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Starting Member

90 Posts

Posted - 25/12/2003 :  03:11:06  Show Profile  Send Killerko an ICQ Message Send Killerko a Private Message  Reply with Quote
dnes som trochu preliezal tomby.. nasiel som jednu truhlu (810gil)
zabil jedneho spooka (coton cloth) a este jedneho ktory sa vsak volal nejako inac (nepametam si meno) ale bol v tej miestnosti s netopiermi a z toho mi vypadlo toto:

([legs] Martial Slacks Lv24 Def:12 Agi+2 Evasion+3)

tak reku ze pekne..
ale ked som prisiel spet do sandorie a pozrel za kolko sa to predava tak mi skoro oci vypadli.. 25 az 30 tisic GILOV!!! WOW... som bohaty

a este mi vypadli 2x Ascetic's Ring (lv1 Mnd+1) tusim z cervov v tombach a v sandorii bezia za 800-1000 gilov... no celkom pekny vylet to bol

tak ked sa vam tiez podari nejaky dobry ulovok napiste kde, co, zakolko a info o danej veci

Edited by - Killerko on 25/12/2003 03:22:14

Tarutaru maniak

458 Posts

Posted - 25/12/2003 :  11:25:46  Show Profile Send Wardocan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
upřesni jen kterou místnost s netopýry myslíš
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Starting Member

90 Posts

Posted - 25/12/2003 :  18:51:42  Show Profile  Send Killerko an ICQ Message Send Killerko a Private Message  Reply with Quote
no su tam len dve miestnosti.. jednu blokuju dvere ktore nevieme otvorit a v druhej su naokolo stlpy a tusim sme tam nasli truhlu ked sme tam boli cela vyprava vtedy
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Posted - 12/01/2004 :  15:22:39  Show Profile  Send Rashaverak an ICQ Message Send Rashaverak a Private Message  Reply with Quote
nevim jestli to patri zrovna sem ale

AF (Artifact)

ALL the AF equip on most/all races: http://studentweb.stcloudstate.edu/smro9901/index.htm

AF quest guide for most jobs except expansion: http://ffxi.game-host.org/eriwilde/ffxi/job/index.html


SWORD: damage 22 delay 224 MP+10 INT+1 MND+1 Lv41

BOOTS: DEF 13 MP 11 AGI +3 water resistance +10 Lv52
shield skill +10

GLOVES: Def 16 MP+12 DEX +4 DRK resist +10 Lv54
parry skill +10

LEGS: DEf 33 MP+13 MND+3 Lv56 Healing Magic +10 Strengthening magic skill +15

TORSO: Def 44 MP+14 CHR+5 Lv58 cast failure 10% down weakening skill+15

HEAD: Def 23 MP+20 INT+3 Lv60 Spirit magic (buff spells) +10
Fast cast effectiveness raised


2 HANDED STAFF : damage+22 Delay+366 MP+20 Lv41

PANTS : Def+ 25 MP +15 Evasion Skill +10 summons Accuracy +10 summoners Hate -2 Lv52

GLOVES : Def+ 11 Mp +15 Vit +4 Damage done by summon are occasionally converted into MP. summons Hate - 2 Lv54

BOOTS : Def+ 10 Mp +15 Agi+5 summons Evasion Skill +10 Hate -2

TORSO : Def 35 Mp +15 Mnd +3 Summons power +20
mp Consumption -2 summon hate -2 summoner power+20 summoner resistance to status +20

HEAD: Def 15 MP +20 INT +3 Summoning skill +5 summons hate -3 Lv60


AXE: (lv40 1H axe) D32 delay288 STR+2 CHR+2

GERTLE: (lv52 feet) def10, HP+11, AGI+3, "take care of pet" effect up, tame+2

GLOVES: (lv54 hands) def12, HP+11, DEX+3, evade+5, tame+3

HELMET: (lv56 head) def22, HP+15, INT+5, "calm pet" effect up, tame+4

BEAST JACK: (lv58 body) def44, HP+20, VIT+3, "take care of pet" stat up - poison recovery improves etc, tame+5

TROUSERS: (lv60 legs) def30, HP+15, CHR+4, "killer" stat up, tame+6


GRAPPLE: D+4, Delay+48, DEX+2, VIT+2, Hit+3, Lv42

FEET: Def 12, HP+12, DEX+3, Light Resist+10, Evade Bonus UP, Lv52

LEGS: Def 29, HP+18, Guard SKill +10, Counter +1, Lv60

Lost Manitou Armguard of Bolghertz Quest
(Every class has an AF that requires this quest):
Temple Glove(Hands)
Def 14, HP+14, STR+4, Dark Resist+10, Boost UP, Lv54

Coffer 1: Garlaige Citadel:
Temple Crown(Head)
Def 21, HP+16, MND+5, Concentration UP, Lv56

