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4328 Posts |
Posted - 03/10/2007 : 17:19:43
ja si porad kladu otazku, jaka konspirace byla zatim, ze nadejnou hru soe koupi a potopi, misto aby ji pomohla na vysluni?
Ta hra mela nadeji stat se mekkou hracu co maj radi mega svet a super grafiku. Proc Soe koupi hru s vidinou ze ji zlepsi.. ale ihned po koupi propusti vetsinu teamu a necha tu hru umirat stim ze se o ni stara jen support s obcasnymi bufixy?
Mne fakt napada jedina teorie - SoE se zaleklo toho, kolik lidi ji z eq2 uteklo do VG (byli toho kvanta, psalo se o tom vsude.. a samozrejme ze ty lidi se vratili zpet..) ale kdyby do toho nekdo ty prachy vrazil.. zcela urcite by tu byl konkurent eq2. Podle mne proste nejpodobnejsi eq2 je prave vg. zpracovanim stlem questu, grafikou..craftingem..
Nenutim vam tento nazor.. spis mne zajima vas. Proc nekdo neco koupi a potom to necha zkrachovat? Vrealnem svete kdyz se tohle stane, moc lidi se pta proc.. a nikdy z toho neni pro majitele nic dobreho.
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
4328 Posts |
Posted - 03/10/2007 : 17:24:21
proc to vlastne pisu. na vanguard sme s par lidma cekali jako na modlu..hra je to fakt pekna.. ale ja u onlinovky potrebuje 1. hodne lidi - to ted je, spojenim serveru 2. aby se neco delo..novinky..patche - to neni a asi ani nebude 3. smooth play - bohuzel engine je dost naprd asi jako v eq2 ze zacatku 4. balancovane chary, moznost solo play - neni a asi ani nebude. Vykaslal jsem se na vg stjene jako na lotro po zjisteni ze proste na urcite urovni uz to solo nejde a mne proste nebavi nekde pul hodiny shanet partu NA QUEST. Nehlede na to, ze jsem chtel hrat na FFA, ale tamto bylo pekne na hovno. po svete samej klerik ktery gankovali vsecko kolem.
Uz si uvedomuju proc hraje wowko 9M lidi. je to IMHO citilivym slozenim questu v pomeru solo/group a reward. Je fakt k placi delat hodinu quest kterej clovek sam neudela a dostat za to pekne hovno (lotro+vg+eq2 a x dalsich..)
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
Junior Member
503 Posts |
Posted - 03/10/2007 : 19:13:10
Rodiere nelámej si s tím hlavu |
SWG:Dosec soustružník ,Dosec' Yurek JEDI -EU Chimaera server WWIIOL:Oberstleutnant,Axis side, DF:Twombly-meč,srp a kladivo WAR:Yurek pasáček vepřů -Eltharion
Edited by - Yurekk on 03/10/2007 19:13:43 |
4328 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2007 : 02:34:01
nj.. jedu ted serial Prison Break (za 3 dny sem shlidnul 30 dilu..) a nejak mi ty konspirace lezou na hlavu
jinak receno
soe mne sere. |
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
Average Member
1947 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2007 : 07:09:34
quote: Originally posted by Rodier
nj.. jedu ted serial Prison Break (za 3 dny sem shlidnul 30 dilu..) a nejak mi ty konspirace lezou na hlavu
jinak receno
soe mne sere.
Ja to rikal...ale pry "jenom placeni", nic vic |
New Member
136 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2007 : 10:03:57
Jsem bohuzel jeden z tech kteri to nechapou. Hru hraju bavi me ale sere me ze proste nikde neni SOE receno joo bude to dodelany maka se na tom vydrzte bude to pecka xx.xx.xxxx vyjde mohutnej patch kde bude to a to nebo neeee vys..te se na to mi na to taky se..m takle ta hra zustane |
New Member
194 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2007 : 17:39:54
quote: Originally posted by Itchyl
Jsem bohuzel jeden z tech kteri to nechapou. Hru hraju bavi me ale sere me ze proste nikde neni SOE receno joo bude to dodelany maka se na tom vydrzte bude to pecka xx.xx.xxxx vyjde mohutnej patch kde bude to a to nebo neeee vys..te se na to mi na to taky se..m takle ta hra zustane
Dobře mám nějaké info a malinko si zapředpovídám.Vanguard není číslo 1. v SOE.Hodně peněz šlo do nového datadiscu EQ2 ,který teď vyjde.To musí někdo zaplatit.Připravuje se EQ3 to také musí někdo zaplatit.Vanguard byl nechtěnou konkurencí EQ2 takže se trošku vžijte do postavení SOE.Na co cpát peníze do dvou velkých MMORPG ,když stačí do jedné.Je to o penězích na Vaše duševní problémy každý kašle.Mají na to odborníky a i psychology Vanguard bohužel dopadne jako Archlord a další.A to nemluvíme o WAR to bude velký konkurent.Za rok po Vanguardu pes neštěkne.Jinak chválím SOE za karty docela jsem na to závislíJosobně jsem Vanguardu držel hodně palce ,ale SOE je SOE.Jde tady o velké peníze a bohužel přežijí jen ti silní.Jinak Rodiere nešahej mi na EQ2 !!!!!!!! |
GW(20 2x), L2 EU(50+,Spoil 40+), EQ2 US(2x80), VG-uz nikdy Fury-Beta AoC-Beta Back WoW ofik Twink 19+,29+39+49+59+69+
World of WarCraft, WoW, WoWko. Fenomén jenž ovládl herní branži. S nedávným příchodem datadisku Burning Crusade se počet platících hráčů přehoupl přes 10 miliónů. Jde pořád jen o hru nebo je v tom něco víc?
