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 Third Expansion July 30th
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Posted - 30/06/2010 :  16:31:19  Show Profile  Visit Shatteren's Homepage Send Shatteren a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Zatím je málo informací a postupem času jich bude přibývat ve spotlightu. Expanze má být zaměřená hlavně na PvE složku hry (což si myslím, že je dobře).

Dungeony revampnuty - hodně vylepšení, questy, nová monstra, nové typy monster, nové spawny, nové AI behaviour tactics, nové lodě, nové featury lodí, noví mounti, mechaniky atd..

Ale co je opravdu důležité nebo co mě hlavně zaujalo:

The Darkfall terrain and texture system has received a complete overhaul. We’ve been working on this for the past six months and were going to include it in Darkfall 2010, but since it’s done now we decided to add it immediately.


M.C warior


1073 Posts

Posted - 14/07/2010 :  16:49:48  Show Profile  Visit M.C warior's Homepage  Send M.C warior an ICQ Message Send M.C warior a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Patch posunut o pár týdnů..


We’ve been running final tests on the expansion since the beginning of the week and we’re unfortunately still running into problems that make the expansion not stable enough to launch.

What’s holding us back are issues with the new world terrain system. This is a massive update to the game, we’ve been working on it for more than six months and it has to be right before we launch. Unfortunately we can’t simply remove it for now and launch the rest because it’s an integral part of the expansion. You can get an idea of how this new system impacts the game [url=http://forums.darkfallonline.com/showthread.php?p=4388100#post4388100]here[/url] the screenshots however do it little justice compared to how things look in the live game.

Realistically, we’re looking at a few more weeks of work and testing on this. In the meanwhile we’ll also use this time to add more features to the expansion and if possible further expand the dungeon update.

We understand this had taken a lot more time than planned, how frustrating it must be, and we can’t apologize enough for the bad estimates. We’ll give you a new ETA as soon as we have a handle on what exactly is wrong and what needs to be done.



Edited by - M.C warior on 14/07/2010 16:50:05
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Mr. Orange

2433 Posts

Posted - 14/07/2010 :  17:08:06  Show Profile  Visit Isac's Homepage  Send Isac an ICQ Message Send Isac a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This next change dramatically improves the look of the game: The Darkfall terrain and texture system has received a complete overhaul. We’ve been working on this for the past six months and were going to include it in Darkfall 2010, but since it’s done now we decided to add it immediately.

--- >>

What’s holding us back are issues with the new world terrain system. This is a massive update to the game, we’ve been working on it for more than six months and it has to be right before we launch. Unfortunately we can’t simply remove it for now and launch the rest because it’s an integral part of the expansion. You can get an idea of how this new system impacts the game here the screenshots however do it little justice compared to how things look in the live game.

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Posted - 14/07/2010 :  19:16:33  Show Profile  Visit Shatteren's Homepage Send Shatteren a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Vypadá to fakt hezky.


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Posted - 15/07/2010 :  08:23:49  Show Profile  Send Rashaverak an ICQ Message Send Rashaverak a Private Message  Reply with Quote
super fotky, akorat nevim ktery jsou pred zmenou a ktery po zmene, ne ze bych nevidel rozdily ale netusim ktera z tech verzi ma predstavovat vylepseni

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Posted - 15/07/2010 :  11:32:54  Show Profile  Visit Shatteren's Homepage Send Shatteren a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pokud jsi někdy hrál DF, tak ti to musí být jasný. Jedná se o změnu terrain textur, takže takový ty hnusný maskáčovitý hory se šílenýma kostkovitýma tvarama tam už (asi ?) nejsou.


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Posted - 15/07/2010 :  11:47:06  Show Profile  Visit Shatteren's Homepage Send Shatteren a Private Message  Reply with Quote
+ ten hnusnej povrch je taky pryč jak koukám


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M.C warior


1073 Posts

Posted - 15/07/2010 :  12:26:50  Show Profile  Visit M.C warior's Homepage  Send M.C warior an ICQ Message Send M.C warior a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Úprava povrchu je příjemná, vypadá to lépe. Není to nic zásadního, ale mě se líbí DF tak jak je, takže tohle vylepšení, které bude v samotné hře čitelnější než na obrázcích a taky připravovaný remodeling charakterů jdou jedině do plusu.

