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Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 02/01/2006 : 17:42:47
[Team] Ineea: hello :) [Team] Underattack: hehe maro we are in wrong team :P [Team] Underattack: we are selected for team 1 maro [Team] Marovind: :D [Team] Marovind: yes [Team] Marovind: w [Team] Marovind: isnt this t1 ? [Team] Tchiko: not team 1 here [Team] Underattack: so guess i c u guys later :P [Team] Underattack: gl [Team] Soety: [Legionofone1]: leave team To [Legionofone1]: Oo have I been assigned to anything? ;o [Legionofone1]: yeh TT1 [Team] Soety: >.< [Team] Naughtybeast: !showteams [Team] Ssilly: [Apfbot]: You are selceted to join team 1, Please wait for an invite from the teamleader. Click here when you have joined your assigned team.
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Starting Member
12 Posts |
Posted - 02/01/2006 : 19:44:18
[Team] Aaell: i'll go LD [Team] Aaell: i can feel it [Team] Aaell: cant execute nano [Team] Aaell: cant sit... Team member Aaell went link dead. Aaell left your team.
Sekacka (212 adv) |
1941 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2006 : 05:33:13
Hhli joined the group :)
[Zodsnet] Hhli: u guys dont panda? [Zodsnet] Kavey: lots of panda bears :) [Zodsnet] Twiice: hhli meet in nascense training grounds in 5 minutes for raid check [Zodsnet] Martialbob: pande only happens when beast is up [Zodsnet] Payoff: nope we went all to reets for lapdances and beer (tsingtao) Hhli
[Zodsnet] Martialbob: somebody get me in there team plz:( [Zodsnet] Martialbob: i'm lonely [Zodsnet] Peekiri: dukets tt2 set? [Zodsnet] Twiice: !Ban martialbob [Zodsnet] Peekiri: bob go to hhli he wants you [Zodsnet] Dukets: mhm ok ;p [Zodsnet] Hhli: lol [Zodsnet] Dukets: need 1 more [Zodsnet] Hhli: its fun [Zodsnet] Martialbob: *Kicks Twiice in the balls*
[Zodsnet] Peekiri: Waiting for HHLI then we will move :X [Zodsnet] Payoff: hehe [Zodsnet] Twiice: isnt hhli nuet? [Zodsnet] Peekiri: all outside ;P |
buuu, ja nenacaruju nove nano ® axel999 |
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2006 : 12:09:18
koukam, ze hhli chodi na kurzy anglictiny ;)) |
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2006 : 16:48:22
obsessivuv sig na avr foru ;)):
[Team] Ashyra: ob.. are you missing your ring? Ictoo kicks Obsessive [Team] Obsessive: oh
With nice docs in the team, one can easily cast 4 comps, 2 bots and AC on 12 people in pande before noticing that the HHAB is in a backpack. |
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia

2124 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2006 : 18:29:05
Eel nespawnul na svem miste jako vzdy - petice trvala 3h, dostavil se ARK, po debate asi 20min: XXX(ARK): Ahh, my back-up is otw. XX(Exploits): Greetings, Willemek. Willemek: hi XX(Exploits): I understand that Supply master is missing,right? Willemek: yes Willemek: for a long time XX(Exploits) Alright then. Give me a moment, and Ill see what I can find out. Willemek: ty XX(Exploits): Just as I thought... Eel has spawned. Hes standing somewhere, looking a tad bored actually.. Domovenok: Ill do you know when eel will spawn? XX(Exploits): We cannot comment on spawn timers. XX(Exploits): Willemek, where did you look for Eel? Willemek: yes, im looking for him for last 3h+ :) Willemek: around base XX(Exploits): Which base? Willemek: this OTAF base XX(Exploits): You see, he is the person in charge for the supply of all bases. XX(Exploits): So sometimes he may work on other bases. Willemek: ahh, dont know he spawns on others places XX(Exploits): He is whereever supplies are needed.. Willemek: hmms, its new feature? never heared about it XX(Exploits): I dont think all internal decisions made about supply routes are published. Though, if youre looking for him, I would suggest looking at all bases. Willemek: hmms we are looked around this OTAF base and main OTAF base XX(Exploits): Then you should have found him, though.. he is quite big, too Willemek: hehe i know that he is big..... ok ty for help XX(Exploits): So, all i can suggest is running a detailed search on the bases again. He is there, I can tell you that. XX(Exploits): Youre welcome! Is there anything else we can assist you with? Willemek: nope, thx, thats all XX(Exploits): Alright! Have a nice day, and take care! Willemek: u2 XX(Exploits): Feel free to petition again any time! XX(Exploits): Enjoy your stay on Rubi-Ka. Willemek: thx XX(Exploits) presses some buttons on his wristcom, closes his eyes, and fades without any sound... XX(ARK) poofed to many molecular bla bla bla |
AO:Willemek - equip || Willma - equip || Willpeen - s10 DD biatch - retired VG:Willma - retired EQII:Willma
New Member

