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Posted - 03/08/2005 :  10:50:49  Show Profile  Visit Sagger's Homepage  Send Sagger an ICQ Message Send Sagger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nam se v IHC osvedcilo domlouvat akce primo ve hre par minut pred predpokladanym zacatkem. Proste se na guildchatu vyhodi message ve stylu //Incoming transmission - Krayt Hunb (NS hunt, BS hun etc) bla bla bla - End of Transmission// a hned mam plnou grupu. Vzdycky to tak fungovalo a funguje.

Druha vec je ta, ze v IHC je aktivnich 60 hracu a diky rozdilnym casovym zonam neni problem mit grupu na cokoliv v kazdou denni dobu (vyhoda international guild).

1st Lokian Platoon, IHC
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Posted - 03/08/2005 :  16:26:14  Show Profile  Send Vlada an ICQ Message Send Vlada a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sagger

Nam se v IHC osvedcilo domlouvat akce primo ve hre par minut pred predpokladanym zacatkem. Proste se na guildchatu vyhodi message ve stylu //Incoming transmission - Krayt Hunb (NS hunt, BS hun etc) bla bla bla - End of Transmission// a hned mam plnou grupu. Vzdycky to tak fungovalo a funguje.

Druha vec je ta, ze v IHC je aktivnich 60 hracu a diky rozdilnym casovym zonam neni problem mit grupu na cokoliv v kazdou denni dobu (vyhoda international guild).

Ma ICH nejakou webpage? Ze by jsi sem hodil odkaz.

LOTRO - [EN-RP] Laurelin
Miranori GRD
Miranel LM
Miraniwen CPT

SWG - Europe-Chimaera - Miran' , Miranis
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Posted - 03/08/2005 :  22:11:53  Show Profile  Send Werrevlk an ICQ Message Send Werrevlk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On August 4th (zitra), 2005 at 4:00 AM PDT all servers will be taken down for a publish update.

Publish 21
Live - August 4th, 2005

Publish 21 Update Notes

Update Headlines!
• Big changes to the Creature Handler profession! Pet growth based on XP, a new pet training interface, new pet abilities and more!
• Two new quest series added! "Catch a Fallen Star" and "Nagem's Jobs".
• Chapter 4 of "Secrets of the Syren" is now live!
• Lighting on all worlds has been updated to be brighter.

Profession : Creature Handlers

Pet Growth Changes
• Pet growth is now based on experience earned instead of time.
• Babies now have the same level and stats as a full grown creature.
• Babies still grow in size as they mature and will be able to be trained with new Pet Abilities that take their stats and capabilities beyond what they were born with.

The pet growth system has been rewritten to give a more engaging play experience that lets you start working with your new pets. Babies have the same level and stats as their parents and will be able to fight along side their master at full capacity from the moment they are tamed. As a pet fights along with it's master it will earn experience which contributes to its growth (in physical size) as well as gaining the capacity to learn new abilities which can make the pet more powerful in specific ways than a wild creature of the same species would be.

Pet Training Changes
• A new interface for pet command training has been implemented to make training commands easier and faster.
• Verbal training of commands works as it has previously worked after selecting a command to train from the new training interface.

The new command training UI will show every command your pet is able to learn as well as the voice command known for each ability. By selecting a command to train and pressing the "Train" button (or by directly double-clicking a command) will start the voice training. Voice training works as it has previously worked. When your pet is ready to learn a new voice command a "?" will appear over its head and you just need to speak the command you wish to train by using spatial chat. If this is the first time a pet is learning a specific command, it will need to pass a training check to see if it can learn the new voice command. Once your pet knows a specific voice command changing it will always succeed.
New Pet Abilities
• Pets tamed from the wild now have a chance to start with an innate Pet Ability.
• A Creature Handler can learn abilities from their pets and train them to other pets.
• Pets gain Pet Ability "Slots" and Ability Training Points as they mature to learn new Pet Abilities.
• Pet Abilities can be taught to pets to allow for combat specialization as desired or for general increases in combat effectiveness.

Pets tamed in the wild can now start with innate Pet Abilities. These abilities will automatically increase the effectiveness of your pet, but more importantly Creature Handlers can learn those abilities from the pet by fighting with the pet over a period of time. Once you have learned the new ability from a pet you will be able to train it to your other pets.

As a pet matures they will gain Ability "Slots" and Training Points to learn new Pet Abilities. You can see the progress to the next maturity level on the Pet Control Device (on your Datapad: CTRL-D) under the heading "Training XP". This will show you the current amount of XP earned and the total amount of XP required to reach the next maturity level. Experience Points (XP) are earned by fighting opponents. At each maturity level your pet will grow in size as well gain Training Points and possibly Ability Slots. Ability Slots will not be earned at each maturity level but the likelihood of earning one will increase as a pet reaches full maturity. Pets will continue to earn Ability Slots until they have earned the maximum possible number of slots for their level and they will continue to earn Training Points until they have been fully trained.

To train a pet with a new Pet Ability, target your pet after you have called it and use the Train Pet command (/trainPet). If the Creature Handler knows abilities that can be trained to the pet and the pet has available slots then the Ability Training interface will open. From there an ability can be selected and the "Train" button pushed to teach the pet the new ability. Using the Train Pet command with nothing targeted will show a list of all Pet Abilities known by the Creature Handler.

Many Pet Abilities will permanently modify your pet's statistics and capability. Several Pet Abilities are triggered abilities which must be given a voice command the same as any other pet command.

Bazaar / Vendor
• Resource containers for sale on bazaar terminals or vendors should now display the name of the resource and the quantity from their item description. For example, "Domesticated Corn" should now be displayed as "Domesticated Corn Lodi (200)".

• Changing your character's profession title on the Community Window (CTRL-P) will now cause the title for your character to be displayed immediately.
• Personal Light (CTRL-L): Made the player's personal light default to always be turned off, rather than turning it on/off with the day/night cycle. Players can still turn their personal light on or off as normal.

• Older ATI cards prompted the SWGClientSetup to suggest a URL which no longer exists. The URL has been updated.

• The /clone command will work only if a clone terminal is targeted.

