We have seen transfers fail if the character has junk loot stored inside of a reverse engineer tool or many GCW buff items. If you have junk loot please remove it from RE tools and store them in your inventory or bank. If you have any GCW buff items please delete them and after the transfer goes through just add a comment to this ticket and we will reimburse you the items.
Senior GM Volom
Moje update ticketu z dnesneho rana:
So I made seventh attempt, which also failed. I don't have any GCW buffs in my inventory as well as reverse engineering tool. Anyway
- I deleted any "No Trade" and "Prototype" buffs from legacy quests, which I had in my bag and inventory, - I removed any crafted buff foods and drinks from my packed houses and stored them in the house of my alt, - I moved all junk loot from packed houses to my bank, and finally - I deleted my Sorosuub Yacht with some crap items and generated it clean again to my datapad.
My character has only two houses in datapad with items (Mustafarian Bunker and Tatooine Guild Hall with one collection storage container), Sorosuub Yacht, Kimogila Ship, Scyk Fighter from Tansarii, some mounts and vehicles (bolotaur, BARC etc.). I haven't any vendor in my datapad as well as any factory schematic.
But I see that there is certainly other problem. But I would like to point out that reason of failure is slightly different in this case. It's only "Generic Fail, with no explanation provided", no "Invalid Character Name, Service Violation or Generic Fail (may work later)" like in six previous cases.
Below you find enclosed info from e-mail I received about problem with transfer.
For your records, please note that your TRACKING NUMBER is: ******
Your order has been completed, but we encountered an error during the process.
Please review the information below in order to determine the nature of the issue.
Game: StarWars Galaxies: An Empire Divided Character: Feyd'Rautha Saresh Server Name: Eclipse
FAILED TO RENAME CHARACTER: Feyd'e Saresh FAILED TO MOVE TO SERVER: Europe-Chimaera(With Items, Override enabled)
A druhe update mojho ticketu, ktore je fakt zaujimave...
Couple seconds ago I logged to my account and I didn't see my Eclipsian character Feyd'Rautha Saresh on character selection screen. But there was created character on Europe-Chimaera. I didn't log in to this character.
I would like to ask you to restore my character Feyd'Rautha Saresh on Eclipse if the transfer really failed, as informative e-mail from CTS said.
Robo REASON: Generic Fail, no explanation provided
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
Když si zakládal na zkoušku kvůli kontrole jména ty postavy na Chimaeře a pak je smazal,není tam náhodou nějakej delší čas než se to jméno dá opět použít,nebo si to zkoušel až po té co ti to jméno zamítnul ten transfer ?
SWG:Dosec soustružník ,Dosec' Yurek JEDI -EU Chimaera server WWIIOL:Oberstleutnant,Axis side, DF:Twombly-meč,srp a kladivo WAR:Yurek pasáček vepřů -Eltharion
Když si zakládal na zkoušku kvůli kontrole jména ty postavy na Chimaeře a pak je smazal,není tam náhodou nějakej delší čas než se to jméno dá opět použít,nebo si to zkoušel až po té co ti to jméno zamítnul ten transfer ?
Ano trva to do restartu serveru nez muzes ta jmena znovu pouzit, pokud jsi vytvoril dotcena jmena na zkousku. Osvedcilo se vybirat jmena primo pri transferu.
Když si zakládal na zkoušku kvůli kontrole jména ty postavy na Chimaeře a pak je smazal,není tam náhodou nějakej delší čas než se to jméno dá opět použít,nebo si to zkoušel až po té co ti to jméno zamítnul ten transfer ?