109 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2006 : 21:59:26
Tohle asi budete znat... Pvp-pete: His idea of a moderate weapon is one that has all special-attacks including AOE-nukes and that can kill people on nearby servers. |
Rohlik MA/100/opi Spyderman07 Agent/125/sol Froob |
Edited by - D3xtr on 03/01/2006 22:00:28 |
New Member

460 Posts |
Advanced Member
5625 Posts |
Posted - 04/01/2006 : 10:06:52
Kdyz co si budeme povidat, ten gif za to stoji:-) |
AO: Pan Shade Tojejedno + PvP nub - retarded (tm)by NerfTý Mittra VG: Jsem takova mala pisnicka - retarded s potencialem EQ2: Tojeonde - Pivipi - retarded Rift: Tojejedno - nejakej FOTM class, takze klerik asi:/ - retarded FF XIV: Toje Tojejedno - a opet retarded, hrozna hra TESO - tojejedno - sorcka - Sem se vratil z dovolene a prej uz se to nehraje
Average Member
1083 Posts |
Posted - 04/01/2006 : 10:36:40
lol u fuking nubs! :) |
Andanthe of Czech Anarchy |
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 05/01/2006 : 00:27:39
[Zodsnet] Exolas: !admin redliner [Zodsnet] Exolas: !invite redliner [Zodsnet] Exolas: Redliner leads the raid |
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Advanced Member
5625 Posts |
Posted - 05/01/2006 : 09:40:00
quote: Originally posted by nekrotyrael
[Zodsnet] Exolas: !admin redliner [Zodsnet] Exolas: !invite redliner [Zodsnet] Exolas: Redliner leads the raid
To by mohlo bejt ciste teoreticky dobry, pokud bude za kazdy neposlechnuti kickovat/banovat:-) |
AO: Pan Shade Tojejedno + PvP nub - retarded (tm)by NerfTý Mittra VG: Jsem takova mala pisnicka - retarded s potencialem EQ2: Tojeonde - Pivipi - retarded Rift: Tojejedno - nejakej FOTM class, takze klerik asi:/ - retarded FF XIV: Toje Tojejedno - a opet retarded, hrozna hra TESO - tojejedno - sorcka - Sem se vratil z dovolene a prej uz se to nehraje
New Member

205 Posts |
Posted - 05/01/2006 : 10:41:06
To jsem potom zvedavej co budou delat AvR, myslim, ze prave on je jejich clen a chodi s nima cistit pande kazdejch 6 hodin. Ze by se toho vzdal? |
EQ2x - Volsak, testovací Inkvizitor UO, AC, EQ, AO ... bejvávalo EQ - Elder Volsakova Volsanda - Beastlady 360+AA's The Exodus

2124 Posts |
Posted - 05/01/2006 : 10:55:52
quote: Originally posted by James
To jsem potom zvedavej co budou delat AvR, myslim, ze prave on je jejich clen a chodi s nima cistit pande kazdejch 6 hodin. Ze by se toho vzdal?
nebo dalsi bot, kde bude brecet, ze stale nema MA star?
Edit: nebo tim prave byl zajisten clovek z AvR co vede AvR raidy, takze by nemohl/nemel delat raidy mimo Zodnet... |
AO:Willemek - equip || Willma - equip || Willpeen - s10 DD biatch - retired VG:Willma - retired EQII:Willma
Edited by - Wilda on 05/01/2006 10:57:01 |
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 05/01/2006 : 16:55:06
holt peekiri je ted taky avr ;). proste kdyz neni dost lidi z avr na padne, tak si vyhlasi zodsnet .). |
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
New Member

