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1051 Posts |
Posted - 04/09/2007 : 14:54:18
Nejsem si jistý, jestli to tu už bylo zmíněno, ale pro ty MMO maniaky, které zajímá game mechanics, jsem chtěl popsat jak funguje Waagh! a Righteous Fury.
Goblin Shaman: Waagh! buduje přes direct damage spell. Za každé úspěšně landnuté kouzlo získává shaman 1 Waagh! bod. Těch bodů může mít maximálně 5. Heal specky pak spotřebovávají určitý počet těhle bodů na snížení AP costu. Například direct heal sežere maximálně 3 body, HoTka maximálně 2. Nejsem si jistý, jestli to není bug, ale po té, co Shaman vypadne z combatu, okamžitě o všechny Waagh! body přichází.
Warrior Priest: Principielně stejně jako Waagh! u shamana se Righteous Fury buduje přes melee specku. RF body vyžadují "lepší" specky s vyšší damage. Při 0 RF nejdou použít. V současné době RF body po vypadnutí z combatu okamžitě nemizí, ale udržují se na WP ještě po 60 vteřin. |
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%
Average Member
1613 Posts |
Posted - 04/09/2007 : 18:27:00
jeste nekde psali ze se meni mnozstvi healu v zavislosti na waagh (uprimne jsem mimochodem pocital s vic "smooth" krivkou nez 5 stupnu :-D) |
no mmo

1051 Posts |
Posted - 05/09/2007 : 08:03:21
No to sice psali, ale nic takového se bohužel nekoná. Na na closed beta serverech určitě ne. Shaman házel ty healy furt stejně vysoký, ať měl Waagh! kolik chtěl. Jinak jsem taky čekal, že se to bude nějak líp scaleovat. |
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%
Average Member
1613 Posts |
Posted - 05/09/2007 : 10:00:47
quote: Originally posted by NoX
No to sice psali, ale nic takového se bohužel nekoná. Na na closed beta serverech určitě ne. Shaman házel ty healy furt stejně vysoký, ať měl Waagh! kolik chtěl. Jinak jsem taky čekal, že se to bude nějak líp scaleovat.
pokud je to jak rikas tak vicemene nema smysl aby "support" vubec sel nekoho mlatit palickou a skonci to nakonec tak, ze bude stat za nejblizsim stromem a spamovat healy co to jen pujde...
cim vic toho vim...tim vic chci abych to nevedel :-) a aby to hlavne bylo tak jak bylo slibeno :-D |
no mmo
New Member

111 Posts |
Posted - 05/09/2007 : 10:06:05
Ted je otazka kolik toho ten shaman za PvP boj (v grupe) nahealuje a jestli se mu vubec vyplati, respektive umozni, delat nejaky dmg a tim ziskavat Waaagh!... Jak se ti todle dari NoXi skloubit ?
Edit : Ha, koukam ze me Celdric predbehl v mych uvahach ;-) |
UO - CzH, Soptik (Drachenfels) - retired WoW - Memento Mori, Ronia (Thunderhorn) - retired WAR - Tears of Asur, Greerson (Karag Azgal) - active
Edited by - Soptik on 05/09/2007 10:16:18 |

1051 Posts |
Posted - 05/09/2007 : 10:56:00
Se Zealotem jsem se bohužel o možnost hrát RvR připravil. "Předingnul" jsem jedinou aktivní RvR zónu a zóny vyšších Tierů zejí prázdnotou. Udělal jsem si tedy Shaman twinka a na můj vkus je s ním RvR (oproti Zelotovi) mnohem méně zábavné. Shaman je rozhodně větší damage dealer než Zealot, kompenzuje to absenci debuffů či CC abilit. Jeho pozice v RvR se mi ale zdá trochu nejistá. Do group PvP mi přijde mnohem lepší support Zelot, který má pro to mnohem lepší vybavení. Jako damage dealer zase vychází lépe Magus. Já osobně ho ale jedu spíš jako healing bitch s tím, že občas po někom hodim DD kouzlo na snížení AP costu hodně drahého direct healu. Hlavní problém vidim v tom mizení Waagh! bodů při vypadnutí z combatu. Není to zrovna lehké je nabrat a pak behem okamžiku o ně člověk přijde. Na 1vs1 je to ale samozřejmě něco jiného. Tam je pochopitelně jako hybrid dost silný. Nicméně neusátle jsem u něj narážel na problémy s nedostatkem AP. I přes Waaghem snížené healy, jsem se vždycky strašně rychle vysosal z AP. Takže dost času jen stojím a čekám, až mi dotikaj zpátky. Na tenhle problém jsem ale narazil i u Choppy. Nahodim berserk (15sec duration/1minuta CD), tím se mi aktivujou dvě nejlepší DD specky. Přes GCD švihnu nejakou tu specky 3x a jsem bez AP. Tak tam tupě stojim, jedu autoattack, vyprší mi berserk a čekám až se mi doplní AP, abych měl něco na další berserk. |
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 05/09/2007 : 12:05:23
cekal jsem ze waagh bude 0-100 a ze napriklad ziskam ruzne mnozstvi v zavisloti na mnozstvi dmg kterou kouzlem udelam a ne vzdy jen o jedna, takhle je to jeste hrosi nez stat za stromem, znamena to 5 co nejrychlejsich dmg kouzel nezavisle na dmg a pak heal a porad dokola ? :( |
lastfm |

1051 Posts |
Posted - 05/09/2007 : 12:27:41
Pochopil jsi to naprosto přesně. Modelová situace PvP u shamana je na těhle nízkejch lvl vypadá následovně: DoT, DD, DD, HoT, DD, DD, DD, direct heal, DD, DD, HoT,... |
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%
Starting Member
13 Posts |
Posted - 05/09/2007 : 14:36:02
Tak s WarPriestem jsou ty RF body daleko zabavnejsi, nejenze ti odemykaj lepsi dmg specky ale i ruzny jiny veci jako napriklad insta heal s 6s Cd a silou jako tvuj normal heal (2s casttime) jen za dva body atd. + ma teda i o trochu lepsi taktiks jako supporter. (Healovaci aura co prikazdym tiku jeste sunda negativ efect).Wp neni ranged tak musis Rf body mlatit na closecombat a furt je tocit, abys byl co nejvic efektivni. S dmg je na tom hur a chvili to trva nekoho sezrat ale kdyz je clovek rychlej nepolozi ho ani dvojnasobna presila. U samana si muzes obsadit dva taktix sloty nakou vylepsenou regeneraci AP, pak by to melo bejt o dost lepsi(nevim slysel jsem:p). |
ICQ:65-966-272 |
Starting Member
13 Posts |
Posted - 05/09/2007 : 14:47:09
quote: Originally posted by NoX
Pochopil jsi to naprosto přesně. Modelová situace PvP u shamana je na těhle nízkejch lvl vypadá následovně: DoT, DD, DD, HoT, DD, DD, DD, direct heal, DD, DD, HoT,...
Jsem ho zkousel a prislo mi to ze modelova situace je: objevim se na bitevnim poli, pribehnou dva hammereri(ty sprinty jsou ekl), dostanu stuny a spomalovacky a ani v povzdali stojici zealot me neuheluje(natoz ja sam, pres ten rachot dam max 1heal a o nakym pohybu nemuze byt rec). :-) |
ICQ:65-966-272 |

