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Average Member
1779 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2005 : 11:37:39
Ještě tam chybí s tou hláškou Loniho
[apfbot] Crichy: !online doc [apfbot] apfbot: 12 users online click to view [team] Sleglik: šlaka jste prozrazeni [team] Lorisren: sakra :(
taková upřímnost, že by měl něco dělat :) |
- |
Advanced Member
5625 Posts |
Advanced Member
5625 Posts |
Posted - 11/11/2005 : 14:17:30
Tohle mi pripomina (tak nejak to skoro bylo, nebo mozna ne;-)): Calldo: Hele, a kdyz je ta valka, neni blby dingnout? Willemek: No jo, to kazdej uvidi, to bude blby. Calldo: Ale chybi nam jen jedna mise Willemek: Hmmm, ale to bude kecu az to tam vyleti Calldo: Hmmm, tak zatim cau, pokracujeme po valce Willemek: Cau Calldo loged out Willemek loged out |
AO: Pan Shade Tojejedno + PvP nub - retarded (tm)by NerfTý Mittra VG: Jsem takova mala pisnicka - retarded s potencialem EQ2: Tojeonde - Pivipi - retarded Rift: Tojejedno - nejakej FOTM class, takze klerik asi:/ - retarded FF XIV: Toje Tojejedno - a opet retarded, hrozna hra TESO - tojejedno - sorcka - Sem se vratil z dovolene a prej uz se to nehraje
Senior Member
3896 Posts |

2124 Posts |
Posted - 12/11/2005 : 13:16:03
quote: Originally posted by tojejedno
Tohle mi pripomina (tak nejak to skoro bylo, nebo mozna ne;-)): Calldo: Hele, a kdyz je ta valka, neni blby dingnout? Willemek: No jo, to kazdej uvidi, to bude blby. Calldo: Ale chybi nam jen jedna mise Willemek: Hmmm, ale to bude kecu az to tam vyleti Calldo: Hmmm, tak zatim cau, pokracujeme po valce Willemek: Cau Calldo loged out Willemek loged out
tak takhle to vazne nebylo :) tu valku v EFP jsem si sjel celou ;)) kecko ;) |
AO:Willemek - equip || Willma - equip || Willpeen - s10 DD biatch - retired VG:Willma - retired EQII:Willma
New Member

460 Posts |
Posted - 12/11/2005 : 17:39:58
[Czabot] Tojejedno: Kua mne odnul smade [Czabot] Krabicka: A ma 6 ai levlu, takze neni froob. [Czabot] Sleglik: a dost nižší level.... [Czabot] Sleglik: jo správný porstřeh! [Czabot] Sleglik: a fakt dělal AOE? od shade nečekané [Czabot] Sleglik: asi něco děláš špatně Toje ;) [Czabot] Tojejedno: Sem fakt dobrej [Czabot] Tojejedno: Smadak je dobrej na ego [Czabot] Tojejedno: Du to zapit
Soudcze-momentalne ma zaracha na lvly:-) Lapiduch - ohoz Barbucha
1941 Posts |
Posted - 12/11/2005 : 23:11:16
v CZA nikdo nechce chodit na razora.... :)
[Czabot] Petrdoc: wtb tank na razora [Czabot] Razorcz left the group. [Czabot] Petrdoc: huh [Czabot] Nepherr: hehe [Czabot] Stabajzna: lol
buuu, ja nenacaruju nove nano ® axel999 |
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 13/11/2005 : 04:14:02
[Tnet] Seksognitti: quite som ppl at mercs [Tnet] Seksognitti: most flagged [Tnet] Benesato: 22 Omni [Tnet] Haized: lol they lose war so spawn mercs? [Tnet] Tnet: ALL ASSIST Stromm! Target is >> Jafter << :: click for more [Tnet] Ellesie: the attack was a distraction so they could kill mercs? [Tnet] Kayze: lmao [Tnet] Bakirciogl: was some clan org camping mercs before the war? :P
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 13/11/2005 : 14:53:51
na apf jsem tesne pred genem konecne dostal invite do tymu
[Team] Aeonsurfer1: where is the apf playfield? [Team] Aeonsurfer1: need an invite on the bot too [Team] Esternev: still waiting for lander [Team] Yeggeox: guys ive never done it where are the gates
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Edited by - nekrotyrael on 13/11/2005 14:54:37 |
739 Posts |
Posted - 14/11/2005 : 20:44:34
[Team] Graviuz: Dont spoil my first successful pull =( [Team] Fixlik: ;D [Team] Neitix: haha [Team] Neitix: u tried pull before?! ;) [Team] Graviuz: not really =) [Team] Neitix: ;) think that also ;)
Junior Member

