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3400 Posts |
Posted - 11/09/2008 : 14:29:21
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Beta Build Notes: 09/11/2008 Beta 4.1.1 Producer's Letter - Open Beta Hello Everyone, It's great to see all of you enjoying Open Beta! The past few days have been exciting and eventful and we couldn't be happier with the feedback we've been receiving. Even so, it's clear there are still some pesky bugs that need to be exterminated and we will continue working around the clock in order to do so! Before launch we wanted to get out a final update that cleared up many of the topics we've heard from you about, and put the icing on the cake for many of our features. This update is full of fixes and tweaks that, combined, will make your experience playing WAR even better! We look forward to your feedback with launch just a few short days away. These are exciting times and we're proud to have you with us. See you on the battlefield...WAAAGH!!! - The Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning Team General Changes and Updates You asked for it! The Community is a vital part of making WAR a successful game. With your feedback we're able to better chart our course as we move into the months and years ahead. It's important that the changes we make are a reflection of the players that will experience them, and so we are dedicated to listening to all of you along the way.
Below you will find a sample of what we've improved directly based on what we hear in game and on the forums. It is our goal to create a fun, engaging, and entertaining experience every time you log into the game. By continuing to play and provide us with feedback you are helping us to make that happen.
Keep up the great work and thank you for helping us make WAR an even better game...WAAAGH!!!
Loot Sparkles We've continued to improve loot sparkles and have corrected one last small bug that caused corpses to sparkle even when you weren't able to loot them.
Pet User Interface and Behavior In the near future we'll be working to make sure the Pet UI stays up for as long as your pet does so that it doesn't on occasion disappear when you log out or zone. For now you can re-open the Pet UI window simply by summoning another pet. One change that hs been made to pets already is that they have grown ever braver and will now listen to their masters' directions. Their responsiveness and pathing has been dramatically improved, and we've made improvements to Magus pets and Engineer turrets.
Continued Improvements to Performance and Crash to Desktop Errors Your ability to play the game smoothly and reliably is always our most important goal. We continue to work to apply fixes that will make your experience even more enjoyable. To help us out and make the experience better for you, be sure you have up-to-date drivers - including audio! Out of date video and audio drivers are among the highest contributors to game crashes.
'Ability Not Ready Yet' We've recently improved ability responsiveness which will reduce the chance of you receiving the 'Ability Not Ready Yet' message erroneously. This should help combat feel more natural!
Open RvR Ruleset Change You've given us your feedback and we've listened! Open RvR servers will now allow you to play one tier below your current level without turning into a chicken. This will allow you more time to experience the PvE content of the first 3 tiers, and it also adds more danger to the mix.
Improved Graphics Options We've got some great plans for improved graphics options as we continue through launch. Our number one priority is player performance. It's important in an RvR game for performance to be smooth and allow the game to be accessible to as many people as possible. In order to achieve our goals, we had to ensure a certain level of compatibility between devices. With all of the combinations and options available, we wanted to keep things simple and accessible to everyone.
With that in mind, we have a fix that may improve the ability of higher end machines to load textures, and we will continue to smooth out the process of the way textures load on your screen. In addition to this, we are exploring other options to add which will further enhance the graphics for mid to high range computers. If you find that your textures seem blurry or 'popping' visit this site for help:
Improvements to RvR Itemization We feel that it's important for players to be able to play RvR and PvE without missing out on appropriate loot for their level and career. See below for some of the changes that we're looking into.
From Battlefield Objectives Battlefield Sergeants will be itemized with the same loot table we use for other 'Rare' spawn champions in PvE. This is to reflect the fact that BO's do not turn over super frequently and have a 15 minute lockout after they are taken. While they won't drop awesome loot every time they will drop much better loot more frequently!
From Keep Siege We have increased the number of 'loot bags' that drop from a successful keep capture from 4 to 12. We have increased the number of GOLD loot bags that could drop from a successful keep capture to 2 bags. Players should see more high end loot entering through keeps as a result . From Fortress Siege We have increased the number of 'loot bags' that drop from a successful keep capture from 8 to 18. We have increased the number of GOLD loot bags that could drop from a successful keep capture to 4 bags. Players should see more high end loot entering through keeps as a result.
RvR - Now With Better Loot We heard the call and upped your loot! Now, coin gained from RvR kills has been modified so that it scales to be more on par with loot gained in PvE. Also, we improved the item parity between those gained in PvE and those gained purely from RvR. Now you can kill your enemies and reap the rewards!
Thought I Knew Dat... Abilities will no longer disappear from a player's quickbar when exiting a scenario. Now your quickbars will stay just as you arranged them while zoning.
NPCs Will Behave Imagine going to work in the morning and knowing it's your job to be pummeled into a bloody pulp by the masses. We wouldn't want to do it either! But we've whipped our NPCs into shape. Now they'll come when provoked, attack back right away instead of flinching and hesitating like wussies, and properly engage the enemy rather than staying stuck at range. Also, they'll no longer fall into an 'Unattackable' state or disappear in mid-combat.
Wait, My Boots are Really Gloves? Wearing boots on his hands makes it a little difficult for a Bright Wizard to perform his casting incantations, or a Black Orc to swing that axe. All items which displayed incorrect item icons have been fixed.
Mister Who? We resolved an issue in which Tome titles went missing, so they're there now!
For the Absentminded Newbies Rally Masters in the High Elf Tiers 1-2 areas will now give you a replacement Book of Binding if you lose, destroy, bloody, or hack your original one into tiny bits.
More Merchants - Less Confusion Previously, in some locations normal merchants were also selling Renown gear. This proved to be a source of confusion, and so now this gear will be sold by the proper merchants in the first couple of chapters.
Pick That up, ye Git! Previously when a Guild Standard was dropped on the field, it would fall too far in front of the Standard Bearer which sometimes resulted in it getting lost in the brush or rocky crevices. Now, when Standards are dropped, they will fall to the Bearer's feet making them easier to recover. Combat and Careers Melee DPS Archetype * Jagged Edge: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.
* Broad Swings: The buff window tooltip for this ability has now been fixed.
Tank Archetype * Shield Wall: This ability now requires a Shield.
* Shield Wall: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.
* Raze: This ability's effect now plays for every damage pulse.
* Guard: This ability will now display a visual effect when splitting damage. Also, its hate redirection has been changed to 35%.
* Challenge: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.
Empire Racial Tactic * Sigmar's Favor: Racial tactic will no longer benefit from Willpower or be able to land a critical.
Archmage * Golden Aura: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.
Black Orc * Save Da Runts: This ability now has visual effects when hitting a guarded target.
* T'ree Hit Combo: This ability now hits 5 times instead of 3, and its damage per hit has been reduced.
* Da Big Un: The damage of this ability has been reduced, but it now has a much longer range.
Bright Wizard * Slow Boil: This ability no longer incorrectly plays its debuff visuals on the player.
* Magic Dart: This ability no longer hits before the projectile arrives.
* Annihilate: This ability no longer places an icon in the buff window.
* Funnel Power: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.
* Fireball Barrage: This ability no longer places an icon in the buff window.
* Flame Breath: This ability no longer places an icon in the buff window.
Chosen * Suppression: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.
Disciple of Khaine * Thousand and one Dark Blessings: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.
* Chant of Pain: This ability will now properly do damage and heal on each tick.
Engineer * Napalm Grenade: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.
* Phosphorous Shells: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.
Ironbreaker * Oath Friend: This ability no longer requires the Ironbreaker to be grouped with his ally.
* Oath Friend: The Ironbreaker and the target of the Oath Friend can now remove this ability by right clicking the icon on the buff window.
* Heavy Blow: This DoT will no longer stack with itself.
* Oath of Vengeance: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values..
* Earthshaker: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.
* Avalanche: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.
* Skin of Iron: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.
Magus * Rend Winds: This ability now hits 3 times as intended.
* Daemonic Maw: This ability is now a magical attack instead of melee.
Marauder * Scything Talons: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.
* Hulking Brute: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.
Runepriest * Grungni's Gift: This ability now has an instant cast animation.
* Rune of Shielding: This ability now has an instant cast animation.
* Oath Rune of Sanctuary: This ability now works correctly.
* Spellbinding Rune: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information
* Rune of Immolation: This ability's effect can no longer be removed by right-clicking.
Shaman * You Got Nothin!: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.
* Eeeek!: The knockback portion of the ability will not fire if the shaman is stunned or rooted.
Squig Herder * Sharpened Arrers: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.
* Horned Squig: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.
* Gas Squig: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.
* Sharp Toofs: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values, and the ability now functions correctly.
Sword Master * Wings of Heaven: This ability is now more reliable when it leaps to the target.
Warrior Priest * Vow of Silence: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values..
* Soulfire: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values..
* Weight of Guilt: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.
* Sigmar's Fist: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.
* Castigation: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.
Witch Hunter: * Declare Anathema: The knockback portion of this ability will not fire if the Witch Hunter is stunned or rooted.
* Confess!: The debuff icons for this ability now display correct timers.
* Burn Armor: The debuff icon for this ability now displays information.
* Fanatical Zeal: The debuff icon for this ability now displays information.
* Sudden Accusation: The debuff icon for this ability now displays information.
