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1338 Posts

Posted - 12/10/2012 :  15:41:51  Show Profile  Visit elidor's Homepage  Send elidor an ICQ Message Send elidor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ti kdo hraji ci zacnou hrat Ryzom po wipe budou jiste nemile prekvapeni, ze penez je pomalu a nejde si je vydelat tak snadno jak tomu bylo drive (harvestem a prodejem itemu vendorum) ..

presto tu je moznost jak si vydelat opravdu velmi velmi slusne penize ..
na nizkych lvl to jsou pochopitelne questy.

zde je ukazka jak opravdu velmi snadno a hlavne rychle (cca 15minut) ziskat nemale penize https://www.dropbox.com/s/2d0s6prjftswltn/penize01.jpg
Questy jdou opakovat kazdou hodinu a 15minut

Byl jsem zmateny a nejisty, jsem sice porad zmateny a nejisty, ale v mnohem vyssi rovine.. [Pratchett]

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285 Posts

Posted - 13/10/2012 :  22:30:59  Show Profile  Visit Murdy's Homepage Send Murdy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by elidor

Ti kdo hraji ci zacnou hrat Ryzom po wipe budou jiste nemile prekvapeni, ze penez je pomalu a nejde si je vydelat tak snadno jak tomu bylo drive (harvestem a prodejem itemu vendorum) ..

presto tu je moznost jak si vydelat opravdu velmi velmi slusne penize ..
na nizkych lvl to jsou pochopitelne questy.

zde je ukazka jak opravdu velmi snadno a hlavne rychle (cca 15minut) ziskat nemale penize https://www.dropbox.com/s/2d0s6prjftswltn/penize01.jpg
Questy jdou opakovat kazdou hodinu a 15minut

Paráda, díky moc za tip i zmapování, musím to co nejdřív vyzkoušet :)

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1338 Posts

Posted - 16/10/2012 :  13:10:56  Show Profile  Visit elidor's Homepage  Send elidor an ICQ Message Send elidor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hello, Deles silam, Kamia'ata, Lordoy, oren pyr,

The Ryzom teams (developers, CSRs, Event) wants to thank you for continuing to play Ryzom, as well as for being patient during this merger. We are working full time on getting everything up and running again. Alas, not all of the work we have done is visible to you yet. That is why we have chosen to inform you about what we are working in this post. Enjoy your reading!

DEV news


Being corrected:
Characters have their name in the wrong color
Some tatoos are missing.
By default, all the characters are part of the same league when they connect. To leave this league, you have to create a team then leave it, which resolves the problem.

Corrected in the next patch:
Shortcut CTRL+<num> to change the number of selection action bar.

Empty guild description if it contains accents just after guild creation, don't panic! After your next connection, it will be fine.
Your character is wearing a helmet, but he does not have the item. This is a purely visual artificact due to the merge. If you change your haircut or put on and take off a real helmet, all will be back to normal.


Ryzom 2.0. is now available on the Apple Store.

WebIG : API and Apps

ARCC has been transfered to the new shard and is currently being tested. Game additions which depend on ARCC will return shortly. This concerns the Marauder environment (base, NPC, teleports), access to guildhalls and apartments in all cities, transport systems, advanced jobs, etc.
The Ryzom API, which is less important, will be put back on later.
Achievement: There is an issue that sometimes exploration achiements are not validated. The system checks where you are and unlocks the achievement when your character is saved. Please make sure to keep your character in the right place until you see the "xxx is saved." message in the system info tab.

Karavan and Kami Temples

They will stay deactivated until they are built again by your characters. Nevertheless, NPCs are back so everyone can go through the rites.

Support news

Please check that your client shows 2.0.0 in the upper right side of your game window during the loading. If it is not the case, you do not have the latest version of Ryzom. Here is how to update:
On Windows: once you are disconnected, erase the "unpack" file which is in the gamefile. Start the game again. If Ryzom is still not updating, install it again somewhere else on your harddrive (e.g. c:\Ryzom).
Linux / MacOS: Make sure you have updated the Ryzom client via the update application for your OS.
The default language universe channel is the English one. To choose another, press Shift+W then choose the flag of you community in the upper right side of the window.

Event Team news

Events are restarting slowly. This is due to the fact that most of the Event Team tools are still being converted for use on the new shard. We ask for a bit more patience.

Cities: attribution and assemblées
Assemblies will be organized again as soon as the new gameplay of the cities are lanched (guildhalls, appartments, transport systems) in ARCC. Each community will be assigned to a city around that time. We will announche which city goes to whom.

Temporary Titles
Diplomatic and Fame titles will again be avialable when the title app has been converted.

Elements spawned by the Event Team
Elements spawned by the Event Team (walls around the capitals, Kitins,...) disappear each time we reboot the server. They will be spawned as soon as possible following a reboot.

Event Kitins
Before the 2nd Great Swarm, we said the kitins would not respawn and would be at the same level as the region they are in. Nevertheless, due to the decision to keep players levels, we decided to have high level kitins. In the end, they are stronger and respawn automatically
We will play an event aimed at fighting these as soon as ARCC is up and running. Every character will be able to participate, regardless of level.

