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Posted - 27/06/2006 :  09:09:13  Show Profile Send cress a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Progression Server Announcement

June 28, 2006

Now is your chance to start the Quest all over again! For the first time ever, Sony Online Entertainment is offering EverQuest players (both novice and seasoned veteran alike) a chance to experience the largest persistent world as it has evolved from the very beginning by launching “The Combine” and “The Sleeper” Progression servers. The Combine and The Sleeper servers will consist of the EverQuest zones in Antonica, Faydwer and Odus that were available at the official launch of EverQuest in 1999. Players will work together to level and conquer key content that will, in turn, progressively unlock every expansion released for EverQuest from 1999 through Prophecy of Ro. Players must have the EverQuest base game to begin the progression and must have purchased the software for each expansion pack (sold separately) that they are attempting to unlock.

“The Combine” and “The Sleeper” Progression servers will feature the following:

Two non-PvP, no transfer servers titled “The Combine” and “The Sleeper”
Each expansion will be unlocked by the progression of content completed by the players on The Combine and The Sleeper.
An opportunity for past players to return to and re-experience a world where talented and skilled players reign supreme.
New players will be able to experience EverQuest's original content and start on a level playing field with veteran players.
Coming Back Is Easy!

Re-live the evolution of one of the most successful MMORPGs in history! In connection with this unique opportunity to start over again with EverQuest, for a limited time we are re-activating EverQuest accounts that were closed prior to March 27, 2006 and were in good standing so that those former EverQuest subscribers can access their EverQuest account along with gaining limited access to the Station Players™ service for FREE for up to 30 days.

This 30-day period of FREE access to EverQuest and certain features of Station Players begins when you log in, but you must take advantage of this offer before 11:59 P.M. (PDT) July 28, 2006. If you would like to continue playing EverQuest after the 30-day free service period, simply re-activate your billing by updating your payment information (by clicking the “My Account” link on The Station.com or re-installing EQ from your install discs).

You can also re-install EQ by installing EverQuest Trilogy and then log in with your former account information. Please note that Station Players requires an additional subscription fee separate from the EverQuest subscription fee and this offer is only available for EverQuest accounts that are currently inactive. For more information on the Station Players service please visit the Station Players website. If you do not re-activate billing on your account at the end of the 30-day promotional period, your account will return to inactive status at the end of the 30-day period and you will no longer have access to EverQuest or the Station Players service unless you independently initiate re-activation of your account.
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77 Posts

Posted - 13/07/2006 :  14:16:42  Show Profile Send cress a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Trochu zajímavých informací:
kdo sleduje fóra, tak asi ví, že hráči se na nové progression servery po otevření vrhnuli jak velká voda. Bylo hodně spekulací o tom, za jak dlouho se dá bez powerlevelování a twinkování udělat lvl50, možná to zaskočilo samotné SOE, protože 14 dní po spuštění je max. levelů opravdu hodně a prakticky byly splněny všechny podmínky pro otevření Kunarku. Kunark ještě otevřený není , SOE si otevření jistí ještě časově, údajně by se měl otevírat 28.7. Tady je pěkná stránka na sledování pokroků http://eqplayers.station.sony.com/prog_flash.vm?sid=152

Pro bývalé hráče EQ poskytla SOE 30dnů zdarma, je nutno se nalogovat do 28.7. Na cz chatu je mrtvo, přijďte se někdo mrknout

Edited by - cress on 14/07/2006 06:49:23
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4191 Posts

Posted - 13/07/2006 :  15:11:34  Show Profile Send VT a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by cress

Trochu zajímavých informací:
kdo sleduje fóra, tak asi ví, že hráči se na nové progression servery po otevření vrhnuli jak velká voda. Bylo hodně spekulací o tom, za jak dlouho se dá bez powerlevelování a twinkování udělat lvl50, možná to zaskočilo samotné SOE, protože 14 dní po spuštění je max. levelů opravdu hodně a prakticky byli splněny všechny podmínky pro otevření Kunarku. Kunark ještě otevřený není , SOE si otevření jistí ještě časově, údajně by se měl otevírat 28.7. Tady je pěkná stránka na sledování pokroků http://eqplayers.station.sony.com/prog_flash.vm?sid=152

Pro bývalé hráče EQ poskytla SOE 30dnů zdarma, je nutno se nalogovat do 28.7. Na cz chatu je mrtvo, přijďte se někdo mrknout

Chvili jsem hral, ale mrzi mne, ze se nejedna o skutecny classic server. Pry uz nejstarsi kod neexistuje, no nevim.

Jde mi o to, ze spousta novych zon ma novou grafiku, je mozne pouzivat nove modely charu atd. Proste jsem to cekal trosku jine, ale chapu duvody SOE, ktere vedly k soucasne podobe progression serveru.

Otevreni Kunarku je na mne taky prislis rychle, cekal jsem ho tak za pul roku +- ...
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Posted - 11/08/2006 :  19:29:03  Show Profile  Send Abadoncz an ICQ Message Send Abadoncz a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Chtel jsem po dlouhe dobe opet skusit EQ a zakoupil si EQ Platinum pres digital download a nainstaloval, opatchoval ale nechce se me to spustit a nehaze to zadnou chybovou hlasku a skusil jsem i reinstal a stale nic. Konfiguraci mam myslim dobrou kdyz na tom spustim EQ2. Nevite prosim cim to muze bejt?

