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Posted - 12/03/2008 :  10:08:36  Show Profile Send Oralin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Měl bych také dotaz na to mastičkářství. Vůbec se mi to nedaří. Koupil jsem si jedinou možnou lahvičku a všechny možný přísady na úroveň 1.

Do okna vložím lahvičku i main ingredienci a šance na úspěch mi klesne na úplné minimum. Když přidám 1 nebo více vod, tak sice stoupne a pak se pohybuje někde uprostřed, ale stejně nikdy nic úspěšně nedokončím.

Netušíte v čem by mohl být problém?
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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2008 :  10:19:32  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
zozaciatku treba dat do vsetkych troch slotov vodu ..potom sa ti to podari :).. Ako ti bude skilll stupat mozes potom z vody uberat.
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4339 Posts

Posted - 14/03/2008 :  11:37:55  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Trosku drive, ale jeste to pravdepodobne doplnim v nedeli.

Nez zacnu psat svuj "wall of text", rad bych poznamenal, ze jsem stihl zatim lvl 5 Chosen a level 7 Witch Elf. Snazil jsem se k tomu pristupovat s odstupem, bez nejakeho
ovlivnovani jak uz negativnich, tak i pozitivnich nazoru na WAR. Pokusim se to rozdelit do nejakych logickych celku.Jeste bych rad zminil, ze si uvedomuju stadium, ve kterem se hra nachazi. Moc dobre vim, v jake fazi by hra mela byt (faze rozpracovanosti) s ohledem na to, ze hra ma vyjit nejpozdeji koncem cervna. Jsem si jisty, ze jsem nektere features pravdepodobne opomenul, ale berte me jako new playera, ktery nikdy nevi vsechny features hned. Mno uz radeji prikrocim k samotnym prvnim dojmum. :-)

1. Prvni dojmy. I like music :) a Orc jako uvod na zacatku loginu je take pekny, ale ta kvalita. No vizualni stranku zatim ponecham stranou.

2. Vyber postavy. Pevne jsem doufal, ze vyber postav nebude ala WoW, LineAge, Guild Wars atp, ktere davaji na vyber pouze ze sablon. Prostorove reseni postavicek je zajimave, ale
stejne mi neprijde prilis vhodne, bohate by mi postacil klasicky vyber s prezentaci modelu, na ktery jsem klikl. Funkce zoom nefunguje, takze prohlednout si detailne svoji postavicku neni
mozne. Mam rad customizaci svych postav a prohlednuti si jich do detailu. Nemam ve zvyku menit povolani, ktere si jednou vyberu, takze chci mit svou postavu podle sveho napadu a vlastni invence. Prece jenom na to budu koukat 40 levelu a jeste dele.

3. Vizualni stranka hry. Hru hraji na rozliseni 1680x1050 s forcnutym AA 16x a ANISO 16x pres driver settings. Vice to opravdu nejde. Prvni vec, ktera me "uhodila" do oci je
chybejici svetlo. Hra pravdepodobne vyuziva jeden hlavni ambient + pripadne svetlo, kde je treba. Spise o dodatecnem svetlu pochybuju. Z vlastni zkusenosti vim, ze post effecty dokazi
look zvednout o 300%,tzn. z hnusneho udelat opravdu nadhernou vizualni pastvu po oci. Postprocessy jsou zasadni problem, ktere hre chybi, a proto je vizualni stranka hry mdla.
Textury jsou ve nekterych mistech rozplizle a v nekterych pekne a detailni. Libi se mi postavicky, nektere casti jsou opravdu hezky promakane. Prostredi...nevim jak vy, ale prijde mi spoustu veci strasne "nahnahnanych" u sebe. Necitim moc dojem prostoru. Nechci samozrejme cestovat 10 minut za questem, ale chtel bych citit vetsi prostor...vetsi moznost dychat. Questy jsou v rangi 20ti metru a tim to konci (20 metru je samosebou nadsazka). Jsem rad, ze modely zbrani a armoru jsou preci jenom propracovane a ne napriklad ten vybliz, ktery je videt ve WoW. Barevna skala se mi zdala taky fajn, rekneme vhodna pro danou class. Trosku me mrzi, ze napriklad dyky Witch Elfa, jsou porad ten samy model. Asi se to moc menit nebude s ohledem na Lore, ale mozna sem tam pridat "runu", zdobeni, lepsi jilec apod. Zvlast u blue zbrani a zbrani lepsich kvalit. LOD system ve hre je divne nastaveny - bohuzel. :-( Vizualni strance to opravdu nepridava ani trochu. Mam na mysli pohled na vzdalene pohybujici se moby apod. Vypinaji se jim animace a zustavaji pouze basic. Vypada to groteskne a neprofesionalne. Jako kdyby byly crippled. Tohle neni dobre reseny. Radeji, at je vyhodi (rozumej nebudou se zobrazovat na takovou vzdalenost), nez to vyresi takto hloupe. Dojem ze vzdalenejsich pohledu na danou lokaci to hrozne srazi. HUD a char creation obrazovka, vcetne vyberu postav je spatna. Neda se na to rict nic vice, ale uroven detailu
mi pripomina lehce enhancle DAOC.

4. Questy. Zadavani questu je velice jednoduche jako vsude jinde. Postava ma nad sebou smotany svitek - ukazatel, ze ma postavicka quest. Nic prekvapiveho, ale funkcne je to
spravne a dobre. Sorta questu od lvl 1-7 je z vetsi casti jenom kill kill kill a delivery message. Nastesti odpada farma quest itemu. Kdyz mam nasbirat HE hlavy, tak z mrtvoly vzdycky hlava vypadne. ;-) Velice dobra vec je, ze na mape se objevi priblizna lokace oznacena cervenou linkou (obvykle neco kruhove tvaru ci ovalu) a jeste kdyz na to najedu kurzorem, tak se zobrazi nazev questu. To je velmi dobry a povazuju to za velikanske plus. Konecne zadne bloudeni! Napln questu je ale plytka a musim rict, ze jsem jeste nenarazil na quest, ktery by me necim ohromil ci nadchnul. A to je skoda. Rewardy jsou class specific. Obvykle 2 druhy s ruznymi vlastnostmi + expa. To je hezke a prijemne. Konecne nebude trash reward jako ve napr. WoW, jak spousta z vas zna. PQ se stali natolik obtiznymi a natolik zbytecnymi, ze uz je hrat moc lidi asi nebude. Za prve vyhoda v delani PQ questu prakticky odpadla. Influence je mozne ziskat solo farmou a rekl bych ze je to i rychlejsi. Ve dvou to jde krasne. Za Influence jsou skvele rewardy a ziskat je neni zase az takovy problem. Predokladam, ze na vyssich levelech to bude jina, ale ted je to takto nastavene. To co je na PQ nesnesitelne je obtiznost, kterou zminim v dalsim bodu.

5. Obtiznost. Celou dobu jsem mel pocit, ze hra je neprimerene tezka. Damage neni takove jak bych chtel videt (relevantni k HP enemy) a diky lagu bylo pouzivani specek jeste neprijemnejsi. Vzhledem k tomu, ze lag je obvykly problem MMO, tak jej zminuji take jako BIG ISSUE! V nekterych mistech je hra uplne super easy a v nekterych mistech je hra
nevhodne tezka na tak maly level. Grupa v bete skoro neexistuje, vetsinou je to zerg a nikdo nehealuje, pokud vubec nejaky healer je vubec pritomny (viz. classes). PQ a special charaktery. Nevim co tim Mythic sleduje, ale je nepripustne, aby Hero zabijelo 10+ lidi a single grupa ho nezabila anebo zabijela "pul" hodiny. Dmg za 250 nebyl vyjimkou do charu lvl 7. Special charaktery neni mozny taky zabit a navic z nich nic extra nepada. Cas venovany PQ vs reward je neadekvatni. Vypada to, ze Mythic chce lidi donutit, aby "jeli" PQ. Na tohle
nejspise narazi. "Jet" to po x-te, je opravdu nuda. Obtiznost musi stoupat exponencialne a ne timto zpusobem.

