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Starting Member
67 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 22:42:23
no lol ten patch mi smazal darkfall spouštěcí soubor.... takže asi budu muset reinstall... super... Na konci instalace patche to napsalo problém s windows instalerem a konec... |
DFO: Silenter Divoky, General of Blanik Knights(Mahirim) |
†… Havran …†
Average Member
1962 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 22:42:48
jj :) |
EVE: Lord Greg (Black Nova Corp) [Band of Brothers] [IT Alliance] BoB Forever KILLER 73.3% LOOTER 66.7% THIEF 33.3% SCAMMER 26.7
New Member

390 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 22:42:59
quote: Originally posted by Silenter
no lol ten patch mi smazal darkfall spouštěcí soubor.... takže asi budu muset reinstall... super... Na konci instalace patche to napsalo problém s windows instalerem a konec...
Bud rad ze ti to nesmazalo boot.ini |
Infinity – The Quest for Earth - last hope for good game Darkfall - Suspend EVE - Suspend PoTBS - suspend TR - suspend AOC - Fury - Suspend SWG - To uz je hodne dlouho :-) UO - Bohuzel jenom na emulovanych serverech
New Member

264 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 22:45:09
Mě to napsalo nedostatek místa na disku |
New Member

390 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 22:46:10
quote: Originally posted by Hokiag
Mě to napsalo nedostatek místa na disku
Pokud mas dost tak to sem cetl na forech ze to resili ale uz si nepamatuju jak vyresili.
Infinity – The Quest for Earth - last hope for good game Darkfall - Suspend EVE - Suspend PoTBS - suspend TR - suspend AOC - Fury - Suspend SWG - To uz je hodne dlouho :-) UO - Bohuzel jenom na emulovanych serverech
Edited by - kajda on 25/02/2009 22:46:39 |
Starting Member
67 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 22:47:16
quote: Originally posted by Hokiag
Mě to napsalo nedostatek místa na disku
Tak to je asi ta lepší varianta . No už to znovu instaluju snad se něco změní... |
DFO: Silenter Divoky, General of Blanik Knights(Mahirim) |
Starting Member

18 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 22:47:21
Mno me to teda zadnej update nestahuje, pise mi to porad acc is not active :( |
Darkfall - Dellos (Alfar)
New Member

390 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 22:48:49
Tak si ted uvedomuju v recku je 23:48 to uz nemaji moc casu na spusteni serveru meli by pohnout s posledni metaxou aby to stihli.
A uz me to taky stahuje ten update. Mam to vubec zkouset instalovat ?  |
Infinity – The Quest for Earth - last hope for good game Darkfall - Suspend EVE - Suspend PoTBS - suspend TR - suspend AOC - Fury - Suspend SWG - To uz je hodne dlouho :-) UO - Bohuzel jenom na emulovanych serverech
Edited by - kajda on 25/02/2009 22:49:55 |
New Member

264 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 22:48:52
Hm, kdybys to našel, byl bych Ti moc vděčný |
Starting Member

18 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 22:50:27
btw jakou mate verzi toho clienta? ja mam 1.0.31 |
Darkfall - Dellos (Alfar)
New Member

390 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 22:51:13
quote: Originally posted by Hokiag
Hm, kdybys to našel, byl bych Ti moc vděčný
No fora nejedou takze neni co najit 
A uz se me to nestahuje prestalo to v pulce. 
A uz se to zacalo stahovat znova a hned to zase prestalo. Juuu ten updater se me libi  |
Infinity – The Quest for Earth - last hope for good game Darkfall - Suspend EVE - Suspend PoTBS - suspend TR - suspend AOC - Fury - Suspend SWG - To uz je hodne dlouho :-) UO - Bohuzel jenom na emulovanych serverech
Edited by - kajda on 25/02/2009 22:53:11 |
New Member

264 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 22:53:09
To, co se má stáhnout, je verze klienta 1.0.33. S tím místem na HD nejde nic, ani když to dám na H, E... prostě nic. Fakt mi to připomíná vstup do bety ve WARu |
Starting Member
67 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 22:53:10
Ted jsem to reinstalloval pustil, pokusil se o login ale už se nic nestahuje asi už ten debilní patch opravují... |
DFO: Silenter Divoky, General of Blanik Knights(Mahirim) |
New Member

