumnych mezich.
SOE má totiž ve zvyku něco naslibovat a schválně tam naseká bugy, aby pak měli co opravovat a aby vypadali že se o nás starají
to co pises se stalo tusim u Eq a je to fakt nechutné...SOE vydali datadisk s novymy questy, ackoliv vedeli, ze jsou questy hotove jen ze 40%. Co s tim udelali? Jednoduse questy bugli na zacatku tak, ze se v nich nedalo pokracovat. Nikdo samozrejme nevedel, ze zadne questy zatim nejsou - ze se teprve musi udelat. Hraci pak cekali dalsich 9! mesicu, nez questy SOE dodela (samozrejme platili subscription). Nepripomina Vam to neco?
„Já bych všechny ty počítače a internety zakázala“
SOE má totiž ve zvyku něco naslibovat a schválně tam naseká bugy, aby pak měli co opravovat a aby vypadali že se o nás starají
to co pises se stalo tusim u Eq a je to fakt nechutné...SOE vydali datadisk s novymy questy, ackoliv vedeli, ze jsou questy hotove jen ze 40%. Co s tim udelali? Jednoduse questy bugli na zacatku tak, ze se v nich nedalo pokracovat. Nikdo samozrejme nevedel, ze zadne questy zatim nejsou - ze se teprve musi udelat. Hraci pak cekali dalsich 9! mesicu, nez questy SOE dodela (samozrejme platili subscription). Nepripomina Vam to neco?
Budete někdo hrát nebo zkouset Dungeons & Dragons Online?
Zatím se mne zda, ze minimalne: Snowie Koudy Olu Kravka
to chteji zkusit, je to tak?
Ne ze by to patrilo do tohohle topicu. Ale jsem v Bete DaD. A muzu rict....
System DaD je uzasnej ale nechali tam jednu vec a tou je odpocivani. V dungu navic jen na urcitych mistech a jen jednou coz je proste hrozny. Postavicky se daj ale majinko neprirozeny (platovka se v realu opravdu neohyba tak jako telo) Vse se resi questama. V podstate nemoznost solovani. a nejvetsi nesvar NEMOZNOST PvP a sami inzeruji ze to NIKDY mozne nebude.
Jinak aby to nevypadalo ze to hanin. Jedna vec se jim musi nechat. A to jsou dungeony.
Jsou nadherny, uzasny propracovany skvely velkolepy. Leze se po bednach, zebrikach, vyhyba se pastem sekackum, magickejm virum, samozrejme se plave, potapi, brodi ve slizu a resi puzzle.
Pokud jste zaprisahli PvE pak se vam to asi bude libit (az na odpocivani) Ja bez adrenalinu a vyzvy nevydrzim cili po zkusenostech z EQ2 do online hry ktera mi neumozni volny PvP uz ne... :-) (cili se vracim do EQ2 kterej mi to od 20.02.06 umozni :-))
Budete někdo hrát nebo zkouset Dungeons & Dragons Online?
Zatím se mne zda, ze minimalne: Snowie Koudy Olu Kravka
to chteji zkusit, je to tak?
Ne ze by to patrilo do tohohle topicu. Ale jsem v Bete DaD. A muzu rict....
System DaD je uzasnej ale nechali tam jednu vec a tou je odpocivani. V dungu navic jen na urcitych mistech a jen jednou coz je proste hrozny. Postavicky se daj ale majinko neprirozeny (platovka se v realu opravdu neohyba tak jako telo) Vse se resi questama. V podstate nemoznost solovani. a nejvetsi nesvar NEMOZNOST PvP a sami inzeruji ze to NIKDY mozne nebude.
Jinak aby to nevypadalo ze to hanin. Jedna vec se jim musi nechat. A to jsou dungeony.
Jsou nadherny, uzasny propracovany skvely velkolepy. Leze se po bednach, zebrikach, vyhyba se pastem sekackum, magickejm virum, samozrejme se plave, potapi, brodi ve slizu a resi puzzle.
