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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 25/02/2008 :  18:26:50  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Uvidíme, zatím je můj pocit pozitivní. Na RvR trochu musi zapracovat a až bude nějaká organizace tak to taky bude lepší. Jenom mě mrzí, že to už vypnuli, páč dneska mi začíná již dlouho plánovaná dovolená.

Ale co přes víkend sem to celkem provařil a feedback sem taky sepsal.

Každopádně jestli bude rozložení sil v retailu jako ted betě, tak to vidím, že budu hrát za Order, bo Destruction je množství větší než malé.

Jediný char, který jsem jako WP 1on1 nemohl na svém levelu(samozřejmě o 3+ levelu vyšší nemělo cenu zkoušet) zabít byl zealot - jsem měl s jednim duel asi 4 minuty, ale nakonec sme to ukončili, protože to nikam nevedlo.
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Average Member

2118 Posts

Posted - 25/02/2008 :  19:22:05  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A jo, hehe, tebe zacala ta dovolenka .... tak to pekne nasere. Skoda, som sa tesil na nejaky pekny feedback od teba.
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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 25/02/2008 :  19:30:05  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Inac, vsimol som si taky trend.. Cim je nas viac v Bete, tym je tu menej informacii .. nuz.. Lobos sa uz nenudi a nepostuje "stuff" z ruskych for, Pepo uz nema kvoli komu postovat veci z fora a tak podobne ..
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Junior Member

572 Posts

Posted - 25/02/2008 :  22:54:36  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Me nekdo tam nahore (nebo dole?) nema rad, z bety sem odehral chvili, pak se mi slozil notas, zejtra jede do servisu.
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Senior Member

3722 Posts

Posted - 26/02/2008 :  10:14:32  Show Profile  Send Rashaverak an ICQ Message Send Rashaverak a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lobos

Me nekdo tam nahore (nebo dole?) nema rad, z bety sem odehral chvili, pak se mi slozil notas, zejtra jede do servisu.

tak to asi who bude prvnim opravdovym hardware killerem

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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 26/02/2008 :  10:47:34  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Pepo

A jo, hehe, tebe zacala ta dovolenka .... tak to pekne nasere. Skoda, som sa tesil na nejaky pekny feedback od teba.

Však můžu dělat i něco jinýho když teď nedělám. Asi opráším původní program. Pes, procházky, pivečko, plavání a offline smažba.
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Junior Member

572 Posts

Posted - 26/02/2008 :  22:09:23  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak pridam par dojmu z bety. Jedna se o Chaos,konkretne Zealot do lvlu 9 a potom premade char lvl 13 az 14 :)

Prvni co me docela nadchlo je celkova atmosfera hry, Warhammer jako svet je pro me pomerne novy, ale takhle nejak sem si ho predstavoval. Mesta a vesnice v plamenech, podel cest nejaky obskurni chaos zalezitosti s mrkajicima ocickama, torza tel nabodanych na kulech, obesenci pro vystrahu a vsudypritomny symboly Tzeentche. Proste "war is everywhere".
V podstate veskera vase cinost smeruje k poskozeni Empire. Hodne velka cast pve spociva v boji prave s vojaky Empire nebo civilisty. Tak napriklad zapalujete domy, vrazdite obrance mest, hledate kuryra co se snazi utect a privest pomoc, nebo pretahujete lidicky pod havrani kridla at uz po dobrem nebo po zlem.

Questy jsou jak standartni,zabit urcity pocet mobu,donest neco z mista A do B a podobne, nebo i mene obvykle, zpravidla pekne provazane takovym pribehem jak se pro Chaos slusi a patri.
Pak tu mame novinku v podobe Public questu (PQ),je to pomerne zajimavy zpusob jak dat trapnemu grindu nejakou myslenku. Maji tri urovne, kde se postupne kydli vetsi pocet lehkych potvor,podpalujete farmarum povozy,stromy v lese nebo vytahujete maraudery z pavoucich kokonu. V druhem pak pride mensi pocet silnejsich monster(WAR ma pro ne oznaceni Special), nebo nejaka tezsi variace na fazi jedna, od teto chvile uz je splneni ukolu casove omezeno. Treti faze spociva v zabiti bose, nebo dvou.
Behem plneni PQ dostavate krome velmi slusneho prisunu xp i tzv. influence points. Ty se vam po uspesnem dokonceni PQ prictou k rollu a nasledne jsou prvni tri mista odmeneny nejakym itemem+prachy. To beru jako takovy maly bonus, hlavni totiz je, ze za ziskane inf. body v dane zone ma pro vas npc pripraveny rewardy. Jsou jich celkem tri urovne: potky dle vyberu,slabsi item a posledni (elite) reward pri dosazeni max inf v dane zone hodne pekny magic item pro vasi career.
K dosazeni elite rewardu staci udelat cca 3-4 PQ, jeden trva tak 15 minut a zpravidla pri tom date i cely level.
Jako problem vidim, ze tech PQ je v kazde zone zbytecne moc,vetsinou je ani vsechny nenavstivite. Trochu bych ubral a spis se soustredil na vetsi provazani s pribehem a jedinecnost kazdeho PQ.

Mobove se zatim chovaji jako idioti, temer vsichni davaji budto velke nebo male rany pouze holyma rukama (pokud je maji) a co je vubec nejhorsi, ze mezi nima nejak nefunguje kolize, tzn navzajem se prekryvaji - vypada to divne. V kryptach pod hrbitovy a v jeskynich dokonce mizi,neni nic horsi nez kdyz vas mlati neviditelnej idiot:). Na druhou stranu ty krypty,hrobky jsou pekne udelane, ruzne se krizici chodby a mistnosti, neni problem se zde na cas ztratit, mapa vam totiz nepomuze.

PvP potazmo RvR v soucasnem nastaveni probiha v k tomu urcenych castech mapy, pevne doufam ze EA dodrzi co slibila a pri spusteni budou i ty tzv. Open RvR servery. Ted je to totiz trapnost, potkate nepritele jak si v klidu questi na Chaos prisluhovacich a nemuzete utocit protoze je zlutej (mimo RvR zonu).
V tier 1 je k dispozici par Battle objectives (BO), je to kus sutru na ktery kliknete. Nasleduje 3 minuty timer kdy muze protistrana reagovat, potom se spawnou guardi. Kontrolou BO se zvysuje xp a renown (pvp xp) gain v zone.
Ve vyssich tier zonach pak mame jeste keepy. Je to nove pridana vec, a taky dost zabugovana :) Napriklad po zniceni dveri mi stale neslo projit dovnitr. Keep lord spolu s armadou poskoku propadava stropem dolu coz je docela drsne Zde maji BO jeste jeden vyznam, jejich kontrolou totiz snizujete pocet branicich mobu. Ty se navic chovaji taky divoce, pokud je odtahnete trochu dal od keepy tak se jim resetnou hp a vracej se na svoje misto u dveri, vsichni jsou "special" takze nic moc. Osobne jsem se techto zergu, kdy obranci zakladaj premade nukery s kteryma pak postavaj na hradbach a hazej aoe spelly na vsechno v dostrelu, neucastnil.
Zato boje v mensich poctech to je uplne jina pisnicka, moc se mi to libilo, byt je samozrejme potreba notna davka balancu. Ale ma to sve kvality uz ted!
Nemusim pripominat, ze v WAR mame kolizni system - nejde probihat ostatni hrace. Tim to ale nekonci! Skrz strom si nezakouzlite, stejne tak pres vetsi kameny, nahrobky, tereni nerovnosti a ruzne jine vetsi prekazky!(neplati pro heal kouzla) Mapa je k tomu i luxusne prizpusobena, teren je hodne clenity, spousta stromu, kamenu nebo rozpadla opevneni. Takticke vyuzivani tohoto aspektu hry je hodne navykove Praci healeru kteri ale delaji i trochu dmg dost pomaha system dvojiho zamerovani - mate zaroven cervenej a modrej.

je healer....
Ne vazne, na rank 13 mate pomerne pekny arzenal. Na beta foru si spousta lidi stezuje na stereotyp a nudu. Me to tak nepride, hlavne kdyz si uvedomite, ze je to pouhy lvl 13 z max 40ti.
Takze mame tu jeden DoT (kratka doba trvani)a jedno dd. Specialitou Zealota jsou takzvane Mark of xy. Mel jsem dohromady dve, oboje funguje jako buff, ktery prida neco do statu ale navic vam (nebo clenovi party)prida dalsi pouzitelnou abilitu,jenz si pretahnete na action bar. Zde konkretne je to dalsi insta dd nebo abilita co snizi AP cile na polovinu (oboje 1 minuta CD - asi nejdelsi ve hre:))
Pak tu mame ritualy jakozto pbaoe spell co vytvori na zemi ornament. V jeho dosahu dostavaji enemy debuff (Ritual jsem mel jeden, snizoval staty) na 15 vterin, pokud se objevi znovu v dosahu tak se obnovi duration. Harbinger je single target debuff, ten muj snizoval dmg od cile do me o 25%, navic pokud je na cili harbinger a zaroven se dostane do pusobnosti ritualu tak se ucinky umocnuji. Posledni je opet pbaoe insta buff, ze zeme "vyjede" kus skaly s chaos runami, pridava magic dmg k melee pro vsechny v parte.
Nakonec tu mame sadu ctyr heal kouzel: insta HOT,kouzlenej heal s naslednym HoT efektem,obyc heal a nakonec heal spell pro celou grupu, v soucasne bete bugly - healuje to vsechny v dosahu. Mimochodem animace vypada jako kdyz Zealot tlaci velkej bobek.
V boji sem pouzival vsechny a to pomerne casto spolu s melee dmg meho ritualniho noziku.