390 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 22:59:04
quote: Originally posted by Silenter
Ted jsem to reinstalloval pustil, pokusil se o login ale už se nic nestahuje asi už ten debilní patch opravují...
Klid a jak rikam bud vdecny za kazdy patch co ti nesmazne boot.ini  |
Infinity – The Quest for Earth - last hope for good game Darkfall - Suspend EVE - Suspend PoTBS - suspend TR - suspend AOC - Fury - Suspend SWG - To uz je hodne dlouho :-) UO - Bohuzel jenom na emulovanych serverech
New Member

264 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 22:59:37
Řekové mají nejasný etnický původ... ale řekl bych, že přišli z Indie stejně jako naši Řekové |
New Member

390 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 23:00:57
Tak v Recku je prave ted pulnoc. Ale budme na ne hodni a rekneme ze maji este 2h nez bude 0:00 GMT |
Infinity – The Quest for Earth - last hope for good game Darkfall - Suspend EVE - Suspend PoTBS - suspend TR - suspend AOC - Fury - Suspend SWG - To uz je hodne dlouho :-) UO - Bohuzel jenom na emulovanych serverech
New Member

264 Posts |
Starting Member
67 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 23:02:37
Komu už to strhlo penízky ? mě pořád nic. Asi budu pařit zadara . |
DFO: Silenter Divoky, General of Blanik Knights(Mahirim) |
New Member

264 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 23:05:20
Takhle nadávají Řekové u svého serveru  |
Junior Member
897 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 23:08:45
Me to pise error: wrong file size |
soucasne hraji nebo gamesy na ktere cekam: TERA, SECRET WORLD, GW2 bezici predplatne: LOTRO, Star trek, Champion online ukoncene predplatne: UO, L2, AOC, RIFT, WOW, WAR, SWTOR, DCUO, EVE + dalsi co nejdou ani pocitat.
Starting Member

18 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 23:09:34
quote: Originally posted by antarian
Me to pise error: wrong file size
jj me to pise to samy |
Darkfall - Dellos (Alfar)
New Member

264 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 23:10:11
Já jsem dal reinstalaci |
2371 Posts |
Starting Member

18 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 23:19:27
saju na to, du spat zejtra si snad uz zahraju |
Darkfall - Dellos (Alfar)
Starting Member
67 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 23:21:03
quote: Originally posted by Dellos
saju na to, du spat zejtra si snad uz zahraju
Asi to nejlepší co můžeme udělat.. |
DFO: Silenter Divoky, General of Blanik Knights(Mahirim) |
Junior Member
744 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 23:21:33
Tak jako prachy si strhli a já mám účet stále not active... |
DFO: Stabajzna Sweetie - Czech Heroes @ EU-1 AO: Stabajzna (equip: pvm|pvp) - Czech Anarchy @ RK1 ---------------------- UO/VG/TR/WoW/AoC/WAR |
New Member

390 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 23:22:58
quote: Originally posted by bitch
Tak jako prachy si strhli a já mám účet stále not active...
Ja taky. Rekl bych ze je aktivuji vsechny zaraz. Nebo odjedou na bahamy az je budou mit vsechny proplacene. |
Infinity – The Quest for Earth - last hope for good game Darkfall - Suspend EVE - Suspend PoTBS - suspend TR - suspend AOC - Fury - Suspend SWG - To uz je hodne dlouho :-) UO - Bohuzel jenom na emulovanych serverech
Starting Member
67 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 23:27:10
quote: Originally posted by kajda Ja taky. Rekl bych ze je aktivuji vsechny zaraz. Nebo odjedou na bahamy az je budou mit vsechny proplacene.
Já mám aspoň pořád peníze na účtě ale jinak je to na stejno... |
DFO: Silenter Divoky, General of Blanik Knights(Mahirim) |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
New Member

264 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 23:41:49
jj |

4328 Posts |
Posted - 25/02/2009 : 23:58:34
zajimave me to tu 1034 naslo az ted.. a nejak nejde stahnout |
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
Edited by - Rodier on 26/02/2009 00:00:06 |
Junior Member
897 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 00:04:17
tak a naskocilo mi stahovani a uz to jede :-) sem zvedavej jestli to pak pujde pustit nebo ne :-) |
soucasne hraji nebo gamesy na ktere cekam: TERA, SECRET WORLD, GW2 bezici predplatne: LOTRO, Star trek, Champion online ukoncene predplatne: UO, L2, AOC, RIFT, WOW, WAR, SWTOR, DCUO, EVE + dalsi co nejdou ani pocitat.
New Member