1450 Posts |
Posted - 05/10/2007 : 07:55:06
quote: Originally posted by Milacekimperia .....Připravuje se EQ3...
Zatim jsem se o to vubec nestaral, ale muzes dat o tom nejake info co, kdy kde jak, nebo to je teprve jenom ohlaseno? |
Porresha, Calldo - AO - inactive Porresha, Adelka - EQ2 Porresha - VG - inactive Socializer 73% Achiever 60% Explorer 46% Killer 20% |
New Member
285 Posts |
Posted - 05/10/2007 : 11:33:29
Jenom žasnu jak jde ten pokrok kupředu.... Rodier si už dokonce vytvořil i "flame signature", to bych blil, třeba se s tim WoWkem udav. A k tomu tvýmu signature, nácků za druhý světový byly taky miliony, nechceš snad taky napsat "ať žijou nazi, tolik mega lidí se přece nemuže mýlit". Vopravdu názor, na němž by se dala povrchnost převádět
...sry Rodiere, ale ten signature bych si změnil, vážně tim asi nasereš dost lidí (i když o to ti asi de) | |
2069 Posts |
Posted - 05/10/2007 : 11:54:08
quote: Originally posted by Murdy ...sry Rodiere, ale ten signature bych si změnil, vážně tim asi nasereš dost lidí (i když o to ti asi de)
Popravde, ja prozmenu nejsem nadsenej z tvyho mega banneru. Ignorovat 20 znaku textu neni problem. S bannerem, ktery pri nekolika postech na stranku tvori 30% obsahu uz je to horsi. Bohuzel nejsi jedinej, kdo je bezohlednej k ostatnim uzivatelum fora...coz treba ten banner trochu zmensit?
btw: ne nejsem rodieruv znamej...
WOW: Kasicka, Druid, [Ceska Legie]. Moonglade TESO: Kasicka, Templar, [Ceska Legie, MdK], EU Rift: Kasicka, Cleric, [Ceska legie], Gelidra EQ2: Kasicka, Inquizitor, [Ceska legie], Splitpaw AoC: Casea, Necro, [Legie], Dagon Lotro: Casea, Minstrel, [Myth], Snow Vanguard [R.I.P.]: Attronach, High Elf Psionist, [MdK]
New Member
194 Posts |
Posted - 05/10/2007 : 16:06:00
quote: Originally posted by Pedro
quote: Originally posted by Milacekimperia .....Připravuje se EQ3...
Zatim jsem se o to vubec nestaral, ale muzes dat o tom nejake info co, kdy kde jak, nebo to je teprve jenom ohlaseno?
Zatím ohlášeno a nějaké drobné diskuze na AJ forech.Pokud budu mít nějaké větší smysluplné info podělím se. |
GW(20 2x), L2 EU(50+,Spoil 40+), EQ2 US(2x80), VG-uz nikdy Fury-Beta AoC-Beta Back WoW ofik Twink 19+,29+39+49+59+69+
World of WarCraft, WoW, WoWko. Fenomén jenž ovládl herní branži. S nedávným příchodem datadisku Burning Crusade se počet platících hráčů přehoupl přes 10 miliónů. Jde pořád jen o hru nebo je v tom něco víc?
