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Posted - 19/06/2004 : 23:43:46
pls piste sem lokace pro prislusny levly, ja vim ze se to da najit na english forech ale tam je dycky 5 lokaci na jeden level a 90% z toho sice teoreticky muzou jit ale v praxi je to nepouzitelny
lvl 13 a 14
#1 LaTheine ty dve jezirka pobliz Valkurm Dunes, kolem jezirek jsou decent, even a tough kraby, pobliz funguari, semtam ork.
#2 LaTheine opet dve jezirka ale tentokrat ty co jsou temer uprostred mapy.
Lepsi je moznost #1 je tam vic potvor
Pro level 13 je to idealni oblast pro level 14 uz je to trochu utrpeni ale da se.
lvl 15
zatim totalni utrpeni, v Ordelle Caves je vsechno T nebo VT, even velmi zridka, v LaTheine uz je zase vsechno decent nebo easy sem tam even gob.
Trosku lepsi dojem mam z Buburimu Peninsula (ci jak se to jmenuje) vetsinou tam nikdo neni a da se narazit na even kralika nebo mandragoru celkem caso. Bohuzel casto se da narazit i na T a VT goby, kralici linkujou takze je to dost tezky.
Tak jsem nasel lokaci kde lvl 15 je idilka, jen nevim jak se jmenuje, je to hned za East Sarubatura jsou tam decent, even a T dhamelove, a je jich tam spousta, do toho decent crawleri a easy az T gobove a takovy ti opereni na dvou nohach, nevim jak se jim souhrne rika :) takze charmovat even dhamely kterejch je tam spousta a pak zabijet vse co prijde pod ruku, obcas je to ale docela overcamped. Zvlast kdyz se tam zaroven s vami vyskytuji powerlevelujici moralisti ...
tohle plati pro BST ktery soluje
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Edited by - Rashaverak on 24/06/2004 09:09:16
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Starting Member
39 Posts |
Posted - 24/06/2004 : 12:58:40
BST lokace od 1 - 65 toho casu co to postuji
maly vytazek:
Levels 12-14 (Level 12, Beastmaster gains Job Ability: Reward) (1) LOCATION(S): Konschtat Highland (Far Eastern/ Middle Eastern and Far Western/Middle Western edges of the zone) PETS TO CHARM: Mad Sheep (11-13) MOBS TO FIGHT: Goblins (Digger, Ambusher, Butcher, Tinkerer) (11-16), Mad Sheep (11-13) NOTES: Use even matched or decent Sheep for fighting. Make sure to use Dia and Paralyze if you have it, against the goblins. CONTRIBUTOR(S): KudomaBooyah
(2) LOCATION(S): La Theine (pond in recess vicinity Valkurm Dunes entrance) PETS TO CHARM: Thickshells (12-14), Mad Sheep (11-13), Grass Funguar (11-13), Rock Eaters (7-11) MOBS TO FIGHT: Thickshells (12-14), Mad Sheep (11-13), Grass Funguar (11-13), Rock Eaters (7-11) NOTES: Try to fight Barely Toughs with High Decent Challenges or Even Match pets. XP will be slow at level 14. CONTRIBUTOR(S): Ikaz, Durginn, Oceaniax
(3) LOCATION(S): Tahrongi Canyon (near Meriphataud Mountains entrance) PETS TO CHARM: Wild Dhamel (14-16), Canyon Rarabs (7-10), Pygmaioi (7-11), Strolling Saplings (7-10), Canyon Crawlers (11-13) MOBS TO FIGHT: Wild Dhamel (14-16), Canyon Rarabs (7-10), Pygmaioi (7-11), Strolling Saplings (7-10), Canyon Crawlers (11-13) NOTES: Tarantulas stated: Very little aggro here and plenty of Crawlers and Dhalmel spawn here, plus the added bonus of a zone line for emergencies. 13 and 14 were excrutiatingly slow, as Dhalmel are only worthwile at 15-16. Before these levels, they all check as tough and you can never tell if they are weak toughs or almost VT tough. There are also alot of farmers around for Dhalmel hides which means alot of competition in peak hours. CONTRIBUTOR(S): Keekee, Tarantulas
