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2991 Posts |
Posted - 02/09/2004 : 05:49:28
Chtel bych udelat velky DW raid, obe guildy CzA i BoH a take neguildovni lidi. Cilem by bylo udelat questy na Mandalorian a pripadne jeho sestaveni a take sestaveni Jetpacku.
Vitani jsou i crafteri protoze Jetpack a Mandalorian sestavi jedine oni. Ten kdo se v DW trochu vyzna at to nezapomene napsat, budeme potrebovat schopneho leadera. :) Piste sem casi kdy by se vam to hodilo a pak se dohodneme na nejidealnejsim casu.
P.S.: Pokud by se postaveni Mandaloran povedlo tak by sla asi do naseho muzea na tatooine. Kde by byla k dispozici pro vsechny kdo by si ji chteli prohlednout. Na casti ktera se postavi se jeste dohodneme, jestli by sel Quartax tak ten je master Armorsmith, takze by se mohlo uvazovat o Chest Plate.
!! Jo a napiste sem vzdy jake mate povolani, abychom vedeli kolik bude medicu, tanku atd.. !!
Edited by - Jorssk on 27/04/2005 07:11:11
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Average Member

1690 Posts |
Posted - 02/09/2004 : 07:00:18
Prakticky celý víkend, počínaje pátkem večer a konče nedělí odpoledne. Ve všední dny maximálně do desíti.
Master Pikeman Master Brawler Fencer 4/4/4/0 TKA 4/3/0/3
Novice Medic/Novice Scout - podle potřeby. |
[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]
Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus |
New Member

191 Posts |
Posted - 02/09/2004 : 09:00:46
Pa - Ne
Doctor/Looser Rifle |
pisu jak prase ... no a?
DP1 DP2 WWIIOL Teiravon SWG EQ2 EVE DAoC Vanguard Warhammer Online STO ... proste skoro secko /mimo WoW!/
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 02/09/2004 : 10:15:39
Tak ja idem. V dobe akcie minimalne Avenger. |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
Edited by - Hosty on 06/09/2004 14:32:03 |
Junior Member

764 Posts |
Posted - 02/09/2004 : 10:22:05
klidně pudu :-) napiš jaké máme sehnat suroviny
Quartax Xarys - SWG.Eclipse

4364 Posts |
Posted - 02/09/2004 : 10:34:05
no já snad ani nemusím psát časy.. stejně tam smrdím od rána do večera.. zatím jsem : BH 0/1/4/4 CH 1/2/1/1 scout 4/1/4/2 medic 1/1/0-1/0 artisan 0/0/0/0
a brzy : JEDI MASTER ..  |
Jerzee <Mor do Kuli> |
Junior Member

