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2433 Posts |
Posted - 30/11/2009 : 17:21:53
Aktuálně je to asi tak, že když chceš najít místo, kde je hodně lidí, tak můžeš, ale na druhou stranu není problém najít místa kde nikdo není.
Co jsem si všimnul v alianci, tak recruitu s nulovýma statama/skilama je docela dost. Každopádně říjnový datadist to rozsekne :) |
1212 Posts |
Posted - 30/11/2009 : 19:10:50
quote: Originally posted by Shatteren
WF2 luxus, ale brzy to prestanes hrotit, nebo tak to je to alespon u me, nicmene souhlas s kralovskou zabavou.
Ale k DF, chtel bych se zeptat jak to vypada s populaci, tzn. jsou zde novacci ? A jak to vypada s hracema v divocine, jestli jsou zde PvP/Gank grupy, nebo solo PKcka, jestli chodej hraci farmit dal od mesta atd... premyslim obcas ze bych si to dal od zacatku greataxe/archery/lesser magic.
Lidi podle me chodi dost farmit urcity moby, protoze to bez toho jinak snad ani nejde. Ja treba farmim dost casto. Na deathless magach je nekdo temer nonstop a elemental spawny sou taky dost obsazeny. Neni vcelku problem narazit na lidi. |
DF - Gorf Ash - Reservoir Dogs |
Senior Member

2735 Posts |
1624 Posts |
Posted - 30/11/2009 : 21:06:32
quote: Originally posted by Shatteren
pockam si teda az vyjde datadisk a uvidim jaky budou ohlasy.
To jsme moc radi. Hned jak budeme mit dostatek kvalitniho infa, budeme te informovat. |
Deim Son - Člověk kterého milujete nenávidět. :) |
Edited by - Deimnia on 30/11/2009 21:09:27 |
Senior Member

2735 Posts |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2009 : 08:37:56
nejsou nejake informace o pripadnem trialu ? dle toho co pisete to nevypada ze by jeste lidi cekali az si budou moc koupit kopii hry tak uz by pomalu trial mohli udelat |
lastfm |

2433 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2009 : 11:22:43
quote: Originally posted by Rashaverak
nejsou nejake informace o pripadnem trialu ? dle toho co pisete to nevypada ze by jeste lidi cekali az si budou moc koupit kopii hry tak uz by pomalu trial mohli udelat
V prosincovym čísle nějakýho herního časopisu v Řecku byl 10 denní trial, takže to snad časem příjde. |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2009 : 11:27:51
quote: Originally posted by Isac
V prosincovym čísle nějakýho herního časopisu v Řecku...
Mas na mysli popularne naucny casopis "#928;#961;#972;#946;#945;#964;#945; #954;#945;#953; #949;#955;#953;#941;#962;" (Ovce a olivy)? :) |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
Edited by - brutus on 02/12/2009 11:30:43 |
Senior Member

2735 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2009 : 13:29:05
Nevite o nejake dobre Darkfall fansite, kde jsou treba podrobne rozepsane profese, zbrane, nejake rasove bonusy (pokud teda jsou, nekdo tu psal tusim ze orc dava vetsi dmg se sekerama), a tak podobne ? |

2433 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2009 : 13:34:43
quote: Originally posted by Shatteren
Nevite o nejake dobre Darkfall fansite, kde jsou treba podrobne rozepsane profese, zbrane, nejake rasove bonusy (pokud teda jsou, nekdo tu psal tusim ze orc dava vetsi dmg se sekerama), a tak podobne ?
Zkusil bych , rasový bonusy budou až v expanzi (údajně).
brutus : Ne, bylo to myslím v časopise Vavřínový Věnec |
Senior Member

2735 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2009 : 13:49:19
Expansion to launch on Thursday
quote: Darkfall’s “Conquer the Seas” Expansion will launch on Thursday December 3d. There could be up to 24 hours downtime but any missed play-time will be refunded to all Darkfall players. The downtime is necessary for the application of the patch and the last minute live testing to ensure that all systems are functioning as they should be. This is a massive expansion and there are major changes to many systems in the game.
Aventurine is moving to larger offices this weekend. The specific timing for this had to be moved up to this specific weekend for technical reasons having to do with the transfer of our internet services. Our downtime will be minimal and support and all other game services will continue as usual. To avoid any potential issues with supporting the new expansion, we’ve chosen to wait a few days and launch it after the move is complete and everything is up and running again.
To zni dobre, asi do toho pujdu. Chci se zeptat, mohl bych se pridat k Reservoir Dogs pokud bych zacal ? Potreboval bych pujcit na zacatek nejaky goldiky na profese, gathering, bowyer, weaponsmithing.. Abych se mohl rychle chytnout a jel bych Orca  |
Edited by - Shatteren on 02/12/2009 13:53:08 |
New Member