Pokud jste zaprisahli PvE pak se vam to asi bude libit (az na odpocivani) Ja bez adrenalinu a vyzvy nevydrzim cili po zkusenostech z EQ2 do online hry ktera mi neumozni volny PvP uz ne... :-) (cili se vracim do EQ2 kterej mi to od 20.02.06 umozni :-))
quote:Originally posted by Kravka ty jo no jestli to bude makat jak ma tak to na 100% vyzkouším... btw několik pvp prvků mi tam připomíná SWG
Jo a nektery pripominaj WoW. Proc to nezkopirovat kdyz to nekde funguje. Podrobnejsi report podam tak 25. cili 5 dni po zalozeni postavy :-) To uz bych mohl mit za sebou par PvP stretu :-)
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free-
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free-
C.H.E.E.E.E.W.I.E.E.E. : Celoplošně Hledající Eliminátor na Eliminaci, Eliminaci a Eliminaci Wolframový Inkvizitor na Eliminaci, Eliminaci a Eliminaci !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NA ELIMInaci PIČOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
C.H.E.E.E.E.W.I.E.E.E. : Celoplošně Hledající Eliminátor na Eliminaci, Eliminaci a Eliminaci Wolframový Inkvizitor na Eliminaci, Eliminaci a Eliminaci !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NA ELIMInaci PIČOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
C.H.E.E.E.E.W.I.E.E.E. : Celoplošně Hledající Eliminátor na Eliminaci, Eliminaci a Eliminaci Wolframový Inkvizitor na Eliminaci, Eliminaci a Eliminaci !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NA ELIMInaci PIČOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free-
"Ok i've debated posting this as i know how rumors turn into wild fires. Please dont let this happen to this post, this isnt one of those my brothers uncles best friends sister works at SOE deals. I'm telling you this because I would want to know if there was anyone who had any information on where SWG was going. I know some of you love the old game as much as i do. I do not know what SOE is doing, SOE dont even know at this point. I do know that what we know as the NGE is going away. And this is good.
Where I got my information: Someone that is very close to me is a LA employee. I'm gonna keep this very vauge to ensure nothing bad comes to her for this. She's not a higher up at LA she's only present in the same office where there are cheifs. 10 months ago i asked her what was going on with SWG and she replied, "Whats SWG?" Since feb, 7 2006, she's learned alot about SWG at work. She knows who John Smedley is, She knows what Pre-CU is, She knows what a roll back is, Among many other things, she seems to be an expert now. I've asked her to ask some questions and find some things out for me. She did the best she could and she brought me alot of information. It seems that SWG is the talk of the office now days. Much of this is just rumor from her office and not known as fact. Some of it is known as fact. I cant distinguish between them as i only know what i was told. And she only knows what she hears or reads. One thing is for sure, something big is happening to have so many people talking.
Quote: Feb 6 2006 SOE and SWG came under official review from LA. It has been rumored that SOE's contract with LA was up for renewel Feb 1st. This is not true. They are up for scheduled review. LA retains the power to pull the contract at any time and theese scheduled reviews are to ensure that SOE is upholding LA's standards and basiclly not running Lucas's Baby into the ground.
Quote: LA began the review unoficially 6 weeks before feb 6th. It's no secret that SOE has gotten some very bad press, and yealded bad results over the last year. LA is watching and not impressed. They are limited in what they can do without pulling the contract. This is a very drastic move and they have been gathering information to try and decide on the best course of action. Some of you may have noticed the LA survay asking you questions about the CU, Pre-CU, and NGE. This was lucas arts gathering information on both how to best fix the game and where to go with SWG2.
Quote: Big Suprise Here! LA determined that the Pre-CU version of SWG was favored by 65% CU version was favored by 27% and the NGE was favored by a whopping 8%
Quote: In an official meeting with SOE, LA's reps directed SOE to fix the problem. Roll back was a big topic at the meeting. SOE took a strong stance against it. They arent sure if they can do it if they had to. They are currently looking into what it will take. Something like this must be done very Carefully. Something that SOE has not proven good at. They cant just load up old files and say have fun. They cant make 2 expansions worthless. They all have to be intigrated into the old system. There has been no decition made to roll back but SOE is looking into it as an option now. They have been forced to look into it.
Quote: The Producers Letter; You may have noticed it hasnt surfaced. It hasnt surfaced because the letter was to inform the public of the direction of the game. Well the direction of the game is at this point undetirmined.
I told her that i had read many times where Dev's have stated that "There will be NO Rollbacks.".
