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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 05/04/2008 :  17:26:09  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lahvan

No podle toho co jsem pochopil tak další fáze bude na testování jednotlivých scenarií - budou dostupné templáty na příslušných levelech a betatesteři se budou řezat jako na běžícím pásu, aby se udělaly RvR scénáře co nejzábavnější a odladily povolání v PvP. Jestli to bude pouze v rámci HEvsDE se neví.

Hej hej :) to ale bolo prehlasene este pred delayom..takze je dost mozne ze plany, respektive testovanie scenarii, sa posunulo tiez..
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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 06/04/2008 :  10:37:47  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mno uvidíme. Každopádně když předělávají celkem dost healer classy, takže kdo ví, kdy další fáze začne. Přeci jenom healeři jsou docela dost důležitý charaktery.
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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2008 :  13:56:39  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak patch sa uz downloaduje (1.5Gb) ... vyzera to na dalsiu EvC fazu s testovanim siegov..
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4339 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2008 :  14:06:33  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ManiaCCC

Tak patch sa uz downloaduje (1.5Gb) ... vyzera to na dalsiu EvC fazu s testovanim siegov..
No slava. Na tohle se hodlam podivat detailneji, tak snad cas dovoli. :-)

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 09/04/2008 :  19:00:19  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
V klidu, ještě to nejede.
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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 09/04/2008 :  19:20:42  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ale aspon sa daju zohnat ako-take informacie co nas asi caka.. Vyzera to na velmi zaujimavu fazu :)
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Junior Member

572 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2008 :  11:19:07  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak co, pustej to na vikend nebo si jeste pockame?
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Junior Member

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Posted - 10/04/2008 :  11:54:27  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mno vyzera to ze to spustia zajtra :)
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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2008 :  12:25:30  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Na Warhammer Alliance sa objavil velmi zaujimavy post o momentalnom stave grafiky vo WAR.


Originally Posted by EAMythic_Grimsby

I have read many posts here concerning the visuals of WAR. There have been many praises. Thank you! There have been some criticisms. Thank you also. Everything we read here, at least in broad strokes, is digested and considered against our design and visual goals. The subject of this thread caught my attention in particular because it speaks to the status of where we are with WAR’s development. So first I will discuss a general point that has been echoed here before.

The visuals in WAR are a work in progress. I liken it to rendering CG movies, like the Incredibles or some of the great stuff Blur has done for us. When you watch a pre-lighting render, things just look flat. There are no shadows. There is no ambient occlusion. There is no atmospheric lighting. There is no real surface lighting. How does that relate to WAR? Well, many of the videos and screenshots we have released have been without even a first lighting bake, let along our final lighting pass, which we have never shown. You also have not seen specular maps on our terrains. We don't even have final skies, light balancing, or final light settings for our terrain shaders.

This means that you have seen visuals in varying degrees of finish depending upon how recently we worked on a zone. None of the environments we have shown you are in their full glory. The hard work of the team shows through despite being shy of complete. And that is where we are now. We are polishing, tweaking, and lightmapping like crazy and we will up until the very last stamp for gold. Until then, yes. Some stuff may look flat, or some animations may look jerky. Heck our lead animator and I finally had a moment of joy as one of the last animation system "quirks" that was making the motions look staccato and choppy was finally fixed. Huray!

In terms of visual variety, I believe we have a diverse palette of environments from ancient forests and eldritch swamps to a huge, gothic city floating over a swirling, Chaotic Abyss. With that said, even now we are working on more cool, signiture landmarks for the zones. I believe anyone browsing our material in depth will agree there is a lot there to enjoy.

So by all means continue dialoguing about what you see, let us know what you like and what you don't, and stay tuned for some more finalized shots.

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4339 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2008 :  15:04:03  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Please Note: Siege, like crafting, is still very much in development. Players should not expect a finished, polished experience. As always - this is beta!

Keeps and Siege


Keeps are a focal point of pride for your Realm and worth the battle to defend or capture them.