The Ryzom Team wishes you a nice stay on Atys! Until next time!

Ryzom Team

Byl jsem zmateny a nejisty, jsem sice porad zmateny a nejisty, ale v mnohem vyssi rovine.. [Pratchett]
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1338 Posts

Posted - 28/11/2012 :  22:43:39  Show Profile  Visit elidor's Homepage  Send elidor an ICQ Message Send elidor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Support news

Multiaccount limitation
We do not tolerate the abusive utilization of many accounts. In order to prevent that abuse, we fixed a limitation on the server: Starting now, only 4 accounts per IP address are allowed to log in at any one time. After that, an error message will be shown and further logins will be denied. Particular cases (big families, public places etc...) will be reviewed individually upon request. Please email to support@ryzom.com.

Of course, any use of third-party software allowing a easier use of numerous account (i.e. multiboxing sofware, hardware macro assist, modifications of game client...) are still strictly forbidden.

DEV news


Working on
A solution is being processed to temporarily fix the keyboard shortcut CTRL+<num>, allowing you to switch action bars.
Fixed at next server reboot
Missing tatoos are back
Some teleporter prices are fixed
Tested for next server patch
Color of avatars should now appear correctly
Avatars should not be part of a league at connection

WebIG : Api and Apps

The translation of the Achievement app to French is currently ongoing. Russian and Spanish versions are also planned.

We have also started the reactivation of various functions of the ARCC. Some are already ingame, such as basic mechanics (creation/modification) of missions, main modules, basic occupation... Some should be available soon, like town gameplay.


Titles such as Noble, Awakened, Taliar and Akenak are now available. To show them, you need to have a national fame of 50 or higher. However, characters that went Reckless must send in a support request to have them back. If you are concerned and have enough national fame, please contact the Animation Team at events@ryzom.com
Diplomatic, fame, events and Goo Observer titles will be back as soon as the appropriate animation tools are reactivated.
Kitin patrols will be back in place once the surface kitin invasion is over.
Prime root digging: There have not been any changes in the weather. Also, the amount of excellent and supreme materials is the same. Only the locations were changed, there may seem less as the number of diggers has obviously increased.

Event Team news

Restarting of Non-Saga events in towns
Non-Saga events have been started by the RP implementation of a new transport system between towns. They will be followed by the restarting of non-Saga events at the town level i.e. assemblies, small official events, players' events, improvisations. These events will be played in the town language, and will often concern only the town community, and can be different from town to town, from community to community.

This year, we will have a special Halloween evening on 31 October 2012. For more info, check the calendar.

Reconquest of New Lands
The event aiming at getting rid of the Kitins of the Second Great Swarm will start right after Halloween. Follow the calendar and the forum for further information!

Players' Events
The Event team is available to players, and is willing to help create non-official events. Do not hesitate to contact the Animation Team at events@ryzom.com in order to obtain advice or technical support!

The Ryzom Team wishes you a happy game experience on Atys!

Ryzom Team

Byl jsem zmateny a nejisty, jsem sice porad zmateny a nejisty, ale v mnohem vyssi rovine.. [Pratchett]
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1338 Posts

Posted - 28/11/2012 :  22:44:04  Show Profile  Visit elidor's Homepage  Send elidor an ICQ Message Send elidor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hello, Deles Silam, Kamia'ata, Lordoy, oren pyr,

First we would like to thank the volunteer translators who responded to our call. Thanks to them, we will be able to have better and more complete Spanish and Russian translations.
Now we are still looking for French -> English and French -> German translators. If you are interested in helping out, please do not hesitate to send an e-mail to tamarea@ryzom.com.

Developer News

Server Patch

A server patch is scheduled for November 27th, 2012. The server will be down from 08:00 GMT to 09:00 GMT in order to implement the following additions and fixes:

New gameplay in secondary cities:
Adding guild halls and NPC caretakers.
Adding apartments and NPC caretakers.
Transfer of guild halls and apartments already owned in a capital city, to a town of your choice in the same nation.
All raw materials and item vendors will now sell up to q200.

New gameplay in capitals:
All raw materials and item vendors will now sell up to q290.

Adding bricks to make outpost tools superior to q50.

Fixed outpost drills.

Fixed league bug.

Fixed missions bugs: NPCs will no longer take any of your equipped items.

Fixed incorrect color of character names.

Upcoming additions

The next additions the devs will work on, in order:

Marauder gameplay;
Fame titles and events;
RP Tags;
Apartment items.

Fixed Bugs

All tattoos are back.
Fixed the prices of some teleporter packs.