New Member
285 Posts |
Posted - 05/10/2007 : 18:12:09
quote: Originally posted by Atronach
quote: Originally posted by Murdy ...sry Rodiere, ale ten signature bych si změnil, vážně tim asi nasereš dost lidí (i když o to ti asi de)
Popravde, ja prozmenu nejsem nadsenej z tvyho mega banneru. Ignorovat 20 znaku textu neni problem. S bannerem, ktery pri nekolika postech na stranku tvori 30% obsahu uz je to horsi. Bohuzel nejsi jedinej, kdo je bezohlednej k ostatnim uzivatelum fora...coz treba ten banner trochu zmensit?
btw: ne nejsem rodieruv znamej...
no lol, když vezmeš v potaz, o kolik px je můj banner větší než signatury většiny přispěvatelů, jde o nepatrný pootočení kolečkem myši. Mě šlo jen o to, že neni uplně ideální, dát si do podpisu názvy her který nehraju a napsat že to sou sračky, aby to bylo vidět v každym postu (prostě je to flame sig, to snad nemůže popřít nikdo). Mimochodem menší verze bannerů už mam, ale teď budu muset počkat než to vyměnim, aby to nevypadalo že to dělám kvuli tobě | |
3400 Posts |
Posted - 05/10/2007 : 20:20:30
Murdy : 200KB hovadsky velká signatura, to je slušné Jenom si tam mohl dát lepší ksicht a né dark elfa s falešnýma vousama vypadáš jak nigga santa claus. |
2210 Posts |
Posted - 05/10/2007 : 20:54:05
Kdybych si všimnul hned, že ten banner má 200kB, tak jsem ho už dávno odstranil. Chtělo by to trošku ohleduplnosti k uživatelům s pomalým připojením, jak psal Atronach. S pixelama to ale nemá co dělat. |
PC, PS3, iPad |
4328 Posts |
Posted - 06/10/2007 : 12:59:49
no ta flame signatura je opravdu takove popichovani.. popichovani toho, ze mne stve, ze ty hry nedopadli nejlip ;)
jinak nejsem nezbytne negativisticky. Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer nezni spatne. Podivej se na Darth Wadera a Imperium. Vsude by se lidi meli stejne, zadne boje.. v podstate to tak je v ramci nato a eu.. akoratze to hitler chtel mnohem drive a tahal do toho rasisticke tiky.
Vpodstate to ale takhle nejde pausalizovat. Vetsina lidi zere maso a ostatni ho nemaj radi.. a co? Je to jen o nazoru a ten muze mit kdo chce jakej :)
jinak eq3 zni zajimave.. pokud na tom nebude jako eq2.. 10fps ze zacatku
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
Edited by - Rodier on 06/10/2007 13:19:14 |
Average Member
1308 Posts |
Posted - 06/10/2007 : 15:55:52
quote: Originally posted by Khostri
Kdybych si všimnul hned, že ten banner má 200kB, tak jsem ho už dávno odstranil. Chtělo by to trošku ohleduplnosti k uživatelům s pomalým připojením, jak psal Atronach. S pixelama to ale nemá co dělat.
on i ten jeho avatar, na ten rozmer, neni zrovna malej :)
ad EQ3 - ono je nekde nejaky info/oznameni nebo neco? vim akorat o EQ filmu. |
Krabice je zaklad. |
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 06/10/2007 : 19:46:45
quote: Originally posted by -Mike- vim akorat o EQ filmu.
uwe boll? |
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Senior Member
2735 Posts |
Average Member
1308 Posts |
Posted - 06/10/2007 : 20:36:32
quote: Originally posted by nekrotyrael
quote: Originally posted by -Mike- vim akorat o EQ filmu.
uwe boll?
ne :) a gratz |
Krabice je zaklad. |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 07/10/2007 : 11:03:46
quote: Originally posted by Rodier jinak nejsem nezbytne negativisticky. Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer nezni spatne. Podivej se na Darth Wadera a Imperium. Vsude by se lidi meli stejne, zadne boje.. v podstate to tak je v ramci nato a eu.. akoratze to hitler chtel mnohem drive a tahal do toho rasisticke tiky.
ocekaval bych po tomto prispevku zabanovani nicku rodier, propagace nacismu a komunismu by se tu obevovat nemusela. |
lastfm |
Edited by - Rashaverak on 07/10/2007 11:04:11 |
New Member
209 Posts |
Posted - 07/10/2007 : 11:26:35
quote: Originally posted by nekrotyrael
quote: Originally posted by -Mike- vim akorat o EQ filmu.
uwe boll?