Keep Basics

There is at least one keep per realm, per zone in all Tier pairings except for Tier One. Tier Two zones have one keep each (two per pairing). Tier Four zones have two keeps each for a total of six keeps.

Siege Weapons

Siege weapons are being introduced in this phase of beta on a limited basis. The following weapons will be available for use in Tier 3 and Tier 4:

* Dark Elf Ballista
* High Elf Ballista
* Empire Hell Cannon
* Greenskin Orcapult
* Empire Boiling Oil – will be available to Destruction players as placeholder weapons
* Empire Ram - will be available to Destruction players as placeholder weapons

Keeps and surrounding areas will have several locations where Siege weapons can be deployed and used by players. Some siege weapons will simply work by interacting with them for a period of time to damage pre-determined targets (such as a door).

There are three types of Siege Weapons:

* Rams are used against Keep Doors or other pre-selected targets.
* Ballistae are used against individual players or other Siege Weapons doing single target damage.
* Cannons/Trebuchets are aimed to fire at a selected location, doing splash damage to players or other Siege Weapons.

Players who have a high armor rating will be able to withstand Siege weapon attacks better than players with little to no armor.

Siege Weapons must be built on Siege Pads found in the world or on Keeps. These are the only locations players can create/deploy Siege Weapons. Furthermore, Siege Weapons cannot be moved once placed, although they can rotate.

Siege weapons do not require a Trade-skill to build and can be deployed by anyone. They are purchased from the War Camps or from an NPC inside the Keeps. Once purchased, a siege weapon will take up a single inventory space. These items have no weight, and can be carried and traded by anyone. Players can carry as many siege weapons as they want, as long as they have space in their inventory. When a player deploys a siege weapon, the item will disappear from the player’s inventory.

A siege weapon purchased in a higher Tier cannot be placed on a lower tier Siege Pad. Only one Siege Weapon can be on a Siege Pad. Siege Weapons decay to 0 hitpoints after 10 minutes if not repaired, or until destroyed once they are deployed.

Siege “Pads”

Siege Pads are pre-set location on which Siege Weapons can be deployed. They are physically represented in the world as large slabs of concrete, slate, or otherwise engraved pads.

Keeps will have one Siege pad per destructible door for placing Rams (for the attackers) and several pads for Ballistae and Cannons/Trebuchets on the Bastions (for the defenders). The surrounding area of a keep will have several locations to place ranged weapons. The amount of Siege Pads placed will depend upon Game-play testing and terrain.

To place a Siege Weapon on a Siege Pad, players simply right click on the pad to open an interface window. The window will display the siege weapons available to the player to be placed on the pad. Only one person can interact with the Siege Pad at a time.

Only tier appropriate Siege Weapons can be deployed on Siege Pads. Tier One Siege Pads cannot house Tier Two, Three, or Four Siege Weapons.

Players have the ability to destroy and repair Siege Pads. Siege Pads can only be destroyed by Ballista, Cannon/Catapult fire, or by beating on them with weapons and spells. Siege Pads have very few hit points but respawn after five minutes.

Siege Weapon Control

Gaining control of a Siege Weapon is done by right clicking on the Siege Weapon once it is built. Interacting with the Siege Weapon will give one player control of the Weapon. Releasing control of a Siege Weapon is done by moving away from the weapon, or simply closing the UI.


Rams are large siege engines used to batter down doors. Up to four players can be seated on a Ram. When players control a Ram, they are seated on the Ram itself and no longer have control of walking movement. To release control of the Ram a player may right click on it or click the Release button on the UI. If a player right clicks on the Ram and it has less than four players on it, the player will be put on the Ram. If the Ram already has four people on it, the player will receive the message “This Ram is full and cannot be operated by any more players”.

The number of players on the Ram determines the damage dealt by the Ram. It is broken into 25% increments. If the Ram has one person, it does 25% of its maximum potential damage. If it has three people, it will do 75% of its maximum potential damage.