Event Team news


Here is the list of winners of the Anlor Winn pumpkin hunt: Klayton, Brainmage, Cyrillis, Alassea, Tendrili, Ninofer, Joabu, Myeomye, Katla, Virila, Feylin, Trixibell, Jagweya, Sharleen, Amalia, Bailei, Elhora, Magisty, Aylina, Ayara, Ciliana, Bonny, Tritonium, Paige, Selkie, Pemalin, Muffin, Shayma, Valandrine, Razaya, Evanok, Awendelle, Xania, Lunamoon, Altamira, Ralolojor, Milandora, Stiara, Krill, Irfidel, Kelda, Studdmuffin, Kaehla, Ramunra.
Each winner will receive a title valid for one year and a prize of their choice (a pumpkin for their apartment or a teddy yubo). Titles and prizes will be given out by the events team as soon as the necessary tools are operational again.

Reconquest of the New Lands

The reconquest of the New Lands seems to be progressing well, but beware! The kitins have not given up... Follow the schedule and forums for more information.

The Ryzom Team wishes you a good game on Atys and hope to see you soon!

The Ryzom Team

Byl jsem zmateny a nejisty, jsem sice porad zmateny a nejisty, ale v mnohem vyssi rovine.. [Pratchett]
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1338 Posts

Posted - 28/11/2012 :  22:47:37  Show Profile  Visit elidor's Homepage  Send elidor an ICQ Message Send elidor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
prekvapive v neews chybi informace o zmene guldhousu a housu ..
ale na foru to lze dohledat

Dear players,

We would like to give you some further information about the latest patch.

If your client crashes after patching

If your client crashes after patching (A failed assertion occurs): Try to update your DirectX: http://goo.gl/7K9cY, or use OpenGL using the Ryzom Configuration utility.

Town Gameplay (Guild Halls and apartments)

The patch added new guild halls and apartments in towns. It is still possible to buy new ones in the capitals, and the players who have already bought a guild hall or an apartment won't have to buy new ones or empty their old ones.

Buying a new guild hall or apartment in the capitals
The system stays the same: Guild halls and apartments are sold by the usual NPC, at the usual price.
Access stays the same, using the elevators.

Buying a new guild hall or apartment in other towns
A NPC selling apartments and another selling guild halls have appeared in each town. They offer guild halls and apartments at a reduced price.
New purchase interface: you must target the seller (NPC), right click then select "Hello!" This will start a dialogue that will lead to the purchase after various confirmations.
The rooms can be accessed by using the elevators.

Access to old guild halls and apartments from towns or capitals
In order to allow you to keep your old guild halls and apartments purchased in the capitals before the patch, a new access system has been added.
Access to old buildings is no longer possible by elevators in the capitals.
To access them you must now use one of the terminals (they look like the former Ring terminals) that have been added into every town and capital.

Location of these terminals:
Towns: near the apartment/guild hall building
Pyr: next to the baths
Fairhaven: Windy Head
Zora: South of Win Cho estate
Yrkanis: Yasson ward

These terminals offer 4 choices :
- "Enter apartment": Teleport to old apartment
- "Enter Guild Hall": Teleport to guild hall
- "Activate this Terminal for access to my apartment": "move" the old apartment to the city where the terminal is located. This will make your apartment accessible from this particular terminal only!
- "Activate this Terminal for access to my Guild Hall": "move" the old guild hall to the town where the terminal is located. This will make your guild hall accessible from this particular terminal only! This feature is only available for guild leaders and high officers.
WARNING! It is impossible to activate more than one terminal. Once the activation is done, it is not possible to activate another. Therefore, choose carefully where you want to move your home or guild hall!
It is not possible to use a terminal while it has not been activated for your apartment/guild hall

Leaving old guild halls or apartments
You can exit by clicking on the terminal inside the home close to the elevator. The character is then returned to its starting point.

Town Allocations
Here is the list of towns assigned to each community:
FR : Avalae, Avendale, Thesos, Jen La#239;
DE : Davae, Windermeer, Dyron, Ho#239; Cho
EN : Natae, Crystabell, Pyr, Min Cho

We wish you a good time ingame,

Ryzom Team

ja osobne jsem z toho docela perplex .. misto v pyru je u fontany .. pyr je uz takhle pitomy mesto na prochazeni, u fontany porad chodi bambilion npc, takze kdyz tam najednou bude kempit dvacet meku, tak to bude absolutne nepruchodny .. chjo, asi se odstehuju do jineho mesta, kde zas nejsou mistri na questy co delam .. peklo na zemi .)

Byl jsem zmateny a nejisty, jsem sice porad zmateny a nejisty, ale v mnohem vyssi rovine.. [Pratchett]
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1338 Posts

Posted - 13/06/2022 :  20:32:32  Show Profile  Visit elidor's Homepage  Send elidor an ICQ Message Send elidor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
asi se dá pokračovat zde


Ryzom Forge Meeting, the ingame Meeting about #Ryzom Development, will take place on 2022-06-13, 19:30 UTC on the ingame Forge channel.

-To be released soon: Rywards, Silan Refactoring
-Feedback: Outpost Refactoring, Boss Refactoring

Byl jsem zmateny a nejisty, jsem sice porad zmateny a nejisty, ale v mnohem vyssi rovine.. [Pratchett]
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