Ano trva to do restartu serveru nez muzes ta jmena znovu pouzit, pokud jsi vytvoril dotcena jmena na zkousku. Osvedcilo se vybirat jmena primo pri transferu.
nn...zas taky blby niesom (:
vzdy tesne pred transferom som skontroloval mena na Chimaere, ale samotne postavy som nevytvaral...po tom, ako ma to pustilo ku customizacii postavy, tak som jej tvorby zrusil a postava sa na server nevygenerovala
takato skuska uplne staci na overenie neexistencie mena
zabavne je, ze teraz uz nemam transferovanu postavu na Eclipse a na Chimaere mam nieco, do coho sa radsej nebudem logovat, a co malo vzdy mnou vybrate meno, takze v mene problem nie je (:
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
jj...je to totalne dojebane...teraz musim cakat tak do desiatej vecer, kym sa americke GMka zobudia a restornu mi Feyda na Eclipse!
vyskusam vecer transfernut Hracha, take meno urcite nikto nema a nebudem si ho musiet overovat ((:
inak niektore mena, ktore som pouzil v predchadzajucich pokusoch su uz znovu volne, a niektore stale cez name check neprechadzaju...SOE by sa zislo zapracovat na instantnom alebo aspon pravidelnom cisteni databazy od mien neexistujucich (zmazanych, transferovanych) postav (:
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
Jak zname SOE, tak je docela i mozny, ze kdyz si overujes jmena jen tim, ze si vytvoris toon, zadas jmeno a das Next, uz to pro ten software znamena jakoby plnohodnotne zalozeni postavy.
V podstate je uplne zbytecne si overovat volna jmena na serveru pres vytvareni charakteru na tom ci onom serveru, pac to jde krasne udelat i pres samotny transfer interface.
to je mozne, pre istotu to uz robit nebudem...ale ten transferovy formular to nove meno vzdy zobral, takze fakt neviem
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
skusi bych na ne byt trosku ostrejsi, treba z nich za ty chyby vyrazis rok hrani zadarmo :)
Kazdopadne se tesime ze te na Chimaere uvidime, nase nove River City potrebuje nove citizeny !
Skusil jsem si vcera postavit svoje prvni harwestery a power planty a jsem nadseny, tyhle technicke veci davaji hre rozmer, ktery ma v MMO snad jen EvE.
jj,při transferu tě to požádá o novej nick a po jeho zadání to projede databázi a nasleduje buď ok nebo tě to požadá o změnu,to co říká Miky je opravdu docela možný,i když potom nechápu když to kontroluje ty jména v průběhu zadávání dat pro potřeby transferu a pustí tě to až k samotnýmu celkovýmu potvrzení,že ti potom pošlou mail že to jméno je kolizní.
SWG:Dosec soustružník ,Dosec' Yurek JEDI -EU Chimaera server WWIIOL:Oberstleutnant,Axis side, DF:Twombly-meč,srp a kladivo WAR:Yurek pasáček vepřů -Eltharion
no s menom imo nebol problem...vidim, ze som vam tu zabudol postnut posledny riadok z toho infomailu, ktory hovori o samotnom dovode zlyhania
FAILED TO RENAME CHARACTER: Feyd'e Saresh FAILED TO MOVE TO SERVER: Europe-Chimaera(With Items, Override enabled) REASON: Generic Fail, no explanation provided
ta prva cast o failed rename sa objavovala vzdy, a to aj vtedy, ked mi CTS samo od seba automaticky vygenerovalo na Chimaere novu postavu (: mne to pripada, ze CTS najskor vygenerovalo tu postavu a potom sa tam nieco dosralo a transfer nemohol previest itemy, datapad, badge a proste vsetko na tuto novu postavu (:
rok z hry z nich urcite nevyrazim, lebo som z Europy, a oni si dokazu spocitat, ze je pre mna neekonomicke sa s nimi sudit pre par bubakov (: v kazdom pripade mi banka schvalila 2,5nasobne zvysenie uveroveho ramca, takze za par dni budem mat dostatok rezerv na blokovanie karty v ramci tychto minihier (:
to M.C. Warrior: vidim, ze mas rebelsky armorek, a ze to hras na najvyssich detailoch pri cape 30 FPS ((:
nechajte mi v meste nejake pekne miesto na Mustafarian Bunker...Feyd ma uz len Tatoo GH, a tu na Corellii nepostavim
