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Mr. Orange

2433 Posts

Posted - 07/01/2011 :  17:41:42  Show Profile  Visit Isac's Homepage  Send Isac an ICQ Message Send Isac a Private Message  Reply with Quote
nevím, tak třeba lidi co se hackama portují po Agonu dva roky od releasu ?
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1212 Posts

Posted - 07/01/2011 :  18:03:44  Show Profile  Send Mandorallen an ICQ Message Send Mandorallen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ti me moc ntrapi abych pravdu rek :). Jako svinstvo to je, ale tohle mi prijde jako dobry svinstvo. Zacinam kolikrat pochybovat o tech top pvp hracich fakt... Si kolikrat rikam, jestli neco podobnyho dela drtiva vetsina, coz podle te diskuze to tak vypada, tak se pak ani nedivim ze nektery lidi vubec nedavas.

DF - Gorf Ash - Reservoir Dogs
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Mr. Orange

2433 Posts

Posted - 07/01/2011 :  18:14:14  Show Profile  Visit Isac's Homepage  Send Isac an ICQ Message Send Isac a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mandorallen

Ti me moc ntrapi abych pravdu rek :). Jako svinstvo to je, ale tohle mi prijde jako dobry svinstvo. Zacinam kolikrat pochybovat o tech top pvp hracich fakt... Si kolikrat rikam, jestli neco podobnyho dela drtiva vetsina, coz podle te diskuze to tak vypada, tak se pak ani nedivim ze nektery lidi vubec nedavas.

stále věřím tomu, že to většina lidí nepoužívá, na cheaty se většinou odvolávají ti co jsou neschopný, na něco to svést musí :]
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M.C warior


1073 Posts

Posted - 07/01/2011 :  21:57:55  Show Profile  Visit M.C warior's Homepage  Send M.C warior an ICQ Message Send M.C warior a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Je to borec. Napsal, že za týden něco napíše :)

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Posted - 07/01/2011 :  23:13:21  Show Profile  Send Mandorallen an ICQ Message Send Mandorallen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tohle je IMO lepsi joke http://forums.darkfallonline.com/showthread.php?t=274435

Sun allied Vogue, priceless :D. Co chcete delat isacu s tolika lidma a prakticky jen veteran hracema? Zergnout celej agon? Dnes k nam do mesta vlitlo 21 sun + vogue :D. To je mela. Dete siegovat aradoth nebo co? :D

Uz se nemuzu dockat tech frankovejch battlereportu o tom jak par statecnych SUNu a tri lidi z Vogue branili proti mnohonasobne presile spojenych sil agonu a prilehlych ostrovu :D.

SUN making me ROFL since.... ever

DF - Gorf Ash - Reservoir Dogs
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Mr. Orange

2433 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2011 :  02:46:10  Show Profile  Visit Isac's Homepage  Send Isac an ICQ Message Send Isac a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mandorallen

Tohle je IMO lepsi joke http://forums.darkfallonline.com/showthread.php?t=274435

Sun allied Vogue, priceless :D. Co chcete delat isacu s tolika lidma a prakticky jen veteran hracema? Zergnout celej agon? Dnes k nam do mesta vlitlo 21 sun + vogue :D. To je mela. Dete siegovat aradoth nebo co? :D

Uz se nemuzu dockat tech frankovejch battlereportu o tom jak par statecnych SUNu a tri lidi z Vogue branili proti mnohonasobne presile spojenych sil agonu a prilehlych ostrovu :D.

SUN making me ROFL since.... ever

if you got an issue get a tissue

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1212 Posts

Posted - 10/01/2011 :  16:54:22  Show Profile  Send Mandorallen an ICQ Message Send Mandorallen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hele boiiani, zije vubec nekdo v tom vasem kholeshi? Jak hnup se tam vlacim pres pul mapy abych vas trosku pogriefoval a v prime time sem tam potkal jen jednoho orca ze samurai pizza cats kteryho sem sejmul prohledal zbytek mesta a nikde nikdo.