• Adjusted combat haste bonuses from Doctor & Jedi buffs due to high haste numbers unbalancing combat.

• Agitator motors used in recyclers can now be crafted properly.
• During the experimentation phase of crafting, the object being crafted will now update its properties in a reasonable amount of time. Previously this took approximately 10 to 15 seconds and would make it appear as if your experimentation had no effect on the object.
• When the item count of a resource container changes, the examine information should change as well. The examine information for crafted objects and containers should update properly in the appropriate crafting windows.
• When using items in resource containers or surveying, the item count of the container should update properly if you changed servers or disconnected.
• Resource stacks in your inventory will now update their quantity when combined.
• Objects will update properly in the examine window during the experimentation phase.
• The examine information of split or combined resource containers will display properly.
• Players are now able to craft the tumble blender.

Force Sensitive Village
• Force Sensitive Quests: The initial Sith Shadow waypoint datapad will now always be useable as soon as it has been looted. It will no longer display a "You must first loot that object" message.
• The Sith Shadow waypoint datapads are no longer usable in space.

• The slash command /clientQualifiedForSkill no longer auto grants skills on test servers and no longer triggers an effect in the game. This command was originally created for Combat Upgrade testing but no longer serves a purpose within the game.

Padawan Trials
• NPCs will no longer disappear before players have had a chance to interact with them.
• Improved the grammar and spelling for some of the NPC dialogue.

Player Event Perks
• Many static Event Perk rentals such as flags and banners have had their placement restrictions dramatically reduced to allow much more flexibility when decorating for events.
• All Event Perk rental venues now include a Venue Remote Control that allows its owner to re-deed the venue and check its time until expiration.
• The Capture the Flag game will no longer allow an attempted flag capture if you are under the influence of Force Cloak, Cover, Feign Death, Paralyze or Stasis.
• Event Perk rental expiration timer now begins when the rental deed is used, rather then at the time of purchase to allow event planners more flexibility in setting up their events.
• Event Perk rentals now expire in 16 hours, rather then 8 in order to allow event planners more flexibility in setting up their events.

Profession: Bounty Hunter
• Significantly altered NPC bounty mission NPC's and Loot. The higher the level of the Bounty Hunter increases the chance of seeing a higher level or Elite Mark. Master Bounty Hunters who are also greater than level 75 will have a small chance to draw a Boss Mark. The difficulty of the Mark will determine the quality of loot and chance of the loot to drop.
• An NPC spawned for an NPC bounty mission can only be attacked by the bounty hunter with the NPC bounty mission.
• Added more text to the seeker droid's examine information window to clarify the droid's options.
• Using the "Identify Target" option on a Bounty Hunter seeker droid will return information to you on the name and waypoint of your mark.
• Using the "Track Target" option on a Bounty Hunter seeker droid will constantly update information on the waypoint of your mark.
• Increased the amount of Bounty Hunter seeker droids in crates.
• Increased the amount of charges on Bounty Hunter seeker droids.
• The Track option on seeker droids will now consume a droid charge.
• Bounty Hunters that have completed a Jedi Bounty mission will have their mission Temporary Enemy Flag (TEF) cleared and will not be able to continue attacking the Jedi.
• Bounty Hunters that have completed or dropped a Jedi Bounty mission will no longer be able to attack the Jedi.

Profession: Combat Medic, Doctor's and Medics
• The Advanced version of Bacta Shot, Bacta Toss, Bacta Spray, and Bacta Jab will now heal more damage than the Improved or standard version of the same ability by a medic with the same Healing Efficiency.
• Players will always use the best version of the bacta heal available to that player.

Profession: Dancer, Entertainer, Musician
• If you have been denied service from an entertainer, you will no longer be able to pay a cover charge for inspiration buffs.

Profession: Doctor
• Adjusted Doctor buff durations to improve the usefulness of Doctors in groups.
• Doctors should now have full accuracy certifications on Battle armor.

Profession: Scouts and Rangers
• Grey-con (considered) mobs will no longer break scentMask or camouflage kits.
• Lower-level creatures that break scent-mask or camouflage kits, will only attack from the same distance as they would have had the player not been concealed (rather than attacking immediately).

Profession: Shipwright
• A KSE Firespray Schematic can no longer be used to reverse-engineer a zero-mass spaceship component. When a player's ship is launched, if there are any zero-mass components, their mass will default to a value of 50,000.

Profession: Smuggler
• Bio-Linked items should now be able to be sliced.
• Weapons with power-ups can no longer be sliced. You must remove the power-up before you can slice the weapon.

Profession: Tailor
• When crafting clothing items, only valid color palette choices will be displayed during crafting.

• Two new quest series added! "Catch a Fallen Star" and "Nagem's Jobs".

Catch a Fallen Star: On Yavin IV the Rebels are fighting a desperate delaying action as they attempt to get their last elements off the planet. In the midst of this chaotic fighting, both the Rebels and Imperials are salvaging as much of the fallen Death Star as they can. Of course some undesirable elements have moved in to take advantage of the situation. Criminals, both great and small, have started their own operations to salvage as much as they can, and then to sell what they get to the highest bidder.

Nagem's Jobs: Nagem Dr'Lar has been hired by the Imperials as a civilian contractor to salvage as much of the Death Star as possible around an area known as the Scorch. He has been fighting off criminal groups trying to get to the salvage before he can.

• Chapter 4 of the quest series, "Secrets of the Syren" is now live! Questgivers from "Secrets of the Syren" chapter's 1-3 will now give quests for chapter 4 as well as the previous chapters (1-3).
• Improved the spawning locations of mercenaries on the "Secrets of the Syren" quest.
• The lockbox on the Avatar Platform should no longer spawn inside the wall.
• Added loot to the checkpoint lockbox on the Avatar platform.
• Mos Eisley quests should give all badges properly.

• Players will now be able to group with pets in space.