snad trasnfernem aj entertainera, takze mozeme tam mat viacej senkov na chlastacky ((:
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
FAILED TO RENAME CHARACTER: Feyd'e Saresh FAILED TO MOVE TO SERVER: Europe-Chimaera(With Items, Override enabled)
a takle dopadne transfer? Doufejme že ti neřeknou jen : "sorry the character data have been lost during the transfer :-)"
no pri transfere sa robi backup, aby v pripade problemov mohli obnovit stratenu postavu...maju to napisane vo FAQ k transferom
takze dufam, ze im nevybuchne server aj so zalohami (:
no ale ked zalohy robia rovnakym sposobom ako transferuju, tak zacinam pochybovat, ci tu postavu niekedy uvidim ((:
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
No to by byla taková třešnička na dortu zvaném character transfer by SOE,ale nesmíš to vidět tak černě,nakonec všechno dobře dopadne,možna to transferuje jenom imperiální chary
SWG:Dosec soustružník ,Dosec' Yurek JEDI -EU Chimaera server WWIIOL:Oberstleutnant,Axis side, DF:Twombly-meč,srp a kladivo WAR:Yurek pasáček vepřů -Eltharion
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
móc pěkný,ale klikám na zůstatek a nějak to neodpovídá,máš to polámaný
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
No to by byla taková třešnička na dortu zvaném character transfer by SOE,ale nesmíš to vidět tak černě,nakonec všechno dobře dopadne,možna to transferuje jenom imperiální chary
Hehe, taticek Palpatin na tebe ukazal kostnatym prstikem a rekl "Dost webelie!".
Thank you for the reply. I just checked the character you transferred and it looks ok to me. You have all your items, your combat level and skills. You should check it out yourself. Let us know what you think, if everything seems ok then just stick with that character. I did notice that you were not billed for this transfer. So if you want to redo it please delete the character and let us know and we will return your character on Eclipse so you can try it again. If you choose to keep the character (which you can if you want). We will not offer any assistance for items that may be missing and so on. Please let us know what you choose to do.
Thank you for your time.
Take care
GM-Sopis Star Wars Galaxies
---------------- Takze sa to nakoniec podarilo, a to aj napriek tomu, ze CTS vybenerovala ten mail o zlyhani (: Medica mam na Chimaere a teraz sa tam transferuje jeden trader a entertainerka. Potom este jedi, trader a dalsi trader a tlusta ciara za Eclipse. Mozno si tam urobim uplne novu postavu z cisto nostalgickych dovodov a budem sledovat pozvolny rozpad mesta Bohemie. Uz je dost derava.
Ked som sa logol na transferovanu postavu, a kontroloval som si bagle, domy a banku, tak som si vsimol, ze mam kompletne vsetko vratane toho, co som pre istotu pred tym siedmym transferom zmazal alebo premiestnil na altov. To znamena, ze mam kopec denelianskeho pudingu a chlastov na agility a strength uplne zdarma (((:
Tiez ma udivuje, ze z tej odpovede z CSR vyplyva, ze mam ten transfer zadarmo :D
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
City Rank: Outpost (Level1; 10 citizens, 150m) Pop. Req. for Advancement: 15 Max Decorations: 10 Max Mission Terminals: 3 Max Skill Trainers: 3 Rank Enabled Structures: +Small Gardens Weekly Base Maintenence: 35,000cr
City Rank: Village (Level 2; 20 citizens, 200m) Pop Req for Advancement: 30 Max Decorations: 20 Max Mission Terminals: 6 Max Skill Trainers: 6 Rank Enabled Structures: +Bank +Cantina +Med Gardens Weekly Base Maintenence: 60,000cr
City Rank: Township (Level 3; 35 citizens, 300m) Pop. Req for Advancement: 50 Max Decorations: 30 Max Mission Terminals: 9 Max Skill Trainers: 9 Rank Enabled Structures: +Cloning Facility +Hospital +Large Gardens Weekly Base Maintenence: 85,000cr