550 Posts |
New Member

421 Posts |
Posted - 17/11/2005 : 03:36:45
[Team] Revoken: u should go for the +10k everything GM ring then.. .it's even better =P [Team] Noone666: key word GM [Team] Revoken: Game master [Team] Nugidoc: gah [Team] Nugidoc: not Grandmother ? [Team] Nugidoc: ^^ [Team] Noone666: have no clue what your talking about ut ok [Team] Revoken: could be.. if she's uber =)
In other news, icecream no longer a rare commodity in Hell. |
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 18/11/2005 : 12:06:25
To [willemek]: warp [Willemek]: skakej z jobe plaza trubce :() . . . Attacked by Psionic Eremite! Psionic Eremite tried to hit you, but missed! Attacked by Psionic Eremite! Attacked by Psionic Eremite! Attacked by Psionic Eremite!
jak si mam pamatovat, ze v yalme? ;)) |
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Edited by - nekrotyrael on 18/11/2005 12:38:07 |
New Member

214 Posts |
Posted - 18/11/2005 : 12:28:46
hehe..hi rules ... to uz sem taky zazil =)
kdyz ty editujes tak ja taky: me to takhle jednou vyslo na 40k sk...od ty doby pamatuju  |
Bohous - AO - MA lamka Mrkef - AO - ENF hromotluk Break - UO, Kelevar -inactive |
Edited by - Bohous on 18/11/2005 14:21:58 |
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 25/11/2005 : 22:26:53
[czabot] Staby: dneska urcite padnou dve adv stars [czabot] Fekyller: crevex a ja bereme ;p [czabot] Fekyller: ja mam 100 bodov on ma tak 110 [czabot] Staby: no kdyby opravdu droply tak sezeru svyho psa |
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Average Member
1947 Posts |
Posted - 30/11/2005 : 12:40:35
Vim ze to slegla udelal schvalne...ale i tak :p
[Czabot] Sleglik joined the group. [Czabot] Sleglik: po dvouch dne zpátky juchůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůůů [Czabot] Lonillen: omg [Czabot] Sleglik: nějaký oslavy, že jsem se vrátil? :) [Czabot] Petrdoc: ee [Czabot] Katelien: a klid je tam tam [Czabot] Sleglik: kick Lonillen [Czabot] Sleglik: kick Katelien [Czabot] Katelien: ten.. [Czabot] Sleglik: kick Patrdoc [Czabot] Sleglik: sakra :) [Czabot] Katelien: musis s ! [Czabot] Katelien: zkus to [Czabot] Lonillen: :) [Czabot] Sleglik: !kick Lonillen [Czabot] Sleglik left the group. [Czabot] Katelien: hehe [Czabot] Sleglik joined the group. [Czabot] Petrdoc: to je vul [Czabot] Sleglik: ehm to ne :)
New Member

460 Posts |
Posted - 04/12/2005 : 18:49:14
[Czabot] Svick: od ktereho lelevu ma smysl zajimat se o CzA? [Czabot] Ervinos: 220/30 [Czabot] Airashii: 1?
Soudcze-momentalne ma zaracha na lvly:-) Lapiduch - ohoz Barbucha
Average Member
1543 Posts |
Posted - 04/12/2005 : 22:45:54
[Czabot] Janosik: ak mas brecelet co odraza vsetko sem s nim :) [Czabot] Tojejedno: Enfa:-)? |
Tolik her a tak malo casu... :) |

