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303 Posts |
Posted - 20/06/2006 : 13:44:26
quote: Originally posted by Tenebrae
Muze mi nejaky assasin vysvetlit jestli abilita na vyvolani krysy "bojovnika" Greth's Willing Scout je opravdu jen atrapa? Tim myslim jeji nefunkcni prikazy k utoku apod.? Diky...
Summons a rodent pet for fun.
staci? |
VG : Nathyra high elf cleric MDK
New Member

167 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2006 : 22:40:27
Muzete nekdo zminit nejake stranky kde jsou popsany jednotlive zony pro jake levely jsou? Nebo nemuzete to tak zhruba napsat sem? Myslim,ze by to pro orientaci celkem pomohlo,diky! |
504 Posts |
Posted - 04/07/2006 : 01:49:13
tam se můžeš vesele rochnit . Je toho tam opravdu hodně.... |
New Member

167 Posts |
Posted - 07/07/2006 : 15:29:52
Kdyz mam ted konec uctu a zakoupim KoS, tech tricet free dni mi hned nabehne nebo az zadam novou game card?? Nechce se mi za ni zatim utracet jestli KoS ma tricet dni.Dik za info. |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 07/07/2006 : 16:17:29
quote: Originally posted by Tenebrae
Kdyz mam ted konec uctu a zakoupim KoS, tech tricet free dni mi hned nabehne nebo az zadam novou game card?? Nechce se mi za ni zatim utracet jestli KoS ma tricet dni.Dik za info.
kdyz si koupis od SOE datadisk a pridas ho ke stavajicimu uctu tak zadny volny dny nedostanes (ty jsou jen pro ty co si zalozi novy account) |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |

3400 Posts |
Posted - 25/10/2008 : 07:37:02
tak hra konečně podporuje více jak single core cpu
* EQII now runs better with more than one CPU. * The game automatically detects if you have more than one CPU. * There is an option to control whether the game uses multicore mode in the Options Window under Display -> Performance. * If you're running multiple clients on the same computer you may want to disable multicore mode. * Game clients prefer running on CPUs other than the first CPU. * Setting the multicore option has no effect on machines with one CPU.
New Member

458 Posts |
Posted - 30/10/2008 : 23:41:02
dobre rano spajdr ... to podporuje uz tak dva mesice |
EQ2 (retired) Lucya - 90 lvl Fury - Splitpaw Jiskra - 90 Illusionist - Splitpaw <Validus> Ezkaton - 90 Shadowknight - Splitpaw VG:SoH (retired) - Auril - 50lvl Cleric AoC (retired) Lucya - 80lvl Tempest of Set - Dagon

3400 Posts |
Posted - 31/10/2008 : 00:18:18
quote: Originally posted by RED EYE
dobre rano spajdr ... to podporuje uz tak dva mesice
Jo, akorat ze to nikdo tady nenapsal, dobrou noc. |
504 Posts |
Posted - 31/10/2008 : 08:21:44
Ale schodneme se v tom, že to byl pěkný nekro post spajdere  |
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