Coffer 2: Beadeaux:
Temple Gi "shikurasu"(body)
Def 41, HP+20, VIT+3, Hit+5, Chakra UP (VITx3), Lv58


SWORD : Lv42; D28; Delay240; VIT+2; MND+2

LEGGINGS : Lv52; Defense14; HP+15; CHR+5; Blocking with Shield Skill+10; Strength of Holy Circle Up

ARMOUR : Lv60; Defense47; HP+20; VIT+4; Holy Magic Skill+5;
Hate +2

GAUNTLET : Lv54; Defense16; HP+11; DEX+3; light magic resistance +10 Hate +2

CORONET : Lv56; Defense24; HP+12; MND+3; Strength of Ability
Shield Up; Hate +2

BREECHES : Lv58; Defense34; HP+15; AGI+3; Strengthening Magic Skill+5; Hate+2


WEAPON: DMG 15 / Lv40 / DELAY 195 / DEX +2 / AGI+2

HELMET: Def23 / Lv54 / HP+13 / INT+5 / Parry+10 / Steal+1

BOOTS: Def13 / Lv60 / HP+12 / DEX+3 / ice resist+10 /
Tonzura(sprint) duration up / steal+2

HANDS: Def15 / Lv52 / HP+10 / DEX+3 / ice resist+10 / steal+1

LEGS: Def32 / Lv56 / HP+15 / AGI+4 / Sheild skill+10 / steal+1

BODY: Def44 / Lv58 / HP+20 / STR+3 / earth resist+10 / Hide
duration up


SPEAR: D61 - Delay 492 - DEX+1 - VIT+1 - Lv42

HELMET: Def 16 - HP+12 - MND+5 Wind+10
Uses Breath effectively. Heal breath is also more effective.

ARMOUR: Def 38 - HP+15 - VIT+4 - Water resistance+10 Gives your Wyvern insta-regen. (SWEET!!)

DRAKEN FINGER: Def 15 - HP+11 - DEX+3 - Parry Skill +10 Increases your Wyvern's accuracy.

GREAVES: Def 10 - HP+12 - AGI+3 - Dodge Skill +5 Increases the damage of Jump.

PANTS: Def 27 - HP+15 - Earth+10 Increases effectivity of Enchanted Circle (def against dragon monsters) 10% hp bonus to wyvern.


SCYTHE: D68 Delay 528 STR+2 INT+2

HEAD: lvl 60, def 23, hp+12, str+4, dark magic skill +5, darkness effect up

BODY: lvl 58, def46, hp+20, vit+3, atk+5, weakening magic skill +5

HANDS: lvl54, def12, hp+11, dex+3, dark resistance +10, weapon bash effect up

BOOTS: lvl 52, def10, hp+15, mnd+5, arcane circle effect up

LEGS: lvl56, def31, hp+15, int+3, evade+5, parry+10


2H KATANA: lvl42, d56, delay450, str+1, agi+1

BOOTS: lvl52, def13, hp+20, fire resistance +10, evade +5, hate +5

HEAD: lvl60, def20, hp+10, mnd+5, protection circle effect up, silent concentration effect up

HANDS: lvl56, def15, hp+15, dex+4, hate +2, eating rice balls is more effective

LEGGINS: lvl53, def30, hp+15, str+3, earth resistance+10, parry +5

BODY: lvl58, def41, hp+10, vit+3, dark resistance +15,sometimes tp growth increases when suffering damage


1H KATANA: lvl 40, d 21, delay 216, str -1, dex +2

1H KATANA: lvl 40, d 23, delay 238, str +2, dex -1

HEAD: lvl 56, def 21, hp +10, chr +5, ice resistance +10, ninjutsu +5

BODY: lvl 58, def 41, hp +15, vit +3, 'Two swords style effective rise. occasionally add blazespike attribute.

