imo je hloupé se do Koudyho navážet, prostě to vidí jinak a je to jeho názor. Kolem mě když projede Audina za 2 mega a sedí v ní 20-ti letý fracek kterej vypadá že se neumí podepsat (v Praze běžná věc), tak se občas sám sebe ptám jak je to možný...
imo je hloupé se do Koudyho navážet, prostě to vidí jinak a je to jeho názor. Kolem mě když projede Audina za 2 mega a sedí v ní 20-ti letý fracek kterej vypadá že se neumí podepsat (v Praze běžná věc), tak se občas sám sebe ptám jak je to možný...
Dnes se dá vydělat dost peněz i poctivě (tj. není porušen zákon).. Třeba spekulacemi s pozemky, nemovitostmi, akciemi, měnami.. :-)
„Já bych všechny ty počítače a internety zakázala“
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
cim to asi bude? zeby preto, ze vyradil aj .......?
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
no predsa to prve kuriatko je mrtve, a to druhe je zufale, lebo to prve mu neodpoveda (:
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
hmm...ale to ze vzdy pada maslovou stranou dole nema s gravitaciou nic spolocne :O
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free-
hmm...ze SOE kupilo Sigil Games Online(Vanguard: SOH)
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free-
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free-
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
<xYz> ty vole ale ta holka <xYz> byla fakt supr <xYz> preboha <xYz> ako taka sexica mohla chodit s chlapcom ktory ani nevie ci ma alebo nema externu ip
<a> Cauky co ty vlastně máš? :-) Wokna nebo Tučňáky? <b> Di doprdele, mám křečka.... Komentář: Sladké začátky :D
<Darksome> Takze na lovu, co? ;o)) <Crossfire> no, ne tak uplne, vcera sem se rozesel s mladou <Darksome> to te lituju, ja se vcera taky rozesla s pritelem, vim jaky to je :-( <Crossfire> Ani me to moc nermouti, citim se ted lip <Darksome> No me to dostalo hodne :-( <Crossfire> me to uz docela dlouho otravovalo.. <Darksome> jak se jmenujes? <Crossfire> Ales <Darksome> a odkud? <Crossfire> Vinohrady <Darksome> ty bastarde -!- Darksome has left <Crossfire> Lenko?
<a> proc bych mel platit nejakej poplatek za vypalovacku a media kdyz nebudu nic krast? <b> protoze mate nastroj <a> tak to me zavrete za znasilneni sousedky <b> vy jste znasilnil sousedku? <a> ne, ale mam nastroj
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
<tomeek> mel sem dzus! limetkovy s prichuti maty! <tomeek> a byl tam zezadu navod na mojito <tomeek> tak sem se toho chopil! :D <tomeek> bily rum nebyl, nebyla mata... <tomeek> tak sem tam luskl slivovicku a misto maty petrzelku! :D :D
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free-