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 Chapter 8: TCPrime/TestCenter Updates
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Posted - 13/12/2007 :  09:00:29  Show Profile  Send robiwan an ICQ Message Send robiwan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Doladovanie Chapter 8 na TC...

Chapter 8: TCPrime/TestCenter Updates (12.12.2007)

Nova Orion Station:

• Fixed region code string for waypoints.


• Resources increased to craft Mark 2 and Mark 3 versions of the gunship capacitors.
• Added flight computers to gunships.
• Removed an extra weapon that was not functioning.

Naboo N-1 Starfighter:

• Certification string added for pilot profession wheel.


• Tiers 6 thru 10 have had their XP and Credits averaged out to be more in line with the first five tiers.
• Final mission for "Vothinyak" is no longer a convoy mission; it is now an escort mission.
• The Blackguard no longer displays tier.
• Removed the reference to Y-8 in name and description of the mining capacitor and reactor, since they may be equipped on more ships than just the Y-8.


• Players will now see the correct icons for the new Hanging Light Collection.
• Renegade fighters and bombers will now update their collection properly.

Beast Master:

• Fixed an issue where level 90 beasts could stop gaining loyalty.


• Reverse Engineering (ground): Corrected an issue that prevented you from adding Camouflage or Block Value as the 2nd or 3rd modifier when creating multi-stat Skill Enhancing Attachments.

User Interface:

• /findcontrollers will now do the same thing as hitting the "Find Controllers" button in the Controls tab of the Options control.
• Joysticks are now hot swappable. There is a 10 second delay if you happen to accidentally unplug your controller, but after that you will have to ask the client to find the controller again.


• Space zone waypoints can now be created with the /waypoint command from any planet/zone. Also, Kashyyyk and Mustafar waypoints can now be created with the /waypoint command from any planet/zone. In summary, the following lists the planet/zone name that you can pass to the /waypoint command (i.e. "/waypoint <planet/zone name> ..."SMILEY<img src=" /> to create the waypoint on the specified planet/zone.

- tatooine -> Tatooine
- naboo -> Naboo
- corellia -> Corellia
- rori -> Rori
- talus -> Talus
- yavin4 -> Yavin4
- endor -> Endor
- lok -> Lok
- dantooine -> Dantooine
- dathomir -> Dathomir
- kachirho -> Kashyyyk (Kachirho)
- etyyy -> Kashyyyk (Etyyy, the Hunting Grounds) khowir -> Kashyyyk (Khowir Forest) mustafar -> Mustafar

- space_tatooine -> Tatoo System
- space_naboo -> Naboo System
- space_corellia -> Corellian System
- space_deep -> Deep Space (PvP Enabled)
- space_kessel -> Kessel System (PvP Enabled)
- space_yavin4 -> Yavin System
- space_endor -> Endor System
- space_lok -> Karthakk System (Lok)
- space_dantooine -> Dantooine System
- space_dathomir -> Dathomir System
- space_kashyyyk -> Kashyyyk Space
- space_nova_orion -> Ord Mantell (Nova Orion Sector)


• Continue work on fixing improperly referenced terrain textures in the terrain shaders.

I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time.
(Omnius Evermind)
Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)


1035 Posts

Posted - 15/12/2007 :  09:58:34  Show Profile  Send robiwan an ICQ Message Send robiwan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Chapter 8: TCPrime/TestCenter Updates (14.12.2007)


• The difficulty of NPC ships tiers 6-10 has been increased.
• Asteroids have been added back in for the space zones of Corellia, Dantooine, Dathomi, Kashyyyk, Tatooine, and Yavin 4.


• Added checks to disallow collectible space components from being placed in a player inventory or POB loot box when it is already at capacity.
• Removed critical failures from the following Space Collection Reward Limited Use Schematics: Mark 1-5 Booster, Mark 1-5 Capacitor, Mark 1-5 Engine, Mark 1-5 Reactor, Gunship Cargo Hold, POB Lounge and chair, Imperial Gunship, Rebel Gunship, Privateer Gunship.
• Rebel, Imperial, Black Sun, Droid, Hidden Daggers and Void Wing Kill collection tool tips now include reward schematics.
• Removed prerequisite Tier completion from the space collection components. You can now collect space components of any tier without having completed lesser tiers.
• Sistros Statue is now collectible.


• Gunship yaw, pitch, and roll values have been reduced.
• Gunship Armor Mark 1 HP and Armor values fixed from 40000-60000 when they should be 40000-50000.

