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4339 Posts |
Posted - 28/08/2004 : 08:15:34
To Giltanas: ty jsi asi nebyl Master Rifleman. Az se jim stanes tak poznas rychlost a silu rifle . Btw. pokud nemas miliony, tak shanej dmg sliced T21 s 520+ dmg, sliced DXR6b s 490+ dmg, Jawa Ion rifle s 300+ dmg. Mam ale takovej pocit, ze na Eclipse stale nejsou dobry materialy, aby mohli vyrobit a slicnout rifle na takovou dmg. Samozrejme bez pouziti tissues, jenom holej matros, maximalne cubes u DXR6b. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
New Member

177 Posts |
Posted - 28/08/2004 : 09:13:35
quote: Originally posted by Giltanas
Lidi zda se mi to jenom nebo jsou rifle uplne na .......... Neda se sehnat zadna ktera by mel rozumnej dmg+ rychlost. Jedina rozumna rifle je T21 na dmg. Ale je nezkutecne pomala a hnusna. MOc pekna je E-11 ale ta je zase pro zmenu strasne slaba. Kompromis je laserovka ale taky zadnej zazrak :-)
Zapominas na jednu zasadni vec, az budes master rifleman budes mit skill +90 rifle speed a pak i tou pomalou +6s rifli strilis jak s kulometem 
btw. uz se chystam jak si ted udelam na Rhegovi par FS questiku a zvednu si rifle speed na 102 Budu na speed capu pri vsech speckach jakoukoli rifli co vezmu do ruky  |
Average Member
1971 Posts |
Posted - 28/08/2004 : 10:14:35
quote: Originally posted by Black
quote: Originally posted by Giltanas Lidi zda se mi to jenom nebo jsou rifle uplne na .......... Neda se sehnat zadna ktera by mel rozumnej dmg+ rychlost. Jedina rozumna rifle je T21 na dmg. Ale je nezkutecne pomala a hnusna. MOc pekna je E-11 ale ta je zase pro zmenu strasne slaba. Kompromis je laserovka ale taky zadnej zazrak :-)
To se ti vazne jen zda 
ty ja rifli taky nemel rad (a Mastera sem mel ) .... furt od mobu behat a drzet si idstup ... jo kdyz bezi zamnou v hloucku tak z nich ty cisilka lehnou pekne ... Ale kdyz si vemu jak proste s Master Swordmanem a Power hamerem pribehnes mezi ne, parkrat chainnes Spin attack 2, toho posledniho si vychutnas nakym tim kombem tak u me Sword PvE vitezi :) |
[Stilgar] Usul, we have wormsign the likes of which even God has never seen.
776 Posts |
Posted - 28/08/2004 : 11:09:15
jj Mele Advancet povolani jsou super... ja jsem TKM a jsem stim take spokojen... SpinAttack2 je fakt coolllllleeerrrr |
EnniLasi(BOH)- SWG "zase parim" Esmeralda(BOH)-SWG "zase parim" Essmeralda - WOW |
718 Posts |
Posted - 28/08/2004 : 12:49:30
No master rifleman opravdu nejsem. Zatim mam jen hotovy vse z prvniho stupne a sniping II. Ale nevidim rozdil ve vykonosti :-) No mam laser nevimkolik minimum az 450 kazdych 4,6 vteriny. T21 mam taky. Ale cekat na vystrel tejden me nebavi. Ta strili jednou za 7,5 vteriny... :-) |
EVE online Alypia, Aureol T'haen - CHON |
Average Member
1971 Posts |
Posted - 28/08/2004 : 17:00:32
nakej slusne ukochtenej spraystick s 30 dmg slice a nabehnout mezi tlupu quankeru a chainit pointblankarea1 .... nezapomen na brandy (jinak pujde mind Moooooc rychle dolu) .. pripadne na jednotlive moby chainit Mind shot (2/3) ..
diky rychlosti sprasticku (pod 2 sec) i prez jeho malej dmg toho s mizernym skillem udelas lip nez s klasickou rifli ...
takhle sem to aspon vyexpil ja (za necely 2 dny) |
[Stilgar] Usul, we have wormsign the likes of which even God has never seen.
2371 Posts |
Posted - 28/08/2004 : 17:30:02
a kazdopadne jet nejdriv treti sloupec abys co nejdriv dostal area specku |
Black |
Junior Member