LOTRO / Laurelin - Abadonorin (Champion) lvl 33 =Anarúth Order=
SWG / Eclipse - Abadoncz =IHC= - (Bounty Hunter), Belialcz =CzA= - (Jedi), Astaroth =CzA= - (Structures trader),Abadoxcz - (Engineering trader)
EQ2 / Runnyeye - Abadoncz =Shadow Wind= Shadow Knight lvl 67
WoW / Thunderhorn - Abadoncz (Warrior), Astarothcz - (Shaman)
AO - Abadoncz , Astarothcz

Edited by - Abadoncz on 11/08/2006 19:35:26
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Posted - 12/08/2006 :  07:51:49  Show Profile Send cress a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ve ktere casti ti to nechce pokracovat, po patchovacim okne? V patchovacim okne je tlacitko Advanced pokus se tam oznacit vsechny datadisky co mas a znovu napatchovat. Pak se jeste mrkni jestli tvuj DirectX 9.0 C neni starsi, musi byt aspon z dubna 2006 http://eqplayers.station.sony.com/game_updates.vm?date=6/13/2006 . Jinak me uz nic nenapada me to je jede bez problemu.
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Posted - 12/08/2006 :  11:29:03  Show Profile  Send Abadoncz an ICQ Message Send Abadoncz a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No stahnou se my vsechny datace a opatchuje se to a kdyz zmacknu play tak se hra nespusti.

*EDIT* no skusim ten directx, snad uz to pujde
*EDIT* problem vyresen bylo to tim directx dik moc za pomoc :) jinak jsou cesi stale na Antonius Bayle?

LOTRO / Laurelin - Abadonorin (Champion) lvl 33 =Anarúth Order=
SWG / Eclipse - Abadoncz =IHC= - (Bounty Hunter), Belialcz =CzA= - (Jedi), Astaroth =CzA= - (Structures trader),Abadoxcz - (Engineering trader)
EQ2 / Runnyeye - Abadoncz =Shadow Wind= Shadow Knight lvl 67
WoW / Thunderhorn - Abadoncz (Warrior), Astarothcz - (Shaman)
AO - Abadoncz , Astarothcz

Edited by - Abadoncz on 12/08/2006 11:47:51
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Posted - 12/08/2006 :  16:50:24  Show Profile Send cress a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Na Antoniu Bayle cecha nepotkas, ja ted hraji na progressiomn serveru The Sleeper, ale tam taky cecha nenajdes, pokud budes ve hre tak se pripoj na cz kanal /join cz a muzem pokecat.
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Posted - 24/08/2006 :  10:43:09  Show Profile Send cress a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak jsem konečně viděl jak bude vypadat nova rasa Drakkin. Podle mě nic moc, já jsem si ho představoval něco jako je Sarnak (ocas, drápy atd.). No jsem trošku zklamaný.
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Posted - 24/08/2006 :  14:12:48  Show Profile  Visit James's Homepage  Send James an ICQ Message Send James a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hmm nic moc, vypada jak wood elf skrizenej s humanem.

EQ2x - Volsak, testovací Inkvizitor
UO, AC, EQ, AO ... bejvávalo
EQ - Elder Volsakova Volsanda - Beastlady 360+AA's The Exodus
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Posted - 30/08/2006 :  17:56:07  Show Profile Send Vonotar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Zdar Reaguji na to ze na sleeper neni ceska komunita to proto ze sme na The Combine...Hraje nas ted okolo 10 a mame guild New Chaos....pokud se nekdo budete chtit pridat staci se pripojit do cz kanalu /join cz .....s lvlovanim pomuzem a s vecma do zacatku taky tak prejdete ze sleeper knam aspon nas bude vic na naky ty akce)))

Vonotar 50 necromancer

BTW:Pro vsechny kdo drive hral na Kane Bayle nebo drive na Luclinu na tom kombine sou stary pardalove z techto servru

I ten Placacka se tam nekdy ukzuje ale flaka toho clerica....

ArchMage of Chaos

Edited by - Vonotar on 30/08/2006 17:57:33
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Posted - 17/12/2006 :  11:32:56  Show Profile Send cress a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Zajimavy projekt, pokus o srmt v kazde zone v EQ
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Posted - 15/02/2011 :  08:34:50  Show Profile Send cress a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Startuje nový progression server.

You all asked for it and we listened!

The Fippy Darkpaw Progression Server
launches tomorrow, 2/15/2011!

The race is about to begin. Are you ready?

Are you ready to relive the greatest memories that you’ve ever had in EverQuest? On February 15, 2011 you can roll a new character and jump into the Fippy Darkpaw Progression Server and race through Norrath starting with the legendary first three continents and planes.

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Posted - 17/02/2011 :  17:23:00  Show Profile  Send RED EYE an ICQ Message Send RED EYE a Private Message  Reply with Quote
skoda ze to neudelaj pro EQ2 :/

EQ2 (retired)
Lucya - 90 lvl Fury - Splitpaw
Jiskra - 90 Illusionist - Splitpaw <Validus>
Ezkaton - 90 Shadowknight - Splitpaw
VG:SoH (retired) - Auril - 50lvl Cleric
AoC (retired) Lucya - 80lvl Tempest of Set - Dagon
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Posted - 22/08/2016 :  19:53:54  Show Profile Send Washek a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hola, pokud to nekdo ještě pořád hraje, tak jsem na Firiona Vie . Stále je to hratelné a staré raid zony procházím solo :)
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