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New Member

285 Posts |
Posted - 03/06/2009 : 19:22:53
2. června bylo na Sony E3 konferenci oficiálně ohlášeno spuštění Final Fantasy XIV online exkluzivně na PS3 (den poté však byla hra potvrzena i na PC), předběžně na rok 2010. EDIT: datum launche je zatím oznámeno na 30. září 2010, pro majitele Collectors edition je vstup do hry oznámen již na 22. září
Další linky co se můžou hodit :) :
FFXIV poběží na "Crystal Tools" enginu, na kterém je postavená např. FFXIII.
VÝŠE MĚSÍČNÍCH POPLATKŮ: Při zakoupení hry bude standardně 30 dní zdarma, po uplynutí zkušební doby bude poplatek stejný jako u FFXI, tzn. 12.99 € měsíčně, ale je tu jeden rozdíl - stejně jako u FFXI bude v základním poplatku 1 char. slot, každý další hratelný char (alt) bude zpoplatněn poplatkem 3 € (celkem rozdíl proti 1 € ve FFXI), ale zároveň by měl být k dispozici zdarma 1 tzv. "retainer" - nehratelný charakter, sloužící k prodeji věcí (i když budete offline), a snad by měl mít i storage, každý další "retainer" character bude zase zpoplatněn, tentokrát částkou 1 € měsíčně, což je stejný jako tomu bylo u FFXI za normální "playable" char, ale stejně je tam všichni používali jen jako "muly"
EDIT: info o placení & linky
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Edited by - Murdy on 27/08/2010 20:30:00
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Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 03/06/2009 : 20:30:58
aaaah! |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |

4328 Posts |

4328 Posts |
Posted - 03/06/2009 : 21:09:44
A: The development for FFXIV started 4 or 5 years ago with primary ideas. Development started a few years ago, while FFXI was still being supported. FFXI will continue to be supported. There is another year of content planned. There are no plans for the near future to stop development on FFXI.
A: While you may have noticed that some of the same type of races appeared in the trailer, the world of FFXIV is different from FFXI. The reason that we made the races similar to the FFXI races is so FFXI players could choose a similar type of race in the new game. For example, in movies, you might have an actor that plays many different roles. Please, think of it that way.XIV does not take place in Vana’deil.
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 08/07/2009 : 10:07:14
According to a discovery by the newly launched Eorzeapedia, Square Enix will be hiring Game Masters this September, potentially in anticipation of a beta test beginning this Fall.
Of course, take this all with a grain of salt, it is, for the moment, just speculation. There are some facts that lend credibility to the rumor though. There is the fact that the game is slated to launch in 2010 and that Square Enix has stated they want a longer beta test than FFXI had (which was only 3-4 months).
Find out more info on Final Fantasy XIV, here.
a ted ty linky
souhrn z fora
After the first lines of text rolled in the E3 trailer, the movie panned across an expansive land filled with trees and waterfalls. This was introduced to us as "Eorzea," but it seems there will be more meaning to the name than simply labeling a single region of land. In addition, we have discovered that the name of the entire world will be ????? (ha-i-de-ri-n). Koumoto has stressed that this world will have a new feel compared to Vana'diel and bring a different kind of fantasy environment, one that is a little more "hi-tech" perhaps. The peculiar flying pods battling monsters in the sky are said to be an example of the new direction they are looking to take.
Also, it seems that the admittedly strange pronunciation of Eorzea, ????? (e-o-ru-ze-a), has evoked some reactions amongst the Japanese media as well. Game reviewer "Hamamura Tsuushin" came up with his own theory, commenting that it sounds like something that would come out of ??? (Kou-chi ken) the Kouchi Prefecture of Japan, where people speak in ??? (to-sa ben) Tosa dialect. This is because words in Tosa dialect often contain "ze" and "ya" and the speech pattern is also influenced by ??? (kan-sai ben) Kansai dialect, which is well-known for being amusingly jumbled and rowdy.
The E3 Presentation
Tanaka stated that he wished to unveil FFXIV at E3 in particular to highlight their intention to release the game simultaneously across all supported regions. E3 was the perfect place to find foreign media from around the world gathered together. This certainly would indicate Square Enix is ready to fully support all players right from the start, and could give some hope to players in North America or Europe who may have felt snubbed in the past.
As an funny side note, it is reported that the announcement of FFXIV caught some people really off-guard. Apparently, the instant Jack Tretton, President of SCEA, uttered the words "Final Fantasy Fourteen," some people took it as a joke and could not believe their ears. However, that feeling was quickly dispelled once the trailer started running, and the room soon erupted in applause and shouts of joy.
In order to entice FFXI players over to the new game, Tanaka said they designed avatars to be similar in style. This way, there would be a connection that could make people feel comfortable transferring over, and let them know they could continue with their preferred "virtual self." However, while the races are the same on the surface, they will be given new names and some other cosmetic changes. Furthermore, eagle-eyed forum-goers have spotted what Connect!On refers to as a "horned elf" behind the counter on the far left, that could hint at the addition of new races. Unfortunately, there is no official confirmation of this as of yet. When pressed on the number of races planned, Koumoto has been hesitant to say if anything is decided.
According to Koumoto, battles in FFXIV will involve more thinking and strategy than FFXI. While FFXI was about timing and quick action, FFXIV is going to take a new approach that will provide a comfortable learning curve for new players, yet allow for the challenge that hardcore players also crave.