205 Posts |
Posted - 06/01/2006 : 15:43:57
A on byl ted nekdy zodsnet? Ja akorat vidim AvR kdyz probiham skrz pande garden. |
EQ2x - Volsak, testovací Inkvizitor UO, AC, EQ, AO ... bejvávalo EQ - Elder Volsakova Volsanda - Beastlady 360+AA's The Exodus
Average Member
1779 Posts |
Posted - 06/01/2006 : 16:18:30
Co je sakra AvR??? |
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Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 06/01/2006 : 21:18:14
quote: Originally posted by sleglik
Co je sakra AvR???
Avatars Reloaded |
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
1941 Posts |
Posted - 07/01/2006 : 01:36:53
lidi jste tady spatneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee str 7. sem se moc nezasmal musim to napravit ;) ........
[Czabot] Janosik: to je pohlad Caldo drzi vaflicku od zadu a peter pred nov skace :)))))))))))
[Czabot] Janosik: som 69 [Czabot] Airashii: hehe ;) [Czabot] Janosik: airashii uz viem co ti beha porozume :P [Czabot] Petrdoc: :) [Czabot] Lonitra: :))
[Czabot] Janosik: [Clan shopping 50-100] Petrdoc: Hold Hell at Bay uz sa ani neunuva napisat cenu :D [Czabot] Petrdoc: :) [Czabot] Petrdoc: to je dohodou janosiku [Czabot] Janosik: petr daj mi to ja uz bezim v shopingu :) |
buuu, ja nenacaruju nove nano ® axel999 |
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 07/01/2006 : 18:08:11
kempeni pelisse of elysian nymph ;))
Farmertrox: you guys a noob Volsacek: fuck out Farmertrox: take a weak ass 200 to kill them Farmertrox: talk about gimped out toons lol Volsacek: as I said ... fuck out Farmertrox: lol Farmertrox: stfu or i'll log my 200 enf and kill every thing noob Volsacek: do it Volsacek: show me how ubah ur Farmertrox: lol you are both noobs Farmertrox: wimpy ass toons lol Volsacek: sure we are Ineea: :O Farmertrox: yes i know Volsacek: and you are moron Farmertrox: lol ok noob Farmertrox: your a noob face it Farmertrox: gimped out noob lol Ineea: in that case, what are you? does there even exist a word to describe it? :) Farmertrox: ineea if you ks me i will petition your toon Ineea: rofl Ineea: do it! Farmertrox: under rules if you are ksing me with a 200 i can petition you Farmertrox: i will Ineea: if you stay here any longer im gonna petition you for harassment :) Farmertrox: go ahead i aint said shit Ineea: you dont need to say anything .) Ineea: just looking at your gimpy outfit makes me sick .) Farmertrox: so stfu lol Farmertrox: lol your a noob you should be a froob Farmertrox: gimpy Farmertrox: not my fualt you are a gimp Ineea: you should upgrade your brain symbiant .) Farmertrox: you should get a life noob lol Ineea: you seriously need intelligence buffage .) Farmertrox: and you need to get a real toon Farmertrox: lol Volsacek: better? Ineea: like your 220 enf? ;) Ineea: is he wearing jobe armor too? ;) Volsacek: nice weap and tank back :p Farmertrox: no i'll let you know if i need you guys to come Volsacek: nice nick Farmertrox: will do Farmertrox: you know what dont talk to me last warring Volsacek: bla bla Volsacek: bla bla bla Volsacek: talk to my hand Lanerion: hey y'all Lanerion: I see you beat me here. =) Farmertrox: theys 2 are noobs Volsacek: we not but farmer will Volsacek: he has ubah equip :D Farmertrox: well see the thing is i dont need a 200 to farm shit for me i'm not a gimp Farmertrox: theys 2 are gimps who ks lowbys Volsacek: do you know what I need? im not farmer like u and your nick .) Farmertrox: oh yes Farmertrox: mybe i live on a farm lol Lanerion: you are right now Lanerion: =) Farmertrox: agent meta same shit Farmertrox: you smell the same Ineea: woot? you are wielding agent only weapon, you must be a mp! Volsacek: :D Volsacek: k see u guys in next 15 mins Farmertrox: its people like you that ruin games you know that you dum ass mouth and you
stupid ass remarks i hope they ban you account for a month Volsacek: lol Ineea: it is ppl like you, that end up commiting suicide cuz they missed a raid :D Farmertrox: keep it noob Volsacek: what? keep is noob? Volsacek: yes it is ... Ineea: is "noob" the only word you can write? do you have a special button for that? :) Volsacek: macro with ur noob, I ll petit u Farmertrox: why dont ya try and train me again ? Volsacek: lol look at my lvl Ineea: i've never done anything like that :O Farmertrox: sure ya did lung see ya Volsacek: dryads are green for me....but for u are grey, grey=dangerous for u :p Farmertrox: sorry but he see ya train them this way Ineea: lets see what ark says :D Ineea: he is prolly gonna die laughing :D Farmertrox: we will Farmertrox: and you ksing me Volsacek: who was here first? Volsacek: can u told me? Farmertrox: well took a ss of that Ineea: no, you are kill stealing me ;) Farmertrox: sorry i was attacking by my self and you started attacking after Volsacek: fuck out Volsacek: ur moron I never seen before Volsacek: try preds, u can farm there Ineea: no, u have hacked my computer, so i attacked later!!1111 Volsacek: :D Volsacek: try log your main, lvl 200 enf
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
New Member