• Brightness, Contrast, and Gamma now default to 1.0. Because of the world lighting changes, these settings have been defaulted to 1.0 to account for any Brightness, Contrast, and Gamma changes previously made. To readjust any of these settings, open your Options window (CTRL-O) and click the Graphics button on the left side of the window.
• Objects that have been sliced should now display a message on the examine window of the object after they have been sliced.
• Rotary timers no longer seem to "pause" for an extended period of time.
• Reptilian Meat is once again named Reptilian Meat.
• Grenades now have rotary timers and display their status in the combat queue.
• Enhancer items now have rotary timers.
• Stimulant Packs (stimpacks) now have rotary timers.
• Vehicle control devices in the toolbar now have rotary timers.
• Added 1 new music (Swing) and 1 dance (Bunduki) icon. These new icons are available in the Command Browser (CTRL-A).
• Added 6 icons for new entertainer abilities. These new icons for centerStage, colorSwirl, danceFloor, featuredSolo, fireJest2 and laserShow are available in the Command Browser (CTRL-A).
• Added Rage and Anger icons.
• Some fungi, particularly Kasyyykian, Rori, Talusian, Tatooinian, and Yavinian will now properly display their names with no codestrings.
• Jedi defender role icon no longer appears where it's not intended.
• In-game references to the /find directional path "yellow ribbon" now refer it as the "glowing path".

• Players can no longer offer rides to other players if they are driving a multi-passenger vehicle. Instead, qualified players can simply 'enter/exit' the vehicle through the radial menu.

A character is allowed to ride with someone:
1. There is room in the vehicle.
2. If they are in the same group.
3. If they are not in combat.
4. If a passenger is declared Overt, then the driver must also be declared Overt and both characters must be the same faction.

Note: A declared faction player can only ride in another player's vehicle if that rider is also factioned declared, and for a friendly faction. If the driver manages to go from faction declared to covert, any declared factional riders will be ejected.

• When in a vehicle, the offer ride menu should only be displayed when the selected person is in the same group as you.
• Increased the volume of BARC Speeder sounds.

Veteran Rewards
• Added new display case for veteran miniatures (9 month milestone).
• Added fireplace (24 month milestone).

• The lighting for Star Wars Galaxies™ has been improved to be brighter, especially in dark areas, dusk, dawn and darker planets. As part of these changes, the Brightness, Contrast, and Gamma settings have been default to 1.0 so that the changes are properly displayed. To readjust any of these settings, open your Options window (CTRL-O). Also as part of these changes, Personal Lights for players have been readjusted so they will no longer turn on and off for the day night cycles. Players can still turn it on or off as normal.
• Optimizations to the terrain system have been made to improve performance and lower memory usage.
• Players will no longer be prevented from attacking (or being attacked by) targets throughout Level 5 of the Rryatt Trail on Kashyyyk due to invisible obstruction.
• Meatlumps and Vandals in Coronet should spawn properly.

• Less IME spam in text boxes (Input Method Editor).

Message Edited by Thunderheart on 08-03-2005 03:24 PM

SWG Cheeeewieee cosi -
SWG Lygie Jedi 90 Shadowknights
SWG Wlk spy 80 Shadowknights
WoW Chewie Shaman 60 Zdechliny
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Posted - 03/08/2005 :  22:14:30  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Lygie neni snazsi sem dat proste odkaz? a nebo odkaz na nase cz stranky? Uz sem ti to rikal nekolikrat, celkem to zasira forum a je to zbytecne, jinak super.

Lighting on all worlds has been updated to be brighter. - btw. hovno je to ted vsechno tmavy jako prdel a nebo vyblity.
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Posted - 03/08/2005 :  23:52:34  Show Profile  Send SNowie an ICQ Message Send SNowie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
asi sem slepej ale nikde tam nevidim ze se meni expy znamena to ze je ponechavaj ?
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Posted - 03/08/2005 :  23:58:53  Show Profile  Send Carmax an ICQ Message Send Carmax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SNowie

asi sem slepej ale nikde tam nevidim ze se meni expy znamena to ze je ponechavaj ?

jo zatim

SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene

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Posted - 04/08/2005 :  05:20:53  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jak to rychle prislo tak to rychle odeslo a odlozili to na neurcito.
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Posted - 04/08/2005 :  08:17:20  Show Profile Send baron432 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Zajímavé. Dvě věci mne VELMI iritují:
- žádné skutečné úpravy/opravy Rangera, který dál zůstává nepoužitelný
- nedomyšlený systém levelů vede k dementní úpravě petů - už od narození mají stejný level a vlastnosti jako dospělí! Copak se dá zásadní vada lvl systému (neschopnost bojovat s jen o něco vyšším lvl a naprostá zbytečnost boje s protivníkem s už jen o málo nižším lvl) řešit takovou debilitou ???

PotBS Roberts - Paul van Staff (NO), Paul LeBaron (FT), Paul de Witt (PT), Španělsko, Storm Riders
SWG Eclipse - Pave'l vanStaff, Jedi (ex Jedi/ImpAcePilot)
SWG Eclipse - Pattt vanStaff, Officer (ex MRifle, MBH, 4000 CM)
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Posted - 04/08/2005 :  11:10:06  Show Profile  Send Kravka an ICQ Message Send Kravka a Private Message  Reply with Quote
tak kdy se pujde na další DWB ? co třeba dnes ? dnes bych mohl hergot by taky mozna sel..

jůůz d fóós
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Posted - 04/08/2005 :  13:03:08  Show Profile  Send SNowie an ICQ Message Send SNowie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kravka

tak kdy se pujde na další DWB ? co třeba dnes ? dnes bych mohl hergot by taky mozna sel..

ja bych se taky pridal btw jak je to s tou vyrobou mando vecicek ?
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Drizzt DoUrden
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Posted - 04/08/2005 :  13:15:17  Show Profile Send Drizzt DoUrden a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SNowie

Originally posted by Kravka

tak kdy se pujde na další DWB ? co třeba dnes ? dnes bych mohl hergot by taky mozna sel..

ja bych se taky pridal btw jak je to s tou vyrobou mando vecicek ?

