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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 13/01/2008 :  10:59:34  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Meddy, mě vcelku pickup nevadil a nevadi (pokud to neni v PvP). Problem je v tom, že v mobovačce se pickup pokud to šlo držel pohromady v questovačce se stejný útvar rozpadá, protože se rozchazejí questy.

Taky v mobovačce když se moc nevadilo když hráči byli 1-2 levely od sebe - bylo to složitější (zvlášť když ten někdo nízko byl tank. ;)) ale šlo to.

V questovačce se ti tohle povede víceméně jenom s kamarádama a navíc ti z toho skoro nic nemají, questy už udělali a svůj hrací čas teď věnují tobě. Jenže tohle mi nepřipadá jako ta správná otevřená online komunitu podporující hra.
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Average Member

1613 Posts

Posted - 13/01/2008 :  11:13:50  Show Profile  Send celdric an ICQ Message Send celdric a Private Message  Reply with Quote
no me by naopak ten duraz na questy vice vyhovoval... pro me jsou onlinovky v podstate singlovky s chatem :-D (co se tyce pve)... a v pve rozhodne zadne raidy! a instancni dungy se 2hodinovym cekanim na spravne slozeni party :-D

samozrejme druha vec je ovsem pvp, kde zase naopak kladu duraz na spolecne plneni misi(ukolu atd.) a tam se tak nejak naplnuje ta "skupinova" cast mmocek, aspon pro me...

dalsi vec je, ze pro me je extremne dulezite moznost snadneho a rychleho vytvareni "pick upu", protoze jakakoliv forma permagroupy me prinasi casem nudu...
jasne, ze v permagroupe je to efektivnejsi, ale pickupovani mi zase muze prinest potencialne nove zname, nove pribehy atd. a vicemene me dokaze obohatit... no a nebo vetsinou strasne frustrovat :-D

dost zalezi od komunity lidi jaka hru hraje...

no mmo
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Average Member

2118 Posts

Posted - 13/01/2008 :  13:59:49  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Lahvane, napriklad vo wowe neni ziadny problem ked sa poskladaju kamosi a urobia dajme tomu celu zonu vsetky questy naraz a nikomu sa ziadne questy nerozchadzaju. Myslim ze podobna vec bude mozna aj tu.

Mne na questovani tiez vyhovuje ten fakt, ze aj pokial nie ste vsetci, tak stale mozem relativne rychlo XPovat aj sam bez tej mojej oblubenej partie, jasne ze to ide aj grindenim, ale to je utrpenie, aspon pre mna, hodiny zabijat rovnakych mobov.
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5760 Posts

Posted - 13/01/2008 :  17:29:51  Show Profile Send Meddy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lahvan

Meddy, mě vcelku pickup nevadil a nevadi (pokud to neni v PvP). Problem je v tom, že v mobovačce se pickup pokud to šlo držel pohromady v questovačce se stejný útvar rozpadá, protože se rozchazejí questy.

Taky v mobovačce když se moc nevadilo když hráči byli 1-2 levely od sebe - bylo to složitější (zvlášť když ten někdo nízko byl tank. ;)) ale šlo to.

V questovačce se ti tohle povede víceméně jenom s kamarádama a navíc ti z toho skoro nic nemají, questy už udělali a svůj hrací čas teď věnují tobě. Jenže tohle mi nepřipadá jako ta správná otevřená online komunitu podporující hra.

V MDK v LOTRO to bez problemu funguje uz pekne dlouho (tuk tuk tuk) jinak bych to s tak drzym celem netvrdil. Ale je to dane urcite tim ze clovek musi hrat nejen na sebe ale i na ostatni a vsichni na guildu.

STS Chvojkovice-Brod
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5760 Posts

Posted - 13/01/2008 :  17:33:51  Show Profile Send Meddy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nicmene jeste podotknu ze se s Lahvanem kurva dlouho zname jak jako lidi tak jako hraci takze je nam obema jasne co si mame navzajem precist mezi radky.

STS Chvojkovice-Brod
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1051 Posts

Posted - 14/01/2008 :  09:40:41  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
V první fázi bety mi přišlo, že člověk neni přímo nucený ani k jednomu způsobu levlování. Je pravda, že přes questování to asi šlo nejrychleji, ale expa byla dobře nastavená i na grind PQ mobů a stejně tak i za PvP grind v openRvR zónách. Když nebereme tolik v potaz rychlost, člověk si tedy mohl vybrat ten způsob, jaký mu přišel nejzábavnější.
V druhé (Dark Elf) fázi byli hráči kvůli nemožnosti PvP nuceni k čistému lvlhuntu a to primárně přes questy. Naneštěstí expa za questy byla podle mého názoru nesmyslně nízká a tak byl poměrně brzy hráč přinucen ke grindu PQ. Ty osobně považuju za zábavu maximálně jednou-dvakrát, poté už to kouzlo nového nápadu mizí a stává se z toho celkem solidní otrava.

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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2118 Posts

Posted - 14/01/2008 :  09:54:35  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jo, na nastavenie quest XP boli nejake vyhrady aj na forach, kde si za normalny quest na lvl 5 dostal 800 Xp a na lvl 11 300 XP atd.

Ale tak mozno to donutenie grindit bolo sposobene aj absenciou tier 2 zony, keby bola tier 2 zona mozno by tam boli questy aj pre ten lvl a nemuselo by sa grindit.

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630 Posts

Posted - 14/01/2008 :  10:43:47  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ked hovorite ze tam bolo absolutna absencia PvP a PvP questov tak sa mi zda to XP ohodnotenie za PvE quest je pomerne vyhovujuce/
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Posted - 14/01/2008 :  11:05:47  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No ano, len neviem aky je reward za pvp quest, ale urcite by to bol urcity sposob ako prilakat viacej ludi do PvP ... ale na druhej strane, ked urobia PvE nevyhodne tak zase pridu o vacsiu cast komunity ked nebude take vyhodne robit pve, a kedze vzdy ide o prachy ... ale vsak uvidime neskor, ked budu aj pvp aj pve questy ze aky je v tom rozdiel.
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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 14/01/2008 :  11:17:58  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No podla mna by PvP questy mali byt ohodnotene podobne. PvP okrem XP je navyse ohodnotene "renown" (tak sa to pise? ) takze davat tam nejake velke xp bonusy zato ze to je pvp je nezmysel. Proste ked neni dostatok questov vylevelovat cely tier pomocou questovania, tak je dobre ze su "carebeare" tak trosku vyhnany do PvP (alebo ist questit do inej zony). Moj nazor...
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1051 Posts

Posted - 14/01/2008 :  11:20:17  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
V 2. fázi to bylo zhruba tak, že za "prokecávací" PvE Q bylo například 300XP a za podobný v RvR zóně bylo 2000XP. Ale XP křivkou budou určitě behem betatestu ještě hodně hýbat.

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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1051 Posts

Posted - 14/01/2008 :  11:29:13  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ManiaCCC

No podla mna by PvP questy mali byt ohodnotene podobne. PvP okrem XP je navyse ohodnotene "renown" (tak sa to pise? ) takze davat tam nejake velke xp bonusy zato ze to je pvp je nezmysel. Proste ked neni dostatok questov vylevelovat cely tier pomocou questovania, tak je dobre ze su "carebeare" tak trosku vyhnany do PvP (alebo ist questit do inej zony). Moj nazor...

Nedostatek Q bude imo jen dočasnou záležitostí současné fáze bety. I PvE hráči budou postupem času vystaveni RvR tak jako tak. Rozloha openRvR zón se přeci s vyšším Tierem zvětšuje.

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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1051 Posts

Posted - 14/01/2008 :  17:07:45  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak bohužel, další fáze bety se zase odkládá..

As you might have noticed, the break between the first and second focus test isn’t just a few days as we originally announced but has been going on for a few weeks now. There are some reasons for this and rest assured that we don’t like them any more than you do.

We looked at the feedback from the first phase and had some options:
- To prolong the Dark Elf focus test and disappoint you with the lack of higher level content
- To start the next test with the old, not polished version with some issues not properly resolved
- To prolong the break and give you the newest build

We consider the last option to be the best one since the disappointment will be gone with the end of the break. So we have to delay for a few weeks and ask for your patience once again.

Afterwards we’ll start with a whole new version and test tiers 1 to 3 of the Empire/Chaos pairing. We are very eager to hear what you think about the new things in open RvR and of course about the keeps.

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 14/01/2008 :  17:56:50  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ja to teda moc nechapem. Kym teda dorobia to empire chaos parovanie, nemohli dat betatesterom aspon nieco? Chcu mat 30 scenarii, som zvedavy kolko z nich je ich otestovanych. Mohli dat napriklad rasy co maju najviac dokoncene, Greenskin a Dwarfoc a kazdy den testovat 1-2 scenaria. Nie ze by sa mohlo predojst nejakym necakanmy exploitom ale mohli mat aj pekny feedback z pvp-cka.
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1051 Posts

Posted - 14/01/2008 :  18:07:27  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Je to tak, že oni tu novou Empire vs. Chaos verzi ještě nemají hotovou. Takže jediné co můžou poskytnout je stará dobra fáze 1, kterou už mají ale profeedbackovanou dostatečně. Takže jejich rozhodnutí je takové, že než něco, tak raději nic.

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 14/01/2008 :  18:20:26  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ako je to ich beta ale mne to pripada ze je to proste strata casu. Neverim ze nemaju nieco co je dokoncene a neotestovane..ako napriklad tie scenaria. Nuz, ja len dufam ze to nebude mat dalsi odklad.
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1613 Posts

Posted - 15/01/2008 :  07:04:48  Show Profile  Send celdric an ICQ Message Send celdric a Private Message  Reply with Quote
na me to pusobi dojmem, ze momentalne close betatesteri jsou spis tak alpha testeri a to jeste ani ne plnohodnotne alphy, ale spis tak, kdyz ja si neco programuju a uzaviram si mensi celky a potrebuju si je otestit...

uvedu priklad...delam aplikaci co ma mit 20 dialogovych oken...vzdy kdyz nejaky dokoncim tak ho testuju aby se chovalo podle pozadavku a pak teprve zacnu delat dalsi... tak to je prvni vlna testovani...
druha je pak samozrejme az mam vsech 20 oken a zacina se aplikace testovat realnym provozem...

pro me teda byvala close beta az vzdycky faze, kdy je hotovejch 20 oken a uzivatele dostanou aplikaci k testovani... to co vidim tady je spis ta prvni faze...

no mmo
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572 Posts

Posted - 15/01/2008 :  07:44:50  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No neni tajemstvim, ze vzdycky kdyz udelaji novej par tak se potom vraci ke staremu, pze ten je oproti novemu pozadu. Pak byly taky zmeny v RvR(Keepy) ty je treba otestovat. High lvl zony si nechaji do dalsi faze testu kdy by melo prijit na radu oblehani mest, Inevitable/Altdorf, imo

Edited by - Lobos on 15/01/2008 07:46:30
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2118 Posts

Posted - 15/01/2008 :  11:26:22  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Njn, ja myslim ze budu VELMI pozadu s planovanym datumom vydania.
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630 Posts

Posted - 15/01/2008 :  23:17:09  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Chcem sa spytat.. nema tu niekto z vas este stareho clienta k hre (ten co isiel pred decembrom).. Konkretne by som potreboval exe subor od instalacky.
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Posted - 17/01/2008 :  19:56:51  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Rozhovor s nejakym typkom co ma na starosti bug reporty atd.