2124 Posts |
Posted - 07/12/2005 : 12:10:15
[Czabot] Ineea: solitak je gimp, hrat doce, tak hraju opiho [Czabot] Willemek: !whois Airashii [Czabot] Czabot: Bishoujo "Airashii" Sensei (Level 156 / AI Level 6) is a female Solitus Doctor, Clan, Member of Czech Anarchy :: click for more info |
AO:Willemek - equip || Willma - equip || Willpeen - s10 DD biatch - retired VG:Willma - retired EQII:Willma
New Member

460 Posts |
Posted - 07/12/2005 : 19:49:27
quote: Originally posted by Wilda
[Czabot] Ineea: solitak je gimp, hrat doce, tak hraju opiho [Czabot] Willemek: !whois Airashii [Czabot] Czabot: Bishoujo "Airashii" Sensei (Level 156 / AI Level 6) is a female Solitus Doctor, Clan, Member of Czech Anarchy :: click for more info
hm to neni vubec smesne uz naraza na moje chudacka doca aj Ineea nestaci ze to dealju dva profesionalove jmenovite Sleglik a Petrneco |
Soudcze-momentalne ma zaracha na lvly:-) Lapiduch - ohoz Barbucha
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 07/12/2005 : 20:00:17
quote: Originally posted by Soudcze
quote: Originally posted by Wilda
[Czabot] Ineea: solitak je gimp, hrat doce, tak hraju opiho [Czabot] Willemek: !whois Airashii [Czabot] Czabot: Bishoujo "Airashii" Sensei (Level 156 / AI Level 6) is a female Solitus Doctor, Clan, Member of Czech Anarchy :: click for more info
hm to neni vubec smesne uz naraza na moje chudacka doca aj Ineea nestaci ze to dealju dva profesionalove jmenovite Sleglik a Petrneco
mno nebyla to vubec narazka na tebe, sorry jestli to tak beres :D |
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
New Member

460 Posts |
Posted - 07/12/2005 : 20:11:02
quote: Originally posted by nekrotyrael
quote: Originally posted by Soudcze
quote: Originally posted by Wilda
[Czabot] Ineea: solitak je gimp, hrat doce, tak hraju opiho [Czabot] Willemek: !whois Airashii [Czabot] Czabot: Bishoujo "Airashii" Sensei (Level 156 / AI Level 6) is a female Solitus Doctor, Clan, Member of Czech Anarchy :: click for more info
hm to neni vubec smesne uz naraza na moje chudacka doca aj Ineea nestaci ze to dealju dva profesionalove jmenovite Sleglik a Petrneco
mno nebyla to vubec narazka na tebe, sorry jestli to tak beres :D
ne v pohode ja enom ze seci nejak zacali mluvit o opici docovi |
Soudcze-momentalne ma zaracha na lvly:-) Lapiduch - ohoz Barbucha
Edited by - Soudcze on 07/12/2005 20:12:23 |
New Member