Wicked ted ocividne zijou v chaoz meste pod nasim uzemim. Hraje to od Vas jeste vubec nekdo, nebo je Kholesh jen dalsi ghost city? Ja jen abych si priste usetril cas.

DF - Gorf Ash - Reservoir Dogs

Edited by - Mandorallen on 10/01/2011 16:55:18
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1212 Posts

Posted - 11/01/2011 :  16:36:48  Show Profile  Send Mandorallen an ICQ Message Send Mandorallen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Frank sinatra[SUN]

You dont have to keeping on making your idiot posts.

Zagendas bait and provocations have payed off and you will get what you want.
Huhuuuu. So it beggins? No nic jdu rychle sehnat upgrady na pc, sepsat prihlasku do zagendy, preinstalovat OS,. No mam co delat abych to vsechno stihnul. :D

Edit: PS: shanim pc ktery mi bude schopny rychle nacist tech 80 SUNlingu.

DF - Gorf Ash - Reservoir Dogs

Edited by - Mandorallen on 11/01/2011 16:37:34
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Mr. Orange

2433 Posts

Posted - 11/01/2011 :  16:54:32  Show Profile  Visit Isac's Homepage  Send Isac an ICQ Message Send Isac a Private Message  Reply with Quote
už jsem objednal

INTEL Core i7-2600K
Noctua NH-U9B SE2
Corsair 2x4GB DDR3 1600MHz CL9 (CMX8GX3M2A1600C9)

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168 Posts

Posted - 11/01/2011 :  18:11:56  Show Profile  Send GORTHAUR an ICQ Message Send GORTHAUR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Pocitam ze z Alzy..

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Mr. Orange

2433 Posts

Posted - 11/01/2011 :  18:50:54  Show Profile  Visit Isac's Homepage  Send Isac an ICQ Message Send Isac a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by GORTHAUR

Pocitam ze z Alzy..

bohužel po celý Praze, v naší banánový republice se totiž x dní po releasu Sandy Bridge nedá sehnat skoro nic (desky, paměti, procesor), všechno vykoupený nebo ještě ani nedovezený, to bych blil ...

Edited by - Isac on 11/01/2011 18:59:40
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Posted - 11/01/2011 :  22:28:15  Show Profile  Visit Stirius's Homepage Send Stirius a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Cena total?

Boiians leader
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Mr. Orange

2433 Posts

Posted - 11/01/2011 :  22:56:12  Show Profile  Visit Isac's Homepage  Send Isac an ICQ Message Send Isac a Private Message  Reply with Quote

ale zatím mám doma jen paměti a chladič ;] uvidíme na jakej krám první dovezou ten procák, podle toho se to ještě může mírně změnit ...

Edited by - Isac on 11/01/2011 23:02:52
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Posted - 11/01/2011 :  23:30:12  Show Profile  Visit Stirius's Homepage Send Stirius a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hele, na jaké úrovni je ta integrovaná grafika, s čím by se to dalo srovnat?

Boiians leader
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Mr. Orange

2433 Posts

Posted - 11/01/2011 :  23:51:50  Show Profile  Visit Isac's Homepage  Send Isac an ICQ Message Send Isac a Private Message  Reply with Quote
to netušim, kupuju desku co nemá ty grafický výstupy, takže jsem se o to ani nezajímal ...
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M.C warior


1073 Posts

Posted - 21/01/2011 :  20:35:19  Show Profile  Visit M.C warior's Homepage  Send M.C warior an ICQ Message Send M.C warior a Private Message  Reply with Quote


And have at it!

The sprint meeting has been pushed back and will happen after next week’s patch. In this patch there are significant changes to the meditation system as far as progression speed goes and cost. New skills will be available for meditation. There will also be a significant increase to overall skill gains in this patch, including for crafting skills. Following shortly after this patch there are plans to give players free meditation points, and to also add stat gain to meditation.