109 Posts |
Posted - 07/01/2006 : 21:23:28
To s tim inteligence boostem a upgrade brain sympu bylo hodne drsny, ineea daval
Rohlik MA/100/opi Spyderman07 Agent/125/sol Froob |
Edited by - D3xtr on 07/01/2006 21:45:25 |
Average Member
1083 Posts |
Posted - 09/01/2006 : 14:31:20
Jdeme checknout jestli je Xark up...
[Team] Andanthe: je down asi [Team] Petrdoc: jak to fole [Team] Petrdoc: kurna toho zrovna potrebuju [Team] Andanthe: no to mi povidej [Team] Belshya: naka sfine byla v lairu [Team] Belshya: tak sem ji natrainoval [Team] Petrdoc: spravne [Team] Andanthe: to jsem byl ja vole :)
Andanthe of Czech Anarchy |
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 09/01/2006 : 22:52:16
[Willma]: tak zkousim nahodit aspon 2 okna :))) kua to je nezvyk :))
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
New Member

397 Posts |

2124 Posts |
7950 Posts |
Posted - 11/01/2006 : 15:26:04
quote: Originally posted by Wilda
[Czabot] Smazka: !calc ((76-6)/2)/(2.5+2.5)
si tam nekdo pocita domaci ulohy ? :) |
Rock is overpowerd, please nerf. Paper is fine. Yours, Scissors.
Average Member
1047 Posts |
Posted - 11/01/2006 : 15:47:47
Výsledek je jednoznačně 42. |
WoW EU *Drak'Thul* Firun (Druid), *Darkspear* Firun (Shaman), *Thunderhorn* Milagros (Gnome Mage) Anarchy Online *RK1* Firian (200 Fixer), Firian2 (216/10 Bureaucrat), Firian3 (60 Doctor), Firian4 (215/13 Shade), Milagros (217/15 Engineer), Firun (217/18 Enforcer) | *RK2* Milagros (120 Adv)
7950 Posts |
Posted - 11/01/2006 : 16:00:33
quote: Originally posted by Firian
Výsledek je jednoznačně 42.
asi jo |
Rock is overpowerd, please nerf. Paper is fine. Yours, Scissors.
Edited by - Pertha on 11/01/2006 16:01:41 |
New Member

164 Posts |
Posted - 11/01/2006 : 16:16:16
[Vicinity Loot Messages] Orakl looted Virgo's Practical Spirit Helper from Remains of Virgo. [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Exolas removed 200000 raidpoints from orakl's account. [Zodsnet] Petaro: ban for stupidity [Zodsnet] Orakl: [Zodsnet]: You have -199990.1 raidpoints. [Zodsnet] Orakl: :)
AO soldier - Bivoj AO keeper - Krakatit |