1051 Posts |
Posted - 05/09/2007 : 15:04:26
quote: Originally posted by lukass Jsem ho zkousel a prislo mi to ze modelova situace je: objevim se na bitevnim poli, pribehnou dva hammereri(ty sprinty jsou ekl), dostanu stuny a spomalovacky a ani v povzdali stojici zealot me neuheluje(natoz ja sam, pres ten rachot dam max 1heal a o nakym pohybu nemuze byt rec).
Tobě by přišlo v pořádku, kdyby hybrid v leatheru ustál dva pure melee damage dealery s kotlem CC abilit? Zealot v povzdálí tě uhealovat nestihne, pač víš určitě sám, jak dlouhý cast maj ve WAR direct healy. Možná, že kyby Tě měl v grupě a použil správný Morale ability, případně nebyl buglej Divine Shield a fungoval, tak by se s tim něco udělat dalo.
Jinak souhlasim, že WR je na práci s RF lepší a zábavnější jak Shaman s Waagh!. Tím "kdyz je clovek rychlej nepolozi ho ani dvojnasobna presila" jsi myslel sprint ke guardům, že?
Shaman má (stejně jako Zealot) jednu Tactics na lepší AP regen. Je to +5 AP každou vteřinu. |
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%
New Member

111 Posts |
Posted - 05/09/2007 : 18:10:40
quote: Originally posted by NoX
Na tenhle problém jsem ale narazil i u Choppy. Nahodim berserk (15sec duration/1minuta CD), tím se mi aktivujou dvě nejlepší DD specky. Přes GCD švihnu nejakou tu specky 3x a jsem bez AP. Tak tam tupě stojim, jedu autoattack, vyprší mi berserk a čekám až se mi doplní AP, abych měl něco na další berserk.
Tak tak - todle jsem s chopou resil taky a mozna to tu i nekde psal. Akorat nevim, jak to je na vyssim ranku, byl jsem jen na 15. A dat si morale na 7sec, ze ti kazdy zasah co obdrzis doplni tusim 50 AP...mno uprimne s troskou stesti to je tak 3x50 AP, pokud tedy nejsi obklicenej...ale to si zase mrtvej at mas plny AP nebo ne :-( Taky mi prasil Run'em'all...svine, nemohl jsem nikoho dohnat nebo odbehnout a cekat na regen AP a az casem jsem se docetl, ze tu abilitu likviduje naka blba tactic... |
UO - CzH, Soptik (Drachenfels) - retired WoW - Memento Mori, Ronia (Thunderhorn) - retired WAR - Tears of Asur, Greerson (Karag Azgal) - active
Starting Member
13 Posts |
Posted - 05/09/2007 : 21:27:24
quote: Originally posted by NoX Tobě by přišlo v pořádku, kdyby
Prislo neprislo, jen jsem jsi vzpomel na moji zkusenost se samanem.
quote: Originally posted by NoX Tím "kdyz je clovek rychlej nepolozi ho ani dvojnasobna presila" jsi myslel sprint ke guardům, že?
Blah, no saman tam urcite nedobehne:p Jinak sem tim myslel, ze za vyuziti optimalnich morale abilit, tactix, selfmaker, keybindings (mysi to fakt neuklikas)atd. je WP v dosavadnim RvR daleko vic potentni nez treba saman a ani spolecny utok dvou DD nemusi znamenat jeho smrt.
quote: Originally posted by NoX Shaman má (stejně jako Zealot) jednu Tactics na lepší AP regen. Je to +5 AP každou vteřinu
Tak jsem teda na to kouknul a ja tam se samanem mam dve(kazda 5ap/1s), tim asi bylo mysleny to zaplacnuti dvou tactix slotu.
ICQ:65-966-272 |

1051 Posts |
Posted - 13/09/2007 : 09:37:23
dnešní patch... 
Witch Hunter • Introducing the Witch Hunter!
- Lurking in the shadows of all corners of the Empire, Witch Hunters constantly seek to uncover signs of Chaos’ creeping influence and to destroy all who have fallen under the thrall of the Dark Gods. Sought after by a population terrified of the ever-present threat of Chaos but also feared for their terrible ferocity, the Witch Hunter is truly one of the most imposing figures in all of the Empire. - Wearing light armor and sporting close range-pistols and rapiers, these fast-attack melee fighters get in close to a target to unleash devastating positional attacks. A point-based combo system allows them to string combo attacks together and then end with a powerful finishing move. They use holy waters and blessed chrisms to anoint their blades in preparation for combat – adding additional damage and debuffs to each attack. If you’re a fan of rogues, the Witch Hunter is for you. |
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%
New Member

101 Posts |
Posted - 13/09/2007 : 17:33:49
super witch hunter, to je moja 2 moznost este s WP:) tak sem volakto rychlo napiste co to je za potvoru:) |
2901 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2007 : 07:09:27
Witch Huntera sem jeste nezkousel ale co sem si viditelne vsiml po patchi:
- predse na instacasty nemuselo byt otoceno celem k taregtu (klidne se mohly davat doty/snare na target za vami), po patchi uz je to opravene musite ho faceovat
- potvrzuji, ze vsechny melee specky stoji polovinu AP (to bylo v patchnotes), takze meleeci nebudou tak rychle out of AP
- zmena vytvareni postav cni poze v tom ze pred tim ste po kliknuti na novou postavu vybirali ihned rasu a pod tim classu, nyni musite nejdriv vybrat Order/Destruction, buttony se presunuly na jinou pozici na obrazovce a jmeno se zadava az na dalsi obrazovce po vybrani rasy a classy jinak zadna zmena neni, takze zatim zadna customizace, ale pocitam ze se to dodela
- drive pri prebihani do jine zony to slo plynule, nyni mi to brutalne zalaguje jak to nacita (sice nemam TOP stroj ale ze by to byla hrozna sunka taky ne A64 3800+ 2GB dual ram CL2 7900GT TOP PCIe)
- zda se mi ze stale neupravili agro range HERO mobu, agruji stale pres celou obrazovku, nicmene to se urcite jeste zmeni
Dalsi zmeny nebudu komentovat, protoze nejsou az tak zasadni.
Jinak takova poznamka: uz nekolikrat se mi pri PQ stalo, ze se nespawnul pocet mobu, kteri maji byt zabiti spravne (napr. 11 z 12 apod a muselo se cekat na restart). Dale se mi moc nezda ten bonus k rollu...v tu dobu sem hral za Maguse (DD) byl sem o level vys nez ostatni a i proti classam jako Chosen nebo Zealot sem mel hodne nizky bonus k rollu ackoliv mi to critovalo a myslim ze dmg sem dal pozehnane. Muj bonus byl +150 cca jejich +380 (mozna i vic, uz si presne nepamatuju).
Zatim musim co se PVE tyce lidi celkem pochvalit, nebehaji tam zadni ninjalooteri (alespon sem je zatim nepotkal), dost se pomaha....takova komunita se mi libi. V RvR zone sem byl jen trikrat zatim....dve byly prazdne ve treti behaly 2 skupinky 6 lidi vyssich levelu, tudiz sem nemel moc sanci si zabojovat krome neustaleho behani od spawn pointu :). Takze to chce jeste trosku polevelovat.
JESTE EDIT: ke zmene v patchi, nevim jestli sem si toho driv nevsiml, ale imo to pridali ted v patchi....pokud vyberete target, pod vasi postavou se objevi bile kolecko po jehoz obvodu obiha cervena sipka podle toho kterym smerem je vami vybrany target....celkem prijemna feature. |
"End of hope, end of love, end of time. The rest is silence."
Edited by - Little on 14/09/2007 07:11:15 |
<Mor do Kuli>
1443 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2007 : 08:41:26
quote: Originally posted by Little JESTE EDIT: ke zmene v patchi, nevim jestli sem si toho driv nevsiml, ale imo to pridali ted v patchi....pokud vyberete target, pod vasi postavou se objevi bile kolecko po jehoz obvodu obiha cervena sipka podle toho kterym smerem je vami vybrany target....celkem prijemna feature.
To je novinka. Taky se mi docela zamlouvá. Včera jsem běhal po nějaké RvR zóně (zkouším Chaos Chosena) a dělal jsem PQ. Je to fakt dobrej nápad. Jeden PQ spočívá v tom, že se nejdřív musí zabít 50 vesničanů v jedné NPC vesnici. Pro splnění druhé fáze musím vypálit všech 10 domů. Po zapálení každého baráku přiběhne chumel NPCček, které se ho snaží hasit. A když splním i tohle tak přiběhne boss. Po jeho smrti z něj padne bedna o kterou se rolluje. Za každej "úkon" v PQ (zabití vesničana, zapálení baráku) dostávám influence body. Většinou je to 100 bodů za NPC v první fázi, jak je to bodované dál jsem si nevšimnul. Influence body v každé zóně se mi přičítaj a když jich mám dostatek můžu si vyzvednout reward. Tej je bud basic (zatím jsem viděl jenom potiony), pak střední a v tomhle konkrétném PQ pokud mám víc jak 15k influence bodů můžu si vzít nejlepší reward. Což je docela fajn zbraň, štít nebo ještě nějaká věc.
2901 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2007 : 08:48:24
PQ je v kazde zone minimalne jeden tusim, nekde i vic. Pocitaji se vsechny do jednoho Chapteru pokud jde o tu samou zonu.
Nicmene PQ mi zas tak imba neprijdou :) Jediny rozdil oproti klasickemu questu je to ze clovek nemusi byt v groupe (no ono musi a nemusi....pokud neni v groupe a nabehne tam banda 6ti lidi kteri quest NPC zabiji jak na bezicim pasu ty z nich nemas INF body naopak oni se o ne deli rovnym dilem v groupe). Samozrejme objectives se plni, ale kazdy tam jde za tim ziskat influence body ;). Jedina vyhoda je, ze na konci pokud se ucastnis ve Stage 3 zabijeni HERO moba tak dostanes INF i za nej a muzes rollovat o loot.
Po nejakem case mi PQ prijdou stejne jako klasicke questy. Ale urcite je to zpestreni oproti sesbirej deset klacku v lese :) |
"End of hope, end of love, end of time. The rest is silence."
<Mor do Kuli>
1443 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2007 : 09:03:05
Já sem zatím naprostej WAR noob, tak si to užívám.  |
2901 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2007 : 09:31:00
quote: Originally posted by Tibor
Já sem zatím naprostej WAR noob, tak si to užívám. 
To ja taky, hraju to dva dny mam zatim jen 7 charu mezi levelama 5-8, chtel sem okouknout co se dalo :)
Urcite je to dobry napad a pekne zpestreni oproti ohranym klasickym questum, ale za neco prevratneho to nepovazuju :) |
"End of hope, end of love, end of time. The rest is silence."
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2007 : 10:21:20
vy ste lamky az ta hra vyjde [naiv]bez bugu a skvela[/naiv] tak uz vas bude nudit zatimco ja si ji teprve zacnu uzivat |
lastfm |
2901 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2007 : 10:35:13
quote: Originally posted by Rashaverak
vy ste lamky az ta hra vyjde [naiv]bez bugu a skvela[/naiv] tak uz vas bude nudit zatimco ja si ji teprve zacnu uzivat
na tom asi taky neco bude ;) ale pokud tam bude RvR dobre pak nevidim duvod nepokracovat v ostre verzi s kamarady, preci jen si myslim ze to bude jina hra pri releasu nez to co je nyni v bete |
"End of hope, end of love, end of time. The rest is silence."
New Member