6. Classes. Hral jsem Chosena, ale strasne rychle me omrzel. Jeho dmg mi prislo komicke, nicmene debuff/buff aury budou myslim v grupe velice platne :-), takze ho nezatracuji. Jen neni v mem stylu. Zkusil jsem tedy WE a to uz bylo znatelne lepsi. Za tu chvilicku uz jsem stihl poznat nedomyslenost, ci nedodelanost nekterych specek. Mame tam klasicky "backstab" + mezz. Jenze kdyz mezznu enemace, tak se porad ke mne nataci, takze dam mu backstab je skoro nemozne. Chybi tam schopnost si pohrat s oponentem, pockat si na cooldowny a zase
to do nej nasypat. Funkce poziticnich specek je tedy jen polovicata. Co mam zpravu od NoXe, tak healeri jsou momentalne uplne k nicemu. Jejich heal je prilis slaby a tim padem grupa
proti silnejsimu mobovi (Hero) nemuze obstat. Navic za ne tedka v bete snad skoro nikdo nehraje. :-(

7. ToK. Velice promakana a vsichni Lore maniaci budou v sedmem nebi. Na muj vkus velice slozita a tezko jsem v ni listoval a neco konkretni hledal. Trvalo mi treba velmi dlouho, nez jsem nasel quest o danem partu a co mohu dostat za odmeny pri urcitem levelu Influence. V pripade, ze jsem nemohl kliknout primo na quest a nebyl v te zone PQ questu. Zkratka jsem se

Na zaver bych zminil, ze hra je momentalne ve fazi, kdy neverim, ze ji bude mozne dodelat do cervna. Rad se budu mylit, ale neverim tomu. High level content neni znam, mid game neni znama. RvR snad uz za nejakou chvili. Classes jsou nedoreseny a jejich funkce take. PvE je velice promenlive a rekl bych i obtizne (group focused). Na grupu zamerene MMO
je chybny krok, hra by mela byt fifty fifty groupa vs solo. Navic vim, ze ted neni mozne levelovat pomoci PvP, protoze je to daleko pomalejsi, takze neatraktivni (mene expy). Nemejte obavy, hra ma stale potencial, ale je potreba udelat spousty prace. Mam info, ze trebas Greenskins zona je opravdu propracovana, alespon Tier 1, je videt ze to umi, ale potrebuji cas. Nejlepsi bude, kdyz to odsunou na podzim.

Nejdulezitejsi na kazde hry jsou dve veci (je jedno jestli je to MMO anebo "offline" hra). Prvni vec je zacatek hry a druha vec je konec hry. Pokud je zacatek skvely, tak lidi ani nezajima mid game (klidne muze byt slabsi), ale tesi se na konec. Zkratka jsou nakopnuty. Kdezto pokud je zacatek spatny, tak je nezajima mid game, natoz end game. Bohuzel ve WAR mi prijde start opravdu ne prilis vydareny - muze byt problem i lokace DE.

Tohle jsem pouze prvni dojmy casual gamera. Prisel jsem, videl jsem, zahral jsem. Nejsem zadny extra znalec Lore apod. Ciste player co prisel zkusit novou hru. Klidne se ptejte, reagujte, nadavejte mi ;-), ale takto na me cely WAR pusobi.

Edit: typo

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 14/03/2008 12:28:52
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4339 Posts

Posted - 14/03/2008 :  14:40:16  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Patch notes z 12.3.:

Here are some patch notes from recent patches. Some of these fixes have been in game for a couple of days but the patch notes have now arrived:

- Nagarythe Warriors & Shadow Stalkers will no longer be using stealth

- Dark Elf Chapter 9 Public Quest: Whitefire has undergone the following changes:

* First stage now targets the Arkaneth Dark Elves
* Ellyrian Reavers were removed from the first stage
* All High Elf NPCs are now killed on the start of the second stage
* Second stage now targets Chillknights & Chillbinders
* Third stage High Elf NPCs no longer respawn
* Third stage Uthorin and Arkaneth forces now attack each other
* Players are now ported out of the shield wall when the PQ resets to prevent them from getting stuck.

- Damage absorb potions should now expire after you absorb the maximum amount of Damage indicated by the potion

- The Shattered Beach Public Quest now grants proper influence during later stages

- The Tor Achare PQ in Dark Elf chapter 4 has no more stability issues.

Additionally, the following changes are planned but have not yet gone live. There is no ETA for them as yet.

- Stealth Changes

* When interacting with ANY object in the world players will de-stealth, this includes objectives, quest pickups, siege weapons, merchants, etc
* Stealthed Players will not contribute to passive capturing of flags. If you want to capture a flag you will have to unstealth to do so
* You will not be able to stealth while carrying a flag, objective, murderball or any other scenario item


- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 14/03/2008 14:41:00
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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 14/03/2008 :  15:36:54  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Shemiramoth, pekny post :) ale dovolim si reagovat na tvoje body :) Zoberieme to odzaciatku

1)S tymto suhlasim :) Ingame music (to malo co tam zatial je) znie tiez vyborne

2)Vyber charakteru je placeholder ako nam bolo povedane.. to iste s customizaciou..proste nic co bude v release (vraj)

3)Tuto trosku nesuhlasim. Tak ale aby sme si to ujasnili. Hram 1280x1024 (alebo tak nejak :P musim to pozrem)..a mam tiez forcnute 4xAA a 16xAF. Ber to tak (podla toho co bolo napisane na beta fore) ze hrame na najnizsich moznych detajloch (je to kvoli minimalizovani problemov sposobeny kombinaciou grafickych nastaveni, hardware a drivrov)..a uz teraz hra vyzera neporovnatelne lepsie ako WoW-ko na max. Neskor sem postnem par screenov co som porobil kedy som si povedal ze ak by takto hra vyzerala aj pri release tak som spokojny.. :) Svetla nechybaju uplne.. to co chyba je ale Ambient light (ktore vraj mozno bude coskoro - ale moc by som tomu neveril) a dynamicke osvetlovanie (nato si asi este pockame)..takze tu suhlasim, bez tychto svetiel vyzeraju lokacie tak trosku... jednotvarne.
Co sa tyka LOD... toto riesenie sa ti mozno nepaci ale je to momentalne potrebne (mozno budeme mat v grafickych nastaveniach moznost toto vypnut ale obavam sa ze pri velkych bojoch a pri tak detajlnych charakteroch nam nepomozu ani nase GF8800-ky :) ) Riesenie keby sa dany model nezobrazoval vobec je podla mna ovela horsie ako to ze sa zobrazi len model zo zakladnym animacnym templatom (nenapadol ma slovensky alebo cesky vyraz )..mozno ked vidis jeden mob tak to vyzera divne ale pri velkych bojoch bude asi velmi dolezite aby si mal prehlad o bojisku a ci sa na vas zene dalsich 10 hracov a tak podobne.

4) Osobne milujem Questy vo WAR mechanicky su vlastne rovnake ako vo WoW-ku ..ale co sa do lore a story tyka :) tak su premakane do spoednych detajlov. Je fakt ze ono sa vlastne vela typov questov neda vymysliet v takejto hre (ale PQ, kill collectory a xmas questy su celkom pekne spestrenie) :) S PQ suhlasim.. teraz sa vlastne neoplacaju robit.. su tak absurdne zlozite a tazke ze PQ zony su vlastne prazdne.. a tak influence farmirm v prvej ..maxinalne druhej faze PQ..ale tretia faza je instant kill aj pre velke a zohrane grupy. Dufam ze ich zmenia co najskor. Takto to ale nezostane.. :)

5) Tu nesuhlasim uplne ani trochu :).. prepac. Ale ono je to fakt asi tym ze si hral Chosena (aj podla beta for je Chosen strasne underpowered, slaby a nudne skilly + twisting ktory znizuje DPS atd).. Ja osobne hram Disciple..je to melee healer. A hra mi nepride obtiazna.. Je sice obtiaznejsia ako wow-ko (ktore je ale super mega easy).. Ale s Disciplom som vysoloval rank 16 (zatial) abosolutne bez problemov. Nemam ani trochu pocit ze by som bol nuteny do grupy :) Sem tam sice v grupe som..ale to len kvoli tomu ze niekto potrebuje pomoct alebo sa mu nechce hrat samemu..ale zatial som vsetko (okrem PQ) dokoncil sam.
Lagy.. suhlas.. Ako meleer viem co to je bojovat viac s latency ako s mobami. Bolo to utrpenie prve dni..a o to prekvapujucejsie bolo vyhlasenie na beta fore ze US testeri ziadne taketo problemy s bojom nemaju..takze neviem ci maju lepsie servre alebo su fakt drbnuti ze si to nevsimaju. Kazdopadne.. latency sa zlepsila v poslednej dobe. Kym predtym som mal problem v lagoch bojovat s dvoma naraz a ledva som minal AP.. ako nahle nemam lagy, kludne solujem tri moby naraz, a stiham sa healovat, bojovat, minat ap..Kazdopadne boj posobi stale trosku pomaly..moze zato podla mna pomaly auto-attack a 2sec GCD. keby zrychlili auto-attack aspon tak o 20%, GCD znizli aspon na uroven WoW-ka.. hned by to bolo za meleerov ovela zaujimavejsie.

6) Hej.. O choosenovi som to iste pocul uz z viacerych zdrojov takze natom asi pravdy nieco bude. A co sa tyka toho WE.. to nie su ani tak nedomyslene skilly ale skor buggy ktore budu skro ci neskor odstranene. Je pravda ze najdes nejake skilly ktore su nedomyslene (ako napriklad Shadow Warrior, core skill ma vybusny sip, da 60 damage targetu a 40 vsetkym na okolo, a potom moze specnut a kupit si glass arrov ktory da cielu damage 28 ale ak ciel blocknem alebo sa uhne tak sa sip roztriesti a da 28 damage naokolo - neviem naco je dobry) ale je ich malo. Ja za seba musim povedat ze po prezredi vsetkych skillov sa mi zda byt desing classov o triedu ak nie dve lepsi ako je vo WoW-ku...

