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M.C warior


1073 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2010 :  20:09:39  Show Profile  Visit M.C warior's Homepage  Send M.C warior an ICQ Message Send M.C warior a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Before we kick off next week with details about the upcoming features for the next expansion we wanted to take the time to talk about something exciting which will be patched in as soon as possible after the expansion. We took notice of community discussions about environmental sounds in Darkfall and thus decided to share what some of the development team has been working on for quite a while now:

Environmental Sounds in Darkfall will not only help with getting you more immersed into the game, they will also play a big role in tactics and strategical planning throughout your gaming sessions. In the future sneaking up on enemies will be either easier or harder depending on the environment you find yourself and your prey in. After all it will be easier to get a jump on that sole Mirdain if you take the advantage of a thunderstorm to cover your steps. Alternatively you might want to use the thick intermingling sound of crickets, birds, rustling leaves and bumble bees to dampen down the thundering of your armies cavalry riding through the forest. A sneaky Mahirim might find it easier to stalk his pray during night-time to the sound of a lonely owl.

Darkfall's Environmental sound system will be different than what you are used to from other games. It will use a fully randomized dynamic environment to maximize immersion for players. Depending on the weather and the area you find yourself in, sounds will not just play in single loops at the given location but change dynamically. You will be able to hear a thunderstorm come closer, you will also notice that birds will stop singing until after the storm has passed. You will notice birds chirping in different positions compared to your current location. Which means if you pass through the same location again that obnoxious bird might tweet in your ear from a different location then it did last time.

Since Agon is one open world these sounds will be able to fade into each other depending on the players position as you travel from a dark thick forest to the shore. We strongly feel that a good environmental sound system can only improve immersion for a player and thus we put a lot of emphasis in making it a system which is complementary to our game play.

One of the most important parts we wanted to keep in mind is the advantage or disadvantage you can get through those sounds. We plan to not make it possible to completely disable the environmental sounds for tactical reasons. It will however be possible to influence them to a certain degree.

On this topic it's also important to note that the sounds in the http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wdxx4T6q_Nc]teaser video are exaggerated for demonstration reasons and that everything you see (or hear for that matter) is work in progress and the sound hasn't been edited in any way. Also, the video might still be in processing state.


Edited by - M.C warior on 02/07/2010 20:10:50

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Posted - 04/07/2010 :  13:31:02  Show Profile Send Son-Draken a Private Message  Reply with Quote
mě spíš zajíma MC kdy se k nám přidáš? předtim ses furt vymlouval na B a teď?

Nebojuji pro čest.Bojuji abych vyhrál!
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M.C warior


1073 Posts

Posted - 04/07/2010 :  13:59:22  Show Profile  Visit M.C warior's Homepage  Send M.C warior an ICQ Message Send M.C warior a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Son-Draken

mě spíš zajíma MC kdy se k nám přidáš? předtim ses furt vymlouval na B a teď?

Ty seš teď LA nebo Sun ? .)

Do LA se mě nechce a v Sunu nevim jestli by chtěli mě :)


Edited by - M.C warior on 04/07/2010 13:59:45
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Posted - 05/07/2010 :  07:38:41  Show Profile Send Son-Draken a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by M.C warior

Originally posted by Son-Draken

mě spíš zajíma MC kdy se k nám přidáš? předtim ses furt vymlouval na B a teď?

Ty seš teď LA nebo Sun ? .)

Do LA se mě nechce a v Sunu nevim jestli by chtěli mě :)

jedině SUN .. nj stim přijímáním je to teď horší, když sme to všem řikali dokuď byla možnost tak se každej cukal a teď ...........

Nebojuji pro čest.Bojuji abych vyhrál!
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1212 Posts

Posted - 07/07/2010 :  13:43:15  Show Profile  Send Mandorallen an ICQ Message Send Mandorallen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Vratim se po dovolene a takova radostna novinka. Zrovna vcera sem si pri farmeni golemu rikal jak by bylo super slyset zvuk more a vlny narazejici do utesu ostrova. Takze me osobne nejvic tesi ty zvuky okolni krajiny, doufam ze to bude tak jako v tom videu na youtube i kdyz treba z te pouste mam obavy ze me bude po par minutach pekne hucet v palici. Nastesti LA nezije na pisku, ale hezky v lese.

Co se rewampu dungeonu a dalsich veci tyce doufam, ze je to to, na co vsichni cekali a nekolikrat psali v suggestion sekci fora. Necham se prekvapit, kazdopadne officialne myslim patchem 16teho a timto datacem konci betatest a hra pojede naostro. Verim, ze to natahne i novy lidi a pritahne zpet lidi co DF kdysi quitnuli. Ted jen doufat, ze to nejak nezmrvili a testovat to nechaj nas, na to uz sem si zvyknul :D.