Tell us how many bug reports you got? How much feedback?
We received approximately 7000 bug and feedback reports during the Dark Elf focus session (all languages included). That’s around 500-600 a day. So far, around 125 have made it into the Mythic devtrack system (the rest were either duplicates in our system, duplicates in Mythic’s system, not bugs or didn’t contain enough information for us to be able to process). There are less than a thousand bugs left in the system and those should be processed in the next week or so.

What steps will a reported issue run through?
Bug reports will be handled exclusively by the QA team and only leave the QA team when they are sent to Mythic. Feedback reports get sent to our community management team which spends its time listening to what the testers have to say about the game and provide regular reports to Mythic on those thoughts.

Do you think you get enough reports or does the QA team need more to be happy?
I think we’re happy thanks

Which issues are you focusing on right now?
Right at this moment we’re focusing on getting major bugs out of the way – bugs with Quests, Public Quests and general crash bugs. We are also going to spend some time working with the scenarios again before the next beta phase begins. Later on we will begin focusing much more strongly on the localisation of the game but as files are still being translated (there are over 2 million words in the game) it’s premature to do so at this time.

How much input do European beta testers have on the final design?
They have as much input as the US testers do – our feedback is sent back to Mythic, the metrics collected on the European servers are also sent back to Mythic. Mythic have made it very clear to us that they absolutely want to know what the European community thinks about the game and so it is our responsibility to get this feedback to them as quickly as possible.

Polls were a nice way to give quick feedback – although the popup window always managed to come at a bad time. Will they be back?
Yes polls will be back as they can give a great indication of any problems in the game. The poll system has changed now and will now display as an icon which you can click on to begin the poll. People should find it much less intrusive than before and be able to answer questions when they have time.

Is there a system to judge how serious an issue is and how high in the to-do list it will be sorted in?
Yes there is a classification of bugs ranging from severity A (the most serious) to severity D (less serious). Major crashing bugs including data loss would go into category A and be treated immediately; small minor bugs such as “Screenshot being spelled Screen Shot” go into a lower category.

Do American testers give different feedback than Europeans do? Do they focus on different issues?
We were expecting some different opinions and results between the US and EU populations but when looking at the feedback we’ve been given, both sides of the Atlantic do seem to be seeing the same issues. Obviously European testers will also be giving feedback about localisation which the US testers wouldn’t be, but other than that it’s very much similar.

Are there reports you don’t need right now because it’s too early/too late to talk about them?
Translation issues (mainly things that are still in English) are not to be reported. The game is only partially translated so it is normal that some things are still appearing in English. As soon as we start the localisation test phases then we will ask people to start reporting bugs from that side of things.

We also don’t need any reports on any bugs that appear in the “Known Bugs List” on the forums. As the post title indicated – we already know about those bugs and so reporting them again doesn’t serve any purpose. It gets updated regularly and should be the first stopping point when someone encounters a bug ingame.

Do you need translation and localisation feedback? (typos, style, grammar)
Not at the moment but in the coming weeks we will definitely be looking into it. At that time we will obviously let everyone know and it will become all the more important for native speakers to play on their own servers. We have 5 servers available so that we can test and prepare each language at the same time, so it is especially important for people to play on their own language server. I don’t like pointing fingers but I will make an exception here as this is extremely important: The Spanish (and to a lesser extent the Italian) communities are still far too spread across different language servers and that’s not good for anyone – most of all not good for those communities.

The number of characters allowed for writing bug reports is way too small. Can you change it?
Yes the in-game bug reporting tool is a placeholder for a more advanced system. You should expect to see this system change as versions get deployed partially based on our needs but also based on your feedback.

Do you like, fear or hate bugs?
Bugs are just another way that the Flying Spaghetti Monster lets us know of his awesomeness, so being a closet pirate, bugs bring me great comfort.
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Posted - 19/01/2008 :  00:57:15  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Da sa nejako vystopovat ked sem postnem nieco z betatest fora ? Ze by mohli prist na to ze ano, Pepo na tomto fore je XY na betatest fore ? Nerad by som dostal ban a je tam jeden velmi zaujimavy post :)
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1888 Posts

Posted - 19/01/2008 :  01:13:02  Show Profile  Send Gurrshael an ICQ Message Send Gurrshael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Pepo

Da sa nejako vystopovat ked sem postnem nieco z betatest fora ? Ze by mohli prist na to ze ano, Pepo na tomto fore je XY na betatest fore ? Nerad by som dostal ban a je tam jeden velmi zaujimavy post :)

Vzhledem k tomu, ze tohle je skryta sekce ceskeho fora, je to velmi nepravdepodobne.
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Posted - 19/01/2008 :  09:57:41  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak ja to risknem :)

Chaos is coming !


The re-opening of beta swiftly approaches and with it so do the denizens of Chaos and the terror they bring to the Warhammer world. It has been some time since anyone has had a chance to play a Chaos character and none have ever played the dreaded Marauder.

The time has come to let loose the tides of darkness and experience the true power of Destruction. Below are the three classes available for play in the upcoming focus test. Complete with 3 Mastery paths, altered abilities, and much more!

Feel free to discuss and prepare for the onslaught to come!

You can post questions here and we will bring you answers direct from the dev team, we will also post questions and answers from the US beta testers.

Marauder Summary

The Marauder is Tzeentch's favored agent of destruction, and has been granted the simplest and purest gift that the Raven Lord can give: change. The Marauder changes his very blood, bone, and body to reshape himself into a perfect warrior, capable of wreaking havoc and mayhem upon any foes who dare to cross him. He is, by necessity, only lightly-armored, since any more solid protection would merely be rent asunder as his warped and corrupted flesh distorted within it, but he ensures victory by simply slaughtering his enemies before they can react.

Marauder Mechanic

There are three different mutations that the Marauder can reshape his body into, each of which serves a specific purpose and offers its own benefits. By changing his very body as needed, the Marauder is capable of dispatching most any enemy, but he must always be aware of the flow of battle and ready to mutate into a different form as necessary. A Marauder who chooses poorly will find his punishment to be swift and immediate, for he is helpless and vulnerable during the few moments that it takes his body to flow into a new form, and a perceptive enemy will leap at the chance to take advantage of this brief window of weakness.

Marauder Masteries

Path of Brutality

The Path of Brutality is focused around the Marauder's ability to warp his arm into a sharpened spike of bone. This blade-like appendage can deal horrifying injuries to an enemy, and a player specialized deeply in Brutality will likely be dealing the most damage possible against a single enemy, especially if the foe is distracted by others.

Path of Savagery

The Path of Savagery leads to a Marauder changing their arm into a monstrous claw, capable of tearing at enemies to cripple and hinder them while they quickly bleed to death. While perhaps not dealing as much immediately obvious damage as his other mutations, a master of Savagery kills his enemies in a more insidious way, weakening the target steadily so that they never realize just how much danger they're in until it's already too late.

Path of Monstrosity

The Path of Monstrosity focuses on the Marauder mutating their arm into a hideous club-like bludgeon of flesh and gore. The master of Monstrosity can use the massive bulk of their warped arm to defend themselves somewhat, and can sweep their limb around in broad, arcing swings, capable of damaging several enemies with each single smash.


Zealot Summary

The Zealot is a fanatical orator, intent on spreading the glory of the Raven God throughout the land and serving the will of the Great Changer. Draped with ritual vestments and tools of sacrifice, the Zealot can imbue various talismans and potions with the primordeal power of Chaos. These items become potent magical conduits though which he can mend wounds, enhance his allies, and plague his enemies with unholy scourges.

Zealot Mechanic

Zealots are some of the few mortals who can call forth a Mark Of Tzeentch upon living flesh, branding their allies as sanctified soldiers of the Changer Of Ways. These Marks will not only bolster their holders far beyond normal human limitations, but also serve as direct conduits to the powers of Tzeentch himself, allowing their bearers to gain entirely new abilities. A Zealot can also desecrate a patch of land with a Dark Rituals & Rites, marking that spot as claimed by Tzeentch and crippling any unbelievers who dare tread upon it.

Zealot Masteries

Path of Alchemy

The Path of Alchemy is the Zealot's primary healing mastery. A specialist in Alchemy will become a mighty healer, capable of mending the most grevious wounds and ensuring that Tzeentch's armies live to see their enemies fall before them. While a player who selects this Mastery may not necessarily gain the most powerful offensive capabilities, they will have absolutely no problems finding allies to protect them and do their bidding.

Path of Ritual

The Path of Rituals is focused on warping the entire balance of power across a battlefield, skewing the fight to bring about the inevitable triumph of Tzeentch's followers. They are just as proficient at enhancing their allies as they are at stunting their enemies - and, in fact, can do both at the same time.

Path of Witchcraft

The Path of Witchcraft is for a Zealot who chooses to make himself into a talon of Tzeentch, reaching out to slaughter his enemies through magical attacks. These manifest themselves as deadly portents of chaos. Flocks of shrieking ravens may fall upon a Zealot’s foe to consume their flesh, or strange demonic manifestations may appear out of thin air to lash at his foes.


Chosen Summary

Do not be mislead by appearances, for they are the first weapon of the Chosen. Covered from head to toe in unholy armor, wielding massive weapons capable of rending enemies limb from limb, the Chosen are hulking figures of dread and terror on the battlefield - but woe to the enemy who dismisses them as simple brutes! Tzeentch's Chosen are cunning warriors who can bring forth a whisper of the Ruinous Powers into this world, dooming their enemies to a fate that is, perhaps, worse than a simple death.