HANDS: lvl 60, def 14, hp +13, dex +3, range atk +5, thowing weapon skill +5

LEGGINS: lvl 52, def 29, hp +15, range hit +10, night: evade +10

BOOTS: lvl 54, def 12, hp +12, agi +4, night: movement speed +25%


WAND: D27 Delay 324 MP+10 MND+2 Lv41 - white magic increase

CAP/HOOD: def+ 21 MP+13 MND+4 resistance darkness +15 Lv54 - hate-1

ROBE: def+ 40 MP+15 wind resisting +10 Lv58 - weakening magic skill +10 hate-4

MITTENS: def + 14 MP+10 STR+5 Lv60 - white recovery magical skill +15 hate-4

FEET: def+12 MP+10 AGI+3 Lv52 - cast failure 20% down

TROUSERS: def+28 MP+15 VIT+3 Lv56 - white holy magical skill +15 hate-1


WAND: D12 Delay 216 MP+20 Lv41 - black magic increase

HAT: def+ 20 MP+25 INT+4 resistance thunder +10 Lv60 - black hate-4

COAT: def+ 38 MP+16 VIT+5 Lv58 - weakening magic skill+10 hate-3

GLOVES: def+ 13 MP+12 CHR+3 Lv54 - darkness magic skill+15 hate-1

FEET: def+ 11 MP+10 AGI+3 Lv52 - cast failure 20% down hate -1

LEG: def+ 27 MP+14 HP +5 Lv56 - black dark magical skill +15 hate -1


KNIFE: D15 Delay 195 AGI+2 CHR+2 Lv40 - sing effective rise

HAT : def+ 15 HP+11 MND+3 Lv54 - parry skill +5

ARMOUR: def+38 HP+13 VIT+3 Lv58 - string instrument skill rise +3 hate -1

GLOVES: def+15 HP+14 CHR+4 Lv60 - sing song skills +5 hate -1

SHOES: def+10 HP+10 AGI+3 wind resisting +10 HP+5 Lv52 - sing

PANTS: def+ 27 HP+12 STR+5 Lv56 - sing wind instrument skills +3 hate-1


BOW: D27 Delay 360 AGI+4 Lv41 - bow skill increase

HEAD: def+ 21 HP+13 INT+3 ranged weapon attack +5 Lv54 - rapid shot ratio up

TORSO: def+41 HP+20 VIT+3 ranged weapon accuracy +10 Lv58 -hunting camouflage effective rise

HUNTER BLURRING: def+10 HP+10 DEX+3 resistance darkness +10 Lv52 - hunting shadow sewing effective rise

SOCKS: def+ 12 HP+10 AGI+4 HP+5 Lv60 - scavenger effectiveness rise

PANTS: def+ 27 HP+15 MND+5 Lv56 - sharpshooting ability up


1H AXE: D31 Delay 276 STR+2 DEX+2 Lv40

HEAD: def+ 24 HP+15 DEX+3 INT+1 Lv56 - hate+1

ARMOUR: def+ 47 HP+20 VIT+5 fire-resistance +10 Lv60 - game hate +8

MUFFLER: def+16 HP+13 STR+4 Lv54 - game shield skill +10 hate +3

FEET: def+14 HP+12 AGI+3 Lv52 - game double attack effective hate +1

PANTS: def+ 34 HP+15 accuracy+3 AGI +3 Lv58 - game hate+2


Tazirai -stats for summoner AF and Red mage AF
Kagetsu- stats for Beastmaster AF, Monk AF, Paladin AF, Thief AF, Dragoon AF
Exile2k2- stats for scythe
Zsedc- Stats for the rest of Dark Knight AF, Samurai AF
Atma- for making the artifact armour website (link at the top of faq)
Maxim- for major corrections
Russta- for samurais 'rice ball' correction

Last but not least, RPGdemon, for organising this topic, putting the info together and finding the AF stats for: White Mage, Black Mage, Bard, Warrior and Ranger


RSE (Race Specific Equipment)

Source: http://www5.plala.or.jp/SQR/ff11-index.html

BODY: Level 33

Humes: DEF18 HP+32 VIT+3 INT-1 CHR+1

Elvaans: DEF18 HP+24 MP+4 DEX+1 INT+1

Tarutarus: DEF18 HP+36 STR+1 VIT+2 MND+1

Mithras: DEF18 HP+32 STR+1 CHR+1

Galkas: DEF18 MP+32 INT+1 CHR+1

HANDS: Level 27

Humes: DEF6 HP+12 MP+4 STR+3 DEX+3 VIT-1 AGI-1

Elvaans: DEF6 MP+24 DEX+2 INT+1

Tarutarus: DEF6 HP+12 STR+3

Mithras: DEF6 MP+16 VIT+4 MND+2

Galkas: DEF6 MP+32 INT+2

PANTS: Level 31

Humes: DEF12 MP+32 STR-1 MND+3 CHR+1

Elvaans: DEF12 HP+12 MP+12 DEX+2 AGI+2

Tarutarus: DEF12 HP+21 STR+1 VIT+2 MND+2

Mithras: DEF12 MP+32 VIT+1 MND+1

Galkas: DEF12 MP+20 AGI+2 INT+1 CHR+2

BOOTS: Level 29

Humes: DEF5 HP+4 MP+12 DEX-1 AGI+3 INT+3 MND-1

Elvaans: DEF5 MP+20 AGI+3 INT+2

Tarutarus: DEF5 HP+20 STR+2

Mithras: DEF5 HP+16 STR+3 CHR+2

Galkas: DEF5 MP+12 AGI+3 INT+2

Credits: Maxim

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