Ballistae (Direct Fire)

Ballistae are large bolt throwers used to skewer an enemy player or destroy Siege Weapons. They are mounted on rotating platforms on the Siege Pads to allow for precise aiming and inflict massive amounts of damage to a single target.

When using the Ballista, players will go into a “sniper mode” screen that functions similar to a riflescope. Moving the mouse controls where the reticule aims (note that camera controls on the Y axis are inverted). When a legitimate target is available, the reticule will turn read and begin to draw inward. The closer the crosshairs are to the center, the more accurate (and more damage) the ballista shot will do. Moving the aiming reticule will cause the crosshairs to snap outward, reducing accuracy.

Catapults and Cannons (Indirect fire)

Catapults and Cannons are Siege Weapons use a very simple User Interface at this time for firing and aiming. One player controls the Siege Weapon and it is placed on a rotating platform so it can turn to face its relative target. Right clicking on a Catapult or Cannon will give the player control and bring up the User Interface to repair, fire, and aim. Clicking on Aim will require the player to have a target. Once the target is set, the Catapult/Cannon will track that target and only fire at it.

Tier 4 Campaign

When a zone is captured, the contested zone will shift from one zone to another, all the way up to the Fortress zones that defend the Cities of Altdorf and the Inevitable City. When the campaign shifts to another zone in Tier 4, all Scenarios, Battlefield Objectives and Keeps in the zone that was captured will be locked and unavailable. Players that complete Scenarios in the zone that was captured will have their points contribute to the now contested zone. If players continue to Skirmish fight in uncontested zones, the points from these kills will not contribute to the Campaign.

Tier 4 Chaos vs. Empire functions

* Praag is captured by Order, the campaign shifts to Chaos Wastes
* Praag is captured by Destruction, the campaign shifts to Reikland
* Reikland is captured by Order, the campaign shifts to Praag
* Reikland is captured by Destruction, the Fortress zone of Reikwald opens
* Chaos Waste is captured by Order, the Fortress zone of Maw will open

Fortress Zones

Fortress Zones are last zones before a City. They have three gates that protect the inner Fortress. Siege Pads are available for the attackers and defenders to place Siege Weapons. Any gate can be broken down to gain entry into the Fortress walls.

Once inside the Fortress walls, a single structure must be broken into. The front door as well as two rear entryways into the Fortress can be broken down.

A Public Quest runs the zone and the campaign. Players must kill the Fortress Lord within 60 minutes in order to enter the city. The battle moves to the City if the players succeed in killing the Fortress Lord.

To deny the attackers entry to the City, players must defend the Fortress Lord for 60 minutes. The Campaign will reset back to Praag if the Fortress Lord is successfully defended.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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4339 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2008 :  15:06:29  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jinak blizici se focus test bude probihat v Tier 3 a 4 a na programu dne bude Altdorf. Takze doufam, ze Chaos smete ty "srace" z Order z povrchu zemskeho.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2008 :  15:20:16  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ako ja som jasny destruction player :) ale obrana mi prisla vzdy ovela zabavnejsia ako utok :).. dnes (alebo zajtra) to teda vidim na Witch Huntera
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4339 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2008 :  15:22:10  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ManiaCCC

Ako ja som jasny destruction player :) ale obrana mi prisla vzdy ovela zabavnejsia ako utok :).. dnes (alebo zajtra) to teda vidim na Witch Huntera

Marauder. Tentacle Grab a umlatit je jak zito.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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Junior Member

572 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2008 :  15:34:50  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No ja tentokrat zradim a pojedu za Archmage, je to totiz mirror povolani k shamanovi. Samozrejme jsem ochotny poskytnout svoje ingame telo pro vase zvrhle praktiky

Edited by - Lobos on 10/04/2008 15:36:55
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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2008 :  15:42:41  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Aby som trosku odbocil od RP (FOR SIGMAR!!!!), Lobosy, co sa tyka toho Archmaga :)..nejdem ti ho vyhovarat ale podla mna neni zrovna dobry napad nieco testovat ked sa vie ze po tejto faze to bude kompletne zmenene :)....ale to len taka poznamka.
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1051 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2008 :  15:55:45  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lobos

Archmage, je to totiz mirror povolani k shamanovi.