Tome of knowledge (ToK):
perfektni napad, pokazde kdyz najdete nejake misto, nebo osobu vyznamnou pro svet Warhammeru v ToK o tom mate zaznam, kolikrat jsou tyto lore texty i docela dlouhe. Navic v ToK najdete popisy vasich questu, mobu ktere jste zabily a podobne. Napriklad popis mobu je vice a vice detailnejsi cim vic jich zabijete. Pekne je taky ziskavani nejruznejsich titulu, ktere si muzete zapnout a zobrazi se pred jmenem. Jsou jich snad stovky a nektere velmi vtipne.
Ale jsme v bete a neni to jeste dokonale, ToK mi prijde vcelku neprehledna, hlavne kdyz hledate neco konkretniho. UI celkove je taky potreba odladit, nemluve o rade neprijemnych chyb a problemy s targetenim.

To je zatim asi vse. Pokud mate nejaky dotaz, nebo jsem uvedl neco spatne tak sem s tim
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Average Member

1613 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  07:53:03  Show Profile  Send celdric an ICQ Message Send celdric a Private Message  Reply with Quote
z tveho popisu zealota to na me pusobi dojmem, ze mythic jiz definitivne opustil myslenku nedelat zadny cisty support class...
trochu skoda...

no mmo
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1051 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  08:11:02  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
"there will be no stealth in WAR" se prohlašovalo také celkem horentně

edit: Jen bych pro upřesnění doplnil, že to co Lobos píše o PQ ("K dosazeni elite rewardu staci udelat cca 3-4 PQ, jeden trva tak 15 minut a zpravidla pri tom date i cely level.") opravdu platí jen pro takhle nízké lvl. Časem se z toho stává celkem solidní otrava, když vám po splnění QP infuence bar poskočí asi o 2 milimetry

Edited by - NoX on 27/02/2008 08:17:12
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2901 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  08:14:18  Show Profile  Send Little an ICQ Message Send Little a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lobos
Pak tu mame novinku v podobe Public questu (PQ),je to pomerne zajimavy zpusob jak dat trapnemu grindu nejakou myslenku. Maji tri urovne, kde se postupne kydli vetsi pocet lehkych potvor,podpalujete farmarum povozy,stromy v lese nebo vytahujete maraudery z pavoucich kokonu. V druhem pak pride mensi pocet silnejsich monster(WAR ma pro ne oznaceni Special), nebo nejaka tezsi variace na fazi jedna, od teto chvile uz je splneni ukolu casove omezeno. Treti faze spociva v zabiti bose, nebo dvou.
Behem plneni PQ dostavate krome velmi slusneho prisunu xp i tzv. influence points. Ty se vam po uspesnem dokonceni PQ prictou k rollu a nasledne jsou prvni tri mista odmeneny nejakym itemem+prachy. To beru jako takovy maly bonus, hlavni totiz je, ze za ziskane inf. body v dane zone ma pro vas npc pripraveny rewardy. Jsou jich celkem tri urovne: potky dle vyberu,slabsi item a posledni (elite) reward pri dosazeni max inf v dane zone hodne pekny magic item pro vasi career.
K dosazeni elite rewardu staci udelat cca 3-4 PQ, jeden trva tak 15 minut a zpravidla pri tom date i cely level.
Jako problem vidim, ze tech PQ je v kazde zone zbytecne moc,vetsinou je ani vsechny nenavstivite. Trochu bych ubral a spis se soustredil na vetsi provazani s pribehem a jedinecnost kazdeho PQ.

Je videt ze si delal opravdu jen PQ v T1 zone. Pocet potrebne influnence pro dosazene stupne rewardu totiz leze exponencialne ale pocet ziskanych INF bodu je stale stejny. Okolo lvlu 20 uz ten PQ budes muset udelat tak 20x neli vickrat. Sem rad ze tam je vicero PQ (2-3) pro ten samy chapter. Pac je to do zblbnuti, radsi ani nepremyslim o poslednim tier PQ influence poctu.

Jo a INF se ti k rollu nepricitavaji, pricte se ti to jak si se zapojil v boji (dmg done, healing done atd). Nevim jestli to ted nezmenili byl sem logly jen chvilku na to abych to znovu zkousel.

"End of hope, end of love, end of time. The rest is silence."
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5760 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  08:23:10  Show Profile Send Meddy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
To zni jako mimoradny opruz a ja ti neveril.. :(

STS Chvojkovice-Brod
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2901 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  08:35:08  Show Profile  Send Little an ICQ Message Send Little a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Meddy

To zni jako mimoradny opruz a ja ti neveril.. :(

Bohuzel, je...
nicmene potesujici je alespon to ze jakmile to jednou udelas na max, uz to nemusis delat. Takze ono se to casem vsechno na max dojede a je pokoj. Ale radsi bych za to videl jiny reward. Protoze equip neni vzdy tak super jak by byt mohl, ale byt za to abilita nebo nejaky bonus k charakteru, bylo by to smyslupnlejsi.

Pripomina mi to trosku deedy v lotro v jistem smyslu.

"End of hope, end of love, end of time. The rest is silence."
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1051 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  08:45:32  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
IMO než deedy v Lotro je to spíš WoW farma reputace s následnym equip rewardem. Pucek bude chrochtat blahem
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4339 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  08:48:40  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by NoX

IMO než deedy v Lotro je to spíš WoW farma reputace s následnym equip rewardem. Pucek bude chrochtat blahem

Nedostavas nahodou INF pointy i za zabijeni hracu?

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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1051 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  08:51:19  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nět. Jen za PvE grind aktuálních PQ objectives. Za hráče je XP a Renown.
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4339 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  08:52:56  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by NoX

Nět. Jen za PvE grind aktuálních PQ objectives. Za hráče je XP a Renown.
No tim padem, se muzu na nejaky PQ vys ;-). Za PvP jde preci ziskat predmety taky.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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2901 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  09:14:14  Show Profile  Send Little an ICQ Message Send Little a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Shemiramoth
No tim padem, se muzu na nejaky PQ vys ;-). Za PvP jde preci ziskat predmety taky.

To jde, proto by to imo meli trosku zatraktivnit, jinak se jim na to kazdy vykasle. Jiny reward misto equipu v podobe ability, boostu statu. A zmenit trosku krivku potrebnych INF bodu.

"End of hope, end of love, end of time. The rest is silence."
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New Member

243 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  09:57:26  Show Profile Send Oralin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No tak tady je vidět, že zase hodnotíte hru z hlediska levelu 10 a z hlediska solo hráčů. Zkusím trošku upřesnit situaci (dosáhnul jsem opakovaně levelu 15-17...).

- To, že je v zóně více PQ, je jen dobře. Musíme si uvědomit, že v reálu bude ve hře mnohem více hráčů a ty se potřebují nějak rozprostřít. Důležitou součástí výhry v PQ, je totiž nějaký top item (a může to klidně být i fialový item na levelu 6!!!). Člověk ale musí mít štěstí v rollu a s 40 lidma grindícíma 1 PQ, by byla šance na loot více méně nulová.

- PQ jsou určené pro skupiny. Ano, když si chce člověk grindit influence solo, tak se to stále stěžuje a po cca. 15 levelu už to nedává smysl (bylo by třeba zabít 150-200+ mobů). Ale na tohle PQ nejsou. Solo totiž člověk není schopen zvládnout ani stage II. A právě za vítězství ve stage II a III je tak mohutný influence bonus, že je to později jediná cesta. A v grupě to jede jak po másle, influence, xp mohutně stoupají a je to rychlé (navíc je na konci šance na item...).

- Po úspěšném ukončení PQ se k rollu (1-1000) nepřipočítává vaše získaná influence, ale váš celkový příspěvek k ukončení PQ. Vítěz si připočte +300 k rollu a pak druhý a třetí hráč v pořadí (dále si to nepamatuji).

AD Zealot:
- Je pravda, že na rozdíl od jiných healerů (warrior priest, disciple of Khaine, shaman) vypadá Zealot jako výrazný support. Je ovšem třeba si uvědomit, že velká část jeho útočného arsenálu je v PBAOE debufech a rituálech. A ty jsou opravdu "nakrátko". Takže když zůstane stát někde vzadu a bude pouze healovat, tak svou stranu výrazně oslabuje!

- Je ovšem otázka, jak to bude fungovat v reálu, už teď řada warrior priesti často stojí vzadu, protože ve předu se stanou jasným targetem zergu nukerů. Uvidíme.

AD Tomb of Knowledge:
- Je pravda, že orientace v ToK je zezačátku hry nepřehledná. Ale člověk si na to zvykne a za chvilku už to jde jak po másle. ToK považuji za naprosto úžasnou věc a pro ty z Vás, kteří si rádi čtou je to výborný. Navíc se člověk může snažit ToK cíleně plnit a jsou za to v plánu i itemy, tituly a ability... Zatím ovšem dodělaná není.

AD RvR (PvP) zóny:
- Zerg je pekelnej. Občas proti sobě prostě stojí dvě skupiny a a střílejí po sobě z dálky. A jakmile je jedný víc, tak tu druhou převálcuje a vyžene až k branám pekla (nebo ráje :) ). Jsem zvědavej, jak to bude fungovat, až bude ve hře mnohem více hráčů.

- Influence za zabíjení hráčů nejsou. Za to jsou XP a také "Renown Points - RP" - PvP obdoba XP. Za RP získává člověk PvP ranky a předpokládám, že ty mu posléze kromě titulu dají také další PvP ability. Zatím to ovšem ve hře není.

