
925 Posts |
Posted - 22/11/2005 : 07:46:04
Subject : Missing In Action - AAR Unit : 1st Lokian Platoon, IHC Designation : Worm 7 Decoding of the alliance data disc took 29 hours but Imperial technology once again showed its superiority.
However, the location of alliance detention facility wasnt accurate, and all units were ordered to conclude large scale recon at surrounding area. Worm 1, 2 and 3 were designated as back-up, Worm 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 as a recon teams. Two hours after recon start Worm 7 received a transmission from HQ the base is located and small gunfire between Worm 3 and guards already began. After arrival on scene Worm 7 immediately attacked already hardly hit alliance guards, supporting other Worm units in attempt to break in. Battle took 45 minutes, enemy strenght were not predicted but their resistance were fierce. Well, someone cant believe how vital is a support by a squad of AT-STs for the result of the battle. All Worm units entered the complex, leaving fresh reinforcements outside to secure the perimeter. How could alliance build and hide such a huge complex on Tatooine ? This question will remain not answered, most probably. During the rescue operation Imperial troopers found 58 loyal Imperial citizens held in conquered facility as well as 7 missing Stormtroopers from local Bestine garrison, all in bad condition but alive. How surprising that one of rescued citizen is MSGT Mortifer Metus, officer of 1st Lokian Platoon, declared MIA month ago. Even if he is in medical bay at this moment as he suffered several wounds during being captive I´m sure he will join the numbers of 1st soon.
Welcome back officer Metus !
Once gain the troopers of 1st Lokian Platoon showed they really deserve their place in "Emperor´s Hands", most elite Legion of Imperial Army.
For the Glory of the Empire !
1SGT Elor Aisa Platoon Commander IFF: 90801/LK102 9th Legion, 8th Century, IHC 1st Lokian Platoon "Emperor´s Hands"
> > Subject : Operation Missing In Action > > Unit : 1st Lokian Platoon, IHC > > > > Yesterday, 2100 of local time, at Bestine cantina an undercover agent of Imperial Secret Service got informations about secret alliance detention facility positioned somewhere in sands on Tatooine. Data disc containing the location of this base is being processed by the agency, results are expected soon. It is expected there are loyal Imperial citizens being held. Imperal rescue teams have been put on red alert. > > > > OPORD: > > 1st Lokian Platoon under the command of 1SGT Aisa is assigned to Bestine Imperial Command and will take part in this rescue operation. Platoon commander will get necessary orders as soon as possible. All stand-alone actions are prohibited till full operation orders are given. > > > > 1st Platoon, you are on red alert ! > > > > And remember, we won´t leave anyone behind ! > > > > COL Lopata Mozol > > Secretary of Prefect Talmot > > Commander of Bestine Garrison > > 7th Century, 3rd Legion "Ivy"
1st Lokian Platoon, IHC |