982 Posts |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 30/08/2004 : 14:50:15
No rek' bych ze jim to "upadlo" .moc pekne   |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 12/09/2004 : 17:48:22
Ja pisem len aby sa tento topic neprepadol do 2 stranky topicov |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
Average Member

1690 Posts |
Posted - 12/09/2004 : 20:13:53
quote: Originally posted by Hosty
Ja pisem len aby sa tento topic neprepadol do 2 stranky topicov
Tak o čem pokecáme?  |
[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]
Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus |

441 Posts |
Posted - 13/09/2004 : 00:26:06
Ladies and gentlemans, follow me.... |
"Když si Matrix nepřijde pro nás, uděláme si svůj." Guild Master of URNA (Útvar Rychlého Nasazení) - Star Wars Galaxies cz/sk guild on Chimaera |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 13/09/2004 : 19:30:30
Ja neviem "o cem pokecame"
 Neni o com |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 13/09/2004 : 20:26:51
hej komu mozem poslat screen ? mam taky LOL chcem aby ste ho dali sem |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
Edited by - Hosty on 13/09/2004 20:27:23 |
New Member

329 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2004 : 16:01:13
Budou dnes Eclipse loadovat este dlouho? |
Rift: Barbucha cleric WoT: karl_v_sudet (E-100, Maus, IS4, GW-E, Jgtgr) Retired DAOC: Tojsemja 10Lx druid, Krivonoha 7Lx Retired |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2004 : 16:03:35
teraz loaduje ? <edit> tak uz to vidim, loaduje |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
Edited by - Hosty on 14/09/2004 16:09:11 |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2004 : 16:23:33
Kurva, stale loaduje |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2004 : 16:52:28
teraz je offline       |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 18:12:56
Kurva kdy uz nahodej eclipsu, ty kokoti snad budou delat tu opravu hardwaru az do rana. Jako vcera u tamtech serveru, no ze bych se na to nevys.... |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 18:14:01
komu mozem poslat screen aby ho sem dal ? |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 18:15:50
Zalezi na tom jaky screen. Ja bych ho sem mozna mohl hodit, posli mi ho na: |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 18:19:41
Asi jdu na test center na server Bria mam tam postavu se stejnym jmenem: Jorssk kelas Nez se eclipse loadne tak to potrva vecnost.. |
Edited by - Jorssk on 16/09/2004 18:20:12 |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 18:20:37
tak idem aj ja na TC Bria, ked si tam ty :) |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
Edited by - Hosty on 16/09/2004 18:23:13 |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 18:23:54
Inak teraz tu mi dvaja piseme ako keby to bol chat |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
Average Member

1690 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 18:39:47
TC - BRIA je snad down ne? Psali, že běží jen TC - Ahazi. |
[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]
Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 19:03:33
No ja musim TC najprv nainstalovat , pise mi to ale ze to nemoze nainstalovat do SWGtestcenter, lebo tam neni dostatok miesta. Kam to mam nainstalovat ? |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
Average Member

1690 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 19:09:00
quote: Originally posted by Hosty
No ja musim TC najprv nainstalovat , pise mi to ale ze to nemoze nainstalovat do SWGtestcenter, lebo tam neni dostatok miesta. Kam to mam nainstalovat ?
No třeba do "C:\...\SWG\Test Center".
Ovšem pokud ti to tohle píše tak máš nejspíš plnej hadr.  |
[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]
Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus |
Edited by - Jedi_Knight on 16/09/2004 19:10:41 |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 19:23:49
no ja to mam nainstalovane na F: a tam mam este 9GB |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 19:26:45
tak nic, uz to mam vyriesene, fakt je to v C: a tam sa to fakt nezmesti a fakt ze to premiestim do F: lebo fakt mam na C: iba 1.6GB |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
Edited by - Hosty on 16/09/2004 19:27:12 |
New Member