- Za přebírání "PvP objectives" (Battle objectives - BO) získávají hráči nemalou odměnu v RP. A navíc strana která je vlastní má obecný bonus na XP a RP a více stráží. Za převzetí složitějších cílů (keep) je potom na konci navíc stejný roll jako za PQ a možnost lootu kvalitních itemů.

- Výrobci slibují, že by nemělo být možné se schovávat na hradbách a bez ohrožení střílet do útočníků - buď je nevidím já a neútočím, nebo ano a stávám se cílem. Navíc vše bude asi výrazně změněno přidáním siege weapons.

AD Scenaria:
- Účastnil jsem se opakovaně jen dvou z nich. A obě byla na podobném proincipu - zabírání určitých bodů.

- Co je trochu divné jsou zatím počty lidí. Scénář může začít i při výrazném nepoměru mezi stranami. Člověk se pak připojí do rozjetého scénáře, kde je 10 lidí Destruction, 5 lidí Order a Destruction vede 70%:20%, to pak je otázka co s tím.

- Zatím jsou také nevyrovnané odměny. Healer classy jsou totiž výrazně zvýhodněné proti dmg. Dostávají totiž RP za každý vyhealovaný bod a tak je jsou na 95% v prvních 5 lidech v tabulce vždy 4+ healeři.

- Respawn na hřbitově není rázový jako ve WoW, ale individuální. Znamená to ovšem, že když jedna strana zažene druhou až ke hřbitovu, tak je konec. Hráči se vrací individuálně a jsou snadnou kořistí.

Už se těším na guildovní skupiny. To pak bude jak PvE, tak RvR jiný kafe...
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Junior Member

572 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  09:57:35  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jo to jsem tam zapomel uvest, posledni PQ sem delal s tema pavoukama, to je myslim Tier2. Takze sorry za desinformace

Nejsem si jisty jak se pocita contribution u PQ, nektere faze jsou ciste klikaci, ale bud jak bud je to vlastne jedno. A pokud je to na vyssich lvlech tak jak rikate, tak opravdu nic moc.

Edited by - Lobos on 27/02/2008 10:09:27
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1051 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  10:22:07  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Oralin
No tak tady je vidět, že zase hodnotíte hru z hlediska levelu 10 a z hlediska solo hráčů. Zkusím trošku upřesnit situaci (dosáhnul jsem opakovaně levelu 15-17...).

...A v grupě to jede jak po másle, influence, xp mohutně stoupají a je to rychlé (navíc je na konci šance na item...).

Ve většine se nedá jinak, než souhlasit. Ale o tomhle konkrétně bych s Tebou za jedno opravdu nebyl. V B1 jsme s Littlem byli o něco dál než lvl 17 a stojím si za tím, že dělání PQ byla čím dál tim větší a větší nuda. V grupě to bylo samozřejmě vždycky lepší než na sólo, ale o mohutnosti XP a Inf gainu se opravdu mluvit nedá Malý problém vidím i v tom, že se jim člověk nevyhne, protože s jejich grindem Mythic v XP křivce počítá.
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Posted - 27/02/2008 :  10:44:07  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sranda je, ze snad vsichni testeri se k otazce stealthu vyjadrily zaporne,vetsinou jako argument predkladaji zkusenosti z DAoCu. Treba je EA poslechne :P

Celdric: Ono je to dost osemetne,v soucasnem nastaveni zalezi na poctu lidi a hlavne jake career si nepritel pritahne sebou. Uvedu priklad pokud je to treba 4v4 a Order si pritahne 2 wizardy, pak vsekere tvoje AP jdou na heal jejich targetu a na tvuj dmg neni vubec cas. Kolikrat to ani nestaci. Nicmene je to beta, dmg nukeru se bude menit stejne tak jako vydrz vsech charu.

Taky se hodne mluvi o potrebe /stick. Ja osobne jsem to nejak nepostradal. Pride mi to docela zabavny ruzne se pohybovat, aby se mi dps nedostalo do zad a tak... a co vy?
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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  11:33:05  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by NoX
Ve většine se nedá jinak, než souhlasit. Ale o tomhle konkrétně bych s Tebou za jedno opravdu nebyl. V B1 jsme s Littlem byli o něco dál než lvl 17 a stojím si za tím, že dělání PQ byla čím dál tim větší a větší nuda. V grupě to bylo samozřejmě vždycky lepší než na sólo, ale o mohutnosti XP a Inf gainu se opravdu mluvit nedá Malý problém vidím i v tom, že se jim člověk nevyhne, protože s jejich grindem Mythic v XP křivce počítá.

Co bylo v B1 už dávno nemusí být pravda. Osobně PQ beru jako alternativu k šílené honbě za normálními questy a upřímně, pokud jsem měl group (což sem si obvykle našel) tak to bylo i zábavnější.

To, že healer classy dostávají renown za heal považuji spíš za přínos, ani ne tak proto, že já sám obvykle jsem healer, ale proto že to přiměje healery jako obecně healnout i lidi, které zrovna nemají v group, což prodlužuje životnost zergu jako celku a prodlužuje boj.

Jinak co se počtů týče tak jsem zažíval ( v tier 1 i těch několika tier 2 scenářích) nehoraznou převahu Destruction v číslech.
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Posted - 27/02/2008 :  11:36:06  Show Profile  Send celdric an ICQ Message Send celdric a Private Message  Reply with Quote
ja osobne bych byl spis pro hru bez stick, ale follow by se siklo...
v daocu stick byl, ve wow nebyl a taky jsem ho nepotreboval...

no mmo
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1051 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  11:57:13  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lahvan
Co bylo v B1 už dávno nemusí být pravda. Osobně PQ beru jako alternativu k šílené honbě za normálními questy a upřímně, pokud jsem měl group (což sem si obvykle našel) tak to bylo i zábavnější.

Samozřejmě vím, že od B1 se gameplay změnilo. Dával jsem to jako příklad pro vyšší lvl, o kterých tu mluvím. Pokud je tu někdo, kdo se teď dostal nad lvl 25, tak si ho rád poslechnu, jak to tam vypadalo teď.
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Posted - 27/02/2008 :  12:00:29  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Little

Originally posted by Meddy

To zni jako mimoradny opruz a ja ti neveril.. :(

Bohuzel, je...
nicmene potesujici je alespon to ze jakmile to jednou udelas na max, uz to nemusis delat. Takze ono se to casem vsechno na max dojede a je pokoj. Ale radsi bych za to videl jiny reward. Protoze equip neni vzdy tak super jak by byt mohl, ale byt za to abilita nebo nejaky bonus k charakteru, bylo by to smyslupnlejsi.

Pripomina mi to trosku deedy v lotro v jistem smyslu.

S tymto ciastocne nesuhlasim. Je fakt ze pri terajsom nastaveni INF krivky (a XP krivky) sa moze farmenie PQ v neskorsich tieroch stat dost velka nuda. Ale nesuhlasim s tym ze by mali nejako "zbonusovat" robenie PQ. PQ su proste jedna z mnohych ciest ako charakter levelovat. A verim tomu ze sa najde KOPA ludi, ktora su bude radsej farmit PQ questy ako strcit pety do RvR zony. A to je v poriadku. PvE-ckari maju svoje, pvp-ckari svoje a kto chce tak nech kombinuje. Takze jedine co treba spravit (a podla vsetkeho aj spravia) je upravik INF a XP krivky... nic ine.

Co sa tyka stick/follow...ani jedno tam momentalne neni a ani jedno tam nechcem :)

A posleda vec k Lobosovmu zealotovi a Mythic slubom. Je pravda ze zealot je momentalne cisty support velmi slabym dmg..ale ked sa pozrete na fora, je tam maisvny feedback kde to vsetci bez vynimky kritizuju. A verim ze rovnake to bude aj na US fore. A treba povedat ze Mythic naozaj dava na "hlasy" hracov.. O com svedcia topicy na beta fore ako Time to Kill, ze moderatory vytvarili ambush thread feedbacka podobne. Navyse ak dobre viem tak Rune Priest ma byt mirror zealota a podla beta testerov (bohuzial som ale zanho nehral)ma rune priest velmi slusny dmg.. takze myslim ze ani ten zealot, ani ta INF/XP krivka a ani ta neviditelnost nezostanu tak ako su.

BTW: Sa mi len zda alebo WH-rov stealth nefunguje proti hracom? :) A este co sa tyka poctov..neviem ci som mal len smolu..ale pvp-ckaril som cele posledne 3 dni bety. ..a z 95% mali orderaci MASIVNU pocetnu prevahu.

Edited by - ManiaCCC on 27/02/2008 12:06:29
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Posted - 27/02/2008 :  12:04:20  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Me prisel dmg meho zealota na r14 ok, necekal sem ze budu mit heal a k tomu jeste nukersky kouzla. Samozrejme je potreba vyuzit veskereho potencialu. Taky jsem videl post nejakeho typka co mel zealota 20+ specnuteho na dmg a udajne je to docela drsny char

Edited by - Lobos on 27/02/2008 12:05:34
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Posted - 27/02/2008 :  12:15:27  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ManiaCCC
BTW: Sa mi len zda alebo WH-rov stealth nefunguje proti hracom? :)

Pokud si to pamatuju správně, tak psali v tom Stealth threadu, že ten stealth, který je v betě, je spíš placeholder. Na konkrétnější podobě zatím makají.

Originally posted by ManiaCCC
A este co sa tyka poctov..neviem ci som mal len smolu..ale pvp-ckaril som cele posledne 3 dni bety. ..a z 95% mali orderaci MASIVNU pocetnu prevahu.