Ak ti mozem poradit a mas este chut levelovat ( I ked zachvilu asi dostaneme rank 13 charaktery) tak skus bud WH.. tato classa je jedna z mala melee classov ktora je vyborne spravena a vyborne funguje. Alebo Sorcku..ktora je sice momentalne trosku overpowered ale aspon zikas predstavu o tom ako je to hrat za damage dealing postavu a ze to ze sa ti zdala hra obtiazna je sposobena underpowered classov a nie samotnym designom hry (okrem PQ a BO samozrejme :) ).. Popripade Disciple ako ja..ktore ma je tiez momentalne velmi dobre "funkcna" a hlavne zabavna.

A posledna vec..suhlasim s tebou a tiez neverim ze hra stihne vyjst v Juny.. ak vyjde..Mame tu take pokracovanie Vanguardu. Takze moc dufam ze to odlozia aspon o daslie 2-3 mesiace. A mimochodm..neni pravda ze mid game nebol testovany :) .. ten sa uz testoval... ale robili sa nejake zmeny takze sa bude asi znova.
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4339 Posts

Posted - 14/03/2008 :  17:11:05  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
2. Gut, tim lepe.

3. Rozhodne nejsem spokojeny s grafikou a jejimi kvalitami. Predevsim vim, jak ma vypadat next-gen MMO a celkove jakakoliv nova hra. Sice tento pojem nesnasim, ale vim co je treba ;-). Optimalizace ohledne mass fightu jsou potrebne a chapu, ze nikdy nepojede na full detaily. Jeste jsem takovy engine nevidel. LODy jsou obecne osemetna zalezitost, ale stejne mam pocit, ze to neni dobre reseni. V pripade NPC je mi sumafuk, ze to zapnou az pri vzdalenosti 50ti metru..nepotrebuji videt moby na 200metru. V pripade playeru a zvlast tech enemy je to velky problem. No jsem zvedavy jak to poresi.

4. Lore me moc nezajimalo. Nejsem Warhammer Lore nerd a tudiz na to pohlizim ciste z konzumniho hlediska. Taktez nevis, zda opravdu planuji zmenu v PQ, zdalo se mi, ze to snad mysli vazne :)). Budu doufat, ze je to nejaky hokus pokus.

5. To je prave ono, jsou classy, ktery nemaji problem. Viz. sorcka, kterou jsem zapomnel zminit. Jeji dmg bylo no ehm..proste mimo misu.
Diky tomu, ze hra potrebuje, aby se hralo za vsechny classy, tak je to zavazny problem, ktery by mel Mythic nejak vyresit. Vsichni vime, jak obtizny je class balance v PvP a class balance v PvE. Jakasi atraktivnost by mela byt u kazdeho classu a Chosen to momentalne nejak nesplnuje anebo jeho role byla spatne podana. Boje by mely byt dynamicke a svizne. To je velmi dulezite pro game flow, kdyz uz pozivam dev vyrazy. ;-)

6. Design classu se da velice tezko posoudit, pokud neprojdes dane skilly a nepodrobis je testu jak versus enemy NPC, tak versus jina classa v PvP. Ano jsou atraktivni a zajimave, ale nikdo stale nedokaze posoudit, zda budou opravdu pouzitelni. Viz ted Chosen a PvP/PvE. To je typicky priklad, ze Devs take nemaji vsechno tip top. :-).

Jeste to urcite budu hrat, neboj. Zase tak jsem na to nezanevrel. Kazdopadne pokud je hra tezka kvuli underpowered classe, tak je to chyba designu. Tohle take patri do designu. Do designu patri vsechno od loginu do hry az po exit the game. ;-)

Nevedel jsem, ze mid game byl testovany, ale pokud delali zmeny, tak jsem skoro zase na zacatku. Bohuzel z prace vim, co muze redesign levelu zpusobit na celkove misi, ci lokaci. Jinak dekuju za komentar.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 14/03/2008 17:15:29
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Average Member

1613 Posts

Posted - 14/03/2008 :  17:22:16  Show Profile  Send celdric an ICQ Message Send celdric a Private Message  Reply with Quote
hmm jste me nepotesili teda... vypada to, ze jsou devove mmocek streleni a PCcka slabsi jak GF8800 se nebudou chytat...

a fakt si nedovedu predstavit na jakych strojich maji behat "mass" bitky 20x20 lidi...

(plati i pro AoC po shlednuti oficialnich doporuceni)

no mmo
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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 14/03/2008 :  17:39:55  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by celdric

hmm jste me nepotesili teda... vypada to, ze jsou devove mmocek streleni a PCcka slabsi jak GF8800 se nebudou chytat...

a fakt si nedovedu predstavit na jakych strojich maji behat "mass" bitky 20x20 lidi...

(plati i pro AoC po shlednuti oficialnich doporuceni)

Tak pockat :) Nikto nepovedal ze ta hra sa zle hybe :).. len som povedal ze pri masovych bitkach a bez orezaneho LOD.. mno neviem.. tak by to uz problemy mohlo mat..ale zatial to vyzera tak ze hra ma FPS cap nastavenhcn na 100FPS, ktore si drzi stabilne (mam gf8800) takze to zas tak zle neni.

Shemiramoth, co sa tyka grafiky, to zatial nema cenu riesit :) Dobre vies ake obrovkse rozdiely dokaznu vznikat na minimalnych a maximalnych detajloch. Nikto okrem Mythicu ( a mozno ani oni nie ) nevie ako to nakoniec bude vyzerat.

No balanc classov je vzdy problem :) Pametam si ze rovnake problemy malo aj wowko v bete s warlockom(a s druidom a shamanom tiez)..ktory bol najprv overpowered..potom ho nerfli a kazdy zanho prestal hravat... proste to ze sa za tu classu nehrava je dobry indikator nato ze neni s nou nieco v poriadku a musia si vystacit s tym feedbackom co maju (ale tak zas nie su to male deti.. si myslim ze maju zdravy rozum aby vedeli usidit co treba opravit)

Co sa tyka PQ, to sa menit bude :) to som si isty..ten whine co je na forach kvoli tomu a totalne prazdne PQ zony hovoria za vsetko.( a mam informacie ze este horsie je to na US forach kde takmer zacali kvoli tomu strajkovat :) ) A nemam pocit ze oni nepatria k tym ktorym by to bolo jedno.

A este k tomu designu hry :) Ja chapem ze classy patria k designu hry ale myslel som to skor tak ze samotne questy/moby atd nie su zle designovane..ani presilene ani slabe, ani tazke ani jednoduche kedze vacsina classov s tym nema ziadne problemy. To len taky ako chosen s tym ma problemy momentalne. :)
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Junior Member

572 Posts

Posted - 14/03/2008 :  18:39:23  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak jsem zalozil Discipla, po zjisteni ze na rank 1 zabijim moba lvl 1 tak pul roku a temer se ani neudrzim svym jedinym heal kouzlem nasledoval logout a switch na WE :)... to uz je trochu lepsi. Koukam ze zmenily font combat textu (critical a pod.) no je to prehlednejsi, ale nejake velke pokroky zatim tedy nevidim.
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1613 Posts

Posted - 14/03/2008 :  18:42:20  Show Profile  Send celdric an ICQ Message Send celdric a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ManiaCCC

Tak pockat :) Nikto nepovedal ze ta hra sa zle hybe :).. len som povedal ze pri masovych bitkach a bez orezaneho LOD.. mno neviem.. tak by to uz problemy mohlo mat..ale zatial to vyzera tak ze hra ma FPS cap nastavenhcn na 100FPS, ktore si drzi stabilne (mam gf8800) takze to zas tak zle neni.

jo ale taky jsi napsal, ze podle toho co vis se pohybujete na MINIMALNICH detailech...tzn. ty maximalni budou pro 8800vku narez...o sve GF 7600 gt nechci radsi spekulovat :-D

no mmo
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Junior Member

572 Posts

Posted - 14/03/2008 :  18:47:18  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No muzu hodit do placu svoji druhou plecku na ktere to mam momentalne instalnuty. P4 3Ghz,2Gb ram,7600GT hejbe se to v pohode, ale u keepy kde bude vice lidi se to sotva pohne,stejne jako na notasu z minuly beta faze, toliko k jejich enginu
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4339 Posts

Posted - 14/03/2008 :  18:52:48  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nastavit lze pouze rozliseni. Mam 16xAA a 16xAniso nastaveny pres NVIDIA control panel a jede to uplne v klidu. Tedy jsem majitelem G8800GTX, ale preci jenom 16AA je extrem. Tzn. ze na full detaily by mela hra jet uplne v poradku. U masivnich bitev nevim. Tezko rici jak vychytany maji render. 7600GT je dnes podprumerna karta. Jeji vykon je tristni. No offense samozrejme. :-)

Kazdopadne pri soucasnych cenach HW je mozne poridit slusnou sestavu do 20ti tisic.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 14/03/2008 18:54:05
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Junior Member

572 Posts

Posted - 14/03/2008 :  19:11:54  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No uvidime :)

Mate nekdo tuseni co konkretne dela nastaveni "Performance PVE" ?
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Average Member

1613 Posts

Posted - 14/03/2008 :  19:23:24  Show Profile  Send celdric an ICQ Message Send celdric a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Shemiramoth

Kazdopadne pri soucasnych cenach HW je mozne poridit slusnou sestavu do 20ti tisic.