329 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 20:26:31
Tak, me by zajimalo, jestli este dnes nahodi Eclipse  Pisou tam 12:00 EST a neni nahodou uz 2:30pm EST
Mno nic, zalozim si neco na chimeare a budu testit  |
Rift: Barbucha cleric WoT: karl_v_sudet (E-100, Maus, IS4, GW-E, Jgtgr) Retired DAOC: Tojsemja 10Lx druid, Krivonoha 7Lx Retired |
Average Member

1690 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 20:31:16
quote: Originally posted by smajlik02
Tak, me by zajimalo, jestli este dnes nahodi Eclipse  Pisou tam 12:00 EST a neni nahodou uz 2:30pm EST
Mno nic, zalozim si neco na chimeare a budu testit 
To 12:00 je čas kdy server šel dolů... ten update trvá minimálně tři hodiny, takže si ještě chvilku počkáme. |
[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]
Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 20:36:22
hehe hral jsem na TS ahazi nebo jakej ted bezi a kdyz jsem si dal Master BH tak jsem dostal RIS, lol. Ale ja chci uz eclipsu!!!! |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 20:39:33
ja som hral tiez TC ahazi a mal som master BH, master pistoleer, sonic blaster a compo armor. mozno budem mat RIS aj ja, skoda ze tam neni komplet vsetko - jedi, mandalorian armor, AV-21 co sa da zobrat z char. builder terminalu |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 20:40:25
AV-21 taky dostanes za master BH, hele jaky mas nick na Ahazi? |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 20:41:33
Tamon, ale uz nehram. sikana:), ved vies |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 20:44:21
inak poslal som ti ten screen. |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |

2991 Posts |
New Member

329 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2004 : 23:08:12
No vida, tak este pul hodiny loadovani, a muzeme vesele pul hodiny parit nez pujdem chrapat |
Rift: Barbucha cleric WoT: karl_v_sudet (E-100, Maus, IS4, GW-E, Jgtgr) Retired DAOC: Tojsemja 10Lx druid, Krivonoha 7Lx Retired |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 17/09/2004 : 05:49:31
Sakra tohle me sere uz jsou takhle jediove proti BH silnejsi jeste jim pridavat dalsi vyhody!! :
We've seen Jedi use the force to sense incoming threats a number of times throughout the movies. Anakin being able to sense the bug planted in Princess Amidala's room with the force is just one of the examples. Some Jedi believe that Bounty Hunters should always be overt towards Jedi. Jedi should be able to use the Force to pick out their enemies from a crowd. Another Jedi has devised a method to incorporate the Jedi's ability to use the force to detect enemies, while not griefing the entire Bounty Hunter population. His idea would be to allow Jedi to sense any Bounty Hunter who has taken a mission on him within 1000m. This would give the Jedi fair warning but not totally ruin the element of surprise. Jedi would not be able to abuse their powers to hunt down Bounty Hunter, because only Bounty Hunters who have taken a mission on the Jedi can be tracked.
by DarthDominator
I see many post complaining about bounty hunters. I try and kill as many bounty hunters as I can but its hard to find them lately. I think they should make bounty hunters visible and attackable to all jedi if a jedi terminal for hunting bounty hunters is too much to ask.
by iver2435
"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices cried out and then suddenly were silenced"
"Young Skywalker is in pain, terrible pain" (after he finds his mother with the Tuskens)
These all point to events that have already happened or are happening at the time
What about in episode II when both Anakin (a padawan at the time) and Obi-Wan BOTH sense the creepy crawlies in Princess Amidala's room BEFORE they bite her?
or when Qui-Gon senses Darth Maul ride up on the speederbike moments before he leaps off and proceeds to try and carve him like a Christmas ham?
There are arguements on both sides, but in my opinion this is the bottom line.
I think Jedi SHOULD be able to sense an incoming threat due to their ability with the Force.
An idea I have would be something like this....A Jedi can sense any Bounty Hunters THAT HAVE TAKEN A MISSION on him within a 1000m radius. The only exception to this is if said Bounty Hunter is grouped with a Dark Jedi Knight (The dark side clouds the Jedi's ability to sense things using the Force.) This way young Jedi's wouldn't have TOO much to worry about because there are only so many Dark Jedi Knights in the galaxy, and most of them are worried about moving up the FRS, so they would only really bother going out to hunt other Jedi if they were Knight level or above.
Let me know what everyone thinks......I might repost this in the BH forum to get their feedback as well.
New Member