330 Posts |
Posted - 08/12/2005 : 10:45:10
quote: Originally posted by Soudcze
quote: Originally posted by nekrotyrael
quote: Originally posted by Soudcze
quote: Originally posted by Wilda
[Czabot] Ineea: solitak je gimp, hrat doce, tak hraju opiho [Czabot] Willemek: !whois Airashii [Czabot] Czabot: Bishoujo "Airashii" Sensei (Level 156 / AI Level 6) is a female Solitus Doctor, Clan, Member of Czech Anarchy :: click for more info
hm to neni vubec smesne uz naraza na moje chudacka doca aj Ineea nestaci ze to dealju dva profesionalove jmenovite Sleglik a Petrneco
mno nebyla to vubec narazka na tebe, sorry jestli to tak beres :D
ne v pohode ja enom ze seci nejak zacali mluvit o opici docovi
Agi and Sense ftw! Nikdo vrzene vrazedne injekci neunikne.  |
Average Member
1779 Posts |
Posted - 08/12/2005 : 15:40:22
[Norskagent]: hi To [Norskagent]: hi [Norskagent]: can you give me 10m here and I`ll give ya 12m from my main plz? To [Norskagent]: log your main give me 10 and I will give you 10m, ok? [Norskagent]: no i lost 2m that way once! =( To [Norskagent]: ok, no To [Norskagent]: your problem not my To [Norskagent]: wow lvl 4 To [Norskagent]: do you really need 10m as lvl 4? [Norskagent]: not my main tho! To [Norskagent]: I think that it is trick [Norskagent]: nope! To [Norskagent]: :) To [Norskagent]: come with your main To [Norskagent]: dont give me money To [Norskagent]: only tell me your name [Norskagent]: why? [Norskagent]: name: "Maudel" To [Norskagent]: [Czabot] Zaitichi: !whois maudel [Czabot] Czabot: Character not found [Czabot] Zaitichi: !whois Maudel [Czabot] Czabot: Character not found To [Norskagent]: ? To [Norskagent]: Character 'Maudel' was not found in any dimension.
If you believe the character exists on one of the dimensions please click a dimension-specific link below to add it to the database. After the character has been added to the list of new characters it will be added to the actual character database in the next database update. Database updates usually happen daily. To [Norskagent]: once again that name pls [Norskagent]: ? To [Norskagent]: once again your name of main To [Norskagent]: relog to you main please with nick "maudel" To [Norskagent]: it is not first try... my frinends know your name :) To [Norskagent]: cheetah
- |
New Member

187 Posts |
Posted - 08/12/2005 : 21:02:46
dneska 20s pred popnutim Tary:
[Tnet] Tnet: Turant has unlocked the raid. [Tnet] Tnet: Turant has joined the raid :: click to join [Tnet] Tnet: Turant has locked the raid.
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 08/12/2005 : 22:44:20
quote: Originally posted by Soudcze
quote: Originally posted by nekrotyrael
quote: Originally posted by Soudcze
quote: Originally posted by Wilda
[Czabot] Ineea: solitak je gimp, hrat doce, tak hraju opiho [Czabot] Willemek: !whois Airashii [Czabot] Czabot: Bishoujo "Airashii" Sensei (Level 156 / AI Level 6) is a female Solitus Doctor, Clan, Member of Czech Anarchy :: click for more info
hm to neni vubec smesne uz naraza na moje chudacka doca aj Ineea nestaci ze to dealju dva profesionalove jmenovite Sleglik a Petrneco
mno nebyla to vubec narazka na tebe, sorry jestli to tak beres :D
ne v pohode ja enom ze seci nejak zacali mluvit o opici docovi
muj zaber byl taky opi doc, jenze mne zlakal jeden pekny xichtik u solitusky :) |
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
1358 Posts |
Posted - 09/12/2005 : 15:51:05
[Apfbot] Apfbot: ------------------------------------- Naizdoc started auction on Visible Light Remodulation Device! You have 60 seconds to place bids :: click for info ------------------------------------- [Apfbot] Apfbot: Sleglik has won the auction for Visible Light Remodulation Device. 26 points are beeing deduced from his account.
[Team] Sleglik: vole já to nelotnu [Team] Ufan: graaaatz negře [Team] Mittra: gz [Team] Sleglik: ty věže :-)))) [Team] Ufan: lol [Team] Mittra: :))) [Team] Petrdoc: :) [Team] Ufan: to by bylo dobre [Team] Ufan: musíš kmitat [Team] Mittra: sleg down :)) [Team] Sleglik: You were attacked with nanobots from Unicorn Service Tower Delta for 37000 points of energy damage. [Team] Mittra: máš to? [Team] Sleglik: ee [Team] Sleglik: ale mám mínu 28 bodů :) [Team] Mittra: ty jsi fakt smolař :)
Iron Ufan Hammer |
New Member

