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1338 Posts

Posted - 15/02/2022 :  08:58:36  Show Profile  Visit elidor's Homepage  Send elidor an ICQ Message Send elidor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1599340/Lost_Ark/
server status: https://www.playlostark.com/en-us/support/server-status

Lost Ark vypadá na první pohled jako klasická diablovka, v jádru je to ovšem tradiční MMO jako World of Warcraft či Final Fantasy XIV. Hráči tak plní různé úkoly, sbírají lepší výbavu a v kooperaci absolvují dungeony a raidy, je tu craft i gathering, housing, a hafo z toho co znate napriklad z wowka ...

elidor info: imho hra, ktera ma smysl hrat jen a pouze kvuli endgame, pokud ji budete zkouset, musite pretrpet prvni cast vyvoje postavy (do rekneme 25lvl, hra zacina byt zuajima az pote)

hardware: Pro hraní postačí Windows 10 (64-bit), procesor Intel i3 nebo AMD Ryzen 3, 8 GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 nebo AMD HD6850, DirectX verze 9.0c a 50 GB volného místa na disku. Pro lepší grafiku se doporučuje Intel i5 nebo AMD Ryzen 5, 16 GB RAM a GeForce GTX 1050.

(potvrzuju, mam na jednom ntb jeste slabsi grafiku a hra je naprosto plynula i zde)

Byl jsem zmateny a nejisty, jsem sice porad zmateny a nejisty, ale v mnohem vyssi rovine.. [Pratchett]


1338 Posts

Posted - 15/02/2022 :  09:00:32  Show Profile  Visit elidor's Homepage  Send elidor an ICQ Message Send elidor a Private Message  Reply with Quote

recenze idnes: https://www.idnes.cz/hry/novinky/lost-ark-mmo-diablovka-steam.A220209_091919_bw-novinky_oz

souhrn hodnoceni:

lost ark na twitchi

Byl jsem zmateny a nejisty, jsem sice porad zmateny a nejisty, ale v mnohem vyssi rovine.. [Pratchett]
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1338 Posts

Posted - 15/02/2022 :  09:02:39  Show Profile  Visit elidor's Homepage  Send elidor an ICQ Message Send elidor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
v reakci na pretizene servery.


Heroes of Arkesia,

We’re blown away by the number of players that have joined us in Lost Ark since our launch on Friday. Arkesia is filled to the brim with eager players, so we’re working as quickly as possible to set up an entirely new region of servers in Europe. Due to the game’s architecture this is the only way to accommodate more players in Europe so it’s a joint effort between Amazon Games and Smilegate RPG. Rest assured we are working 24/7 until it’s live.

Byl jsem zmateny a nejisty, jsem sice porad zmateny a nejisty, ale v mnohem vyssi rovine.. [Pratchett]
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Posted - 15/02/2022 :  09:41:44  Show Profile  Visit elidor's Homepage  Send elidor an ICQ Message Send elidor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
youtuber DEAN, vysvetluje fungovani jednotlivych casti hry

Byl jsem zmateny a nejisty, jsem sice porad zmateny a nejisty, ale v mnohem vyssi rovine.. [Pratchett]
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Posted - 16/02/2022 :  07:51:25  Show Profile  Visit elidor's Homepage  Send elidor an ICQ Message Send elidor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
co je to powerpass

+ vyuziti

Byl jsem zmateny a nejisty, jsem sice porad zmateny a nejisty, ale v mnohem vyssi rovine.. [Pratchett]
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Posted - 17/02/2022 :  02:17:12  Show Profile  Visit elidor's Homepage  Send elidor an ICQ Message Send elidor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ad Lost Ark a AFK timer je to nastaven v setting, default je 15m a da se to zmenit na 60m
Lost Ark - How to change the AFK timer - Pro Game Guides

Byl jsem zmateny a nejisty, jsem sice porad zmateny a nejisty, ale v mnohem vyssi rovine.. [Pratchett]
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Posted - 22/02/2022 :  13:47:13  Show Profile  Visit elidor's Homepage  Send elidor an ICQ Message Send elidor a Private Message  Reply with Quote


Byl jsem zmateny a nejisty, jsem sice porad zmateny a nejisty, ale v mnohem vyssi rovine.. [Pratchett]
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1338 Posts

Posted - 22/02/2022 :  22:59:11  Show Profile  Visit elidor's Homepage  Send elidor an ICQ Message Send elidor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Co dělat po dosažení 50. levelu


Byl jsem zmateny a nejisty, jsem sice porad zmateny a nejisty, ale v mnohem vyssi rovine.. [Pratchett]
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1338 Posts

Posted - 14/05/2022 :  11:47:31  Show Profile  Visit elidor's Homepage  Send elidor an ICQ Message Send elidor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Heroes of Arkesia,

We know that bots have been causing frustration within the community, and we share in that frustration. Over the past few months we’ve made a number of changes to Lost Ark in order to combat bots. We know that there’s still work to do, and we want to share some detail on how we’re approaching this ongoing issue so we can give Lost Ark players a better experience.
Since Lost Ark launched, we’ve been fighting a war against the bots infiltrating Arkesia. Addressing bots can be especially challenging in free-to-play games because it’s so easy to create an account and enter the game, but we’re working on multiple fronts to fight them. Here are some of the measures we’ve taken so far:
Permanently banned several million accounts that participated in botting, hacking, or gold selling.
Level-gated area chat to keep brand-new accounts from spamming gold-selling advertisements.
Actively updated the game’s automatic chat moderation with lines and phrases that we know are commonly used by gold sellers.
Changed the reward structures of quests and events to add a stronger deterrent against using bots to farm gold.
Updated and improved Easy Anti Cheat detection capabilities to better identify and act against bots.
Enabled a native detection system to help quickly identify bad actors and take action against them.
Improved reporting tools in-game to help our players report bots and our support staff act more quickly on reports.
Blocked IP from regions where we do not have publishing rights that have shown large amounts of bot activity.
Blocked VPNs to stop bad actors from working around IP bans.