* Feinted Positioning: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information
White Lion * Pounce: The White Lion cannot activate this ability if stunned or rooted.
Witch Elf * Agile Escape: The knockback portion of this ability will not fire if the Witch Elf is stunned or rooted.
* Kiss of Betrayal: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.
* Pierce Armor: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.
* Kiss Of Death: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct duration.
* Masterful Treachery: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.
Zealot * Flash of Chaos: This ability now has an instant cast animation.
* Mark of Remaking: This ability now works correctly
* Chaotic Blur: Zealot now fades out correctly when using this ability, and the tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.
Community Systems New Help Interface * Players may now access the new Help Interface by selecting the Help icon (Question Mark) on the Menu Bar or by pressing H. The following five options are now available to choose from:
* Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- The FAQ includes a number of questions and answers available to players with just a click of the mouse.
* Game Manual
- Players may select from various categories to learn more about Warhammer Online. The manual covers everything from game basics and RvR to Warhammer lore.
* CSR Appeals
- The Help Interface now contains a very in-depth yet simplified means for players to appeal for assistance from a Customer Service Representative (CSR). Players will be able to easily locate and categorize their appeal based on the issue they wish to report.
- Players may only have one open appeal at a time; however, players may report an inappropriate player name or game play violation while they have an active request for assistance.
- Players who need CSR assistance should choose the category which their question/concern falls under and add detailed information in the text boxes provided.
- When a player has an appeal waiting for a CS response, the question mark in the menu bar will display as dimmed.
- When a current appeal needs further information from the player, the question mark in the menu bar will pulse to indicate their attention is required.
- Players may always add more information to their current appeal at any time by using the 'Add To Appeal' button. Note: This button will only be displayed when players have an active appeal.
* Report a Bug
- To report a bug, players may select the type of bug they are reporting and then enter their bug in the space provided. Please note that bug reports will not receive a response.
* Send Feedback
- A drop-down menu is provided for players to categorize the type of feedback they are submitting before entering their feedback in the space provided. Please note that feedback submissions will not receive a response.
Cities * There is now an auctioneer at the Black Market in the Maw who will show up when the Inevitable City is under attack.
* Auctioneers in the Inevitable City once again function properly. Enjoy the wares!
Items * Armor Set Bonuses: The proc rates of armor sets have been set to their intended values.
* Scorching Blast Potions: These potions will now be thrown at a targeted enemy instead of at a ground target, and will now play a visual effect.
* Sticky Bomb Potions: These potions will now be thrown at a targeted enemy instead of at a ground target, and will now play a visual effect. In addition, the Debuff duration displayed on the icon is now more consistent.
* Emberbreath Potions: These potions will now play visual effect when activated.
* Potions with item levels above 40 will now be fully effective.
* Buff potions will now print to your combat log when used.
RvR Cheers and Jeers: New cheers and jeers ambiance has been added to Warhammer. Whenever a Battlefield Objective or Keep is taken over by your realm, NPCs will react in a positive manner, shouting for glory along with animations of victory. Along with this, a broadcast message and 'Role Play' chat will be sent out to the entire RvR lake extolling the virtues of the victors. Tome of Knowledge Achievements - The following achievements have been enabled: * Unlocks have been enabled for a few city events.
* Secret achievements involving plungers have been enabled in tier 4 content for each pairing.
* Achievements for salvaging have been enabled.
Bestiary - The following changes have been made to content relevant to the Bestiary section of the Tome of Knowledge: * The Bestiary entry for Rogue has been renamed to Bandit.
* The Watcher entry has been moved from the Unmarked Daemons section to the proper section: Daemons of Tzeentch.
* A few bestiary tasks had bugs fixed and polish applied.
* Wights will now properly give kill credit for Wights. This fixes an issue where Wights were giving kill credit towards an incorrect monster type.
* A number of behind-the-scenes changes to treasure indexes have been made to ensure that the drops needed for a number of bestiary tasks have the proper rarity. As well, they have been modified to have a chance to drop as long as someone in the group has need for the item; i.e. have not complete the associated unlock.
* All items that are received and required for Bestiary tasks have been modified to ensure they are bind-on-pickup and indicate they are not trash items.
Rewards - The following changes have been made to the rewards given by the Tome of Knowledge: * All pocket items have been audited to ensure that they indicate they are not trash items.
* The Tome Trainers in the Capital City library have had their titles changed to 'Librarian' from 'Trainer' to indicate their purpose in serving the Tome of Knowledge. The visual icon over their head remains as a training icon.
Maps - The following map changes have taken place: * The Dark Elf Chapter 20 map has been added into the Tome.
* Map points have been added for High Elf and Dark Elf Warcamps in Caledor.
Old World Armory - The unlock text for a small number of armor set pieces have been updated to fix a bug in which the wrong piece unlock text was being given.
Tutorial Introduction Quest - The tutorial introductory quest text has been tweaked for content as well as grammatical and spelling issues. Tradeskills Apothecary * Players can now create dyes. To create a dye, a player will need a Pigment, Fixer, and a special container. Crafting merchants sell Fixers and Dye containers. Pigments are usually obtained as a byproduct after a very successful Cultivation attempt.
* Players can now create Gold Essence. To make a Gold Essence, a player will need a Goldweed, Quicksilver, Gold Dust, and a special container. Goldweed is grown by Cultivators. Gold Dust can be found by Scavenging or on some humanoid monsters. Quicksilver and Gold-Essence containers can be bought from crafting stores.
* Potions effects have been revised. Healing potions are now more potent.
* Potion makers can now have two types of super success. The first type of success results in the next level up of that potion, which usually has a higher level requirement. The second type of success results in a more potent potion that has the same level requirement (these are very good).
* The UI tooltips regarding the 'yellow zone' on the Unstabilityometer have been revised. Note that if the stability of a mixture is in the yellow zone, depending on the overall stability, the recipe will fail or be volatile.
* Volatile potions can go wrong when they are used. The side effects can either knockdown a player, make them mute for a short time, or make them drop their weapons.
* The stability of Cloudy Water has been increased.
Cultivation * Soil, Nutrients, and Watering Cans all now reduce the time it takes to grow a plant. These 'additives' also increase the chance of hybrids and other weird items being grown, as well as the chance that a seed will be returned as a product.
* Players can now obtain dye Pigments when they cultivate. For example, Musty Elvish Parsley (used to make restoration potions) can be grown into a hybrid called Trenchant Elvish Parsley, which can be used to make healing potions. Sometimes when Trenchant Elvish Parlsey is grown, you will also get Honeycomb Extract as a bonus product (it rubbed off an insect). Honeycomb extract can be used by Apothecarists to create Yellow dye.
* Stabilizing Apothecary ingredients can now appear as Cultivation bonus products.
* Growth times have been reduced.
Butchering/Scavenging * Players with these skills can butcher/scavenge any corpse.
* When a player butchers/scavenges a corpse, the loot that is obtained is dependent on the player's skill level. The higher the player skill, the better the loot. However, monsters will not give loot that is above their level. * When a player butchers/scavenges a corpse, the chance of a skill-up is dependent on the player's level versus the monster's level. * The skill-up chance becomes less the closer the player's skill is to 200.
Magical Salvaging * Players with this skill can break down items that are of uncommon rarity or higher into fragments and essences. Fragments are the main ingredient in Talisman Making. * When a player salvages an item, the rarity of the obtained fragment is one rarity lower than the salvaged item. There is a small chance that the player will get a fragment of the same rarity as the salvaged item. * When a player salvages an item, he or she gets to choose which stat bonus to extract from the item. The resultant fragment is of that type. * When a player salvages an item, that item is destroyed. * Players can refine essences by right clicking on stacks of those items in their backpacks. Ten Echoes will refine into one Whisper. Five Whispers will refine into one Magic Essence. Magic Essences are used in Talisman Making. * Tier 1 and 2 monsters can now also drop very-badly damaged equipment (Shattered, Ruined, and Sundered Equipment). These uncommon items can't be repaired, but can be salvaged. Players will be able to skill-up Salvaging using these items. * There are Salvaging trainers in each chapter 2 and in each city.
Talisman Making * Players can create Talismans by combining a fragment, a Gold Essence, a Curio, and a Magic Essence in a Talisman-Making container. Fragments and Magic Essences are obtained by Magical Salvaging. Curios can be also found on some humanoid monsters and from scavenging. * Gold Essence is created using the Apothecary skill. To make a Gold Essence, you need a Goldweed, Quicksilver, Gold Dust, and a special container. Goldweed is grown by Cultivators. Gold Dust can be found by Scavenging or on some humanoid monsters. Quicksilver and Gold-Essence containers can be bought from crafting stores. * Talisman-Making ingredients have 'power'. The higher the skill-level requirement and rarity, the higher the power. The final properties of a crafted Talisman depend on the total power of all ingredients used to make it. * The rarity of the Fragment used determines the rarity of the crafted Talisman. There is a small chance that whenever a Talisman is crafted it will be one rarity higher than expected. * There are Talisman-Making trainers (Hedge Wizards) in each chapter 2 area and in each city. * Some equipment has Empty Talisman Slots. If a player Shift+Right-Clicks on an item with a talisman slot, that player can then drag a talisman onto the slot and fuse it to the equipment. The equipment will then get the bonus from the talisman. * Common, uncommon and rare talismans have timers on them. The timers begin to countdown when the talisman is fused to an item. Very-rare talismans do not have timers. * Merchants sell very basic Gold Essences, Curios, Magic Essences, and containers. * Known Issue: Armor and resistance talismans will not work if they are attached to a weapon.