We are mostly working on the next expansion. The next expansion has two prongs: one involves a complete overhaul and dramatic streamlining of the world and complete redistribution of all its features. The second prong has to do with a competitive component on a completely level playing field for all players. In addition this expansion involves a completely new interface, the new environmental sound system, major changes to the crafting system, armor selection directly affecting your gameplay choices and much more. The workload is insane and we are in crunch mode because our deadline is in early Q2 2011 for this launch. This expansion combines all our Darkfall knowledge and player feedback over the past two years. We will be releasing a lot more specific information as time progresses and we’d like to include a lot of your feedback during this process. We’d like to thank you for the feedback on the armor specialization system, it was extremely helpful.

We are looking into much of your feedback over time: More meaningful player achievements in both PvP and PvE are underway. Improvements in the alignment system. Taking steps to improve the character progression experience, more epic endgame content but also new and intermediate character direction. We’ll be improving our many existing features, redoing some of them and expanding on others. We’ll be streamlining clan cities and making them more meaningful.

We are looking deep into the “grind”: We’ve taken many steps to alleviate slow character progression issues so far, and we are determined to continue adjusting character progression elements, and improving the player experience by taking specific actions like the meditation system, and the soon to come increase of drop rates to books, scrolls and stat potions.

We have been consistently taking extraordinary measures to combat cheating, hacking, the need to macro, and real-money trading. We have banned thousands of accounts to date, and 2000 accounts just this last quarter involved with gold-selling and character trading. We will additionally limit trial account functionality to further safeguard this.

Since beta we have been always fast to fix bugs wherever these pop up. Nevertheless, there are persistent bugs which are very difficult to fix because they affect many systems. We are looking into these bugs and to addressing them in a more efficient and timely manner. Performance is another issue we take very seriously, we’re constantly monitoring all big activities on both servers and how they’re coping with the load. We expect that a major improvement will come with the new user interface and with many other optimizations between now and then.

Next week after the sprint meeting we’ll have more information on our current activities based on the results of the past weeks.

Thank you for reading.


Edited by - M.C warior on 21/01/2011 20:36:05
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M.C warior


1073 Posts

Posted - 21/01/2011 :  20:45:07  Show Profile  Visit M.C warior's Homepage  Send M.C warior an ICQ Message Send M.C warior a Private Message  Reply with Quote
DF2010 this way >> "our deadline is in early Q2 2011"

Myslím že si Tasos řeže větev, je od něj fér že to z něj vypadlo, ale pár lidí určitě odsunutí "DF2010" o 3 měsíce až nekonečno nekousne.


Edited by - M.C warior on 21/01/2011 20:47:46
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Mr. Orange

2433 Posts

Posted - 21/01/2011 :  21:26:18  Show Profile  Visit Isac's Homepage  Send Isac an ICQ Message Send Isac a Private Message  Reply with Quote
jako nejdřív sem se dnes fakt zasmál tomu co napsal Tasos na Twitter


Too much cheating at @foursquare. Game layers also have their drawbacks.

a pak ještě příjde s


Since beta we have been always fast to fix bugs wherever these pop up.

dokáže pobavit

jestli bude DF2010 do konce tohoto roku, tak to budu považovat za obrovský úspěch !
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Posted - 21/01/2011 :  22:36:26  Show Profile  Visit Krajec's Homepage  Send Krajec an ICQ Message Send Krajec a Private Message  Reply with Quote
tojo, vsak par mesicu na fix neni zase tak dlouha doba, isacu :) ... v recku by se i mohlo zdat, ze je to temer okamzite :)

a taky pocitam, ze df2010 nebude driv nez na konci listopadu

Darkfall - Krajec McSlicer [ReD]
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Average Member

2225 Posts

Posted - 22/01/2011 :  14:17:06  Show Profile  Send Eagle an ICQ Message Send Eagle a Private Message  Reply with Quote
nemeli by to pak radsi prejmenovat?