coz jsou vicemene penize, ktery si nebudu moct dovolit vydat kvuli hre ;-)

kdysi kdesi jeden moudry napsal, ze pvperum budou stacit ctverecky s cisilkama hlavne kdyz to bude rychly :-D... musim rict, ze s timto nazorem se pomerne ztotoznuji :-D

uz na daocu jsem mel 2 setupy...jeden na pve kde jsem mel hezci detaily a druhej jsem downgradoval engine na SI aby se mi to hejbalo slusne :-D

no mmo
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2118 Posts

Posted - 15/03/2008 :  12:39:40  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No jasne, ja osobne v PvP nesledujem ako sa ktora postava hybe, ale sledujes hracov co robia, atd. proste necumis na grafiku :)
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4339 Posts

Posted - 15/03/2008 :  12:43:22  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Pepo

No jasne, ja osobne v PvP nesledujem ako sa ktora postava hybe, ale sledujes hracov co robia, atd. proste necumis na grafiku :)

Jiste, to je samozrejme. Videt playera je klicovy. :-) Ja psal pouze o celkovem vizualnim vzhledu hry. That's all. Nikdo nechce, aby se mi player popnul z niceho nic 10 metru predemnou. :-)) Jak uz jsem take zazil v nekterych MMO.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 15/03/2008 12:44:23
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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 15/03/2008 :  13:07:32  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lobos

Tak jsem zalozil Discipla, po zjisteni ze na rank 1 zabijim moba lvl 1 tak pul roku a temer se ani neudrzim svym jedinym heal kouzlem nasledoval logout a switch na WE :)... to uz je trochu lepsi. Koukam ze zmenily font combat textu (critical a pod.) no je to prehlednejsi, ale nejake velke pokroky zatim tedy nevidim.

No to hej :) na rank 1 je to trosku horsie :).. bez tej dotky ktora ti zvysuje damage aj prveho skillu je to naprd.. mohol si skusit vydrzat aspon ten jeden dalsi rank :D

Mimochodom...neni trosku z cestne cakat nejake zasadne zmeny v startovacej zone? :) Ale tak.... vzasade je to jedno :)
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1602 Posts

Posted - 15/03/2008 :  13:24:11  Show Profile  Send PRIBOO an ICQ Message Send PRIBOO a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Myslim ze grafika neni az tak podstatna. Vsichni jsme kdysi hrali CIV I atd. a i ze ctverecku 1x1 cm muze byt clovek hotovej a hrat to pul roku nonstop. Grafika je na poslednim miste (aspon u me teda), je mi fakt fuk jestli budu behat s mastnym flekem uprostred obrazovky kdyz hra bude balanced, skily imba a hratelnost na max.

Edited by - PRIBOO on 15/03/2008 13:27:37
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556 Posts

Posted - 15/03/2008 :  15:43:54  Show Profile Send vlkodlak a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Shemiramoth

Nastavit lze pouze rozliseni. Mam 16xAA a 16xAniso nastaveny pres NVIDIA control panel a jede to uplne v klidu. Tedy jsem majitelem G8800GTX, ale preci jenom 16AA je extrem. Tzn. ze na full detaily by mela hra jet uplne v poradku. U masivnich bitev nevim. Tezko rici jak vychytany maji render. 7600GT je dnes podprumerna karta. Jeji vykon je tristni. No offense samozrejme. :-)

Kazdopadne pri soucasnych cenach HW je mozne poridit slusnou sestavu do 20ti tisic.

Co mas za zbytek stroje, rozliseni a prumerne fps prosimte?
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3590 Posts

Posted - 15/03/2008 :  17:57:40  Show Profile Send Marigold a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ostatně jak byly svého času hratelný MUDy... A to byl jen barevnej (v lepším případě) text

Zase fakt je že by to nemělo vypadat hezky, ale debilně... Viz zmiňované "bruslení" v AoC, to mě teda dost irituje.
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Junior Member

572 Posts

Posted - 15/03/2008 :  19:47:05  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ManiaCCC

Originally posted by Lobos

Tak jsem zalozil Discipla, po zjisteni ze na rank 1 zabijim moba lvl 1 tak pul roku a temer se ani neudrzim svym jedinym heal kouzlem nasledoval logout a switch na WE :)... to uz je trochu lepsi. Koukam ze zmenily font combat textu (critical a pod.) no je to prehlednejsi, ale nejake velke pokroky zatim tedy nevidim.

No to hej :) na rank 1 je to trosku horsie :).. bez tej dotky ktora ti zvysuje damage aj prveho skillu je to naprd.. mohol si skusit vydrzat aspon ten jeden dalsi rank :D

Mimochodom...neni trosku z cestne cakat nejake zasadne zmeny v startovacej zone? :) Ale tak.... vzasade je to jedno :)

Neni to zcestne, to ze je melee combat porad ve stejny fazi jako to bylo minule a nejspis i predminule a predtim taky je evidentni hned. Mobove maji haluz chovani a to UI je taky horsi jak minule. Chapu ze to jsou vsechno subjektivni dojmy, ale stejne je sem napisu :)
Mozna jsem naivni, ale ocekval jsem uz pomerne vyssi "dokoncenost", vzhledem k tomu, ze je to uz druhy fokus test HE/DE.

Edited by - Lobos on 15/03/2008 20:03:52
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630 Posts

Posted - 16/03/2008 :  00:15:08  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Naivny nie si :) to by si bol ak by si veril ze to vyjde v juny :)..

A ak sa trosku hrabes po forach tak by si zistil ze melee combat nebol vzdy tak zly ako teraz (respektive ako v minulej faze - to bolo najhorsie, teraz je uz znatelne lepsi).. zeveraj sa melee combat zmenil az po tej prvej dlhej pauze.. neviem preco.. neviem co konkretne sa dosralo ale "veterani" na fore tvrdia ze melee combat bol uz v prvych fazach neporovnatelne lepsi..ale nejdem sa hadat :) Ja som ju nehral..

Ale aj tak si myslim ze je zcestne hladat nejake zmeny v prvych lokaciach :).. Tie su fajn tak ako su a dufam ze uz sa tam nic menit nebude (este tak nieco posrat :D )..

Edited by - ManiaCCC on 16/03/2008 00:15:28
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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 16/03/2008 :  09:47:51  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Já ti nevím, ale minimálně první dvě kapitoly za HE jsou, ehm, elfí. Takový nic moc. Takový náznaky jakože tu DE jsou, ale vlastně to není taková válka. Od tý 6. kapitoly to už začíná trochu přitvrzovat.

Jinak sem si narolovat archamaga a oproti WP je takovej, ehm, elfí. V podstatě mačkaš jedno tlačítko, heal proti mobům v PQ je celkem na prd, lidi se už ani neobtěžují je dělat, jenom farmí ifluence aby dostali aspoň něco. Jedinou světlou stránkou jsou renown věci a dalo by se říct scenáře. Díky brutálnímu navýšení DPS mobu je open rvr takový divný, páč tě guard sejme na 3-4 rány.

Uvidíme, jak přepracují chary a svět podle feedbacku z bety, ale zatím je tahle faze takova, ehm, elfí.

Nemám nic proti špičatým uším, ale v podstatě jsou takovy nudní...
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4339 Posts

Posted - 17/03/2008 :  08:10:42  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Day 3:
From Adam Gershowitz – our Combat and Careers Strike Team Lead:

Careers Enhancement and Finish Items:

PvE Combat Improvements

Coming Soon

Improved ramp in Time to Kill on encounters Ranks 1 – 20
We are continuing to adjust the difficulty of the early part of the game, to make it enjoyable for both new and experienced players alike. This includes easier low level encounters that ramp up to standard difficulty by level 20

* Average Time to kill a normal monster @ Rank 1 = 12s
* Average Time to kill a normal monster @ Rank 20+ = 20s

Improvements to Normal Con Monster Difficulty
We realize that many of our normal con monsters seem too easy and players are capable of taking on far too many of them at one time (especially in AOE leveling groups). In order to improve the challenge difficulty on these encounters we have increased the DPS of normal con monsters.

* Average HP remaining when facing a normal monster @ Rank 1 = 79%
* Average HP remaining when facing a normal monster @ Rank 20+ = 65%
* Monster difficulty has been tuned to allow most careers to kill 2 same level monsters at a time, but have a very difficult time with 3 or 4

Improvements to Special, Hero & Lord Con Monsters
As part of our Ongoing improvements to monsters we are continuing to adjust special encounter difficulty. These encounters are intended for Groups of players not solo and we want them to be fun and challenging for that style of play

* Special Monsters have had their HP & DPS increased
* On Average 3 Players are needed to kill an even con special monster
* Average Time to kill a special monster @ Rank 1 = 21s
* Average Time to kill a special monster @ Rank 20+ = 35s
* Hero Monsters have had their HP & DPS increased
* On average 6 players (Full group) are needed to kill an even con hero monster
* Average Time to kill a hero monster (All Ranks) 1+ minutes
* Lord Monsters have had their HP & DPS increased
* On average 12 - 24 players (Multiple Groups) are needed to kill an even con Lord monster
* Average Time to kill a lord monster (All Ranks) 3+ minutes

Improvements to BAF (Bring a Friend)
We continue to improve our monster AI , as part of this we have taken a look at our Bring a Friend (BAF) system. The adjusted system should allow for better scaling of difficulty when pulling monsters with groups of players.