City Rank: City (Level 4; 55 citizens, 400m) Pop. Req for Advancement: 80 Max Decorations: 40 Max Mission Terminal: 12 Max Skill Trainers: 12 Rank Enabled Structures +Shuttleport +Theater Weekly Base Maintenence: 110,000cr
City Rank: Metropolis (Level 5; 85 citizens, 450) Pop. Req for next Advancement: N/A Max Decorations: 50 Max Mission terminals: 15 Max Skill Trainers: 15 Rank Enabled Structures: +Exotic Gardens Weekly Base Maintenence: 135,000cr
dneska vstoupil do gildy taky tajtrlik, takze o dalsiho clena vic, navic hraje na trialu nekolik dalsich lidi co premysli o zaplaceni, casem by se taky mel z eclipse ukazat stormwatcher
1. transfer oboch normalnych postav na z Eclipse na Europe-Chimaera 2. na Eclipse zostane len postava na unlocked slote, do ktorej sa prihlasis a pouzijes /vacateunlockedslot (24 hodinovy cooldown, a unlocked slot sa stane normalnym 3. lognes sa na niektoru z normalnych postav, ktoru si transferol na Europe-Chimaera, a pouzijes /occupyunlockedslot (prikaz sharuje cooldown s /vacateunlockedslot, teda to budes moct urobit az po 24 hodinach od bodu 2), cim ten slov zmenis na unlocked, a na Europe-Chimaera sa automaticky uvolni jeden normalny slot 4. trasnfernes postavu z Eclipse na Europe-Chimaeru 5. na Europe-Chimaera budes mat teda jednu unlocked postavu a dve normalne (prostrednictvom /swapUnlockedSlot mozes znovu zmenit povodnu unlocked postavu na unlocked :)
pre istotu ti odporucam napisat ticket s presne naformulovanou otazkou, ci to naozaj ide, a urcite ti na to nejaky GM odpovie presne, ako to mas urobit
----------------- uryvok z patch notes ku GU 5:
Unlocked Character Slots:
• If your account has an unlocked slot, you can use the following procedures to manage the unlocked slot. • If you currently have an unoccupied unlocked slot, whenever you start the client, at the character selection screen, a message will be displayed with instructions on how to use the /occupyUnlockedSlot command to make any existing normal slot character into an unlocked slot character, thus freeing up a normal character slot on the galaxy. This message will only be displayed once, and will be displayed again the next time you restart the client. • If you wish to make an unlocked slot character into a normal slot character, thus allowing you to put another normal slot character into the unlocked slot, thus freeing up a normal character slot on that galaxy, log in the unlocked slot character, and run the /vacateUnlockedSlot command. • You can log in the current unlocked slot character and run the "/swapUnlockedSlot <character name>" command to make the current unlocked slot character a normal character and make the specified normal character (on the same account and on the same galaxy) the unlocked slot character. • The /occupyUnlockedSlot, /vacateUnlockedSlot, and /swapUnlockedSlot commands share a 24 hour cooldown.
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
tak, aj posledne dve psotavy su transfernute, snad este dnes stihnem prist ich ubytovat do mesta (:
a panove...vopred upozornujem, ze mi je vcelku fuk, ci vsetci zmenite frakciu na imperialnu, ale Robe urcite ostane povstalec, Feyd tiez, a ostatni neutralni ...takze to budete bud akceptovat, alebo ich mozete vyrazit z gildy :-P
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
prihlas sa do hry a /tell casia' alebo /tell wyndia
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
tak, aj posledne dve psotavy su transfernute, snad este dnes stihnem prist ich ubytovat do mesta (:
a panove...vopred upozornujem, ze mi je vcelku fuk, ci vsetci zmenite frakciu na imperialnu, ale Robe urcite ostane povstalec, Feyd tiez, a ostatni neutralni ...takze to budete bud akceptovat, alebo ich mozete vyrazit z gildy :-P
Budem dál multi. Cílem téhle guildy je česká komunita, né PvP. A jinak je GCW non existent.