Chosen Mechanic

The Chosen have been blessed by Tzeentch with several dark gifts, powers of Chaos which they can grasp and pull into this world through their very bodies. These powers pour forth from within their massive armor, and spill out as profane auras. In additional to causing an immediate effect when they first burst out from the Chosen's grasp, these lingering effects will continue to empower the player for several moments, allowing them to unleash melee attacks fueled by the unholy power of Tzeentch himself.

Chosen Masteries

Path of Strife

The Path of Strife is focused on directly and brutally crushing your foes. A master of Strife will be likely to favor a Greatweapon instead of a shield, greatly increasing their offensive power at the cost of sacrificing the protections that a shield would otherwise offer. They will be easily capable of picking up a shield when the situation calls for it...but they won't be happy about it.

Path of Retaliation

The Path of Retaliation is a cunning Mastery for those who prefer to outlast their enemies, letting their foes beat in futility on a massive shield until they're exhausted, and then crushing them with deliberate and vicious attacks. A specialist in Retaliation will be the person who defines where the lines of battle will be drawn, since they -are- the front lines.

Path of Discord

The Path of Discord is one that delves more deeply into Tzeentch's gifts, and masters of Discord more fully understand how to manipulate the Chaos forces that swirl within them. They can unleash blasts of magical power, or twist the magical energies to unnaturally enhance their melee attacks. Their understanding of the nature of magic is still relatively shallow, however, and they can not hope to approach the skill or power of a true Magus, but even their brief flashes of otherworldly energy are enough to empower them as potent melee combatants.
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Posted - 19/01/2008 :  09:59:28  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The empire strikes back !

The wait is nigh over!

Valiant champions of the Empire rally your spirits for the call of battle sounds again. Prepare yourselves to experience the changes and improvements of many months. You will face off against new and fearsome opponents with hideous mutations that are an affront to all you stand for.

Below are descriptions of the three classes you will have available and the Mastery Paths of each. Discuss and plan your road to victory.

For Sigmar!

Feel free to come up with questions and we'll bring you answers next week along with questions and answers from the US beta.

Warrior Priest Summary

The Warrior Priests worship Sigmar, the now-deified warrior who united the tribes of man and formed the Empire long ago. In honor of their legendary patron, the Warrior Priests seek to follow in Sigmar's warrior path by purifying the Empire with equal measures of prayer and might. They march into battle shouting holy scriptures even as they bring their blessed warhammers to bear in the name of their god. By proving their devotion and righteousness through valor in combat, they are rewarded with divine powers, which manifest in the form of potent healing abilities. Their presence on the front lines of battle serves as a constant inspiration to the soldiers who march in defense of the Empire.

Warrior Priest Mechanic

Sigmar is a warrior god, and his priests gain divine favor only by fighting to defend the Empire that he built. The holy symbol of Sigmar is a hammer, and the Warrior Priests have adopted the warhammer as their weapon of choice in honor of their patron. The Righteous Fury of Sigmar fills the Warrior Priest with each swing of their weapon, and this divine power can then be used to fuel their healing magic. This becomes something of both a freedom and a restriction for the Warrior Priest - since all of his magic is powered by Righteous Fury, he can throw himself wholeheartedly into melee combat and then still have resources left to heal with, but at the same time, his healing capabilities become dramatically more limited when there are no enemies in arm's reach.

Warrior Priest Masteries

Path of Salvation

The Path of Salvation focuses on divine magic, primarily healing abilities. A player who specializes in Salvation will become a much more powerful healer, although they will still need to place themselves into the front lines of a melee combat in order to build up their Righteous Fury.

Path of Grace

The Path of Grace is centered around melee attacks which inspire and bolster the Warrior Priest and his allies. A Master of Grace will be able to simultaneously wreak havoc upon his enemies with his warhammer and improve himself and his companions, making him an especially valuable player when standing side-by-side with other allies.

Path of Wrath

The Path of Wrath is focused on crippling melee attacks which weaken, hinder, and harass the player's opponents. Someone who specializes in Wrath will certainly be the most offensively-focused type of Warrior Priest, as they will be both damaging their enemies and weakening them with each swing of their warhammer.


Witch Hunter Summary

The Empire is not just under overt assault from the forces of Chaos, but is also fighting a constant war against the creeping incursions of darkness and heresy within its own borders, and no one is more aware of this than the Witch Hunter. Tasked with digging out the taint of corruption from within the healthy flesh of the Empire, the Witch Hunter is a grim figure, looked upon with equal measures of awe and dread, for they have the authority of an investigator, a judge, and an executioner. By blade, pistol, and torch, they are determined to cleanse the Empire of evil.

Witch Hunter Mechanic

The Witch Hunters are deadly fighters who seek out and destroy anything tainted by the touch of Chaos. They lay down Accusations at sword point until they're satisfied of their enemy's guilt, and then unleash an Execution with the booming voice of their pistol. Their combat abilities are bolstered by a variety of sacred artifacts, such as blessed bullets which add additional effects to their Executions, and potent Holy Relics which can briefly imbue them with great power.

Witch Hunter Masteries

Path of Confession

The Path of Confession is direct and uncompromising, and focused primarily on direct and immediate opposition to heresy. A specialist in Confession will eschew subtlety and lengthy investigations in favor of simply approaching their enemy and beating the truth out of them. While not necessarily the most powerful approach, it is effective in its straightforward brutality, and provides a small measure of increased protection when the Witch Hunter finds themselves under direct attack.

Path of Inquisition

The Path of Inquisition is focused on longer and detailed investigations, weakening and progressively working over an enemy until the victim’s guilt is all but assured. A player with heavy Inquisition Mastery may appear less powerful at first glance, but the devastating effects of their attacks are felt more and more as the fight progresses.

Path of Judgment

The Path of Judgment is taken by Witch Hunters who are assured that their targets are guilty and no questioning is needed. They tend to take their suspects by surprise, and are at their best when the enemy's attention is elsewhere. A Master of Judgment will seek to avoid face-to-face confrontations, and will be at their most powerful when they have allies nearby that can distract their enemies, allowing the Witch Hunter to lay down very potent attacks.


Bright Wizard Summary

Master of the Lore of Fire, the Bright Wizard is the most destructive battle wizard in all of the Empire. The Bright wizard is renown for his ability to incinerate anything, ranging from individual soldiers to an entire hillside. However destructive fire is not the only trick in their arsenal. Bright wizards are also capable of manipulating the wind of Aqshy to cause a variety of debilitating effects ranging from thick banks of choking smoke, to withering heat that saps the strength and endurance from even the staunchest warrior. Some Bright Wizards have even been known to dabble in the healing arts, however cauterizing a wound with white hot fire is never a soldier’s first choice!

Bright Wizard Mechanic

Due to the volatile nature of Aqshy, the Red Wind of Fire that they manipulate, the Bright Wizard is always risking a Backlash that could incinerate himself as well as his opponent. This building-up of Aqshy is known as 'Combustion' and and the greater the level of Combustion a Bright Wizard places into his destructive spells the more likely they will explode with stupendous results (Critical Hit). However even the most skilled wizard will get burned when playing with fire and pushing the combustion level too high will result in a backlash of magical energy that will damage the Wizard himself.

Bright Wizard Masteries

Path of Incineration

The Path of Incineration primarily focuses on destructive single target spells. About half of these spells have high values of Combustion allowing those who Master the Path of Incineration to focus on weaving high risk spells in with more reliable destructive magics for optimal single target Damage

Path of Immolation

The Path of Immolation focuses on damage over time and debilitating lingering debuffs. A Master of Immolation is more patient, relying less on high-Combustion spells with explosive effect, and more on slow burns that build up into an unstoppable inferno.

Path of Conflagration

The Path of Conflagration is the most destructive of the Bright Wizard masteries with area effect spells capable of burning entire swaths of land to a crisp. However, Masters of Conflagration must exert the most self control; most of their spells build up high levels of combustion so using them recklessly will mean the Wizard’s doom as well.
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4339 Posts

Posted - 19/01/2008 :  10:06:42  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No konecne Chaos. Chlapi Marauder Marauder, za nejake blizsi info, screenshots a video budu veeeelmi vdecny.

Predevsim bych rad videl Masteries a jejich ability.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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Posted - 19/01/2008 :  10:10:01  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
To nikdo nevie, toto je teraz jediny oficialny post o tom co sa bude diat, ability uvidime asi az v hre.
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Posted - 22/01/2008 :  13:19:33  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here are a few nuggets of info that EA Mythic devs have given us about the upcoming EvC focus testing phase. We're collating all of your questions from the focus threads too and we'll be bringing you answers to them soon.


All of the careers have had a full iterative pass done. They're going to be similar to how you've seen them previously - they'll still be recognizable, just different. Some abilities have been kept, some have been lost, some have been renamed, some have been added...whatever was deemed necessary.

The Magus and the Knight of the Blazing Sun are not ready to be focus tested which is why they are not present in this phase.

For the purposes of balance, we have mechanics that are mirrored across both sides. When it comes to gameplay, though, no one is a "clone" of anything. For example, Order and Destruction each have a close-melee healer, with a similar mechanic...but Order's is in the Empire/Chaos pairing and uses greathammers, while Destruction's is in the HE/DE pairing and uses dual-wield swords. Order's has masteries for Healing, Melee w/Buffs, and Melee w/Debuffs...Destruction's has masteries for Healing, Melee Dmg, and Effectiveness Steal. Etc, etc, etc...are they mirrors? Certainly, yes. Are they clones? Absolutely not.



The Zealot is somewhat closer to the traditional type of healer and does not currently have a meta-game mechanic. He's very possibly the strongest "support" healer with his Rituals and Rites, and so he's largely aimed at people who specifically -want- to play that type of character. With each side having a close-melee healer, a ranged-attacker healer, and a support-oriented healer, we're hoping to have a broad enough spectrum of healers that every player can find their best match.

Any healer career of any spec is, by definition, a capable healer - we've just built in the wiggle room for you to make yourself better at it.


Mutating is a moderately-lengthy process, and you'll absolutely want to avoid having to stand there, twisting and warping, while the enemy is beating the life out of you. It's less of a concern about being interrupted, and more of an issue of getting horribly slaughtered.

Some abilities will be usable without a mutation, some will be usable in one specific mutation, and some will be usable in either of two mutations.

Marauders don't have a 'charge' or run down ability but they have ways to bring their target to them for the same effect.