In the Future

Improving Monster AI
We continue to improve Monster combat & Special boss encounters with each passing week. Over the next few months you will see improvement to Monster AI with the following general goals in mind.

* Better Hate Management for Monsters – Certain monsters may be more or less immune to things like taunt etc
* Better General AI logic for ranged Monsters – Ranged monsters will actively try to keep you at range using abilities.
* General AI improvements – Monsters will get better at making decisions and interacting with the player. Improving how frequently and what abilities they use and why
* More frequent activation of special abilities – We don’t want monsters to just auto attack, special abilities are Key to fun encounters!

Improving Monster Visual Feedback
Visual Feedback on monsters is extremely important. As such we will be doing a Pass across all monsters and improving the feedback of monster combat in general. This includes but is not limited to.

* More appropriate animations assigned to Monster special abilities
* More visible and appropriate VFX assigned to Monster special abilities
* Monsters should play Dodge, Block, Parry Etc animations

Improving Boss Encounters
We are continuing to strive to make our PQ boss encounters more and more engaging, as well as extending this to Bosses located in Dungeons and Capitol cities. Some improvements on the way include

* Better Boss Visuals (Animation & VFX)
* Special sets of abilities for boss monsters specifically designed to cause groups of players to vary their tactics from boss to boss
* Regular and Identifiable boss tactics so players can easily understand the game play behind boss encounters after the first couple attempts
* Individually tuned encounter difficulty adjustments

Ongoing Monster vs. Player Balance
As always we continue to improve PvE in the game expect to see changes to all of the above topics as well additional items based on YOUR feedback over the next few months.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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4339 Posts

Posted - 17/03/2008 :  08:11:11  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
From Adam Gershowitz – our Combat and Careers Strike Team Lead:

Careers Enhancement and Finish Items:

RvR Combat Improvements
Coming Soon
Improved TTK & Survivability
We have taken your feedback and taken a hard look at general player survivability in RvR. It is not our intent to have players die in less then 10s. We want players to have the choice to engage or run away even over insurmountable odds.

* Increased Player HP by 150% across the board – Should increase RvR fight times
* Fastest average TTK of a player in a solo encounter will be Approximately 16s, keep in mind this is the highest DPS character vs. the ones with the lowest defenses!
* Slowest average TTK of a player in a solo encounter will be Approximately 50s, keep in mind this is the Lowest DPS character vs. the ones with the highest defense
* Fastest average TTK of a player when in 3 on 1 situation will be Approximately 6s. This will give the player around 4 Activation cycles to recover or run away.

Balance Improvements Casters vs. Melee
The Ranged vs. Melee balance is difficult as such we will constantly be working with strategies and tools to combat that. In the near future you should expect to see the following changes
Improvements to Casting “Setback” right now it is very easy for spell casters to get spells off when being hit by numerous people

* 1 on 1 fights will see small setback increases, especially on long build spells
* 3 on 1 fights will see significantly increased setbacks
* 5+ on 1 will not allow a spell caster to fire spells off frequently at all

Addition of Closing abilities to Lighter Armored Melee Characters. Tanks have the damage absorption to close the distance with a Ranged Career but light DPS classes do not. As such we have added some additional abilities

Stealth – Players will see full stealth support soon allowing them to sneak up on ranged classes unseen (Witch Elf / Witch Hunter). This is a more polished implementation of the Stealth that we have had in the past, though it still follows the same rules and serves the same purpose: to allow these melee DPS classes to close with their enemy.
Combat Sprint – Medium Armor Brawler Careers will all get a very short duration speed boost (140% Speed increase) that expires on the first combat hit.

In the future
Yes the dreaded word! Don’t worry we don’t plan on adding long rests between combats. However we do want to put some more risk/reward into the game by rewarding players who push combat with Morale, but as such they should have less HP moving into the next fight. As such we are making slight adjustments to HP regen in between fights

* HP will regen much slower in between fights unless a character is out of combat.
* Average player will regen ~50% of their HP out of combat in 20s
* Once out of combat Morale will drop slightly faster then it does now.

Ongoing RvR Balance
RvR is the most important thing in our game and as such we will continue to pay A LOT of attention to these features. As such expect to see ongoing adjustments to the items mentioned above as well as things like.

* Improvements to survivability in large battlefields
* More specialized skills to counter various player tactics
* Continued Balance of HP, Dmg absorption and DPS


- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 17/03/2008 :  11:50:32  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ja mam len otazku ci cita niekto tieto fora kto nie je v bete :)...
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5760 Posts

Posted - 17/03/2008 :  12:07:33  Show Profile Send Meddy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ad Lahvan
"elfi" = gay?

Ad Maniaccc
treba ja je ctu a do bety nepachnu :)

STS Chvojkovice-Brod

Edited by - Meddy on 17/03/2008 12:08:35
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Average Member

1613 Posts

Posted - 17/03/2008 :  13:45:55  Show Profile  Send celdric an ICQ Message Send celdric a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ManiaCCC

Ja mam len otazku ci cita niekto tieto fora kto nie je v bete :)...

treba ja...ale muzes to napravit tim, ze mi pucis pristup do bety ;-)

no mmo
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4339 Posts

Posted - 17/03/2008 :  14:45:15  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ManiaCCC

Ja mam len otazku ci cita niekto tieto fora kto nie je v bete :)...

Pristup sem ma asi 50 lidi ..a ti urcite nejsou v bete :))

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 17/03/2008 :  14:59:39  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Meddy

Ad Lahvan
"elfi" = gay?

Vzhledem k tomu, že použití tohoto slova je poněkud politicky a sociálně nekorektní, tak jsem jej nepoužil. Ale koukám, že nebylo třeba.
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New Member

101 Posts

Posted - 17/03/2008 :  16:45:35  Show Profile Send Methodius a Private Message  Reply with Quote
napr. ja to citam a v bete niesom ani nechcem byt ale zaujima ma to
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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 19/03/2008 :  14:16:29  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
vdaka bohu zacali opravovat tie PQ a damage healerov :)

This will be going live at some point this morning:

In response to beta feedback and further play testing we have decided to reduce the difficulty of Special, Hero and Lord monsters. This should help significantly with the difficulty of PQ's in general allowing players to be more successful in completing later PQ stages.
Special Monsters have had their damage reduced by ~66%
Hero Monsters have had their damage reduced by ~ 50%
Lord Monsters have had their damage reduced by ~33%
In addition the team has taken another look at many of the HE/DE PQ's and have done some additional tweaks to monster abilities, HP, and damage on specific PQ Bosses to bring them in line with what we envision is the proper difficulty for stage 2 and 3 of PQs

Abilities which gain a damage contribution from weapon DPS have had the offhand weapon's DPS contribution increased while dual wielding.

Increased Law Of Conductivity's damage.
Increased Searing Touch's damage.
Mind Lash's damage is no longer linked to the AP that it consumes.
Increased Searing Energies's damage.
The Drain Magic spell should now work properly. It was incorrectly draining AP from both the target and the caster, instead of draining AP from the target and giving it to the caster.
All abilities that build high magic should now say so in blue, and not in the normal tooltip text.
Increased Skin Of Stone's cost, and changed it to a group effect.
Increased Portent Of Far's cost, and changed it to a group effect.
Increased Prismatic Shield's cost, and changed it to a group effect.

Removed Lacerate's cooldown, and adjusted its damage.
Increased Consume Will's damage.
Reduces Essence Lash's damage and increased the morale loss.
Increased Consume Strength's damage.
Reduced Consume Resolve's damage.
Reduced Sanguinary Extension's damage over time portion.
Increased Whirling Laceration's damage.
Increased Wracking Agony's damage.
Increased Pillage Essence's damage.
Restore Essence is reduced to a 0.5s Build
Renew Soul is reduced to 1s Build
Khaine's Embrace is reduced to 1s Build
Virulent Infusion is reduced to 0.5s Build
Cleave Soul is reduced to 0s Build
Flay will no longer stack effectiveness with other snaring effects.
Covenant Of Celerity will no longer stack effectiveness with other snaring effects.
Murderous Intent now functions correctly as described.

Reduced Absorb Vitality's cost and increased its damage.
Increased Pit Of Shades's damage.
Hand of Ruin now costs 60 AP per second. Its damage has been increased. Ability now has a reuse of 11s.