Je to jednoduché - probiješ se do spodního patra (nejde proběhnout, jsou potřeba 3 klíče, které musíš lootnout z pojmenovaných stráží, které musíš napřed zalarmovat), tam promluvit s Foremanem, ten tě pošle za jiným maníkem (random location), tomu seženeš cure (na začátku celého dungeonu) a přineseš zpět během 1 hodiny. Za to dostaneš dirty battery, kterou ti foreman vyčistí. Vrátíš se zhruba do půlky dungeonu, kde spustíš water pumps. Vrátíš se k foremanovi, který ti dá alum mineral. Ještě lootneš dva velice rare komponenty (binary liquid a ještě cosi) a pokud máš v inventory část lootnutého BH armoru, a v grupě odpovídajícího crafta (master DE na helmu a bracery, master weaponsmith na chest a tuším boty a master tailor na kalhoty a ramena, možná pásek), pustí tě to do crafting room (podotýkám že je v dolech úplně na konci dungeonu. Uvnitř musí skupina crafta ubránit (to musí po dobu celého dungeonu), aby mohl v klidu craftit, nemusím podotýkat, co se stane, když během výroby někdo začne na crafta útočit - ano, všechny suroviny jdou do háje. No a pak se jenom modlit, aby nebyl critical fail. Když se povede, v inventory se craftovi objeví plány na danou část brnění (dřív to byl přímo kus brnění), které jsou na jedno použití. Jinak musím podotknout, že po úspěšném či neúspěšném vycraftění je celá grupa vykopnutá z dungeonu, resetují se zámky a tak dále.

Určitě jste už všichni potkali Black Suny na Yavinu, to jsou ti, ze kterých je potřeba lootnout části brnění (jen pro představu, lvl 84-88, loot chance odhadem 1:30). Podotýkám že většina věcí v DWB je lvl 88+, respawn time byl 4 minuty, teď to prý prodloužili na 10 minut (i to je málo, když je v místnosti 8 maníků lvl 90). To jenom pro představu...
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Posted - 04/08/2005 :  13:22:07  Show Profile  Send Carmax an ICQ Message Send Carmax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Drizzt DoUrden

Originally posted by SNowie

Originally posted by Kravka

tak kdy se pujde na další DWB ? co třeba dnes ? dnes bych mohl hergot by taky mozna sel..

ja bych se taky pridal btw jak je to s tou vyrobou mando vecicek ?

....Ještě lootneš dva velice rare komponenty (binary liquid a ještě cosi)...

protective liquid coating.. jinak sance na loot v DWB je ted mensi nez 1%

SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene

Edited by - Carmax on 04/08/2005 13:22:52
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Posted - 04/08/2005 :  13:28:01  Show Profile  Send Werrevlk an ICQ Message Send Werrevlk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Critical fail prece zrusili ne?

SWG Cheeeewieee cosi -
SWG Lygie Jedi 90 Shadowknights
SWG Wlk spy 80 Shadowknights
WoW Chewie Shaman 60 Zdechliny
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Posted - 04/08/2005 :  14:31:19  Show Profile  Send Kravka an ICQ Message Send Kravka a Private Message  Reply with Quote
výcuc Z aukce : I want to buy Binary Liquid, paying 30M
Is this looted in DWB?
- Yep, with now Post-CU an EXTREMELY low drop rate, under the 1% it seemed to have Pre-CU
- Yup and only Death Watch npcs drop that subcomponent (Black Suns, droids etc don't).
In my calculations its 0,15% droprate last 6 months killed around 1400 Deathwatch guys (yes I count them ) we looted 2 of them 1 liquid protecion coating and 1 binary liquid....

After the lvl increase in the bunker I have only reports of Liquid protection coatings dropping no Binary Liquids

ps. 30mil is very High highest I have payed is 18mil + RIS piece when the RIS pieces where stil 8mil a piece
... no jestli nekecá tak je to maník :)

jůůz d fóós

Edited by - Kravka on 04/08/2005 14:32:38
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Posted - 04/08/2005 :  14:34:14  Show Profile  Send SNowie an ICQ Message Send SNowie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kravka

výcuc Z aukce : I want to buy Binary Liquid, paying 30M
Is this looted in DWB?
- Yep, with now Post-CU an EXTREMELY low drop rate, under the 1% it seemed to have Pre-CU
- Yup and only Death Watch npcs drop that subcomponent (Black Suns, droids etc don't).
In my calculations its 0,15% droprate last 6 months killed around 1400 Deathwatch guys (yes I count them ) we looted 2 of them 1 liquid protecion coating and 1 binary liquid....

After the lvl increase in the bunker I have only reports of Liquid protection coatings dropping no Binary Liquids

ps. 30mil is very High highest I have payed is 18mil + RIS piece when the RIS pieces where stil 8mil a piece
... no jestli nekecá tak je to maník :)

tak to jo :( ja nevedel ze je to az tak spatny :( takze muj sen o mando helmicce se ztratil kdesi v dalce az za chci 100M (real .)
pritom tam prej pulka npc beha ve full mando setu ...

Edited by - SNowie on 04/08/2005 14:34:49
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Posted - 04/08/2005 :  15:04:35  Show Profile Send baron432 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SNowie
tak to jo :( ja nevedel ze je to az tak spatny :( takze muj sen o mando helmicce se ztratil kdesi v dalce az za chci 100M (real .)
pritom tam prej pulka npc beha ve full mando setu ...

To vis, maj ho biolinkovany

PotBS Roberts - Paul van Staff (NO), Paul LeBaron (FT), Paul de Witt (PT), Španělsko, Storm Riders
SWG Eclipse - Pave'l vanStaff, Jedi (ex Jedi/ImpAcePilot)
SWG Eclipse - Pattt vanStaff, Officer (ex MRifle, MBH, 4000 CM)
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Posted - 04/08/2005 :  15:08:16  Show Profile  Send Carmax an ICQ Message Send Carmax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kravka

...In my calculations its 0,15% droprate last 6 months killed around 1400 Deathwatch guys (yes I count them ) we looted 2 of them 1 liquid protecion coating and 1 binary liquid....

Vypocty drop rate jsou imho blbost, protoze se muze stat ze nekomu z 3 DW padne binary a nekomu nepadne ani z 300. Je to proste o stesti.

SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene

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2991 Posts

Posted - 04/08/2005 :  15:14:46  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pavel - nechapu jak muzes mluvit o tom co je v CH blbost, pac ho nemas. Ja ho mam uz dva roky a rikam ze tenhle system vypada opravdu zajimave a zabavneji. precti si o tom clanek na nasich strankach je to hodne zajimave.

SNowie - Si delas srandu ne? Me sen o mando helme zmizel v dali kdyz sem si usetril 31 mil a zjistil jsem ze mando helma stoji 85 mil.
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Posted - 04/08/2005 :  16:17:47  Show Profile Send baron432 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jorssk

Pavel - nechapu jak muzes mluvit o tom co je v CH blbost, pac ho nemas. Ja ho mam uz dva roky a rikam ze tenhle system vypada opravdu zajimave a zabavneji. precti si o tom clanek na nasich strankach je to hodne zajimave.

UZ ho nemam, to je pravda. Mel jsem, to je pravda druha. Nehlede na to, ze o tom co je blbost nebo neni muze kazdy mluvit jak chce a jestli tobe se tento system zda byt lepsi, je to stale jen tvuj osobni nazor, stejne jako muj.
A ze pet, ktery ma od narozeni stejny level a vlastnosti jako dospely, jen je mensi a neumi prikazy, je TOTALNI KRAVINA vi dokonce i dite ve skolce (a ja kritizuju ze vsech zmen pouze tuto, podle meho zavinenou nedokonalosti lvl systemu, zatimco ostatni jsou - opet podle meho - minimalne vyzkousenihodne

PotBS Roberts - Paul van Staff (NO), Paul LeBaron (FT), Paul de Witt (PT), Španělsko, Storm Riders
SWG Eclipse - Pave'l vanStaff, Jedi (ex Jedi/ImpAcePilot)
SWG Eclipse - Pattt vanStaff, Officer (ex MRifle, MBH, 4000 CM)

Edited by - baron432 on 04/08/2005 16:20:45
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4364 Posts

Posted - 04/08/2005 :  17:11:51  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote
a ja doporucuju tobe jorssku a taky kravce, abyste ve svem podpisu pouzili velikost pisma 1..

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>
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Posted - 04/08/2005 :  17:14:55  Show Profile  Send Drakchen an ICQ Message Send Drakchen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hele tet sem si zaplatil dalsi mesic SWG ale asi jsem spatne vyplnil jmeno misto majitele jsem dal VISA :)) a mozna taky datum platnosti ci co kazdopadne hrat uz muzu a penize mi to strhlo taky .. muze se stat ze me zabanujou?
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Posted - 04/08/2005 :  17:20:32  Show Profile Send baron432 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Drakchen

Hele tet sem si zaplatil dalsi mesic SWG ale asi jsem spatne vyplnil jmeno misto majitele jsem dal VISA :)) a mozna taky datum platnosti ci co kazdopadne hrat uz muzu a penize mi to strhlo taky .. muze se stat ze me zabanujou?

Proc by to delali, kdyz maji tve penize? Ale mozna by to pro formu chtelo opravit tyto informace na tvem uctu - ceske banky obcas nejsou tak tolerantni

PotBS Roberts - Paul van Staff (NO), Paul LeBaron (FT), Paul de Witt (PT), Španělsko, Storm Riders
SWG Eclipse - Pave'l vanStaff, Jedi (ex Jedi/ImpAcePilot)
SWG Eclipse - Pattt vanStaff, Officer (ex MRifle, MBH, 4000 CM)
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To jsem ja

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Posted - 04/08/2005 :  17:21:14  Show Profile  Send Almych an ICQ Message Send Almych a Private Message  Reply with Quote
tak si to tam oprav ne?
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Posted - 04/08/2005 :  22:52:32  Show Profile  Send SNowie an ICQ Message Send SNowie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Almych

tak si to tam oprav ne?

baron te o 42 sekund predbehl
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2991 Posts

Posted - 05/08/2005 :  05:26:57  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pavel - Co je na tom kravina? Naopak je to dobre, predtim kdyz sis chytil baby tak ti bylo na prd pac si s nim nemohl na nej utocit a musel si cekat tyden nez se mu zvysi HP aby si s nim mohl jit do boje. To melo treba nevyhodu v tom kdyz byla akce a ty si nemohl pouzit sveho peta pac nebyl dost velky.
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Posted - 05/08/2005 :  08:19:20  Show Profile Send baron432 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jorssk

Pavel - Co je na tom kravina? Naopak je to dobre, predtim kdyz sis chytil baby tak ti bylo na prd pac si s nim nemohl na nej utocit a musel si cekat tyden nez se mu zvysi HP aby si s nim mohl jit do boje. To melo treba nevyhodu v tom kdyz byla akce a ty si nemohl pouzit sveho peta pac nebyl dost velky.

To je jednoduchy - uz jsi NEKDY nebo NEKDE videl mlade, ktere by melo stejne staty jako dospely jedinec?? BTW zacinajici hrac taky nedostane lvl 80 a na akce bud chodit nemuze, nebo na nej ostatani (a on sam) museji davat dost velky pozor ...
A k tomu muj subjektivni nazor - vypiplani peta na kreetlech a jeho postupny prechod na nebezpecnejsi protivniky pro mne byla jedna z nejzajimavejsich casti vycviku (v realu taky nepujdes se stenetem rovnou na medvedy ). Mlade, podle mne, a byt slaboucke a na urovni slabych potvor. Jakmile vsak vyroste a CH ho vytrenuje, melo by mit (aspon nektere druhy petu) sanci na lvl 82, odpovidajici Master urovni CH jakozto elitniho povolani ...

PotBS Roberts - Paul van Staff (NO), Paul LeBaron (FT), Paul de Witt (PT), Španělsko, Storm Riders
SWG Eclipse - Pave'l vanStaff, Jedi (ex Jedi/ImpAcePilot)
SWG Eclipse - Pattt vanStaff, Officer (ex MRifle, MBH, 4000 CM)
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718 Posts

Posted - 05/08/2005 :  08:56:53  Show Profile  Send Giltanas an ICQ Message Send Giltanas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by baron432
UZ ho nemam, to je pravda. Mel jsem, to je pravda druha. Nehlede na to, ze o tom co je blbost nebo neni muze kazdy mluvit jak chce a jestli tobe se tento system zda byt lepsi, je to stale jen tvuj osobni nazor, stejne jako muj.