2124 Posts |
Posted - 11/01/2006 : 16:19:17
quote: Originally posted by Pertha
quote: Originally posted by Wilda
[Czabot] Smazka: !calc ((76-6)/2)/(2.5+2.5)
si tam nekdo pocita domaci ulohy ? :)
prej pocital dmg flinty, ale proste sila ;)) 76-6, 2.5+2.5 ;))) |
AO:Willemek - equip || Willma - equip || Willpeen - s10 DD biatch - retired VG:Willma - retired EQII:Willma
Advanced Member
5625 Posts |
Posted - 11/01/2006 : 17:49:12
[Czaraid] Tojenerf: !announce Cza pande(middle a TNH). Odchod z pande gardenu 20:30. Kdo je na tom spatne s ringama, PST. [Czabot] Verey666: proč je to pande když je zrovna apf ? [Czabot] Dragocz: je apf? [Czabot] Verey666: [Apfbot]: Gates open in aproximately 4 hours and 8 minutes! [Czabot] Dragocz: tak to s tim pandem moc nevim toje :) |
AO: Pan Shade Tojejedno + PvP nub - retarded (tm)by NerfTý Mittra VG: Jsem takova mala pisnicka - retarded s potencialem EQ2: Tojeonde - Pivipi - retarded Rift: Tojejedno - nejakej FOTM class, takze klerik asi:/ - retarded FF XIV: Toje Tojejedno - a opet retarded, hrozna hra TESO - tojejedno - sorcka - Sem se vratil z dovolene a prej uz se to nehraje
Starting Member
44 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2006 : 00:26:04
jeste bych dodal ze vse dopadlo dobre - to apf jsme stihly |
Dragocz |
Average Member
1779 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2006 : 07:41:25
quote: Originally posted by Dragossani
jeste bych dodal ze vse dopadlo dobre - to apf jsme stihly
Dopadlo dobře? 
Asi jsme byl tedy na jiném raidu |
- |
New Member

460 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2006 : 08:53:06
quote: Originally posted by sleglik
quote: Originally posted by Dragossani
jeste bych dodal ze vse dopadlo dobre - to apf jsme stihly
Dopadlo dobře? 
Asi jsme byl tedy na jiném raidu
Kazdy ma jine priority.Vis jak....  |
Soudcze-momentalne ma zaracha na lvly:-) Lapiduch - ohoz Barbucha
Average Member
1047 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2006 : 14:15:07
Když už mluvíme o těch gildovních raidech, poslední dobou nějak vynechávám APF... měl bych se na to víc zaměřit  |
WoW EU *Drak'Thul* Firun (Druid), *Darkspear* Firun (Shaman), *Thunderhorn* Milagros (Gnome Mage) Anarchy Online *RK1* Firian (200 Fixer), Firian2 (216/10 Bureaucrat), Firian3 (60 Doctor), Firian4 (215/13 Shade), Milagros (217/15 Engineer), Firun (217/18 Enforcer) | *RK2* Milagros (120 Adv)
New Member

164 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2006 : 22:52:48
To [Ervinos]: nejenom ze je poustime tak jeste cekame bez bodu... [Ervinos]: kundy tohle je BEAST bot ten je nad vsechno ten marx je ale pekna pica [Ervinos]: na tohle fakt nemam naladu, nejradsi bych vlitl na ty tranq a natrainoval je [Ervinos]: i kdybych mel dostat ban (ztratit 1bod (vsechny) na pande) To [Ervinos]: ty si nerv :] [Ervinos]: proste mi zkurvili prvniho beasta
AO soldier - Bivoj AO keeper - Krakatit |
New Member

187 Posts |
Posted - 13/01/2006 : 00:15:52
quote: Originally posted by neznamyvojin
To [Ervinos]: nejenom ze je poustime tak jeste cekame bez bodu... [Ervinos]: kundy tohle je BEAST bot ten je nad vsechno ten marx je ale pekna pica [Ervinos]: na tohle fakt nemam naladu, nejradsi bych vlitl na ty tranq a natrainoval je [Ervinos]: i kdybych mel dostat ban (ztratit 1bod (vsechny) na pande) To [Ervinos]: ty si nerv :] [Ervinos]: proste mi zkurvili prvniho beasta
tak tohle mi bylo hned jasny že to sem pošleš bivoji :) |
1941 Posts |
Posted - 13/01/2006 : 23:46:57
[Clan shopping 50-100] Janosik: WTB dragon chest pst
buuu, ja nenacaruju nove nano ® axel999 |
New Member