User Interface:

• Joystick timeout has been removed due to various issues players were experiencing. No longer will any joystick that is found by the client ever be removed due to inactivity.
• Users may have a max of 6 controllers connected to client per session. Any more than that and you'll have to remove some of the joysticks, and restart the client with the new joysticks attached.
• Gimbal has been tweaked. The "flickering" issue should be prevented in most cases. We have still been able to get flickering with the ARC-170 in certain scenarios and we are currently looking into why that specific ship is causing problems.
• /showinstanceinfo will now show information about what instances you and your group mates are flagged to enter.


• Fixed an issue where sometime the /findFriend and survey waypoint do not display the correct distance in the waypoint monitor.

Character Builder Terminal:

• The Character Builder Terminal now has asteroid resources.


• Fixed a bug where if you had sound disabled, you could not flourish.


• Altered subcomponents on 'Whistler' Modified Carbine.
• The certification levels for Mark 1 - 4 collection component reward schematics were corrected. You will no longer craft unintended certification levels from these schematics.
• Fixed a bug that caused the player's inventory to be re-sorted when using incubators, installing cybernetics, or crafting.
• Fixed a bug that prevented some self-buffs and heals from being used when targeting a dead creature.

I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time.
(Omnius Evermind)
Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)

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1035 Posts

Posted - 21/12/2007 :  09:07:13  Show Profile  Send robiwan an ICQ Message Send robiwan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Chapter 8: TCPrime/TestCenter Updates (20.12.2007)

Player Cities:

• Fixed an issue with mayors not being able to pick up city decorations.


• Creatures now obey line of sight rules when calling for help.
• The special attack animation for bol, dewback, and bolma has been tweaked. It's no longer animating super fast.
• Carbine animations now shoot particles properly again.
• Weapon glow effects will no longer display while cloaked.
• Combat spam for Damage over Time effects will now tell you how much (if any) damage was absorbed and resisted.


• Placed a temporary Force Shui Painting #2 outside of the building where the errant painting resides. The final location for the painting will be changed at a later date.
• Hanging Light #8 (Collection, Style 2) is now collectible.
• Changes have been made to the Entertainer Collection (Build-A-Buff Workshop).

Space - General:

• Fixed a bug where ship components that were not actually in the player's inventory would be shown in the ship terminal component management window.
• Adjusted the amount of ground experience gained for killing enemy NPCs in space.
• Removed the quest complete window that would pop-up when a space mission was completed. For example, if you were on a Nova Orion quest, and you completed the first portion (a patrol mission), you will no longer get the quest complete window that requires you to push Accept.
• Star Destroyer and ships in Deep Space will now function properly.
• The space loot system no longer tells the player they have received credits when they haven't due to a player having a full inventory. The player now receives a system message stating their inventory or loot box is full.
• Naboo N-1 Starfighter: Added missing booster audio and added missing contrails to secondary engine type.
• X-Wing Texture Kits: Added the ability to use the texture kits on Advanced X-Wings.
• YT-1300: Changed the elite engine appearance to use the first engine appearance instead of the second.
• YT-2400: Changed the engine appearances of the broken second engine to the first engine appearance.
• Ship Texture Kit: Removed gunships and Naboo N-1 from the texture kit. Added the YT-2400.

Space - Collections:

• Space Collection Component Schematics added to Test Center frog to allow for balance testing.
• Renegade Publish Spawn are closer to the Tatooine Station now, and they have increased in numbers!
• Space Collection Reward Engine Schematics will now have better balanced stats for speed, pitch, yaw and roll.
• Removed Tier 1-5 of all space kill collections. A new 'Quota Progress Collection' for each of the 6 space kill collections will track your progress. Once all 5 tiers are completed the final reward(s) are issued. Due to the fact the collections are changed dramatically, any player that has previously finished any tier of any of the new space kill collections will need to report to a protocol droid outside of the Theed Space Port for corrective measures.
• Upped the space crafting quota reward schematics from 1 use to 3 uses. These schematics are rewarded to traders once successfully fulfilling their crafting collections.
• Space inventory collectible components now have different appearance color than existing loot components so pilots can tell the difference between a collectible and a real component.


• Turret flipping from rear to front is now fixed for the Imperial Gunship.
• Imperial Gunship: Top turrets changed to 360 degree rotation.
• Players may now equip a chaff launcher in the pilot gun slot on all three gunship types.
• Added sound effect to the Rebel Gunship while using boosters.
• The storage maximum for gunships has been increased to 150.