982 Posts |
Posted - 02/09/2004 : 13:31:16
Hamster Doctor, Hamster Swordsman, newbie entertainer :) po-pá 18-22 so-ne 8-00 |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 02/09/2004 : 14:00:38
Qaurtax: Koukal jsem co je potreba za suroviny a vypada to ze jen BH armor a ty casti co se dostanou za questy..
Tohle jsem nasel tady na foru, je to stare takze uz se urcite vi kde sehnat ty ostani casti:
Ctyri komponenty potrebujete pro Manda Armor.
BH armor piece
Alum Mineral - dostanete za splneni questu v DW bunkeru, je to quest od Mine Foreman.
Protective Coating - random drop a mimochodem, nikomu nepadl v DW bunkeru!!
Binary Liquid - dosud nepadl a nikdo nevi jak ho ziskat.
Edited by - Jorssk on 02/09/2004 14:09:26 |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 02/09/2004 : 14:15:39
Takze update: You need Bounty Hunter Armor as a required component for its corresponding Mandalorian Armor piece. So, for example, if you wanted to make a Mandalorian Helmet you would first need a BH Helmet. Bounty Hunter Armor pieces are looted from Black Sun Guards, which can be found in the Death Watch Bunker and as random spawns on the various "Adventure" planets (Endor, Dathomir, and Yavin IV). BH Armor has no Special Protections and is Vulnerable to Heat, Acid, and Stun. The resists on BH Armor can range from 11% to 90% base! There has also been a rumor that schemas drop for these pieces, but I haven't seen any hard evidence yet. There are 10 pieces of BH Armor, and thusly 10 pieces of Mandalorian Armor: Helmet, Chest Plate, Leggings, Boots, L&R Biceps, L&R Bracers, Gloves, and a Belt. All professions can wear BH Armor. It's unknown how/if the resists carry over into the final Manalorian piece. - Mandalorian Armor also requires Allum mineral (retrievable from the Death Watch Bunker's mines), as well as Protective Coating and Binary Liquid (drops from Death Watch Mercenaries and possibly Black Sun Guards). - Specific profession masters are need to make certain pieces. A Master Armorsmith is required to make the Chest Plate, Biceps, and Boots (4 pieces). A Master Droid Engineer is required to make the Helmet and Bracers (3 pieces). A Master Tailor is required to make the Leggings, Gloves, and Belt (3 pieces). - Mandalorian Armor can only be made within the Death Watch Bunker. - There are specific rooms in the bunker for each of the master to make their pieces. Only the required profession for the pieces that the room is for can enter and use the manufacturing station, if they have all the required ingredients. Plus, only one person can enter and use the room at a time. The manufacturing process is timed and in stages. There is an Allum Hardening step and an Aeration step. If you fail during any of the steps the rumor is that you, and your whole party, will be escorted out of the bunker! - Only Master Bounty Hunters, Commandos, Squad Leaders, and Rangers can wear Mandalorian Armor
Vypada to ze nejdrive budeme muset asi hodne lootvat, btw na jetpack mam vsechny casti, zbyva jen posledni a tu dropuje Boss |

4364 Posts |
Posted - 02/09/2004 : 20:30:54
A Master Tailor is required to make the Leggings, Gloves, and Belt (3 pieces).
lol vypadá to, že nepůjde jorssk, ale jorsskina.. |
Jerzee <Mor do Kuli> |
New Member

329 Posts |
Posted - 02/09/2004 : 22:02:21
Ja bych taky sel, ale ted o vikendu bude asi mrtvo, pristi tyden v podstate furt, ale jak budu ve hre staci sendnout a jak budu mit cas a buffy tak mazu za vama 
TKM Rifleman 4203 fencer 0200 |
Rift: Barbucha cleric WoT: karl_v_sudet (E-100, Maus, IS4, GW-E, Jgtgr) Retired DAOC: Tojsemja 10Lx druid, Krivonoha 7Lx Retired |
776 Posts |
Posted - 02/09/2004 : 22:09:16
dobry napad.... myslim si osobne ze bych se tam urcite rad zasel podivat.... Pokud bude urcity pocet odhodlanych lidí :) Jinak primpominam zitra je Guild Meeting od 20:00hod tak an to nezapomente... :) |
EnniLasi(BOH)- SWG "zase parim" Esmeralda(BOH)-SWG "zase parim" Essmeralda - WOW |
Junior Member
589 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2004 : 11:40:25
Ja o vikendu budu mit na swg vice casu nez obvykle...
Jinak pokud nejsem ve hre, tak me zkontaktujte na icq :-) Viz
Asi ctyri novackove tam chybi, ale pres vikend to dam do poradku ... |
Genagen [EQ2]: Kerra, ShadowKnight Shadow Wind Guild Leader and RaidWiki admin |
Drizzt DoUrden
Average Member
1591 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2004 : 13:12:26
Koudy Starshooter
Master TKA dneska Master Fencer 0-0-4-4 Merchant (to asi moc nepomůže :o)))
Dopoledne učím přes víkend, takže až tak 15.00-24.00 |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 05/09/2004 : 22:17:43
18.9 (SOBOTA), 8-9:00 vecer |
New Member