370 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2009 : 17:50:30
no way |
Darkfall - Krajec McSlicer [ReD] |
starting father

138 Posts |
Posted - 03/12/2009 : 17:18:03
dle predchozich zkusenosti s MW vim ze to budu hrotit minimalne dalsi 4 mesice :) v soucasnosti K/D ratio na 1,50 a stoupa :)
DF: tahle hra potrebuje populaci jako sul .. a jsem zvedav co rozsekne jejich exp pack ... jestli to bude takova bomba jako minule tak prijde 50 lidi :) |
Mr. Gentian Reservoir Dogs
Senior Member

2735 Posts |
1212 Posts |
Posted - 05/12/2009 : 10:25:08
Wow... tak patchnotes vypadaji teda vic nez zajimave :). Uz se fakt nemuzu dockat. |
DF - Gorf Ash - Reservoir Dogs |
New Member

398 Posts |
Posted - 05/12/2009 : 10:30:24
quote: Originally posted by Mandorallen
Wow... tak patchnotes vypadaji teda vic nez zajimave :). Uz se fakt nemuzu dockat.
Jo tvari se to primo namrdove je necase ozivit moje tezici imperium-)) |
1212 Posts |
Posted - 05/12/2009 : 10:35:31
Ja tezil doted tak mam asi 6k ironu a 6k dreva. Ted si asi udelam witchcraft a pak zacnu hrat pvp :). Ty specializace vypadaji fakt hrube. Myslim ze to fakt pomuze a magie pujde hodne do ustrani. |
DF - Gorf Ash - Reservoir Dogs |
1212 Posts |
Posted - 05/12/2009 : 10:44:18
Jinak chapu dobre ze nemuses mit
* Effect: Increases melee damage against targets wielding a staff by 40%. * Limitation: Max Mana reduced by 5%, Blocks elemental magic, arcane magic, and necromancy. (Permanent penalty as long as you have the extension active. Stacks with all other extension penalties)
a zaroven mit i
Mage Killer
* Effect: Increases archery damage against targets wielding a staff by 20%. * Limitation: Max Mana reduced by 5%. Blocks elemental magic, arcane magic, and necromancy. (Permanent penalty as long as you have the extension active. Stacks with all other extension penalties) Also requires an Archery skill level of at least 90.
Muj build vidim asi takhle: Side-Step
* Effect: Allows a quick sidestep. Use by double tapping the movement key in the direction you want to go in * Limitation: Max mana reduced by 5%. (Permanent penalty as long as you have the extension active. Stacks with all other extension penalties)
Mage Killer
* Effect: Increases archery damage against targets wielding a staff by 20%. * Limitation: Max Mana reduced by 5%. Blocks elemental magic, arcane magic, and necromancy. (Permanent penalty as long as you have the extension active. Stacks with all other extension penalties) Also requires an Archery skill level of at least 90.
Jump Shot
* Effect: Allows archery while jumping. * Limitation: Max Mana reduced by 10%.
Aquatic Shot
* Effect: Allows archery under water. * Limitation: Max Mana reduced by 5%.
Mana Shield
* Effect: Every 10% of incoming damage points are traded against 15% points of mana as long as you have mana |
DF - Gorf Ash - Reservoir Dogs |
Senior Member

2735 Posts |
Posted - 05/12/2009 : 10:51:01
Jo tak se tesim, char jsem si rozjel 2 dny predem  Akorat si dneska nezahraju hm a stejne error 193, uz si nepamatuju jak jsem to predtim resil. |
Edited by - Shatteren on 05/12/2009 11:17:47 |
New Member

370 Posts |
Posted - 05/12/2009 : 14:03:07
quote: Originally posted by Mandorallen
Ted si asi udelam witchcraft a pak zacnu hrat pvp :)
jako jestli kvuli WB, tak netusim, jak to muze byt s tim radiusem 6m jeste pouzitelny v pvp
quote: Originally posted by Mandorallen
Muj build vidim asi takhle:
nevim, ja to teda pochopil tak, ze muzes mit jen jednu vec z tech 2 skupin melee a jen jednu vec z archery |
Darkfall - Krajec McSlicer [ReD] |
Senior Member

2735 Posts |
1212 Posts |
Posted - 05/12/2009 : 18:09:22
U treneru. Copak je v DF tolik npc? :) |
DF - Gorf Ash - Reservoir Dogs |

2433 Posts |
Posted - 05/12/2009 : 18:10:09
quote: Originally posted by Shatteren
Nevite, kde si muzu navolit tu specializaci prosim ?
Koupíš si to jako skill, odhaduju hlavní město tvojí rasy, fighter.
Pokračuje prosím tady "Conquer the Seas" Expansion |
Topic  |