na tohohle rezisera mam takovou pifku ze potkat ho tak ho zkopu jak hada, uplne to ve mne vre, grrrrrr |
Vanguard-Xanadu-retired EQ2-MDK-retired
Junior Member
777 Posts |
Posted - 07/10/2007 : 11:29:55
quote: Originally posted by godlike
quote: Originally posted by nekrotyrael
quote: Originally posted by -Mike- vim akorat o EQ filmu.
uwe boll?
na tohohle rezisera mam takovou pifku ze potkat ho tak ho zkopu jak hada, uplne to ve mne vre, grrrrrr
Vzhledem k tomu ze to je pry bejvalej boxer, tak si na tebe nevsadim ani korunu. |
New Member
194 Posts |
Posted - 09/10/2007 : 11:03:24
quote: Originally posted by -Mike-
quote: Originally posted by Khostri
Kdybych si všimnul hned, že ten banner má 200kB, tak jsem ho už dávno odstranil. Chtělo by to trošku ohleduplnosti k uživatelům s pomalým připojením, jak psal Atronach. S pixelama to ale nemá co dělat.
on i ten jeho avatar, na ten rozmer, neni zrovna malej :)
ad EQ3 - ono je nekde nejaky info/oznameni nebo neco? vim akorat o EQ filmu.
Tady máš link na připravovaný EQ3 ,ale je to zatím tajné SOE to všelijak maskuje a zatím jen pro US a CANADU
GW(20 2x), L2 EU(50+,Spoil 40+), EQ2 US(2x80), VG-uz nikdy Fury-Beta AoC-Beta Back WoW ofik Twink 19+,29+39+49+59+69+
World of WarCraft, WoW, WoWko. Fenomén jenž ovládl herní branži. S nedávným příchodem datadisku Burning Crusade se počet platících hráčů přehoupl přes 10 miliónů. Jde pořád jen o hru nebo je v tom něco víc?
New Member
285 Posts |
Posted - 09/10/2007 : 17:56:15
quote: Originally posted by Milacekimperia
Tady máš link na připravovaný EQ3 ,ale je to zatím tajné SOE to všelijak maskuje a zatím jen pro US a CANADU
no nevim nevim, jestli tim potěšíš příznivce Everquestu, SOE to maskuje fakt drsně ...ale jako fórek zajímavý - prdnout sem link na prodejnu nábytku, lol
| |
Edited by - spajdr on 09/10/2007 19:17:35 |
3400 Posts |
Posted - 09/10/2007 : 19:17:53
quote: Originally posted by Murdy
quote: Originally posted by Milacekimperia
Tady máš link na připravovaný EQ3 ,ale je to zatím tajné SOE to všelijak maskuje a zatím jen pro US a CANADU
no nevim nevim, jestli tim potěšíš příznivce Everquestu, SOE to maskuje fakt drsně ...ale jako fórek zajímavý - prdnout sem link na prodejnu nábytku, lol
Tak to je EQ3 housing, jak to bude vypadat
Edited by - spajdr on 09/10/2007 19:18:13 |
Starting Member
15 Posts |
Posted - 30/10/2007 : 15:23:37
lol, min. grafika od GF 8800 :) |
Crux, priest,lvl 60,Drak'Thul - retired Altharan, paladin, lvl 67 Drak'Thul - retired 15.3.2007 |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 26/11/2007 : 12:52:42
hraje nekdo a muze poskytnout nejaky strucny popis soucasne situace ? no tak si odpovim sam, novinky na strankach vg jsou pomerne zmatene nicmene nekdy ze zacatku listopadu je toto
Let Yourself Free and Make This Game Great!
These are pretty exciting times for Vanguard right now. The team is currently putting the finishing touches on Phase 2 and 3 of Update 3 after having launched an astounding performance update in Phase 1. We received a lot of great feedback from you on Phase 1, and we're going to continue our focus in delivering consistently high quality, engaging and in-demand content in each update.
I'd like to introduce myself to many of you that do not know me. My name is Thom Terrazas, Producer for Vanguard. In a few words, I've been with Sony Online Entertainment over 9 years (unofficially). During that time, I have and still do work, with some of the greatest people in the MMO world of whom I intend to solicit feedback from and use to my advantage. One of the best things that I have learned in this industry is to work closely with your team, while at the same time allow them to do their jobs and show off their talents – and we have some amazingly passionate and talented developers working on Vanguard. I give them a lot of credit for launching an MMO of this caliber, and you'll continue to see their talents shining through in our future updates.
