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Junior Member

899 Posts |
Posted - 23/05/2008 : 12:02:21
Prispeky muzete cist odspoda, vyplyva z toho ze nelze pouzit "Visa Elektron" na hrani cehokoliv u SOE, protoze zacali pouzivat Verifikaci pro "Visa" CW2, coz u Elektronu neexistuje.
Kvuli SOE si nebudu delat novou kartu.
Paradoxem je ze mi stale blokjou tech 280 korun na mym ucte a moje banka tvrdi ze platba probehla uspesne.
Payment Error - Sorry, we were unable to process your payment.
Customer (XXXXXXXXXX soe) 05/23/2008 02:58 AM And please cancel your money blocking from my account, which was succesfully paid. Petr.
Customer (XXXXXXXXXXXX soe) 05/23/2008 02:51 AM
Thank you for your information.
Its bad, that you changed your pay system. I can only repeat i used my VISA Electron card in your system one year ago succesfully: 4/10/07 $17.61 1010461673 VISA(****XXXX) Vanguard Subscription
Using game cards is less comfortable and more expensive.
I will just play other MMO games, where i can still use my Visa Electron with no problem. And i will NOT play SWG or any SOE Games.
Thank you for your Help, i am glad that i know i cant use my card here, so i will not do another stupid try.
You can close this Ticket.
Petr. Response (TSR James W.) 05/22/2008 04:08 PM
I am afraid the Visa Electron cards do not work with our billing system. One option I can suggest to you in They sell our game cards, and they get them to you by emailing you a key code, so you don't have to leave the house. They accept a variety of payment options, including Paypal if you have that. If you have any further questions, please feel free to let us know.
Thank You,
CSR Jamie W. Sony Online Entertainment Customer (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX soe) 05/22/2008 11:58 AM
Really Thank You that you found out the problem.
I called again to my Bank Support and they told me that the Support only "CVV or CVC Verification" (3 digit number on the back of the card).
They also told me that problem can be that i am using "Visa Electron" Card and in the options of card type is only "Visa".
I am using this card to paying World Of Warcraft with no problem, but You can have other payment Rules. I also must say, that in my pay history, i paid succesfully with this card Vanguard: 4/10/07 $17.61 1010461673 VISA(****XXXX) Vanguard Subscription
Please tell me if there is posibility to pay with Visa Electron Card or i cant play SWG anymore.
Really thank you for your time. Petr. Response (TSR Edward R.) 05/22/2008 10:31 AM
The responses we are getting on all attempted transactions on this card is "Card issuer is not certified for CW2 verification" . This is verification of the security code on the back of the card. If the card issuer does not support this type of verification then it will not be usable through our system. I would recommend contacting the card issuer to see if it is possible for them to enable this type of verification on your card.
Regards CSR Ed R Customer (XXXXXXXXXXXX soe) 05/22/2008 12:29 AM Hello.
I called to my Bank Support and they checked payment from my today morning another try.
But i still have NO SUBSCRIPTION!
Please check this problem trully, and dont give me another COPY+PASTE text.
Thank you. Response (TSR Nick M.) 05/21/2008 08:59 AM
We're sorry to hear that you're having problems with getting your purchase to go through. Please follow the following steps to get your issue resolved.
1. The most common cause of this error is a CURRENCY/REGION mismatch. Please make sure that you have correctly selected the currency that matches your registration address. For example, if you are registered in California, you would need to pay in US Dollars; if you are registered in Paris, France, you would need to pay in Euros.
2. Please also make sure that you have entered your 5/9 digit ZIP code correctly. Try using your 9-digit ZIP if the 5-digit ZIP doesn't work, and vice versa.
3. Please make sure that you are correctly entering your CSV code from the back of your credit card. You MUST enter this correctly; you cannot make it up.
4. If none of these solutions resolve your problem, please contact your financial institution or credit card company (as appropriate) ask why your transaction failed with SOE. Your card may be fine with other purchases that you have made, but there may be a specific requirement for purchasing a product or subscription through SOE that you were unaware of. Your financial institution should be able to clarify that for you.
Warm regards, Nick M Customer (XXXXXXXXXX soe) 05/21/2008 01:22 AM
On my logged Account "XXXXXXXXXX", After "Select Payment Source" and "Confirm Your Selections"
i got:
Payment Error Sorry, we were unable to process your payment. Please click on the following link for possible solutions to your error:
But on my Bank Account some money was blocked for paying. Please help in any way:
1. Plese can u automaticly subscribe one month subscription ? 2. Or cancel all payment and tell when subscription will be ready without errors ? 3. Or tell me why i got the error, i checked personal and bank account data filled in forms many times.
And of course let me know when done. Thank you a lot. Petr.
WoW: Axgri |
Edited by - Sanix on 23/05/2008 12:03:21
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Junior Member

629 Posts |
Posted - 23/05/2008 : 14:44:23
jj, o tyhle prasarne uz psali, ale myslel sem, ze to zas zrusili, protoze po cely Evrope to zadna banka nepodporuje a v USA taky naky ne |
SWG, Europe-Farstar - Drom, Losos, Efiss, Casia' - R.I.P. SWG |
Junior Member

899 Posts |
Posted - 28/08/2008 : 16:52:07
haha, tak sem si poridil novou kartu, uz ne "Visa Electron" ale ted "VISA", hmm a stejne to nejde... sem si chtel zase zaplatit a nemuzu... |
WoW: Axgri |
Drizzt DoUrden
Average Member
1591 Posts |
Posted - 28/08/2008 : 17:56:10
quote: Originally posted by Sanix
haha, tak sem si poridil novou kartu, uz ne "Visa Electron" ale ted "VISA", hmm a stejne to nejde... sem si chtel zase zaplatit a nemuzu...
Co takhle jednou poslechnout radu a pořídit si MasterCard (klidně i e-card)?? Myslím, že u nich tenhle problém nebyl. |
Average Member