Mě tohle přijed dost proměnlivé, lognu odpoledne a je převaha Orderu, lognu večer a je převaha Destruction. Jak píše Celdric, nemá smysl z toho cokoliv teď vyvozovat.
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Posted - 27/02/2008 :  12:16:01  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No ja som zealota hral len lvl 13-14 a mne tek dmg az tak ok nepripadal. :)..i ked je pravda ze v RvR ma to zanho bavilo.. sme tam dmg, sem tam heal, rite, ritual, debuff .. dost zabavne.. Ale je pravda ze sudit charakter na 13-14 levely neni fakt vhodne... Veci sa mozu radikalne zmenit na vysom levely a pri specnuti na urcitu mastery moze mat charakter uplne ine vyuzitie. Kazdopadne podla fora sa ludom zdal zealot dost slaby... zeby aj oni sudili podla lvl 13-14? :)

Ja som hral Sorcku.. a aj po nerfe to bola dps masina. Moj najvyssi kriticky zasah mal dmg 960 (5x stack word of pain crit)..a pri zivotoch okolo 1100 na tom levely je to dost huste.
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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  12:24:34  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lobos

Taky se hodne mluvi o potrebe /stick. Ja osobne jsem to nejak nepostradal. Pride mi to docela zabavny ruzne se pohybovat, aby se mi dps nedostalo do zad a tak... a co vy?

No to je relativní. Vem si, že bys byl to DPS, nebo nedejbože melee healer. Navíc /stick ve WAR bude značne limitován existenci CD, což v DAOC nebylo a tudíž byly možný assist trainy, kdy byli hlava na hlavě. Nicméně pokud můžu soudit z našich minigrupek v daoc tak tank spíš proplouval mezi nepřítelem a rozdával snare a stuny, vlastní zabíjení obstarávali většinou casteři.

Ale když chcete vynechat /stick, tak doufám, že budete stejně tak vehementně bojovat za zrušení /assist, protože když nechcete melee assist train, tak určitě nechcete ani caster assist train.
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Posted - 27/02/2008 :  12:26:00  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lobos

Skrz strom si nezakouzlite, stejne tak pres vetsi kameny, nahrobky, tereni nerovnosti a ruzne jine vetsi prekazky!(neplati pro heal kouzla)

Toto je pravda ? Ak ano, tak je to blbe, healer si niekde zaleze a healuje si, a nikto na neho nemoze utocit na ranged.
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Posted - 27/02/2008 :  12:29:25  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Pepo

Originally posted by Lobos

Skrz strom si nezakouzlite, stejne tak pres vetsi kameny, nahrobky, tereni nerovnosti a ruzne jine vetsi prekazky!(neplati pro heal kouzla)

Toto je pravda ? Ak ano, tak je to blbe, healer si niekde zaleze a healuje si, a nikto na neho nemoze utocit na ranged.

tazko povedat ci je to pravda ... ked som skusal zealota, tak sa obcas zdalo ze je jedno kde a ako stojim, aj tak healnem..ale aj dost krat sa mi stalo ze mi moj ciel zabehalo za suter pocas healovania a heal sa mi prerusil..alebo ze som stal za sutrom ja a dvaja partaci stali vedla seba tak ze som ich moc dobre nevidel.. kym jedneho som healnut mohol, druheho uz nie.. tak neviem presne ako to funguje.
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Posted - 27/02/2008 :  13:04:33  Show Profile Send Oralin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
K té influenci za PQ - dám konkrétní příklad (který si pamatuji) - na levelu 14 (Order) jsem na úplném konci TROLLS COUNTRY plnil PQ se zabíjením trollů (a tím myslím ten na konci zóny, ne ten na začátku).
Jeli jsme v grupě 5 lidí. Za jeden plný PQ bylo něco mezi 6000 - 7000 influence (a cca 25% XP na level). Trvalo to cca. 20 minut. Na full influence bylo třeba cca 15 500 infl.

Takže je vidět, že na full influence stačí na této úrovni udělat každý PQ 1x a je to. A jelikož člověk chce i ty itemy, tak to určitě zopákne.

Samozřejmě se to může s vyšším levelem prodlužovat, ale podle mě to není dělané na to, aby člověk grindil moby po jednom. Základem influence jsou bonusy za zabití finnal bossů...
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Posted - 27/02/2008 :  13:54:49  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lahvan

Originally posted by Lobos

Taky se hodne mluvi o potrebe /stick. Ja osobne jsem to nejak nepostradal. Pride mi to docela zabavny ruzne se pohybovat, aby se mi dps nedostalo do zad a tak... a co vy?

No to je relativní. Vem si, že bys byl to DPS, nebo nedejbože melee healer. Navíc /stick ve WAR bude značne limitován existenci CD, což v DAOC nebylo a tudíž byly možný assist trainy, kdy byli hlava na hlavě. Nicméně pokud můžu soudit z našich minigrupek v daoc tak tank spíš proplouval mezi nepřítelem a rozdával snare a stuny, vlastní zabíjení obstarávali většinou casteři.

Ale když chcete vynechat /stick, tak doufám, že budete stejně tak vehementně bojovat za zrušení /assist, protože když nechcete melee assist train, tak určitě nechcete ani caster assist train.

Ja som assist, stick a follow nikde nikdy nepouzival tak som si neni isty..a oprav ma ked sa mylim...ale neni assist to ze zatargetujes rovnaky ciel ako tvoj partak? A stick to ze zostanes na nom nalepeny a budes furt behat za nim? Ja tam teda az tak velky suvis nevidim :)..
Mal som Warrior Priesta len na lvl 8 takze asi fakt moc sudit nemozem ale ako melee healer uz tak som mal pomerne lahku pracu vdaka dual targetingu. Neviem si predstavit ake jednoduche by to bolo so stickom. Viem ze to vo velkych bojoch moze byt ine..ale aj tak sa mi stick command zda za usi pritiahnuty..ale assist mi ako nejaky exploit nepripada..ale hovorim len v teorii..v praxy to moc nemam odskusane.
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Posted - 27/02/2008 :  14:42:09  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jojo dual targeting to dost ulehcuje, /stick potreba zatim neni. Ale nevim proc tu porad mluvite o WP jako jedinem melee healerovi. Zealot je taky, aspon ja ho tak hral, tim nozem + melee buff slusne prizivite damaz.

Jedna perlicka na co se taky da narazit na beta forech, jeden clovek tam brecel, ze /stick je naprosta nutnost, utocnik kolem nej totiz beha mnohem rychleji nez se on otaci. No nakonec se zjistilo, ze se otaci na klavesnici a mysi klika specky, takze asi tak

Edited by - Lobos on 27/02/2008 14:45:31
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Posted - 27/02/2008 :  16:44:31  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Lidicky, ti co ste v bete..mam na vas jednu prosbu..ak ste si teda vy sami neposielali do sutaze o beta kluc (beta contest - stories and screenshots) nejake pribehy, mohli by ste zahlasovat za 11. pribeh Eriador – Fireworks of Blood ? Bol by som moc vdacny :)
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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  16:59:50  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ManiaCCC
Ja som assist, stick a follow nikde nikdy nepouzival tak som si neni isty..a oprav ma ked sa mylim...ale neni assist to ze zatargetujes rovnaky ciel ako tvoj partak? A stick to ze zostanes na nom nalepeny a budes furt behat za nim? Ja tam teda az tak velky suvis nevidim :)..
Mal som Warrior Priesta len na lvl 8 takze asi fakt moc sudit nemozem ale ako melee healer uz tak som mal pomerne lahku pracu vdaka dual targetingu. Neviem si predstavit ake jednoduche by to bolo so stickom. Viem ze to vo velkych bojoch moze byt ine..ale aj tak sa mi stick command zda za usi pritiahnuty..ale assist mi ako nejaky exploit nepripada..ale hovorim len v teorii..v praxy to moc nemam odskusane.

Jde o to, že /stick je taková berlička pro melee, aby se mohli věnovat i dalším věcem. Melee healeři healovaní (sledovat svoje HP, AP, HP grupy, healovat, manevrovaní, mlácení), pure melee manévrování na poziční specky, rozhlížení se po dalším potencionálním cíly a především sledovaní ostatních - tu praštit castra ať se mu hůř kouzlí, tady snarnout enemy melee co ti buší do healera a tak. Zatímco když existuje jenom /assist tak to nahravá ranged DPS - dají /assist Showmemytarget a pak už jen nuke nuke nuke atd. Vidíš ten rozdíl? Ranged DPS může stát v relativním bezpečí, má víc času na reakci, melee se musí dostat přímo do mumraje, vidí jen chaos kolem sebe, musí tomu věnovat větší pozornost. Ono totiž dobrej melee hráč nejde jenom za tím, aby dělal co největší dmg, jde o to aby zařídil, aby jeho grupa co nejmenší dmg dostávala a nepřítel měl co největší potíže ten dmg udělat - vnáší mezi něj chaos, stunuje, rootuje a tak. Navíc jak jsem napsal, se zavedením funkční CD je /stick daleko méně učinný, nehledě na to, že stačí přeskočit plot nebo šutr a melee na sticku se o něj zasekne, pokud nesleduje a neskočí taky.
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5760 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  17:09:21  Show Profile Send Meddy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
bylo /stick jste nekde jinde nez v daoc?

STS Chvojkovice-Brod
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Posted - 27/02/2008 :  17:21:56  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Meddy

bylo /stick jste nekde jinde nez v daoc?

Mno myslis si ze len DAoC..ale mozem sa mylit samozrejme.. (a este EvE..ale to je trosku ina hra)

BTW: Tvoj citat v podpise ma pokracovanie :)Cele to znie podla mna lepsie :)
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5760 Posts

Posted - 27/02/2008 :  18:04:56  Show Profile Send Meddy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Bral jsem jen fantasy mmorpg a zadna dalsi hra se mi prave nevybavuje..

