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 Mezinárodní PVP guildy
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Junior Member

533 Posts

Posted - 13/02/2011 :  01:30:53  Show Profile Send TDK a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ne každý touží zažít všechny ty legrace CZ/SK komunitě vlastní a půjde hrát do mezinárodní. Zde přehled, samozřejmě počty se můžou lišit, lidí bude čím dál tím víc,ale tyhle guildy stojí za zváženou, neboť se připojili k výzvě viz. post níže.


1. Legion --- < 20+members > --- < EST > --- < www.legionsonline.net > --- Leader: Xiir

2. All out Assault --- < 50+ > --- < EST/PST/Euro/Oceanic > --- < www.alloutassault.net > --- Leader: Austok

3. Magus Imperialis Magicus --- < 80-100 members > --- < PST > --- < www.mimguild.com > --- Leader: Shimm59

4. Imperium --- < ?? members > ---- < www.imperiumhq.com > --- Leader: ???

5. Zhentil Keep --- < 20-30 members > --- < Aussie / US > --- < http://zhentilkeep.forumotion.net/ > --- Contact: Mercii

6. Goofy Goobers --- < 20+members > --- < CST > --- < www.goofygoobers.guildlaunch.com> --- Leader: Damarus

7. Dinner and a Movie --- < 20+members> --- <PST> --- Leader Lujza

8. Aurora --- <50+members> --- < all timezones > --- < www.auroralegion.com > --- Leadership: Sexualhealing, Saule, Polemos

9. Sanity's Requiem --- < 50+ members > --- < all timezones > --- < www.sanitysrequiem.com > --- Leadership: Iruse, Ahrakis

10. KoS --- < 30+ member > --- <EST/PST > --- < http://www.adjustyourgameplay.com/forums > ---- contact: Chewstay

11. Winter is Coming --- < 30+ members > --- Leader: Jujuu

12. Desolate --- < 10+members > --- Contact: Cripplernra


1. eXotic Occult --- < 50 members > --- < CST/EST/Oceanic > --- < http://www.exoticoccult.com/ > --- Leader: ComaXO ** not fully committed yet **

2. Doom --- < 20-30members > --- < CST > --- <website forthcoming > --- Contact: SoulreaverTulshar

3. Freethinkers --- <30+ members > --- < ?? > --- < www.Freethinkers.GuildPortal.com > --- Leader AustinB

4. Bloodpact --- < 120+ members > --- < all timezones > --- < www.bloodpact.net > --- Leadership: Mercury, Veckna, Orea, Kiarah, Rival

5. FA P --- < 30+ members > --- < GMT+10 Asutralia/SEA > --- < www.mmofap.com > --- Leadership: Knurls, Emaf, Ead, Herpii

1. Pheonix Ignition --- < 10+ members > --- < ??? timezone > --- < no website given > --- Contact: Anoman *** leaning towards Guardian ***

2. Sturmgrenadier --- < 25+ members > --- <USA/ Oceanic/Euro > --- < www.sturmgrenadier.com > --- Leaders: Lostlogic Arragoth

3. Armata --- < ??? members > --- < ??? timezone > --- < http://www.armatahq.net/ > --- Contact: Damarl

4. Death's Covenant --- < 20+members> --- < PST/EST> --- < website > --- Leader: Devotion

5. Immortals --- <6members> --- Leader: Redcross

6. Ni4Ni --- <10+members> --- < www.ni4nigaming.com > --- Leader Epic

Server choices:

Briarcliff: 10
(Legion, Immortals, Goofy Goobers, Aurora, Dinner and a Movie, Bloodpact, F A P, Sanity's Requiem, Magus Imperialis Magicus, Ni4Ni)

Lotham: 1
( Freethinkers )

Seastone: 1
(Sturmgrenadier )

Originally posted by Lewi:
Prosím vyhněte se diskuzím na těchto stránkách s lidmi, kteří o této hře nic nevědí a dělají závěry jednejte s lidmi kteří vědí o čem mluví.

Edited by - TDK on 13/02/2011 02:04:08

Junior Member

533 Posts

Posted - 13/02/2011 :  01:38:06  Show Profile Send TDK a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jinak tohle je opravdu docela dobrej nápad, nevím zda se tolik jednotná CZ/SK scéna bude chtít účastnit,ale dám to sem:

World PVP --- Guilds Unite !
Ok making this thread to see how many guilds would be willing to roll on the same pvp server for the purpose of getting some great world-pvp going.

Be it a big guild of 100-strong, or the small elite 6man unit o the soloers looking to roam and duke it out accross he map, those who enjoy world pvp, enjoy it in varied ways.

For me a great pvp server is one that ancourages all 3 forms of world pvp:

1) raiding

2) small grouping

3) soloing

I've played a few mmo's over the years since I started my mmo'ing back in ultima online too many years ago. Time and again I have seen server where raid v raid is encourage be the server that thrives with world pvp of all sorts. Right now my guild plays LOTRO (lord of the rings online) and has been very active in the pvp aspect of the game for years. We started on a small server where the raid on raid style of pvp was very discouraged.... since we didnt pigeon hole ourselves into only raiding and could fully function small grouping and soloing, this didnt really effect per sey... what it did effect was the lkack of new players streaming into the server and the gradual decline of the population as the "noobs" went and rerolled on raid-centric larger servers. We eventually transfered to a larger population server regarding by the rest of the games population as being a "zerg server" .... they got that monicker for thier communities approach to encourage, rather than discouraging, the big raid fights. Oddly enough.... my guild had way more small group skirmishes on that server than ever before, the place was literally hopping with small scale fights 24/7.... all the while, the "zergers" got thier zergig on and enjoyed themselves too... those of us who enjoyed small group fights avoided the big raids and found each other... as did the solo'ers as well.