UI * Member and Officer notes sections have been added to the guild UI. * We have reformatted and improved layouts for Public Quest, Battlefield Objective, City and Scenario trackers. * We have finalized our character introduction cinemas and narrations. Please note that during Open Beta only, for characters that already exist, you may see the introduction play at a random location upon first log in of each character. * Entry to the Leader's Hall requirements now match in game descriptions. * Cloak Heraldry is now visible to other players. * Respawning in a scenario now triggers the zone load screen instead of the scoreboard load screen.
Edited by - spajdr on 11/09/2008 14:41:38
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3400 Posts |
Posted - 11/09/2008 : 14:44:15
a neoficiální změny
there are a ton of undocumented changes as well. Cool ones, like new options for character creation and many many nice additions to character animations/ambiance.

3400 Posts |
Posted - 02/10/2008 : 07:33:35
Game Update 1.01 - Arrives 10/02/08!

Warriors of Order and Destruction,
Welcome to the war-torn battlefields of the Age of Reckoning! My name is Destin Bales, and I'm the Live Producer for Warhammer Online. It's my job to ensure that we successfully make the transition from one of the smoothest launches in MMO history, to offering one of the most exhilarating and memorable gaming experiences you've ever had.
Now that WAR is living and breathing, we have players all across the globe battling it out in a relentless and brutal struggle to claim victory for their realms. Playing and improving Warhammer Online is a journey that we share with you, own with you, and drive forward together as a team. Our beta testers can attest to just how much we value your opinion, and you’ll see this reflected in all that we do, even within a small maintenance patch such as this.
In fact, we've already made a number of improvements since launch to ensure that your gameplay experience is even better. Since Warhammer Online went live, we've identified and fixed several client crash issues, knocked out reported bugs on numerous quests, added a feature that allows players to queue for same-tier scenarios in other racial pairings, and rooted out hordes of gold farmers in game. These are just a few of the hundreds of small but impactful fixes we've made daily over the past week and a half.
Our maintenance patch 1.01 contains enhancements and fixes that you have rightly identified and brought to the forefront of our attention. Target Nearest has been revamped, the pesky “Target Out of Range” bug has been squashed, we’ve fixed bugs with /ignore and your friends list, resolved an issue with disappearing pet windows on zoning - and more!
To all of the players who take the time to report issues and send feedback we'd like to say a big "Thank you!" and we hope you like the changes we're making to improve the game. Please keep it up! We'll be depending on your input as we chart the course for the future of WAR.
After over three years in development, the Age of Reckoning has finally arrived. But if you think this is the end of the journey, think again, because this WAR is just getting started!
WAR is everywhere, and we couldn’t be more excited. - Destin Bales, Live Producer
Players no longer need to scroll down through the EUALA when logging into the game. The window now defaults to the bottom, and players need only check the Agreement box and click accept.
The war against the gold sellers continues! We have made improvements to the Appeal system to allow players to report spam messages from gold sellers more quickly.
TAB-targeting should now more consistently select the nearest enemy in the player's field of view.
Corrected an issue that was preventing players from adding new friends to their friend list even while the number of existing friends was below the list's size limit.
Fixed the issue that was causing players to sometimes get stuck in a particular animation state.
Monsters which change velocity while moving in combat should no longer return “Target is Out of Range” sometimes when attacked by players.
The /ignore command will now work more consistently.
In response to player feedback, we have made improvements to player pet movement and behaviors.
The Pet window should no longer disappear when its master is zoning or entering the game.
We made many UI fixes including a new "autoloot" feature requested by many players.
Guild cloaks will now display their heraldry properly.
We have made several improvements to the chat window, and it should now be more intuitive to use and set up. A number of chat window issues were resolved in the process. We are continuing to work on your requests about chat, with more improvements to come in the future.
Combat and Careers
The debuff from "Hurts, Don't It" will no longer stack with itself Content
We have identified a couple of serious bugs that trivialize the content in the Lost Vale dungeon. We have disabled the dungeon entrance while we investigate these issues. Thank you for your understanding as we work to improve your in game experience! The Public Quest "Wagon Defense" will no longer get stuck because of objectives spawning in trees. Fixed a bug in the "Wagon Defense" quest The quest “Killing Time” should now allow players to gain credit when killing enemy characters in the Stone Troll Crossing scenario. Lorcar Perrithan no longer offers the quest “Phoenix Gate”. Players can now obtain this quest from the Uthorin Warscout. The Gunbad instance lockouts will now be 30 minutes instead of 24 hours. Fixed an issue that was preventing Erikwuf Wrathbound from offering the "Good Will" quest. Some monsters have been identified that were dropping Destruction items for Order players. These monsters will now drop Order items for Order players. Fixed an issue with the spawning of burning bushes in the "Rewards for the Faitfhful" quest.
Player pets have learned to behave themselves. They should now listen to their masters and stay focused while in combat with monsters, rather than dancing erratically. In addition, they should follow obediently at their masters’ side rather than spinning around.
Monsters that are rooted in place will no longer appear to chase you if you flee from them, even though they are still rooted.
Continued improvements have been made to client stability and performance.
We have fixed an issue that was awarding an overly large experience bonus to players who killed many monsters in rapid succession (IE, several killing blows within a second or two of each other). This will largely only affect small groups that use AE abilities to kill off a very large number of monsters with a single ability activation.
Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause roots to last longer than they should.
The delay between sending multiple mails has been reduced from 20 seconds to 5 seconds.
White Lion Fixed an issue that was allowing players to use the "Pounce" ability without an enemy target. The ability now requires an enemy target to jump towards.
A feature has been added to User Settings which allows players to auto loot corpses by default. Players can enable this feature by selecting the “always auto loot” option, under the game play section. Please note that holding shift while looting with the option enabled will cause you to loot normally. When the option is disabled, shift-loot will still auto loot all. Guild cloaks will now retain heraldry settings through zoning.
Corrected an issue that was preventing players from adding new friends to their friend list even while below the list's size limit.
Improvements to the behavior of TAB-targeting. This should now more accurately target the nearest enemy in the player's field of view.
The /ignore command will now work more consistently.
The Pet window should no longer disappear when zoning or entering the game.
In some cases, the chat window would reset to default position upon logout. This should no longer occur.
Resizing the chat window should no longer cause the chat window to reposition itself.
The text entry button is now colored to match the color of the channel the player is currently defaulting to for text entry.
Hitting enter no longer fades in the entire chat window, instead it just fades the text entry box.
Changing resolutions should no longer cause the chat tab labels to disappear.
If more chat tabs are created than the width of the chat window is able to display, then buttons allowing the player to scroll forward and backwards through the chat tabs will appear.
When resizing the chat window, players will now get a resizing cursor.
Left-clicking on the chat window now causes it to fade immediately.
When dragging a chat tab off of the chat window players will now get a “phantom chat tab” until they release the mouse button, instead of creating and dragging the new tab immediately.
When docking one chat window to another, an arrow indicator is now displayed on the chat tab listing which indicates where in the order of chat tabs the tab will now be placed.
When creating a new tab, the properties of the new tab are cloned from the original tab chosen. For example, using New Tab on the Combat tab menu creates a Combat(1) tab with all the same filters and font settings of the original Combat tab.
Players will no longer be able to use the /petname command unless they have a White Lion out.
New Cycle Enemy Target action added as a handier version of Target Next Enemy. This action is bound to Tab by default; existing characters will not have their keybindings changed, so if you would like to use this action instead of Target Next Enemy with your current character, you will need to change this keybind.
Fixed an issue that was causing the health bar fade option to work incorrectly.
We have re-skinned the Guild Registrar interaction window.
Fixed an issue that was causing the health bar fade option to work incorrectly.
Many parts of the UI have been modified to fit localized text properly: - Quest Titles in the Quest Dialog window
- Zone Names in the Zone Loading screen
- The Title Bar in the Open Parties and Warband’s window
- Tactic Names in the Guild Tactics store window
- Zone Names in the Guild Roster tab of the Guild window
- Permission Text in the Admin tab of the Guild window
- Alliance Information in the Alliance tab of the Guild window
- Requirement (Blue) Ability Tooltip text Fixed an issue with chat text in localized versions of the game. |

3400 Posts |
Posted - 08/10/2008 : 23:38:24

The team here at Mythic has been busy this week making improvements and fixes based on your feedback to further enhance your gameplay experience. While these may change read on to check out the latest of these exciting updates coming to a server near you!
The war against the gold spammers continues. We’ve added new code that will hinder the spammers as they seek to carry out their nefarious deeds! This is only the next step, not the final one, in our continued battle against them.
We have added a 'Join All' button to the scenario window which now allows players to join all scenario queues in their current tier at once.
In order to promote realm and population balance, some realms on some servers will now award their players with a +20% bonus to renown and experience. This is not a permanent bonus, but rather a temporary incentive to promote balance. Realms currently offering this bonus are marked on the server list with a colored icon; blue for Order and Red for Destruction - Check the Herald for the latest list!