DF - Gorf Ash - Reservoir Dogs
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Mr. Orange

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Posted - 07/07/2010 :  14:13:08  Show Profile  Visit Isac's Homepage  Send Isac an ICQ Message Send Isac a Private Message  Reply with Quote
mně to teda příjde strašný, uplně vidím to nadšení až budeš stejnej zvuk poslouchat po milion šestý

problém je, že zvuky si v Darkfallu člověk jen tak vypnout nemůže, moc riskantní ...
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Posted - 07/07/2010 :  14:51:58  Show Profile  Send Mandorallen an ICQ Message Send Mandorallen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No tak jako souhlasim ze zvuky v DF si vypnout jen tak nemuzes, ale pokud to chapu spravne tak bude mozny vypnout pouze zvyky prostredi, takze by si zvuk boje, kroky apod mel slyset dal.

Osobne sem po urcitem case hral kazde mmo s vypnutejma zvukama, hudbou a pustenejma mp3, ale sem tam sem si je zapnul a byl rad ze tam naky sou. Videl bych to jako plus, samozrejme pouze v pripade, ze to chapu spravne. Treba poslouchat denne 20x huceni bindstonu to by me asi odvezli :D.

Edit: aha ty vole. Ted sem si to znova precetl a ono to neni mozny vypnout. Tak to je hukot, zajdu se poradit se svym doktorem, jestli jsou moje usi na neco takovyho pripraveny :D

DF - Gorf Ash - Reservoir Dogs

Edited by - Mandorallen on 07/07/2010 14:53:55
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Posted - 07/07/2010 :  18:21:32  Show Profile  Send GORTHAUR an ICQ Message Send GORTHAUR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Horsi nez segra to nebude, neboj se nic. :)

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Posted - 08/07/2010 :  03:32:03  Show Profile Send Son-Draken a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mandorallen

Osobne sem po urcitem case hral kazde mmo s vypnutejma zvukama, hudbou a pustenejma mp3

no ja takle hraju uplně všechno .....takže ze zvukama si můžou dělat co chtěj stejně to bude všechno vyplí

Nebojuji pro čest.Bojuji abych vyhrál!
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1212 Posts

Posted - 08/07/2010 :  08:30:45  Show Profile  Send Mandorallen an ICQ Message Send Mandorallen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No prave ze nebude. Jedine teda, ze by si vypnul zvuky v DFO kompletne, coz je jak rikal isac vcelku dost nemozny. Nebo teda mozny je, ale je to dost neprakticky. Ja bych bez zvuku v DF teda moc neuhral. Podle zvuku poznam ze nekdo natahuje luk, kdyz ja bezim a healuju tak nedostanu backhit, ale zacnu klickovat, kdyz to uslysim. Pri pve zase kolikrat uslysim PK driv nez ke me dobehne a mam cas se zdekovat nebo healnout. Hrat DF uplne bez zvuku no nevim :).

Jinak vcera v DM dobry bitky ne? Nezvazujes prestup?

Cca 3 hodiny vkuse pvp mlaty kolem naseho mesta, fakt zabavicka.

DF - Gorf Ash - Reservoir Dogs
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Posted - 08/07/2010 :  08:47:47  Show Profile  Visit Stirius's Homepage Send Stirius a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mám pocit, že Draken když byl na TSku, tak mu tam nonstop hrála nějaká diskooblbovačka na plné kule, takže zvuky z DF má asi fakt u paty

Boiians leader
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1212 Posts

Posted - 08/07/2010 :  10:10:53  Show Profile  Send Mandorallen an ICQ Message Send Mandorallen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Lol, to je vlastne fakt :). Navic sme vsichni poslouchali svoji ozvenu z jeho repraku .

DF - Gorf Ash - Reservoir Dogs
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Posted - 09/07/2010 :  22:43:41  Show Profile Send Son-Draken a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Stirius

Mám pocit, že Draken když byl na TSku, tak mu tam nonstop hrála nějaká diskooblbovačka na plné kule, takže zvuky z DF má asi fakt u paty

tak tak všechno to praskaní vrzání pípání atd... mě akorat u většiny her znervozňuje prostě all volume vypnout pustit tuc tuc a jet si to svoje a jak se takle krasně hral resident evil v noci

...sranda byla tj, ale přestup asi ne sem spokojenej tam kde sem, ted litam group pvp zbejvalejma enemy takze srandy vic nez dost, nase vejlety ve 3 v infernalu do preplnenyho Talpecu nebo ysam npc mesta kde je AlfasQ v čele s Bankou Plix sou víc než veselý

Nebojuji pro čest.Bojuji abych vyhrál!
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