The keyword is "growth" and FFXIV will be sold as a game that allows improvement without unnecessary hardship. Koumoto references FFXI, saying it is a game that relies too exclusively on defeating enemies over and over to advance, and that FFXIV will bring new avenues of facilitating character growth, such as quests.
In addition to partying, solo play will also be possible, but instead of focusing on boosting one or the other, Koumoto has said FFXIV will be a game that, above all else, aims to meet the needs of the users, no matter what style they choose to play. One day you might want to adventure with a friend, and another day you might want to go it alone. FFXIV will allow you to choose your path as you please and find enjoyment in your unique play style.
For the Job System, Koumoto has expressed interest in taking aspects of FFXI's flexible style but expanding greatly upon it in new ways. In the end, it will be completely different from what we are familiar with in Vana'diel. The keyword here is "weapon," which we have heard was also the theme of the FFXIV logo. Somewhere in that wheel of adventurers lies a hint as to how jobs and leveling may change. Speaking of which, we have also heard from Tanaka that the traditional experience points and level system will not be used this time around. While he was more than eager to divulge that bit of info, there has sadly been no clarification as to what system will replace it.
Movie Speculation
Probably the first thing everyone noticed was that the trailer was exceptionally beautiful. It is said that there was actual in-game footage mixed in as well, which is quite impressive. According to reports, the scenes with a Mithra-looking mage casting a magical barrier and the tail-less Galka wielding a great axe could very possibly reflect the level of quality we can expect during actual gameplay. A giant sea serpent leaping over the ship has been speculated to be Leviathan, but there is no such confirmation from official sources. Another part of the trailer that viewers focused on was the Chocobo at the end. Koumoto has mentioned that the Chocobo caused more of an uproar than he had anticipated. This is attributed to the fact that the Chocobo was a symbol that let everyone know: "This is a true Final Fantasy game."
Analyzing the boat scene again, questions were asked regarding whether it was hinting at a party vs. party style battle system. Koumoto admits that limiting the game to parties simply bludgeoning a single enemy to death would lack variety, and the team is looking into large-scale battles as well. Also, it may not always be against an enemy. PvP content is also being considered, but it seems they are stopping shy of allowing unrestrained dueling and player killing. Tanaka adds that they are maintaining the same stance against griefing through PKing and kill stealing as they have in FFXI.
To FFXI Players:
In closing, Connect!On reprints some of the final thoughts that Tanaka and Koumoto had for existing FFXI players.
Those of us who continue to enjoy FFXI have heard Tanaka tell us time and again that Vana'diel will live on for years to come. There is a team of people who continue to work solely on FFXI, so they should not been disrupted or slowed down even after the release of FFXIV. Not only that, but FFXIV will be designed so that one can balance their play time between the two games without having to upset their daily lives. FFXIV will be a game that is kind to the casual player, and not demand copious amounts of time to make progress.
With great care being paid to the existing FFXI community and the media attention MMO addiction has been receiving throughout Japan recently, it seems we can really expect a game that will deliver without being demanding. Personally, I think this is an excellent concept, and hopefully Square Enix will find that a more relaxed atmosphere will encourage people to keep active accounts for longer.
Final Fantasy XIV will go live around the globe in 2010, and a beta is still guaranteed to precede the start of public service. The ZAM FFXIV Team will continue to keep our eyes and ears open so be sure to check back often! In the meantime, feel free to discuss this article or join in any of the hot topics circulating the FFXIV forums.
pro me osobne jednoznacne nejocekavanejsi hra za poslednich x let, jedine co by ji mohlo prebit je uo2 :) |
lastfm |
Edited by - Rashaverak on 08/07/2009 10:09:49 |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 08/07/2009 : 11:16:37
jj tesim se sice na Aion, MO a tak ale tohle je v podstate jistota super zabavy na hooodne dlouhou dobu |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
2156 Posts |
Posted - 08/07/2009 : 18:40:30
Taky se těším. Jak na XIV, tak na XIII a Versus |
New Member