In response to player feedback, we have made several improvements to the behavior and responsiveness of the siege weapon interface. In addition we have fixed some issues with the control and release processes of siege weapons.
In an ongoing effort to deter players from going AFK while in scenario starting areas, we have made the following changes:
First, players who join a scenario and remain in their realm's spawn area for two minutes will be automatically removed from that scenario.
Second, upon entering the spawn area of a scenario, players will receive a debuff that prevents them from earning renown and experience. This debuff will be removed when the player leaves the spawn area.
The level range at which players are able to receive the “Bolster” buff while in RvR has been expanded. This buff will now be available starting three levels lower than it had been previously. Please note this change only applies to Scenarios on Open-RvR Ruleset Servers.
In tier 2, the buff will apply from rank 8 to rank 17, and will raise players to Battle Rank 18.
In tier 3, the buff will apply from rank 18 to rank 27, and will raise players to Battle Rank 28.
In tier 4, the buff will apply from rank 28 to rank 35, and will raise players to Battle Rank 36.
In response to player feedback, we’ve added RvR and NPC chat tabs for new players. These tabs filter scenario chat and NPC chat respectively. In order to minimize frustration to users who have already customized their chat window, we will not be overwriting any current settings, so this change will affect only new players. Players who wish to add these tabs may do so through the normal chat configuration options.
While in scenarios, players will no longer be able to select "Need" in their loot windows unless their career or race can use the item being offered. Please note: players of a lower level than required by the item are still able to roll.
We have fixed an issue that was causing claimed keeps to forget that they had been claimed after a server restart. Improvements have been made to how pets follow and they should now return to their owners more quickly.
We continue to work on the issues with the pet window. We have identified and corrected another bug which was causing this window to disappear. Improvements have been made regarding an issue that was causing pets to teleport back to their owners after combat.
Fixed a bug that prevented players from creating an alliance with more than two guilds. Now that this issue is resolved, alliances can grow to great numbers to crush their enemies!
Fixed an issue that was causing the chat window to reset to its default position at logout.
Ongoing improvements have been made to client and server stability.
In order to deter players from spam-mailing, WAR continues to enforce a 5-second delay between sending mail messages. However, we have reduced this delay to 1 second for mails being sent to alts or guildmates.
We have fixed an issue that was causing monsters to lose their aggression toward players in some rare cases.
We have identified a small percentage of monsters in the game that were slightly less challenging than originally designed. We have adjusted the abilities of these monsters to bring them in line with their intended level of difficulty.
Fixed an issue that was allowing players to change their tactics configuration during combat.
We have made several fixes and improvements to the behavior of monsters and encounters in the Lost Vale dungeon. Access to this dungeon has been granted once more, and it should now provide an appropriately challenging experience for high-level players.
Warlord Set Trinkets were missing their career requirements. Career requirements have been added to these items.
In response to player feedback, we have made several improvements to the behavior and responsiveness of the siege weapon interface.
The words in the chat tab labels will no longer disappear when players change the game's graphical resolution.
The chat window will no longer slide upward when being resized.
Fixed some issues with the creation of chat tabs. Newly-created chat tabs should no longer continue beyond the border of the chat window.
Players who interact with guild vaults while their inventory is full will no longer see items in the guild vault disappear.
We have fixed an issue that was causing the game not to remember the chat prefix (/tell, /g, /wb), forcing players to retype it each time. The game should now correctly remember the chat prefix.
Chat font settings will now save properly.
Fixed an issue which was causing healers to lose targeting on a player who they just resurrected.
A number of game actions and NPC and monster communications were being sent to players through the wrong chat channel. We have made several fixes relating to these issues.
The pre-scenario countdown timer should now work properly once again.
We have fixed an issue that was causing claimed keeps to forget that they had been claimed after a server restart.
Players' use of siege weapons will be no longer be interrupted when those players take damage.
We have fixed an issue that was preventing players from opening the main door of a captured keep which belonged to their realm.

3400 Posts |
Posted - 11/10/2008 : 12:00:52
High-Level Encounter and Armor Set Adjustments Based on our observations and your feedback, we have determined that Fortress Lords and contested capital city guards are not providing the intended level of challenge. These enemies are among the most dangerous in the game, and battles against these deadly adversaries should be nothing short of epic. As a result of the changes we've made, Fortress Lords and contested city guards will now be even more challenging that they were previously. In order to help players survive these perilous encounters, we have made the following adjustments to two of the game’s high-level armor sets. We have updated the Annihilator and Conqueror armor sets (acquired through a variety of high level RvR) to include Wards, in order to maintain parity with PvE Armor Sets.
The Annihilator set now includes the same Ward as that offered by the Bastion Stair's Bloodlord set.
The Conqueror set now includes the same Ward as that offered by the City Dungeon Sentinel set.
Players who equip pieces from the Annihilator and Conqueror armor sets will be better-equipped to challenge the Fortress Lords and contested city guards. The more pieces equipped, the better defended players will be against these deadly adversaries. |

3400 Posts |
Posted - 16/10/2008 : 01:12:35
Patch 1.0.3 Patch Available 10/15/2008 Highlights Highlights * We're pleased to announce the addition of a new regional chat system. This item has been one of our most requested features, and you can find the details below. * We have made additional improvements to the functionality of the /ignore command. This command should now work more consistently. * A "new mail" icon has been added to the edge of the minimap to alert players when new mail messages have arrived. * We have made some additional improvements to the handling of NPC speech and action text in an effort to reduce the amount of chat players see from NPCs. * In order to provide a more challenging and rewarding experience, we have adjusted the overall speed at which players can gain control of zones and move the campaign. * Pet behaviors have been improved and should act more naturally when changing between passive and defensive modes while the pet is fighting multiple enemies. * The war against the gold sellers continues! We have introduced a new "report gold seller" command that works as follows: when you type /rg, the game will automatically fill out a gold seller appeal using the name of the last player who sent you a tell. If you get an unwanted /tell from a pesky gold seller, type /rg to start an appeal and get them busted! * We have added a new option to the user settings that will allow players to enable or disable shader caching. This is a graphical performance option, and for a full explanation, players can hover their mouse over this option in the user settings window. Regional Chat System Regional Chat System * Chapter-based chat channels have been replaced with a farther reaching chat system, referred to as Region Chat. A region is defined as the contiguous zones that make up a tier-based racial pairing area. For example, Blighted Isle and Chrace make up one region. Region Chat consists of two channels, Region and Region-RvR. - Region encompasses the entire region area. - Region-RvR encompasses the RvR-focused areas, such as the Plain of Bone. * How to use the Regional Chat System: - To type in the Region channel, use /1 [message] - To type in the Region-RvR channel, use /2 [message] Note: You must be in the RvR-focused region to use the Region-RvR channel. Players on Open RvR servers will have access to Channel 2 at all times. - To disable these channels right click on the proper chat tab, go to "Tab Options" then "Filters." Scroll down to Region and Region-RvR and uncheck the channels you no longer wish to view. - If you have disabled either channel and wish to re-enable them simply return to the "Filters" menu and re-select the appropriate channels. General Changes and Bug Fixes General Changes and Bug Fixes * In order to ensure that the Apothecary skill remains a valuable crafting profession potions will no longer drop as frequently. * Seeds for Cultivation will no longer drop as frequently throughout the world. * Monsters should no longer disappear and then reappear when attacked at range by players. * In some rare cases, the game would leave "ghost images" of NPCs who had moved away or de-spawned. As a result, players would see NPCs that were not actually there. We have taken steps to correct this issue, and players should see far fewer of these phantom NPCs. * We fixed an issue that would sometimes cause monsters to break off in mid-combat and attempt to walk away. * We have made some additional improvements to the pathing and behavior of monsters. These fixes should reduce pathing issues sometimes seen when pulling monsters at range. * Nurglings will no longer continue to make aggressive sounds after they have been killed. * Fixed a crash-issue that sometimes occurred when entering city dungeons. * Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when searching the Auction House. Content Content * We have made some adjustments to the Hydra boss in the Sacellum dungeon to bring this encounter more in line with the original design and difficulty. Realm vs. Realm Realm vs. Realm * Reduced the interaction time required to deploy a guild standard * Reduced the interaction time required for players to pick up standards that they own. Please Note: This does not include the capturing of enemy standards. * Capturing an enemy standard will now reward the capturing player and his nearby allies with renown. * Players can no longer be queued for a scenario while they already have an invite pending to a different scenario. * Attempting to join a scenario that has already ended will no longer send players to the character select screen. * Renown gained from healing players was granting more renown than intended over long periods of time. Players who heal other players will still earn renown for aiding their friends in combat, but large heals or repeated heal-over-time spells will result in lesser renown gains than before. * While going over the data collected for renown gained by healing, we discovered a few incorrect values that led to players earning far more renown than designed. To ensure equal renown gains for players regardless of their chosen career and whether they group or not inside scenarios, we have made several adjustments to the way renown is granted from healing other players: - Earning renown from healing players was erroneously granting renown while outside of RvR. This has been adjusted so getting renown for healing players outside of RvR or from a player that is not RvR flagged will occur less frequently. - Healing players will grant renown correctly if the healed player has earned renown from killing other players recently. |

3400 Posts |
Posted - 23/10/2008 : 14:41:11
With the addition of the new region-wide and RvR-wide chat channels we have seen a marked increase in Open RvR participation. In order to encourage this trend even further, we have made an additional adjustment to the experience awarded for killing enemy players in an Open RvR area. Previously we increased this amount by 50%. As of today, that bonus has been raised to 100%. With this change players killed in Open RvR will now be worth double the experience than those killed in scenarios!