329 Posts |
Posted - 06/09/2004 : 17:52:38
na 99% to vypada ze ja pujdu  mam v rachote akorat naplanovany volno. moooooc dobre jsi ten termin vymyslel  |
Rift: Barbucha cleric WoT: karl_v_sudet (E-100, Maus, IS4, GW-E, Jgtgr) Retired DAOC: Tojsemja 10Lx druid, Krivonoha 7Lx Retired |
Junior Member

764 Posts |
Posted - 09/09/2004 : 10:57:13
kurna v tu pristi sobotu nemuzu :( |
Quartax Xarys - SWG.Eclipse

2991 Posts |
Posted - 09/09/2004 : 14:27:06
jakto?? |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 09/09/2004 : 15:37:20
Napis kdy mas cas at se podle tebe zaridime, ty jsi tam dulezitej  |
Junior Member

764 Posts |
Posted - 09/09/2004 : 15:56:33
na ten víkend jedu pryč , a odložit to fakt nemůžu , leda v pátek večer ale ještě upřesním (jedu v sobotu ráno) |
Quartax Xarys - SWG.Eclipse
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 11/09/2004 : 01:35:54
Tak kedy ? |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 11/09/2004 : 10:33:09
takze se to ze soboty presouva na patek 8-9 hod. |
New Member

329 Posts |
Posted - 11/09/2004 : 14:33:44
quote: Originally posted by Jorssk
takze se to ze soboty presouva na patek 8-9 hod.
Doufam ze ne na vcerejsi patek |
Rift: Barbucha cleric WoT: karl_v_sudet (E-100, Maus, IS4, GW-E, Jgtgr) Retired DAOC: Tojsemja 10Lx druid, Krivonoha 7Lx Retired |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 11/09/2004 : 14:45:12
ne na 17.9. |

2991 Posts |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2004 : 06:48:48
doufam ze jste na ten DW bunker nikdo nezapomeli je teda v patek 17.9. 8-9 hod. vecer. Nejdrive jste sem vsichni psali ze jo a ted dlouho nic..... |
Edited by - Jorssk on 14/09/2004 06:49:22 |
Junior Member

982 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2004 : 08:43:15
Nestíháme psát, musíme grindit.. |
Junior Member

764 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2004 : 10:14:37
toudle dobou jsme v práci :-) |
Quartax Xarys - SWG.Eclipse

2991 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2004 : 15:08:08
OMG tak v kolik muzes?? |
Junior Member

764 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2004 : 15:28:49
toudle dobou myslím toudle dobou. ne tamtou dobou chápeš? |
Quartax Xarys - SWG.Eclipse

2991 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2004 : 16:44:27
Aha uz chapu :D |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 15/09/2004 : 12:57:48
Mame tu zavaznou otazku, kdo to umi a povede to? Ja to sice poradam ale potrebujeme shopneho leadera, klidne i dva. |
Junior Member

764 Posts |
Posted - 15/09/2004 : 15:20:48
no ja tam nikdy nebyl :-) |
Quartax Xarys - SWG.Eclipse
Drizzt DoUrden
Average Member
1591 Posts |
Posted - 15/09/2004 : 15:35:31
quote: Originally posted by Jorssk
Mame tu zavaznou otazku, kdo to umi a povede to? Ja to sice poradam ale potrebujeme shopneho leadera, klidne i dva.
Mám staženou mapu, ale je to jenom screen ze hry, nikdy jsem tam nebyl. Btw. jak dodělám bojová povolání, chci dát DE, takže bych tam za takový měsíc mohl smontovat helmu a bracer. |
Junior Member

764 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 18:10:50
Koudy ted kdyz je eclipse dole a nehrajes na tc ahazi (tam jsou char buildery ) tak skus to ftp si stahnout kousek |
Quartax Xarys - SWG.Eclipse