101 Posts |
Posted - 19/09/2007 : 13:35:18
no co uz ste niekto skusili toho lovca carodejnic? ako sa to zanho hra? ake ma tahy? je to snim zabava? |
2901 Posts |
Posted - 20/09/2007 : 18:24:13
quote: Originally posted by Methodius
no co uz ste niekto skusili toho lovca carodejnic? ako sa to zanho hra? ake ma tahy? je to snim zabava?
Bohuzel ti toho moc nereknu, zkouseli sme ho na FR serveru kdyz nejel ENG a dosahli sme snad jen level 6 bo tak nejak. Je to klasicke DD v MH drzi sword, v OH drzi pistoli. Vypada teple a kdyz si schova zbrane tak mu pistole od opasku trci jak *censored* . Pohybove mi hodne pripomina Zealota (copy&paste ? ). Zatim klasicke specky co se od DD ocekavaji, na takto nizkem levelu zatim nuda ostatne jako vsechny ostatni classy, nic prevratneho se zatim nekona :).
Ted si nejsem jisty, ale mam pocit ze jako jedina class ma povoleno pouzivat range zbrane na urcite specky na melee vzdalenost, ale nerad bych psal zavadejici info, takze tohle ber s nadhledem. |
"End of hope, end of love, end of time. The rest is silence."

5760 Posts |
Posted - 21/09/2007 : 14:50:25
Mel by byt short ranged s moznosti strelby v close combatu takze to co rikas tehle prastare informaci presne odpovida.
Sakra sakra ja se tesil jak se konecne dozvim jak za pomoci usvedcujich dukazu a muceni vyzvida kdo je chaosak :) |
STS Chvojkovice-Brod |

1051 Posts |
Posted - 21/09/2007 : 15:45:00
Jak kdo je Chaosák? správného Witch Huntera, je s vyjímkou Karla Franze posedlý každý 
WH opravdu, jako zatím jediná class používá v close combatu střelnou zbraň. Systém boje je hodně podobný rogue class ve WoW. Přes melee specky buduje max 5 combo bodů , které spotřebovává finisherama.
Nobody expects the Empire Inquisition! |
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%
Average Member
1613 Posts |
Posted - 25/09/2007 : 21:14:28
tak protoze uz zase uplynul nejakej ten patek od posledni zpravy z bety...
zajimalo by me od hracu bety jestli pozorujou nejaky pohyb ve fps (jestli se maka na optimalizaci enginu nebo spis jeste dodelavaj nedodelane...) |
no mmo
Junior Member
630 Posts |
Posted - 29/09/2007 : 15:02:47
Ja by som sa rad opytal ako to momentalne vyzera s vylepsovanim characteru..
Vo vcerajsom podcaste hovoria..teda aspon jak som to ja pochopil..ze ability sa ziskavaju automaticky. Preto ma zaujima ze ci su v bete stale treneri.
A este jedna otazka, vies ze kedysi mal advancment tab 4 zalozky.abilities, morales, tactics a passive (jednu dobu tam bolo skills).. bolo to zredukovane na 3 zalozky? alebo ma stale stvrta velkym napisane coming soon?
Dik moc :) |
Edited by - ManiaCCC on 29/09/2007 15:28:31 |
New Member

101 Posts |
Posted - 30/09/2007 : 21:54:22
Co uz vas ta beta omrzela? ked je tu tak ticho:) inak ako sa vam ten WAR zda teraz ked uz tam mate par tyzdnov odohranych? |
<Mor do Kuli>
1443 Posts |
Posted - 30/09/2007 : 22:26:37
Ano, mě beta omrzela. Nedal jsem tomu moc, chtěl jsem zkusit něco za chaos a náhodně jsem si vybral chosena. Dohrabal jsem se až na lvl 10. Od té doby se nemůžu přinutit lognout. Kromě pár drobností mi to přijde stejné jako ostatní onlinovky...
EDIT: Můj účet už používá někdo jiný, takže ne, nedám.  |
4085 Posts |
Posted - 01/10/2007 : 15:49:04
quote: Originally posted by Tibor
Ano, mě beta omrzela. Nedal jsem tomu moc, chtěl jsem zkusit něco za chaos a náhodně jsem si vybral chosena. Dohrabal jsem se až na lvl 10. Od té doby se nemůžu přinutit lognout. Kromě pár drobností mi to přijde stejné jako ostatní onlinovky...
EDIT: Můj účet už používá někdo jiný, takže ne, nedám. 
Jsem byl pomalej, mel jsem si rict rychleji o ten acc |
2901 Posts |
Junior Member
630 Posts |
Posted - 02/10/2007 : 15:56:29
Fakt paradny prehlad. Dik Little :)
EDIT: Pozeram ze ability Squig Herder len z kopirovali z mojho topicu este aj z chybami.
quote: Run Away Orders your pet squig to Taunt all enemies near it, making them hate it more and reducing damage they deal to everyone else for 10 seconds. Durning this time, your run speed is greatly increased, but will retrun to normal if you také any action.
Ceske automaticke opravovanie chyb :) |
Edited by - ManiaCCC on 02/10/2007 16:07:49 |
2901 Posts |
Posted - 03/10/2007 : 13:10:19
Vcera byly pridany nektere high res textury na nekolik objektu. Z pohledu z dalky tam neni temer zadny rozdil, ale pokud se priblizite vypada to uz pekne.
Tedy alespon co se jednoho Chaos chapteru tyka, nevim jestli je pridavali vsude. Pribyly nejake objekty s high res texturama jako drzak na ryby, privazany zralok u chatrce, totemy, louce apod. napr. chatrce ziskali nove high res textury. U nekterych charu se zmenil take na high res i equip (zealot). Stromy, kere, nebe a zem vypadaji stale stejne jako pred tim.
V detailu to vypada pekne, z dalky nepoznate rozdil :) |
"End of hope, end of love, end of time. The rest is silence."