The Team's Current Focus
In the past few weeks, the team has been examining all of the fundamental game mechanics and discussing what we think it is fun to play and what is not. The great thing is we are not holding anything back – everything is fair game!. So something that may have been perceived as off limits in the past, is now an open for debate and is able to be measured on the fun-factor-scale. At the end of the day, we all want to say we created a great game that is fun to play – and of course, we want you to be the measuring stick of whether or not and to what extent we meet that goal. Without you, we wouldn't be here.
One of our current priority tasks is setting the Vision for Vanguard. We've come up with dozens upon dozens of elements that we believe will factor into determining the future path of Vanguard but it will take a few more weeks of fine tuning within our internal departments before we distill it down to the vision and have an agreed on list of critical success factors by which to measure all new development against. I'm not able to share the details at the moment but what I can say is that the desired end result of this exercise is to ensure that we produce high-quality game content and features that first and foremost fun to play.
Areas that we're going to make changes to
Optimizations; stability; optimizations; stability; optimizations; stability. I may be wrong but I think I see a pattern here. J Hey let's face it, Vanguard had some performance issues but we've made huge leaps since launch. If you've played since beta, you'll know what I'm talking about. If you had problems at launch and you haven't been back recently, you've got to give Vanguard another try. See for yourself how much has improved.
This bone is connected to that bone…Well, not any more!
Future optimization work you'll be seeing from us is focused on enhancing and optimizing our Player Character models. If you have a weak stomach, you may want to look away for a minute if you are closely attached to your character. (just kidding J ) Seriously though, we're going through our first phase of character model improvements that will eliminate unnecessary bones. What does this mean for you? This means that your computer will not have to work as hard to render each character which means faster performance all around.
We're bringing sexy back…
After phase one is complete, we'll be moving onto phase two where we'll be increasing the visual quality of our character models. Not only will we be delivering you a character that is more appealing to the eye, but we'll also be delivering a model that utilizes less resources and is easier on your computer. Again, win-win for everyone! A brief update on this is that we're almost complete on our visual improvements with human characters and we'll be moving onto adjustments to animations and to the different body types.
Grouping! Traveling! "Dude, where's my car mount?"
Holy smokes ~ the world of Telon is huge! And we recognize this. There are some fundamental challenges with a world of this size. It's difficult to meet up with other players on opposite sides of the world (especially if you haven't been there before); there are large areas between points of interest; the Riftway system doesn't display where and how you can use it ahead of time and you have to have a mount fairly early in order to explore and travel, etc… If you and your buddy log in to play together and you find yourselves spending more time trying to connect with each other than actually playing, there is something missing. It should be easy to group up in Vanguard. We know there are problems and we're discussing how to fix them right now. (Details coming soon!)
Feel rewarded
We're looking into the loot drop percentages and realize we've been a little cheap when it comes to loot rewards. We're going to tune this upward particularly at the lower levels and examine the mid and higher levels as well. At the end of your play session, we want you to feel like you accomplished something and were rewarded for the time you invested while playing.
Feel accomplished
Whether you log in and play for 30 minutes or for 3 hours, you should see and feel that you advanced your character. Now don't get me wrong. We don't want to create an "easy button" when it comes to leveling up but we definitely need to expedite the experience gain cycle to increase fun factor. We've made some steps already by adding Rest Experience and the ability to share experience within your Brotherhood, so we'll keep those in mind when discussing the percentage increase that we should take it up to in the near future.
Vanguard doesn't have enough tactics. We want to make changes in our combat tactics and one tactic or ability that comes to mind is Stun. Stunning an NPC while they are in the middle of casting a spell needs to be available during battle. This is an essential part of warfare tactics and we're going to fix items similar to this.
Death Penalties, do we need them to be so severe?
We're talking about this now and we think that there are enough penalties to dieing that we don't need to sock it to you with a loss of experience. I know there may be some purists or hard-core gamers out there that may disagree, but we think that we can offset the experience loss with item degradation combined with the hurdles of traveling back to the location where you died.
What else is coming?
In no particular order, here are a number of topics we are evaluating for change and improvement:
* Additional player housing * Improved map; map icons that distinctly show points of interest * City and Dungeon maps * Readily available information showing you where you can adventure at your level * Factions in towns * Consistency - Streamlining hand off quests that lead you in the proper direction for character progression * Changing some buff spells to group based * Combat Visual Timing – Improve the timing on combat responsiveness (when you click on an ability, the action performed is in sync) * Player power curve versus NPC power curve * The ease of obtaining bags (especially at lower levels) * Additional high-end content – Raid and Non-Raid content * Increasing the Quest Journal size – Also adding organizational tabs to distinguish Adventuring quests from Diplomacy and Crafting quests * Regional banks – remove them! * UI improvements * Alternate form of currency – Special "coins" to redeem at certain Vendors for obtaining items such as adventuring, diplomacy cards, titles, potions, etc. * Alternate advancement or specialization for your character
How do you get a say in all of this?