(4) LOCATION(S): Inner Horutoto Ruins (Lily's Tower Entrance, East Sarutabaruta at J-7) PETS TO CHARM: Beady Beetles (11-16), Bat Battalions (12-15) MOBS TO FIGHT: Beady Beetles (11-16), Bat Battalions (12-15), Goblins (Ambushers, Butchers, Tinkerers) (14-18) NOTES: Once you enter, go through the "cracked wall" in G-8. At this point the map changes... go to I-9 and work with Beady Beetles and Bat Battalions. There's a good supply of these as you move downhill, and some nice low gobs handy to farm if you end up with a little left over on a pet. Note this is a bit of a difficult spot (close quarters, all mobs agro/link and a longish run to the zone). Rarely camped, since the Bats are the "Jet Stream" type. CONTRIBUTOR(S): Swarren
(5) LOCATION(S): Dangruf Wadi (on the right side of the map up the geyser) PETS TO CHARM: Wadi Leech (11-14) MOBS TO FIGHT: Goblins (Ambusher, Butcher, Tinkerer) (12-16) NOTES: Even at 13 the leeches there were all decent and even cons to me. This area is mostly just full of leeches and goblins, be careful of links. CONTRIBUTOR(S): KudomaBooyah
Level 15 (Beastmaster gains Pet Command: Stay; Job Trait: Resist Slow) (1) LOCATION(S): La Theine Plateau ('Funguar Alley' or Ordelles Cave Main Entrance ravine) PETS TO CHARM: Huge Wasps (8-12), Poison Funguar (14-16), Plague Bats (9-11), Poison Bats (11-14) MOBS TO FIGHT: Poison Funguar (14-16), Poison Bats (11-14) NOTES: Funguar Alley entrance is ravine north of Lake Ephmere. Go into ravine and run cave/ravine complex. At end of “Funguar Alley” is where La Theine Monument for Selbina Clay quest is located. You can also examine the front room of the Ordelles and grab Even Match Stink Bats (15-18) for some early leveling. If it does not fare well, then work the funguars in the main entrance ravine. This level is slow for experience points. CONTRIBUTOR(S): Durginn, Oceaniax, Keekee
(2) LOCATION(S): Tahrongi Canyon PETS TO CHARM: Wild Dhamel (14-16) MOBS TO FIGHT: Wild Dhamel (14-16) or Yagudo (Mendicant, Persecutor, Piper) (12-16) NOTES: Pygmaiois (Mandragora)(7-11) are not strong, but provide an entertaining fight. CONTRIBUTOR(S): Ikaz, Keekee
(3) LOCATION(S): Inner Horutoto Ruins (Lily's Tower Entrance, East Sarutabaruta at J-7) PETS TO CHARM: Beady Beetles (11-16), Bat Battalions (12-15) MOBS TO FIGHT: Beady Beetles (11-16), Bat Battalions (12-15), Goblins (Ambushers, Butchers, Tinkerers) (14-18) NOTES: Once you enter, go through the "cracked wall" in G-8. At this point the map changes... go to I-9 and work with Beady Beetles and Bat Battalions. There's a good supply of these as you move downhill, and some nice low gobs handy to farm if you end up with a little left over on a pet. Note this is a bit of a difficult spot (close quarters, all mobs agro/link and a longish run to the zone). Rarely camped, since the Bats are the "Jet Stream" type. CONTRIBUTOR(S): Swarren
(4) LOCATION(S): Valkurm Dunes (K-8) PETS TO CHARM: Sand Hares (15-18), Hill Lizard (15-18) MOBS TO FIGHT: Hill Lizard (15-18), Sand Hares (15-18) NOTES: Occasional Goblin (Butcher, Tinkerer, Ambusher)(17-20) provides additional XP. CONTRIBUTOR(S): Corres, Ikaz
(5) LOCATION(S): Meriphataud Mountains (near Tahrongi Canyon entrance) PETS TO CHARM: Wandering Saplings (13-16), Jubjubs (15-18), Night Bats (13-16), Black Bats (15-18) MOBS TO FIGHT: Wandering Saplings (13-16), Jubjubs (15-18), Hill Lizards (19-22) NOTES: All the mobs link but is not a problem since they are so far apart. This area is very spread out so be prepared to do alot of running to match pets and prey. CONTRIBUTOR(S): Tarantulas
Level 16 (1) LOCATION(S): Tahrongi Canyon PETS TO CHARM: Wild Dhamel (14-16) MOBS TO FIGHT: Wild Dhamel (14-16) NOTES: CONTRIBUTOR(S): Keekee