Heaven's Blade, Nature's Blade and Phantom's Blade no longer affect the resistance type of your various abilities.
Phantom's Blade now reduces Morale by -50 per proc.
Ensorcelled Blow now only deals physical damage but damage has been boosted.
Intimidating Blow now only deals physical damage but damage has been boosted.
Gusting Wind now only deals physical damage but damage has been boosted.
Dazzling Strike now only deals physical damage but AP cost has been reduced.
Dragon's Talon will now always deal Spiritual Damage, and the damage portion of the ability will no longer send a debuff icon to target.
Whispering Wind will now always deal Spiritual Damage, and the damage portion of the ability will no longer send a debuff icon to target.
Crashing Wave will now always deal Spiritual Damage, and the damage portion of the ability will no longer send a debuff icon to target.
Ether Dance will now always deal Spiritual Damage, and the damage portion of the ability will no longer send a debuff icon to target.
Blurring shock now always deals Spiritual Damage and damage has been boosted.
Wrath of Hoeth now always deals Spiritual Damage.
Dragon's Talon will now gain bonuses from Mastery correctly.
Ensorcelled Blow will now gain bonuses from Mastery correctly.
Blurring Shock will now gain bonuses from Mastery correctly.
Whispering Wind will now gain bonuses from Mastery correctly.
Dazzling Strike will now gain bonuses from Mastery correctly.
Crashing Wave will now gain bonuses from Mastery correctly.
Graceful Strike's damage over time portion will no longer stack with itself or proc effects.
Increased the tick speed of Graceful Strike's damage over time and reduced the damage per tick, resulting in the same total damage dealt.
Removed the cooldown from Gryphon's Lash and reduced its damage.
Increased Sapping Strike's cooldown time and damage, and reduced the amount of AP lost.
Removed Ensorcelled Blow's cooldown and reduced its damage.
Ensorcelled Blow now deals Spirit damage instead of physical.
Gusting Wind no longer has a re-use
Wall of Darting Steel should deal damage when the Sword Master Parries, and now self snares for 40% instead of 46%.
Ether Dance should now deal proper damage over 5 hits.

Witch Hunter
Absolution will now correctly trigger all Blessed Bullets.
Fixed a bug that made Absolution undefendable.

- Stage 1 of the Dreamshade Forest public quest in Dark Elf 3 can now be completed.
- Players leaving a scenario now have their RvR flag removed. Please note - if a player is returning to a RvR area, the flag will be turned on again after ten seconds.

- The Reaver Stables Battlefield Objective in Ellyrion can now be successfully captured. Previously it was not tracking the status of the guards correctly which prevented players from being able to interact with the objective to capture it.
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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 20/03/2008 :  18:57:36  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Minimálně ty úpravy PQ ještě na evropské betě ještě nejsou implementovány. Úprava DoK je krok správným směrem. Ale ještě pořád chybí vylepší úroveň healů a pro archmaga utočných abilit, neb zatím to je celkem nuda spamovat jedno DD a jednu DoTku.
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4339 Posts

Posted - 26/03/2008 :  19:42:02  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Servery jsou down, takze zase cekat na spasu.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 26/03/2008 :  20:23:59  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jak se říká - naděje umírá poslední. Jinak ke konci to byla celkem nuda - scenaria v Tier2 se nějak neujala, PQ byly nehratelný a 99% lidí trávilo čas v RvR zónách. Takže zpět k prknům a znovu a lépe.
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4339 Posts

Posted - 26/03/2008 :  20:27:11  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lahvan

Jak se říká - naděje umírá poslední. Jinak ke konci to byla celkem nuda - scenaria v Tier2 se nějak neujala, PQ byly nehratelný a 99% lidí trávilo čas v RvR zónách. Takže zpět k prknům a znovu a lépe.

Ani nevis Lahvane jak jsem rad, ze to odlozili. Skoda jen toho vyhozenyho hype. Ted uz lidi zacinaji byt trosku nasrany, viz. zahranicni fora. Pevne verim, ze to Mythic dotahne a ja si zahraju supr gamesku. Taky mi to nahrava na AoC. Snad jej neodlozi. Jenze jeste nejsou venku siege battles, takze kdovi. Je to jedna z main feature hry. Ale co tak procitam patche, tak se mi zda ze Funcom pekne dre, aby to bylo.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 26/03/2008 20:27:53
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4339 Posts

Posted - 02/04/2008 :  12:02:06  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Zajimava zmena ohledne generovani AP.

The following is brought to you from the Combat & Careers Team.

For all discussion please visit this thread

We have made some global rule changes to the Action Points (AP) system. These changes are intended to help smooth out the AP usage of most careers and improve the overall frequency that higher AP cost abilities are used. Currently, the cheapest AP abilities are used an overwhelming majority of the time, while high AP cost abilities are used much less frequently. This is due to the fact that there was a significant amount of downtime while waiting for APs to regenerate enough to even use a high AP cost ability mid-fight.

AP Regeneration Changes

We have adjusted the rules for AP regeneration so that players will no longer regenerate AP while activating abilities. This will allow us to significantly reduce the cost of abilities with moderate to long build times, since we no longer have to scale up costs of these abilities to account for AP regenerated while building.

o AP will continue to regenerate at a fixed 25 AP per second when a player is not actively firing an ability

- By default AP will no longer regenerate while a player is actively firing an ability. This includes
o During the 1.5 seconds that global cool down is active after firing an instant ability
o During the buildup (Cast time) of a cast spell
o While a player is focusing (Channel time) a channeled spell

o Due to this change, players will always run out of AP completely if they are constantly activating abilities. There are no longer any abilities that can be chain-casted while never have to worry about running out of AP.

o By default this change DOES NOT affect how monsters use or regenerate AP at all.

AP Cost Changes

The AP regeneration changes have allowed us to drop AP costs on most abilities with long to moderate build times. Instant cast abilities & melee will for the most part stay the same.

o Instant Cast/Low cast-time abilities have had a slight (or no) reduction in AP cost.

o Abilities with a cast time of 2s or more have had a moderate reduction in AP cost.

- Abilities with a cast time of 3s or more have had a large reduction in AP cost.
o Players will not have to wait as long to regain enough AP to cast High cost spells.

o Most abilities have had additional adjustments to better balance their AP usage.

How does this affect “Burst” and “Sustained” DPS?

In most cases, sustained DPS on characters will stay the same. In some cases there will be a slight improvement, since a player can now regenerate AP for high-cost spells slightly faster once they run out of AP. Burst DPS, on the other hand, has been increased slightly. Lower AP costs will allow players to cast more of their powerful high-cost AP abilities in succession before running out of AP.

o Careers which could previously chain-cast low-cost abilities without ever running out of AP will no longer be able to do so.

- Sustained DPS, or the amount of DPS a player can output once they reach 0 AP, should see relatively little change.
o Sustained DPS activation patterns that include long cast spells have become much more viable.

o Burst DPS, or the amount of DPS a player can put out going from full to 0 AP with constant activations, should increase slightly for all careers.
o Careers with moderate/long build times will see greater improvements when using these abilities in their burst.

How does this affect Healing?

Healing will be affected in a similar fashion to DPS. The most important thing to note is that chain-healing will cause players will run out of AP, requiring periods of rest. However, it has become more viable and efficient to cast your long cast-time heals since the AP cost on them has been significantly reduced. Players should see an improvement in burst healing, getting much more efficiency out of chain healing their large heals before reaching 0 AP.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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5760 Posts

Posted - 02/04/2008 :  12:13:12  Show Profile Send Meddy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Shemiramoth

Originally posted by Lahvan

Jak se říká - naděje umírá poslední. Jinak ke konci to byla celkem nuda - scenaria v Tier2 se nějak neujala, PQ byly nehratelný a 99% lidí trávilo čas v RvR zónách. Takže zpět k prknům a znovu a lépe.

Ani nevis Lahvane jak jsem rad, ze to odlozili. Skoda jen toho vyhozenyho hype. Ted uz lidi zacinaji byt trosku nasrany, viz. zahranicni fora. Pevne verim, ze to Mythic dotahne a ja si zahraju supr gamesku. Taky mi to nahrava na AoC. Snad jej neodlozi. Jenze jeste nejsou venku siege battles, takze kdovi. Je to jedna z main feature hry. Ale co tak procitam patche, tak se mi zda ze Funcom pekne dre, aby to bylo.

Nezapominat na Spellborn.

STS Chvojkovice-Brod
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Posted - 02/04/2008 :  18:53:12  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hned sa strhla burliva diskusia ohlaodm poslednych zmien kde ludia aj suhlasia aj nesuhlasia tak to musel hned jeden s developerov ukludnit:

Dev responses:

Adam Gershowitz
Ok folks before you get out the torches... lets clarify a few things

We define Burst DPS as the amount of damage or healing a player can put out moving from a full AP bar to Empty AP bar by constantly activating abilities

Sustained DPS/HPS
We define as the amount of damage or healing a player can put out after their AP has reached 0 and they are waiting to regen to their next most efficient activation.

So that being said the change we are making is pretty much in no way NEGATIVELY effecting anyones target Burst or Sustained DPS. In fact it is generally improving both Burst and Sustained DPS and HPS in cases where you have a longer Cast time spell (2 - 4s). It is also getting rid of a number of crazy AP costs we had to come up with b/c we had to automatically tack on 25 AP cost for every second an ability was being built, IE a 3 sec cast would have to by default have 75 AP cost just to overtake regen.

By doing this we insure that people will run out of AP (At some point) if they are constantly activating abilities (Which should ALWAYS be the case), not to mention we can better balance the cost vs effect without Build time being such a high AP sink. For example if we wanted to make a super efficient ability that had ultra low cost but a 4 second build, we could not b/c the default cost of a 4 sec build with an always on AP regen of 25 would be 100 AP. Otherwise the player would ALWAYS be full AP when activating the ability

In the end nobody should see a huge difference in their gameplay over the course of a fight, at worst case you MIGHT have to take a 1 second breather out between low AP cost spells before you can activate. However the benefit of being able to get back to a high cost ability FASTER greatly outweighs this. Especially in the case of healing where players had to wait upward of 7 - 10s before they regenerated AP for the big heal (or for a Fireball).