Fragment citatu poskytuje prostor pro uvahu a fantazii.

STS Chvojkovice-Brod

Edited by - Meddy on 27/02/2008 18:05:58
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Posted - 28/02/2008 :  13:23:26  Show Profile Send Methodius a Private Message  Reply with Quote
podla toho co tu citam to vyzera na naozaj dobru hru, a dakujem zato ze tu pisete info aj ked ste takmer vsetci v bete leabo su tu aj taky co betu nehraju ,dokonca ja niesom ani prihlaseny bo testovat bugy sa mi nechce a radsej si zahram plnohodnotny produkt, a cakanie si momentalne sprijemnujem zaklinacom a starym dobrym medievalom 2kou :)
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Posted - 29/02/2008 :  11:56:45  Show Profile  Visit nekrotyrael's Homepage Send nekrotyrael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Meddy

bylo /stick jste nekde jinde nez v daoc?

treba v gw /stickujes na target automaticky pri jakemkoliv utoku.

AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia

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Posted - 29/02/2008 :  13:38:46  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Letter from the Producer and Dev Feedback Threads

Originally Posted by Jeff Hickman

I want to first of all thank you for the great testing and feedback that you have been providing for us. Your input and insight into how to improve our game is invaluable to making WAR a great MMO. We shut down beta this last week after a fantastic Focus period on Empire and Chaos. When we reopen beta, we will be proud to show you the glory of Dark Elf vs. High Elf! We have been playing it internally, and I know you are all going to love it.

After reading the boards and participating in beta alongside you all, it has become apparent to me that we need to share some more information with you about our plans for some things; mainly our thinking around Careers and RvR. We have shared much of the following in the past, but I want to put it all together in one place so you can see the bigger picture. Many of you are asking for a lot of what we already have planned and I want to come out today and reassure you that we still have a lot up our sleeves for both of these critical areas. Because the list is long, we will be posting it in blocks over the next 5 days.

BE AWARE, as always that this is still beta and ANY of the items listed below can still change or be removed entirely from the game if they do not work out correctly. Also, this is not an all inclusive list as there are many, many more smaller items and bug fixes coming as we move forward.

See you in the WAR!


From Yvonne Bridges – our RvR Strike Team Lead:

Here are the items that the RVR team is working on over the next several months.

Realm vs. Realm Finish Items:
Keep Status

* Finalize Implementation of all Keeps.
* Guilds will be able to claim Keeps and in doing so provide a benefit to everyone from their realm in the RvR area.
* Claiming Keeps generates a slow trickle of guild XP to the guild.
* Claimed Keeps alert the owning guild when they are under attack.
* Under Discussion: Implement Keep Upgrades (not visual). Keeps can be claimed and upgraded by a guild. 5 levels of upgrade with useful rewards.
* Each level provides its reward as well as increased door hitpoints, more siege points and stronger lord.
* Fix Renown pool around keeps. This should provide a pool of Renown to the victor of any battle in the area. This pool builds based on renown earned during the battle, and is split at the end of the battle between the victors.
* Players will also be able to capture the banners of enemy guilds and display the captured banners upon Keep walls.
* Enemies will need to storm the keep to get their guild banners back.
* The amount of renown awarded for claiming and defending Battlefield Objectives and Keeps will be evaluated to insure the amount is worth the effort involved.
* Siege warfare will soon be playable, and accordingly the Keep doors will be raised to their full hit points.
* The guards in Keeps will receive more abilities, making them more difficult to kill and better able to repel attackers.

Objective Status

* Objectives are being enhanced to control more keep guards making it extremely difficult to take keeps unless you own objectives.
* Under Discussion: Objectives control the number of siege pads available. The more objectives you own, the more siege pads you have.
* Guilds will be able to claim Battlefield Objectives and in doing so provide a benefit to everyone from their realm in the RvR area.
* Claiming Objectives generates a slow trickle of guild XP to the guild.
* Claimed Objectives alert the owning guild when they are under attack.
* We will be implementing new special bonuses for objectives that will work alongside the current Renown and XP bonuses to make Objectives more desirable.
* We will be using special art in the Objective areas to represent the special bonuses they give. Obelisks will still be used as the main objective.
* Fix Renown pool around objectives. This should provide a pool of Renown to the victor of any battle in the area. This pool builds based on renown earned during the battle, and is split at the end of the battle between the victors.
* The amount of renown awarded for claiming and defending Battlefield Objectives and Keeps will be evaluated to insure the amount is worth the effort involved.

Scenario Status

* The first of our Scenario changes will be included for the Elf Beta.
* Auto-queuing will be turned off by default.
* The population of each realm for scenarios in progress will be monitored and additional players will not be able to join on the overpopulated side. Once the sides are close in population, new players will be allowed to join.
* Many of the Scenario improvements needed will take us a month or more to implement and test and will not by seen on the Beta server until after the Elf Beta.
* The most important of these is to improve upon the core system so that scenarios aren’t launched unless a functionally playable number of players are ready to join.
* Dogs of War in the form of patrolling guards will be spawned for the under populated realm. The number of guards will scale based on the number of players.
* ·For the cases when a significant number of players leave a scenario in progress, we will shutdown the scenario and give a scaled reward to the side that had been winning.
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5760 Posts

Posted - 29/02/2008 :  14:02:31  Show Profile Send Meddy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by nekrotyrael

Originally posted by Meddy

bylo /stick jste nekde jinde nez v daoc?

treba v gw /stickujes na target automaticky pri jakemkoliv utoku.

diky, gw jsem minul, proto mi to zustalo utajeno :)

STS Chvojkovice-Brod
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4339 Posts

Posted - 06/03/2008 :  21:29:13  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Producer's Letter

Welcome back,

First off, I must once again say thank you to everyone for the great testing and feedback you've provided us so far. To make WAR into a great MMO, we need all the invaluable input that we have been getting. Now on to Dark Elf vs. High Elf!

The next few weeks of testing will focus on the ongoing civil war between the Elves. Functionally, it will follow the structure we used in the last phase with Tiers One and Two being open for the first part of this phase. Then, templated characters will be added in the second part.

Thematically, this will be a very different phase of beta. The conflict on the Blighted Isle is more than a battle between good and evil, it's the story of brother fighting brother. Can the High Elves maintain their dominion and push the Dark Elves back into the sea, or will the forces of Malekith be able to seize control of their homeland? You will see this tension throughout the High Elf and Dark Elf areas. Whether it's quests, PQs, scenarios, objectives, keeps or open field RvR, a very personal war has broken out and it's up to you to choose a side. A total of 8 classes will be at your disposal in this WAR; four per side. Each side will have a full complement of classes to work with, although Chaos and Empire will be sending in some reinforcements to ensure that classes are properly balanced on each side.

You will notice many changes from the last phase. Our UI has undergone a number of improvements. You will now be able to buy Reknown advancements that can give your character either passive or active abilities to make them tougher, better against certain enemies or even better with siege weapons. Finally, you get to see the first parts of our crafting system. We really want all of you to take advantage of the new elements we are introducing in this phase of the beta. Play with them, test them, beat them into the ground - then give us your input and insight so we can make them better.

This phase of beta will include: - High Elf and Dark Elf Tiers One and Two - Renown Advancement with Skills - Basic Crafting - Eight careers open, with Career Mastery


* High Elf: Swordmaster, Archmage, Shadow Warrior
* Empire: Witch Hunter


* Dark Elf: Disciple of Khaine, Witch Elf, Sorceress
* Chaos: Chosen

Similar to the Empire versus Chaos testing that just ended, this phase of beta will be divided into two parts:

Part One:
Will focus on updated PvE content and careers. While new Open World RvR areas will be implemented and available we really want to hammer away at the new career mechanics and ensure that WAR is truly everywhere.

Part Two:
Players will get to give us the finer details of their experiences on the front lines and provide us with your insight on Keeps and Battlefield Objectives. Currently the plan is to provide players with Templates to choose from so you can quickly create the career of your choice and get in on the action from the get-go! Good Luck and Happy Hunting!


Combat & Careers
[Swordmaster Summary]

The Swordmaster fights with magical enchantments to bolster the strength of his attacks, and is a deadly front-line warrior. Surprisingly agile with his finely-crafted Elven Greatsword, the Swordmaster is the vanguard of any Elf army.

Swordmaster Mechanic

The Swordmaster strings together short chains of attacks in a graceful Blade Dance. With each swing of his weapon he steps into a more balanced fighting position, which allows him to use more powerful attacks, which then increase his balance even further.

Swordmaster Masteries
Path Of Khaine
*The Path Of Khaine focuses on the Swordmaster's signature Elven Greatsword, a massive but exquisite weapon which he can swing with deceptive speed. While no High Elf would ever worship the God of Warfare, a Master of this path acknowledges Khaine as a potent and necessary figure, and the Swordmaster brings swift death to any who stand in his way.

Path Of Vaul
*The Path Of Vaul is primarily focused on defense, and a Master of this path may very well be temped to lay aside his Greatsword in favor of an elegant Elf-crafted shield instead. The Swordmaster who specializes in this path will be the core that the lines of battle form around.

Path Of Hoeth
*The Path Of Hoeth is for Swordmasters who have spent much longer amounts of time in the White Tower, honing their innate magical skills and learning how to smoothly work magical power into their attacks. A Master of this path will learn subtle ways to both expose weaknesses in their foes, and to shield themselves in battle.

[Archmage Summary]

The High Elves are known far and wide as the most powerful mages in the world, and the Archmages are the best even among their own kin. Capable of weaving all of the Winds of Magic together in complex and subtle ways, the Archmages can easily turn the tide of battle in their favor.