The left arm mutates, and is considered an dual-wielded offhand for all combat purposes. The mutated arm will have stats and DPS appropriate for a high-quality / rare weapon of your rank. Additionally the Mutated Arm stats scale based on Renown as well as Rank, so we can pace it that way.

The Melee DPS archetypes didn't do enough DPS and that is something that we're addressing iteratively as we go through each balance pass.


The Chosen's auras are now completely different than when you saw him last, and work in an entirely new way - they're short-duration, have both an immediate effect and a separate lingering effect, and have interaction with his melee abilities. It will be possible to twist auras, but the amount of time that you spend twisting auras and the amount of time that you spend using melee abilities are inversely proportional.

All tank-archetype careers will be able to use 1H, Shield, and Greatweapon; none have dual wield.


Bright Wizard:

The Combustion mechanic will be similar to Dark Magic. It's not so much a balancing factor as much as the mechanic which we simply thought would suit the career the best. I should note that the mechanic is already somewhat different than it was when you saw it on the Sorceress - the Backlash chance is no longer a linear 1:1 with your pool value, but instead a curve with a broad plateau; the bonus gained from Combustion is now +Crit Chance instead of direct +Dmg; the amount of the bonus has been increased; the amount and pacing of Combustion abilities has been recalculated...etc

Combustion will be wiped out in the explosion of power if you suffer a Backlash. Believe it or not, the difficulty that the Sorceress had in building up Dark Magic wasn't necessarily about the miscast chance, but more about how the statistics worked out for a string of sequentially dependent events. We've changed every factor involved there - miscast chance and build rate and decay rate.

As for the damage done by a Backlash, it's not a percentage, and the actual amount varies based on rank, but it ends up being somewhere around 10-15%-ish.

Witch Hunter:

Please do remember that we do not have "stealthers" as such. Some careers have vaguely stealth-like abilities as one of many different tools in their toolbox, and that's about it.

Any abilities with defensive effects will end up in the Path of Confession. He's still a DPS class no matter how you cut it, but when a fight starts going south on you, a specialist in that line will become a wee bit sturdier, while specialists in the other lines might instead try to push out a wee bit more damage to end the fight faster instead of trying to toe-to-toe through it.

Depending on how you choose to specialize, you can potentially have up to three different relics available to you; however, they can all only be used one at a time. Gaining more relics makes you more flexible and adaptable, instead of more directly powerful (otherwise, they'd be a must-spec).

All of the Executions are offhanded Pistol shots. He's very specifically -not- a ranged attacker though; his Executions are short-range.

Warrior Priest:

The Path of Grace works a bit like this; you smash the unbeliever in the face with your warhammer, Sigmar says "Do it again, do it again!", and blesses you with increased Strength...etc.

Using melee abilities will grant Righteous Fury, regardless of the target - even against objects. Additionally, the Warrior Priest (and the Disciple Of Khaine) will have, in one manner or another, an ability which lets them gain Righteous Fury / Essence without having to hit anything - for the Warrior Priest, for example, he'll drop into a meditative state which rapidly drains action points and builds Righteous Fury as it channels. They can rely solely on this meditative state to heal, but they'll clearly be less efficient (since they have to spend the time inbetween heals to build up more Righteous Fury) - when you're fighting for RF, you're being much more productive in the time inbetween heals by using that time to damage the enemy. It's really a fallback RF-gain for when there's no one close enough to pummel.
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Posted - 22/01/2008 :  17:37:16  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Using melee abilities will grant Righteous Fury, regardless of the target - even against objects.

Uz to vidim..

Warrior Priest sa postavi vedla dveri, do ktorych zacne mlatit kladivom aby mohol healovat..
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Posted - 22/01/2008 :  18:01:03  Show Profile  Send Rashaverak an ICQ Message Send Rashaverak a Private Message  Reply with Quote
nebo este lip postavi se doprostred vlastni grupy, hodi aoecko a pak za to vyhealuje jednoho cloveka, takovej prelivac zivotu s nejakym bonusem navic

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Posted - 22/01/2008 :  19:03:07  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mne sa paci aj ta poznamka ze ti to dava fury za AP .... cize to ze healer MUSI mlatit aby healoval uz neni pravda :) Este dajte nejaky buff co zvysuje regen APciek a healer nemusi vobec bojovat
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Posted - 22/01/2008 :  19:08:43  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ak som to dopre pochopil z toho textu, tak ten fury za AP je nieco ako emergency skill.. proste ked prave nabehnes do boja a vidis umierajuceho kamarata ..tak to mozes rychlo pouzit a pokusit sa ho zachranit ale na dlhodobe pouzivanie je to viac ako nevhodne (asi bude to generovanie fury pomerne pomale) . No uvidime ako to bude vyzerat v hre
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Posted - 22/01/2008 :  20:29:26  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ja som to skor pochopil tak, ze to je proste sposob ako ziskat fury bez boja. Neviem ci je to emergency, mozno ano, ale tak neviem. Uvidime ked to bude pustene.
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Posted - 22/01/2008 :  23:20:47  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mlaceni WP do objektu. Odhaduju, ze se tim mysli spise siege weapons apod, ktere se daji opravdu znicit a hlavne budou kliknutelne.

Medidativni stav. Je to jednoduche jak facka. Diky velmi rychlemu sani AP pri tomto stavu, to bude opravdu zachrana brzda, za cenu ztraty AP a tim padem docasne neefektivity WP v boji. Nema AP nemuze pouzivat ability. Verim, ze to muze zachranit zadek, ale myslim, ze bude daleko vyhodnejsi mit warrior priesta v boji s urcitym mnozstvim AP na ability, nez si zapnout meditaci a sice healnout, ale pak byt jenom chodici plechovka, co te mlati "autoattackem"

P.S. Ciste hypoteticky by mohlo byt mlaceni do objektu i jakoby mlaceni do stitu (ci neceho co blokuje). Tzn. pokud existuje neco jako block abilita, tzn. kompletne zastavi ranu, tak mozna tohle bude brano take a RF se stejne zvedne. --> priklad z WoW. Warrior mlati do ice block ci bubliny a ma 0 rage, tady by rage mel.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 22/01/2008 23:25:21
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Posted - 23/01/2008 :  07:54:09  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A mozno ze to prave tak am byt a nejako to osetria. Neviem, nejaky priklad i ked neviem ci pouzitelny v PvP ... postavia sa WP k nim nejaky ten tank s 100% blockom a oni budu pekne v pozadi do neho mlatit a bez rizika healovat ludi v prvej linii.
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Posted - 23/01/2008 :  09:15:47  Show Profile  Send celdric an ICQ Message Send celdric a Private Message  Reply with Quote
jste nejak prehlidli popis zealota... z toho bude takovy whovsky paladin tipuju :-)

no rek bych, ze to vicemene smeruje k tomu co vzdycky...na obou stranach bude cistej support a bez neho v grpe nepude prakticky rozumne hrat

no mmo
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Posted - 25/01/2008 :  10:24:55  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As you have no doubt seen in pod-casts and recent newsletters, we’re adding Keeps and Siege to Warhammer Online! This post is meant to explain how these systems will work and how they’ll be integral to RvR.

Integrating Keeps into WAR builds on the foundation and success of Dark Age. Keeps were the epitome of land ownership and helped drive the sense of pride in RvR. In WAR, Keeps will once again be used as a focal point and landmark of ownership and responsibility to your Realm.

There will be 1 keep per realm, per zone in a Tier pairing except for Tier 1:
• Tier 2 will have 2 keeps (no outer walls)
• Tier 3 will have 2 keeps
• Tier 4 will have 6 keeps (two per zone)
Keeps will have a shape and size reflective of their race, but they will have 3 distinct stages:
• Breaking into the Keep from the outside.
• Breaking into an inner sanctum.
• Killing a Keep lord.

Keep Structure
Keeps will have an artistically themed look to them based on the racial pairing they are located in. In other words, Keeps in Chaos vs. Empire will look like keeps built by Chaos or Empire. In Dwarf vs. Greenskin, keeps will look Orcy and Dwarfen.

Keeps will not switch geometry based on ownership, but they will have definite changes if the opposing Realm owns it. Fire and smoke for instance may come out of an Empire Keep once owned by Chaos.

Keeps will have a core inner structure which has 3 levels (base level, 2nd floor and roof). Access to the inside of the Keep is controlled via a single Breakable door for the attackers on the base level. Inside the core structure are ramps that lead upwards (no ladders) to the various levels which offer defensive and offensive push and pull strategies.

Keeps in Tier 2 will have no outer walls (aka. Wall Walks for the castle definition fiends).

Keeps in Tier 3 and 4 will have an outer wall, thus adding another door to the process. These doors can be damaged by player abilities but also by Siege weapons like Rams and Trebuchets.

Keeps with an outer wall will have one breakable door and two interactive (postern) doors accessible from inside and outside the keep. The Keep wall will enclose the courtyard (Bailey) of the entire Keep.

Keep Wall layout will vary from Keep to Keep. There are no universal Keep walls in WAR as the terrain will not always be a flat piece of land.

Defending players will be able to get inside their Keep via postern doors and the main door via click through mechanics. IE. You click on the door as a friendly player, and you’ll be teleported to the other side of the door without it opening.

Keep Default Ownership
At the start of the game or on campaign resets, Keeps will have their ownership set to their default owners. The breakdown of default Keep ownership is as follows:
• Tier 2 will have 1 keep owned by Order and 1 by Destruction.
• Tier 3 will have 1 keep owned by Order and 1 by Destruction.
• Tier 4 will have 1 Keep owned by Order and 1 by Destruction in the Central Tier 4 zone.
• Tier 4 will have 2 Keeps owned by Order in the Tier 4 zone closest to the Order Capital City.
• Tier 4 will have 2 Keeps owned by Destruction in the Tier 4 zone closest to the Destruction Capital City.
Zone standard ownership determines who naturally owns a Keep. For example, in Tier 2 Chaos vs. Empire, the Ostland Keep is naturally owned by Order and the Troll Country Keep is naturally owned by Destruction.

Keep Lord
Each Keep will have a Keep Lord. The Keep Lord will have a small retinue of 4 bodyguards. Killing the Keep Lord will give your Realm control of that Keep.
The Keep Lord rewards players based on Public Quest contribution. LOOT YAAAY!
When the Keep Lord is killed, all Guards remaining in that Keep are killed (despawned) as well. Guards and a Keep Lord of the appropriate Realm will then spawn.