2991 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 18:17:25
Ty char. buildery vypadaji jak nejaka zvirata, ale sklamali me, myslel jsem ze tam pujde vyzkouset vsechno a tam nejde jedi ani koupit mando. Jen smradlava compo a wookie hunter armor. |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 18:22:09
quote: Originally posted by Jorssk
Ty char. buildery vypadaji jak nejaka zvirata, ale sklamali me, myslel jsem ze tam pujde vyzkouset vsechno a tam nejde jedi ani koupit mando. Jen smradlava compo a wookie hunter armor.
no tak SOE zas ukazalo aki su "skveli" |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
Edited by - Hosty on 16/09/2004 18:34:00 |
Junior Member

764 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 18:25:20
pokud tam ste tak sem quartax:-) |
Quartax Xarys - SWG.Eclipse
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 18:33:34
tak ja som na TC Bria tamon |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
Average Member

1690 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 19:05:42
quote: Originally posted by Jorssk
Ty char. buildery vypadaji jak nejaka zvirata, ale sklamali me, myslel jsem ze tam pujde vyzkouset vsechno a tam nejde jedi ani koupit mando. Jen smradlava compo a wookie hunter armor.
Co všechno by pán nechtěl...  |
[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]
Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 19:07:21
nahodou to tam mohli dat |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
776 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 20:15:29
semnou pocitejte ja pujdu na 100% |
EnniLasi(BOH)- SWG "zase parim" Esmeralda(BOH)-SWG "zase parim" Essmeralda - WOW |
New Member

329 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 20:28:32
quote: Originally posted by riddle
semnou pocitejte ja pujdu na 100%
Takze titra v 9 vecer pokud teda do ty doby nahodi eclipse |
Rift: Barbucha cleric WoT: karl_v_sudet (E-100, Maus, IS4, GW-E, Jgtgr) Retired DAOC: Tojsemja 10Lx druid, Krivonoha 7Lx Retired |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 20:38:14
Pujdeme v 9 pokud bude dost lidi
jo, hele enni myslis ze by jsi mohl byt jeden s hlavnich vudcu raidu? :) |
Edited by - Jorssk on 16/09/2004 20:38:31 |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 20:40:22
neni lepsie o 8 ? ale ako chcete, mne je to vlastne jedno... |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
New Member

329 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 20:51:32
quote: Originally posted by Hosty
neni lepsie o 8 ? ale ako chcete, mne je to vlastne jedno...
Tak mi 2, se muzeme sejit uz v  Stejne se zacne az v 10, pac nez tam fsici dorazi a nabufujou  |
Rift: Barbucha cleric WoT: karl_v_sudet (E-100, Maus, IS4, GW-E, Jgtgr) Retired DAOC: Tojsemja 10Lx druid, Krivonoha 7Lx Retired |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 20:54:07
tak pridem o 9, ked ste sa tak dohodli... mne to nerobi problem. |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
Average Member

1690 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 21:16:33
Se mnou bohužel nepočítejte, mám, řekněme, "osobní" záležitosti na vyřízení. |
[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]
Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus |
Edited by - Jedi_Knight on 16/09/2004 21:17:56 |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 22:02:27
no reklo se kolem 8-9 takze by bylo dobre se zacit shazet uz v 8 |
New Member

329 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 22:32:00
quote: Originally posted by Jorssk
no reklo se kolem 8-9 takze by bylo dobre se zacit shazet uz v 8
Se mnou muzes samozrejme pocitat uz ve 3 odpoledne  Budu nekde pobihat na loku Jen mi musis dat ve hre vcas vedet, jak parim, nemam potuchy o case |
Rift: Barbucha cleric WoT: karl_v_sudet (E-100, Maus, IS4, GW-E, Jgtgr) Retired DAOC: Tojsemja 10Lx druid, Krivonoha 7Lx Retired |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 17/09/2004 : 15:16:05
a kde sa stretneme ? |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
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