I think I've exposed many topics that we'll be working on in the near future. I hope that you will find some of these issues at the top of your list of desired changes as well. However, if they are not at the top of your list, please feel free to post your comments regarding this newsletter in the discussion thread on our Vanguard forums.
Also, we're going to be posting more frequently on the forums to keep you informed and to answer questions that are on topic with our development focus. We understand that you have valuable feedback and when you do not hear a response back on a topic, it can be very frustrating. We're responsible for keeping you informed and we'll make changes in that area.
If I was in charge….
As an added bonus to you, we will be opening up a new Forum that is dedicated to you as a player and as our future developer. Essentially, we want to know what you would do with Vanguard if you were in the driver seat. It will be really cool for us to see the ideas and changes that you would make to the game if given the opportunity. So stay tuned to a Vanguard Forum near you!
As always, thank you for your continued support. We look forward to providing you with our continuing commitment to making this game great! |
lastfm |
Edited by - Rashaverak on 27/11/2007 12:07:21 |
New Member
136 Posts |
Posted - 28/11/2007 : 14:04:07
No ja hraju porad ta hra me dotedka neomrzela no :) |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 28/11/2007 : 14:34:35
quote: Originally posted by Itchyl
No ja hraju porad ta hra me dotedka neomrzela no :)
no a jak to ve hre vypada treba s lidmi nebo zmenami za posledni mesic ? |
lastfm |
New Member
136 Posts |
Posted - 28/11/2007 : 15:14:56
Jak uz jsem tu jednou nekde psal s lidma je to celkem v pohode myslim ze jich je celkem dost alespon na mem 47 lvlu a okolo nej a jsem s nima spokojen. Sehnat grupu myslim neni problem. Myslim ale ze daleko vic lidi je na nissich levlech ( alti ) diky chybejicimu raidu ktery je pro me to jedine co ve hre zatim neni ale snad uz uz uz bude. Ale to asi vi kazdej. Myslim ze contentu je fakt dost ale znam spis Thestru. Co se tyce optimalizace tak dobry ale asi jak kde. Treba zrovna vcera jsem byl v dungu ve Swamp of Morog a jeste 2 party vseci v jedne (nadherne-byl jsem tam poprve a nadsen:)) jeskyni a mel jsem stablne 30fps a prisaham snad bez jedineho seku.(mam 4200+,2GB ram, GF7950 512 a hraju to na high) Oproti tomu stale treba New Targonor na nejnissi detail co to jde nastavit coz ma vliv pouze na fps a ne na sek sek sek sek nez se to cele srovna a probehne pak uz to jede perfekt no klasika.Nevim co jinyho bys chtel vedet neni proste RAID a lidi na nej ktery to diky tomu aspon co znam z MDK zabalil.S ostatnim jsem taknejak spokojen. Bugy?:) pro me nic ceho bych si nejak vsimal nebo co by me nejak omezovalo ale tomu ani nikdo verit nebude... Jestli te zajima neco konkretniho tak zkusim odpovedet. |
Edited by - Itchyl on 28/11/2007 15:21:32 |
New Member
136 Posts |
Posted - 28/11/2007 : 15:26:22
Jinak v jinem topic ZDENDA napsal: Ahoj jen jedna otazecka Taky se vam zvedne FPS pri zapnuti HDR(high dynamic range)? V Khalu jsem mel kolem 7fps a jak zapnu hdr mam 22fps Nikdy predtim zadny narust(nehral jsem to 1M.) karta puvodni......
Toto jsem zkousel a je to pravda kdyz to zapnu vyskoci mi to asi o 10 fps UP:) |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 29/11/2007 : 09:48:28
zajima me konkretne jestli je patrny treba narust nebo ubytek hracu, ci jestli je znam pocet subscriberu |
lastfm |
New Member
136 Posts |
Posted - 29/11/2007 : 14:22:37
quote: Originally posted by Rashaverak
zajima me konkretne jestli je patrny treba narust nebo ubytek hracu, ci jestli je znam pocet subscriberu
Co na to rict. Nemam samozrejme tuseni kolik lidi skutecne hraje, ale pokud jde o lidi od spojeni serveru kdy narust byl okamzite vsude videt vcetne zabrani vetsiny pozemku tak ubytek od te doby jsem urcite nezaznamenal. Jinak musim rict ze takhle perfekte vyvedene a obri quildovi baraky jsem jeste nevidel a asi ani neuvidim proste pecka to se musi videt. |
New Member
111 Posts |
Posted - 30/11/2007 : 12:10:05
Od Lupity vim ze v main time je celkem 50 tisic lidi na servrech. Ktera ma info od GMka.