460 Posts |
Posted - 09/12/2005 : 21:44:52
[Czabot] Ervinos: co je na inf. misi nejhorsi? ozraly tank :) [Czabot] Zaitichi: tak proč tankuješ? :O [Czabot] Svick left the group. [Czabot] Amickson: no horsi by byl ozraly doc
Soudcze-momentalne ma zaracha na lvly:-) Lapiduch - ohoz Barbucha
New Member

460 Posts |
Posted - 09/12/2005 : 21:46:15
[Czabot] Andanthe: zmatene ninjabuffovani bych neoznacoval jako inteligentni jednani :) |
Soudcze-momentalne ma zaracha na lvly:-) Lapiduch - ohoz Barbucha
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 11/12/2005 : 20:42:54
[Tnet] Mazdoc: does ommelets count as players or mobs?
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
New Member

205 Posts |
Posted - 11/12/2005 : 21:56:41
[Pande] Neonstick joined the group. [Pande] Neonstick: unlock raid plz [Pande] Noonkeep: !raid unlock [Pande] Pande: Noonkeep has unlocked the raid. [Pande] Neonstick: i had a small ld there lol [Pande] Pande: Neonstick has joined the raid :: click to join [Pande] Noonkeep: !raid lock [Pande] Pande: Noonkeep has locked the raid. [Pande] Neonstick left the group. [Pande] Pande: Neonstick was removed from the raid.
EQ2x - Volsak, testovací Inkvizitor UO, AC, EQ, AO ... bejvávalo EQ - Elder Volsakova Volsanda - Beastlady 360+AA's The Exodus
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 11/12/2005 : 23:44:47
[Czabot] Willemek: [Brawling]: can u buff me Speed pls? To [Brawling]: lol i cant engis havent buff for run speed To [Brawling]: fixers got [Brawling]: ah! u looked like a Fixer^
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Advanced Member
5625 Posts |
Posted - 13/12/2005 : 22:50:40
[Kostq]: maník od kterýho to kupuju (snad - momentálně je afk) se jmenuje Stromm, nějakej fixer, general Uprising tuším, je to asi hovádko lvl220 |
AO: Pan Shade Tojejedno + PvP nub - retarded (tm)by NerfTý Mittra VG: Jsem takova mala pisnicka - retarded s potencialem EQ2: Tojeonde - Pivipi - retarded Rift: Tojejedno - nejakej FOTM class, takze klerik asi:/ - retarded FF XIV: Toje Tojejedno - a opet retarded, hrozna hra TESO - tojejedno - sorcka - Sem se vratil z dovolene a prej uz se to nehraje
New Member

164 Posts |
Posted - 18/12/2005 : 06:19:34
[Verey666]: A new IGN Version is out V191
This update was needed , added the ingame Support bots and added 2 new features for irc , you can use now in IRC !whoisall - and it is possible now to enable - disable Tower Alert messages in the IRC channel with tell yourbot irc set irctoweralert on - off
You can join our Support Bots with tell ignhelps join
Regards,IGN Administration co oprozuje ? [Verey666]: opruzuje To [Verey666]: ? To [Verey666]: kdo te opruzuje [Verey666]: zapni si czaraid [Verey666]: je tam co chvílu tahle hláška To [Verey666]: nejsem admin zadnyho bota [Verey666]: já vím já jen esi ti to dává nějaký smysl To [Verey666]: si to precti To [Verey666]: obcas se proste musi sotware upgradovat. [Verey666]: že to maj admini vylepšit ? To [Verey666]: update was needed To [Verey666]: A new IGN Version is out V191 To [Verey666]: nerikej ze neumis eng ani slovo [Verey666]: translátor :-( To [Verey666]: new version a upgrade si dej do translatoru :] [Verey666]: jednotlivá slova jo věty ne [Verey666]: bo významů to má hafo ve větě To [Verey666]: ja umim jen pasivne a taky si vypomaham slovnikem. ale new vers a upgrade je jasny. proste se to musi upgradovat na novou verzi :]
AO soldier - Bivoj AO keeper - Krakatit |