Škoda že jako mirror nemá ani polovinu Shamanovi zábavnosti Vim že je to dost subjektivní názor, ale Archmage mi prostě přišel děsně nudnej.
Já to tenhle focus vidim opět na Zealota. S ním mi ty zvrhlé praktiky jdou nejlíp
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Junior Member

572 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2008 :  17:21:01  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ManiaCCC

Aby som trosku odbocil od RP (FOR SIGMAR!!!!), Lobosy, co sa tyka toho Archmaga :)..nejdem ti ho vyhovarat ale podla mna neni zrovna dobry napad nieco testovat ked sa vie ze po tejto faze to bude kompletne zmenene :)....ale to len taka poznamka.

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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2008 :  17:45:41  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mno proste WAAAGH! a High Magic caka nejaky velky overhaul.. robia na tom uz vraj dlhsie ale su to tak velke zmeny ze bohuzial to nestihli dat do tejto fazy. Nikto teda nevie povedat ako bude WAAAGH! a High Magic system fungovat po tejto faze.
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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2008 :  19:37:52  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A co dát něco dohromady - to solování a PUGy mě už drtí. Sice bych radši Order ať mi kouzlo nepoznaného Destruction vydrží do retailu, ale přizpůsobím se.
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Junior Member

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Posted - 10/04/2008 :  19:57:41  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No ja s tym nemam problem..priznam sa ze by mi padla particka ludi vhod..ale somnou je to trosku tazsie.. moj volny cas je neurcity.. :) skola, praca, mlada, ine zabavky.. takze tazko povedat kedy budem online.. a co sa tyka order/destruction..je mi to jedno :)
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Average Member

2118 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2008 :  23:06:36  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Lahvo, hlavu hore, cez vikend idem ten 10 GB shit stiahnut a idem to pustit na novom compe, takze sem tam aj mna uvidis online.
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5760 Posts

Posted - 11/04/2008 :  14:53:23  Show Profile Send Meddy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lahvan

A co dát něco dohromady - to solování a PUGy mě už drtí. Sice bych radši Order ať mi kouzlo nepoznaného Destruction vydrží do retailu, ale přizpůsobím se.

Lahvanku jestli se to podari a vyzkousite ve vic lidech Order tak budu moc rad.

STS Chvojkovice-Brod
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2118 Posts

Posted - 17/04/2008 :  14:31:42  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Je tu niekto kto to hrava pravidelne ? Pretoze solo je to desna nuda ...
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Junior Member

630 Posts

Posted - 17/04/2008 :  15:19:49  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Skor ani nie :) Skola, praca, dievca a tak podobne..ale je pravda ze ja solo vlastne nehravam odkedy som v guilde.. vcera sme napriklad raidili 3 hodiny RvR zonu.. obsadili oba hrady, jeden z nich potom branili a obsadili skoro vsetky BOcka (a celu zonu).. vela xp, vela renown a bola to zabava.. Okrem toho pravidelne robime PQ a tak podobne... Takze ak hras destruction, napis svoje meno a mozem povedat nech ta invitnu..
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Average Member

2118 Posts

Posted - 17/04/2008 :  15:34:42  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No jasne, ja sa konecne rozhodnem ze ktory to char budem hrat a to by bolo potom super

Mam dotaz, od akeho lvl nedostavam z mobov a questy reward ? Myslim, mozem teraz robit napriklad PvPcko alebo PQcka a ked budem mat 23 lvl rank tak ist do prvej zony questovat ?