Keeps will have Guards in and around the walls of the Keep. Battlefield Objective ownership will dictate how many guards are in the Keep.
The more Battlefield Objectives you own, the more guards you have at your Keeps. Guard levels are set to the level maximum of the zone as per standard RvR level caps (level 12 for Tier 1, level 23 for Tier 2, level 40 for Tier 3 and 4).

Zone Control Effects
Capturing an Enemy Keep will play heavily into Zone Control. Once a Keep is captured, you’ll see that zone control bar move a hefty chunk.

Siege Weapons
Keeps and surrounding areas will have several locations where Siege weapons can be spawned and used by players. Some siege weapons will simply work by interacting with them for a period of time and then pre-determined targets (such as a door) will be damaged. Other Siege weapons, like a trebuchet, will give players a Ground Target Area Effect (GTAE) reticule which they can set specific locations to attack. SIEGE Weapons Will Not Be Available for Testing During the Focus Test. The below is for informational purposes only

There are three types of Siege Weapons:
• Ram: Rams are only useful against Keep Doors or other pre-selected targets.
• Ballista: Ballistae will fire against individual players or other Siege Weapons doing single target damage.
• Cannon/Trebuchet: Cannons/Trebuchets will fire on an area doing splash damage to players or other Siege Weapons.

Siege weapons will be linked to Siege Pads in the world or on Keeps. Large slabs of concrete, slate, or otherwise engraved “pads” will designate where Siege can be built. These are the only locations players can create/deploy Siege Weapons. Furthermore, Siege Weapons cannot be moved once placed, although they can rotate.

Siege will not require a Trade-skill to build. Anyone can deploy Siege Weapons.

Siege Weapons are purchased from Warcamps or inside Keeps from the appropriate NPC. Once purchased, a Siege Weapon will take up a single inventory space. These items have no weight and can be carried and traded by anyone. The amount of Deployed Siege weapons are gated by the Siege Pads.

Players can carry as many Siege weapons as they want, as long as they have space in their inventory. When a player deploys a Siege weapon, the item will disappear from the player’s inventory.

Siege weapons will increase in cost based on location/Tier. Cost of Siege weaponry has yet to be determined. A Siege weapon purchased in a higher Tier cannot be placed in a lower tier Siege Pad. Only one Siege Weapon can be on a Siege Pad.

Siege Weapons have a life span of 30 minutes or until destroyed once they are deployed.

Siege “Pads”
Siege Pads are the locations which Siege Weapons can be placed. These will be physically represented in the world as large slabs of concrete, slate, or otherwise engraved “pads” as noted above.

Keeps will have 1 Siege pad per destructible door for placing Rams.

Keeps will have several Siege pads for Ballista or Cannons/Trebuchets on the Bastions.

The Surrounding area of a keep will have 4-8 locations on the frontal arc of Keep for Ballista or Cannons/Trebuchets and 1-3 locations per side arc of a Keep for Ballista or Cannons/Trebuchets. More or less Pads will be placed depending upon Game-play testing and terrain.

Siege Pads will come in two varieties: Destroyed and Intact. Players will have the ability to repair or destroy Siege pads to add another level of strategy and depth to Siege. Only 1 person can interact with the Siege Pad at a time.

To place Siege on a Siege Pad, players simply right click on their Siege Pad to bring up an interface window. This window will display the available Siege weapons that players can place on that pad.

This window will display all of the weapons available and as such, will populate, or highlight, which weapons the player can actually build based on inventory checks. IE. If a player has a Catapult in their backpack, then the Catapult listing in the UI window will be highlighted. Next to each listing will be a Build button. Players will be able to place a weapon by clicking a Build button.

Only tier appropriate Siege weapons can be deployed on Siege Pads. Tier 1 Siege pads cannot house Tier 2, 3, or 4 Siege weapons.

A Destroyed Siege Pad cannot have Siege weapons placed on them. The ground is littered with destroyed Siege wood planks and metal bits.

Siege Pads can only be destroyed by Ballista, Cannon/Catapult fire or special Demolition charges purchased from Warcamps or Keeps.

Siege Pads have very few hit points but repair themselves after several minutes.

Building the Siege weapon will remove any of the items in the players inventory that are required to build 1 Siege weapon as selected.
If the player is not on a Siege pad, the Siege weapon will not be deployed and the player will get the message “You must be on a Siege pad to deploy this weapon”.

Siege Weapon Control

Gaining control of a Siege weapon will be done by right clicking on the Siege Weapon once it’s up. Interacting with the Siege Weapon will give 1 player control of the Weapon. This interaction to control the Siege Weapon is instant.
Releasing control of a Siege Weapon is done by Right clicking on the Siege weapon again, or choosing to release the Weapon from the Siege UI element or simply closing the UI.
Each Siege Weapon will be operated by 1 person, but up to four players can be “on” a Ram. A very simple UI element will be used for Siege Weapons utilizing a three click “golf swing” meter.

Rams are large Siege engines used to batter down a Door. Up to 4 players can be seated on a Ram.

When you control a Ram, you are seated on the Ram itself. Players operating a Ram no longer have control of their walking movement unless they release their control of the Ram by right clicking on it or clicking the Release or close button on the UI.

If another player right clicks on the Ram when another player has control, they will either be put on the Ram with the player or be given the message “This Ram is full and cannot be operated by any more players”.

Rams will provide cover from higher ground attacks. Players which are attacked from above will be shielded from 50% of all damage.

Ram Power will be broken up by 25% increments dependent upon players on the Ram and noted accordingly on the UI. IE. If only one person is operating the Ram, it will only do 25% of its maximum potential damage.

Ballistae (Direct Fire)
Ballistae are large bolt throwers used to skewer an enemy player or destroy Siege Weapons.

Ballistae are mounted on rotating platforms on the Siege Pads so when it’s aimed it will face its relative target. This Siege Weapon is target based that inflicts massive damage to a single target with a small radius.

To target something while controlling a Ballista, the player will click an Aim button on their Siege UI. Players will then click on an enemy target or siege weapon to aim and then begin the three click swing to fire the weapon.

Catapults & Cannons (Indirect fire)
Catapults and Cannons are the last type of Siege Weapons. These types of Siege weapons will use a combination of the three click system and ground targeting to create an engaging mechanic for using Catapults and Cannons much in the sense of the Warhammer Table top game.

Catapults and Cannons are controlled by 1 player. When a Catapult or Cannon is created, it will be placed on a rotating platform so it can rotate to face its relative target.

Right clicking on a Catapult or cannon will give the player control over the Siege Weapon and will bring up a UI element that has the three click meter, an Aim button and a Release button.

If another player right clicks on the Catapult when another player has control, they will get a message stating “Player X has control of this Siege Weapon”.

Clicking on Aim while controlling the Catapult/Cannon will bring up the GTAE reticule. The player will be able to move the reticule around their screen to choose their ground target. A player can also click on an enemy player while having the GTAE reticule on their cursor, and this will place their GTAE target at that player’s feet.

Cannon and Catapult fire cannot go through solid structures like buildings, roofs, or other man made structures. Cannon and Catapult fire can go through tree limbs, bushes and natural cover. As such, players inside a Keep Gatehouse or inside an inner Keep are completely immune from Siege weapon damage. This will require both client and server side engineering to determine the best method of determining Siege “safe” locations as we currently have no method of doing so.

That’s Keeps and Siege in a nutshell! Be sure to post any comments you have here and look to the Q&A thread for…well…questions and answers =)

Aka. Zimmeron

REMINDER: SIEGE Weapons Will Not Be Available for Testing During the Focus Test. The above was for informational purposes only

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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630 Posts

Posted - 25/01/2008 :  12:19:48  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Zaujimave citanie. Ale mam z toho zmiesane pocity. Neviem ako velke zony su ale pocet hradov vyzera byt celkom nizky. Ale mozno sa mylim. Paci sa mi ze rhady sa stanu silnejsie (viac strazcov) podla toho kolko je obsadenych battlefield objectivov....

Dalsia vec su siege stroje.. Paci sa mi ze je tu kontrolovatelny pocet siege strojov..aspon nebudu siege prefloodovane desiatkami catapultov a podobne. Ale stale premyslam o torch veciach. Preco catapulty a dela nemozu nicit branu (alebo mur).. preco do pekla sa neda nicit mur ale len brana ktora je jedna a dufam ze ten siege pad pre ram nebude ulozeny 2 metre pred branou ale dalej od hradu. Vzdy sa mi pacilo ako sa nemotorny a pomaly ram blizi k brane a obrancovia sa ho snazia silou mocou znicit :) A vlastne este jedna vec.. trosku ma mrzi ze siege stroje nebude treba craftovat ale proste sa kupi semienko siege stroja, postavi sa na siege pad, zaleje nejakym drevom a ono to tam vyrastie.
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Posted - 26/01/2008 :  10:21:03  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pozeram ze toto forum neberie v potaz zelenu farbu :) Takze je tam zopar odpovedi priamo od GOA, zbytok je od EA.

Please post all your questions regarding keeps here. I'll update this top post with info from the developers and answers to your questions as I get them.

Please post only questions in this thread, keep all the discussion and comments in the information thread.

Answers in green are my answers, the rest are from the EA Mythic devs.

How upgradeable (if at all) will keeps be?
Possibly =)

What mechanisms will be in place to ensure melee classes don't become redundant in keeptakes/fights as they so often did in DAOC? (+ some similar questions)
Two words: Collision Detection. When the door goes down (from tanks beating on it) defending tanks become the new door. Not bringing tanks to a siege is a recipe for failure.

There are some Siege abilities that we're not ready to discuss just yet that will give everyone, regardless of career, something to do in Siege situations. I can't give more details on this...yet. Sorry =(

How drawn out is capturing a keep? Is it a protracted battle over a long period of time, or can you simply lose your guild's keep in a matter of minutes if it's left undefended?
We'll be looking at a lot of factors with Siege weapons vs. Door strength vs. player population. Obviously it can't be impossible for players to take a Keep without Siege, but it will be helpful. Remember that Keeps are a defensive position with a major chokepoint (the door) so the advantage is skewed towards Defenders, however we're trying to make things as fun as possible for both Realms =) The amount of Siege pads, Siege pad health, Siege health, Siege Damage, etc....all of that will play into the balance of taking and defending a Keep.

In a nutshell...lot's...and lot's....of logs and data crunching will make this work.

Will casters be able to nuke from the walls without line of sight?
No-one should be able to cast without LOS whether in a keep or not unless it's an ability that specifically doesn't require it.