2124 Posts |
Posted - 21/12/2005 : 18:26:58
[Clan shopping 100+] Cheatah: NanoCrystal (Skill of the Reaper) = Enfo. 2he = +111, +7 Dmg, Max HP +5
To [Cheatah]: how much for skill of the reaper? [Cheatah]: offer pls To [Cheatah]: huh, i dun know [Cheatah]: ive heard up to 70 mil To [Cheatah]: asked friend enfo, skill of guilotine cost 70 not reaper [Cheatah]: i would show you but it just wore off. its the blue stuff fixers wear [Cheatah]: ill show you in a mo To [Cheatah]: man, im talking about enfo 2he buff - Skill Of The Reaper [Cheatah]: me too To [Cheatah]: but why r u talking about fixers? [Cheatah]: you asked what ga was To [Cheatah]: lol no To [Cheatah]: i asked for Skill Of The Reaper To [Cheatah]: not for GA [Cheatah]: sorry that was someone else To [Cheatah]: ok, how much for Skill Of The Reaper [Cheatah]: ive heard its worth about 60mil To [Cheatah]: u joking me, right? [Cheatah]: nope, i was suprised myself. would have been shop food had i not been told [Cheatah]: im not waitong for 60 but i do need some cash To [Cheatah]: i dont talk about GA, but about 2he Enfo buff Skill Of The Reaper [Cheatah]: me too To [Cheatah]: this nano isnt for 60m man ;) To [Cheatah]: Skill Of The Guilotine cost 60m, not Reaper [Cheatah]: why did you ask me what it was worth if you have an idea? [Cheatah]: why dont you tell me To [Cheatah]: coz i dont know price, after i ask my enfo friend and check AI terminals [Cheatah]: well, let me know if you want it To [Cheatah]: yes, ill pay u 9m [Cheatah]: sorry, need at least double figures To [Cheatah]: ok, ill give u tip, check AI terminal, this nano is there for 10-13m... |
AO:Willemek - equip || Willma - equip || Willpeen - s10 DD biatch - retired VG:Willma - retired EQII:Willma
New Member

164 Posts |
Posted - 23/12/2005 : 08:54:27
To [Viralina]: hi. CI plz [Viralina]: do you guys ever talk in full sentences? To [Viralina]: ty
AO soldier - Bivoj AO keeper - Krakatit |
New Member