Edited by - Pepo on 17/04/2008 15:35:24
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Junior Member

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Posted - 17/04/2008 :  18:55:22  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Samozrejme.. kludne chod levelovat a potom sa vrat do nizsich chapterov a rewardy budes dostavat.
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Dictator Apprentice

318 Posts

Posted - 17/04/2008 :  20:53:46  Show Profile Send Lahvan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Rewardy dostaneš, ale expa bude stát ja vyliž kapsu.
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2118 Posts

Posted - 18/04/2008 :  12:43:28  Show Profile  Send Pepo an ICQ Message Send Pepo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No jasne ze rewardy budu mensie, ale chapes, ked sa napriklad dostanem do high zony a porobim tam questy, tak mozem ist do low zony a dorobit tie low questy ... je z toho sice menej, ale su jednoduchsie a idu rychlejsie ... predpokladam :D
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Junior Member

572 Posts

Posted - 29/04/2008 :  14:49:04  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak v Mythic patcher uz jsou novy data, snad to pusti co nejdriv
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Posted - 29/04/2008 :  15:32:03  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tie uz su tam od vcera :) ale nevyzera to ze by to chceli dnes pustit :)
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Posted - 29/04/2008 :  21:06:26  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
ale vyzera

The server is restarting now and should be open within a few minutes. Please make sure you've read the patch notes for all the changes.
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Junior Member

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Posted - 30/04/2008 :  01:53:50  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ked si odmyslime ze 75% hracov nevie co ma robit a ze sa len zerguju v Praag tak to vyzera celkom slusne :).. dufam ze za par dni ich to prejde a pochopia ako to cele funguje :).. Momentalne je Reikland contested ale som tam sam s malou partickou ludi a obzerame si hrady xD.. vsetci su nasrati v Praag zone a zerguju sa tam uplne bez rozmyslu..som zvedavy kedy im dojde ze tie hrady a BO sa nedaju obsadit ..
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Posted - 30/04/2008 :  13:11:34  Show Profile Send Oralin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hrajete za dest. nebo order? Rád bych se přidal k něčemu organizovanějšímu než pick up...

A mimochodem to zevlování je docela jasný - ovládnou postavu na 40 úrovni bez předchozího hraní není tak snadné.
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Posted - 30/04/2008 :  13:31:22  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oralin: tak tak

Jinak ty armor sety jsou luxusni co se tyce vzhledu
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Junior Member

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Posted - 30/04/2008 :  13:51:32  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ja osobne hram za Dest.. je sice pravda ze ovladnut character na ranku 40 neni zrovna lahke ale da sa to zmaknut tka za 20-30 minut celkom v poho.. Kazdopadne..radil by som sa pridat k niektorym z guild ak chces mat trosku organizovanu grupu.. bud Bakery, Mystical Awakening alebo EvA Vix..
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Posted - 30/04/2008 :  18:19:19  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak jsem chvili zkousel DoKa a nejak nechapu jejich vyznam jakozto melee healera, je to dost slabota i kdyby to mel byt jen support char.
Nicmene pokud nekdo hraje za Order tak ingame Lobos - Archmage (cekani na shamana)
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Posted - 30/04/2008 :  18:54:59  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Njn..meele healery maju byt najlepsi group support a heal.. Bohuzial im odtial zatial vypadavaju slovicka "group", "support" a "heal"..este ze to "a" tam este maju
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Junior Member

572 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2008 :  15:49:29  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Next Focus Preview


War is everywhere, and now it has spread to Altdorf! In this upcoming BETA phase we will be focusing on the 'captured' phase of Altdorf. What exactly occurs during the 'captured' phase? Glad you asked!

• During this phase, Destruction players will have access to the main city of Altdorf. Once inside, players will have access to the following adventures:

* Destroying objects such as crates and barrels to discover various loot rewards!
* Desecrating the homes of the Empire citizens by destroying various furniture!
* Smashing lanterns to set citizens’ home interiors on fire!
* Killing citizens of Altdorf as they run away in panic or take up arms against the forces of destruction!
* Fight through the city and ransack the dungeons of Altdorf, including the Sigmar Crypts, The Warpblade Tunnels and The Sewers of Altdorf!
* Two major sub-boss battles: take on the Supreme Patriarch Thyrus Gorman in the Bright Wizard’s College and Grand Theoginist Volkmar in the Temple of Sigmar!
* Battle against the King himself, Karl Franz! After defeating Thyrus Gorman and Volkmar, players will be granted access to take on their fiercest opponent yet!