5760 Posts |
Posted - 03/10/2007 : 15:19:38
To zni dobre, mozna se z toho casem vazne neco vyklube. |
STS Chvojkovice-Brod |

1051 Posts |
Posted - 29/10/2007 : 13:37:17
"Marauders are frantic warriors who wade into the thick of battle dual-wielding a standard weapon in their main and an offhand that has mutated into a terrifying, organic weapon. The Marauder recieves 3 different mutations that he can choose from. Each mutation represents a different type of weapon and playstyle. The mutations themselves offer different buffs, and unlock different abilities based on what mutation you activate. They are a straightforward melee DPS class that is all about pumping out damage based upon their offhand mutation. During battle, they are able to change the mutation of their offhand, which will dictate what abilities or effects are used on certain attacks, much like a stance would."
Zdroj WAR Beta fórum. |
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

1051 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2007 : 07:51:59
We had so much feedback from the Marauder peek last week that we thought we'd get a little more into detail! The Marauder is "dual wielding" in the sense that they have a weapon in their right hand, and a what was formerly their left hand, and they're beating you over the head with both hands at the same time. Whenever they're mutated, they'll get the same combat benefits that someone dual-wielding weapons would get, and their mutated limb is considered to be a rare-quality weapon as far as DPS goes.
As far as the mutations themselves, the Marauder will have several different mutated forms which each provide different benefits and unlock different abilities: a claw-like arm will increase their Weapon Skill and its attacks will be suitable for taking down heavily-armored targets (e.g. Rend, a shredding attack which causes damage over time and increases each time you apply it), while a bone-bladed forearm will increase their Strength and provide strong positional attacks (e.g. Impale, which does heavy damage but can only be used from the victim's back), and a crushing club-like appendage will increase their Toughness and grant attacks which sweep larger areas at a time (e.g. Demolition, which hits all enemies in a cone in front of you and knocks them down).
Additionally, there will be some special abilities which are usable in any mutated form (such as Uncontrollable Warping, which makes your mutated arm explode right off of your body, damaging everything nearby...and you, too!)."
Zdroj WAR Beta fórum. |
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

1051 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2007 : 07:57:25
The Swordmaster is a more offensively oriented Tank career that specializes in combat chains called “Blade Dances”. Each successful Blade Dance contains a total of three sequentially chained attacks. Each attack in the chain shifts the Sword Master’s balance closing off the previous abilities and opening up options for new attacks. This chain sequence is always Balanced -> Improved Balance -> Perfect Balance, and by level 40 the Sword Master will have multiple options for each balance stage. This will allow them to flexibly choose what type of attack to launch next.
The following is an example of a “Blade Dance” chain; this sequence is intended to keep a ranged class from fleeing combat allowing the Sword Master to follow up with a more offensive Dance to finish them off. The Sword Master opens with Ensorcelled Blow (A melee attack that does magical damage instead of physical, allowing him to bypass normal armor) this attack shifts him into Improved Balance. He then follows up with a Quick Incision (Deals damage over time and snare you’re opponent) which then shifts him into Perfect Balance. The Sword Master’s final attack is Whispering Wind (Melee Damage & Spell Interrupt with a high chance to Silence the target). After completing the sequence the Sword Master returns to “Balanced” and can then choose a new chain of attacks to begin on his now snared (and probably silenced) victim. Keep in mind the Sword Master is not locked into a set chain so in the case of the above sequence the Sword Master might choose to end with Ether Dance (A 3 second string of high damage magic melee attacks) if his target wasn’t currently casting a spell.
The Sword Master can also supplement his Dances with a variety of self buffs & defensive skills. The Sword Master’s self buffs come in the form of weapon enchantments. These self buffs play an integral part in the Dance since the type of magical damage applied by most attacks is determined by the enchantment on the blade. In addition each enchantment comes with a chance to proc an additional effect on the target. An example of an Enchantment is “Natures Blade” which allows the Sword Master to launch corporeal attacks as well as giving him a chance to drain stats temporarily from his target.
Playing a Swordmaster will be all about making strategic decisions, and utilizing your weapon enchantments & Blade Dances in the most effective way for the situation. An accomplished Sword Master will always be planning two steps ahead of his opponent in an attempt to properly direct the flow of the battle to his advantage. As such the Sword Master tends to attract players who focus more on evenly paced strategic game play.
Witch Elf:
Witch Elves are dual-wielding lightly-armored attackers, capable of quickly massacring a target at close range with blades, poisons, and elixirs. All of their attacks will either build or expend their Frenzy, requiring a constant stream of attacks to rebuild Frenzy points. As an example, she may begin the fight with a Ruthless Assault, an attack which builds up several Frenzy points but can't be used once engaged in combat. She can immediately expend her Frenzy with a Heart Render, which reduces the target's Toughness and becomes more powerful when more Frenzy was spend. While the enemy is more vulnerable, the Witch Elf will Slice them repeatedly to rebuild her Frenzy, and then attack with a Mangling Cleave which once again expends her Frenzy and snares the target, lasting longer when more Frenzy was spent.
Blades are not the Witch Elf's only weapons, however, as she has a stock of poisons and elixirs as well. After selecting a poison, all of the Witch Elf's attacks will gain a chance to cause an additional effect, but she may only use a single poison at a time (such as a Withering Poison which causes the target to deal less damage, or a Dark Poison which deals damage over time). Her elixirs, on the other hand, are potent and fast-acting draughts which greatly increase her effectiveness for a short period of time, but then take a toll as well (for example, the Elixir Of Insane Power will greatly increase the Witch Elf's Strength for 10 seconds, but will then slightly reduce her Strength for another 10 seconds after the effect has ended).
Much of the strategy of playing a Witch Elf will depend on knowing when to bring all of these elements together - how long to build up Frenzy before expending it, which attack to expend it on, which poison you should be using for the specific situation, and when to best use an Elixir to maximize the benefit while minimizing the weakness." |
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

1051 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2007 : 08:10:04
A ještě nějaké info ohledně typů serverů:
"We have a plan for parts of the RvR systems for the game. Based on your feedback and our internal discussions, here's what we have to offer. Over the next few months we will be reviewing these plans, taking more feedback so expect further refinements.
a) Server type #1 - Open RvR In this server type you will be able to kill any member of the enemy you meet other than true newbies. There will be no flagging of any kind so please, engage in RvR whenever and where you meet the enemy (other than the starting areas).
b) Server type #2 - Core Ruleset In this server type, the starting areas are still safe and we add the concept of protected PvE areas. Once an enemy player enters a protected area, he will be immediately flagged for RvR and will be unable to unflag himself. Within the PvE area he cannot initiate PvP but once he is attacked, whoever attacked him is fair game. We will also have some protections to prevent dumbass behavior (like killing certain NPCs/MOBs of the other side) as well. We will talk about this stuff with you folks over the next few months.
c) Server Type #3 - Role-playing This server will be (b) but with additional RPing rules. We are considering a ORvR RP server as well based on demand.
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