(2) LOCATION(S): Inner Horutoto Ruins (Lily's Tower Entrance, East Sarutabaruta at J-7) PETS TO CHARM: Beady Beetles (11-16), Bat Battalions (12-15) MOBS TO FIGHT: Beady Beetles (11-16), Bat Battalions (12-15), Goblins (Ambushers, Butchers, Tinkerers) (14-18) NOTES: Once you enter, go through the "cracked wall" in G-8. At this point the map changes... go to I-9 and work with Beady Beetles and Bat Battalions. There's a good supply of these as you move downhill, and some nice low gobs handy to farm if you end up with a little left over on a pet. Note this is a bit of a difficult spot (close quarters, all mobs agro/link and a longish run to the zone). Rarely camped, since the Bats are the "Jet Stream" type. CONTRIBUTOR(S): Swarren
(3) LOCATION(S): Valkurm Dunes (Near La Theine zone) PETS TO CHARM: Sand Hares (15-18), Night Bats (12-15) MOBS TO FIGHT: Sand Hares (15-18), Night Bats (12-15), Goblins (Ambusher, Butcher, and Tinkerer) (17-20) NOTES: XP ranges from 120-160, with occasional chains to boost for 193 XP. CONTRIBUTOR(S): Ikaz
(4) LOCATION(S): Meriphataud Mountains (near Tahrongi Canyon entrance) PETS TO CHARM: Wandering Saplings (13-16), Jubjubs (15-18), Night Bats (13-16), Black Bats (15-18) MOBS TO FIGHT: Wandering Saplings (13-16), Jubjubs (15-18), Hill Lizards (19-22) NOTES: All the mobs link but is not a problem since they are so far apart. This area is very spread out so be prepared to do alot of running to match pets and prey. CONTRIBUTOR(S): Tarantulas
(5) LOCATION(S): Ordelles Caves (Rescue Drill entrance – where Knights are located) PETS TO CHARM: Stink Bats (15-18) MOBS TO FIGHT: Stink Bats (15-18) NOTES: Bats link and have Jet Stream Special Attack which is hard hitting! CONTRIBUTOR(S): Rotund, Durginn, Oceaniax
Level 17 (1) LOCATION(S): Valkurm Dunes (Near La Theine zone or near Hidden Beach Caves, NW on Map) PETS TO CHARM: Sand Hares (15-18), Night Bats (12-15), Hill Lizards (15-18) MOBS TO FIGHT: Sand Hares (15-18), Night Bats (12-15), and Goblins (Ambusher, Butcher, and Tinkerer) (17-20), Hill Lizards (15-18) NOTES: XP ranges from 100-160, with occasional chains to boost for 193 XP. CONTRIBUTOR(S): Ikaz, Jesher
(2) LOCATION(S): Meriphataud Mountains (near Tahrongi Canyon entrance) PETS TO CHARM: Wandering Saplings (13-16), Jubjubs (15-18), Night Bats (13-16), Black Bats (15-18) MOBS TO FIGHT: Wandering Saplings (13-16), Jubjubs (15-18), Hill Lizards (19-22) NOTES: All the mobs link but is not a problem since they are so far apart. This area is very spread out so be prepared to do alot of running to match pets and prey. CONTRIBUTOR(S): Tarantulas
(3) LOCATION(S): Ordelles Caves (Rescue Drill entrance – where Knights are located) PETS TO CHARM: Stink Bats (15-18), Snippers (17-20) MOBS TO FIGHT: Stink Bats (15-18), Snippers (17-20) NOTES: Bats link and have Jet Stream Special Attack which is hard hitting! CONTRIBUTOR(S): Rotund, Durginn, Oceaniax
(4) LOCATION(S): Buburimu Peninsula (E-9) PETS TO CHARM: Sylvestre (15-18), Mighty Rarabs (15-18) MOBS TO FIGHT: Sylvestre (15-18), Mighty Rarabs (15-18), Goblins (Ambushers, Butchers, Tinkerers) (17-20) NOTES: CONTRIBUTOR(S): Elu
Level 18 (1) LOCATION(S): Valkurm Dunes (Near La Theine zone or near Hidden Beach Caves, NW on Map) PETS TO CHARM: Sand Hares (15-18), Night Bats (12-15), Hill Lizards (15-18) MOBS TO FIGHT: Sand Hares (15-18), Goblins (Ambusher, Butcher, and Tinkerer) (17-20), Hill Lizards (15-18) NOTES: CONTRIBUTOR(S): Ikaz, Jesher
(2) LOCATION(S): Ordelles Caves (Rescue Drill entrance – where Knights are located) PETS TO CHARM: Stink Bats (15-18), Snippers (17-20), Blood Bunny (17-19) MOBS TO FIGHT: Stink Bats (15-18), Snippers (17-20), Blood Bunny (17-19) NOTES: Bats link and have Jet Stream Special Attack which is hard hitting! CONTRIBUTOR(S): Rotund, Durginn, Oceaniax