206 Posts |
Posted - 17/09/2004 : 10:47:36
Covece Jorssku, ono by sis mel zkusit Jedi zahrat, nez vypustis takovejhle blud. Zatimco to co pises je navrh hrace a tudiz sance, ze se objevi live je tak 0.001 0/00 (promile) jako ostatne vse rozumne co bylo kdy navrzeno, tak v soucasne dobe je na TestCentru zmena BH vs Jedi. A to takovahle:
1)Zvednuty odmeny za zabiti Jediho na min 25k + 1k/1Skill Point of Jedi (kolik stoji skill u Jedi se muze kazdy podivat na
2)Z BH Terminalu poznas jak je Jedi silny a muzes se na to pripravit (v pripade 8SP Jedi, ho vyridis sam, v pripade 250SP Jedi se postavis doprostred Mining Outpostu a vyrvavas "Looking for a group to kill a Jedi!!! CMs, TKMs, Defense Stackers preferred!!!PST!!!)
3)Ztrata JediXP za DB od BH je 2kxp/1SP Jedi skillu + 200kxp za clone. Bohuzel i po DB, Jedi na terminalu zustane. Stejne jako TEF ktery ma BH vuci Jedi.
IMHO pokud se tohle dostane na Live, tak nebude trvat moc dlouho a na BH foru se objevi thread "No Jedi on Terminals!!! WTF!!!" Duvod si jiste kazdy domysli sam.
O tom jak je Jedi "silnej" se tady bavit nebudu. Diskutovat o tom s nekym, kdo vubec nema poneti o postave Jedi v SWG je ztrata casu. |
-= Major Rivers Durant =- Commando Combat Medic - Red Eclipse EU |

2991 Posts |
Posted - 17/09/2004 : 14:47:10
1) Vim ze je to navrh a tohle je moje vyjadreni k nemu, ze je pekne blbej. Kdyz to takhle bude tak pak dotycny jedi zacne pred BH zdrhat a preletavat s planety na planetu. Zabava bude v trapu a jedi nepujde chytit.
2) O techto zmenach na TS nevim protoze jsem je nikde nenasel napsane, jestli to tak je, tak je to super. Jeste kdy to daj na servery.
3)To vim a je to dobre, ma se tak udrzovat pocet jedi na serveru, ale kdyz se nekomu podari namasterovat Knighta nebo sentinela tak nejde vubec porazit a je to sux.
IMHO to by bylo supr kdyby se takhle zmensil pocet jediu, to je taky zamer :)
O tom jak je jedi silnej a jaka je s nim prace vim dost tak tu nedel machra ze vis vic kdyz ho mas, je to jeden z mala duvodu proc ho taky netrenuju. Staci mi jak mi da zabrat FS slot. Pokud se o tom nechces bavit tak nevim proc to tady rozebiras. |
Edited by - Jorssk on 17/09/2004 14:48:07 |
Average Member
1177 Posts |
Posted - 17/09/2004 : 15:10:54
mohli dat to citenie na 500m :) inak mohli by zosilnit aj BH, nech ma proti sentinelovy... sancu |
-Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free- |
New Member