Archmage Mechanic

The High Elves are the only living beings who can grasp the depth and subtlety of true High Magic. By understanding the true natures of all of the Winds of Magic, the Archmage can transfer the power of his destructive spells directly into his beneficial magic, using this balanced power to make his healing abilities less expensive.

Archmage Masteries
Path Of Isha
*The Path Of Isha is focused on restoring health and life to the Archmage's allies. A skilled Master of this path will be adept at weaving offensive magic in with his healing magic, greatly extending the efficiency of his beneficial spells.

Path Of Asuryan
*The Path Of Asuryan is primarily aimed at bringing forth the destructive side of the Winds of Magic. An Archmage who specializes in this path will become adept at raining down doom upon his foes, while simultaneously manipulating the flows of arcane power to fuel his healing magic as well.

Path Of Vaul
*The Path Of Vaul is a subtle Mastery that focuses on both crippling the Archmage's enemies, and strengthening his allies. The specialist in this Mastery relies on cunning effects to lead his foes to an inevitable doom which they won't even realize is approaching until it's too late.

[Shadow Warrior Summary]

When civil war tore the Elven land of Nagarythe apart, the majority of the Elves there chose to follow Malekith into foulness and chaos, becoming Dark Elves. However, there were still those who remained faithful to the true Phoenix King, and those few remaining loyalists swore an oath to fight the traitorous Witch King until the Dark Elves were dead to the last. These High Elves were vastly outnumbered by their Dark Elven enemies, and were forced into bloody guerrilla warfare; their ruthless attacks from the darkness led to them being known as Shadow Warriors.

Shadow Warrior Mechanic

The Shadow Warriors have fought against overwhelming odds for generations, and the grim conflict has taught them numerous strategies for striking down their enemies in surprise attacks. While a Shadow Warrior always favors attacking from a distance, they are capable of swiftly altering their strategy to deal with foes in nearly any situation.

Shadow Warrior Masteries
Path Of The Scout
*The Path Of The Scout focuses on delivering devastating attacks from a great distance. A Master of this path will prepare patiently and then strike swiftly, unleashing a deadly hail of arrows with grim results. A Shadow Warrior specializing in this strategy will prefer to stand his ground as far as from his enemies as he can, and force them to come to him.

Path Of Assault
*The Path Of Assault teaches Shadow Warriors to augment their bow attacks with blades as well. Someone who adopts this strategy will prefer to first cripple their target with bow fire, and will then bring the fight to the enemy instead of remaining back at a distance. While even a specialist in this path will still place their trust in their longbow, they will be able to easily throw an enemy off-balance by charging in to the fight instead of trying to stay back at a distance.

Path Of The Skirmisher
*The Path Of The Skirmisher is a strategy for close-quarters combat. Focused on short-distance bow attacks, someone who specializes in this path will still remain mobile while drawing their shots. These nimble attacks grant deadly flexibility to the Shadow Warrior - while he must get much closer to his enemies, he does not have to remain stationary, and is able to draw his targets out into bloody ambushes.

*All aggro gained from taunts has been increased.
*Players will now gain additional tactic slots at level 20 and 30 instead of 21 and 31.
*Diminishing returns for Stun, Root, Silence, and Disarm will no longer wrap around to excessively long amounts of time.
*Fully stacked diminishing returns will now reduce incoming effect durations by 92% as a temporary measure.
*The Melee archetype morale Relentless Assault will now correctly remove and prevent movement-impairing effects.
*The Battle Fatigue death penalty will now reduce all stats by 5% per application.
*The general game wide setback chance has increased.

*Aura Of Fear's on-use effect has been changed to an autoattack speed debuff.
*Increased Taunt's cooldown to 15 seconds.
*The duration of Dizzying Blow has been reduced to 6 seconds, and a snaring effect has been added.
*The damage for Rending Blade has been reduced.
*Rending Blade no longer requires that a player's target block or parry.
*Oppression is now usable after a player blocks or parries.
*The cost of Blast Wave has been reduced, and its cooldown has been increased.
*Overwhelming Terror has been renamed Overwhelming Instability.
*The tooltip for Hastened Dismissal has been tweaked to mention cool down instead of reuse.

*The Disciple's mechanic has changed to be similar to what was seen on the Warrior Priest during the previous phase of Beta.
*Consume Will now has a crippling effect.
*Terrifying Vision now mentions that it halts auto attack and is a detaunt .
*Universal Confusion now shows the correct values in its tooltip.
*Wracking Agony has had its cost and cooldown values adjusted.

*The damage of Doombolt has been smoothed out. It now roughly deals roughly a 50/50 split between up front and DoT damage.
*Impending Doom now correctly requires that the target be Cursed as described.
*Shadow Knives now costs 45 action points per second.
*The damage per tick of Shadow knives has been increased.
*Disastrous Cascade now costs 60 action points per second.
*The duration of Disastrous Cascade has been reduced to 3 seconds, and the damage per second has been increased.
*Cataclysmic Darkness's build time and cost has been reduced, and a cooldown has been added.
*Cataclysmic Darkness's damage has been reduced, and its duration has been increased.
*The incorrect description of the Dark Magic mechanic on numerous Sorcerer ability tooltips has been fixed.
*Disastrous Cascade's reuse timer has been increased to 11s.

Witch Elf
*The various poison abilities in the Witch Elf's arsenal have been redesigned and renamed.
*The Enthrall ability has been moved to rank 5.
*The Kiss Of Betrayal ability has been moved to rank 12.
*The Treacherous Assault ability has been moved to rank 16.
*The Fleet-Footed ability has been moved to rank 18.
*The debuff values for Heart Render Toxin have been adjusted.
*The Enchanting Beauty ability no longer requires a target.
*The Enthrall ability now has a 65-foot range.
*The Fleet Footed ability will no longer cause roots to last for an excessively long period of time.
*Fleet Footed now reduces the duration of incoming snares and roots by 92% as a temporary measure.
*Swift Blade will now correctly grant action points, and the amount of action points granted by this ability has been increased..
*The tooltip for Poison Mastery has been updated with the proper ability names.
*Poison Mastery will now correctly increase the damage dealt by Kiss Of Death.
*Swift Pursuit will now activate correctly.

Witch Hunter
*Trial By Pain now always channels for up to 3 seconds, and increases in damage per Accusation.
*Trial By Pain now costs action points every second.

Community Systems

Scenario Groups
Introducing Scenario Groups! In the first development pass introduced in this patch, players will be able to join special scenario groups when they join scenarios. This feature allows players to communicate with each other and operate as target cells in scenarios. To chat with one's scenario group, the /sg <text> command is available. Players may also whisper other scenario groups by typing /sg# <text>, where the # is the number of the group. So, '/sg5 Hey guys!' will send 'Hey guys!' to Scenario Groups 5.

Further iteration will be available for this feature in coming patches to address usability and queued group issues.

Scenario Chat
Players in scenarios may now communicate with their realm's players using the new /sc (/scenario) command. To use: /sc <text>

Additional user options were added to the chat system. You can now customize the color of chat channels, customize the font style of your chat text, and disable/enable the timestamp for chat. To access the Chat Options window, right click on the chat tab and select Options. Please note that additional features are being integrated into the chat system and more changes are underway.


Welcome to Ulthuan, fair travelers! With this patch come the Elves, both High and Dark, and with them march the denizens of war - terrible hydras and fearsome dragons, noble griffons and vicious manticores. Which side will you choose: Order or Destruction? Will you issue forth from the dreaded Black Ark to burn Ulthuan and your pitiful kin, or will you once more don the mantle of war to defend the Fair Isle? Whichever side you choose, we are excited to present to you, for the first time, the first full two tiers of content for both races in the Elf Pairing. Enjoy, and may the winds of war bring you victory!

Content Systems

*With this new patch, monsters and enemy NPCs will behave slightly differently when pulled into combat. In most cases, a solo player pulling a single enemy will continue to pull only one monster at a time. However, as the disparity in power levels increase on the player's end, our new Bring A Friend system will pull additional surrounding enemies. This dynamic does not spread far from the pulled monster, but it will be noticeable when pulling an enemy from within a tight group. Also, grouped players count as a unified power level. Therefore, as more players are added to a group, the chance of additional enemies joining a fight when a single monster is pulled will be increased.
*Special and Hero monsters have received an increase in difficulty. Please approach with caution.
*The Public Quest system has been modified so that loot chests will always spawn at a pre-determined central spot within that PQ. Also, to assist in locating this chest we have added a shaft of light which should be visible from most everywhere within the Public Quest area.
*Based on valuable feedback submitted by our testers, we have identified some quests that have not been granting sufficient experience. Experience rewards for the completion of these quests have been adjusted as a result.
*Scenario completion experience has been doubled. That's right, DOUBLED!