While each of these tactics has shown some measure of success in removing bots from the game, our work is far from over. We can’t share all the details, because we don’t want to help bot users more easily adapt to our tactics, but we’re working closely with Easy Anti Cheat to improve their support of Lost Ark and with Smilegate RPG to improve the native bot detection system, while tuning events and rewards to prevent or remove paths for bot abuse. We’re also exploring new ways to help combat bots natively at scale.

We’ve heard some questions from the community about tools like Captcha or two-factor authentication. These tools would require sizeable platform and architectural changes to implement in Lost Ark. Real-world account owner identification is another method used in some regions, but the global scale of the Western version of the game and varying laws in the territories where we operate Lost Ark make this a less realistic solution for us. We’re continuing to explore our options for additional tools that are scalable and could make a significant impact.

As we continue our quest to rid Arkesia of bots, we are also conscious of possible pain points some of these measures might cause for our players, and are working to balance this. We appreciate your patience as we continue working to bring the best possible Lost Ark experience to our players.

Byl jsem zmateny a nejisty, jsem sice porad zmateny a nejisty, ale v mnohem vyssi rovine.. [Pratchett]
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1338 Posts

Posted - 03/06/2022 :  10:12:41  Show Profile  Visit elidor's Homepage  Send elidor an ICQ Message Send elidor a Private Message  Reply with Quote

nejdulezitejsi body:
- We are planning to release one new Advanced Class every two months for the rest of 2022.

- We’re also planning on giving every player a free Punika Powerpass this summer, and are fine-tuning the details for another Express Event.
Tady vidim jen lacinou snahu udrzet nejakou herni komunitu, propad je tragickej.

- Vykas Legion Raid pro 1430 resp hard 1460 il

- dalsi obsah proi 1460, novy guardian raid KUNGELANIUM:
Joining Deskaluda, the frost predator Kungelanium will enter the gauntlet of powerful Level 6 Guardians available to challenge in a Guardian Raid. Kungelanium will be available for players to challenge once they reach item level 1460 or higher. Like other Guardian Raids, you can attempt to vanquish alone, with a party, or matchmake with up to three other heroes.

- THRONESPIRE solo pro 1325 a lepsi, z popisku mi to pripomina vez
Thronespire is a new single-player dungeon experience in a twisted dimension with 50 levels. Once you enter a floor, you’ll have a limited amount of time to clear it before moving to the next, or failing and need to re-try. While similar to the Shadowspire and Fatespire solo dungeons, Thronespire has a few key differences. In Thronespire, you’ll battle until overwhelmed, working to defeat as many floors and enemies as possible before you meet your match and succumb to the Demon Legions. Completing the first 25 floors grant first-time clear rewards (you’ll earn all rewards for the floors you conquer). The other 25 floors are focused on prestige and completion times— proving you have the solo skills it takes to conquer anything the Demon Legions throw your way. Players will need to be item level 1325 to participate.

- nejake zmeny vzhledu, pro nekoho asi dulezite

- v cervenci prijde nova classa: Arcanist
v definici mi neprijde moc zaavna, ale uvidime
The Arcanist imbues special cards with her Magick and uses them to for a variety of effects. From slicing up enemies with a deluge of thrown cards to summoning powerful Magick attacks or team effects from the cards themselves, the Arcanist has a trick up her sleeve for every situation. Despite being armed with a variety of skills, the Arcanist will sometimes leave things to the fate of the cards with her specialty skill “Card Deck”. When the player lands an attack, it charges the Card Meter. Once the meter is completely charged, a card with random stats registers on the Card Deck, which can be pulled out and used to varying degrees of devastating effect. The Arcanist will join the Bard and Sorceress as the third available Mage Advanced Class.

hlavne o titulech, achivech a odmenach treba na stronhold (sochy)
tohle ma smysl imho tehdy, kdy je stabilni komunita, coz nyni neni a jeste se do toho vetrou letni prazdniny a dovolene, tady vidim velky spatny co do efektivity, ale svoje lidi (nizky procento) si to asi najde.

- challenge abysal
Similar to how the recently released Challenge Guardian Raids applies Scale of Harmony to equalize your power against your foe, Challenge Abyssal Dungeons will use this treatment in a new weekly activity. With greater challenge also comes greater rewards. Various honing material selection pouches— like Challenge Guardians, you can pick the offering closest to your item level— will rotate through the rewards, and cards aplenty are available as drops or in the end-of-dungeon loot auction. You can play through each Abyssal Dungeon once (per roster) each week.

- boti opet zadny problem ...

Byl jsem zmateny a nejisty, jsem sice porad zmateny a nejisty, ale v mnohem vyssi rovine.. [Pratchett]
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1338 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2022 :  21:46:26  Show Profile  Visit elidor's Homepage  Send elidor an ICQ Message Send elidor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
objevil jsem studnci pokladu



Byl jsem zmateny a nejisty, jsem sice porad zmateny a nejisty, ale v mnohem vyssi rovine.. [Pratchett]
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