Nova Orion Station:

• Weapon engineering crews for both Nova and Orion have found a critical flaw in the crafting process of their respective weapons. With this flaw fixed, damage output for both have increased greatly. Be sure to pick yours up today!
• Sub-light engineers for Nova Orion Industries discovered a flaw in their crafting algorithms. This flaw could have seriously unbalanced ship stability if their schematics had made it to mass production. Engines from Nova and Orion now have increased Mass and Energy Maintenance costs. Nova focused on having the mass not rise as much, while Orion focuses on slowing the Energy Maintenance costs.

Now all stats for Nova are increased over Mk Vs by 3-5% but the mass will increase by 7% and Energy Maintenance will increase by 9%.

Now all stats for Orion are increased over Mk Vs by 3-5% but the mass will increase by 9% and Energy Maintenance will increase by 7%.

Be sure to purchase yours today!

Trader/Beast Master:

• The Structure Helper monkey will only buff structure skills, like architect.
• A new Helper Monkey was created with shipwright-only skill mods on it.
• Munitions: Altered subcomponents on Lamprey Pistol.


• Corrected an issue that could leave someone unable to recieve buffs from an entertainer until they logged off and back in again.

User Interface:

• The overhead map now automatically closes when entering a turret/pilot chair/operations station.
• Advanced Decoration: Added /rotateFurniture SAVE <save slot # (1 to 10)> and /rotateFurniture RESTORE <save slot # (1 to 10)> to allow saving an object's rotation information into 1 of 10 "rotation save slots", and then later applying the saved rotation information to another object.
• Advanced Decoration: Furniture move and rotate commands can now be performed while stealthed.
• Objects will now automatically stack when placed into a wearable container, even if the wearable container is not equipped (e.g., it's in your house).

I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time.
(Omnius Evermind)
Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)

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1035 Posts

Posted - 09/01/2008 :  10:03:13  Show Profile  Send robiwan an ICQ Message Send robiwan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Chapter 8: TCPrime/TestCenter Updates (08.01.2008)

Storage Deeds:

• Storage deeds can now be used on POB ships. Storage deeds can be redeemed from a POB ship terminal or from the ship's control device in a datapad. Ships cannot be re-deeded until all storage deeds are removed.

Group Loot:

• Corrected an issue with the lotto loot group loot setting where a player going link dead would result in items on the corpse not transferring properly to the winner.

Beast Master:

• Noxious Vrelt Scavengers will now stuff correctly.

User Interface:

• Credit and bank values now can be delimited via a token of your choice (comma or period). This option is turned off by default, but you can turn it on via the Options -> Misc panel.


• The Show Snare Messages checkbox now works as expected.


• Saber Block may now be activated with any weapon, though the full benefit will only be realized when using a lightsaber.

Advanced Decoration:

• Players can right-click the examine window to rotate objects in their house. While examining an object that can be manipulated in the player's house, right-clicking the window will spawn a menu with options if the needed collections have been completed.
• Added left/and right move furniture commands in the Move radial sub-menu, and slash commands /moveFurniture left and /moveFurniture right.


• The Build a Buff UI will no longer allow entertainers to apply buffs with no effects in them.
• The Build a Buff UI now properly resets the used points when opening (you don't have to hit the clear button every time anymore).


• Ship component management window slot names for gunships now reflect the fact that countermeasures can be loaded into the pilot weapon slots.
• Adjusted roll, yaw, pitch, and speed stats up on Collection Engines Mark 1 - 5.
• Increased spawns for Imperial, Rebel, Black Sun, Hidden Daggers, and Void Wing Capital Ships.
• Advanced X-wing should now display the collection boosters properly when equipped.
• Non-aligned Tier 3 Merc A-wings no longer count as Tier 3 Rebel kill collection A-wings. Imperial and Rebel Corvettes found in Ord Mantell space (Nova Orion) will now count toward Space Kill collections.
• Droid Ships now display a more descriptive name for space kill collections.
• The Imperial Decimators will no longer give Rebel players kill collection credit as a gunboat.


• Naming a building, crafted item or backpack in a player's inventory now ignores any leading @'s. @'s that are not at the start of the name are unaffected. For example: "@my house" will now be treated as "my house", "party @ my place" will still be "party @ my place" and " @home" will remain " @home" (notice the space).
• Fixed a bug that would cause inventory and examine windows to display incorrect usability information after changing characters.
• Collection titles no longer show as code string.
• The Jedi located near a potted planet has been moved outside of his hut. He is now attackable.

