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Posted - 29/06/2005 :  10:58:30  Show Profile  Send Werrevlk an ICQ Message Send Werrevlk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On June 29th, 2005 at 4:00 AM PDT all servers will be taken down for a publish update.

Publish 19.0 June 29th, 2005

Happy Empire Day!

Publish 19 is jam packed with new features, profession balancing, and bug fixes that were suggested by our Fan Fest attendees and Correspondents.

Empire Day is here!

To celebrate this glorious Imperial holiday, head to Nashal, Talus and speak to the Imperial P.R. Officer at 4311, 5187. To protest against Empire Day, head to the basement of the Anchorhead, Tatooine cantina at 128, -5350 and speak to the off-duty bartender. To find out more about Empire Day click here!

Secrets of the Syren Quest

Part 3 of the Secrets of the Syren quest is now live. If you haven't done the first two chapters, or are picking up where you left off, make sure to visit the quest NPC for your faction. Imperial players should find Jeevan Monsul in the Bestine cantina. Rebel players will need to see Veega Madish in the Tyrena cantina and neutral players will have the pleasure of dealing with Tyla Jinn in the Theed cantina. This part of the story will require you to venture in to space so make sure to have your fighter fueled up and ready.

Smuggler - New Slicing Changes!

A “salvage” option now exists on weapon and armor upgrade kits. Using this option will replace the kit with a random component used in the new slicing system.

The “cut blue/red wire” element has been removed from weapon and armor slicing.

While slices to weapon and armor will always succeed, each slice will add a small amount of customization points to the sliced object. Any piece of weaponry or armor may have up to a total of 100 points worth of slices. The better a slice is, the more points it adds to the item until it reaches 100 points.

Each item (weapons/armor) will have a set of customization categories. Each category will require a number of slices of increasing value in order to get the full value of the category. These slices must be applied in order. For example, a weapon will have a category called “Increase Firing Rate” which has a maximum of 4 slices, each of increasing quality. Each of these slices then has a cost and results in an increase in firing rate.

Here is a list of the new slices:

Increase Firing Rate
Enhanced Damage
Increased Critical Hit Chance

Enhanced Resilience
Impact Deflections
Hardening (Crit save chance)
Armor Break Defense
Correspondents and Fan Fest fixes and Balance Changes


Added in missing Fencer animations
Added in missing Pikemen animations
Added in missing Swordsmen animations
Art: sped up two handed sword animations
Weapons and Damage

Fixed elemental damage type on the red color crystal
Fixed weapon elemental damage. All weapons with an elemental damage amount should now be correctly doing their elemental damage.
Changed Lightning Rifles speed movement modifier to emulate Rifles instead of commando weapons

Jedi Defender

Avoid Incapacitation - Increased Force cost to activate
Jedi Healing

Force Sap - Lowered duration and debuff amount
Force Heal - Increased cool down and execute timers
Total Heal - Increased cool down and execute timers
Added Mind and Action costs to most Healer abilities

Jedi Powers

Force Choke - Armor will no longer prevent Force Choke damage, Force Defense, and Force Shield still protect against Choke
Mind Blast - Added State effects to ability
Improved Mind Blast - Ability is now single target ability
Force Throw - Added State effects to ability
Force Throw - Is now a cone attack
Force Cloak - Increased cool down timer

Jedi Enhancer

Force Armor - Now adds to your Jedi Innate Jedi Armor
Force Armor - Takes a substantial less amount of Force per incoming damage
Force Shield - Takes a substantial less amount of Force per incoming damage
Transfer Force - Increased cool down timer
Drain Force - Increased cool down timer
Stasis - Increased cool down timer
Force Speed - Increased duration of Buff
Added slight Mind and Action costs to most Enhancer abilities
Jedi Lightsabers

Reduced action cost of Light saber moves
Reduced Force cost on Saber moves
Advanced Saber Throw - Removed Cone effects from ability
Improved Saber Throw - Removed Knockdown effect from ability
Increased Damage Potential of all Saber Throws
Doctor/Combat Medic

Significantly reduced Healing execute timers and cool downs on all healing abilities
Reduced aggro generated by Healing by 50% on all healing abilities
Reduced Mind costs all healing buffing abilities
Significantly reduced Healing execute timers and cool downs on all Combat Medic Offensive abilities
Significantly increased amount of Doctor/CM healing


Increased refresh rate on Revive ability from Cybernetic arms
"Cybernetic Shock" and "Cyborg Lightning" now deal more damage.

Sniper Shot - Added 20 meter minimum range
Bounty Hunter

Duelist Stance - Increased amount of defense skill added

General Combat

Increased the action cost of KnockdownRecovery
Daze effects now prevent all forms of healing and buffing
Other Publish Notes:

Bounty Hunter

Added Heavy Lightning Rifle to the Galaxy


Entertainers will now heal players from a greater distance.