Peace after Pillaging: Upcoming BETA phases will include the peaceful version of the City of Altdorf, but for now, WAAAGH!. Stay tuned…
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Junior Member

572 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2008 :  13:22:33  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Testing schedule week ending

You will be testing the PvE portion of Captured Altdorf including dungeons, public quests, and the encounter with Karl Franz himself. This phase is much more structured than previous ones. The server will only be open for a limited amount of time and Focus Discussions have very pinpointed areas of feedback we're looking for. We're very excited to hear your feedback on this initial test, however, please remember this is the first time ever that you as testers have had a chance to experience this content, be sure to keep all feedback constructive and on topic.

We look forward to seeing you in the city and following your trials and victories as you work together to conquer the Empire!

The testing schedule for this week is as follows:

Wednesday 7th May: 8pm-12am Midnight CET (7pm-11pm BST)
Thursday 8th May: 8pm-12pm Noon CET (7pm-11am BST)

General Information on Altdorf

General Information

· The captured city of Altdorf is an instance. Each generated instance will currently hold 48 Destruction players for this round of testing. Once a city instance reaches capacity a new instance of that city becomes available allowing 48 additional Destruction players to join.

· Inside the city, players will be able to kill, loot, pillage and burn!

* You will find crates and chests that can be destroyed and will have the chance to drop loot, even a rare green item!
* You will find chairs and tables that can be destroyed as well as awnings that may be set on fire!
* You may smash in to interior homes of Altdorf citizens and pillage inside. All doors that can be destroyed are marked with a Chaos symbol.
* You may attack the citizens and livestock of Altdorf. Some will be tougher than others.
* Each item that you destroy and burn adds points to your home city rating. (This will be covered at a later date in full detail).

· Players have the opportunity to take on three of the cities biggest foes, Thyrus Gorman, Grand Theoginist Volkmar and Emperor Karl Franz. The Karl Franz encounter is only accessible once both PQs (Temple of Sigmar and Bright Wizard’s College PQ) are successfully defeated in a single instance. Once this occurs, the gates to Karl Franz’s palace open up to all players across all instances. Those in other instances who have not yet defeated the two sub bosses that gate the Emperor, may still do so to fight for the reward at the end!

Par dodatku:

This next phase will be a Destruction PvE phase inside the city. The city capture mechanics are still being tinkered with, so that part of the test is being held off for now, hopefully you'll get the chance to see that after the peaceful Altdorf phase.

The city isn't an instance, it's an open world area. The king is instanced to control the pace of the encounter and to stop it from just becoming a zerg2win scenario.

The King and sub-bosses are once only instances. This means that an individual character can only defeat them once per capture however any number of people can have a go at it until the city reverts back. That's the live design, for the purposes of testing this may be changed. As soon as we have full details I'll post them up.

Edited by - Lobos on 06/05/2008 13:41:17
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Posted - 20/05/2008 :  20:09:52  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Beta server bude v blizke dobe opet online, novy patch ma okolo 3,5Gb, zrejme to souvisi s testovanim Greenskins/Dorfs.

Devs taky okrajove zminily, ze brzy pribude spoustu novych testeru, o guild betu se nicmene nejedna.

Edited by - Lobos on 20/05/2008 20:12:33
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Posted - 27/05/2008 :  10:57:35  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Chodi sem vubec nekdo kdo jeste neni v bete?

Kdyztak se ptejte co vas zajima, momentalne jede na serveru greenskins/dwarfs build.
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Posted - 27/05/2008 :  13:52:47  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ja mam taky pocit ze uz asi ani nie :).. v poslednej dobe zobrali do bety kopu ludi :).. takze kazdy kto aspon trochu chcel je uz pravdepodobne v bete.
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1051 Posts

Posted - 27/05/2008 :  14:34:27  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Spíš se teď lidi zaměřili na AoC. Ve WHO se více méně nic neděje, takže je to i pochopitelné.