"Když si Matrix nepřijde pro nás, uděláme si svůj." Guild Master of URNA (Útvar Rychlého Nasazení) - Star Wars Galaxies cz/sk guild on Chimaera
tak, aj posledne dve psotavy su transfernute, snad este dnes stihnem prist ich ubytovat do mesta (:
a panove...vopred upozornujem, ze mi je vcelku fuk, ci vsetci zmenite frakciu na imperialnu, ale Robe urcite ostane povstalec, Feyd tiez, a ostatni neutralni ...takze to budete bud akceptovat, alebo ich mozete vyrazit z gildy :-P
Budem dál multi. Cílem téhle guildy je česká komunita, né PvP. A jinak je GCW non existent.
hoth hoth hoth, ale to se bude resit az to bude aktualni
tak, aj posledne dve psotavy su transfernute, snad este dnes stihnem prist ich ubytovat do mesta (:
a panove...vopred upozornujem, ze mi je vcelku fuk, ci vsetci zmenite frakciu na imperialnu, ale Robe urcite ostane povstalec, Feyd tiez, a ostatni neutralni ...takze to budete bud akceptovat, alebo ich mozete vyrazit z gildy :-P
Budem dál multi. Cílem téhle guildy je česká komunita, né PvP. A jinak je GCW non existent.
hoth hoth hoth, ale to se bude resit az to bude aktualni
Tak tak, a jedna PvE instance nic neznamená. Kvuli jednomu dungu moc lidí frakci měnit nebude. Hlavní je, aby lidi chtěli bejt v guildě a chtěli hrát. Co a jak budou hrát už je podle mě vedlejší.
"Když si Matrix nepřijde pro nás, uděláme si svůj." Guild Master of URNA (Útvar Rychlého Nasazení) - Star Wars Galaxies cz/sk guild on Chimaera
Včera jsme se dohodli, že načrtnu plán města, aby milice věděla kde co stavět. Takže tady je muj první návrh, vyjadřujte se k němu tady nebo ve hře na mail. Připomínám, že ve hře teď moc bejt nemůžu :(
Včera jsme se dohodli, že načrtnu plán města, aby milice věděla kde co stavět. Takže tady je muj první návrh, vyjadřujte se k němu tady nebo ve hře na mail. Připomínám, že ve hře teď moc bejt nemůžu :(
1. druha GH vedla sipky SEVER asi nebude moct byt postavena vedla Mikyho muzea, lebo je tam jama, kvoli ktorej sm ani svoje small domy nemohol postavit hned vedla Mikyho muzea (mozem ich vyskusat posunut a otestovat)
2. GCW zakladnu by som do stredu mesta nedaval, z viacerych dovodov: (i) mesto bude pravdepodobne multifrakcne a teda sa nebudeme moct dohodnut na tom, aka zakladna tam bude, (ii) budeme si ich navzajom napadat :D, (iii) v strede mesta by mala byt ina uzitkova budova, napr. spital (do buducnosti, dovtedy asi skor garaz)
3. chyba ti tam banka a garaz (:
EDIT: jo este mi napadlo, ci je vobec dobre planovat tak vela GH do centra mesta
na tych miestach by boli asi vhodnejsie rady malych domov, a GH by mohli byt napr. az za nimi v dalsej ulici
co ma privadza k dalsej poznamke, ze tam chybaju vyustenia buducich naplanovanych ulic, ak by sa mest rozsirovalo, pretoze prestavavat ho po kazdom ticku bude dost narocne aj kvoli ludom, ktori nemusia byt stale online
EDIT 2: tak som to otestoval, a do tej diery vedla Mikiho muzea nepostavis nic...najblizsi dom sa moze psotavit tam, kde je moj small
jo a stratil som pri tom testovani miliciu, tak mi ju potom pls daj spat (Hrrrasko)
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
Tak River Camp se nám zaseknul ne ranku 2 protože rank 3 je capnutej. Jakmile se to ale odsekne tak nebudem mít daleko ke shuttleportu :) Dneska (včera) se přidali další dva češi, nováčci (znám je z AoC).
Bohužel já nějakej ten tejden eště moc času mít nebudu. TCG jsem si zahrál sotva na dvě hoďky dneska. Rozhodně neni špatná.
"Když si Matrix nepřijde pro nás, uděláme si svůj." Guild Master of URNA (Útvar Rychlého Nasazení) - Star Wars Galaxies cz/sk guild on Chimaera