1051 Posts |
Posted - 15/11/2007 : 16:06:36
Včera vyšel nový Beta update, tak tu je výtah:
Item Team... After last week’s revelations about the trophy system, this week they have some news about another customisation aspect – armour dyes!
We’ve started applying tints to armors throughout the whole game. Some tint colors are “reserved” – they’ll only be used on specific cool bits of armor. Also, some colors will have specific in-game meaning. All the other colors will be distributed among everything else.
We’ve also been finishing up the details of our dyeing system. Will players be able to dye their armor? Yes. Will players be able to “bleach” or revert dyed armor back to its original color? Yes. We’ll keep you all updated as this system progresses.
As an aside we’ve also been playing around with some itemization systems to make random drops “feel” better to the player. These systems will make it much more likely that a player will be able to use an item that drops.
pak nějaké info od RvR Teamu.. This week they are talking about the changes to open world RvR including a very exciting new development:
The first stage of changes and additions to open world RvR is under way and I’ve been cleared to share with you a glimpse of the details. We received a lot of feedback regarding warcamp camping, the battlefield objectives, and the feeling of the RvR area as a whole and we have been listening. We have begun making changes to the battlefield objectives to provide more incentives to players to capture them, as well as making them more dynamic and interesting.
Now for the part that has been the top-secret project the RvR team has been hard at work on: Keeps. Yes, you read that right – we are adding Keeps. Keep warfare, namely protecting your keep and capturing your enemy’s, will play a significant role in open world RvR and the campaign.
The first pairing to have keeps on Beta will be Empire and Chaos. The art for the keeps will not be polished when Beta reopens, but this is very intentional. Our primary goal at this stage is to make sure the game play and functionality of the keeps are very solid and you can expect to see a lot of “focus discussion” posts from members of the RvR Team as we request targeted feedback.
What about Siege? There will indeed be siege in WAR. However, siege will not be ready when Beta reopens. I will have more information for you as we get closer to having it ready for release to Beta.
edit: Jo, ještě jsem zapoměl...kompletně předělávají UIčko. Mají tam sice jeden screenshot, ale počkam až budou nějaké lepší a pak je zas někam uploadnu. |
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%
Edited by - NoX on 15/11/2007 16:20:10 |

1051 Posts |
Posted - 15/11/2007 : 16:09:04
a asi to nejzajímavěší je od Combat & Career Teamu (krapet delší čtení, ale imo to stojí za přečtení)...
Visual customisation is of course, very important. Just as important is the opportunity to customise the abilities of your character. This has been a work in progress for some time and now for the first time you can read how it will work:
Career Mastery (Specialization)
We know that you've all been eagerly awaiting more details on how we plan to allow players of the same career to differentiate themselves from one another, and we're thrilled to be able to take this opportunity to unveil the Mastery system for the first time!
General Overview
Career Mastery will allow players focus on different facets of their career giving them the opportunity to differentiate themselves from others, while still making sure that every character, no matter how they're specialized, can still perform the basic and fundamental purpose of their career. For example, every Sword Master will be an able tank, capable of absorbing much more damage then a lighter fighter. However someone who specializes in the Sword Master’s defensive path will find that they are generally more durable, able to hold aggro better in PvE and able to defend their friends more efficiently in an RvR scenario. Meanwhile a Sword Master who chooses to go a more offensive route will still be able to take a hit, but may find themselves hard pressed to defend & protect as well as their counterpart, admittedly they will be hitting quite a bit harder as a trade off.
To begin at the most basic layer, every player will have four grouping of skills: Core skills and skills that fall under one of three different Paths of Mastery. The Core skills include a small handful of abilities which are simply critical to the career (to continue the example above, a Swordmaster would find that their Taunt and Guard abilities are Core). These Core skills automatically improve as you gain ranks; once you learn them, they won't require any further investments. Moving beyond that, each career will have three paths available to Master, each of which emphasizes one specific facet of the career's abilities. While the Core skills represent a more automatic progress, the pathed skills are heavily player-controlled.
Each Mastery contains Base skills, Supplemental skills, and also has its own Mastery level. Base skills are the Actions, Tactics & Morale a player is granted as a reward for achieving a specific level, every character of that Career will always be able to purchase these skills, however their total effectiveness is intimately tied to the player’s level of Mastery. Supplemental Skills are the Actions, Tactics, and Morale that a player can only unlock by increasing their Mastery of a given path, like Base skills Supplemental skills continue to increase in effectiveness as you’re Mastery level increases. The Mastery level itself is the current amount of Mastery a player has in a particular path, players will be able to choose just how much Mastery they desire in each of the three paths available to them.
Earning Skills & Increasing Mastery
Skills can be earned in one of two ways Base skills are unlocked when you achieve a specific rank then purchased at you’re trainer, players can choose to skip a Base skill if they desire but there is no good reason not to. Supplemental skills however are only unlocked once you reach a certain Mastery level, once unlocked a player has to choose to spend points to purchase these skills. This is a difficult choice b/c the same points used to purchase Supplemental skills are used to increase Mastery level. These points are referred to as specialization points, and are earned every rank, a player will never have enough Specialization points to completely Master multiple paths while purchasing Supplemental skills. It is a tough choice b/c every point of Mastery earned improves EVERY action in that mastery line by a small amount this includes the Base Skills you automatically get. One level of Mastery can seem trivial however they add up and 5 or 10 points of Mastery makes a significant difference!
There is some amount of automatic leveling of power for skills in the paths outside of their Mastery. This is done to make sure the ability is not completely useless to the player, in fact many abilities may still be useful for secondary effects such as Stun even if they have horrible damage/healing values b/c their Mastery level is lower. When comparing the general power of an ability of a path with 100% Mastery and one with 0% Mastery you will see around a 30 – 35% difference in power. Remember this number can be improved (or widened) further depending on which Tactics and Stats you focus on as well.
Simple Examples
Example #1 - How a Base Ability improves with Mastery
Graceful Strike, a melee attack which causes monsters to hate you more than normal would be a base ability that falls into the Path of Vaul, which is the Sword Master's defensive-oriented Mastery. Every Swordmaster, whether or not they've specialized in that path, would have access to that ability. However, after a certain point, the damage and additional hatred will have reached their full potential, and will stop increasing. If the player then decides to use part of their specialization to increase their Mastery in the Path of Vaul the damage and extra hate will increase above that cap - and the further they specialize into that Mastery, the greater and greater the effectiveness becomes, however this ability still retains some use to players of other Paths who will find it useful for it’s additional Hatred generated since it is still better then many of the standard Melee attacks.
Example #2 - Purchasing additional Supplemental Skills
To stick with our hypothetical Swordmaster, for example, let's rejoin him after he's spent several of his specialization points to gain further Mastery of his defensive path (Path of Vaul). Once his Mastery increases sufficiently, he'll see that a new attack has become unlocked called Crushing Advance. This ability is a shield slam that not only does damage and interrupts casting but also briefly increases his chance to block attacks further bolstering his defense. In order to purchase it, he'll need to divert his next point away from increasing his Mastery further, and spend it to gain the attack instead. This is only one such example of an additional supplemential Skill, players will also have access to improved tactics and a powerful Level 4 Morale in their Mastery
For the astute you’ll have also noticed that the Path of Vaul seems to have a focus on using a “Sheild” instead of a “Greatsword” tricky eh?
In the end every player can decide not only how deeply to Master each path, but also which additional skills they might want to purchase from that specialization choice. You may choose to go full-bore down one path, max out its Mastery and purchase every supplemental skill, making your character outstandingly good at that aspect...but you'll only have enough points remaining to Master another path halfway at the most. Do you go as far as you can in a second path? or do you split your other points between multiple paths? Do you purchase the supplemental skills in those other paths, or do you decide to push your Mastery as high as you can? Maybe you decide not to push one path to its limit, and instead purchase several supplemental skills from multiple paths - but remember, you need Masteries to make those skills more powerful, too! Our specialization system will be a rich and flexible tool to customize your character exactly the way you want them!
We hope you enjoyed the sneak preview of the Career Mastery system, we have high hopes that these improvements will further enrich our character systems. We’ll be listening closely for additional questions and feedback and answering them as we can over the next couple of Beta update letters. |
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