Zvykej si ma hodner divny nazory. Zrovna nedavno jsem cetl level a nejakej Jorssk tam dokonce tvrdil, ze RotW je povedene, dobre a ze to zvedlo kvalitu SWG. By me zajimalo kolik mu SOE zaplatilo za verejnou lez :-)

EVE online Alypia, Aureol T'haen - CHON
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Posted - 05/08/2005 :  12:06:59  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>
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Drizzt DoUrden
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Posted - 05/08/2005 :  12:20:03  Show Profile Send Drizzt DoUrden a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Giltanas

Originally posted by baron432
UZ ho nemam, to je pravda. Mel jsem, to je pravda druha. Nehlede na to, ze o tom co je blbost nebo neni muze kazdy mluvit jak chce a jestli tobe se tento system zda byt lepsi, je to stale jen tvuj osobni nazor, stejne jako muj.

Zvykej si ma hodner divny nazory. Zrovna nedavno jsem cetl level a nejakej Jorssk tam dokonce tvrdil, ze RotW je povedene, dobre a ze to zvedlo kvalitu SWG. By me zajimalo kolik mu SOE zaplatilo za verejnou lez :-)

To ze se tobe Kashyyyk nelibi neznamena, ze se nelibi ostatnim.
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Posted - 05/08/2005 :  13:57:38  Show Profile  Send Kravka an ICQ Message Send Kravka a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jorssk to napsal dobře, pro novy hrače je to lakadlo a mužou oběvit spoustu jinych věcí o kterých Jorssk nepsal a které je můžou chytnout. Má omezený prostor na popis tak to napsal obecně a mě se článek líbil (i ty jeho fotky, sice tam mohl dát i Jedije třeba v duelu, ty by lidi natáhlo možná víc kdyby to byl hezkej obrázek, ne jen ještěrka , ale jinak dobrý..)

K tomu CH : ja si začnu CH považovat až jeho pet bude k něčemu v pvp ale to asi nikdy nebude.. ale uznejte že by to bylo maso, naběhne overt partička s frajerem co ma kolem sebe 3 nadupany kimogily nebo rovnou krayta, to by se mi moc libilo.. a aspon by to mělo vice lidi a nebyli by jen Jedi a BH.

jůůz d fóós
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Posted - 05/08/2005 :  13:59:54  Show Profile  Send Kravka an ICQ Message Send Kravka a Private Message  Reply with Quote
lol jerzee 1000 post měl bys kamo postavit flašku :)

jůůz d fóós
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718 Posts

Posted - 05/08/2005 :  14:00:12  Show Profile  Send Giltanas an ICQ Message Send Giltanas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pravda s tim muzu souhlasit. Ale pouzil vetu, ze Kashyykem se SWG vyrovna EQ2. Kdyz pominu, ze Jorssk EQ nehral.... tak je tam propastnej rozdil jen treba v tom, ze EQ temer nezna slovo bug. Ja sem nasel jen jeden a o tom jsem zjistil ze je umyslnej (potvory lezou ven z vody.. puvodne to nedelali ale hraci toho zneuzivali). Kdezto kdyz kupujes SWG datadisk vzdy kupujes more bugu a par novych veci do hry. Grafickou uroven asi nema smysl srovnavat. (RotW je hodne spatny i na SWG. ) atd atd. Podal to jako prevrat. Pravda ja v tom vidim jen sra... ale i kdybych byl zapalenej fanatic do tyhle hry (coz by recenzent byt nemel) tak muzu rict maximalne.... ze to neni uplna tragedie, ze nektere questy jsou hezke atd. Ale prevrat... *krouti hlavou*

EVE online Alypia, Aureol T'haen - CHON
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Posted - 05/08/2005 :  14:15:58  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote
kravka: pokud si vzpominam, kdysi zpocatku to tak v swg bylo, ze byl CH overpowered.. (nezazil jsem, cetl jsem)

kravka: jaky 1000 ? ja tam vidim 1003 ale rekni, az budete v ove s nirem a olusem, zajdeme konecne nekam

kravka: diky za upravu podpisu

gilt: taky by sis mohl upravit ten podpis

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>
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2991 Posts

Posted - 05/08/2005 :  15:30:47  Show Profile  Visit Jorssk's Homepage  Send Jorssk an ICQ Message Send Jorssk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Glitanis - prd vis a delas machra, ja nahodou hral WoW i EQ2, a dovedu si predstavit jeho predchozi dil. Grafika Rotw je hodne pekna stejne jako grafika galaxies. Na to ze je to pomalu tri roky stara hra je stale na urovni. A nechapu ty tvoje stale kritizujici posty, pokud to nechces hrat tak to nehraj a nekam zalez a nepis tu vsude do for jak je to hnusny. Me to fakt nezajima, a pokud mas potrebu v jednom kuse kritizovat tak si zaloz vlastni topic jmenem glitanisuv koutek kritiky.

A mimochodem ty hrajes galaxies jednou za pul roku a mas reci ze to neni prevrat. Podle me osobne je, a hra se srovnava s wow ci EQ. Styl celeho kashyyyku je totiz krasne udelany a krajina dokaze hrace swg ktery nikdy na kashyyyku nebyl uchvatit. Jinak kdyby si ten clanek cetl tak sem rotw jenom nechvalil ale vycital sem mu stalou zabugovanost hry a nefunkcnost nekterych questu.

Jinak vas nektere opravdu nechapu, jeden den jste v pohode a druhy napisete 150 opruzantskych topicu a vsechno krizujete. O tobe jsem si myslel ze si celkem v pohode, ale uz me ty tvoje prispevky zacinaj lezt krkem, nesnasim lidi kteri delaji prd a vsechno kolem sebe pomlouvaji. Pokud je to tim ze mas blbej den tak si to jdi vylejvat na nekoho jineho a ne na hrace swg. Treba vem klacek a jdi zmlatit SOE kdyz te tak sere.