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M.C warior


1073 Posts

Posted - 28/01/2011 :  23:21:45  Show Profile  Visit M.C warior's Homepage  Send M.C warior an ICQ Message Send M.C warior a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Activity Report – January 28th


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Posted - 10/02/2011 :  14:15:56  Show Profile Send Dynty a Private Message  Reply with Quote
ja osobne s tim seknul/zrusil predplatne
je to dobra hra,cca 2roky v provozu (?) z toho jsem hral temer rok,hlavne kvuli dobrym spolubojovnikum v klanu (stale hrajou)

Jako hlavni vytku bych mel (podle me) totalni neschopnost vyvojaru,ktery do hry nepridavaj temer nic,slibovanou “expanzi” posunou klidne o 3/4 roku (hra je 2roky online!)a nasledne vymazou vsechny kriticke komeantare na blogu a nechaji si tam

“Clearly very huge work ; it explains the delays.Thanks.“

ikyz vlastne jen kydaj a posunujou kameny a moby zleva doprava....minule jsem si rikal ze az zas vydaj nejakej takovej blog nebo "activity report" tak s tim seknu a prijdu az to opravdu uvedou do provozu a uvidim ze to za neco stoji...a je to tady

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Mr. Orange

2433 Posts

Posted - 10/02/2011 :  14:46:43  Show Profile  Visit Isac's Homepage  Send Isac an ICQ Message Send Isac a Private Message  Reply with Quote
j, to je ta největší katastrofa, kdyby tam přidávali nějakej content, tak by jim člověk i odpustil ty bugy nebo technický problémy, ale tohle je fakt strašný

je to trošku divný srovnání, ale když sleduju "news" v League of Legends, tak mám pocit, že se něco děje a ta firma s tou hrou něco dělá, to u Darkfall absolutně nemám

takže ikdyž má League of Legends rozmrdaný ty PVP.NET servery sedmkrát do týdne, tak je mi to stále mnohem milejší než ta nečinnost v Darkfallu
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Posted - 10/02/2011 :  19:44:56  Show Profile  Send kajda an ICQ Message Send kajda a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Isac

j, to je ta největší katastrofa, kdyby tam přidávali nějakej content, tak by jim člověk i odpustil ty bugy nebo technický problémy, ale tohle je fakt strašný

je to trošku divný srovnání, ale když sleduju "news" v League of Legends, tak mám pocit, že se něco děje a ta firma s tou hrou něco dělá, to u Darkfall absolutně nemám

takže ikdyž má League of Legends rozmrdaný ty PVP.NET servery sedmkrát do týdne, tak je mi to stále mnohem milejší než ta nečinnost v Darkfallu

Jo to je jedna z věcí co mě udržela 2 roky v eve .... pořád bylo něco nového nebylo to stylem tady máte hru a my na to už serem. To je imho nejdůležitější věc u MMO aby se pořád vyvýjelo aby to nebylo za dva roky úplně stejné jak při startu. ( co se contentu týče )

Infinity – The Quest for Earth - last hope for good game
Darkfall - Suspend
EVE - Suspend
PoTBS - suspend
TR - suspend
AOC - Fury - Suspend
SWG - To uz je hodne dlouho :-)
UO - Bohuzel jenom na emulovanych serverech
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M.C warior


1073 Posts

Posted - 25/02/2011 :  20:58:10  Show Profile  Visit M.C warior's Homepage  Send M.C warior an ICQ Message Send M.C warior a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Activity Report Feb. 25


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Posted - 26/02/2011 :  02:10:22  Show Profile  Visit Shatteren's Homepage Send Shatteren a Private Message  Reply with Quote
For example, a player wearing robe parts and just one piece of heavy armor, will result in the player having all the heavy armor and robe’s blocked skills, and the worse effectiveness of both types. The more parts of the same type a player wears, the better the effectiveness of that type’s gameplay. There is also a lot of thought being put in allowing the player to customize each type of gameplay. You can still do everything in Darkfall, but not simultaneously.


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