Dalsi info co si lidi pisi je ze behem par tydnu ma vyjit ostrov pro lidi co si chteji Van. vyzkouset bez toho aby platily za celou hru. A spolecne stim uvolni konecne Raid zony. |
†Magna venit nulli sine magno fama labore† aneb bez prace nejsou kolace |
Edited by - chariot on 30/11/2007 12:15:07 |
Average Member
1833 Posts |
Posted - 01/12/2007 : 13:50:31
quote: Originally posted by chariot
Od Lupity vim ze v main time je celkem 50 tisic lidi na servrech. Ktera ma info od GMka.
hahaha :( a kdo tomu veri at se prihlasi...
btw: (c/p z ofiko for)
First of all I should say I started playing Vanguard in 2005 (Beta) as I was invited to join as an Affiliate of Sigil's for running my oceanic vanguard site "AusGuard" ( )
I talked to developers on a daily basis through the affiliate forum and thought I was helping to shape the best MMO this world was going to see for years.
Now irregardless of this game launching early I think its safe to say that 99% of the playerbase is unhappy with the amount of updates the game has received since its release.
1. No Website updates on state of the game since "Main Patch 2"
2. Up until two months ago you could dupe items and coin with ease and never be caught
3. There are still 100's of characters with banks filled with duped items and duped coin that have not been caught or prosecuted even though all their items have the same item ID. (ie: Look at Sartok auction house resources or just stuff like skarn or warped timber, link the items into your bar then look at the ID, there all duped =p )
4. They nerfed the exp twice now making the game very easy to level and yet again there thinking of doing it again for god knows what reason...
5. Anyone with one google search can download a program to teleport around the world or run at 10023489237 miles an hour.
6. They fired half the team and now only 25 people are working on the game, most which arnt actually coders.
7. They think their player base is "out of touch" with current MMO's. - Horribly offensive statement if you ask me.
8. THEIR ADDING INSTANCING - (Or as they love to call it "shards" of talk about political spin =p)
9. Log on to Sartok at night to find 2 people in khal, one of them will be yourself, the other is just on his trader.
Ahh sigh ill stop there but I could go on in detail forever....
The game has now died so I really shouldnt really waste more time making this post but I just wanted to know from other players or ex-players how cheated they truely feel?
Its just a horribly sad reality when you spent so much time playing and helping shape a game that turned out to be an unwanted turd in some bathroom cubicle at SoE.
My opinion is for SoE to get out of the game business, they ruined SWG, made a terrible sequal to EQ and now destroyed Vanguard.
GG SoE, stick to music.
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2007 : 11:02:36
z toho sameho fora me zaujalo i toto
o. 3rd Party Programs(VG Buddy, Crafting/Diplo BOTS) - duhhh, i'm the captain! No wait, i'm the crappy programmer
o. You have the audacity to tell YOUR OWN PLAYER BASE, that they are 'out of touch' with MMO's. YOU ARE THE ONES OUT OF TOUCH WITH MMO'S IDIOTS, THAT'S WHY YOUR GAME IS DEAD.
o. YOU FINALLY START BANNING/SUSPENDING PEOPLE - Not because you're being provided in-game video footage of players and entire guilds hacking with 3rd party programs, but because they're AFK AT THE CHARACTER SELECTION SCREEN.
o. So what you're left with now, SoE - on Sartok anyway - are the people that do exploit, the people that do using hack programs and the people that can't believe how sh*t house this game has actually become. WELL DONE. |
lastfm |
Edited by - Rashaverak on 02/12/2007 11:03:21 |
Junior Member
777 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2007 : 16:12:31
Takze koukam vse pri starem. |
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2007 : 22:01:08
quote: Originally posted by chariot
Od Lupity vim ze v main time je celkem 50 tisic lidi na servrech. Ktera ma info od GMka.
Dalsi info co si lidi pisi je ze behem par tydnu ma vyjit ostrov pro lidi co si chteji Van. vyzkouset bez toho aby platily za celou hru. A spolecne stim uvolni konecne Raid zony.
ne spis 5000 tisic?
;p |
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Average Member
1833 Posts |
Posted - 03/12/2007 : 10:03:30
quote: Originally posted by nekrotyrael
quote: Originally posted by chariot
Od Lupity vim ze v main time je celkem 50 tisic lidi na servrech. Ktera ma info od GMka.