1051 Posts |
Posted - 22/11/2007 : 08:46:35
Beta Update Week 6
quote: We’ve just started work on a new itemization subsystem – repairable items.
We wanted to cut down the chances of getting dropped items that are completely useless to you. While some monsters drop perfectly good weapons and armor when you kill them, some take so much punishment during the beating that they drop stuff that no longer works. We’re calling these bits of junk “repairable items” for now.
When a player finds a repairable item, they can’t use it – it’s just junk. However, the item’s tooltip tells/shows the player what that item could be turned into if they take it to a blacksmith NPC – you’ll be able what stats the repaired item will have.
The blacksmith, if he can make something from the junk, will always make something that is useable by your career. The repairable items don’t have any binding restrictions, so they can be traded and sold. Once a blacksmith has turned a repairable item into something useable, that item is bound to you.
Sometimes, a particular pile of junk just can’t be repaired into something useful for your career. In these cases, you should just sell/trade the junk to someone else. Repairable items don’t last forever. If they don’t get repaired quickly, they turn into “broken” items – which are pure junk. So, there’s no point stockpiling them. We’re also looking into ways for players to do the “repairing” themselves in the field.
-Items Team
quote: For this week's update, we are going to answer a few of the recurring questions regarding keeps and siege. The details will still be on the light side as many of the features won't be fully implemented when Beta re-opens. We don't want to tease you too much with juicy bits of goodness that won't be available right away when you log in.
Before I dive into that, there is one other change to RvR. We have changed the Renown splitting from its old contribution based system. Renown for killing players is now awarded to each member of a group if one or more members participated in the kill. The amount of renown given to the group is a percentage based on participation in the kill.
Now on to the Keep questions.
Will the keeps be attackable without siege? Yes, players will be able to break open the keep doors, battle the guards, fight their way to the keep lord, and try to capture the keep.
Will Keeps change in appearance based upon which race controls them? In future patches (pre-launch), the appearance of the keep will change to reflect that the enemy realm has captured it. At this time, we are not planning to entirely replace the keep with a new structure with different geometry. So, an Empire keep captured by Destruction will still look like an Empire keep, but it will change to look like it's been under siege and show some signs of its new owners.
Will there be NPC guards and a captain to kill rather than a "run up and click the flag" we see in "that other game"? There will definitely be more to capturing the keep than just interacting with an object or entering an area. There will be guards and a "lord", with the numbers of guards present based on factors players from both realms can affect. More details will be released closer to Beta re-opening.
Will there be non-typical types of keeps? (i.e. ships, trains, mountains) At this point, we aren't planning on using anything that deviates too far from a "keep" style structure.
Will keeps have multiple levels and if so, will they use ladders or stairs? The keeps will have several floors of combat space. Both the keeps and the outer walls will use stairs or ramps, with no ladders to be found.
Will Battlefield Objectives play a part in the keep system? Yes, there will be connections between the BOs and the keeps. Sorry folks, this is another one that we have to say "more details to follow later".
-RvR Team
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

1051 Posts |
Posted - 22/11/2007 : 08:47:31
A nějaké Q&A k Career Mastery systému...
quote: I'm hoping we'll get more than two options for mastery per class (i.e. a chosen that can master being more defensive, being more offensive, or being more debuffer..., or... duel vs shield, or... )
Each career will have 3 Mastery paths available to them, and the specific differences between the paths will be based on the individual careers. In general, careers that share archetypes will often share similar themes on Mastery, but it is not 100% the same.
But one thing I was expecting to see at least mentioned, but wasn't, was an ability to respec our characters?
There will definitely be a mechanism in place to respecialize your Mastery. Initially for Beta it will be easy to access and free, however there will be some cost to it in release.
hrmm, i probably missed it, but how do you earn mastery points? Is it just from when you level up?
Yup! You gain Mastery points as your rank increases. You'll begin gaining Mastery points at around 25% of the way through your career, so that you have some time to become accustomed to the career's core playstyles before you have to make any specialization decisions.
Is it a good assumption on our part to guess that you are taking a look at spells and attacks as a whole as well as adding specs?
Absolutely. Remember that we're releasing all of these different aspects of the careers iteratively, so the next pass over the careers that adds Masteries will also be a general pass over the careers as a whole.
I would like to know if you can give us any information on the UI for the Career Mastery. You mention that at certain levels you get to "unlock" skills, will these skills be visible before they are unlocked or only at the point when they become available?
The UI for the Mastery system isn't quite ready for discussion yet, but we can assure you that all of the abilities within a path will be visible right from the start. We're not going to keep the benefits of a Mastery a secret; you'll be able to see right from the beginning what you'll gain from each Mastery path.
I am interested in how this will work for the front load casters, IE Magus, and BW.. hmmmmm Guess will be like DD mastery, CC mastery, and DOT mastery type hmmmm ?
The C&C team is actually making strong efforts to avoid a "CC Mastery". Crowd control is a powerful, necessary, and key part of gameplay, but it's also very delicate - if you're unable to control your character for an entire fight, that's horribly frustrating and simply not fun. Bright Wizards, for example, might have one Mastery for direct effects, one for longer-duration effects, and one for area effects - any crowd control abilities that they might have would be scattered through the trees as appropriate.
For some people, the meta-game of speccing and respeccing is the most fun
Don't forget about things like Tactics! Not only will you have made decisions about Masteries, which are longer-term and more fundamental decisions about the direction you want to take your character, but you'll also be making fight-by-fight decisions on which Tactics to use. Let us diverge a moment away from Masteries, and briefly mention another change that you'll be seeing when the Beta reopens: When it comes to Tactics and Morale, you'll have to make fewer choices about what to -purchase-, and more choices about what to -use-. The Mastery paths will have some Tactics and Morale that you'll have to purchase, and those will be very specifically focused on that path - but outside of those, your career's normal Tactics and Morale will -all- be granted to you.
I'm not entirely certain I understand a certain facet of the system. Is it true I could get full mastery in all three mastery paths, but not get all the skills associated with that tree?
Let's throw out some "most-extreme-case" scenarios here for you:
* If you ignore every supplemental ability in every Mastery, and only invest your points into Masteries, then you'd be able to either take all three paths up to 75% of their maximum level, or two paths up to 100% and the third at 0%. * If you take one Mastery up to its maximum level and purchase every single supplemental ability in that path, you'll end up with around 25% of your points left to distribute into the other paths. * If you try to distribute your points as evenly as possible, both increasing Mastery levels and purchasing supplemental abilities in all three paths, then you'll end up with each Mastery at about 45% of its maximum level, and about 45% of the supplemental abilities available to each line.
Not sure if this has been asked yet or not...but I had a quick question. Will masteries effect stats or anything else besides skills in any way?
Stats are not effected by Mastery directly - there may be some Mastery Tactics or Actions that give you access to improved stat buffs, but the core allotment of stats stays the same. Gaining additional stats is predominately done via equipment. That being said, there may be different sets of gear that are more or less attractive to different mastery paths.
I guess I'm just confused how not speccing into something makes your base spells for that tree equivalent to level 20-25, but it's still only a 30-35% difference if you spec 100% into it. That seems like conflicting numbers to me. Unless there's only a 30% difference between a level 20 and 40, but that brings up a whole other set of issues.
To keep it short: the 30 – 35% is the general number you see after you factor in the fact that a rank 40 Character will have rank 40 stat bonuses & gear, which will make an ability stronger then the same one cast as a rank 25 player with rank 25 gear and stats. Don't confuse -player- levels with -ability- levels! That 30 - 35% number is when you compare two rank 40 players of different specs - comparing a rank 40 player to a rank 25 player, even if they're both using rank 25 abilities, would be a MUCH larger gap because of stats, gear, etc.
I think the worry comes about the system comes from the number of actions to choose from within a line. If most of our choices are tactics/morale then this does little. On the other hand, if within each path is a large number of good actions to pick from then I think this system has a good chance.
Some numbers to hopefully put your fears to rest:
* 25% of each careers Base abilities are Core, the other 75% tie in to Mastery Paths (25% each) * If you’re really fond of purchasing Actions/Abilities you can get 10 – 25% More actions via mastery purchase. That being said, we’re not releasing final numbers at this time but every career will have 20+ actions no matter how they spec.
I sincerely hope each specialization is viable in both pve and pvp. Its more about the style in which you are most comfortable with to achieve your goal.
We absolutely agree. The Mastery paths are designed to emphasize different facets of the careers, -REGARDLESS- of whether you're playing in PvE or RvR. From a design point of view, we make a strong and intentional effort to have all of your abilities be useful in both realms of play - for example, look at our Taunts. The differences should be in personal choice and playstyle (a tank who's focused entirely on defense will be the person blocking off a bridge at a strategic chokepoint, whereas a tank who's focused entirely on offense will be the person leading the charge when the battle line advances - won't it be interesting to see what happens when the two collide?).
-Combat & Careers Team
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