140 Posts |
Posted - 08/07/2009 : 22:08:00
omg, z gaba sa stal konzolista :(
uvidim, co bude ta strnastka zac a mozno skusim :) |
2156 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2009 : 09:59:45
? Mám konzole desítku let. |
New Member

140 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2009 : 11:36:04
ja vim pardale, delam si kozy :) |
2156 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2009 : 12:22:47
quote: Originally posted by skuko
ja vim pardale, delam si kozy :)
Kozle ! :-) |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 18/07/2009 : 18:31:34
The new upcoming MMORPG from Square-Enix, thus far named as ... or Final Fantasy XIV, has been in development for 4 years by the same hands who delivered Final Fantasy XI. Due to that, players from the previous chapter will find many similarities between those titles. As said by the heads behind the project: “Though it does share some monsters and races from Final Fantasy XI, they're not direct representations and have been altered in multiple ways that make them unique to Eorzea. The similarities in races will allow experienced FFXI players to create a new FFXIV character that looks somewhat comparable.” And there is were the similarities end.
The races may be similar, but they do not share the same world, or even, the same age. Final Fantasy XIV is supposed to be in an age like the one shown in Final Fantasy XII. A time when airships and great technologies were hardly present on a daily basis and fierce combats were fought in the skies of their world. As shown in the debut video, players will have the chance to take part in aerial combat and even have his/her own battleship. That being said, maybe this will be the motivation for the guild/linkshell system. Speaking of the preview video, Square-Enix told us that it displays both rendered graphics and in game footage. The in game images are pretty hard to notice, which shows how far they have pushed the quality of this game.
Yet this debut video, which was present at E3 this year, was not the first video made for this game. A couple years ago, Square had showed what seemed to be a test of in game rendering footage. The media let that passes by, as the company had just announced the creation of FFXIII and its two other counterparts. You can watch it here:
Pretty impressive for a 4 year old video right? The new video looks like they have made a lot of improvements since its first presentation.
To finish up this small brief of information around this title, FFXIV is planned to be launched by next year (2010). After Final Fantasy XIII gets released, which is planned to be out the spring of the same year. |
lastfm |
Edited by - Rashaverak on 18/07/2009 18:32:26 |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 04/08/2009 : 19:11:32
The Weather and Time
* The weather in Final Fantasy XIV is subject to change * One day in Eorzea is equal to one hour of real-life time * Day and Night cycle
Time Flow of Battles
The developers have stated that battles will occur in realtime, but will not focus on fast-paced action and timing. Instead, strategy will play a much larger role. It seems the Armoury system will play into this, allowing players to actively change jobs on the fly, and adapt to many different situations. Unlike Final Fantasy XI, players will not be stuck in an infinite loop of pulling and fighting. This time, the developers have put more thought into creating battle situations with more variety.
The Mithra casting a barrier is an example of how the flow of battle could change. Instead of simply pulling and provoking, placement of characters and using abilities to assist each other could have much more impact. Developers have confirmed there will be battles where you face groups of monsters at a time, and the opportunities to effectively employ strategy will increase as well.
Director Komoto has expressed on mutiple occassions his desire to promote natural growth through freedom and variety. The quest system - Guildleve - is the realization of this dream. The system will serve as a way for players to customize their own quests, much like the Moblin Maze Monger event in Final Fantasy XI. Adventurers seeking to improve their skills can visit a Guild and choose from a number of jobs that are currently available.
Guildleve uses a set of cards, called Leves, that are combined to define mission parameters. These can include goals, locations and required jobs. A Garderner may have a task to complete, but require the protection of a Gladiator. There will be consideration paid to variety of jobs, so that many people can undertake quests together. Also, players within a single party can be using different Leves, helping each other to complete their various duties while each reaping their own individual rewards.
Quests accepted through Guildleve will not be demanding with some taking 30 minutes or less to complete. Players can carry multiple Leves and blow through a number of objectives in one run. Again, it is up to what the player wishes to do within the time they have available. Guildleve is literally a way for users to customize the gaming experience to their liking.
The Armoury System
In Final Fantasy XIV, players will be able to change between jobs utilizing the Armoury System, wherein equipping different weapons and tools will instantly change your class. Classes will be organized into several "Disciplines," broader categories that contain multiple classes that appropriately represent your chosen path. There will be four disciplines, each with a number of classes, and a variety of skills for each class. The developers are still unsure whether players will be able to master every class, of if they will impose a "see-saw" effect, similar to crafting in Final Fantasy XI.
Instead of levels, a player's "main job" will be comprised of their highest level skills. The idea was for players to naturally define their own job, instead of the game locking them into a label. Even though there are named classes, anyone can change by swapping weapons, so there will be much more variety amongst players through the sets of skills they wish to focus upon.
The official site gives an example using a fictional character named "Leeroy." Leeroy begins as a Gladiator, but upon receiving an invitation to party with his friends, he realizes they already have enough melee power in their party. Therefore, Leeroy equips his staff, changing his class to Thaumaturge, a class under the Discipline of Magic. It does not seem like there has been any official confirmation of class names outside of that description, so the Japanese translations below are approximations based on previous Final Fantasy titles and are subject to change:
Additional Information to Armoury System
When changing your weapon, you are basically changing jobs and you can do this in almost all locations and all times. Getting invited to a group which has too many of your current class? No problem, switch to the necessary job they lack numbers in. After the adventure is over, switch back to your previous class, gardener for instance.
Weapons and your equipment has their own "levels". You need to coordinate your equipment to reach whatever goal and power you're aiming at.
* In Final Fantasy XIV there is a larger focus on the level of the item you're using, instead of your own levels and abilities. * You're able to switch from warrior to a white mage on your own, when solo playing - soloing becomes a whole lot more fun and easier * Changing your "job" is as simple as switching your weapon, you can relax and not feel a lot of stress * The "holy trinity" type of jobs have been avoided, the jobs of FFXIV are more neutral * Square Soft promises a lot of freedom in Eorzea. Almost unrestricted.
An example is the following: Let's say you join a group of adventurers and you're fighting enemies, if you wear the corresponding equipment to become a warrior you are ready. When said group has disbanded, you can change gears and you'll return to becoming a fisherman or a gardener.
This will allow for a lot more freedom and it'll make FFXIV quite solo friendly. A warrior who wants to be cured of poison can easily change into a White Mage himself. So, having plenty of inventory room is far more important than it was in Final Fantasy XI.
In order to increase in specific areas, Square Soft recommend to balance your equipment parts between the inventory slots. The level of your equipment is essential in Final Fantasy XIV, its more important than your character's "level" itself. Square Enix mention the freedom of the system yet again and that it becomes a lot more flexible and fun having such a system in place. The team behind FFXIV has deliberately chosen to avoid the usual job classes, instead chosing much more neutral names. |
lastfm |
Edited by - Rashaverak on 12/08/2009 08:39:18 |
4339 Posts |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 20/08/2009 : 09:01:29
nemuzu rict ze by se mi to libilo, z nejakeho me samotnemu neznameho duvodu mi to pripomina diablo, nejspise animaci chuze s mecem v ruce |
lastfm |