How much HP compared to enemy players/mobs of that level will the Keep Lord have and how hard will they hit in comparison?
How easy will it be for a casual group of 3-5 players to actually take a keep (no nearby enemy players)? Or do you intend to have like a constant fight going on at the keep (since there was only like 8-10 keeps in total)?
Well...the Keep Lord is Hero and his bodyguards are Special...so depending on your gear and group make-up...maybe 2-4 groups if there are no defenders depending on Tier.

I'm not sure what the price of Siege will be exactly. There's many elements to our economy that are being weighed in, but ideally, I'd like it relatively cheap since we want Keep raids occuring nightly. Which brings us to the subject of pacing. Generally speaking, Keeps should be sieged and taken faster than in DAOC but not so fast that you feel like it was a cake walk. The pacing will be figured out in Beta and internally, but if you're looking for basics...I'd say that Keeps should flip a few times a night depending on Zone control. It's tricky to nail down for now...but in a nutshell...running around skirmishing in RvR is your short term investment, doing BO's and Scenarios are your medium term investment, and taking Keeps will be your long term investment as far as general timing goes.

Without siege weapons, what mechanic will be in place for attackers to breach the walls during a keep fight?
Walls in keeps and wall walks cannot be broken down.

Will doors automatically regain HP if they don't recieve significant damage over a small period of time, or will people have to repair it?
Keep doors will be repairable, we're still working out the logistics of that one. On Beta, there will be a time limit on Doors for the time being. The Keep doors will reset after 10 minutes. This is obviously not the final design =)

Who will be defending the "neutral" keeps at the beginning of the campaigns? (If I understand that right)
There are no 'neutral' keeps. By default keeps are controlled by whichever race is nominally the owner of the zone they are in.

Will guild be able to take control of keeps?
Guilds can claim keeps...and you hit another teaser thread to be posted on later.

Will the keep have towers which fire projectiles?
There will be a Siege pad directly above the keep doors which will be reserved purely for oil/logs. The other two...we may allow oil/ballista/catapults. Gotta toy with those first.

What are the timings on "campaign resets"?
This refers to the mechanism where one side 'wins' by capturing the other capital city and the campaign for that battlefront will then reset.

Is there a mechanic in place to discourage 'overnight' conquering? e.g. My UK guild conquers a fort at 11pm goes to bed and lose it at 3am to people who stay up all night.
Keeps will only be able to be taken when they are in a contested zone.
<Req edit>: Additionally this is more of a population issue than anything else. Given a strong population there's no reason why people can't have fun attacking and defending keeps around the clock. Just because you aren't there, the world doesn't stop.

Will the keeps provide the guilds that control it with any meaningful, i.e. access to materials for crafting, vendors, safe zone etc etc?
Keep ownership and various other aspects I can't comment on just yet. Sorry =( But there will be incentives for claiming, defending, and taking Keeps.

Will there be gaurd patrols around the keep as well? And some similar questions)
Keep Lords will function like PQ's and will drop loot. There are no Influence rewards for RvR (that's what the Renown system is for) but you do get a chunk of Renown when you kill the Keep Lord and take over a Keep.

Guards have a tight radius and don't chase away from the Keeps too far. There are a mixture of Melee and ranged guards. We're working on healing guards as well...but they're a bit...wonky. Wonky is a technical term that means...uh...they're dumb (tm).

I mentioned weight, because in DAOC, Siege weapons were extremely heavy and you could only carry 1 or 2 (until diminutive Siege that is then you could have about 5 rams in your backpack...don't ask...but it ruled). Anyways, Siege equipment will not have weight or slow your character down or anything like that from carrying it. Think of it as your magic Siege kit =)

Will players respawn inside the Keeps when they are defenders?
We're working on methods of allowing players to either teleport into the keep or respawn inside the Keep. I'm much more in favor of respawning inside the Keep then insta-porting inside a Keep as that was a serious point of contention in DAOC (aka. Insta-defense).

"Rams will provide cover from higher ground attacks. Players which are attacked from above will be shielded from 50% of all damage."
Q. Does this refer to the four people who are in control of the RAM, or to all allies within a certain radius/ directly under the RAM.
The people actually operating the ram.

How will you deal with LOS (considering some races are small, and might have trouble looking over the wall)
There are no murder holes. We are preventing players from "wall hugging" via structures that literally don't allow masses of players to be pushed up against the walls. Couple that with player collision, and murder holes were not necessary on these Keeps as compared to DAOC Keeps.

Will players be able to load themselves into catapults like on the cinematic?

I want more types of siege weapons! Are there more coming?(eg. those platforms in the Gates of Erkrund scenario)
We're looking at making specific Siege stuff for players but we can't divulge the details on that just yet.

Generally siege weapons will have a Race and Realm feel to them but there won't be unique abilities between them. A Chaos Ram will function exactly the same as an Empire Ram, and an Orcapult will function the same as a Dwarfen Mortar. We are looking at putting in a method of augmenting Siege with different ammo and other treats, but that's not in the works right now. Misfire is something we're toying around with, but not in the plans at this time. Scatter however is planned.

and will there be loot prizes for the the keeps owners too? Beacuse the attackers will gain loot if they succeed what about the protecters?
Keep ownership and various other aspects I can't comment on just yet. Sorry =( But there will be incentives for claiming, defending, and taking Keeps.

Q - What is meant by scatter, is this splash damage?
It means that some weapons are inaccurate and won't always hit the point you're aiming for. However they will land somewhere still....

"When the capital falls, how much time will the invading army have to revel in their glory i.e. until the campaign resets?"
That's something that'll be discussed when we're testing that phase of the campaign and is going to be tweaked as a result of feedback in that phase.

Can the slots(the area where you place your seige wepon) of the seige wepons be destroyed to cripple the enemy?
Of course it'll be easy to keep the Siege pads destroyed around your Keep when no one's around, but no so much when there's an assault team waiting a short period of time for those to get ready again. That's why the repair time on them is very short. I fully expect there will be teams of Siege pad saboteur's around Keeps to ensure that Siege pads stay down for as long as they can, but once a force shows up to take a Keep, they simply have to wait a few minutes and keep the pads clear of attackers...err...defenders...you know what I mean.

One thing that is universal regarding Siege pad placement is that all Siege pads outside of the Keep will be at least 1500-2000 units away from the keep walls (aka. out of player ability range). You will not be able to nuke a player operating Siege from the safety of the Keep.

The prior existing Siege equipment will need to be destroyed but we are toying with the idea of turning your own Siege against you in certain places.

Will we be able to hire NPC's to auto-man the siege weapons, e.g. We have some bolt throwers on the back wall of the keep, but there is a major attack on the gate, if we wanted to defend that wall properly we'd need 3 men to stay their while they could be helping at the gate.
Nope. Make your choices and decide how to divide your force.

Myslim ze sa to bude updatovat, tak sem potom skusim hodit aj dalsie.

Edited by - Pepo on 26/01/2008 10:22:43
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Posted - 26/01/2008 :  11:18:55  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pekny cteni, diky
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Posted - 26/01/2008 :  11:33:00  Show Profile  Send Gurrshael an ICQ Message Send Gurrshael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Moc pekny pocteni, diky za nej.

Na papire to vypada celkem pekne, ted jeste jak to bude vypadat ve hre...
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5760 Posts

Posted - 26/01/2008 :  11:49:03  Show Profile Send Meddy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jsem zmaten ale stasten - diky

STS Chvojkovice-Brod
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2901 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2008 :  07:24:05  Show Profile  Send Little an ICQ Message Send Little a Private Message  Reply with Quote

The time of waiting is nearly over!

Very soon the eternal struggle between Empire and Chaos will begin again. Prepare yourselves and your allies for new challenges and the great rewards they yield!

When Beta returns players will experience:

- Evolved Career Mechanics
- The Chaos Marauder
- Career Masteries
- Keep Warfare
- New Battlefield Objectives
- New Quests
- Polished Encounters
- Zone Capture and Control

And that's just in the first few weeks!

The upcoming Empire vs. Chaos Focus Test Session will be divided into two parts:

Part One will focus on updated PvE content and careers. While new Open World RvR areas will be implemented and available we really want to hammer away at the new career mechanics and ensure that WAR is truly everywhere.

Part Two players will get to give us the finer details of their experiences on the front lines and provide us with your insight on Keeps and Battlefield Objectives. Currently the plan is to provide players with Templates to choose from so you can quickly create the career of your choice and get in on the action from the get-go!

And don't worry - the downtime between Part One and Two will be as short as possible.

We know you'll be asking when, dates will be coming soon, but remember - It's Beta! And things may change depending on our needs and development schedule. This phase is just the beginning and we can't wait to show you what we have in store for the rest of Beta.

"End of hope, end of love, end of time. The rest is silence."
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4085 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2008 :  11:11:45  Show Profile  Send Araya an ICQ Message Send Araya a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Marauder jo jo , budu u tebe hned jak to zacne Little
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1051 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2008 :  11:34:34  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Bůh ví, kdy to nakonec spustí. "dates will be coming soon" může znamenat řeči Mythicu cokoliv

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2008 :  18:31:38  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Araya

Marauder jo jo , budu u tebe hned jak to zacne Little

Pokud možno taky bych se přifařil na čumendu.
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Posted - 06/02/2008 :  18:33:25  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Not news to some of you I know but we are pleased to announce that the download servers are now up and the beta will reopen tomorrow!

Please note you must uninstall your old client and download the new one to play in the next phase. Full instructions for doing this will be found on the news page and the download page.

Get downloading and we'll see you tomorrow on the beta server!
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Posted - 06/02/2008 :  18:35:15  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dnes je plodny den :

Hello all!

Now for another installment of “how does that work?” featuring Zone/Tier Control. In this post I’ll give you the details regarding how zone control works. A fair warning though, I am not going to divulge the specific numbers involved with Zone control except for a few. I know the number crunchers out there won’t be thrilled with this, but I’m giving you as much information as I can for now.

So…Zone control…

Players fight over Zones by participating in Skirmish, Scenarios, and Open world Objectives (BO’s and Keeps). By killing other players, taking objectives, and completing Scenarios, players earn Victory Points. Victory Points are added to a pool and measured against the opposing Realm Victory Points (in the game this is represented by a sliding bar above your map).

When a certain percentage of Victory Points is met by one Realm, they capture a Zone or Tier. A Realm gains various benefits while a zone or Tier is captured, but most of all capturing a zone drives the Campaign in Tier 4 zones and the eventual capturing of the Cities.