As always, we will continue to monitor your feedback and work on ways to improve the RvR experience. More changes are coming, so be sure to stay tuned to the Warhammer Online Herald and monthly newsletter for the latest updates.
See you on the battlefield! |

3400 Posts |
Posted - 29/10/2008 : 09:21:49

The Witching Night live event has begun! For details, see the Warhammer Online Herald. With the arrival of 1.0.4 we are now one step closer to offering Character Transfers from low population servers to medium population servers and the final stages of testing have begun. We’re excited to share all the details, keep an eye on the WAR Herald for more information and to find out how you can help us test the Free Character Transfer service in the coming days!
We have added three new guild rewards in the form of dungeon teleport scrolls. Each scroll can be purchased from a guild quartermaster, and is a single-use item that will teleport the player to a dungeon:
Gunbad Teleport Scroll - This reward is unlocked at guild rank 29, and will teleport the player into the entrance lobby area of the Gunbad Tunnels.
Bastion Stair Teleport Scroll - This reward is unlocked at guild rank 32, and will teleport the player into the entrance lobby area of the Bastion Stair.
Lost Vale Teleport Scroll - This reward is unlocked at guild rank 35, and will teleport the player to just outside the entrance to the Lost Vale.
Once a city has become contested, the attacking realm will now have 6 hours to capture it. If the invaders do not conquer the city in that time, the defenders will be declared victorious and the campaign will reset.
Pets set to follow will now path properly to their master, and will no longer teleport instantly to their master's side.
Fixed an issue that was causing pets to stop attacking their current target and return to their master's side. This issue would occur when a pet was ordered to change targets in mid combat, and the previous target subsequently died. Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause trainer icons not to appear on the minimaps.
The successful capture of an enemy battlefield objective now rewards the capturing players with experience.
In response to player feedback, the amount of renown earned from healing players has been increased slightly.
Tier 4 zones now require fewer scenario victory points to be captured. The mechanics of capturing a zone have not changed however. Zones which have no scenario opposition can still be captured if players join the queue for scenarios based on that Zone. Victory points towards zone control will be granted if a realm has enough players in the queue to launch the scenario and the other realm doesn’t. If players in those queues join a launched scenario or leave the queue, the victory points towards zone control will be forfeit.
In other words, using “Join All” to queue for all available scenarios is still the fastest way to get into a scenario, but joining the scenarios in a specific zone will have the greatest impact on control of that zone, and by extension the greatest impact on the campaign in that pairing.
Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause monsters to improperly flee at full speed. Monsters will now flee from combat at a more appropriate speed.
Adjusted the text messages that display when the capital cities become contested, to make them more appropriate.
ARCHMAGE Balance Essence: The damage of this ability has been increased.
GAME CONTENT Additional polish has been applied to monster pathing and behaviors in the Lost Vale to improve the overall gameplay experience. The Bastion Stair dungeon boss Kaarn the Vanquisher will no longer erroneously give "Target is Retreating" messages when attacked.
REALM vs REALM The Statue of the Everchosen battlefield objective in the Chaos Wastes will no longer spawn guards of the wrong realm. The guards at the Maiden's Landing battlefield objective in Avelorn will now spawn at the appropriate level. Fixed an issue which was causing the RvR campaign to reset prematurely while a capital city was still contested. Fixed an issue which sometimes caused keeps and battlefield objectives to forget which realm and guild last owned them when the server was reset.
The minimum number of players required to launch scenarios in Praag, Dragonwake and Thunder Mountain has been equalized to ensure even population distribution between all scenarios available when the campaign is in its default state.
TOME OF KNOWLEDGE Tooltips for Tome of Knowledge tactic rewards have been revised to be more clear and helpful.
USER INTERFACE Fixed an issue that sometimes caused trainer icons not to appear on the minimaps.
Edited by - spajdr on 29/10/2008 09:22:21 |
Average Member
1613 Posts |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2008 : 19:23:18
So, here comes the 1.05 Combat and Careers patch. As you will see from the notes, the scope of the changes and adjustments to the careers in the game has been rather broad. The teams have been combing through our internal data as well as player feedback in making this preliminary round of changes to the game. A few things to keep in mind before posting any responses to these changes:
1) The changes laid out in these patch notes are preliminary. They are not final (nothing in an MMO is final until the game is dead) and they won't even be official until after they go through testing on our PTS.
2) If you feel your career has been dealt with unfairly, feel free of course to let us know here and but most importantly inside the game. I will not respond to every post here nor engage in endless debate about whether these changes are necessary, especially in this topic. These changes are the result not of my or any one individual at Mythic's decisions but rather what the entire team has felt will be best for the game going forward based on all our sources of data. Again, these changes are preliminary and if we made any mistakes, we will correct them.
3) With the upcoming opening of the PTS, our players will have the opportunity to help us test the latest patch before it goes LIVE. We urge you to take advantage of this opportunity to help us but to also help you as in the end, you are the guys/gals who play the game.
4) As always, we thank you for your support and patronage. I hope that these notes are another indication of how seriously we take the long-term future of WAR.
In order to prevent eyestrain, I've broken up the notes into sections to make it easier for people to find, read and digest the information without having to deal with a monstrous wall of test.
Mark |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
Edited by - brutus on 06/11/2008 19:31:50 |
Junior Member
630 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2008 : 19:40:05
The purpose of the Public Test Server is for the players to help us refine and test the latest version of the game by participating and providing feedback and bug reports to Mythic. As such, we want to remind you that the content there is still considered “in development” and that bugs and issues not found on the LIVE server may occur on the PTS. All features and fixes listed below are subject to change until we release Game Update 1.0.5 to all live servers.
Game Update 1.0.5 - Public Test Server
• Each career has been reviewed, and we have made many changes to improve career balance and playability. Players who belong to one of the following careers will need to speak to their trainers in order to re-train their Career Mastery abilities:
Black Orc Bright Wizard Chosen Engineer Ironbreaker Magus Shadow Warrior Sorcerer Squig Herder Swordmaster
• Players who go AFK while in Public Quest areas or during keep sieges will no longer receive contribution credit towards those encounters.
• Players are now able to set their rally points in warcamps.
• Fixes have been made to issues which were causing guild promotion and demotion not to work properly.
• Several issues have been addressed that previously allowed players to get to locations they were not supposed to be able to reach.
• Morale abilities will now be much more responsive. These abilities will now fire immediately when activated by the player on the first attempt.
• Morale abilities will now display their cooldowns correctly at all times.
• Root effects, with the exception of morale roots, will now grant a 5 second immunity from all roots to the victim when the effect breaks, and in addition will no longer stack with other roots.
• Root effects will now properly have a chance to break whenever a player takes ANY damage. This includes individual tics of Damage over Time spells.
• To promote population balance among the various scenarios, we have added a feature that reduces the number of times a scenario can launch in a short period of time. This will give scenarios which are launched less frequently an opportunity to catch up in the queue population and launch more often.
• Improvements have been made to auto-attack animations. Players will now see smoother, more consistent weapon swaps when players change from ranged to melee auto-attacks, and vice-versa.
• The responsiveness of ability activations has been improved. Players will now see less of a delay between the activation of aann ability and the corresponding animation.
General Changes and Bug Fixes:
• There were some instances in which the reticule for ground-target-area-effects was allowing these spells to be cast in areas which were not originally intended. This has been adjusted.
• Several issues have been addressed that previously allowed players to get to locations they were not supposed to be able to reach.
Combat and Careers
• Tactics gained from Tome Unlocks have been renamed.
• Damage over Time abilities: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of these abilities has been made consistent across the board. This generally resulted in an increase in damage, but some abilities have also been brought down. Individual abilities are noted under each career’s section.
• Unstoppable: Knockdowns will now be listed on all tooltips for this ability when applicable.
• Point Blank will now correctly ignore Knockback and Knockdown immunity, as well as not trigger it.
• Fixed assorted issues in which certain movement reductions/increases would stack, slowing or speeding targets more than intended. This also addresses cases in which snared players would find themselves essentially rooted when in lava.
• Image Changing Rewards: A player’s illusion will now break upon using an ability in addition to breaking on damage.
• Alter Fate: Tooltip should now display the correct values.
• Misdirection: This ability should now play an effect on the caster while the ability is active, and play a brief effect on anyone damage by the effect.
• Rampaging Siphon: Morale should now heal the group for each target hit, instead of only once.
• Frenzied Slaughter, Force of Will, and Relentless Assault: These abilities will now play an effect when used.
• Relentless Assault: This ability will no longer remove snares and roots.
• Divine Protection should now list the amount of damage absorbed in the tooltip. Renown Rewards:
• Mission Focused: This tactic should now provide the correct bonus while fighting around objectives.