I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time.
(Omnius Evermind)
Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)

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Posted - 09/01/2008 :  11:53:25  Show Profile  Visit Dromedarr's Homepage  Send Dromedarr an ICQ Message Send Dromedarr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Build a Buff UI now properly resets the used points when opening (you don't have to hit the clear button every time anymore).

YAY! a ze jim to trvalo :)

SWG, Europe-Farstar - Drom, Losos, Efiss, Casia' - R.I.P. SWG
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Darth Nihilus

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Posted - 09/01/2008 :  14:49:33  Show Profile  Send Dreik an ICQ Message Send Dreik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
me to tohle nikdy neudelalo ... maximalne ze mi nesli pridavat body tak sem musel zrusit a zacit znova

Akhemar Sarin-Eclipse-AHC-Bounty Hunter
Lusankya Sarin-Eclipse-Entertainer
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Posted - 09/01/2008 :  15:15:13  Show Profile  Visit Dromedarr's Homepage  Send Dromedarr an ICQ Message Send Dromedarr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
lol, dyt jo :) vzdycky, kdyz se buffuje, tak se musi odtargetovat a prokliknout buff naprazdno

SWG, Europe-Farstar - Drom, Losos, Efiss, Casia' - R.I.P. SWG
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Darth Nihilus

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Posted - 09/01/2008 :  17:43:42  Show Profile  Send Dreik an ICQ Message Send Dreik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
jo takle ... ja sem z toho pochopil ze jim tam zustaval buff odminula nebo tak neco ...

Akhemar Sarin-Eclipse-AHC-Bounty Hunter
Lusankya Sarin-Eclipse-Entertainer
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Posted - 10/01/2008 :  07:56:05  Show Profile Send Shamirr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by robiwan

• Adjusted roll, yaw, pitch, and speed stats up on Collection Engines Mark 1 - 5.

Zas je ten motor naprd. Už sú s tým trapný. To vážne nevedia nastaviť tak aby za niečo stál a súčasne nebol totálne uletený? Takýmto tempom to buď budú robiť do leta, alebo to vypustia nedorobené. A vôbec, načo tam dali motor, tie sú celkom v pohode už teraz. Radšej tam mali dať poriadny MarkV štít, alebo blaster (tá zbraň čo tam je teraz je vtip a nie zbraň).
Jsem znechucen...

SWG: Shamirr Norrag (*10.6.2005 +9.7.2008) - Imperial Commando, Imperial Ace Pilot; Xandara Norrag (*11.8.2006 +9.7.2008) - Trader, Freelancer Pilot
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Posted - 12/01/2008 :  09:01:16  Show Profile  Send robiwan an ICQ Message Send robiwan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Chapter 8: TCPrime/TestCenter Updates (11.01.2008)

Nova Orion:

• The engineers at Nova Orion have made some more breakthroughs on their prototype weapons:

- Decreased average mass on Nova and Orion weapons.
- Decreased average energy maintenance for Nova and Orion weapons.
- Increased armor damage on Nova Ion Cannons.
- Increased shield damage on Orion Disruptors.

• Fixed a bug with turrets not firing on Vaine Prowlers and Vaine Enforcers.
• Vaine Prowlers and Vaine Enforcers now have a fixed hit box.
• Added Nova Orion engine schematics to the Test Center frog.
• The names and descriptions for Nova and Orion weapons were reversed, and have now been fixed.
• The Orion mission "Spring the Trap" has had its nav points spread further apart to allow for a little more difficulty.
• Fixed Nova Orion band stopping to clap when a player is dancing/playing music nearby.
• Fixed not able to land on Nova Orion from the standard distance of all space stations.


• Removed "Description:" text from Quest Journal when a quest category is selected.
• The Ship Component Management window now properly shows the counter measure packs for gunships allowing the packs to be loaded.
• Waypoints now ignore leading @'s when renaming in the datapad.


• Removed some deprecated stats from grenade crafting.
• Minimum range on all grenades and grenade subcomponents is fixed at 0m.
• Added damage component to Warhead Fusing Mechanism.


• Collection Reward Reactor schematic stats adjusted.
• Collection Reward Capacitor schematic stats adjusted.
• Collection Reward Engine schematic stats adjusted.
• Space Kill Collection Protocol Droid helper removed from Theed.
• Entertainer Build-A-Buff Collection - Collection update chance percentage has been increased.
• Droid Space Kill Collection icons now have different looking icons for each type of droid category.
• The temporary Force Shui Painting has been removed from Wayfar.
• Collection reward quests should now properly display the reward icons in the quest journal and the reward acceptance windows.