Pikeman - Increased the amount a target is slowed by with Warcry

Overwhelming Shot should now fires correctly
Panic shot's Daze effect now works (Daze effects break on damage)
Concussion shot is now a Root + a Daze (Daze effects break on damage, as this is a dual effect debuff both the Root + Daze will break on damage)
Some slices now require components that drop in various locations throughout the galaxy.


Added a warm-up timer to Jedi Saber Power attack
Fixed issue with new Force Armor
Force Choke will now break when the Jedi is Force Cloaked
Avoid Incapacitation now adds a snare while active as well as an increased force cost.
Force Sensitive Village

The Power Crystals in Mellichae's camp from being destroyed.
Improved handling of enemies defending the Power Crystals in Mellichae's camp.
Force Cloaked Jedi will take damage from turret attacks.


Battlefields have been removed from the galaxy
lol to se rozhodli brzo

Quests / Content:

Escort tasks no longer breaks follow when the player is incapped. The escort target may take a few seconds before following the player again

Geonosian Bunker:

The ‘enhanced kwi’ infestation has been reduced to a more manageable state.
Content: Kkowir Forest

If you currently have the arena champion quest active Chief Kerritamba will re-grant the quest to enter the arena.
Content: Space Kashyyyk

Wookiee Resistance Fighters are now attackable.
Content: Space Kashyyyk

Players who answered "Their numbers are thin. They are no threat to us" can now continue with the Eyma quest line
The Imperial Station mission for the Imperial Guard Interceptor will now grant the correct badge. If you have already completed the mission, speak with the station again to get your service record corrected.
The path taken by the quest target has been lengthened for Kerssoc's "Destroy the Chiss poacher weapons" space mission.
Avatar Platform

The lockbox on the Avatar platform is now accessible
Added loot to the checkpoint lockbox on the Avatar platform.
Player Structures

Naboo medium style houses now require the proper spacing for placement

Loot items should now be assigned the proper levels/attributes

Armor / Cybernetics

Can no longer wear biceps from other armor sets over the Mabari jacket
Fixed issue with Wookiee Ceremonial Right biceps and bracers
Fixed the cybernetic proc effects. Cybernetic limbs with proc effects that trigger on a successful hit will now execute correctly
Failing an action with a Cybernetic Limb will no longer cause the cool down timer to execute

Weapons / Damage

Art: sped up two handed sword animations
Fixed newly created Proton Rifles
Elemental damage will now be applied to the target for weapons that have bonus elemental damage.

You are now given another chance to name a reverse engineered component after attempting to use a reserved name.
Unused engine acceleration and deceleration stats of 0.0 are no longer shown in the reverse engineering results dialog.

If you have nothing targeted, and take damage, you automatically target what damaged you.
Visual improvements to the /find ribbon
The Tool Tip for commands in the command browser now gives better descriptions of abilities.
The target display will no longer appear when you have toggled off the HUD
Players with pre-CU characters should no longer get a running man for their role icon the first time they log in
Junk dealer names now appear properly on the overhead map
The group direction arrow will now update when the player is out of range.
Flora and buildings no longer make selecting targets difficult.
Using WASD keys in MMORPG Modeless will no longer break you out of the radial menu. The radial menu will position itself in 3D once activated.
The HAM bar will now show correctly over targets that are being attacked through the assist system
BazaarUI: save sort settings for columns
Default attack should now work for combat commands when using the assist system
Minimized the size of the species requirements.
Moved the species requirements to the end of the examine info when looking at wearables
Adding a new /waypoint with coordinates will give better error messages when the coordinates are bad
Terrain is now displayed in the Radar.

Player Cities

City banned players can no longer travel to the banned city by selecting "Use Travel Ticket" from the ticket's radial menu or by using the ticket from the toolbar
Garage Fee/tax should be displayed in the City Status window now.

All Crackdown NPC's should now have the correct name, appearance and faction.

New Player Tutorial

The Droideka in the new player tutorial now has less hit points and a quicker respawn rate.

Added armor deconstruction script to old style Wookiee chest pieces. This will split the old armor into three new pieces: a head and chest piece and 2 arm pieces
Fixed an issue where players could not put bio-link items on the market or drop them in houses they were admins of. Now, only items that have been bio-linked can not be placed on the market.

Less IME spam when playing in Japanese.
Resource category names are now localized. These newly understood names will take time to move across the land.

SWG Cheeeewieee cosi -
SWG Lygie Jedi 90 Shadowknights
SWG Wlk spy 80 Shadowknights
WoW Chewie Shaman 60 Zdechliny



4364 Posts

Posted - 29/06/2005 :  11:26:07  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Fixed an issue where players could not put bio-link items on the market or drop them in houses they were admins of. Now, only items that have been bio-linked can not be placed on the market.

ze by tohle opravilo ty podelane faction armory ?

a ani slovo o buglych detailech ve vendorech

a ani slovo o zkurvenem chatu..