Points are granted to a Realm from the following actions:

• Skirmish RvR: random killing of enemy players
• Scenario completion (win or loss)
• Battlefield Objective and Keep capturing
• PvE Quests and PQ’s
• Prior control contributions (tier 2, 3 and 4)

Points earned from Skirmish will be based on a kill by kill basis. Kills in a Scenario do NOT contribute to this pool.

Points earned from Scenarios will be based on a win or lose basis. Only completed scenarios will grant points towards the Scenario Pool. Points are awarded depending upon how many points are accrued in a Scenario and if you won or lost the Scenario.

Objective points will add up to a value of 100% in their own bucket dispersed amongst Objectives based on location. More difficult to capture objectives may be worth more in their respective pool. This is a Binary pool. You either have the objective, or you don’t. So if there’s 4 Objectives in a zone and you own 2, you own 50% of the value of the Objective pool.

In Tiers 2, 3 and 4 any prior control is factored into the total pool for the active Zone or Tier. This is simply a mirror image of the prior control values with its own percentage modifier applied to it. This value can only be affected by participating in Skirmish, Battlefield Objectives or Scenarios in prior Tiers.

All Quests and PQ’s will offer some contributions to Zone Control so players in PvE as well as RvR contribute to the Realm War. The level of the Quest or PQ will determine the contributions to the War in various ways.

Point Loss/Degrading

Points from Scenarios and Skirmish will degrade on a time stamp basis. Points will be stored at set increments of time and degrade over a set period of time thus overwriting prior banks. Currently this is set to degrade after 1 hour, or points marked in increments of 60 seconds.


Between 12:00 and 12:01, Order earns 100 skirmish points. At 12:01, these points are stored in Bank 1. Between 12:01 and 12:02, Order earns 50 skirmish points. At 12:02, these points are stored in Bank 2. Banks are continued to build up and store points until 1:01 at which point, the 100 points earned between 12:00 and 12:01 are gone and overwritten by the points earned between 1:00 and 1:01.

Capturing a Zone/Tier

All of these point contributions and control methods add up to a total point percentage which is then used to determine Tier/Zone control. When a realm reaches a certain percentage of points from BOs, Keeps, Scenarios, Skirmish, and PvE, the Zone/Tier is considered Captured.

Currently, having 65% of the points in a zone is considered Captured status. The percentage necessary for a Tier/Zone being captured may be adjusted after thorough testing. A Maintenance Percentage will also be necessary to prevent flip flopping and provide a cushion of control for the winning Realm. This percentage is currently 55% for all zones/tiers.

Obviously when the controlling Realm goes below 55%, the zone is contested again and both Realms can fight for control.

Zone control Benefits

The primary benefit of capturing a zone is furthering the campaign, with the end reward of invading the enemy capital city. Persistent bonuses were not chosen as we want to encourage frequent turnover of zones. We must be careful not to strengthen one realm to the point where recovery is too difficult for the opposing realm.

Upon a zone capture, all players of the conquering realm within that zone receive a full 100% morale boost. This enables players still in combat a simulation of an adrenaline rush to vanquish their enemies. This is denoted by the players morale filling to 100% (also tied to the buff noted in the next bullet point)
All players of the conquering realm within the PvP skirmish area receive a one-hour buff that increases their health and their damage dealt by 5% each.
All players of the conquering realm within the PvP skirmish area receive a Renown Point bonus.
All players of the losing side will become PvP flagged in the zone/tier. Please note while this feature will be live with this patch it will be removed at a later date. Please do not submit feedback concerning this Zone Control reward.

Various other benefits are still under discussion at this time as well.
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Posted - 06/02/2008 :  18:47:06  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here are a few comments from devs on the US forums in relation to this. Note that they aren't getting drawn into a full on Q&A session, they're simply responding to some of the more common queries.

We want zone control to be something people fight over, but nothing that's really harmful or would cause someone to log out and not want to play.
"Let's say Destruction wins control of a zone, but they managed to do so without taking over the Order keep there. What happens to that keep? Does Order maintain control of it until Destruction physically takes it? Does Destruction automatically get control of it? Or...?"

Keeps and Battlefield Objectives don't "auto flip". It means that Order has a lot of ownership points in that Tier and it will be that much faster for them to re-gain control.

Also, I don't think destruction could actually take the Tier without the keeps. That's one of the reasons we'll be testing this. =)
"I'm confused. It seems that the main goal is to simply win everything at at once. For instance, I could participate in none of the RvR activities all day, but then me and a bunch of other people log on at midnight. We quickly zerg all the BOs and keeps, gaining control of them. We also run scenarios in the same hour and steamroll them.

Wouldn't we then get zone control in like an hour. The scenario VP gets overwritten every hour, so it really doesn't matter at all what happened in the entire last year, or even the last hour.

The BOs and Keeps transfer VP immediately, so it doesn't matter if you hold them for any particular amount of time, you just have to make sure to cap them all at once."

Remember you're competing against the other side in essentially a game of tug-of-war. Zone battles are much faster paced than the overall realm war. This is our first time testing working mechanics of Zone Control, we hope to get good feedback on how it all plays out in EvC Focus Test: Part 2
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Posted - 07/02/2008 :  14:06:49  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
tady je dalsi tapeta, za pozornost urcite stoji dual targeting

Welcome back to the Empire and Chaos careers! All of these careers have received a full re-adjustment and balance pass, and more importantly, now have Mastery paths! Here's a brief overview of what you'll see in-game for the Empire and Chaos careers in this phase of Beta:

Witch Hunter
The Witch Hunter has received adjustments across all of his abilities. His weapon Blessings are now all different types of bullets, and will trigger on every Execution. A new Ambush ability has been added, and the general flow of combat between Accusations and Executions has been smoothed.
- Path of Confession: Focused on direct, toe-to-toe melee.
- Path of Inquisition: Focused on longer-duration effects.
- Path of Judgment: Focused on positional and surprise attacks.

Bright Wizard
The Bright Wizard has a new Combustion mechanic. Through Combustion, the Bright Wizard increases his chance to critically hit, but also increases the chance that his powerful spells will cause an Explosion. All of his abilities have been rebalanced to account for this new mechanic.
- Path of Incineration: Focused on destructive single-target spells, with a moderate mix of Combustion magic.
- Path of Immolation: Focused on longer-duration, safer effects, with relatively few Combustion spells.
- Path of Conflagration: Focused on wide-area spells, and has the most Combustion magic.

Warrior Priest
The Warrior Priest has had his Righteous Fury mechanic overhauled entirely. Righteous Fury is now a very large pool, and fuels all healing abilities (and all Righteous Fury-based abilities no longer cost any action points). Righteous Fury can be built up by using melee abilities or by using a specific meditation ability, and will refill on its own once you are out of combat.
- Path of Salvation: Focused on divine magic, primarily healing spells.
- Path of Grace: Focused on melee attacks which also inspire and bolster allies.
- Path of Wrath: Focused on melee attacks which also weaken and hinder enemies.

The Chosen
The Chosen has a completely reworked Aura system. Each Aura now has an immediate effect which fires at the moment that it is used, and then a separate effect which lingers for a few moments and pulses out around the Chosen himself. Many of the Chosen's abilities are only usable while a specific type of Aura is present, but you can also have multiple Auras active at the same time - whether you choose to use mostly a mix of several Auras, or only one Aura and mostly melee attacks, or a balance between them will be a decision that you'll have to make based on what the field of combat demands.
- Path of Dread: Focused on offensive abilities, and somewhat based around a great weapon.
- Path of Corruption: Focused on defensive abilities, and somewhat based around a shield.
- Path of Discord: Focused on manipulating magical power to enhance their attacks and cripple their foes.

The Marauder has embraced the gifts of Change more fully. The various Mutations available to him have been modified to create a better flow in combat.
- Path of Brutality: Focused on using a mutated blade-like arm to deal damage to a single target at a time.
- Path of Savagery: Focused on dealing lingering wounds with a mutated claw.
- Path of Monstrosity: Focused on broad, sweeping attacks with a club-like arm.

The Zealot
The Zealot has had some changes made to his Dark Rituals, and now also has Tzeentch-blessed Rites which bolster nearby group mates as well. His new Masteries provide much more focus when choosing the direction that players may want to take with the Zealot.
- Path of Alchemy: Focused on healing spells and effects.
- Path of Witchcraft: Focused on offensive and damaging spells.
- Path of Rituals: Focused on both weakening enemies and improving allies through a variety of effects.

Dual Targeting
- The first pass at a Dual Targeting system is here! As the name implies, this system allows you to have two different targets at once: one Offensive target, and one Defensive target. The system is fairly seamless and is easy to use. Clicking an enemy will set it as your Offensive target, while clicking an ally will set it as your Defensive target. Any hostile abilities that you use will be aimed at your Offensive target, and any beneficial abilities that you use will be aimed at your Defensive target (or at yourself, if you didn't already have a Defensive target). At the moment, your Offensive target will appear directly to the right of your character's portrait, while your Defensive target will appear just below the Offensive target..

Tome of Knowledge
- Continued work on Achievements
- Initial implementation of Tome Quests
- Polished off existing Bestiary and History and Lore entries
- Fixed some tome title bugs inside the Tome of Knowledge

User Interface
- Added Race/Realm descriptions to the Character Creation Screen
- When the 'Create' and 'Destroy' buttons are moused-over the, number of available character slots is shown.
- On the Character Selection Screen, the 'Create New Character' button is disabled when you have run out of new character slots.
- Added zone name to overhead text on Character Selection Screen.
- Created and added new map icons.
- Created and added new scenario maps.
- Added functionality so that icons can fit on text lines.
- Characters will now earn Rest Experience while offline. The experience bar is now tinted and the tooltip indicates that rest experience has been earned.
- Made some improvements to the information presentation in the ability training window; providing some additional tooltips and organization.
- Updated the zone control bar to our new, more detailed three-part bar.
- Friendly NPCs no longer con to players either by color or description.
- There is now an option to disable tooltips.
- Scenarios: Players can now see objectives and who has them (such as the murderball) as well as their spawn locations and where they have dropped on the map.
- Added keep icons that will change depending on objective owner.
- Overhead Icons will now always display Completed Quests first if multiple options are available.
- Added several quest icons for Empire vs. Chaos quests and abilities.
- Implemented new city maps.
- Added new artwork for Public Quest loot including spinning tumblers.