1051 Posts |
Posted - 10/12/2007 : 10:27:21
Beta Update Week 8
Are there any plans for abilities (either core or purchased) to impact non-combat gameplay? Abilities such as: (non-combat) Travel enhancements, Group Assembly abilities, Downtime reduction abilities, other beneficial abilities to make the out-of-combat experience more fun?”
We've absolutely discussed and looked at non-combat abilities, but combat-based abilities are a notably higher priority. We'd certainly like to flesh out ability lists with non-combat / utility / "flavor" items, but in a world at war, keeping yourself alive and taking down the other poor sod have to be primary focuses for now.
20+ ability's per career is a little low for a game of this size but as long as they are 20+ differant ability's I guess I would be happy. I hope theres no fire1, fire2, fire3 type thing going on here If the number is infact 20 (not saying it is) thats only 5 base/core ability's and 15 ability's gained from spec ? or from spec,morale,and tactics combined ?
Players will NOT be purchasing the same ability over and over and only getting Rank 1, 2 and 3 versions of it. Each career will end up with around ~20 guaranteed unique actions between Core and Base. After that, they can purchase addition supplemental abilities which will increase that number by around 10-25% depending on how you choose to spend your Mastery points. Overall we expect most players to have somewhere in the mid to high 20’s of action activates (this does not include Morale).
You mention cost to respec, so it will be the only method? buying it from our trainer? no chance of dungeon mobs dropping them? - Going by DAoC's specing ways and obviously is the way you guys are describing, the more we spec in X line, the base spells of X line get better, so if X line has a CC spell, by increasing the spec of X, will it make the duration of the CC last longer like it does in DAoC?
1. Don't take "cost" too literally - Spending coin, investing time, and performing tasks are all "costs" of one type or another. As was mentioned previously we have yet to determine the cost of respecialization yet. For now it’s free so we can get the specialization smoothed out first. =)
2. When you increase your Mastery, you'll -generally- see values increase, not time factors. In other words, the amount of hit points returned by a heal-over-time would increase, but the duration would likely remain the same. For effects like Crowd Control (CC), it's not likely that you'll see direct increases to the time, but other aspects may increase (for example, a melee attack which stuns would keep the same stun duration, but the damage from the melee hit would keep on increasing). This is not to say we won’t consider increasing duration values, but we are starting with other aspects of the abilities first.
I can understand how hard it would be to create several 100 skills an make them at least semi original, But is there any fear's of funneling people into taking those "cookicutter" tree specs?
Well, here's the thing - we're fully aware that someone, somewhere, will sit down and write up a multi-page dissertation with graphs and numbers to "prove" that one specific Mastery layout is "the best", and word-of-mouth will result in lots of people using that layout (for a few weeks, anyway, until the process repeats again). It's simply human nature, and that's fine. The C&C team's goal, however, is to ensure that every Mastery layout is viable and functional, and suited to -someone's- playstyle. Trying to fight against the players who are going to actively go looking for "cookie cutter" layouts is fruitless (and as vocal as they may be on forums, they're honestly the minority) - instead, we're simply making sure that every decision is usable, even if it’s not optimal. We’ll constantly be adjusting each of the lines from Beta until the game shuts down in 3011, and depending on the type of situation and the current stage of balance different builds will be considered “Cookie Cutter” for min/max players. There is very little we can do about that, it’s the inherit flaw in having specialization systems in general, and the primary reason we allow for Respec.
Does that means we will get specific tactics/morales at specific lvl (like core abilities) or will we still be able to choose which one we want to pick first?
You'll be getting Base tactics and Base morale abilities at specific ranks, along with your Base actions. Those tactics and morales will be given to everyone of each career, and your decision will be more based on which to -use-. Then, above and beyond those, there will also be Supplemental tactics and morales available from Masteries, and you'll have to invest in the given Mastery before they can be picked up. Also keep in mind the RvR tactics and Tome tactics are also optional, so you get further choice with those as well.
I personally felt like the Tactics and Morales needed a bit more structure in the order they become available to use. For example, I didn't like the idea that you could pick a Rank 4 Morale before picking up Morale Abilities for slots 1-3. It's partially a matter of a sensible progression in power and partially a matter of making it friendly to new players.
We agree, and as the careers are getting measured and fitted with their Masteries, we're also restructuring the order in which Morales become available. You'll begin to see your Morale appear in rank order, and rank 4s will become somewhat rarer and more impressive.
20+ can mean 21, or 567478368. I was hoping for a bit more than that.
Another question in addition, will there be any significant variation in ability number between archtypes or even the classes within each archtype? For instance in beta there were some classes with 9 or so more abilities than other classes, I know that was a product of some classes being more 'finished' than others, but is there any real variation between the above with mastery abilities? i.e. do healers get say 2 mastery abilities per line, because they have more 'baseline' abilities?
Base abilities will be roughly the same for each career: around 20, and we will add additional actions to the Base if we feel it’s necessary to make the class play well - but that is our starting number. Beyond those, every career will have the exact same amount of Mastery and Supplemental options available. After a career gets redesigned for Specialization you should see 90% of the careers having a similar number of total abilities.
I guess what I was getting at was is there/will there be a situation where a gained Mastery ability is clearly superior to a baseline ability, be it through more damage or the same damage but with added effects, or same damage but less energy, and so forth. So basically will (certain?) Mastery abilities replace the existing 'baseline' abilities, or are they intended to be supplementary abilities?
The Supplemental abilities are exactly that - they supplement the Core and Base ability set, and aren't replacements. If they were simply replacements, then they'd essentially just be "Smash Rank 2", and that's no fun. =) The Supplemental abilities from any given Mastery will generally be things that help focus the career more towards the theme of that Mastery, or provide new tools relating to that Mastery, or open up more options for the player, etc. One thing to note is that you might get, say, a Heal or a Nuke that is a lot better then your base one. However, it may have a longer cooldown timer, or require the target to be below 50% Health, etc., so it doesn’t just replace your defaults.
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