In the end your crazy spam fast attack builds will stay pretty much the way they were, but the longer cast time higher cost abilities will become more in line and attractive across the board. Helping healers especially. Keep in mind it was never our intent to allow players to just constantly hammer a button and never run out of AP, so any build that could have done this before the change would have gotten hit with a Bat anyhow.

Enhance your calm, look at the change carefully (and my comments), before pulling out the torches. Also look at the long term benefits of how this adds to the game. We now have the ability to make a larger variety of abilities as well as add new "trickle" through AP regeneration bonuses to tactics, armor etc.


On healers

Wait at least 5 more days before freaking out about healers, We've busted all sorts of hump on them last week and the are better, if not much better then where they were last phase.. More info to come

On High Magic & Waaagh Mechanics

Archmage & Shaman are having a mechanic revamp during the next phase of BETA, we've considered a bunch of feedback and how this change will effect them as well. The result is we HAVE to make a change, but we did not have the time to do so before next phase starts (you know need new UI, and rebalance alot of abilities etc). So look to see new and improved mechanics the phase after this one.

BTW: Budem velmi vdacny ak nemate inych favoritov v sutazi o buddy key a to konkretne v "story" sekcii ak by ste zahlasovali ti co mate moznost za 8. pribeh Kelmar - The Lord of White Tower. Dakujem.. Kamos sapokusa dostat dalsieho kamosa do bety a bolo by vyborne ak by nas tam bolo viac. Dakujem :)
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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 02/04/2008 :  20:39:01  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Meddy

Nezapominat na Spellporn.

To je zase co Meddoušku?
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4339 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2008 :  14:01:17  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nejaky zmeny v tolik diskutovanem ambushi.

As everyone is aware, the last beta phase was the first time we introduced full Ambush functionality. Over the past few weeks, we’ve gotten a ton of feedback. Many bugs were reported, and a lot of game play feedback was generated. As such, we did a full pass over Ambush to ensure that it fulfills its role as a fun and interesting way for Light armored MDPS careers to close the gap with ranged opponents without making it frustrating and overpowered to play against.

RvR Changes

There were a number of unique RvR circumstances that we didn’t want hidden players to be able to take advantage of. As such, the below bug fixes have been made.

* Players can no longer contribute to capturing a Flag while hidden.
* Players cannot Ambush while they are carrying a Flag, Murder Ball, or any other objective-based item.
* Hidden players should appear immediately whenever they start to interact with any object. This includes Flags, Quest Objects & Siege weapons.

General Functionality Changes

After taking a look at how Ambush currently works, we realized that the duration of the stealth was too long. It was always intended to allow a player to dart out from cover “Cloak” and then close the distance. With the current 1 minute Ambush duration, players were able to stay hidden entirely too long. In addition to this change, we adjusted the prep time on Ambush-based abilities so players could not easily use them as a guaranteed escape from combat.

* Ambush abilities have been given a 2s build time, which can be used while moving.
* If a player takes any damage, or is the target of a debuff while they are preparing to hide, they will be instantly interrupted and will have to attempt to Ambush all over again.
* The AP drain value of Ambush abilities has been increased. Players should now be able to stay Ambushed for roughly 30s.
* The 30 second cool-down time for Ambush abilities will now begin AFTER the player has come out of hiding.

Detection Changes

Our first pass at detection rates showed that careers with lower initiative had a difficult time detecting a stealthed player, even from close up. We also had a bug in our detection code that resulted in the “Behind target” bonus to stealth not working properly. With the changes based on this information, hidden players will become much easier to see as they close in on their target, while at range they will still be more difficult to detect. This means that a hidden player will still have a definite advantage, but no guarantees that they will get a clean ambush on their target. The following changes have been made to Detection:

* Increased the overall chance to detect a hidden player.
* Expanded the range of Stealth detection.

Players can expect that a hidden player running at an observer from maximum distance would have the following total chance of detection before reaching the observer

* Observer Initiative is #189; the hidden player’s = 55% Total chance of detection over 7s
* Observer Initiative is equal to the hidden player’s = 85% Total chance of detection over 7s
* Observer Initiative is 2x the hidden player’s = 100% Total chance of detection over 7s

Ambush Art Changes

While Ambush’s artwork is still very functional, we will be adding animation state changes (you “Creep”) as well as final effects in later revisions. We did notice that even detected “Hidden” players were very hard to see because they were too transparent. The following changes have been made to Ambush Art:

* Added effects for Ambush Build, so players know that the player is attempting to hide.
* Increased the opacity of a hidden player from 25% to 50%, so they are easier to see.
* Players will now return to full visibility faster when exiting Stealth.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2008 :  20:48:19  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Upřímně řečeno obešel bych se bez stealthu obecně. To že je ve hře mi ale ani moc nevadí, jenom mi přijde, že je tam zbytečně po těchto úpravách. IMO by měli stealth udělat jako aktivní abilitu s trvaním 20-30s, protože takhle stealther zase nema dmg když se k oběti dostane...
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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2008 :  21:14:27  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lahvan

Upřímně řečeno obešel bych se bez stealthu obecně. To že je ve hře mi ale ani moc nevadí, jenom mi přijde, že je tam zbytečně po těchto úpravách. IMO by měli stealth udělat jako aktivní abilitu s trvaním 20-30s, protože takhle stealther zase nema dmg když se k oběti dostane...

To zalezi dost od toho ako dlho v tom stealthe bue .. ak tam pobuden skoro plnych 30 sekund..tak ano..to je lepsie sa ist radsej niekam schovat ako zautoci.. ale ak stihne stealther prist k cielu tak do 10-15 sekund, preco nie.. stale ma dost AP nato aby ziskal pomerne velku vyhodu v boji.
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4339 Posts

Posted - 04/04/2008 :  15:58:31  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Diminishing Returns:

Evening folks,

Those of you who have been with us for awhile in beta will have noticed that we increased the chance that spells would be set back when used during an ability’s build time. Since spells with build times are much more efficient and tend to do higher damage than instant abilities, we wanted to make sure a player who was being beaten on had a much harder time getting a spell off. When being beaten on by multiple players, it should be especially difficult.

Unfortunately, the rate increase exposed a number of issues with the system, which I am happy to say we have resolved with the following fixes & improvements.

Diminishing Returns & Setback

One of the most obvious issues we dealt with is “Spell Locking.” When a player is getting hammered by attacks, they will have a high chance of being set back. This results in a spell lock, where the player or monster is stuck casting and cannot get a spell off. This is, obviously, no fun for the player, and can cause significant issues with encounters. As a result, we have added diminishing returns to setback. Now, every time a player is setback while casting a spell, the amount they are set back will reduce each time. This prevents a player or monster from being spell locked. The resulting changes are as follows:

* The Setback penalty is reduced by 20% for each time the player is consecutively set back while building an ability.
* By default players will no longer incur a setback penalty after the 5th time they are set back
* The default initial setback penalty is now .5s.
* The default chance of being setback when a hit is landed is now a 50%.

A standard spell can now only be setback by a maximum of 1.5s

Damage over Time and Setback

Currently, all damage events have a chance to set back a build, including damage from DoTs and Channeled spells. As a result, a player who had multiple DoTs stacked on them was unable to cast a spell. This was never the intended behavior of setback or DoTs. AS a result, we have made the following changes:

* Setback only occurs upon the initial hit of any ability, not upon application of damage.
* DoT ticks no longer cause setback.
* Certain Channel ticks no longer cause setback.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 05/04/2008 :  12:08:08  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Another update from the Combat & Careers team:

Evening folks,

Those of you who have been playing Healer Careers in beta (or have been following the forums) may have noticed that healing seems less potent than before. Increased HP across the board gives a perception of “poor” healing since the percentage of a player’s total HP being restored is proportionately less than before. The C&C team has been rolling through all the feedback and working to review each of the healer-types and made some adjustments to their ability lists. This will give each healer a specific role they are “Best” at, and a way to heal that plays up to their mechanic much better than the former heals did.

General Healer Changes

First, we have adjusted the standard “Big Heal” that all healers receive. This ability is intended to be used while the healer is not actively in combat; meaning that a healer should have a VERY hard time getting it off while being directly attacked. However, when the healer is not being attacked, it is a very efficient and effective way to heal. A lower heal frequency allows for a more versatile role in battle by freeing up activation time for non-heal spells to be used mid-combat. As a result:
Standard Big Heals have had their values increased by 200% (Double the previous value).
The chance for setback of standard Big Heals has been increased significantly.

Categories of Healing

We have split up healing into three major categories, which will supply each career with strengths and weaknesses in those categories.. Don’t fret, though! No individual career’s healing capabilities will be reduced compared to former versions as a result of these changes. These adjustments are simply improvements to these careers, which will make them more flexible in their secondary roles. The three major categories we have implemented are:
Spike Healing – Spike healing is the ability to either restore or prevent large chunks of damage in short bursts.
Sustained Healing – Sustained Healing is the ability to keep a player steadily healed over time.
Group Healing – Group healing is the ability to keep multiple players steadily healed over time.