Our last BETA runs have been extremely successful, thanks to the fanatic zeal of our participants. Over the course of these runs, we have gathered great volumes of feedback on the PvE experience in general, and the Empire versus Chaos pairing specifically. The Content Team has taken this feedback to heart, combining it with our own internal review and quality assurance process over the past months to make numerous improvements to this area of the game. The result is a revamped PvE experience that is more polished, compelling, and engaging than ever. We are excited for you to see these changes, and we look forward to your continued participation as we smooth out the last rough edges. Have fun! Tell us what you think! See you in WAR!

Empire vs Chaos General
- Empire and Chaos Tiers 1-2 are now open for play. While the complete PvE leveling experience requires gathering additional experience in the lands of your racial allies, there is still plenty to see and do here when you desire a break from the heady slaughter taking place in RvR. Numerous changes to quests, encounters, public quests, and general world goodness have been made based upon player feedback.
- Tier One Public Quests have been updated based on feedback. Their boss encounters have been adjusted accordingly. Enjoy!
- Rats have finally been put in their place! The little vermin should now be level 1 and have lost their taste for biting players about the knees and ankles (unless provoked).
- Flagellants have been encouraged to dress more appropriately and perform 90% more flagellation.
- A monstrous treekin has been sighted in Norsca.
- Nordland is alive! Ambient wildlife has been spotted throughout the land.

Empire Chapter 2
- The Burning Windmill Public Quest has been completely revised in response to feedback.
- The Norse are Coming Public Quest has been revised: Norse Plunderers should no longer be afraid of coming ashore.
- Nordland livestock should no longer be seen sitting on fences.

Empire Chapter 3
- The Faewulf's Rest Public Quest has been revised: players are no longer required to heave mountain-sized boulders in the first stage.
- The Pillager's Approach Public Quest has received a complete face lift. Enjoy!
- Bandit's Bane, Sticky Situation, and Doctor's Orders quests have all been revised.

Chaos Chapter 4
- The Sacred Ground Public Quest has had stage descriptions and the boss fight revised in response to feedback.
- Salzenmund has been tweaked to feel more like a city in the grips of war.
- Duskmaw Ghouls have been spotted in the Beeckerhoven Cemetery.
- Smugglers are now attempting to carry goods out of Salzenmund.
- Von Rhine's Express, A Subtle Wind and Marked quests have all been revised.

EvC Tier 1 RvR
- Quests at the Norsca and Nordland war camps are in and ready to go.

Chaos Chapter 5
- The Krul'Gor Herd Public Quest has been revised in response to feedback.
- The Spirits of the Shadow Public Quest has had stage descriptions and the boss fight revised.
- The Ferlangen Cemetery and connected Gebauer crypts have been tweaked.
- The following quests have been revised: Bread Basket, The Great Sin, An Example to Follow and Man or Beast?

Chaos Chapter 6
- The Wayshrine of Sigmar Public Quest has been revised. Now with more Sigmar!
- The Silkens Public Quest has been revised in response to feedback.
- The Wayshrine of Ulric encounter has been completely revised in order to resolve several bugs.
- The Cleansing Flame Warriors have moved across the river to cleaner quarters.
- Daemons have been spotted cavorting with the Plaguesworn Nobles.
- Setting the Trap and The Corruption Within quests have been revised.
- Joining the Horde has been revised to exclude the term which shall not be named. It is now known as Joining the Host.
- Avatar updates: Significant updates to Chosen, Witch Hunter, Bright Wizard, Zealot, Warrior Priest, and Marauder.
- Monster Updates: Updates to starter area monsters, monster abilities, audio triggers, and extra support for creature and NPC ambiance.
- Swimming and Jumping should feel a lot better.
- First implementation of mounted monsters.

- All Empire vs. Chaos Career effects have undergone evaluation, and received additions or improvements.

In addition to all our normal 'under-the-hood' itemization stuff, we've done a lot of work finishing up the PQ looting interface since the last phase of beta. The scoreboard now has 'timetable-style' numbering for the rolls.

We also took a look at the play-styles of those who participated heavily in the PQs during the last beta phase. As a result we've put in some things to make them feel more balanced. For example, now the influence earned from killing a monster is shared among all who damaged it (or those who helped out with healing). We invite you to play through a bunch of PQs and let us know what you think on the beta boards.

- The repair cost for repairable items has been considerably reduced.
- Repairable items that repair into common weapons and armor are still available at low levels, however, they no longer exist from mid-tier-1 and up.
- The PQ loot interface has been modified slightly.
- Trophies have been made available for both order and destruction players to discover.
- Whenever a monster in a PQ is killed, its influence is now shared between everyone who dealt damage (or healed someone who dealt damage) during the PQ. If players who earn influence are grouped, the total influence earned by all group members is shared between everyone in that group.

The armies of Order and Destruction have taken their battles to a new level. Be prepared for an increased threat when attempting to enter into an enemy-controlled chapter. Reports have it that you will immediately be flagged as Kill-On-Sight by both chapter guards and players. [Characters will become RvR flagged when inside an enemy controlled chapter]

Tier 1 Chaos vs Empire RvR battles take place in an area between Nordland and Norsca which includes the town of New Emskrank, the Lost Lagoon, and Nordland Docks as focus areas. Each of these areas has Battlefield Objectives which can be fought over. Please note that Battlefield Objectives have changed somewhat. You must now kill all of the guards around the battlefield objective before being able to claim it.

The Battlefield Objectives in Tier 1 CvE are:
- Festenplatz
- Harvest Shrine
- Nordland Docks
- Lost Lagoon

Tier 2 CvE RvR battles take place in an area between Troll Country and Ostland which includes two Keeps and four Battlefield Objectives.

The Battlefield Objectives in Tier 2 CvE are:
- Crypt of Weapons
- Kinschel's Stronghold
- Monastery of Morr
- Ruins of Greystone Keep

Taking a Battlefield Objective provides your Keep with more guards (2 per Battlefield Objective).

Keeps are:
- Mandred's Hold
- Wilhelm's Fist

Integrating Keeps into WAR builds on the foundation and success of Dark Age of Camelot (DAOC). In DAOC, Keeps are the epitome of land ownership and help drive the sense of pride in RvR. In WAR, Keeps are also used as a focal point and landmark of ownership and responsibility to your Realm. Keeps do not have Siege weapons placed or usable yet, and the Doors have lower hit-points than designed, for now . Doors close after 10 minutes, once opened. To take over a Keep, simply kill the Keep lord. Stick around for the Public Quest loot, by the way.
- There is now 1 keep per realm, per zone in a Tier pairing except for Tier 1:
- Tier 2 now has 2 keeps (no outer walls)
- Tier 3 now has 2 keeps
- Tier 4 now has 6 keeps (two per zone)

All Keeps now have a shape and size reflective of its race, but all have 3 distinct stages:
- Breaking into the Keep from the outside.
- Breaking into an inner sanctum.
- Killing a Keep lord.

Keep Structure
- Keeps now have an artistically-themed look to them based on the racial pairing they are located in. In other words, Keeps in Chaos vs. Empire will look like keeps built by Chaos or Empire. In Dwarf vs. Greenskin, keeps will look Orcy and Dwarfen.
- Keeps do not switch geometry based on ownership, but they will have definite visual changes if owned by the opposing Realm. For instance, fire and smoke may come out of an Empire Keep once owned by Chaos.
- Keeps have a core inner structure with three levels: base level, 2nd floor, and roof. Access to the inside of the Keep is controlled via a single door on the base level which is breakable by attackers. Inside the core structure, there are ramps (not ladders) which lead upward to the various levels that offer defensive and offensive push and pull strategies.
- Keeps in Tier 2 have no outer walls (aka Wall Walks, for the castle definition fiends).
- Keeps in Tier 3 and 4 have an outer wall, thus adding another door to the process. These doors can be damaged by player abilities and also by Siege weapons like Rams and Trebuchets.
- Keeps with an outer wall have one breakable door and two interactive (postern) doors accessible from both inside and outside of the keep. The Keep wall will enclose the courtyard (Bailey) of the entire Keep.
- Keep Wall layout varies from Keep to Keep. There are no universal Keep walls in WAR, as the terrain will not always be a flat piece of land.
- Defending players will be able to get inside their Keeps using postern doors and the main door. If you click on the door as a friendly player you are teleported to the other side of the door without it opening.

Keep Default Ownership
At the start of the game or on campaign resets, a Keep's ownership is set to its default owner. The breakdown of default Keep ownership is as follows:
- Tier 2 has 1 Keep owned by Order and 1 by Destruction.
- Tier 3 has 1 Keep owned by Order and 1 by Destruction.
- Tier 4 has 1 Keep owned by Order and 1 by Destruction in the Central Tier 4 zone.
- Tier 4 has 2 Keeps owned by Order in the Tier 4 zone closest to the Order Capital City.
- Tier 4 has 2 Keeps owned by Destruction in the Tier 4 zone closest to the Destruction Capital City.

Zone standard ownership determines who naturally owns a Keep. For example, in Tier 2 Chaos vs. Empire, the Ostland Keep is naturally owned by Order and the Troll Country Keep is naturally owned by Destruction.

Keep Lord
- Each Keep has a Keep Lord, who has a small retinue of 4 bodyguards. Killing the Keep Lord will give your Realm control of that Keep.
- The Keep Lord rewards players based on Public Quest contribution. LOOT YAAAY!
- When the Keep Lord is killed, all Guards remaining in that Keep are killed (despawned) as well. Guards and a Keep Lord of the appropriate Realm will then spawn.

- Keeps have Guards in and around the walls of the Keep. Battlefield Objective ownership dictates how many guards are in the Keep.
- The more Battlefield Objectives you own, the more guards you have at your Keeps. Guard levels are set to the maximum level of the zone as per standard RvR level caps (level 12 for Tier 1, level 23 for Tier 2, level 40 for Tier 3 and 4).

"Zone Control Effects"
Capturing an Enemy Keep will play heavily into Zone Control. Once a Keep is captured, you'll notice that zone control bar move a hefty chunk.

General Changes and Bug Fixes:
- Players can now access the 'Form Battlegroup' option from the group menu.
- Morale Abilities no longer have individual cooldown timers. Whenever a morale ability is used, all morale abilities will enter a 60 second cooldown.
- Fixed a bug which prevented Morale abilities from consuming Morale points. Morale abilities will now correctly consume all morale when used.
- Career mechanics will no longer cause icons to be placed into a character's buff window.
- Players will now switch between Ranged auto attack and Melee auto attack based on the distance from their target.
- Players who initiate a Magical attack will have their Melee auto attack triggered, and will automatically begin to melee the target once it closes into range.
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