4328 Posts |
Posted - 11/01/2010 : 05:17:40
Clanek s novejma obrazkama + seznam classu
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
Senior Member

2735 Posts |
Posted - 11/01/2010 : 11:22:48
Nikdy jsem nehral zadny FF, ale jestli neco k tomu pohybu, tak mi prave prijde ze je to jak Aion/L2, ten beh... Jestli je to dobry nebo spatny necham na jinejch, mne se to v Aionu moc nelibilo i kdyz kdysi v L2 mi to bylo jedno, mozna to bylo tim, ze jsem nic jinyho neznal  |
New Member

285 Posts |
Posted - 11/01/2010 : 12:28:55
Na stránkách FF XIV se objevil odkaz na registraci do bety, tak kdo chce zkusit štěstí: (je nutné mít založený účet u SE)
Ad ovládání - Aion jsem neměl příležitost vyzkoušet, ale co se týče srovnání ovládání s L2 - moc podobnosti bych v tom neviděl, u FFXI se pohyb ovládal buďto směrovými šipkami, nebo klasicky W,A,S,D, přičemž se dalo kombinací ovládání kamery pomocí myši a chozením, docílit hodně dobré dynamiky pohybu. U L2 bylo ovládání pohybu pomocí klávesnice téměř "mission impossible", celý se to hejbalo naprosto šíleně (nevím jak je na tom L2 v současné době), takže pohyb pomocí klikání na zem byl jedinou možností - oproti tomu, snad žádná z FF her pohybem pomocí "klikání myší na zem" nedisponovala :)
edit: čet sem to v práci o pauze na oběd s vypnutym mozkem, takže mi nedocvaklo že nešlo o pohyb jako ovládání, ale o to jak postava vypadá při běhu Je pravda že trochu podoby s L2 tam možná je, ale předevšim mi to připadá téměř uplně stejný jako ve FFXI , ale zase múžeš mít při běhu zbraň zandanou. Co vypadá z toho prvního videa zajímavě, a na co tu kupodivu nikdo nepoukázal, je ta lišta se skillama dole  | |
Edited by - Murdy on 11/01/2010 19:06:24 |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 11/01/2010 : 19:17:02
Pugilist - boxer, těžko říct jaká tato postava bude, ale zřejmě půjde především o boj beze zbraní
Jestlipak si bude farmit nový ruce :D |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2010 : 08:21:05
nejvic mi vadi jak doku*vili taru taru vypadaji ted jak buzeranti, predtim vypadali uzasne |
lastfm |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2010 : 09:12:20
No ja uz si setrim 14 dni dovolene :) FF je pro mne proste srdcovka :) |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2010 : 18:25:12
mno tak muj ucet mi nefunguje a pri snaze o registraci mi prisel nasledujici email s aktivacnim linkem
0#402;U#234;#236;#352;#8240;#245;#209;s#352;P z{R#170;#230;«xIâÄ #198;#162;#8226;#234;Â#162;{^#382;Ô#242;#165;ë^#198;ßé#8226;¨§r«±ë#352;#202;ó#376;Eë®s¶¶#710;~#8225;iÇ#186;{#170;#230;yé#197;#202;\#234;#8218;)#8221;<BR>
na strance je cosi jako troubleshooting, pricemz predevsim tato veta mi prijde mirne komicka
If clicking on the URL does not open the page, copy the URL and paste it into your browser's address bar.
lastfm |
Edited by - Rashaverak on 12/01/2010 18:25:40 |

4328 Posts |
Posted - 19/01/2010 : 09:52:17
zkusim to taky :-D jinak kdz sem zkousel FF11 tak mi slo prenastavit ovladani tusim i ve stylu L2. I tak mi to prislo desne hardcore :-D
Hlavne ja tenkrat nepochopil proc do zacatku zadne qusty? zadne skilly? proste sem byl hned vyhan ven a mlatit moby? Nebo sem tam neco nepochopil za nekym nedosel? |
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 19/01/2010 : 10:27:33
quote: Originally posted by Rodier
zkusim to taky :-D jinak kdz sem zkousel FF11 tak mi slo prenastavit ovladani tusim i ve stylu L2. I tak mi to prislo desne hardcore :-D
Hlavne ja tenkrat nepochopil proc do zacatku zadne qusty? zadne skilly? proste sem byl hned vyhan ven a mlatit moby? Nebo sem tam neco nepochopil za nekym nedosel?
v FFXI se neexpuje prez questy a veskere skilly si kupujes |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
Junior Member