Edited by - Jorssk on 05/08/2005 15:38:10
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718 Posts

Posted - 05/08/2005 :  18:31:05  Show Profile  Send Giltanas an ICQ Message Send Giltanas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No tak zaprve SWG hraju rok temer furt (krome 3 mesicni pausy na EQ2.) A duvod kritiky je jasnej. Mam rad SW. Bavi me SW svet. Jenze vzdycky kdyz se do neceho v SWG zaberu maximalne do tydne nasleduje studena sprcha od SOE v podobe toho ze zase neco v ty oblasti do ktery sem se pustil zkurvili. Z EQ2 jsem se sem vratil z jedinyho duvodu. PvP.Vsechno ostatni ma EQ2 vyrazne lepsi. (PvP ne jen proto neni lepsi :D) Ale prijdu delat PvP a zjistim, ze on se nikdo neovertuje a ze neni kde ho najit. Tak jdu delat BH.... prask vydaj zkurvenej publish 20. Ano opravuje Target is not online i kdyz az v dalsim hot fixu. Dava mi navic frakci super. Ale zbytek zmen zpusobi, ze BH je povalani na hovno. Fajn jdu tedy delat jediho a ejhle. zjistili ze 90% serveru ma template M LS M Def. Hmmm a oni enhanceri muzou rychlost? Fajn nerfneme. Wielder je nepouzitelnej cili balance mezki jedi classama nula. Mezi klasickejma povolanima... jakz takz. Ale ty se hrat nedaj bo kdfyz vlezes do PvP potkas M def. A ten si s tebou vytre rit atd atd atd. AZ zkusim co zkusim s novym nadsenim vzdycky spadnu nekde do hovna. To je proste SWG a tak jako dusledek sem nasranej utratim 2O dolaru za datadisk kterej mi nic nedava.... atd atd. (BTW: Zase delam quest... na Kashyyku a hadej co. Zase ho budu muset delat mnohokrat ne proto ze by byl tezkej ale proto ze to SOE zase zmrvilo (jedi starfighter)

EVE online Alypia, Aureol T'haen - CHON
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Posted - 05/08/2005 :  19:06:28  Show Profile  Send Werrevlk an ICQ Message Send Werrevlk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jorssk

Glitanis - prd vis a delas machra, ja nahodou hral WoW i EQ2, a dovedu si predstavit jeho predchozi dil. Grafika Rotw je hodne pekna stejne jako grafika galaxies. Na to ze je to pomalu tri roky stara hra je stale na urovni. A nechapu ty tvoje stale kritizujici posty, pokud to nechces hrat tak to nehraj a nekam zalez a nepis tu vsude do for jak je to hnusny. Me to fakt nezajima, a pokud mas potrebu v jednom kuse kritizovat tak si zaloz vlastni topic jmenem glitanisuv koutek kritiky.

A mimochodem ty hrajes galaxies jednou za pul roku a mas reci ze to neni prevrat. Podle me osobne je, a hra se srovnava s wow ci EQ. Styl celeho kashyyyku je totiz krasne udelany a krajina dokaze hrace swg ktery nikdy na kashyyyku nebyl uchvatit. Jinak kdyby si ten clanek cetl tak sem rotw jenom nechvalil ale vycital sem mu stalou zabugovanost hry a nefunkcnost nekterych questu.

Jinak vas nektere opravdu nechapu, jeden den jste v pohode a druhy napisete 150 opruzantskych topicu a vsechno krizujete. O tobe jsem si myslel ze si celkem v pohode, ale uz me ty tvoje prispevky zacinaj lezt krkem, nesnasim lidi kteri delaji prd a vsechno kolem sebe pomlouvaji. Pokud je to tim ze mas blbej den tak si to jdi vylejvat na nekoho jineho a ne na hrace swg. Treba vem klacek a jdi zmlatit SOE kdyz te tak sere.

Si hral EQ2??Jsem myslel ze jen ten trial....
2 roky teprv zase se 4 roky programovala takze ta grafika muze byt stara 4 roky klidne.
Kdyz te jeho nazory nezajimaj necti to a preskoc to
Ze by me neco uchvatilo sem si nevsim prvni den na betaserveru celkem zklamani cekal jsem od toho vic ale treba KKOwir a Myyydril jsou huste mapy.
Questy jsou imo dost dobre to se questari prekonali pokud nebyli nahrazeni.Uplne nejhorsi questy byli zakladni SWG questy a do nekonecna nudne opakujici se v JTL....SWG se nemuze questama rovnat (nektere na kashyyyku) protoze EQ= everQUEST.

Ja si myslim ze ROTW celkem ujde na to ze to delal SWG SOE team a celkem se mi libi....
BTW SWG je temer jina hra (graficky) kdyz se to rozjede na plne detaily.Ja jsem to zkousel a vypadalo to dost drsne ale musel jsem to po chvili vypnout protoze moje grafarna sUxx b4llzzz.

SWG Cheeeewieee cosi -
SWG Lygie Jedi 90 Shadowknights
SWG Wlk spy 80 Shadowknights
WoW Chewie Shaman 60 Zdechliny
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Posted - 06/08/2005 :  09:48:36  Show Profile  Send Whom an ICQ Message Send Whom a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Par obrazkov z fora :
Trenujuci jedi v Ryyat trials
... CSR uz maly dost tych afk a hodil im tam DJM :)))
... a este jeden z ineho servra :))

Edited by - Whom on 07/08/2005 08:52:57
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Posted - 06/08/2005 :  14:06:41  Show Profile  Send Werrevlk an ICQ Message Send Werrevlk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Whom

Par obrazkov z fora :
Trenujuci jedi v ryyat trials
CSR uz dost tych afk a hodil im tam DJM :)))

Ja kdybych byl CSR tak bych se tam jeste spawnul a nad kostrama daval /rofl

SWG Cheeeewieee cosi -
SWG Lygie Jedi 90 Shadowknights
SWG Wlk spy 80 Shadowknights
WoW Chewie Shaman 60 Zdechliny
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4364 Posts

Posted - 06/08/2005 :  14:07:05  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Whom

Par obrazkov z fora :
Trenujuci jedi v ryyat trials
CSR uz dost tych afk a hodil im tam DJM :)))

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>
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Posted - 07/08/2005 :  01:36:57  Show Profile  Send Carmax an ICQ Message Send Carmax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Whom

Par obrazkov z fora :
Trenujuci jedi v Ryyat trials

omfg tohle je fakt psycho..

SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene

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Posted - 07/08/2005 :  19:29:35  Show Profile  Send SNowie an ICQ Message Send SNowie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
tohle je psycho lvl500 dark jedi sentinel a skupinka co se opovazila
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Posted - 07/08/2005 :  20:01:15  Show Profile  Send Carmax an ICQ Message Send Carmax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SNowie

tohle je psycho lvl500 dark jedi sentinel a skupinka co se opovazila

nemuzes postovat primy linky :P

SWG Carmax - preNGE Jedi & Pandaren - Master Trader (munitions) & Falene - Bounty Hunter
WoW Carmax - Troll hunter lvl 54
EQII Callysta - mage
LOTRO beta Falene

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Posted - 07/08/2005 :  20:21:52  Show Profile  Send SNowie an ICQ Message Send SNowie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Carmax

Originally posted by SNowie

tohle je psycho lvl500 dark jedi sentinel a skupinka co se opovazila

nemuzes postovat primy linky :P

tusim ze kdyz to copy&pastujes primo do adresniho radku tak to funguje
btw nekdo tam trefne poznamenal na tom foru ze konecne dostali co si zaslouzi

Edited by - SNowie on 07/08/2005 20:27:56
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544 Posts

Posted - 08/08/2005 :  01:53:50  Show Profile  Send Arnie an ICQ Message Send Arnie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SNowie

tohle je psycho lvl500 dark jedi sentinel a skupinka co se opovazila

Konecne ma nekdo horsi ping jak ja Jinak je skoda, ze pri tom foceni nenajedou mysi na jeho ham, aby sme vedeli kolik takova potvurka ma....

Edited by - Arnie on 08/08/2005 01:54:36
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925 Posts

Posted - 08/08/2005 :  07:26:09  Show Profile  Visit Sagger's Homepage  Send Sagger an ICQ Message Send Sagger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Vlada
Ma ICH nejakou webpage? Ze by jsi sem hodil odkaz.

Mno, momentalne jsou nove stranky ve vystavbe pac spravce puvodnich uz dlouho SWG nehraje. Ale az budou (otazka 14 dni) tak sem odkaz urcite hodim.

1st Lokian Platoon, IHC
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Posted - 08/08/2005 :  11:57:45  Show Profile  Send Werrevlk an ICQ Message Send Werrevlk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Arnie

Originally posted by SNowie

tohle je psycho lvl500 dark jedi sentinel a skupinka co se opovazila

Konecne ma nekdo horsi ping jak ja Jinak je skoda, ze pri tom foceni nenajedou mysi na jeho ham, aby sme vedeli kolik takova potvurka ma....

Ma 40K bez lootu.

SWG Cheeeewieee cosi -
SWG Lygie Jedi 90 Shadowknights
SWG Wlk spy 80 Shadowknights
WoW Chewie Shaman 60 Zdechliny
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Posted - 08/08/2005 :  12:39:28  Show Profile  Send SNowie an ICQ Message Send SNowie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Werrevlk

Originally posted by Arnie

Originally posted by SNowie

tohle je psycho lvl500 dark jedi sentinel a skupinka co se opovazila

Konecne ma nekdo horsi ping jak ja Jinak je skoda, ze pri tom foceni nenajedou mysi na jeho ham, aby sme vedeli kolik takova potvurka ma....

Ma 40K bez lootu.

kolik jsou mu jedi tak schopny davat rany ?
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Posted - 08/08/2005 :  12:47:39  Show Profile  Send Kravka an ICQ Message Send Kravka a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SNowie

Originally posted by Werrevlk

Originally posted by Arnie

Originally posted by SNowie

tohle je psycho lvl500 dark jedi sentinel a skupinka co se opovazila

Konecne ma nekdo horsi ping jak ja Jinak je skoda, ze pri tom foceni nenajedou mysi na jeho ham, aby sme vedeli kolik takova potvurka ma....

Ma 40K bez lootu.

kolik jsou mu jedi tak schopny davat rany ?

s armor breakem tak kolem 1200 max dmg. kdyz bude na zemi s power hitem kolem 1600dmg na ranu.. ale zaleži jaky maš kladelko

jůůz d fóós
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Posted - 08/08/2005 :  14:25:33  Show Profile  Send SNowie an ICQ Message Send SNowie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kravka

Originally posted by SNowie

Originally posted by Werrevlk

Originally posted by Arnie

Originally posted by SNowie

tohle je psycho lvl500 dark jedi sentinel a skupinka co se opovazila

Konecne ma nekdo horsi ping jak ja Jinak je skoda, ze pri tom foceni nenajedou mysi na jeho ham, aby sme vedeli kolik takova potvurka ma....

Ma 40K bez lootu.

kolik jsou mu jedi tak schopny davat rany ?

s armor breakem tak kolem 1200 max dmg. kdyz bude na zemi s power hitem kolem 1600dmg na ranu.. ale zaleži jaky maš kladelko

aha takze staci mit avoid incap a solnete ho jo ?
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Posted - 08/08/2005 :  16:18:23  Show Profile  Send Kravka an ICQ Message Send Kravka a Private Message  Reply with Quote
solnout nejde, ale ve dvou jedi je to pohoda. psal jsem max hodnoty dmg ktery muzu dat ale power attack se nejakou dobu nabíjí takže to zas tak rychlý není. většinou se dělá leg/body/head hit a ten se power hitem jen občas prokládá dle nálady :) Mastera jsem zkoušel solovat, měl 40K HAM a když mě sejmul tak měl asi 10K. Taky je to přece jen Jedi master takže utoči dost rychle, má úhyby atd.. to muj utok zpomaluje... ale dokud měli 20K ham tak to byla pohoda
ale pokud by za mnou stál ranger s dostatečným palebným potenciálem tak bychom ho asi dali taky v poho.

jůůz d fóós

Edited by - Kravka on 08/08/2005 16:20:21
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