• Spiritual Refreshment: This ability should now show its bonus correctly in the Character Window.
• Prismatic shield: This ability will no longer fail if your defensive target is not a group member.
• Transfer Force: The damage of this ability has been increased.
• Hurried Restore: This tactic will now stun the caster when the resurrection spell is cast, instead of when it is accepted.
• Healing Energy: Contribution from stats has been reduced to bring the ability in line with our design goals.
• Drain Magic: This ability will now increase in potency with High Magic.
• Balanced Mending: The HoT portion of Healing Energy will now benefit from this tactic.
• Radiant Lance: This ability will now reliably consume high magic.
• Law of Conductivity: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Radiant Gaze: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Transfer Force: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Dissipating Energies: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased slightly to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Scatter the Winds: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased slightly to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities. Lambent Aura: The duration of this ability has been increased to 24 seconds, and the overall amount healed over this duration remains the same.
Black Orc
• All Black Orcs have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
• All War Bellows will now persist through the Black Orc's death. This means that you will not have to recast a War Bellow after respawning or being resurrected.
• Trip Em Up: The snare from this ability will no longer stack with other snares. Also, the damage has been reduced but no longer occurs over time. The AP cost has increased and the reuse timer has been removed.
• Da Big Un: The damage of this spell has increased, and its radius reduced.
• Skull Thumper: This ability now adds an effect that deals additional damage to the target whenever they are critically hit.
• Right in da Jibblies: The reuse timer of this ability has been lowered.
• Follow me Lead: The Toughness buff given to the defensive target should now work correctly.
• Juggernaut: This ability is now available at rank 12.
• Guard: This ability should no longer attempt to work on players outside of your group.
• Rock 'Ard: This ability now starts a Plan chain.
Bright Wizard
• All Bright Wizards have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
• Flame Breath: Affected targets will now properly receive a debuff icon.
• Explosive Force: The damage done to the targets around the caster is now defendable.
• Fiery Blast: The tooltip now displays the correct damage and radius. In addition, this ability now builds the correct amount of combustion.
• Scorched Earth: This ability now builds 10 combustion.
• Playing with Fire: The damage from this ability is only triggered when the affected player casts a direct heal and cannot do critical damage.
• Detonate: Fixed a bug in which this ability was receiving double stat contribution on the direct damage portion of the ability.
• Combustion will no longer start to fade away if you continue casting spells after hitting 100.
• Fire Cage: This ability’s cost has been decreased, the cooldown has been increased and the ability is now available at rank 12.
• Pyroclastic Surge: This ability is now available at rank 10.
• Scorched Earth: The ability should now have the correct cooldown.
• Ignite: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Boiling Blood: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Detonate: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Flame Breath: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Spreading Flames: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Backdraft: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• All Chosen have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
• Suppression: The parry buff from this ability should no longer stack with itself.
• Mixed Defenses: The tooltip for this ability should now display proper values.
• Juggernaut: This ability is now available at rank 12.
• Guard: This ability should no longer attempt to work on players outside of your group.
• Seeping Wound: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• All Covenants will now persist through the Disciple's death. This means that you will not have to recast a Covenant after respawning or being resurrected.
• Covenant of Tenacity: Fixed a bug that made the radius of this ability much too small.
• Covenant of Vitality: Fixed a bug that caused the healing portion of the lifetap to always heal the Disciple, instead of the player who procced the damage.
• Covenant of Vitality: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Consume Essence: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Transfer Essence: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Restore Essence: The stat contribution has been fixed. This ability was previously receiving more stat benefits than intended.
• Bloodthirst: The snare component for this ability has been removed, and damage has been increased.
• Lacerate: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Fell Sacrifice: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Soul Infusion: The duration of this ability has been increased to 24 seconds, and the overall amount healed over this duration remains the same.
• All Engineers have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
• Flak Jacket: Magic Damage will no longer reduce Armor counters.
• Steam Vent: Newly created Engineers will no longer show this ability as being trainable at Ranks 15 and 21.
• Gun Blast: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Field Repair: Cost, range and cooldown increased, now instantly restores health instead of being a channel.
• Incendiary Rounds: The damage and cost of this ability have increased.
• Friction Burn: The damage and cost of this ability have increased.
• Fragmentation Grenade: The damage and cost of this ability have increased.
• Signal Flare: The damage and cost of this ability has increased, and its reuse reduced.
• Penetrating Round: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Focus Fire: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Firebomb: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Self Destruct: This ability has had its cost removed, the reuse timer has been increased significantly, and now deals damage in addition to knocking down.
• All Turrets: Gun, Flame and Bombardment Turrets have had their cost greatly reduced and their auto attack damage greatly increased. In addition they are now core abilities and will match the level of the player’s rank when summoned.
• Pet Ability - Penetrating Round: Damage increased, now considered a Path of the Rifleman ability.
• Pet Ability - Machine Gun: Now considered a Path of the Rifleman ability.
• Pet Ability - High Explosive Grenade: Damage and build time increased, reuse reduced, now considered a Path of the Grenadier ability.
• Pet Ability - Shock Grenade: Damage and reuse increased, build time reduced, now considered a Path of the Grenadier ability.
Long List eh?
• Pet Ability - Flamethrower: Now considered a Path of the Tinkerer ability.
• Pet Ability Steam Vent: Now considered a Path of the Tinkerer ability.
• Electromagnet: This ability has undergone significant changes. The cost of the ability has been significantly reduced while the cooldown has been increased. In addition the build time has been increased, the ability can no longer be cast on the move, and the maximum number of targets affected by this ability has been decreased and it can now be defended against. Lastly this ability will grant immunity to knockback effects.
• Barbed Wire: This abilities cost has been decreased, the cooldown has been increased and the ability is now available at rank 12.
• Hip Shot: This ability is now available at rank 10.
• Friction Burn: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Acid Bomb: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Incendiary Rounds: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Fragmentation Grenade: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Signal Flare: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Phosphorous Shells: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Sticky Bomb: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Napalm Grenade: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities. • Lightning Rod: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Blunderbuss Blast: This ability now has the correct cooldown.
• Fragmentation Grenade: This ability now does the correct amount of damage.
• All Ironbreakers have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
• Shield of Reprisal: This ability will no longer knock down Unstoppable targets.
• Guarded Attack: This ability’s Oathfriend buff will no longer stack with other, more powerful Armor buffs.
• Punishing Knock: Targets will now actually fall down after being hit by this ability.
• Avenging the Debt: This ability’s damage has been increased.
• The rate in which Grudge is lost has been changed. Grudge will now start decaying 10 seconds after you stop building Grudge. It will decay at 10 Grudge every second.
• Oath Friend: The rate in which Grudge is generated has been changed. If the Ironbreaker is at 0-30 Grudge, the Ironbreaker will gain 5 Grudges every time the Oath Friend is attacked. If the Ironbreaker is at 31-60 Grudge, the Ironbreaker will gain 3 Grudges every time the Oath Friend is attacked. If the Ironbreaker is at 61-100 Grudge, the Ironbreaker will gain 1 Grudge every time the Oath Friend is attacked.
• Oath Friend: The cooldown for this ability has been changed to 1.5 seconds.
• Juggernaut: This ability is now available at Rank 12.
• Guard: This ability should no longer attempt to work on players outside of your group.
• Binding Grudge: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Stone Breaker: This ability will no longer be considered a Blessing.
• Inspiring Attack: The Strength and Willpower bonus from Inspiring Attack will no longer stack with the bonuses from other Ironbreakers. Players will only receive whichever bonus is most powerful.
• Ironbreakers may now use Hammers.
• All Magus have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
• Daemonic Armor: Magic Damage will no longer reduce Armor counters.
• Summon Blue Horror: Opponents must now be close to the Blue horror to melee it.
• Wither Soul: The ability tooltip has been corrected and no longer gives the false impression that % debuff was scaling.
• Warping Blast, Dissolving Mist: These abilities now display the correct icon.
• Infernal Blast: The damage and cost of this ability has increased.
• Baleful Transmogrification: The damage and cost of this ability has increased.
• Pandemonium: The damage and cost of this ability has increased.
• Wither Soul: The damage and cost of this ability has increased.
• Rend Winds: The damage and cost of this ability has increased.
• Strengthen Thrall: This ability’s cost, range and cooldown timer have been increased. In addition, it now instantly restores health instead of being a channeled ability.
• Instability: The cost of this ability has been removed, its reuse timer has been increased significantly, and it now knocks down the target instead of draining Action Points.
• Flamer, Blue Horror, and Pink Horror of Tzeentch: These abilities have had their cost greatly reduced and their auto attack damage greatly increased. In addition, they are now core abilities and the demons will match the level of the player’s rank when summoned.
• Pet Ability - Flames of Change: Reuse time reduced, now considered a Path of Changing ability.
• Pet Ability - Flame of Tzeentch: Reuse time and channel duration reduced, damage increased, now considered a Path of Changing ability.
• Pet Ability - Coruscating Energy: Damage reduced, now considered a Path of Daemonology ability.
• Pet Ability - Warping Energy: Now considered a Path of Daemonology ability
• Pet Ability Daemonic - Consumption: Build time increased, now considered a Path of Havoc ability.