1051 Posts |
Posted - 10/12/2007 : 10:28:15
quote: 1)Will there be any ways to get mastery points besides leveling up? Maybe add in a few quests throughout the world that let you get extra mastery points? Or for some other achievements, as well.
For now, you'll only gain them via increasing your rank. More then likely you’ll never get additional Mastery points outside of leveling - RvR and Tome rewards have their own ways of increasing player power up and beyond Mastery.
2) Will there be gear with + to masteries? Will masteries be able to go over level (or whatever they are capped at if it's not equal to level), with appropriate scaling in the power of skills?
The system has been designed to allow for flat bonuses to Mastery Level or Bonuses individual abilities levels via Items and Item Set bonuses. How far we take this has yet to be determined.
3) Will players be able to access individual skills that must usually be purchased within masteries without investing points in that skill, through the use of items that have a + to that skill (similar to Diablo)?
No. If we hypothetically grant that you'd be able to increase your Mastery level without investing points, you wouldn't gain access to Supplemental abilities which would otherwise still be locked.
4) Will all masteries for all classes be meaningful choices, or will there be some classes where the choices between masteries are along the lines of "sword, axe, or hammer", with just marginally different style effects?
The Masteries all focus around the question of, "how do you want to play this character?", and are meaningful and impactful decisions. The difference between using a sword, axe, or hammer is fairly cosmetic - an example in terms of Masteries might be closer to "defensive abilities with a one-handed axe and a shield, versus offensive abilities with a greatsword, versus positional attacks and debuffs with hammers".
5) Do individual skills within each mastery have multiple tiers as well? For example, if under "fire mastery" you have a supplementary skill called "fireball", could you put multiple points in this skill to make it more powerful, or do you just put a maximum of one point into any given skill, and then boost its power through raising the mastery?
The latter. You only need a single point to unlock an ability, and then it scales along with your rank and Mastery.
6) Do skills have a requirement on the level of mastery that you must have before you can purchase them? If you're character is max level, but has 0 points in fire mastery, could you purchase any ability in fire mastery, or would you need to first put a certain amount of points into fire mastery to unlock certain higher level fire mastery skills?
The Base abilities in a Mastery are granted to you as your rank increases. The Supplemental abilities that are available to you are based on your Mastery level.
7) Along the lines of the previous question, do individual skills within masteries have other skills as prerequisites, creating an overall skill tree structure, or is each skill individual and seperate within a mastery, not having any other skills as prereqs?
We're currently looking at not having any prerequisites other than the appropriate Mastery level, but a cascading tree is always a possibility for the future, we want to see how players respond to these changes before developing any further adjustments to the system.
8 ) Will all classes get exactly the same number of mastery points? Or will some classes that are deemed to require a greater number of abilities be given more points (similar to the DaoC system with 1.0x, 2.0x, etc, classes)?
Every career has the exact same amount of Mastery points (and similar amounts of abilities).
9) Will masteries contain anything besides actions, tactics, and morales? For example, any background/passive boost effects?
The Supplemental abilities are currently a mix of actions, tactics, and morales. Remember Tactics really are the major passive boosts in the game, you can just have the flexibility to adjust them on the fly instead of having to go respec your character to change them.
10) Will certain masteries or certain skills within masteries allow you to unlock access to additional types of equipment? For example, would you ever need to invest a point in say "dual wield" under "weapons mastery" to be able to wield two weapons at once, or anything along those lines?
No; neither Masteries nor Supplemental abilities will fundamentally change your character's equipment options.
The only thing that worries me about AoE CC is the fact that there was no diminishing return mechanic in the last beta session. Will there be such a mechanic ? Or will it be tied into one of our Mastery Lines ? Or will it be based off of our overall resistance to that type of damage ( physical , elemental etc.. ) ? Sorry if this got a little off topic.
This is going a bit beyond what we're ready to discuss at the moment, but we're still experimenting with reductions and immunities. At the moment, we're currently leaning towards a diminishing-returns system of some type, but it's still in the works.
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

1051 Posts |
Posted - 10/12/2007 : 10:42:47
quote: tems Team
With so many careers and so many weapon types, we wanted to make it easier for players to find stuff that they could use from monster drops. So we’ve included a new family of items into the monster drop tables.
Now whenever a monster drops an item, there’s a chance that it will be a busted-up pile of junk. Yeah, you killed that monster so totally that you broke some of its loot. These items need to be repaired before they can be used.
If you mouse over one of these items, the lower part of its tooltip shows you what the item will become if you get it repaired. If you take the item to a special craftsman, he will turn it into something you can use. These repair NPCs are at every warcamp. The repair NPCs care about what career you are – they can turn each repairable item into different things depending on your career. So, a particular item will get repaired into one thing if you’re a Warrior Priest and a different thing if you’re a Bright Wizard – but the result will always be something YOU can use.
These repairable items don’t have binding restrictions. When they get repaired though, you’re stuck with it.
Sometimes however, the item just can’t be turned into something suitable for your career. This happens about a quarter of the time. In this case, just trade the item to a buddy of a different career … or just sell it.
Repairable items are so badly damaged that you need to get them repaired fast. If you don’t get them repaired quickly, they become “broken items”, which have no use whatsoever … yet. So, if you find a bunch of repairable items, there’s no point stockpiling them – they’ll eventually turn into scrap.
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%
<Mor do Kuli>
1443 Posts |
Posted - 12/12/2007 : 07:51:46
quote: Hello all, We have some news for you but sadly it’s not the news you were hoping for. Unfortunately it is necessary to delay the re-opening of beta until next week. This is due to some last minute issues that cropped up as EA Mythic were going through the final checklist. Until these few, small problems have been ironed out, we aren’t able to re-open the beta servers.
The teams are working flat out on this, there are always plans in place to deal with the unexpected and while this will change the schedule slightly it won’t affect the quality of the final product. Like you, we believe that the game has to be delivered in a high quality state, even in beta. As soon as we have more information for you regarding this we’ll be sure to let you know.
Thanks for your understanding and your patience, the Old World is almost ready to welcome you once again!
For myself I'm on holiday after today until the new year. I'm going to spend Christmas with my wife's family in Colorado and Las Vegas. I'll try and keep up with things on here and I'll be checking in with the rest of the team at Goa as often as I can but... Vegas....
In any event the other Community Managers - Sterntaler, Citseko and the others - will keep you up to date on what's going on until I get back on New Year's Day. If you have urgent problems then PM one of them, otherwise I'll deal with it when I get to it.

1051 Posts |
Posted - 19/12/2007 : 07:50:31
Podléhá to zatim NDA, takže to nemůžu dát do generalu....
quote: The second career will be the previously unannounced Disciple of Khaine. Dark priests of the Bloody handed god, The Disciples of Khaine can be found on the frontline of any Druchii assault. Using wicked ritual blades a Disciple harvests the essence of their enemy and offers it to Khaine in exchange for fell blessings and dark powers. These dark gifts allow the Disciple to tend to the needs of the Dark Elven host, mending bones, suppressing pain, and even raising critically injured warriors to fight again. For the Disciple of Khaine is the Shepard of war, ensuring the bloody slaughter can continue in the name of their dark god.
In small combats the Disciple is a master of shifting the balance of a fight, what they reap from their enemies they give to their allies. What was once you’re strength will soon become their own. Disciples must be watched carefully and their fell magic countered in short order or you will find your very essence trapped in servitude to Khaine.
Lišák A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%
Edited by - NoX on 19/12/2007 07:53:58 |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 19/12/2007 : 08:04:22
Hmm kradeni buffu a mozna i abilit po urcity cas. To zni velmi zajimave :-)). Nicmene nechapu, jak tohle chteji balancovat. Nebudu predbihat, pockam si na dalsi info. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

5760 Posts |
Posted - 19/12/2007 : 08:13:21
Takze skutecne "ve Warhammer lore neni zadny Blood priest" tak pridali Disciple :) |
STS Chvojkovice-Brod |
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