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>
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Average Member

1746 Posts

Posted - 29/06/2005 :  13:31:01  Show Profile  Send SNowie an ICQ Message Send SNowie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
mě připadá že toho opravili a přidali docela dost
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441 Posts

Posted - 29/06/2005 :  15:49:02  Show Profile  Visit Dargnon's Homepage  Send Dargnon an ICQ Message Send Dargnon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nevim jak vy, ale já už hraju s tim defaultně nastavenym chatem a neobtěžuju se to nějak nastavovat

"Když si Matrix nepřijde pro nás, uděláme si svůj."
Guild Master of URNA (Útvar Rychlého Nasazení) - Star Wars Galaxies cz/sk guild on Chimaera
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To jsem ja

1691 Posts

Posted - 29/06/2005 :  15:59:47  Show Profile  Send Almych an ICQ Message Send Almych a Private Message  Reply with Quote
co je s chatem?
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4364 Posts

Posted - 29/06/2005 :  16:16:10  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Almych

co je s chatem?

po kazdem nalogovani se mi jakekoliv zmeny a nastaveni vyresetuje na default.. a vetisnou se smaze i pripojeni co cze kanalu..

a to me neskutecne sere..

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>
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Junior Member

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Posted - 29/06/2005 :  16:51:09  Show Profile  Send Werrevlk an ICQ Message Send Werrevlk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Uz se nam to loaduje a 1. online server je Europe-infinity O.o

SWG Cheeeewieee cosi -
SWG Lygie Jedi 90 Shadowknights
SWG Wlk spy 80 Shadowknights
WoW Chewie Shaman 60 Zdechliny
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544 Posts

Posted - 29/06/2005 :  16:54:03  Show Profile  Send Arnie an ICQ Message Send Arnie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by JerzeeG

po kazdem nalogovani se mi jakekoliv zmeny a nastaveni vyresetuje na default.. a vetisnou se smaze i pripojeni co cze kanalu..

a to me neskutecne sere..

To se mi jeste nestalo....
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2991 Posts

Posted - 29/06/2005 :  16:55:45  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Proc to sem postujes kdyz to mame na strankach. www.starwarsgalaxies.wz.cz a jeste v launchpadu. Delas zbytecne topici.

Edited by - Jorssk on 29/06/2005 16:55:59
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Drizzt DoUrden
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1591 Posts

Posted - 30/06/2005 :  14:35:46  Show Profile Send Drizzt DoUrden a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pár postřehů, co jsem z nového suprdupr patche stačil včera vyzkoušet:

Content: Space Kashyyyk

The Imperial Station mission for the Imperial Guard Interceptor will now grant the correct badge. If you have already completed the mission, speak with the station again to get your service record corrected. Bohužel, nic takového, ani jedna z imp stanic, ani neutral stanice badge neopraví. Parádní novinka...

Avatar Platform

The lockbox on the Avatar platform is now accessible
Paráda. Až na to, že box je pořád ve stěně asi 30m za stanicí (nepoznám jestli ve stěně stanice nebo ve vesmíru za ní. Nevím jak to opravili, možná je tam nějaký quest, který hráči umožní procházet zdí...

Added loot to the checkpoint lockbox on the Avatar platform. Paráda. Kdo jste s tím questem nečekali až doteď a ten box jste otevřeli, nedostali jste nic a teď už není šance znovu získat kód. Ať tam přidali cokoli, tak to získají jen ti, co doteď byli líní a Avatar nedělali.

Konečně zprovoznili Eldera a Blood Hunter badge na Kashyyyku.

No ale zase - není možné jít hlouběji do Outlaws cave - nevím jestli to bylo lagem, nebo jeskyní - mimo jeskyni mi to newarpovalo, v jeskyni mě to stále vracelo zpět.

Secrets of Syrens - 3 část questu, odměna 1000fp, obtížnost rovnající se téměř Avataru (jsou tam Avatar Guards, lvl 81, útočí ve skupinách, na konci se spawne lvl 84 maník). To vše za 1000 fp a vzkaz, že se mám zeptat později, takže v Actu 4.

Empire day - Fajn quest, ale mohli vymyslet nějaké nové odměny, z pracně nakoupených a získaných imperial bannerů je teď laciný kus hadru, když si každý hráč může zadarmo vzít dva. Je to bezva na výzdobu, ale předmět, který se prodával dřív za několik milionů, teď bude mít hodnotu pár tisíc. Mohli raději přidat něco nového, třeba Stormtrooper Shoulder pad, nebo obraz Imperial Prison (co visí u Victora), nebo třeba Deaths Star Hologram, portrét císaře, cokoli...
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