(3) LOCATION(S): Buburimu Peninsula (E-9) PETS TO CHARM: Sylvestre (15-18), Mighty Rarabs (15-18) MOBS TO FIGHT: Sylvestre (15-18), Mighty Rarabs (15-18), Goblins (Ambushers, Butchers, Tinkerers) (17-20) NOTES: CONTRIBUTOR(S): Elu
(4) LOCATION(S): Maze of Shakhrami PETS TO CHARM: Stink Bats (15-18) MOBS TO FIGHT: Maze Makers (18-21), Goblins (Ambushers, Tinkerers, Butchers) (16-18) NOTES: 1400+ EXP per hour even with much competition. Keep Barstonra up at all times because Maze Makers use Stonega. If you are in trouble, just run as they can't follow you and will only fire off a few spells. They can cast Bind but it usually doesn't last long enough to be a bother. A decent Bat will usually tear apart an even Goblin. Don't attack other bats!!! There are tons of them everywhere and they link like crazy. CONTRIBUTOR(S): Tarantulas
Level 19 (1) LOCATION(S): Valkurm Dunes (J-6) PETS TO CHARM: Sand Hares (15-18), Damselflies (20-23), Brutal Sheep (20-23), Snippers (20-22) MOBS TO FIGHT: Brutal Sheep (20-23), Snippers (20-22), and Goblins (Butcher, Tinkerer, Ambusher, Leecher, Mugger, Digger, and Gambler) (17-25) NOTES: Use tough sheep, Snippers, and flies against the tougher gobins CONTRIBUTOR(S): Ikaz, Oleum
(2) LOCATION(S): Ordelles Caves (Rescue Drill entrance – where Knights are located, either in main room, or from that room go right once you get to the NPC room and keep going right until you reach a room with Bats, Saplings, and Leeches) PETS TO CHARM: Stink Bats (15-18), Snippers (17-20), Blood Bunny (17-19), Hognosed Bat (17-20), Stalking Sapling (18-21), Thread Leeches (18-21) MOBS TO FIGHT: Snippers (17-20), Blood Bunny (17-19), Goblins (Tinkerer, Ambusher, Butcher) (17-20), Hognosed Bat (17-20), Stalking Sapling (18-21), Thread Leeches (18-21) NOTES: Bats link and have Jet Stream Special Attack which is hard hitting!, Goblins are located to the right of main room. Use bats, crabs, and rabbits to kill them easily.\ Ironmanx stated: An EM Leech can easily take on a T Hognosed Bat. Let the chains begin! OgreSamanosuke added: 1) Hognosed Bats aggro. It will link nearby stink bats. 2) If the Hognoses are EM, toss them at a Stalking Sapling, they intimidate them. (yay!) 3) You will have to kill the Gobs in the way, or follow someone to reach the hunting spot. (Mostly d/c, few even or tough for exp) There are about 10 in the short path you want to travel, so grab one of the snippers that is even and use it to own them. 4) Lastly, if something goes wrong, you may as well kiss your ass goodbye. Only real failing is it's far from zone, and that road of Goblins will hunt you down if you have to run for it. CONTRIBUTOR(S): Rotund, Durginn, Oceaniax, Ironmanx, OgreSamanosuke
(3) LOCATION(S): Maze of Shakhrami PETS TO CHARM: Stink Bats (15-18) MOBS TO FIGHT: Maze Makers (18-21), Goblins (Ambushers, Tinkerers, Butchers) (16-18) NOTES: 1400+ EXP per hour even with much competition. Keep Barstonra up at all times because Maze Makers use Stonega. If you are in trouble, just run as they can't follow you and will only fire off a few spells. They can cast Bind but it usually doesn't last long enough to be a bother. A decent Bat will usually tear apart an even Goblin. Don't attack other bats!!! There are tons of them everywhere and they link like crazy. CONTRIBUTOR(S): Tarantulas
(4) LOCATION(S): Jugner Forest (lake in Northwest) PETS TO CHARM: Land Pugil (17-20), Snipper (17-20) MOBS TO FIGHT: Land Pugil (17-20), Snipper (17-20) NOTES: CONTRIBUTOR(S): Defster
zdravi powerlevelujici moralista ;-) |
FFXI | THF:75 | retired LoTR | HNT 65 | retired RoM | WAR/SCOUT 60/60 | retired |
Edited by - TSP on 24/06/2004 13:00:33 |
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