Jinak musim říct, že já jsem se stavem Greenskins/Dwarfs celkem spokojený. Až odstraní ty lagy, tak to bude i hratelný

Snad jediné co mi vadí je ta přílišná podobnost mezi class jednotlivých ras. Jak jsi psal Manio, hlavně jejich skillů.

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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Posted - 27/05/2008 :  15:03:40  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jo s tema skillama je to fakt. Nicmene musim rict ze hrani za greenskins je naprosto luxusni zalezitost, poprve v zivote si ctu zadani questu a story k nemu, co kousek to nejaka perla
Taky se mi libi ze jsou v tehle zonach spolecny PQ pro obe strany, na open rvr serverech to bude velice zajimave..
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Posted - 28/05/2008 :  03:21:10  Show Profile Send Oralin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mě ani nepřijde, že by greenskini měli stejný classy jako ostatní rasy.

Squid herder - unikátní
a Shaman má myslím mechaniku taky unikátní ne?

Mě zatím spíš vadí, že Black Orc neudrží agro a Shaman ho v poklidu přeagruje jen healama. Snad se to a vyšším levlelu (více než 6) změní.
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Posted - 28/05/2008 :  08:28:54  Show Profile Send VT a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Oralin
Mě zatím spíš vadí, že Black Orc neudrží agro a Shaman ho v poklidu přeagruje jen healama. Snad se to a vyšším levlelu (více než 6) změní.

Nekdy pred rokem jsem si nahraval video; vcera jsem si ho pustil; jak delame v grupe prvni public quest. Stacilo hodit jeden maly hotik na tezce umlaceneho tanka a hned jsem mel agro vsech mobu. Prakticky jsem hral tak, ze jsem healnul a zacal utikat do pryc pro ziskani nejake range a na zaver jsem moby kittoval v kruhu dokud je ostatni neumlatili. A to se opakovalo skoro v kazde vlne PQ1.

Ted muzu hodit i single heal kdyz je tank na 80 procentech a neziskam agro. Takze mi to subjektivne prijde lepsi. Mozna mam, ale stesti na lepsi tanky :)
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Posted - 28/05/2008 :  10:56:43  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Zvlastni, zrovna tohle se mi stava dost casto, nejlepsi na tom je, ze agro kolikrat chytnu od uplne random moba z druhy strany PQ area.

Jinak co se tyce povolani tak Archmage = Shaman z hlediska skillu. Shaman ma sice Waagh!, ktera je mimochodem ted pekne upravena, ale porad se to hraje uplne stejne jak AM.

Taky doslo ke zmene v renown, nyni jsou ability rozdeleny do tri skupin, s tim, ze v prvni skupine jsou ty nejvetsi smucky. Po investovani 20ti bodu do prvni skupiny abilitek, dostanete moznost vybirat ze skupiny druhe, kde uz jsou o neco zajimavejsi veci. No a kdyz i sem nacpete min. 20 bodu otevre se moznost top abilit ze skupiny 3, kde jsou vsechny ty crity a zvyseni dmg

Edited by - Lobos on 28/05/2008 11:00:13
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Posted - 28/05/2008 :  12:34:51  Show Profile Send ManiaCCC a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ja neviem najst renown trenera ) kde prosim ta je? :)
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Posted - 28/05/2008 :  16:12:27  Show Profile  Send Lobos an ICQ Message Send Lobos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
V Keepu v hornim patre s vendory.
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4085 Posts

Posted - 30/05/2008 :  12:41:17  Show Profile  Send Araya an ICQ Message Send Araya a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by NoX

Spíš se teď lidi zaměřili na AoC. Ve WHO se více méně nic neděje, takže je to i pochopitelné.

Jo me prisla pozvanka do bety ve stejny den jak mi prislo AoC do schranky, coz bylo jasny co se bude dit dal.Kdyby to poslali o mesic driv urcite jsem si pekne zahral a neco jsem jim otestoval, ale ted toho casu moc neni
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