885 Posts |
Posted - 19/01/2010 : 10:31:33
quote: Originally posted by Rashaverak
mno tak muj ucet mi nefunguje a pri snaze o registraci mi prisel nasledujici email s aktivacnim linkem
0#402;U#234;#236;#352;#8240;#245;#209;s#352;P z{R#170;#230;«xIâÄ #198;#162;#8226;#234;Â#162;{^#382;Ô#242;#165;ë^#198;ßé#8226;¨§r«±ë#352;#202;ó#376;Eë®s¶¶#710;~#8225;iÇ#186;{#170;#230;yé#197;#202;\#234;#8218;)#8221;<BR>
na strance je cosi jako troubleshooting, pricemz predevsim tato veta mi prijde mirne komicka
If clicking on the URL does not open the page, copy the URL and paste it into your browser's address bar.
Japonstina v UTF-16. IMO. |
Barabariel Herbicidia - Conjurer - FFXIV:RR - [Ragnarok] @Herbicid - Champions Online, Star Trek Online
There are many worlds where I visited already Anarchy Online | Age of Conan | Warhammer Online | StarWars Galaxies | EVE | Earth&Beyond | World of Warcraft | Dungeons & Dragons Online | City of Villains and Heroes | Saga of Ryzom | Lord of the Rings Online
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 19/01/2010 : 10:44:51
quote: Originally posted by Rashaverak
mno tak muj ucet mi nefunguje a pri snaze o registraci mi prisel nasledujici email s aktivacnim linkem
Podle mne bude problem v tom, ze kdyz jsme my zacali hrat FFXI tak to nebyla EU verze takze account je branej jako JP ... ja si vytvoril novej EU account a vse probehlo v pohode - prislo mne ze jsem zaregistrovanej a daji mne vedet az bude beta :) |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 20/01/2010 : 08:30:59
nene my meli US verzi nikoliv JP, samozrejme jsem si take vytvoril novy ucet a vsechno uz je v pohode, email se posral kvuli klientovi pres ktery jsem se ho snazil otevrit |
lastfm |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 20/01/2010 : 09:19:46
quote: Originally posted by Rashaverak
nene my meli US verzi nikoliv JP, samozrejme jsem si take vytvoril novy ucet a vsechno uz je v pohode, email se posral kvuli klientovi pres ktery jsem se ho snazil otevrit
kk :) ... doufam ze mne vyberou - FF je pro mne posledni majak v mori sracek co ted vychazi... |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
2156 Posts |
Posted - 20/01/2010 : 12:14:00
Tak vám hoši držím palce, já si vystačím s FF XIII zatím a ve XIV se pak potkáme. |
New Member

285 Posts |
Posted - 20/01/2010 : 12:30:48
quote: Originally posted by Rodier
zkusim to taky :-D jinak kdz sem zkousel FF11 tak mi slo prenastavit ovladani tusim i ve stylu L2. I tak mi to prislo desne hardcore :-D
Hlavne ja tenkrat nepochopil proc do zacatku zadne qusty? zadne skilly? proste sem byl hned vyhan ven a mlatit moby? Nebo sem tam neco nepochopil za nekym nedosel?
Ony tam ty questy jsou hned od začátku, ale není jich moc a pak je to tím HC zpracováním - quest NPC nejsou nijak označeny, žádný vykřičník nebo jiný znak nad hlavou neupozorňuje, že postava dává quest, všechno probíhá formou dialogu - pokecáte a zjistíte, že daná postava něco potřebuje. Stejně pak funguje i odevzdávání questů - např. NPC chce donést 2 netopýří křídla, ta vymlátíte z netopýrů, ale nikde necinká 1/2, 2/2 nebo něco tak, prostě nafarmíte křídla a ta pak formou klasického "trade" odevzdáte NPC - opět nad ním nic nesvítí, v quest journálu nevidíte quest jako "připravený k odevzdání". Jinak za questy opravdu nejsou žádné expy, slouží výhradně ke zvyšování reputace v daných regionech, nebo k získávání itemů a různých postupů (level breaky, druhé povolání, acessy do airshipů..). Trochu vyjímka jsou questy z knížek, které jsou ve velkém množství zón, včetně newbie, za ty expy jsou, ale ty byly přidány až někdy před rokem. Co se týkalo skillů, těch je na začátku fakt hodně málo, dá se říct že to dostane správnej šmrnc až když máte k dispozici víc povolání a můžete kombinovat (takže spousta lidí podle mě nepřekousla ten začátek, kdy jsou hlavně melee chary co se skillů týče vážně trochu opruz) - to by mělo ve FFXIV podle všeho odpadnout :)
Jinak k tý registraci - pozor na rozdíl mezi "POL accountem" (Play Online) a registrací na SE - je v tom rozdíl, POL účet nefunguje do SE, a při vytváření SE accountu je nutné použít jiný email než v POL :) | |
Edited by - Murdy on 20/01/2010 18:51:40 |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 21/01/2010 : 09:52:48
ok tak to byl muj problem ze jsem se snazil prihlasit POL accountem |
lastfm |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2010 : 11:53:53
quote: Originally posted by Gabriel
Tak vám hoši držím palce, já si vystačím s FF XIII zatím a ve XIV se pak potkáme.
poreferuj az FFXIII skusis - ja nikdy nebyl konzolovej ale uvazoval jsem ze bych do konzole kvuli FFXIII sel... jenze recenze jsou naprosto diametralne rozpolceny od 120ze100 nejlepsi hra vsech dob po 2z10 epic fail.... :/
navic special edition FF PS3 je v prodeji jen v JP :( u nas jde koupit Limited Edition Xbox - ale zase FFXIII pro Xbox je z duvodu mista (3xDVD misto BR) s horsima texturama v nizssim rozliseni a obcas nejaka nacancanost chybi :(( |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
Edited by - brutus on 26/02/2010 11:58:44 |