390 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 00:13:41
quote: Originally posted by antarian
tak a naskocilo mi stahovani a uz to jede :-) sem zvedavej jestli to pak pujde pustit nebo ne :-)
Nebo ne 
We’ve been waiting for the pre-orders to process through billing and it has been moving along but not fast enough. We’re almost done with this. Many of you will be getting notifications of this during this process. As soon as this is concluded we’ll process the accounts and open up the servers for the pre-orders. This will be done tonight; the game has been ready and waiting.
Unfortunately we’re running behind schedule as far as opening up the extra sales which we hoped to do tonight as well. We’ll do this tomorrow as early as possible, likely sometime around noon GMT time, around the time of our first scheduled maintenance. At this time we will also process the problematic accounts which had 0 euro problems, no charges, no balance, but received a successful pre-order message. We are also looking into the few cases that have pre-ordered but have not received a confirmation email and we will resolve all these issues. Most of these problems were due to a combination of lag, multiple sessions, and multiple charge attempts.
We want to thank you for your patience again, and we would like to let you know that we’re adding a couple more days to the free month of play making them 33 for everyone that pre-ordered and that will buy the game tomorrow. This is to make up for any bad experience with the account management, the lag and the delays you’ve had to face with purchasing.
The traffic volume we’ve been experiencing has been unbelievably high because of the initial rush and was compounded by users hammering the system with multiple sessions. You should also know that we have been doing everything necessary to resolve all these issues as soon as possible.
We’ll post again as soon as the server is open.
The forums will return shortly as well.
Takze ja na to dneska oficialne seru a du spat.  |
Infinity – The Quest for Earth - last hope for good game Darkfall - Suspend EVE - Suspend PoTBS - suspend TR - suspend AOC - Fury - Suspend SWG - To uz je hodne dlouho :-) UO - Bohuzel jenom na emulovanych serverech
Edited by - kajda on 26/02/2009 00:25:23 |
M.C warior

1073 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 06:47:02
26.02.2009/6.44am - už udržim jen jedno oko otevřený, dochazí mi porno, voda a slyšim divný zvuky z kuchyně, Darkfall nejede a kolem Řecka se stahují mraky !!  | |
Starting Member
89 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 06:51:52
Ten patch 1035 mi hlásí při instalaci, že nemám dost místa na disku...řešil a vyřešil to někdo z vás? :) |
DarkFall - Mrs Alexis (ReD) UO Drachenfels - Alexis (CzH) EQ - Thorg WoW - Trpaslo
New Member

390 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 06:53:45
Dohajzlu sem si privstal a zase prd. To sem si mohl radsi pospat o 30min dyl.  |
Infinity – The Quest for Earth - last hope for good game Darkfall - Suspend EVE - Suspend PoTBS - suspend TR - suspend AOC - Fury - Suspend SWG - To uz je hodne dlouho :-) UO - Bohuzel jenom na emulovanych serverech
New Member

264 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 06:54:17
Taky mi to hlásí . Už se to řešilo na Darkfall foru, ale to teď nefunguje... |
Starting Member
67 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 07:06:58
quote: Originally posted by Hokiag
Taky mi to hlásí . Už se to řešilo na Darkfall foru, ale to teď nefunguje...
Tento patch mi bezproblému funguje, ale pořád mi nestrhli peníze... a pořád to nejede a už by to jed mělo! |
DFO: Silenter Divoky, General of Blanik Knights(Mahirim) |
New Member

390 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 07:13:44
quote: Originally posted by Silenter
quote: Originally posted by Hokiag
Taky mi to hlásí . Už se to řešilo na Darkfall foru, ale to teď nefunguje...
Tento patch mi bezproblému funguje, ale pořád mi nestrhli peníze... a pořád to nejede a už by to jed mělo!
me taky ten patch fungoval bez problemu. Penuze uz me strhli za oba acc ( akorat potvrzovaci mail me poslali na jeden emait sem pouzil dva ruzne ) a jak jim to douho trvalo tak koruna posilila a ja sem usetril cele 4kc  |
Infinity – The Quest for Earth - last hope for good game Darkfall - Suspend EVE - Suspend PoTBS - suspend TR - suspend AOC - Fury - Suspend SWG - To uz je hodne dlouho :-) UO - Bohuzel jenom na emulovanych serverech
Starting Member
67 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 07:17:47
me taky ten patch fungoval bez problemu. Penuze uz me strhli za oba acc ( akorat potvrzovaci mail me poslali na jeden emait sem pouzil dva ruzne ) a jak jim to douho trvalo tak koruna posilila a ja sem usetril cele 4kc 
Hlavně aby to jelo... já se trochu bojím že ikdyž to pojede, tak mě to nepojede.. já jsem ten případ komu přišel mail, že strhli 0Euro za pre-order sice ujišťovali že to vyřeší, že všem komu přišly tyto maily budou brát jako normální pre-order a ono velké prd |
DFO: Silenter Divoky, General of Blanik Knights(Mahirim) |
Starting Member