460 Posts |
Posted - 24/12/2005 : 02:01:36
eam] Chakacahn: lets start? [Team] Lapiduch: bugly [Team] Lonitra: lol [Team] Lapiduch: to je an pitel [Team] Willma: hmms ;) [Team] Lapiduch: airashi dojde [Team] Lapiduch: tys umrel? [Team] Lapiduch: promi:-) [Team] Lonitra: rofl [Team] Willma: [Team] Chakacahn: lets start? Chakacahn vanished. Attacked by Heckler of Dreams! [Czech Anarchy] Czabot: Mandarinka logged off Your reflect shield hit Heckler of Dreams for 4 points of damage. Your damage shield hit Heckler of Dreams for 75 points of damage. Heckler of Dreams hit you for 1906 points of radiation damage. You got healed by Kick me! for 377 points of health. You were healed for 377 points. Your reflect shield hit Heckler of Dreams for 4 points of damage. Your damage shield hit Heckler of Dreams for 75 points of damage. Heckler of Dreams hit you for 2522 points of radiation damage. Kick me! executes Blood Anvil of Restite within your NCU... Your reflect shield hit Heckler of Dreams for 4 points of damage. Your damage shield hit Heckler of Dreams for 75 points of damage. Heckler of Dreams hit you for 3540 points of radiation damage.Critical hit! Your damage shield hit Heckler of Dreams for 75 points of damage. Heckler of Dreams hit you for 3523 points of energy damage.Critical hit! Agent999: to je gimp :P Lonitra: ;) [Team] Lapiduch: COZE? Lonitra: par critov a lezi ;) [Team] Lapiduch: ty dostavas crity na full def?:-) [Team] Willma: jsem full agg byl ted [Team] Willma: kvuli buffum Agent999: nema evady ale umi predelat monster party ;) [Team] Lapiduch: ale 2 za sebu je moc na tanka:-) Lonitra: lool |
Soudcze-momentalne ma zaracha na lvly:-) Lapiduch - ohoz Barbucha
Average Member
1971 Posts |
Posted - 26/12/2005 : 01:01:25
je to lehce starsiho data ale rozhodne soucast zlatyho fondu AO
GPS rox
(stahujte jednotlivy epizody, dil Implants miluju, "Whats zp Chuck ?!, hahahahahha") |
[Stilgar] Usul, we have wormsign the likes of which even God has never seen.
Edited by - Stilgar on 26/12/2005 01:02:26 |
1450 Posts |
Posted - 29/12/2005 : 19:50:34
[Czabot] Mittra: [Team Loot Messages] Mittra tried to loot brain from Remains of Willemek, but failed. No such item found. Please try again later. :) [Czabot] Willma: bah :) [Czabot] Willma: ten Willemek je ale bezmozek :) [Czabot] Willma: co to je za vocasa vubec? ;) [Czabot] Zaitichi: hroznej pičus :( [Czabot] Willma: omg ;) [Czabot] Terka: horsi jak sleglik :) [Czabot] Zaitichi: tak to zase ne... [Czabot] Andanthe: to snad ani nejde :) [Czabot] Zaitichi: díky Andanthe, že ses mě zastal [Czabot] Willma: muhehehe :) [Czabot] Andanthe: vzdy na strane slabych a malych :)
Porresha, Calldo - AO - inactive Porresha, Adelka - EQ2 Porresha - VG - inactive Socializer 73% Achiever 60% Explorer 46% Killer 20% |
1941 Posts |
Posted - 30/12/2005 : 04:16:23
.... .... [Czabot] Nagassh joined the group. [Czabot] Nagassh: hosi tahle org je dojeb jako nic proti vam ale nemam s kym chodit na mise....nikdo semnou neskiluje vsichni mate pres lvl 150 ---------------------------------------------------------- [Czabot] Janosik: co poterbuje trader na ten wrangle? lebo tu killuje male zvieratka ----------------------------------------------------------
Ervinos: ty kravo vafle uz je 202 petrdoc ty ses na pracaku nebo co ze mas tolik casu