Beast Master:

• Fixed a bug with beasts getting XP credit when a player helps them kill a gray conned mob. If the beast kills the mob by themselves, and it is not gray to them, they will still receive credit. This bug was only on TC.


• Imperial Gunship: Turret weapon panels and conduits added.


• Fixed an issue with grenades ignoring their correct cool down groups.
• While using lotto group loot mode credits should always be split between all eligible group members even when no individuals specifically select to loot the credits.
• Backs on all paintings have been added.

I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time.
(Omnius Evermind)
Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)

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Posted - 12/01/2008 :  10:24:11  Show Profile Send Kimar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by robiwan


• Entertainer Build-A-Buff Collection - Collection update chance percentage has been increased.

No ne, to bude mit ent i takovy buff? Konecne neco co pomuze pri lootovani holocronu a pod
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Posted - 12/01/2008 :  13:48:18  Show Profile Send Quartax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kimar

Originally posted by robiwan


• Entertainer Build-A-Buff Collection - Collection update chance percentage has been increased.

No ne, to bude mit ent i takovy buff? Konecne neco co pomuze pri lootovani holocronu a pod

Ne, ne podle tohohle se zvýšilo procento aktualizace kolekce :)

Quartax Xarys - SWG.Eclipse

Edited by - Quartax on 12/01/2008 14:42:45
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Posted - 12/01/2008 :  15:00:02  Show Profile  Visit Dromedarr's Homepage  Send Dromedarr an ICQ Message Send Dromedarr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
nn, jde o to, ze je nova kolekce pro enty a zvysila se sance ji sehnat

SWG, Europe-Farstar - Drom, Losos, Efiss, Casia' - R.I.P. SWG
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Posted - 15/01/2008 :  07:27:05  Show Profile Send Shamirr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
OMG . Oni to dali na Live! S tými všetkými chybami. To zas bude choas....

SWG: Shamirr Norrag (*10.6.2005 +9.7.2008) - Imperial Commando, Imperial Ace Pilot; Xandara Norrag (*11.8.2006 +9.7.2008) - Trader, Freelancer Pilot
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To jsem ja

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Posted - 15/01/2008 :  08:01:52  Show Profile  Send Almych an ICQ Message Send Almych a Private Message  Reply with Quote
nenenene, nedali to na live, dali to na zbytek testovacich serveru

proc me to neprekvapuje?
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Posted - 15/01/2008 :  15:33:34  Show Profile Send Miky a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Wyndia Creel - Tarkin server

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Posted - 15/01/2008 :  18:11:49  Show Profile  Send Yurekk an ICQ Message Send Yurekk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
právě že poslední dobou to klasika moc nebyla,to co pouštěli na ostrý servery bylo,podle mě (až na vyjímky),celkem vyladěný.

SWG:Dosec soustružník ,Dosec' Yurek JEDI -EU Chimaera server
WWIIOL:Oberstleutnant,Axis side,
DF:Twombly-meč,srp a kladivo
WAR:Yurek pasáček vepřů -Eltharion
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Posted - 17/01/2008 :  10:53:26  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No po nge první chapter který má na live bugy?
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Posted - 17/01/2008 :  12:31:47  Show Profile  Visit Dromedarr's Homepage  Send Dromedarr an ICQ Message Send Dromedarr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
jaky bugy sakra? ja sem nic nezaznamenal

SWG, Europe-Farstar - Drom, Losos, Efiss, Casia' - R.I.P. SWG
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Posted - 18/01/2008 :  07:16:56  Show Profile Send Shamirr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dromedarr

jaky bugy sakra? ja sem nic nezaznamenal

No ono nie sú také zrejmé. Čo som počul:
  • Collection reaktory majú prehnané parametre. L1 sa dá spraviť vraj 1k mass a 20k RGR. To je viac ako skvelý RE L5!

  • Rebelský gunship má vadné okná.

  • N1 (interceptor!) má hitbox väčší ako Firespray.

  • ARC170 ma hitbox menší než JSF. A možno stále bugnuté turety.

  • ...a asi ešte ďalšie detaily.

SWG: Shamirr Norrag (*10.6.2005 +9.7.2008) - Imperial Commando, Imperial Ace Pilot; Xandara Norrag (*11.8.2006 +9.7.2008) - Trader, Freelancer Pilot

Edited by - Shamirr on 18/01/2008 07:18:32
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