18 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 07:26:03
Hmm tak sem se krasne vyspal a ono to jeste nejede ... bozi |
Darkfall - Dellos (Alfar)
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 07:48:42
jeminkote ono to nejede ? jakto vzdyt preci rekove na tom pracovali celou noc a vubec nesli spat :) |
lastfm |
Junior Member
897 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 08:10:45
krome toho ze pisou ze je tam bug a nemuzou tio pustit tak sem se aspon dostal k vyberu servru a nastaveni rozliseni :-)
hahaha jeste pul dne a pojedeme :-) |
soucasne hraji nebo gamesy na ktere cekam: TERA, SECRET WORLD, GW2 bezici predplatne: LOTRO, Star trek, Champion online ukoncene predplatne: UO, L2, AOC, RIFT, WOW, WAR, SWTOR, DCUO, EVE + dalsi co nejdou ani pocitat.
Junior Member
897 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 08:12:06
tak mi to nahodilo nejaky ultra dlouhy patch :-) uz jiny nez ty co predtim. Patchuje se to rovnou v okenku s prihlasenim :-)
No uvidime jdu si dat koupel.
Ps. jeste ze to neslo, kdyby to naskocilo ted je to uplne idealni cas :-) HAHAHA Aspon jsem se dobre vyspal :-) |
soucasne hraji nebo gamesy na ktere cekam: TERA, SECRET WORLD, GW2 bezici predplatne: LOTRO, Star trek, Champion online ukoncene predplatne: UO, L2, AOC, RIFT, WOW, WAR, SWTOR, DCUO, EVE + dalsi co nejdou ani pocitat.
Starting Member
67 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 08:14:24
quote: Originally posted by antarian
krome toho ze pisou ze je tam bug a nemuzou tio pustit tak sem se aspon dostal k vyberu servru a nastaveni rozliseni :-)
hahaha jeste pul dne a pojedeme :-)
a me pořád account is not active    |
DFO: Silenter Divoky, General of Blanik Knights(Mahirim) |
Starting Member

18 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 08:20:58
quote: Originally posted by Silenter
quote: Originally posted by antarian
krome toho ze pisou ze je tam bug a nemuzou tio pustit tak sem se aspon dostal k vyberu servru a nastaveni rozliseni :-)
hahaha jeste pul dne a pojedeme :-)
a me pořád account is not active   
jj taky mam account is not active |
Darkfall - Dellos (Alfar)
rumový kanál

2749 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 08:22:05
Nechcete se vysrat na komentáře každejch pět minut? I bez vás víme, že to nefunguje. |

4328 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 08:22:07
Historie se opakuje
Update made at 4am GMT 2/26
A bug was discovered during final testing, and we need to resolve it before we can open up the servers. We didn’t want to launch to just say we launched. We can’t apologize enough for the long delay. The current ETA is two hours but it could be longer. We will launch as soon as possible and we will keep you updated.
We have extended the free month to 33 days to compensate for the inconvenience. Problems will occur from time to time but we need you to know that we’re committed to supporting this game to the best of our ability. It’s unfortunate that we are facing these issues at launch, and we’ll do everything we can to make this up to you.
The Darkfall Team
Mi to pripomina Blizzard a WoW kdyz zacinali ;) |
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
2371 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 08:24:14
Zakladam postavu ....jsem ve hre |
Black |
Edited by - Black on 26/02/2009 08:35:00 |

4328 Posts |
Posted - 26/02/2009 : 08:27:09
sosam 1035.. launcher hlasi
Server Status for players: ONLINE
Server Status for GMs: ONLINE
Server Status for master GMs: ONLINE
Server Status for Admins: ONLINE
ad problem s diskem - mate na disku C 9GB volnyho? I kdyz mam DFO jinde, chce to vylozene na Cecku.. |
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
Edited by - Rodier on 26/02/2009 08:28:32 |
Topic  |