---------------------------------------------------------- [Czabot] Janosik: kto robi sklad? [Czabot] Janosik: The Original Electronicum (64QL)uz ju nepotrebujem [Czabot] Petrcrat: :) . [Czabot] Zaitichi: :) [Czabot] Petrcrat: tak ji hod z vokna [Czabot] Janosik: niekomu sa zide. dmg ma dobry ----------------------------------------------------------- [Czabot] Spyderman07: hosiii? blitzl by mi nekdo Targeting Scope - Vision Enhancer ql 290? pls [Czabot] Zaitichi: 290? [Czabot] Jamesisinka: v tom pripade me ql 460 [Czabot] Zaitichi: a není to málo? [Czabot] Spyderman07: malo? [Czabot] Airashii: mne bude stacit ql 1000 ----------------------------------------------------------- [Czabot] Janosik: mi tu niekto ponuka brog team co to je? [Czabot] Janosik: vraj 53k za kill . . . [Czabot] Janosik: to ho kaslem [Czabot] Spyderman07: dam se nejlip lvluje . [Czabot] Janosik: tak potom pojdem s niekim komu verim
buuu, ja nenacaruju nove nano ® axel999 |
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 30/12/2005 : 15:34:08
[Team] Willma: kua spadl mi rizek do klavesnice [Team] Airashii: rofl [Team] Mittra: lol [Team] Andanthe: wille, ty furt zeres? jeste na zodsnetu jsi rikal, ze u toho objedvas :) [Team] Willma: kua mi rekni, jak ted mam secku tu strouhanku lovit z tech mezirek ;)) [Team] Andanthe: mas zrat polican :) [Team] Willma: lol polican :) [Team] Willma: rizek FTW :) [Team] Willma: prdele ted jem to jeste rozjezdil mysi aaaaaaaa [Team] Andanthe: ty zvire :) [Team] Willma: by jsi neveril co se do te hlavesnice secko vejde hele ;)) tuhle jsem tam objevil kousek cokolady ;)) a v praci kdyz jsem "vyklepaval" tak vypadl nejakej sejra nebo co to bylo ;))
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 30/12/2005 : 16:37:03
[Team] Andanthe: sakra cim, se meni pohled, nejak jsem se prepnul na first look :) [Team] Willma: ALT+F4 3x po sobe :) Team member went link dead. Andanthe left your team. [Czabot] Andanthe left the group. [Czech Anarchy] Czabot: Andanthe logged off
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 31/12/2005 : 19:59:55
[Czabot] Faustcz: nema nekdo z vas alta shade potreboval bych od nej nejaky buffi
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 01/01/2006 : 02:20:34
[Tnet] Tnet: Empyreal has won the auction for Heavily Padded Overcoat. 5 points are beeing deduced from his account. [Tnet] Thelana: grats [Tnet] Empyreal: fuck [Tnet] Empyreal: fuck [Tnet] Aylevero: ^^ [Tnet] Herkulease: lol [Tnet] Empyreal: re-acution I THOUGHT IT WAS GPH
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Average Member
1083 Posts |
Posted - 01/01/2006 : 21:38:12
[Czaraid] Ineea: ho, nt muze nukovat pres nullitu? :)
-- tesne po tom, co pri duelu schytal 3 meagnuky od Mittry a lehnul |
Andanthe of Czech Anarchy |
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 02/01/2006 : 03:53:14
peta po pulhodine "dual leeche" na apf
[Czabot] Petrcrat: kurva! [Czabot] Petrcrat: sem sel s omnakama nebo co? [Czabot] Petrcrat: no jo [Czabot] Akiki: :)) [Czabot] Akiki: peto peto :)) [Czabot] Petrcrat: musim si koupit ten map upgrade [Czabot] Ineea: taky taky ;)) [Czabot] Akiki: nemate? teeeeda ;p [Czabot] Petrcrat: to me ani nevyhodil z raidu> [Czabot] Petrcrat: hmm vyhodil :)
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Average Member
1779 Posts |
Posted - 02/01/2006 : 12:46:44
quote: Originally posted by commanche
[Czaraid] Ineea: ho, nt muze nukovat pres nullitu? :)
-- tesne po tom, co pri duelu schytal 3 meagnuky od Mittry a lehnul
Hlaska tydne |
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Advanced Member
5625 Posts |
Posted - 02/01/2006 : 14:09:23
Temple of Train Wonders |
AO: Pan Shade Tojejedno + PvP nub - retarded (tm)by NerfTý Mittra VG: Jsem takova mala pisnicka - retarded s potencialem EQ2: Tojeonde - Pivipi - retarded Rift: Tojejedno - nejakej FOTM class, takze klerik asi:/ - retarded FF XIV: Toje Tojejedno - a opet retarded, hrozna hra TESO - tojejedno - sorcka - Sem se vratil z dovolene a prej uz se to nehraje
Advanced Member
5625 Posts |
Average Member
1083 Posts |
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