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4364 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2005 :  12:14:47  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Rifleman health and con level:

* Con Level - con level 55
* Health - +1000 health
* required to maximize - no other skills then the min (MR + 4004 Marksmen)

Specials: (more info such as time delays and damagemodifers to come)

* Head Shot: target damage:
o accuracy penalty attached
o no
o idea of what this really does yet
o Novice

* Improved Head Shot:
o head shot with increased targeted damage
o Sniper tier 3

* Conceal Shot:
o Shoot from cover without revealing self
o Assassin tier 2
o prone only
o under cover only
o max range 40m
o warm up timer

* Improved Conceal Shot:
o Conceal shot with increased damage
o Assassin tier 4
o prone only
o under cover only
o max range extended to 64m
o warm up timer

* Startle Shot:
o Forces opponent to move up a posture + prevents posture change for short period
o Gunner tier 1
o this attack stops opposing players and npcs from being able to use snipershot/concealshot/cover for the length of the posture change delay (aka an antisniper attack)

* Improved Startle Shot:
o Startle shot with greater posture change delay
o Gunner tier 3

* Advanced Startle Shot:
o Startle shot with greatest posture change delay
o Master

* Sniper Shot:
o Long setup, major damage dealing
o Sniper tier 1
o prone only
o max range 45m

* Improved Sniper Shot:
o Sniper shot with improved damage
o Sniper tier 4
o prone only
o max range extended to 64m

* Advanced Sniper Shot:
o Sniper shot with highest damage
o Master
o prone only

* Improved Aim:
o Increases accuracy for short duration (multiple shots)
o Soldier tier 1

* Advanced Aim:
o Aim shot with greatest accuracy increase and longer duration
o Soldier tier 3

* Kneecap Shot:
o reduces speed of opponent
o Novice

* Improved Kneecap Shot:
o greater reduction in speed and longer duration
o Gunner tier 4

* Cover:
o Hides rifleman from opponent by turning invisible
o makes rifleman translucent on own screen
o removes from radar and map
o Assassin tier 1
o prone
o can crawl while under cover
o has a long warm up timer
o can still be targeted using /target name (bug?)

Recoveries: (for a small action point cost - clear a state effect)

* Dizzy Recovery
o Gunnery tier 2
* Stun Recovery
o Soldier tier 4
* Blind Recovery
o Soldier tier 2
* Knockdown Recovery
o Novice Marksmen

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>



4364 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2005 :  12:25:47  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Weapon Certs are generally where they should be - depends on CL as well for if you can use the weapon or not

Rifleman trees

MASTER: T-21 cert

Tree: Sniper
tier 4:
tier 3: tusken rifle cert
tier 2:
tier 1:

Tree: Assassin
Tier 4: Jawa Rifle cert
tier 3:
tier 2:
tier 1:

Tree: Gunner
tier 4
tier 3
tier 2
tier 1 e11 cert

Tree: Soldier
tier 4
tier 3 laser rifle cert
tier 2
tier 1

NOVICE: spraystick cert

Marksmen Rifle Tree
tier 4 rifle: Sg82
tier 3 rifle: Dlt20a cert
tier 2 rifle: Dlt20 cert
tier 1 rifle:

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>
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To jsem ja

1691 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2005 :  12:37:48  Show Profile  Send Almych an ICQ Message Send Almych a Private Message  Reply with Quote
kde si to vycetl?
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4364 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2005 :  12:38:35  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Almych

kde si to vycetl?

na oficialnim foru

problem u riflemana je, ze jeho nejlepsi specky a to, co z nej dela killera nefunguje..

Current Bugs as of Thursday April 28 2005

(possibly fixed - but needs testing)
# Cover - very hard to next to impossible state to enter. Does not matter range to nearest object being bikes, npcs, pcs or creatures. No error message for why it fails more then 90% of the time, does the warm up and then nothing

# SniperShot - fires rarely - you get the warm up and then it does not fire off. It will work at times but it appears to be almost random

# ConcealShot - gives wrong state warning even when under cover and does not fire, this is also a random event

# StartleShot - delay is to short , does not work to force posture up very well (delay may now be working as intended - test vs pistoleer delay to see if it is the same length)

# KneecapShot - still no real discernible speed decrease for higher level mobs

# Weapon Certs
* most rifle certs are messed up - wrong cert's or master rifle only certs
* eg: cl 14 rifle - spraystick - cert'd only to master rifleman

# FS Ranged Mods - Force Sensative Ranged mods are not working for ranged weapons. However Melee mods are effect ranged weapons confirmed fixed!!!

# Prone Warping - When going prone there are occassion where the player will 'warp' a fair amount of distance. This usually has a very negative result on Rifleman as they usualy go prone at or close to max range. The 'warp' frequently takes them out of range to the target

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>

Edited by - JerzeeG on 05/05/2005 13:28:29
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Posted - 05/05/2005 :  14:42:56  Show Profile Send baron432 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Potvrzuji problem s Conceal - muzu vyskocit z kuze kdyz mi ma vlastni kocka pripadne kolegove z me skupiny nedovoli se skryt! Navic obcas mi to vynada, ze se nemuzu ukryt a kdyz pak vystrelim "neukryty", objevi se informace ze ztracim Cover
Potvrzuji problemy s warm-up a ... nic, bez sebemensiho hlaseni to nekde "zalaguje" a nic se nestane. Nervy drasajici ztrata casu (ale nedochazi k tomu, pokud si specku dam jako AutoAttack!). Podle mne to vypada, ze warmup/calmdown maji jako online funkce, ktere neresi lokalni comp a komunikaci to nekde spadne na timeout ...
ConcealShot mi funguje bez problemu (krom vyse uvedenych)

PotBS Roberts - Paul van Staff (NO), Paul LeBaron (FT), Paul de Witt (PT), Španělsko, Storm Riders
SWG Eclipse - Pave'l vanStaff, Jedi (ex Jedi/ImpAcePilot)
SWG Eclipse - Pattt vanStaff, Officer (ex MRifle, MBH, 4000 CM)
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