1691 Posts |
Posted - 28/08/2008 : 22:26:07
Ja to platil jak MC tak Visou, oboje mi slo. |
Junior Member
503 Posts |
Posted - 29/08/2008 : 06:47:37
Všechno včetně SWG jsem vždy platil VISOU a nikdy jsem neměl problém,ale teď mě VISA expirovala a musím pro novou,tak jsem zvědavej jesli náhodou nenarazím  |
SWG:Dosec soustružník ,Dosec' Yurek JEDI -EU Chimaera server WWIIOL:Oberstleutnant,Axis side, DF:Twombly-meč,srp a kladivo WAR:Yurek pasáček vepřů -Eltharion
M.C warior

1073 Posts |
Posted - 29/08/2008 : 07:10:49
Smarja skoc si do banky, rekni ze chces Master Card a za tejden ji tam mas k vyzvednuti, mezitim ti to calne nejakej kamos, to sou trable :) |
1035 Posts |
Posted - 29/08/2008 : 09:29:14
teraz mi expirovala VISA, normalne som ju v nastaveniach uctu zmenil za novu a funguje to dalej tak ako ma
imo to vobec nema nic spolocne s tym, ze je to VISA alebo EC/MC, pretoze tie systemy funguju prakticky rovnako, a je dost pravdepodobne, ze EC/MC od toho isteho vydavatela sa bude spravat rovnako
skontroluj si vsetky fakturacne nastavenia v ucte, ci su totozne s tvojimi udajmi na karte a v banke
dalej si over, ze tvoja kreditna karta ma povolene transakcie cez internet (pri kreditkach by to malo byt povolene by default, ale clovek nikdy nevie)
banka blokaciu rezervovanej sumy na kartovom ucte nemoze zrusit, musi len pockat na jej potvrdenie zo strany obchodnika alebo na jej expiraciu (asi 10-14 dni po tom, ako je transakcia autorizovana a suma rezervovana na kartovom ucte)
raz som mal problem s jednym e-shopom, ktory tiez nebol schopny si strhnut peniaze z mojho kartoveho uctu, a namiesto toho len vykonaval blokacie pri kazdej objednavke bez ich potvrdenia
po doraznej e-mailovej komunikacii nakoniec kontaktovali externu firmu, ktora im zabezpecovala kartovy servis, a ktora jednu z tych rezervovanych platieb potvrdila, a transakcia prebehla
v tom maile som im pohrozil, ze to oznamim asociacii VISA s upozornenim na ich praktiky, ktore su v rozpore s pravidlami elektronickeho obchodovania a budem dorazne trvat na tom, aby prisli o povolenie (((: |
I have waited and planned and built my strength for fifteen thousand years. I have evolved. It is time. (Omnius Evermind) --------------------------- Feyd'Rautha Saresh (Medic, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera), Robe Saresh (Force Sensitive, Rebel Alliance, Europe-Chimaera)
Drizzt DoUrden
Average Member
1591 Posts |
Posted - 29/08/2008 : 18:54:05
Mno mě v Komerčce řekli, že internetové platby na platebních kartách automaticky blokují a že klient musí požádat o odblokování, aby s tím mohl platit přes internet (tohle odpadá u e-card, která není na nic jiného než placení přes internet dělaná).
Jo a rozhodně do údajů o kartě nezadávej údaje s háčkama a čárkama, to americký systém nezkousne. |
Junior Member

899 Posts |
Posted - 29/08/2008 : 21:25:01
Ahoj, diky za reakce.
Mno kartu mam zarizenou za ucelem plateb po internetu a je to povoleno. Dale blokace se PROVEDE (a i provedla u stare karty), ale vyexpiruje.
Myslis ze jim mam taky pohrozit ? :-))))
WoW: Axgri |
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 30/08/2008 : 09:20:34
Myslim, ze by sis mel uzivat fakt, ze nemuzes hrat nic od SOE. |
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Junior Member
931 Posts |
Posted - 31/08/2008 : 13:32:48
Mám e-kartu od GEmoney a nikdy jsem neměl sebemenší problém s platbami po netu včetně SWG. Vřele doporučuji. |
jůůz d fóós |
Junior Member

629 Posts |
Posted - 31/08/2008 : 19:42:52
ja mam master card od KB a taky v pohode |
SWG, Europe-Farstar - Drom, Losos, Efiss, Casia' - R.I.P. SWG |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 31/08/2008 : 22:40:11
ja mam visu classic od sporky a nikdy zadny problem a ze jsem toho platil opravdu hodne |
lastfm |
Drizzt DoUrden
Average Member
1591 Posts |
Posted - 05/09/2008 : 21:05:02
Tak nic |
Edited by - Drizzt DoUrden on 06/09/2008 14:08:38 |
Junior Member
503 Posts |
Posted - 07/09/2008 : 16:22:25
hmm tak dneska mě vypršelo předplatný a z novou VISOU nejsem schopen obnovit account,vůbec netuším kde je problém  edit : vyřešeno  |
SWG:Dosec soustružník ,Dosec' Yurek JEDI -EU Chimaera server WWIIOL:Oberstleutnant,Axis side, DF:Twombly-meč,srp a kladivo WAR:Yurek pasáček vepřů -Eltharion
Edited by - Yurekk on 07/09/2008 19:26:10 |
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