• Pet Ability - Daemonic Fire: Build time and damage increased, now considered a Path of Havoc ability.
• Chaotic Rift: This ability has undergone significant changes. The cost of the ability has been significantly reduced and its cooldown has been increased. In addition, the build time has been increased. The ability can no longer be cast on the move, the maximum number of targets affected by this ability has been decreased, and it can now be defended against. Lastly, this ability will also grant immunity to knockback effects.
• Tzeentch's Grasp: The cost has been decreased, the cooldown has been increased and the ability is now available at rank 12.
• Move Surging Violet Fire: This ability is now available at rank 10.
• Infernal Blast: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Glean Magic: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Baleful Transmogrification: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Pandemonium: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Withered Soul: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Mutating Blue Fire: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Seed of Chaos: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Dissolving Mist: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Agonizing Torrent: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Demonic Consumption: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Flames of Change: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Tainted Claw: This ability will now be increased in duration by Ailments, not Cripples.
• Rend: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Wave of Mutilation: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Deadly Clutch: The Value of this debuff has been reduced to 50%. In addition, 25% of the value the target is healed for (after debuff) also affects the Marauder.
Rune Priest
• Blessing of Valaya: This ability will no longer fail to cast if you don’t have line of sight to your defensive target.
• Rune of Fortune: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Rune of Fate: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Rune of Mending: Stat contribution fixed. This ability was previously receiving more stat benefits than intended.
• Oath Rune of Sanctuary: This ability will now be affected by the anti-resurrection aura.
• Rune of Immolation: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Rune of Cleaving: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Spellbinding Rune: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Rune of Fate: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Rune of Battle: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Rune of Warding: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Rune of Iron: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Oath Rune of Power: Now also increases the target’s Ballistic Skill.
• 'Ey, Quit Bleedin': The duration of this ability has been increased to 24 seconds, and the overall amount healed over this duration remains the same.
Shadow Warrior • All Shadow Warriors have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
• Festering Arrow: The hotkey for this ability will no longer light up when in Assault Stance.
• Hunter’s Fervor: The radius has been increased to match similar group based effects.
• Acid Arrow: Buff Icon will now state the actual number that the armor is debuffed, instead of percent.
• All stance abilities will now persist through death.
• Skirmish Stance: The buff granted to the Shadow Warrior when in Skirmish Stance will now allow ranged autoattack to fire while moving.
• Vengeance of the Nagarythe: The cooldown of this ability has been reduced.
• Assault Stance: This ability has been given an added benefit. While the Shadow Warrior is in Assault stance, all +Balistic Skill benefits provided by items will be considered +Strength as well.
• Broadhead Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Acid Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Takedown: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Spiral Fletched Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Flame Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Rapid Fire: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Eye Shot: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Throat Shot: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Glass Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Festering Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Fell the Weak: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Shadow Sting: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Flanking Shot: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Whirling Pin: The cost of this ability has decreased, the cooldown has increased, and the ability is now available at rank 12.
• Vengeance of Nagarythe: This ability is now available at rank 10.
• Broadhead Arrow: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Draw Blood: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Flame Arrow: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Glass Arrow: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Shadow Sting: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Gork’ll Fix It: The buff icon for this ability will now state that the ability is healing you, instead of damaging you.
• Greener ‘n Cleaner: This ability will now properly remove effects from allies.
• Ere We Go!: The tooltip for this ability will now list the duration of the effect.
• Bleed fer Me: : The damage of this ability has increased.
• Dat Makes Me Dizzy: This tactic will now stun the caster when the resurrect is cast, instead of when it is accepted. In addition, when this tactic is equipped, Shrug it Off will now work properly.
• Gork’ll Fix It: The stat contribution for this ability has been fixed. This was previously receiving more stat benefits than intended.
• Life Leaka: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Bleed Fer me: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Ere’ We Goes Again: Duration of Ere’ We Go will no longer be reduced with this tactic equipped.
• Brain Bursta: This ability will now reliably consume Waaagh!
• Shrug it Off: This ability will no longer work in anti-resurrect areas.
• 'Ey, Quit Bleedin': The duration of this ability has been increased to 24 seconds, and the overall amount healed over this duration remains the same.
• All Sorcerers have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
• Surging Pain: This ability now builds 10 combustion.
• Triumphant Blasting: Players knocked back by this ability will now correctly be provided knockback immunity.
• Grip of Fear: The cost of this ability has decreased, the cooldown has increased, and the ability is now available at rank 12.
• Arctic Blast: This ability is now available at rank 10.
• Piercing Shadows: The damage done to targets around the caster is now defendable.
• Chillwind: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Word of Pain: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Ice Spikes: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Gloom of Night: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Absorb Vitality: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Squig Herder
• All Squig Herders have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
• Ard Noggin: The cooldown for this ability has been removed.
• Sneaky Stabbin: The tooltip for this ability is now correct.
• Spiked Squig: The buff granted to the Squig Herder when a Spiked Squig is summoned will now allow ranged autoattack to fire while moving.
• What Blocka?: This ability is now defendable, and now reduces the target’s armor and block chance.
• Plink: The Action Point cost and damage for this ability has been increased.
• Stabbity: The Action Point cost and damage for this ability has been increased.
• Run ‘n Shoot: The Action Point cost for this ability has been reduced.
• Squig Armor: While in Squig Armor, thh Squig Herder’s Ballistic Skill from items is now converted into Strength.
• Ard Noggin: The damage of this ability has increased.
• All pets will now summon at the same level as the Squig Herder’s rank.
• Pet Ability “Poisoned Spine:” This ability now fires properly and its damage has been increased.
• Pet Ability “Goop Shootin:” The damage of this ability has increased.
• Yer’ Bleedin: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Stop Runnin!: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Run ‘n Shoot: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Explodin’ Arrer: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Lots o’ Arrers: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Not So Fast!: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Choking Arrer: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Finish Em Off: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Shrapnel Arrer: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Rotten Arrer: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Behind Ya!: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Sticky Squigz: The cost has been decreased, the cooldown has been increased and the ability is now available at rank 12. • Squig Frenzy: This ability is now available at rank 10.
• Yer Bleedin' : The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Cut Ya : The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Explodin Arrer : The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Big Claw : The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Shrapnel Arrer : The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Rotten Arrer : The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Gore : The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Poisoned Spine : The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• All Swordmasters have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities! All Blade Enchants will now persist through the Swordmaster's death. This means that you will not have to recast an Enchant after respawning or being resurrected.
• Heaven's Blade: This ability now reduces resists by the correct amount and will display as a debuff.
• Graceful Strike: Fixed a bug in which this ability was receiving double stat contribution on the direct damage portion of the ability.
• Nature's Blade: The proc from this ability now has new art for its area effect.
• Gusting Wind: The cost of this ability has been decreased, it has been changed to a Perfect Balance attack, and it now deals spirit damage.
• Quick Incision: The cost has of this ability been increased, its cooldown timer has been removed, and its damage has been changed to apply instantly instead of over time.
• Wrath of Hoeth: The cost of this ability has been increased, it has been changed to an Improved Balance attack, and its radius has decreased.
• Blurring Shock: This ability now applies an effect on the target for the next 10s: whenever they are critically hit they take additional damage.
• Phoenix Wing: This ability no longer adds additional hate. Its damage has been increased, and its radius has been increased.
• Crushing Advance: The damage of this ability has increased, its reuse has increased, and this ability now adds 10% to the Swordmaster’s block instead of increasing the current value by 10%.
• Protection of Hoeth: This ability has been changed to an Open Balance attack, its reuse has been decreased, and its absorb effect has been decreased.
• Juggernaut: This ability is now available at rank 12.
• Guard: This ability should no longer attempt to work on players outside of the Swordmaster’s group.
• Graceful Strike: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Warrior Priest
• All Auras will now persist through the Warrior Priest's death. This means that the Warrior Priest will not have to recast an Aura after respawning or being resurrected.
• Prayer of Absolution: Fixed a bug that made the actual range much shorter than the range listed in the tooltip. The range has been increased to match the tooltip value.
• Soulfire: This ability’s tooltip will now state that the effect is a Curse, instead of a Cripple.
• Divine Strike: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Sigmar’s Radiance: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Prayer of Righteousness: The buff window tooltip for this ability will now display correctly.
• Divine Aid: The stat contribution for this ability has been fixed. This was previously receiving more stat benefits than intended.
• Prayer of Devotion: The health gained when this ability triggers has increased.
• Castigation: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Healing Hand: The duration of this ability has been increased to 24 seconds, and the overall amount healed over this duration remains the same.
White Lion
• All Training buffs now persist through the White Lion's death. This means that the White Lion will not have to recast a Training after respawning or being resurrected.
• Blindside: Fixed a bug in which this ability was receiving double stat contribution on the direct damage portion of the ability.
• Pet ability Gut Ripper: Fixed a bug in which this ability was receiving double stat contribution on the direct damage portion of the ability.
• Cleave Limb: This ability now snares the target for 10 seconds. The ability no longer reduces auto attack speed.
• Pet Ability “Bite:” The damage of this ability has increased.