Blighted Isle, Chrace, Shadowlands, and Ellyrion Content and Terrain

*Quests and dialogue throughout these areas have had their content, theme, grammar, and flow revised.
*New quests and dialogue have been added and a number of existing quests have been revised to stress certain themes, plot points, and ideas.
*New quests in PvE Chapters in have been revised in order to entice players to enter scenarios earlier-on within tier 2.
*New variations of monster abilities, equipment, and appearance have been adjusted and added throughout these areas.
*Group encounters have been added.
*Quest targets have been adjusted to be slightly more difficult while retaining solo-ability.
*The difficulty of stage 2 of PQ's has been decreased where necessary to require no more than 12 equal con players.
*The boss stages of PQ's have been adjusted across the pairing to be geared for 18 or more equal con players in uncommon or better gear.
*The boss stages of PQ's have been reconfigured to create more compelling fights. Using group tactics and a little planning to work around the PQ bosses' strengths and abilities will greatly improve players' chances at completing the PQ and getting that shiny loot chest.
*Special con monsters have been adjusted to take at least 3 players in order to be killed.
*Hero con monsters (outside of PQ's) have been adjusted to take at least 6 players in order to be killed.
*Temporarily turned off quests leading to chapters in Avelorn and Saphery and those leading to other pairings. These areas are not accessible during this phase of Beta, and these quests will be turned back on after this phase of Beta is complete.
*Added Lairs to Blighted Isle, Chrace, and Ellyrion.
*The Blighted Isle has been re-sculpted and painted to bring it up to our exacting standards.
*The terrain and brush in Blighted Isle and Ellyrion has been polished.
*There has been a 10 to 20 percent reduction of monsters and spawned objects in certain congested areas to improve gameplay and performance.
*Terrain brush optimization was completed to improve performance for all zones in this Beta.
*There has been a change to quests targeting Battlefield Objectives. Now players only need to get close to these locations to scout them, and no longer have to interact with them to complete the quest condition.
*Some quest objects were incorrectly being placed in players' regular inventory. These objects have been adjusted so they're now placed in the Quest Backpack.
*All quests that require a player to interact with an object in their inventory will now tell them to do so in the journal directions.

User Interface

*Part 1 of the new User Interface (UI) implementation includes:
-Customization of the permanent UI to the new format, including making the health bar go all the way across the screen.
-Reformatting of the renown bar; it now appears slightly smaller and can be found underneath the health bar. Both have a silvery look for rest experience.
-New buttons have been added to the main menu. These buttons will appear by default at the top of the screen.
-The addition of the UI Customization menu. More info on that later!
*Placeholder Warning! The social button has been moved off the main menu and placed near the chat window. Please do not mind our dust as we revamp our chat window in the upcoming months.
*Messages will now print in the center of the screen to inform players of upcoming events and other important things they are currently doing.
*Though the artwork is still in progress, there have been some improvements to the minimap which allow players to be able to see the insides of caves.
*Minimap filters have been added to allow players to select which NPC icons show up on your minimap.
*The artwork for the pairing map on the Main Map has been finalized to display in detail how to travel from zone to zone. There are toggles for displaying walking paths and also zone control meters for each zone. The pairing map will also indicate the status of the city and the WAR in other pairings.
*Improvements to the Main map filters and quest tracker, though not fully filled out yet, include different filters on the Main Map (at the zone level) and a quest tracker to indicate which quests are active for the player in the current zone.
*The new Paper Doll window has been resized and recustomized to more fully feature the character inside of it. This will allow players to manipulate their character and place trophies easily. This is not bug-free, so please be patient while we address some bug fixes over the next few weeks.
*Tooltips on the Stat page have been reinitialized.
*Some brand new zone maps have been added
*Improvements have been made to the Character Creation screen for layout and messaging purposes.
*Docking/undocking windows improvements have been made.
*Implementation of the Apothecary window has been made client-side.
*Implementation of the Renown System and some cleanup of the Ability Training window have been made client-side. For all of you reading every word of this, an extra tidbit. The training and ability window is soon going to be visually overhauled. We're eager to show you what we've got in store. Please mind the dust for now.
*Improvements to the scenario button next to the minimap have been made.

Tome of Knowledge

*Additional achievements have been added to the Tome of Knowldege (ToK).
*The Achievement section has been restructured..
*'Sub-type' text has been added to the Bestiary.
*General improvements have been made to the XP curve for ToK unlocks.
*The 'task language' in the Bestiary has been cleaned up. Now it will not say 'You have done a simple task;' instead it will indicate in more detail what the task involves.
*All of the kill counter thresholds have been increased
*Some bugs in which achievements were triggering at the wrong time or saying the wrong things have been fixed.
*General cleanup and improvements have been made to ToK unlocks in the Empire and Chaos zones.



The level at which players suffer the Coward's Fate (chickenized) has been adjusted:
*Tier 1: Players will now be chickenized at rank 12
*Tier 2: Players will now be chickenized at rank 22

Any player who is RvR flagged, whether in the RvR area or not, will now be chickenized at the above noted ranks. Additionally, the bug that allowed some high rank players to be RvR flagged in lower rank areas without being chicken debuffed has been fixed.

Warcamp Guards, specifically the Shining Huntsman, Shining Sentinel, Uthorin Dreadshot and Uthorin Beastmaster will now function properly.

Battlefield Objectives have undergone the following improvements:

*Each Objective has a new set of logic that displays the guard status of the Objective. Once the guards are killed, players can interact with an Objective Obelisk to take it over.

*Each Objective has a Sergeant NPC in addition to the 4 standard guards. This Sergeant grants a special buff to anyone that interacts with him while controlling the Objective. With 4 separate Objectives per Tier, there are four separate buffs, each of which can only be gained from their respective Sergeant NPC. On the map, you will see the name of the Objective and the buff associated. The types of buff are as follows:
-Defensive Buff - 10% more armor and resistances
-Healing Buff - The value of heals cast on you is increased by 10%
-Merchant's Gift - 10% more gold from monsters you kill
-Artisan's Gift - +10 to all Tradeskills

Scenarios Queues:

Scenario and Queues have undergone some improvements:
*Scenario Queues now have a minimum amount of players required to launch.
*Scenario Queues will now check the population of a Scenario before inviting more players post launch. If the population ratio is beyond 2:3 then the Queue will not invite players from the over-populated side.
*Auto-Queuing is off by default. This can be enabled in the User Settings.

Scenario Brackets have been adjusted:
*Tier 1 brackets are now set for levels 1-6 and 7-11.
*Tier 2 brackets are now set for levels 10-13, 14-17 and 18-21


Khaine's Embrace is a Tier 1 Scenario that features a dual capture mechanic to achieve victory! Capture both the Dance of Swords and Death's Charge to gain points. These locations will be locked down once captured and points are granted, however the god Khaine will unleash his wrath upon both Realms for meddling on hallowed ground. Get clear of the Dance of Swords, Death's Charge and the Altar before being engulfed in a burning ring of fire!

The Phoenix Gate is a Tier 2 Scenario that features Capture the Flag! Capture your enemy's flag and return it to your spire! Note: To capture the flag you must click on the objects noted as Destruction Capture or Order Capture.


*Potion stores have been removed from the land. Instead some merchants will now sell ingredients and components used in crafting.

We're excited to introduce you to the very first pass of crafting and gathering in this round of beta. We really wanted to get the system in front of you guys to play with as soon as possible. This first-pass implementation of Crafting is rougher than the stuff we usually push out to you, but we wanted to get some early feedback on the underlying systems and mechanisms while we polish the UI and feedback mechanisms. Please visit the message boards to see a more in-depth description of the Crafting systems.

For this beta, we have three gathering skills: Butchering, Scavenging, and Cultivating, and one crafting skill: Apothecary. You can choose just one gathering skill and one crafting skill.

In addition to stores and gathering skills, various Public Quests and monsters throughout the world will now drop crafting items.


This is a crafting skill that allows players to create 'potions, lotions and powders.' Players can learn this skill from trainers throughout the world. There is an Apothecary trainer in every chapter 2 location. (They look like merchants because they also sell crafting supplies, but they do show up as trainers on the minimap.)

This is a gathering skill that allows players to extract resources from non-sentient monsters throughout the world (Non-Sentient is a fancy way of saying dumb monsters.). Players can learn this skill from trainers throughout the world. There is a Butchering trainer in every chapter 2 location.

The kind of stuff you can get is meat, bones, blood, leather, etc. Most butchered items are Apothecary ingredients.

This is a gathering skill very similar to Butchering except it lets players extract resources from sentient monsters throughout the world (Sentient is a fancy way of saying 'monsters that can think.'). Players can learn this skill from trainers throughout the world. There is a Scavenging trainer in every chapter 2 location.

The kind of stuff you can get is gold teeth, possessions, lucky charms, etc. It's also the way of getting all the yucky stuff that might have attached itself to the monster, like leeches, ticks, and fleas.

This is a gathering skill. Players can learn this skill from trainers throughout the world. There is a Cultivating trainer in every chapter 2 location.

Players with the cultivation skill can grow their own weeds and fungi. Most weeds/fungi are Apothecary ingredients.

Cultivation doesn't have its fancy UI yet, but is completely functional. In the next beta, we'll show you the new interface and have all the sounds working too.

Switching Skills
You can switch your gathering skill by talking to a gathering trainer. If you switch gathering skills, all progress in your previous gathering skill is lost.