4328 Posts |
Posted - 02/03/2010 : 12:20:41
hm kez by v FF14 byl housing (byt instancovanej), nejake hobbies, ale hlavne boj jako v FF13/12/10 atp.. proste jako v solo to bylo aspon zajimave
nebo takovehle boj
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 02/03/2010 : 12:31:45
quote: Originally posted by Rodier
hm kez by v FF14 byl housing (byt instancovanej), nejake hobbies, ale hlavne boj jako v FF13/12/10 atp.. proste jako v solo to bylo aspon zajimave
nebo takovehle boj
Tak housing tam na 99.9% bude jelikoz je i v FFXI a je tam dokonce hodne klicovou casti hry... a gardenig (hobby sranda v baracku) kteremu se ze zacatku kazdy smal se po roce hry po objeveni receptu na critical faily stal zdrojem ultimatnich materialu pro top veci na kterejch se vydelavaly miliony.... takze o tohle bych se nebal. |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |

4328 Posts |
Posted - 03/03/2010 : 23:26:42
tak jeste aby tam udelali nakej poradnej pribeh (ove questy) a zajimavej boj co nebude jako wowko a bude to gud :-D
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
2156 Posts |
Posted - 14/03/2010 : 11:17:03
quote: Originally posted by brutus
quote: Originally posted by Gabriel
Tak vám hoši držím palce, já si vystačím s FF XIII zatím a ve XIV se pak potkáme.
poreferuj az FFXIII skusis - ja nikdy nebyl konzolovej ale uvazoval jsem ze bych do konzole kvuli FFXIII sel... jenze recenze jsou naprosto diametralne rozpolceny od 120ze100 nejlepsi hra vsech dob po 2z10 epic fail.... :/
navic special edition FF PS3 je v prodeji jen v JP :( u nas jde koupit Limited Edition Xbox - ale zase FFXIII pro Xbox je z duvodu mista (3xDVD misto BR) s horsima texturama v nizssim rozliseni a obcas nejaka nacancanost chybi :((
Krásný engine, jeden z nejlepších soubojových systému, úžasné animace, celkově grafika 1+ ale bohužel hodně nuda. Mám za sebou cca 12 hodin zatím, a pokud se něco nezmění tak budu mít problémy to dohrát.
Zlatá FF XII. To je opravdu pecka. |

4328 Posts |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 22/03/2010 : 23:40:59
Že by inovativní questy? Místo zabij 12 krys a přines jejich ocásky zabij 12 ovcí a pak je znásilni? |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
New Member

375 Posts |
Posted - 23/03/2010 : 00:53:22
Hmh, jestli to dobre chapu tak class budes volit zmenou zbrane, ale nevysvetlujou jakym zpusobem bude omezeny jak dobrou zbran si budes moct vzit. Takze nejspis skill system jako ve ffxi, cim vic ji pouzivas tim lepsi s tou zbrani ses. Tady jejich system trosku narazi, protoze treba jako magicky povolani nebudu pouzivat zbran temer vubec. A druha vec je jestli me jako (prevazne)magy hrajiciho cloveka nebudou diskriminovat pri vyberu party, protoze meelee skilly budu asi zanedbavat na ukor magickejch. No snad to kluci sikmooci dobre vymyslej.
Mechac, The Druid Templar forever Cyphisek - FFXI tired Nouvej - CS too old :op

4328 Posts |
Posted - 23/03/2010 : 13:23:54
Toz dneska sem si taky pritah dom FF13 a je tam kod na betu FF14 na ps3 :) samozrejme to nic nezarucuje.. ale je tam ;-D +je to kod na bonusovej ingame item do FF14.. |
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
Edited by - Rodier on 23/03/2010 13:24:10 |
New Member