• Pet Ability “Claw Sweep:” The damage of this ability has increased
• Pet Ability “Shred:” The damage of this ability has increased
• Pet Ability “Leg Tear:” The duration has decreased on the Damage over Time aspect of this ability.
• Pet Ability “Fang and Claw:” The damage of this ability has increased
• Pet Ability “Maul:” The damage of this ability has decreased and its reuse timer has been decreased.
• Pet Ability “Gut Ripper:” This ability’s reuse timer is now 20 seconds.
• The White Lion pet’s auto attack damage has been given a substantial increase.
• Pack Assault: Fixed a bug that prevented the initial damage of this ability from being displayed to the player.
• Blindside: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Shattering Blow: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Echoing Roar: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Leg Tear: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Gut Rip: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Witch Elf
• All Kisses now persist through the Witch Elf's death. This means that the Witch Elf will not have to recast a Kiss after respawning or being resurrected.
• Envenomed Blade: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Wracking Pains: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Elixir of Insane Power: The benefit of this ability has been reduced. The Witch Elf’s attacks will now ignore 50% of her target’s armor.
Witch Hunter
• All Witch Hunters have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
• Repel Blasphemy: This self-buff is now right click removable.
• Blessed Bullets of Cleansings: The damage of this ability has increased and the amount of Action Points stolen has been increased. This ability is now available at rank 35.
• Blessed Bullets of Confession: The damage of this ability has increased, and this ability is now available at rank 9.
• Blessed Bullets of Purity: The damage of this ability has increased, and this ability is now available at rank 4.
• All Bullets now persist through the Witch Hunter's death. This means that the Witch Hunter will not have to recast a Bullet after respawning or being resurrected.
• Sanctified Bullets: This tactic has been adjusted so that Blessed Bullets of Purity will now heal for 50% of the damage they cause.
• Fervor: Fixed a bug in which this ability was receiving double stat contribution on the direct damage portion of the ability.
• Sweeping Strikes: This tactic will now correctly affect two other targets.
• Emperor’s Commendation: This ability now triggers off of from-stealth openers.
• Fervor: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Burn, Heretic!: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Burn Away Lies: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Seal of Destruction: The Witch Hunter’s attacks will now ignore 50% of his or her target’s armor.
• Endless Gifts: This ability will no longer affect Winds of Insanity.
• Boon of Tzeentch: The damage of this ability has increased.
• Dark Medicine: The stat contribution for this ability has been fixed; it was previously receiving more stat benefits than intended.
• Manipulation: This ability will no longer trigger if the target of the heal is already at full health.
• Mark of Remaking: This ability will now be affected by the anti-resurrection aura.
• Warp Reality: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Demon Spittle: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Tzeentch's Lash: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Wind of Insanity: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Vortex: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Spell Destroyer: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
• Mark of Daemonic Fury: This ability now also increases the target’s Ballistic Skill.
• Tzeentch's Cordial: The duration of this ability has been increased to 24 seconds, and the overall amount healed over this duration remains the same.
• Common monster disable abilities will now be gated by monster rank and tier. Players will notice fewer disable abilities from common monsters at the lower ranks of play.
• Non-humanoid monsters will no longer hit for 50%+ of player’s health on critical hits.
• An issue has been fixed that was causing the buff icon on various marketing rewards not to display correctly.
• Book of Boom: You can no longer be knocked back while under the effects of the Book of Boom.
• Numerous bugs have been corrected relating to Weapon and Armor effect procs. These should now display correctly and fire more reliably.
• Opponents may no longer right click item effects to remove them from themselves, and the Boost, Blades, Barrier and Barricade effects will now proc far more reliably.
• Fixed a bug that was causing weapons and armor not to display their proc effects in the item display.
• Numerous bugs have been corrected relating to Weapon and Armor effect procs. These will now display correctly and fire more reliably.
• Opponents can no longer right-click unfriendly item effects to remove them from themselves, and the Boost, Blades, Barrier and Barricade effects will now proc far more reliably.
• Image Changing Rewards: A player’s illusion will now break upon using an ability in addition to breaking on damage.
• All Dwarf spanner items in the game are now set to be useable by Engineers only.
• All Dwarf great hammer items in the game are now set to be useable by Iron Breakers only.
• All Empire rapier items in the game are now set to be useable by Witch Hunters only.
• Tooltips on armor set pieces will now display information relevant to that set's bonuses.
• When conquered, Keeps and Fortresses will now offer one or more guaranteed gold loot bags as part of the chest loot.
• Standards: All references to banners should now be removed. All text now refers to standards.
• In addition to reducing the amount of damage received from high-level encounter NPCs, each Ward on high-level armor set pieces worn will now affect the amount of damage players are able to do to those NPCs. Players not wearing any pieces of the appropriate armor set will see their damage greatly reduced. For each piece of the appropriate armor a player wears, their damage against the boss monster will increase.
User Interface
• The "Ability Not Ready" message will no longer display when the remaining cooldown on an ability is less than or equal to the full global cooldown.
• Corrected an issue with the cooldown timers on the action bar buttons that was causing them to count down improperly. The timers will now count down in half-second increments beginning at 3 seconds remaining.
• Characters will no longer have all of their currently-active cooldown timers reset when they are granted new abilities.
• Morale abilities will now display their cooldowns correctly at all times.
• Fixed the tooltip display for the first custom guild rank slot
• Kicking a player from a guild now properly deactivates the guild and alliance tabs for that player.
• Guild members may now be promoted to the first customized guild rank slot.
• Fixed an issue in which guild and alliance roster sub-tabs appeared on the screen if the player joined a new guild after having left a guild with the Guild Roster tab as the last Guild Window viewed.
• Guild titles will now sort by rank rather than alphabetically.
• Players who have not been given permission to kick members from their guild will no longer be presented with the option to do so.
• Fixed an issue in which the guild roster was not updating properly when 'Hide Offline' was checked.
• Guild Leaders, Officers and anyone with appropriate permissions can once again use the guild window context menus to promote and demote members.
• Locking the chat window will now persist upon logging out.
• Fixed an issue with the targeting system that could be used by players to gain an unfair advantage. Targeting of friendly players will now work in the same way as using abilities. Players must either use a keyboard key or click with the mouse to acquire a friendly target. To target a monster or NPC, players must click on the target in the world or /assist a friendly player. Players using our default user interface should see no change as a result of this fix.
Realm vs. Realm
• Fixed an issue which was causing the Martyr's Square battlefield objective not to issue renown properly.
• Fixed an issue with the postern door of the Ghrond's Sacristy keep which was preventing players from being able to enter the keep through the door.
• A time delay has been added to the preliminary spawns of flags and murderballs in several scenarios. This change was made in order to ensure that both sides have a chance to run to the spawn location of the flag or murderball at the start of the match, and battle for control of the area even before the object has spawned. The affected scenarios include the following: Mourkain Temple Stone Troll Crossing Tor Anroc Howling Gorge Talabec Dam Serpent's Passage
• The interact timer for planting the bomb in the Howling Gorge and Talabec Dam scenarios has been lowered to 2 seconds.
• Various improvements have been made to reduce the frequency in which the Realm War maps will incorrectly report contested zones in Tier 4. This means that zones displayed as locked when they actually aren’t should occur far less frequently, if at all.
That's all (for now) folks!
Edited by - ManiaCCC on 06/11/2008 19:56:02 |

3400 Posts |
Posted - 18/11/2008 : 14:59:45

* With 1.0.5 comes The Heavy Metal event! Fight and adventure for your chance to play the Knight of The Blazing Sun and The Blackguard before anyone else!
* Character collision in RvR has been improved. Players should no longer move sporadically when being blocked by another player.
* Players who go AFK while in Public Quest areas or during keep sieges will no longer receive contribution credit toward those encounters.
* There were some instances in which the reticule for ground-target-area-effect abilities was allowing these spells to be cast in areas which were not originally intended. This has been adjusted.
* Several issues have been addressed that previously allowed players to get to locations they were not supposed to be able to reach.
* Players will no longer appear mounted when they are not.
* Fixed several issues that caused the User Interface to display improper Zone Control information. Objectives and Keep icons as well as the Zone Control bar will now properly display the status of contested zones in Tier 4.
* Tier 4 Zones: Based on player feedback, we have reduced the number of Scenario Victory Points required for Zone Control. Also, Battlefield Objectives and Keeps are now worth more Victory Points, and capturing a T4 zone can be accomplished more quickly than before.
* The Realm WAR offers many new features to help you stay in the game even when you can't login! Check out the changes for yourself and visit
* Fixed Leaderboard Weekly calculations to correctly represent the current leaders. Weekly Leaderboards are calculated every Monday at 5:00 AM EST. Note removed due to feature requiring further development time.
* Changed Realm War section of the web site to reflect new navigation options.
* Added Realm War selection page with server status and direct links to RvR Racial Pairing pages of each server.
* Racial Pairing pages display current status and level of each city, status of the Tier 4 campaign, and victory point sliders for each zone.
* Added maps of each zone focusing on RvR lakes with the status of each objective and keep, as well as Guild keep ownership, and when the keep was last taken.
* Provided a Campaign status pop-up so players can keep a discrete tab on the progress of the war on their server. |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 11/12/2008 : 07:44:33
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- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Topic  |