
925 Posts |
Posted - 29/10/2005 : 19:57:43
//Incoming Transmission from Imperial Recruitment Division//
{a heroic march plays from the speakers on your datapad}
Across the Galaxy there can be found countless worlds that fall under the protection and guidance of the Galactic Empire. It takes an army larger than any that has ever been seen to defend the citizens of these worlds, but despite the training and skill of the ground forces, they are unable to defend and patrol the vast gulf of space that binds the Empire together. Enter the Imperial Star Fleet; the greatest armada the Galaxy has seen assembled under one flag. The Star Fleet forms the backbone of the Empire, patrolling the space lanes that are the life blood of the Galaxy. It is the Imperial Star Fleet that insures that each world’s free commerce is protected from pirates and raiders. Every citizen of the Empire on every world is under our protection. We can not falter in our duty, nor can we be lax, for without the Star Fleet the Empire ceases to exist.
The Imperial 8th Fleet, known throughout the Empire as “The Mighty 8th” is now recruiting young men and women to take up the call and defend the Empire. We seek all skilled individuals for the following fields: Starship Operations, Starship Gunnery, Starship Piloting, Fighter Duty, Bombardiers, Engineers and Starship Designers.
Stand tall and proud for today is your chance to serve in a way that will forever affect the Empire, by ensuring that it continues on for future generations.
Contact your local Imperial recruitment office and tell them that you want to become part of the tradition of the Imperial Navy! Join the Mighty 8th today!
IHC Contact: General Versatti
1st Lokian Platoon, IHC |