375 Posts |
Posted - 24/03/2010 : 18:11:27
quote: The developers have stated that battles will occur in realtime, but will not focus on fast-paced action and timing. Instead, strategy will play a much larger role.
Protoze vetsina americanu neni schopna napocitat do 3, natoz pochopit system resistenci, zrusime tu nejlepsi vec co ffxi nabizela a cim byly souboje tak zabavny, protoze skillchain delal zasadni rozdil mezi lehkym a tezkym bojem. Japoncum to vetsinou problem nedelalo a kazdej vam potvrdi ze nejlepsi exp parta byla japonska parta po vsech stranach(ikdyz jim clovek nerozumel ani slovo). |
Mechac, The Druid Templar forever Cyphisek - FFXI tired Nouvej - CS too old :op
Senior Member

2735 Posts |
Posted - 25/03/2010 : 07:58:43
quote: Originally posted by mechac
quote: The developers have stated that battles will occur in realtime, but will not focus on fast-paced action and timing. Instead, strategy will play a much larger role.
....a kazdej vam potvrdi ze nejlepsi exp parta byla japonska parta po vsech stranach(ikdyz jim clovek nerozumel ani slovo).
Zas tak hrozny to nebylo ne ? Kdejakej Japonec ma Translator  |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 25/03/2010 : 08:06:51
quote: Originally posted by Shatteren
Zas tak hrozny to nebylo ne ? Kdejakej Japonec ma Translator 
primo FFXI ma vestavenej translator ale nejde o to ze by japonci neumeli - oni nechtej |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
Edited by - brutus on 25/03/2010 08:07:12 |
2210 Posts |
Posted - 25/03/2010 : 12:49:58
quote: Originally posted by mechac
quote: The developers have stated that battles will occur in realtime, but will not focus on fast-paced action and timing. Instead, strategy will play a much larger role.
Protoze vetsina americanu neni schopna napocitat do 3, natoz pochopit system resistenci, zrusime tu nejlepsi vec co ffxi nabizela a cim byly souboje tak zabavny, protoze skillchain delal zasadni rozdil mezi lehkym a tezkym bojem. Japoncum to vetsinou problem nedelalo a kazdej vam potvrdi ze nejlepsi exp parta byla japonska parta po vsech stranach(ikdyz jim clovek nerozumel ani slovo).
počkej nestraš - myslíš, že fakt chtějí zrušit skilchain? |
PC, PS3, iPad |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 26/03/2010 : 08:10:22
v te quotovane vete neni o skillchainu zadna zminka, naopak z tohopopisu mi vyzniva podpora podobnych zalezitosti
lastfm |

4328 Posts |

4328 Posts |
Posted - 30/03/2010 : 22:55:50
quote: Originally posted by Khostri
quote: Originally posted by mechac
quote: The developers have stated that battles will occur in realtime, but will not focus on fast-paced action and timing. Instead, strategy will play a much larger role.
Protoze vetsina americanu neni schopna napocitat do 3, natoz pochopit system resistenci, zrusime tu nejlepsi vec co ffxi nabizela a cim byly souboje tak zabavny, protoze skillchain delal zasadni rozdil mezi lehkym a tezkym bojem. Japoncum to vetsinou problem nedelalo a kazdej vam potvrdi ze nejlepsi exp parta byla japonska parta po vsech stranach(ikdyz jim clovek nerozumel ani slovo).
počkej nestraš - myslíš, že fakt chtějí zrušit skilchain?
Neverim, hraju ted FF13 a naopak je to mnohem vic promakane nez predchozi dily.. jsou tam paradigm, coz je sestava kdy ten leci ten agruje ten dela dps + do toho sou skill chainy jak predvolene tak i manualne sestavene.. |
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.

4328 Posts |
New Member

375 Posts |
Posted - 03/04/2010 : 07:29:40
No nevim no. Novy info naznacuje neco jako zony utoku, tezko ale rict jak to bude fungovat. Docela me mrzi, ze seskrtali magicky povolani prakticky na 2, jedno ciste blm+whm, druhy buffer/debuffer. Tezko rict kolik lidi bude chtit hrat ty druhy, neco jako brd+blu. Kolo resistenci snad zustalo, zmizelo ale light-dark a zustalo jen 6 elementu. Square meni system s kazdym vydanym pokracovanim FF a pokazdy jim to vychazi.. |
Mechac, The Druid Templar forever Cyphisek - FFXI tired Nouvej - CS too old :op
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 04/04/2010 : 08:23:22
v zakladni verzi ffxi bylo povolani tusim 6 :) vsechno pridali az pozdeji predevsim tedy s prvnim datadiskem |
lastfm |
Topic  |