Changes to Melee Healers: Warrior Priest / Disciple

Since Melee Healers spend their time in the thick of combat, they have been adjusted so that their heals are now more passive while attacking. In addition, the improvements have made them the strongest group healers in the game. As a result, their spike healing is the weakest of all the healer careers. This is especially important since high Spike / Sustained healing makes the very durable Medium armor / Med HP Healers extremely hard to kill. We have given Melee healers a number of Passive healing abilities so they are not required to focus on casted healing in order to keep people alive in less stressful circumstances.

In a large raid, we expect Melee Healers to be the group healers that support melee groups, countering AOE damage.

Nuker / Healers: Shaman / Archmage

Nuker / Healers are capable of doing moderate sustained healing and average spike healing. It has always been our intention that careers are an effortless mix of damage dealing and healing. With the changes we have made, Archmages and Shaman will be able to choose to do low/moderate healing and DPS simultaneously, or deal damage and spot-heal from time to time. As a result of this dynamic, their abilities at group healing are meager at best.

In large raids, we expect Nuker Healers to be one of the primary Healers focusing on Tanks, or a secondary healer that stays back and tops off or rescues caster-ranged groups.

Flex Healers: Rune Priest / Zealot

We have decided on a fairly new and unique format for the Zealot and Runepriest. Rather than designing them to be “Good” at one thing and “Bad” at another, we have allowed these healers to choose what their focus will by how they spec. The heal in these two Careers are split across all three lines, and mixed in with both Damage and Debuff / Buff type abilities. As a result, the Rune Priest and Zealot are generally the most “Flexible” and will always have good healing somewhere. While an Archmage or Warrior Priest could easily be a less effective healer if they ignore their heal lines and spec heavy in their Damage and Support lines, , Flex Healers can become the BEST spike healers in the game if they so desire, since they get the largest rescue heal and the ability to significantly increase a single target’s HP.

In large raids, we expect Flex healers to frequently be the “Rescue” healers who help the Tanks recover from massive spike damage, or swoop in and heal someone who just caught the ire of the boss and is critically low on HP. Alternatively, Flex Healers can choose to help with Group or Main tank healing.
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Junior Member

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Posted - 05/04/2008 :  12:09:05  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nejake dodatocne info na post hore:
Dev updates:

Every Healing Career will still get a standard set of heals, these sort of define the "standard" capability for any healer. However we went through all the careers and improved / refocused abilities to work in line with their specialty. Unfortunately this means careers like the warrior priest loose their single target Damage Absorb (since this is spike Defense) but get better group heal spells instead. Standard Heals are always

* Standard HoT - Standard Low Sustained Healing
* Standard Heal + HoT - Standard Moderate Sustained Healing
* Standard Big Heal - Standard Moderate Spike healing
* Standard Group Heal - Standard low group healing

Some rough examples of new or changed abilities

Melee Healers (WP & DI)

* Melee heal + Damage Abilities for sustaining Low HPS and DPS simultaneously in combat
* Improved Group healing / defense

Nuke/Healers (AM & SH)

* Lifetap & Life Transfer abilities, deal some damage while you heal
* Sheilding abilities, defend from spike damage by placing a Damage absorb sheild up before your ally takes damage

Flex Healers (ZE & RP)

* Best Big Rescue heal in the game period
* Decent assortment of heals in other areas, allowing you to be flexible depending on your mastery path

Don't expect huge changes but expect to see a handful of new abilities on each career and an equal amount of abilities removed b/c they are no longer appropriate. Of all the Careers the Zealot got the biggest adjustment



Everyone will have the same general baseline capabilities (thats why we're keeping the standard skills) the main diffrence is where their specialty lies. So in some cases certain healers are just going to be better for certain things. For example Warrior Priests and Disciples are going to be prefered by groups that are manning a ram at a castle gate to deal with the AOE damage from boiling oil etc. But they might not be the preference for healing the main tank fighting a bloodthirster. Could they do it? Yes, will they be the best at it? No way..

We can't make all 3 healers the exact same ( you guys ate us alive for that remember ) so they are evolving along the roles we envisioned and that the players have been expecting them to go down.


Casting Speed & AP Cost will continue to be tweaked as BETA progresses. We left most of the cast speeds similar to what they were at the end of last phase, prefering instead to see how some of the new & adjusted Abilities play out before we go back and work them further.

Also keep in mind I already said the Archmage will get a mechanic update, just not this phase .. Sorry guys its just too big of a task and we couldn't get that and all of this other stuff we did for the global game done in the same 4 week period.


The Disciple has Melee abilities that will allow them to do light damage & light healing at the same time... The archmage and shaman get similar things that work from a distance, to allow them to do Nuking & damage at the same time. The zealot on the other hand will get some capability to do this as well but will be less of their focus and will require a certain combination of specialization and tactic slotting.


My personal Favorite new Disciple ability is his "Life Leach" style buff...

Place it on a character and every second or so that character will steal life from up to 4 players/monsters nearby, However it will drain the Disciples Essence pool every pulse.

Very handy for keeping your buddy alive without actively having to heal him but you have to be careful b/c that passive buff could wind up sucking up all your Essence pool if your not paying attention.


Quote:By improved defense, do you mean for the classes themselves? Or defensive buffs for their groups?

A little of both.. For example We moved some abilities around like the Skin of Stone on the archmage.... This has been moved to the Melee Healers (under a diffrent name of course), which makes much more sense since they will be in the thick of it with the people who need it. Another such example is that the Melee healers get a Small Group + Wounds (Hitpoints) buff allowing them to increase survivability by a few hits for everyone... But the Zealot gets a large (well over 1000 HP @ 40) single target short term wounds buff that really boosts one persons surviability for a minute or so.

We also gave the warrior priest & disciple good group heals b/c group heals are not so hot at keeping a solo player alive. Since the Warrior Priest and Disciple have really decent armor and HP we didn't want to give them uber single target heals that could be used on self... This proved in earlier phases to make them stupidly hard to kill.


Keep in mind the Big Heal only comes into play if the Healer is not being attacked / harassed. It has a long build time, and is highly interruptable... Thus smart players in RvR will see the long build and try to interrupt it. What it does do is add ALOT of surviability to a good group in PvE, since monsters are not nearly as smart as players. Which was a much needed item for many of our Hero & Lord encounters

It also has the added benfit of allowing a healer who just showed up in the fight to get at least one big heal off on a friend (boosting them back up a good chunk) before people see him/her and they are reduced to using less efficent combat heals.


No matter what you do a healer can never be better then Good / Average / Poor in the 3 catagories... For example a warrior priest will pretty much always be

* Best - Group Healing
* Average - Sustained Healing
* Poor - Spike Healing

Whereas a Zealot or Runepriest will have a bit more flexibility to choose which of the three they want to be weak at vs strong at. Trust me there are trade-offs for this in terms of how they do Damage, Debuffs and other effects, and we'll continue to mess with balance to make sure nobody becomes the favored son for all situations.


Quote:Again, a challenge to balance... but what about weird groups? Will a group full of melee healers stacking group heals seem impossible to defeat in melee? On the reverse side, will a group of all melee healers be wasting spots on some of them? Will it seem necessary to bring at least two types of healer? Three?

We're concerned about this as well, which is why we're going to watch the changes closely, you may find that some things like Group HOT's or group Damage Absorb Sheilds won't stack, or have a period of time where they cannot be applied again. To be frank I'm looking for you guys to exploit issues and come up with combinations that are hard for us to test here when we have a smaller group of people & less time to try out high numbers of permutations.

We hit most of the crazy major issues, but I'm sure as always the BETA community will find new and exciting crazy ones.
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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 05/04/2008 :  12:49:10  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Koukám, že mě Maniac předběhl. Musím podotknout, že coby support hráče tyto změny velice těší, obzvláště proto, že některé byly součástí mých návrhů (které dostaly celkem slušnou podporu a souhlas ). Uvidíme co vymyslí s tou funkčností High Magic/Waaagh!!! pro Archmaga/Shamana. Nabírá to ten správný směr...
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Posted - 05/04/2008 :  13:11:44  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
To mi pripomina, je nejaka zminka o greenskins? Rad bych si konecne osahal toho sexy goblina
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Junior Member

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Posted - 05/04/2008 :  13:22:28  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lobos

To mi pripomina, je nejaka zminka o greenskins? Rad bych si konecne osahal toho sexy goblina

"Also keep in mind I already said the Archmage will get a mechanic update, just not this phase .. Sorry guys its just too big of a task and we couldn't get that and all of this other stuff we did for the global game done in the same 4 week period."

Ono to tak vyzera ze znovu sa bude da hrat za archmaga v najblizsom teste :).. ale co uz..I ked mozno nnam daju DvG phasu a budeme mat Archmaga namiesto Rune Priesta.. ( a mozno zealota namiesto Shamana )..uvidime.. :)
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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 05/04/2008 :  16:07:38  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No podle toho co jsem pochopil tak další fáze bude na testování jednotlivých scenarií - budou dostupné templáty na příslušných levelech a betatesteři se budou řezat jako na běžícím pásu, aby se udělaly RvR scénáře co nejzábavnější a odladily povolání v PvP. Jestli to bude pouze v rámci HEvsDE se neví.

Edited by - Lahvan on 05/04/2008 16:10:38
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