460 Posts |
Posted - 14/01/2006 : 13:21:34
quote: Originally posted by petrpets
[Clan shopping 50-100] Janosik: WTB dragon chest pst
chudak Janosik 20 min ho oblbujes a potom to das sem:-)
Soudcze-momentalne ma zaracha na lvly:-) Lapiduch - ohoz Barbucha
Average Member
1083 Posts |
Posted - 14/01/2006 : 13:31:33
quote: Originally posted by Soudcze
quote: Originally posted by petrpets
[Clan shopping 50-100] Janosik: WTB dragon chest pst
chudak Janosik 20 min ho oblbujes a potom to das sem:-)
To bylo kvuli me :). Puvodne jsme probirali cerstvyho batuzkare Bivoje (sehnal RBP za 1.2 bil) a Janosik prohodil neco ve smyslu, ze kdyz je Bivoj tak prachatej, mohl by mu treba vyplajznout 2 mega :). Tak ja jsem mu rekl, ze pokud mi sezene cloveka, ktery mi proda dchest za 400m, dam mu 10m. Tak Janosik chvili spamoval shopping kanaly, ale kdyz se nic nedelo, prohlasil, ze obchody jdou nejak blbe, pac za posledni 4 dny strelil jen 1 med suit a sel nabizet warp do CoH za prachy :). |
Andanthe of Czech Anarchy |
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 14/01/2006 : 23:55:25
[Czabot] Razorcz: pls kam mam jit kdyz sem na 64 lvl abych nasbiral hodne zkusenosti [Czabot] Airashii: ninjove ve wine .) [Janosik]: ako zisit s ze su to ninjovia? to lootuju co sa da ci ako?
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
Average Member
1083 Posts |
Posted - 15/01/2006 : 00:55:40
[Tnet] Xorren: fixer was flying in a yalm [Tnet] Xorren: I flew up over him, dropped parrot [Tnet] Xorren: hit sneak and dimach [Tnet] Xorren: dead fixer
Andanthe of Czech Anarchy |
Senior Member
3896 Posts |
Posted - 15/01/2006 : 02:58:40
z fc fora ;)
*one of the OT Noob channels* [xxx]:Where do I find '4 holes'? [smartas]:In two women |
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
New Member

205 Posts |
Posted - 15/01/2006 : 14:53:31
levelovani v adonisu:
[Team] Plasmafist: ya using UBT doc? [Team] Dilidoki: ubt? [Team] Dilidoki: Decrepitude [Team] Dilidoki: Melee. Init. -2569 Ranged. Init. -2569 Physic. Init -2569 NanoC. Init. -2569 [Team] Dilidoki: i had have a bug [Team] Plasmafist: doc... your ETA? [Team] Dilidoki: Eat? [Team] Plasmafist: no no.. not eat
edit: lvl 150 doc viz vyse
[Dilidoki]: oh. Ok. I don't buy this nano, because haven't need it yet. [Dilidoki]: But i have the best healing nanos, perks, and Full Combine Armor. Combined Officer's Jacket (no no full. Cure for Baldness Head is missing.) [Dilidoki]: My Nano init 1500+ [Dilidoki]: so, i am lame?
EQ2x - Volsak, testovací Inkvizitor UO, AC, EQ, AO ... bejvávalo EQ - Elder Volsakova Volsanda - Beastlady 360+AA's The Exodus
Edited by - James on 15/01/2006 15:44:54 |
Advanced Member
5625 Posts |
Posted - 15/01/2006 : 17:24:00
[Czabot] Zaitichi: Jinak Ervinos víš co na tobě vždy obdivuju? [Czabot] Ervinos: no co? [Czabot] Tojenerf: Chvilka napeti [Czabot] Zaitichi: když chvíli držíš hubu :) [Czabot] Ervinos: vis co na tobe obdivuju [Czabot] Zaitichi: pofídej sem napnutý jak robertek v přechodu [Czabot] Tojenerf: Chvilka napeti [Czabot] Ervinos: nic, pro me si jen normalni hovado
AO: Pan Shade Tojejedno + PvP nub - retarded (tm)by NerfTý Mittra VG: Jsem takova mala pisnicka - retarded s potencialem EQ2: Tojeonde - Pivipi - retarded Rift: Tojejedno - nejakej FOTM class, takze klerik asi:/ - retarded FF XIV: Toje Tojejedno - a opet retarded, hrozna hra TESO - tojejedno - sorcka - Sem se vratil z dovolene a prej uz se to nehraje
New Member