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4328 Posts

Posted - 20/07/2010 :  01:16:37  Show Profile  Visit Rodier's Homepage  Send Rodier an ICQ Message Send Rodier a Private Message  Reply with Quote
no kdyby radeji pridavali content (pve) stejne si to kazdej druhej pvp guru vypne na low detaily :-D

First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave!
Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
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1212 Posts

Posted - 21/07/2010 :  16:16:48  Show Profile  Send Mandorallen an ICQ Message Send Mandorallen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Vsak na pve contendu taky delaji. Uz to ohlasovali pred nejakym casem a snad uz brzo budou nejaky poradny updaty.

Treba tohle nevypada nejhur, i kdyz kazdej spis ceka na kompletni predelavku dungeonu apod., ktera byla ohlasena.


Edit: nezapomente mrknou na to video co je v tom postu.

DF - Gorf Ash - Reservoir Dogs

Edited by - Mandorallen on 21/07/2010 16:18:48
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Posted - 21/07/2010 :  16:46:32  Show Profile  Send Mag1cWalker an ICQ Message Send Mag1cWalker a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mandorallen

Vsak na pve contendu taky delaji. Uz to ohlasovali pred nejakym casem a snad uz brzo budou nejaky poradny updaty.

Treba tohle nevypada nejhur, i kdyz kazdej spis ceka na kompletni predelavku dungeonu apod., ktera byla ohlasena.


Edit: nezapomente mrknou na to video co je v tom postu.

Ze by Tremors??? :D
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4328 Posts

Posted - 23/07/2010 :  00:57:45  Show Profile  Visit Rodier's Homepage  Send Rodier an ICQ Message Send Rodier a Private Message  Reply with Quote
hehe dneska sem log a rikal sem si..teda fuj ten teren by chtel upgrade ;)) nebo spis obecne.. u orku je to hruza..zadna trava, akroat rozplizle hnusne skaly, ohen,.. depresivni prostredi ve kterem me vubec nebavi hrat :( hruza

na druhou stranu boj me kupodivu chytnul, jak se mi driv nelibil..

First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave!
Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
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1212 Posts

Posted - 23/07/2010 :  14:04:26  Show Profile  Send Mandorallen an ICQ Message Send Mandorallen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Rodiere kazdej prece vi ze se v DF zadny graficky orgie nekonaji. Nekomu se to libi, nekomu vubec a nekdo to neresi. Ja sem treba neco mezi tim komu se to libi a neresi to. Grafiku si osobne stahuji, nehraju se stiny i kdyz bych treba mohl a vedome hraju s horsi grafikou. Na druhe strane kdyz si ji dam na full, zapnu stiny a shadery naplno tak se mi vcelku i libi :). Grafika mi k DF sedi, takova drsna, bez zbytenejch lightbloomu apodobnejch cipovin. Me se treba nikdy moc nelibila uhlazena grafika ala vanguard, EQ2 a tuplem ne treba ta v MO. DF ma kdyz uz nic minimum grafickejch bugu.

Ohledne combatu. To je teda vcelku zvlastni, protoze mi prijde ze i po vsech tech zmenach je ten combat a chovani mobu skoro stejnej jako po releasu. Ano, drobny zmeny tam jsou, ale jinak je to prakticky nastejno. Narozdil od tebe me moc zabavnej teda neprijde, i kdyz teda v kdybych to mel porovna treba s MO tak to rozhodne na vyssim lvlu je. V MO si jen tupe pichal do moba a doufal ze chcipne. Naky kitovani pripadne uhejbani ranam se moc nedalo.

DF - Gorf Ash - Reservoir Dogs
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Posted - 23/07/2010 :  15:55:16  Show Profile  Visit Shatteren's Homepage Send Shatteren a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak combat vypadá vizuelně hrozně, ale nudnej mi taky úplně nepřijde. Třeba až se údělá revamp modelů všech ras + motion capture animačky (+ featury které jsou v plánu a nevíme o nich ?) tak to bude fajn


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Posted - 23/07/2010 :  22:58:17  Show Profile  Visit Stirius's Homepage Send Stirius a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Takové možná to bude fajn se říká už rok a půl.

Boiians leader
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Posted - 25/07/2010 :  00:29:14  Show Profile  Visit Shatteren's Homepage Send Shatteren a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tj, pak se najde vždy něco co tý hře chybí... ale to co teď slibují, jsou příjemné změny.


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