What I'd like to do here with this thread.... is get a contingent of pvp-minded guilds to commit to rolling on the same server together for the purpose of creating a server dedicated to some large scale world pvp.

From my experience, a server that encourages the large scale pvp will also experience a large amount of small scale pvp and lotsa like minded solo'ers looking for each other or a few victims lol

New players ... "noobs".... usually seek out the large pug raids... and it makes sense... they need time to adapt to how the game works and to get to know people before they makethe next steps of soloing or running in small groups with those new freinds they made from the raid they been joining the past week.

It would be a shame to see pvp servers become ghost town because we spread ourselvs out too thin, and lost potential new players which would help keep the server going for its longevity.

I'll start compiling a list within this thread.... if you have a guil that is interested, you can reply here with the guild info (guild name, size, faction going to play, timezone est/pst/oceanic/euro, website, guild leader or officers, blah blah)... or you can PM me as well.

Once we get enough guilds on board, and the games release gets close and server names are determined, we can vote on which server to all roll on via a poll, or through pm's or even on ventrillo.... but first steps first :P

Fórum kam můžete umístit guildu. :http://forums.riftgame.com/showthread.php?29164-World-PVP-Guilds-Unite-

Originally posted by Lewi:
Prosím vyhněte se diskuzím na těchto stránkách s lidmi, kteří o této hře nic nevědí a dělají závěry jednejte s lidmi kteří vědí o čem mluví.
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Junior Member

533 Posts

Posted - 13/02/2011 :  01:42:43  Show Profile Send TDK a Private Message  Reply with Quote
1. Kings Destroyers -Shadefallen server http://kingsdestroyers.guildlaunch.com/
2. Blood and Ashes - Oceanic guild-Faeblight http://bloodandashes.com/index.php?portal
3. The Royal Black Watch - Faeblight server http://www.royalblackwatch.net/
4. The Red Council - http://forums.riftgame.com/showthrea...l=1#post832123
5. Fate - Shadefallen server - http://riftfate.enjin.com/
6. neXus - http://forums.riftgame.com/showthrea...Defiant-PvE-RP
7. Prophets - http://prophets-rift.com/
8. Bound By Blood - Faeblight -http://riftbbb.guildlaunch.com/
9. Celestial Alliance - http://celestialalliance.guildlaunch...2567&t=6258169
10. The Rift Wardens - Faeblight - http://agentsofthesaarai.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=27
12. Shadow Guard - Faeblight - http://theshadowguard.guildlaunch.com/
13. Dues ex Machina - Faeblight - http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.asp...&TabID=3320891
14. Immortal Rose - Faeblight - http://riftrp.net/index.php?topic=475.0
15. Society of Source Engineers - EU Guild - Argent Server - http://societyofsourceengineers.guildportal.com/
16. Haven Of Heroes - Faeblight - http://www.havenofheroes.net/
17. Brotherhood of the Dawn -

Undetermined rp ruleset
1. The Last Vigil - http://www.lastvigil.com/

1. The Widowed Rose - Sunrest - http://forums.riftgame.com/showthrea...e-Widowed-Rose
2. Dissonance - www.guilddissonance.com
3. The Guardians - Sunrest Server http://www.guardianhq.com/
4. The Sentinels - http://www.the-sentinels.net/
5. Phoenix Ignition - Harrow - http://forums.riftgame.com/showthrea...gnition-PvP-RP
6. The Oathsworn - http://www.theoathsworn.com/
7. Death House Merchants - http://deathhousemerchants.guildlaunch.com/
8. Yew Tree brigade - http://www.yew-rift.guildlaunch.com/
9. Rise - http://riseandconquer.guildlaunch.com/
10. Shield of Seraphs - http://www.shieldofseraphs.com/
11. Haven of Heroes - http://www.havenofheroes.net/
12. House of Dronegan -EU Guild http://houseofdronegan.swedishforum.net/
13. Bushido Code - http://bushidocode.proboards.com/index.cgi
14. Kindred Rising - http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.asp...&TabID=3320609
15. The Illuminati - EU Guild - http://illuminati-rift.co.uk/
16. Chaos Ordered - Sunrest Server - http://www.thechaosorder.com/
17. Order of Ardenburg - EU Guild - TBD
18. Dissonance - http://www.guilddissonance.com/
19. The Tavorran Combine - http://forums.riftgame.com/showthrea...ore-RP-Defiant
20. The Undaunted - http://www.theundaunted.net/index.php
21. Meat Vendor - See page 5 of this thread
22. NoxXious - http://www.noxxious.com/

Originally posted by Lewi:
Prosím vyhněte se diskuzím na těchto stránkách s lidmi, kteří o této hře nic nevědí a dělají závěry jednejte s lidmi kteří vědí o čem mluví.
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