214 Posts |
Posted - 15/01/2006 : 20:28:02
quote: Originally posted by tojejedno
[Czabot] Zaitichi: Jinak Ervinos víš co na tobě vždy obdivuju? [Czabot] Ervinos: no co? [Czabot] Tojenerf: Chvilka napeti [Czabot] Zaitichi: když chvíli držíš hubu :) [Czabot] Ervinos: vis co na tobe obdivuju [Czabot] Zaitichi: pofídej sem napnutý jak robertek v přechodu [Czabot] Tojenerf: Chvilka napeti [Czabot] Ervinos: nic, pro me si jen normalni hovado
To je vis co na tobe obdivuju? tvuj smysl pro chvilky napeti  |
Bohous - AO - MA lamka Mrkef - AO - ENF hromotluk Break - UO, Kelevar -inactive |
1450 Posts |
Posted - 16/01/2006 : 00:17:19
quote: Originally posted by nekrotyrael
[Czabot] Razorcz: pls kam mam jit kdyz sem na 64 lvl abych nasbiral hodne zkusenosti [Czabot] Airashii: ninjove ve wine .) [Janosik]: ako zisit s ze su to ninjovia? to lootuju co sa da ci ako?
Janosik FTW!  |
Porresha, Calldo - AO - inactive Porresha, Adelka - EQ2 Porresha - VG - inactive Socializer 73% Achiever 60% Explorer 46% Killer 20% |
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744 Posts |
Posted - 16/01/2006 : 14:11:16
Je to trosku delsi, ale stoji to za to :) Zamerte se hlavne na Dunba, jeho bidovani a naslednou reakci po tom co vybidoval to, co vlastne nechtel ;p
[Zodsnet] Deniska: F U C K B L U E B E L T [Zodsnet] Stormspinner: lol [Zodsnet] Dukets: gimme [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: ------------------------------------- Furyangel started auction on Maar's Red Belt of Double Power! You have 60 seconds to place bids :: click for info ------------------------------------- [Zodsnet] Dukets: i need brain 8) [Zodsnet] Comico: !11 [Zodsnet] Deniska: hey! red or blue? [Zodsnet] Stormspinner: colorblind ftw! ;) [Zodsnet] Cybershead: hehe [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Gherlosu leads with 2 points. Bidding ends in 45 seconds :: click for info [Zodsnet] Deniska: WTF [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Stuppsi leads with 11 points. Bidding ends in 37 seconds :: click for info [Zodsnet] Deniska: RED OR BLUE??? [Zodsnet] Rayhn: red or blue? [Zodsnet] Lorisren: blue or red? [Zodsnet] Stormspinner: PURPLE [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Auction was aborted by Furyangel. [Zodsnet] Dukets: pink? =) [Zodsnet] Furyangel: [ KILL ] Corrupted Xan-Len [Zodsnet] Furyangel: wtf dropped? [Zodsnet] Gherlosu: To [Zodsnet]: !bid 15 [Zodsnet]: No auction in progress. [Zodsnet] Stormspinner: blue [Zodsnet] Shortone: Blue Belt [Zodsnet] Deniska: more info Attacked by Corrupted Xan-Len! H L A P G N A K [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: ------------------------------------- Furyangel started auction on Maar's Red Belt of Double Power! You have 60 seconds to place bids :: click for info ------------------------------------- [Zodsnet] Deniska: LOL [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Dunbic leads with 2 points. Bidding ends in 55 seconds :: click for info [Zodsnet] Lorisren: rofl [Zodsnet] Jerome13371: hm [Zodsnet] Furyangel: [ KILL ] Corrupted Hiisi Berserker [Zodsnet] Boyatt: lol same again [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Verey666 tried to outbid but Dunbic leads with 15 points. Bidding ends in 48 seconds :: click for info [Zodsnet] Deniska: fury you smoking good shit :) [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Gherlosu tried to outbid but Dunbic leads with 21 points. Bidding ends in 42 seconds :: click for info [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Joswoodo tried to outbid but Dunbic leads with 110 points. Bidding ends in 39 seconds :: click for info [Zodsnet] Furyangel: haha omg [Zodsnet] Dukets: pwned [Zodsnet] Dunbic: is that str/sta hope? [Zodsnet] Stormspinner: dont stand close to bridge [Zodsnet] Verey666: Blue Glyph of Enel [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Blue Glyph of Enel looted by Verey666 has been noted! [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: ------------------------------------- Auction still running on Maar's Red Belt of Double Power! You have 20 seconds left to place bids :: click for info ------------------------------------- [Zodsnet] Comico: it's the BLUE BELT!!1 [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Auction was aborted by Furyangel. [Zodsnet] Lorisren: !items blue belt [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: ------------------------------------- Furyangel started auction on Maar's Blue Belt of Double Prudence! You have 60 seconds to place bids :: click for info ------------------------------------- [Zodsnet] Furyangel: [ KILL ] Corrupted Xan-Len [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Dukets leads with 2 points. Bidding ends in 52 seconds :: click for info [Zodsnet] Furyangel: [ INFO ] it's great in lala land - you should come! [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Cybershead tried to outbid but Dukets leads with 11 points. Bidding ends in 42 seconds :: click for info [Zodsnet] Deniska: N O O O I W A N T R E D ! ! ! 1 1 1 [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Wervr tried to outbid but Dukets leads with 43 points. Bidding ends in 36 seconds :: click for info [Zodsnet] Dukets: :p [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Dunbic leads with 50 points. Bidding ends in 27 seconds :: click for info [Zodsnet] Furyangel: [ KILL ] Corrupted Xan-Cur [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: ------------------------------------- Auction still running on Maar's Blue Belt of Double Prudence! You have 21 seconds left to place bids :: click for info ------------------------------------- [Zodsnet] Dukets: DAMN U! [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Dododo1 tried to outbid but Dunbic leads with 53 points. Bidding ends in 20 seconds :: click for info [Zodsnet] Dukets: i need brain more then u! [Zodsnet] Dukets: :( [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Dododo1 tried to outbid but Dunbic leads with 56 points. Bidding ends in 15 seconds :: click for info [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Dododo1 tried to outbid but Dunbic leads with 58 points. Bidding ends in 15 seconds :: click for info [Zodsnet] Deniska: D U K E T S N E E D S B R A I N ! ! ! 1 1 1 O N E O N E O N E [Zodsnet] Dododo1: kk= [Zodsnet] Dododo1: gz [Zodsnet] Dunbic: ? [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: Dunbic has won the auction for Maar's Blue Belt of Double Prudence. 58 points are being deduced from his account. [Zodsnet] Dukets: yea so gimme that belt :D [Zodsnet] Ktaz: :)) deni u high also ? [Zodsnet] Deniska: lol [Zodsnet] Cybershead: Grats [Zodsnet] Stormspinner: grats [Zodsnet] Dreambabe: grats [Zodsnet] Lorisren: gratz ;) [Zodsnet] Furyangel: [ INFO ] GRATS [Zodsnet] Dunbic: i need it for my symbs equip... [Zodsnet] Shortone: loot is free [Zodsnet] Deniska: no i just woke up :) [Zodsnet] Ktaz: grats dunbic [Zodsnet] Dukets: thx for biddin for me dunbic :D [Zodsnet] Stuppsi: gz [Zodsnet] Petrdoc: gz [Zodsnet] Deniska: gz [Zodsnet] Shortone: loot is free [Zodsnet] Druffl: grats :) [Zodsnet] Dunbic: I dunno the hell u spamming there .... [Zodsnet] Dunbic: so it s me or not? [Zodsnet] Deniska: leeroy time? [Team] Lorisren: lootuj foe [Zodsnet] Dukets: its mine!!111 ;p [Zodsnet] Healer83 joined the group. [Team] Verey666: co zas [Zodsnet] Furyangel: [ INSTRUCTION ] Dunbic loot Blue Belt [Team] Lorisren: dunbic [Team] Verey666: jo dunb [Zodsnet] Deniska: ok he doesn't want it [Zodsnet] Deniska: where's the lewt? [Zodsnet] Dunbic: but I need str/tsa, dont this shit... [Zodsnet] Cybershead: Big mob on the floor [Zodsnet] Comico: omfg [Zodsnet] Dukets: lol :D [Zodsnet] Lorisren: rofl [Zodsnet] Deniska: o.O [Zodsnet] Zodsnet: ------------------------------------- Furyangel started auction on Maar's Blue Belt of Double Prudence! You have 60 seconds to place bids :: click for info ------------------------------------- [Team] Verey666: esi nece lootnu já :-) [Zodsnet] Dukets: gimme for 49 poitns then ;D ... |
DFO: Stabajzna Sweetie - Czech Heroes @ EU-1 AO: Stabajzna (equip: pvm|pvp) - Czech Anarchy @ RK1 ---------------------- UO/VG/TR/WoW/AoC/WAR |
Edited by - bitch on 16/01/2006 14:17:38 |
Topic  |