General Changes and Bug Fixes:
*Numerous bug fixes and improvements.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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Average Member

2118 Posts

Posted - 11/03/2008 :  07:36:01  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Beta frci o sto sest a tu ziadna sprava uz niekolko dni ... go go go
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4339 Posts

Posted - 11/03/2008 :  08:09:36  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Pepo

Beta frci o sto sest a tu ziadna sprava uz niekolko dni ... go go go
Koncem tydne by ses mohl dockat mych prvnich dojmu. Snazim se to hrat jako regulerni player. Takze od first impression az po "end of game"

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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572 Posts

Posted - 11/03/2008 :  18:38:02  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No uz se tesim, vzdycky je lepsi vic nazoru
Ja osobne se dostanu k tyhle fazi bety az nekdy o vikendu, jsem zvedavej co se zmenilo k lepsimu,jestli vubec neco. Podle toho jak ctu beta forum tak nic moc.
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630 Posts

Posted - 11/03/2008 :  20:04:45  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
beta fora su "whine fest" jak vysity :) A nie vzdy trafaju do cierneho Hlavne ak su tam ludia ktorym sa nepaci vobec nic a jediny feedback co dokazu dat je "this game sux"....ale ak chces prezradim ta co sa zhorsilo. :)
Public Questy ...narocnost stupla tak o 1000% .. vlastne teraz neexistuju lebo nikto ich nehra.. Cez poslednu fazu sa proste neda dostat :)A je viacmenej jedno kolko je tam ludi :)

Dalsia vec.. Najvacsi problem betatesterov...samotny boj je viacmenej spoosbeny nechutnymi lagmi.. Vraj na US fore nic take neriesia (je pravda ze ak si zahrate o stvrtej rano tak je to uplne ina hra)..takze toto zostalo stale na tom istom :)

I ked netvrdil by som ze sa nic nezmenilo k lepsiemu. Crafting vyzera vyborne. Moby ziskali trochu viac AI a novych abilit a uz nemaju problemy s pathfinding-om, maju zmensene pocty HP a zvyseny damage takze zabijanie mobov uz neni taka nuda, Witch Elf bola s predposlednej fazy prepracovana a musim povedat ze k lepsiemu, vzasade vsetky elfske klasy su velmi vydarene, elfske lokacie tiez vyzeraju velmi dobre, tier 1 elfske scenario je zatial najlepsie scenario co som hral, pozmeney interface k lepsiemu, zaujimave questy (i ked nemam rad PvE tu si ho dost uzivam), renown tactics a abilities sa tiez zdaju ako vyborne spestrenie a kopa dalsich malickosti..

Ja osobne hram Disciple ktory je na lvl 12. Problem healorov po poslednych zmenach je ten ze HP isli hore o 50% (priblizne) ale zato heal zostal rovnaky takze momentalne mam 1400 hp (vzasadne ziaden equip na wounds) a moj 3 sekudnovy "burst" heal healuje 230 hp :P.. Ak nekritne tak to ani neucitim .. Kazdopadne, hra sa zanho velmi dobre. DPS ma na support viac ako slusne, utility a buffy su tiez neni zle..a ked som si pozeral masteries a ostatne skilly, tak to bude ku koncu velmi zabavna a versatilna classa.
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1888 Posts

Posted - 11/03/2008 :  20:11:31  Show Profile  Send Gurrshael an ICQ Message Send Gurrshael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ManiaCCC

beta fora su "whine fest" jak vysity :) A nie vzdy trafaju do cierneho Hlavne ak su tam ludia ktorym sa nepaci vobec nic a jediny feedback co dokazu dat je "this game sux"....ale ak chces prezradim ta co sa zhorsilo. :)
Public Questy ...narocnost stupla tak o 1000% .. vlastne teraz neexistuju lebo nikto ich nehra.. Cez poslednu fazu sa proste neda dostat :)A je viacmenej jedno kolko je tam ludi :)

Dalsia vec.. Najvacsi problem betatesterov...samotny boj je viacmenej spoosbeny nechutnymi lagmi.. Vraj na US fore nic take neriesia (je pravda ze ak si zahrate o stvrtej rano tak je to uplne ina hra)..takze toto zostalo stale na tom istom :)

I ked netvrdil by som ze sa nic nezmenilo k lepsiemu. Crafting vyzera vyborne. Moby ziskali trochu viac AI a novych abilit a uz nemaju problemy s pathfinding-om, maju zmensene pocty HP a zvyseny damage takze zabijanie mobov uz neni taka nuda, Witch Elf bola s predposlednej fazy prepracovana a musim povedat ze k lepsiemu, vzasade vsetky elfske klasy su velmi vydarene, elfske lokacie tiez vyzeraju velmi dobre, tier 1 elfske scenario je zatial najlepsie scenario co som hral, pozmeney interface k lepsiemu, zaujimave questy (i ked nemam rad PvE tu si ho dost uzivam), renown tactics a abilities sa tiez zdaju ako vyborne spestrenie a kopa dalsich malickosti..

Ja osobne hram Disciple ktory je na lvl 12. Problem healorov po poslednych zmenach je ten ze HP isli hore o 50% (priblizne) ale zato heal zostal rovnaky takze momentalne mam 1400 hp (vzasadne ziaden equip na wounds) a moj 3 sekudnovy "burst" heal healuje 230 hp :P.. Ak nekritne tak to ani neucitim .. Kazdopadne, hra sa zanho velmi dobre. DPS ma na support viac ako slusne, utility a buffy su tiez neni zle..a ked som si pozeral masteries a ostatne skilly, tak to bude ku koncu velmi zabavna a versatilna classa.

Mohl by ses trochu vic rozepsat o craftu? Videl jsem nejake video s ukazkami "na papire" a vypadalo to pomerne neotrele, tak by me zajimalo, jaka je skutecnost :)

Jinak samozrejme tisicere diky za jakekoliv info ;)

Edited by - Gurrshael on 11/03/2008 20:12:10
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Posted - 11/03/2008 :  20:49:52  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mno ok :) tak crafting sa rovnako ako vo wowku deli do dvoch hlavnych podskupin..su skilly s ktorymi suroviny ziskavas a skilly pomocou ktorych vyrabas veci.. Chcem podotknut ze podla developerov mame v bete zatial len to najednoduchsie z celeho craftingu len so zakladnymi principmi takze zatial vsetko treba tak trochu brat s rezervou.

Takze v bete mame momentalne 4 craft skilly. 3 zbieracie ako butchering ktorimy jednoducho ziskavate veci z neiteligentnych mobov ako kosti, krv, jazyky, vnutornosti casti tiel a podobne.. mnoho z tychto sa da pouzivat ako sekundarna ingrediencia do aphotecary (viz nizsie).. Dalsi je scavagering..Tymto sa ziskavaju suroviny od inteligentnych mobov (ako elfovia, rytieri atd).. su to rozne medajlony, knizky , kusy oblecenia a tak podobne. Momentalne v bete ziadny vyznam nemaju ale podla slov developerov sa to bude pouzivat pri inych vyrobnych skillov a naprilad sa z toho budu dat robit trofeje. Oba tieto skilly funguju ako ktorykolvek iny gathering skill napriklad z wowka ako mining alebo skinning... proste kliknete na mrtvolu a ak mate na to skill, tak nieco z tej mrotvy mozte ziskat navyse.
Avsak je tu treti gathering skill ktory funguje trosku inac. Vola sa "cultivation" vzasade ste taky zahradnik..Pri sebe nosite nejake kvetinace (aspon tak nejak som to pochopil). Rozne po svete sa daju ponachadzat zrnka rastlin ktore nasledne mozte u seba v specialnom inventari zasadit z ktorych zacne nasledne rast rastlina.. Ten vyvoj trva niekolko minut (ak sa nemylim tak 10 a naraz mozte mat zasadene len 4 zrniecka) a pocas tychto 10-tich minut kvetina prejde troma fazami a v kazdej faze mozte do nej nieco pridavat..ako napriklad nejake hnojiva alebo zalievat s vodou. Okrem toho ze to urychluje rast, tak to rastlinu aj nejakym sposobom modifikuje..zatial v bete je to len mnozstvo a kvalita ale vraj sa dockame prisad ktore budu modifikovat samotne vlastnosti rastliny.. ked kvetina vyrastie, mozte si ju hodit do inventara a mozte zasadit dalsie semienka (dobre je ze vam vzdy po kvetine semienko zostane takze nemusite zhanat dalsie)

Posledny craft skill co je v bete je Aphotecary..taka alchemia z WoW-ka. Hned prvy rozdiel co si vsimnete je ten ze sa nepouzivaju ziadne recepty. Vzasade recepty robia samotny hraci a mozu tak experimentovat a varit. Funguje to nasledovne. Najprv sa rozhodnete do akej flasky chcete samotny napoj robit. Potom sa zvoli jedna hlavna ingrediencia. Tieto sa daju budto kupit alebo najst alebo vypestovat (cultivation) Su to rozne rastrliny ale aj casti zvierat ako netopierie kridla atak podobne. Vzasade jedine co vidite je kratky popis tejto hlavnej ingrediencie podla ktorej mozte tak trochu odhadovat co vlastne idete uvarit. Naprikal sa pise ze "tato kvetina ma paralyzujuce ucinky" alebo "tato ingerdiencia je dobra na hojenie ran" a tak podobne. Takze ked mate flasku a hlavnu ingredienciu zvolenu, zobrazi sa taky jednoduchy "merac" ktory vam ukazuje ako moc stabilna tato "mixture" je..respektive aka velka sanca je ze sa vam to podari uvarit. Pod tym sa objavia zas dalsie tri sloty ktore su urene pre sekundarne ingrediencie. Do tychto slotov potom mozte davat bud vodu na zvysenie "stability" alebo ine ingrediencie. Tieto sekundarne ingrediencie mozu byt pomerne jednoduche a mozu napriklad zvysovat efektivitu (namiesto healovacej flasky za 250hp bude flaska za 450hp), predlzovat ucinok (dobre hlavne pri bufovacich lektvaroch alebo overtime healov), alebo mnozsto ake uvarite (namiesto jednej flasky spravite tri), ale taktiez mozu tieto pridavne ingrediencie pridavat dalsie effekty alebo uplne zmenit recept... Napriklad mozte spravit flasku ktora sa da vrhat a spomali vsetkych v dosahu ...A mozu dokonca vznikat uplne bizardne veci..ako naprikald flaska ktora vam umozni mat na chvilku "draci dych" (asi budete moc vycarovat fire breath rovnako ako Bright Wizard) popripade to najzvlastnejsie co sa mi zatial podarilo spravit je nejaka zvlastna vec ktora sa da equipnut do ruky a zmeni pohyby vasho tela ako by ste boli nejaky zombiek.. dost sialenost :)
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