Dalsi info co si lidi pisi je ze behem par tydnu ma vyjit ostrov pro lidi co si chteji Van. vyzkouset bez toho aby platily za celou hru. A spolecne stim uvolni konecne Raid zony.
ne spis 5000 tisic?
Taky hodim nejaky info s informacni hodnotou Chariotova prispevku:
No ja (i prez ty oskliva nepekna slovicka z for) vim od Dupity ze v main time je celkem 500 tisic lidi na servrech. Ktera ma info od Brada. |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
Starting Member
25 Posts |
Posted - 05/12/2007 : 12:30:58
quote: Originally posted by brutus
quote: Originally posted by nekrotyrael
quote: Originally posted by chariot
Od Lupity vim ze v main time je celkem 50 tisic lidi na servrech. Ktera ma info od GMka.
Dalsi info co si lidi pisi je ze behem par tydnu ma vyjit ostrov pro lidi co si chteji Van. vyzkouset bez toho aby platily za celou hru. A spolecne stim uvolni konecne Raid zony.
ne spis 5000 tisic?
Taky hodim nejaky info s informacni hodnotou Chariotova prispevku:
No ja (i prez ty oskliva nepekna slovicka z for) vim od Dupity ze v main time je celkem 500 tisic lidi na servrech. Ktera ma info od Brada.
No ja nevim jestli je na serveru 500000 nebo 500 lidi online, kdyz se prihlasim, ale rozhodne vim, ze v kazdem chunku s dungeonem ci quest hubem najdu v prumeru od 20 do 70ti lidi online. Tj dost na to sehnat grupu pripadne bejt nastvanej, ze me vyziraj to co bych rad ja. Nechapu funkci tohoto topicu, kde se vyjadruje 90% nehrajicich odborniku na ekonomiku hry. Znamena to, ze kdyz si nekdo klonuje UR suroviny ci mece, ze ja bych se nemel u hry bavit ? Je me to uplne jedno, protoze ze zacatku na ty jeho kramy nemam a pozdeji je ziskam tak jako tak. Predpokladam, ze kdyz se nekdo pta co se ve hre zmenilo zajima ho prave nazor tech co hrajou, protoze prohledat fora si muze klidne sam. Takze ted muj nazor na hru. Podle meho se hraje porad stejne jak na zacatku. Vetsina provedenych zmen jen koriguje viditelne chyby pripadne se snazi napravit ekonomiku (oboji bezuspesne). Zasahy do charakteru jsou spise jen kosmeticke a neni podle meho ani snaha o balancovani. Jinak receno chces solo/group udelej si podle toho postavu. Hra uz tolik nepada, ale pad do desktopu dokazu vynutit kdykoli. Reakce adminu na bugy prakticky nulova (asi jim reportuju co nechtej slyset). Co hre, ale stale schazi je top obsah. Ted nemluvim o raidu, ale proste o normalnich lvl 50 questech, kde bych se misto honby za expem mohl bavit jen pribehem. Nic takoveho tu vlastne neni a prakticky kazda top zona me nuti do zblbnuti grindovat dungeony. To bych videl ze sveho pohledu jako nejvetsi problem.
Jestli se nekdo bude chtit zeptat na neco konkretniho ze hry rad mu odpovim.
Konipas necro50, Kolecko paladin50, Noelika bard49 |
2784 Posts |
Posted - 05/12/2007 : 23:48:47
mate nekdo zpravy z ffa serveru? Porad sou necro peti 6ti dotovy? Shamani bojujou v invis? /levitace+invis/ zkratka sere soe na pvp, tak jak na nej srala? |
Dorlas TESO CzH, MdK, ReD, Ragnarok, Pohodari, Multa Nocent UO, SWG, WoW, VG, AoC, DF, EQ2, Rift, Swtor, GW2, Daoc - inactive
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 06/12/2007 : 13:34:13
pvp neresi vubec ani trochu, zadna balance, pokud vim pvp servery byly mergnute vsechny do jednoho jaky je tam ruleset nevim ale tak nejak pochybuju ze ffa |
lastfm |
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 07/12/2007 : 11:34:17
quote: Originally posted by Rashaverak
pvp neresi vubec ani trochu, zadna balance, pokud vim pvp servery byly mergnute vsechny do jednoho jaky je tam ruleset nevim ale tak nejak pochybuju ze ffa
mno nahodou ffa je :) ne ze by teda necemu pomohlo! ;p |
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Topic |