167 Posts |
Posted - 19/09/2004 : 10:13:09
Hehe, a zase věčný problém jedi vs. BH. Můj názor je, že by dobrej BH měl mít šanciporazit i silnějšího jediho, ale tím rozhodně nemyslím, že by to mělo být jednoduchý. |
The siths shall rule again. |
New Member

206 Posts |
Posted - 19/09/2004 : 10:56:40
I prumernej BH ma velkou sanci porazit silnejsiho Jedi. Treba takovy [3000BH TKM + 34bodu jeste nekde] s Jedim zamete, pripadne bude souboj trvat tak dlouho az Jedimu dojde Force a bude muset zdrhnout. Celej problem neni v tom, ze by MBH byl slabsi nez Jedi, ale v tom ze Melee je obecne silnejsi nez Ranged profese (aneb proc je kazdej druhej TKM?). Navic ma BH vyhodu prekvapeni, vyberu casu, mista atd. Dale Lightsaber Block blokuje akorat projektil, nikoli dodatecny DOT efekt, ma-li ho ta zbran. Pokud na Jediho BH strili z Mind Poison Blasteru, tak i kdyz z 10 strel 10 vyblokuju, stejne mam na sobe 10 Mind Poisnu (bug?). To same se speckama.
Tohle muze byt nikdy nekoncici debata. BH si budou stat za svym a Jedi zase za svym :) |
-= Major Rivers Durant =- Commando Combat Medic - Red Eclipse EU |
Average Member

1690 Posts |
Posted - 19/09/2004 : 13:06:56
quote: Originally posted by Iani
Tohle muze byt nikdy nekoncici debata. BH si budou stat za svym a Jedi zase za svym :)
A melee také za svým.  |
[Ianek][Paladin][Burning Blade][World of Warcraft]
Je rozdíl mezi tím znát cestu a kráčet po ní. - Morfeus |
776 Posts |
Posted - 19/09/2004 : 13:17:12
BH musí lovit Jediho.. to je normální... Ale pokud by to mělo být rovnocenný tak by se mělo udělat něco s těma budgema ohledně Jediho…. Pokud to neudělají BH bude mít velikou výhodu a tudíž jakýkoliv začátečník v Jedim nebude mít šanci na přežití. Jde mě hlavně třeba o Visibility proč budu v terminálu když třeba nebudu vůbec používat force a lightsaber…? To je trochu přitažené za vlasy…. Doufám že s tím něco udělají.
EnniLasi(BOH)- SWG "zase parim" Esmeralda(BOH)-SWG "zase parim" Essmeralda - WOW |
New Member

329 Posts |
Posted - 19/09/2004 : 13:54:35
Obecne: Jedi nerfnout  |
Rift: Barbucha cleric WoT: karl_v_sudet (E-100, Maus, IS4, GW-E, Jgtgr) Retired DAOC: Tojsemja 10Lx druid, Krivonoha 7Lx Retired |
776 Posts |
Posted - 19/09/2004 : 14:01:26
uz se tesim na Combat Rewamp az celej system bude vyvazenej... |
EnniLasi(BOH)- SWG "zase parim" Esmeralda(BOH)-SWG "zase parim" Essmeralda - WOW |
New Member

329 Posts |
Posted - 19/09/2004 : 14:57:03
quote: Originally posted by riddle
uz se tesim na Combat Rewamp az celej system bude vyvazenej...
No, to je jen zbozne prani a utopie kazdopadne snad to bude lepsi nez ted |
Rift: Barbucha cleric WoT: karl_v_sudet (E-100, Maus, IS4, GW-E, Jgtgr) Retired DAOC: Tojsemja 10Lx druid, Krivonoha 7Lx Retired |
776 Posts |
Posted - 19/09/2004 : 15:23:47
velej boj bude vyvazenej a hlavne bude zalezet na technice boje a dovednostech ktery budes mit... |
EnniLasi(BOH)- SWG "zase parim" Esmeralda(BOH)-SWG "zase parim" Essmeralda - WOW |
Topic  |