Quote: There are members of the dev team at SOE that have pushed for rollbacks. They see as well as everyone else that the majority of the community favors rollbacks and movements made reciently have turned the game upside down. When it was brought up at meetings it was shot down by the leaders, and they were only relaying the message. SOE has never taken an official stance on this. You have to understand that most DEVs have little dicition making power. Most are not the creative minds behind this particular game like they probably were once. They are told to take the game in a certian direction and they try to do it as best as possable.
I asked if there would be an announcement or any word on what to expect.
Quote: In the short term expect to see Publish 27 pushed as soon as it's playable not perfict. This is a huge publish that fixes alot of the problems in the game and will be needed as a hold over till they can figure out what is going to happen. Dont expect publish 28. Expect to see subtle changes on test center checking Older systems with the new system.
So basiclly dont be suprised to see things on test center every once in a while that you havent seen since CU. SOE does not want the public to know they are looking into this or even concidering it. It will likely cause an outbreak of hope and set you up for another let down if it never comes to be.
Long term,
Quote: Dont expect SOE to decide to roll back servers overnight and log onto a pre-cu server the next day. Expect to see another Combat Upgrade, that takes the aspects of the game that were most favord and implimenting them into the current expansions. Turn baised combat, old professions brough back, ect.
This is all the information i've been able to milk out of this at this point. I would have posted it over on SOE's site but alass i have no account due to the NGE. Please take this information for what it is (2nd hand). Please dont ask me a million questions because i've posted everything i know here. I've been pushing my luck trying to get all the info i can. This is it. I'll post more if i get it. Ok i've debated posting this as i know how rumors turn into wild fires. Please dont let this happen to this post, this isnt one of those my brothers uncles best friends sister works at SOE deals. I'm telling you this because I would want to know if there was anyone who had any information on where SWG was going. I know some of you love the old game as much as i do. I do not know what SOE is doing, SOE dont even know at this point. I do know that what we know as the NGE is going away. And this is good.
..pro tvrdohlavý berany(jako ja :), kteří čekají(-li) na rollback.
I'm not sure who your "source" is, but there's no secret agenda to quietly roll things back... this is just plain bad information. Nothing like that is going to occur.
We're moving forward with making SWG an awesome game. We're doing this with the support and blessing of LucasArts. We have an excellent relationship with the team over at LA and together we are working on fixing existing problems and adding new content.
While I respect the opinions of those of you who want the game to roll back to a pre-NGE (or a pre-CU) state, that just isn't practical, and it's not going to happen.
Will some things from the old game come back? Absolutely. My list includes things like elements of creature handlers, making entertainers better and making crafting a much more important part of the game. We do recognize that in the process of putting the NGE together, some of what made SWG a very unique game got taken out. I'm sorry for that.
But overall it will be more productive for people to help us make this game better. I think in the past one of the biggest mistakes we've made is not listening to the players enough. We have a new crew out in Austin now.. and they're playing the game a ton. They're focused on open communication with the playerbase and you're seeing a lot of activity on the message boards directly from the developers.
Please give us the opportunity to make SWG the game it was meant to be. If you have a particular feature you want in the game go to our boards and propose it. We are listening and responding!
omg, zaprve to nemusi byt Smedley, ten podpis se da zkopirovat (necekane ) ze SOE fora. A nemusite sem kopirovat cely odpovedi, stacil by mozna link
kdyz se carmaxi zactes do toho topiku tak tam Zmrdley potvrzuje svou totožnost prostřednictvím ofic SONY mailu, taky mu tam nekdo neveri ale pak priznavaji ze je to on, a ja bych tomu taky veril... myslim ze je tam uveden dost silny dukaz totožnosti pisatele.. myslim ze tento mail jsmedley@soe.sony.com nema jen tak nekdo...
omg, zaprve to nemusi byt Smedley, ten podpis se da zkopirovat (necekane ) ze SOE fora. A nemusite sem kopirovat cely odpovedi, stacil by mozna link
kdyz se carmaxi zactes do toho topiku tak tam Zmrdley potvrzuje svou totožnost prostřednictvím ofic SONY mailu, taky mu tam nekdo neveri ale pak priznavaji ze je to on, a ja bych tomu taky veril... myslim ze je tam uveden dost silny dukaz totožnosti pisatele.. myslim ze tento mail jsmedley@soe.sony.com nema jen tak nekdo...
jo ok cet sem to jen rano a jeste to tam nebylo ale to porad nic nemeni na tom ze nemusis zasirat celou stranku postem na kterej das potom link