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446 Posts

Posted - 03/05/2004 :  21:51:44  Show Profile  Visit Stormer's Homepage  Send Stormer an ICQ Message Send Stormer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
no sice o vyskouseni EQ2 stojim, ale ze bych kvuli tomu kupoval jinou hru jeste nehrozi ;P je jedno do ktery faze bety se dostanu.. hlavne abych se tam dostal pred final releasem abych si hru vyskousel a na zaklade toho se rozhodl koupit/nekoupit.. o nic jinyho nejde ;)

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Average Member

1947 Posts

Posted - 04/05/2004 :  07:59:47  Show Profile  Send Khaot an ICQ Message Send Khaot a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Aramir

Due to the popularity of EverQuest and anticipation to be one of the first to experience and test EverQuest II, our Beta Application server is currently at full capacity. We are still accepting applications so we ask that you please try again later.

Jo, ale pokud mas ten kod, tak te to tam pusti i ted. Aspon radne dokoncit registraci do bety.
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ex sejra

1083 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2004 :  21:30:37  Show Profile Send Aramir a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ano. Mě to ale předtím neposlalo kód ale vyprdlo na mě tenhle text. Dnes jsem se úspěšně zaregistroval.
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Starting Member

5 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2004 :  16:14:16  Show Profile Send Zavyslak a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jen dotaz jestli se da hrat EQ2, WoW nebo neco takovyho i se znalostma anglictiny od no po yes:(
Pokud to bude hrat dost lidi od nas a tak snad aspon v nakej cz guilde.

Pak jeste jaky pripojeni je minimum pro tydle hry - ping a Kbps
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4191 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2004 :  16:52:38  Show Profile Send VT a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Zavyslak

Jen dotaz jestli se da hrat EQ2, WoW nebo neco takovyho i se znalostma anglictiny od no po yes:(

Ne. Pokud znas jen yes/no, nedokazes se ani do hry lognout, natoz vyplnit udaje o kreditni karte.


Pak jeste jaky pripojeni je minimum pro tydle hry - ping a Kbps

Mrkni na oficialni stranky. Obecne 300ms - 800ms; 33kbps-56kpbs dial-up.
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2210 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2004 :  17:03:43  Show Profile  Send Khostri an ICQ Message Send Khostri a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Zavyslak

Jen dotaz jestli se da hrat EQ2, WoW nebo neco takovyho i se znalostma anglictiny od no po yes:(
Pokud to bude hrat dost lidi od nas a tak snad aspon v nakej cz guilde.

Pak jeste jaky pripojeni je minimum pro tydle hry - ping a Kbps

Když budeš hrát s někým, kdo anglicky umí trvale - tzn např. dva kamarádi na koleji, atp. a budete se logovat 99 procent času společně, tak to vcelku jde. Akorát ty údaje o kreditce za tebe musí vyplnit on. A pak je tu a tam problém, pkud jsi ve skupině s cizinci a oni na tebe v boji řvou nějakej příkaz a ty nevíš co :)

Jinak ping jak psal Velda - u těhle her, i když ping 800 už poznáš, tak to není až taková tragédie, jako například u Q3

PC, PS3, iPad
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Starting Member

5 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2004 :  17:34:32  Show Profile Send Zavyslak a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dikec za info, naky zakladni z ang. zmaknu, ale sem myslel jako dyby na me baflo GM a s necim prudil:)

Zatim sem hral UO a ta se mi zda pri 300 nehratelna, natoz 800.
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2156 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2004 :  17:39:37  Show Profile Send Gabriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Zavyslak

Dikec za info, naky zakladni z ang. zmaknu, ale sem myslel jako dyby na me baflo GM a s necim prudil:)

Zatim sem hral UO a ta se mi zda pri 300 nehratelna, natoz 800.

:) No já hraju MMORPG od 2000 a zatím se mi nikde nestalo, že by na mě baflo GMko. Nehrál jsem tedy nikdy UO, možná to je folklór jen této hry.

Vlastně jednou v FF XI, když jsem reportnul nějakou hovadinu se svým charem a reportnul jsem to nechtíc jako sexual harrasment.

Edited by - Gabriel on 06/05/2004 17:42:59
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336 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2004 :  17:41:20  Show Profile  Visit Temper's Homepage  Send Temper an ICQ Message Send Temper a Private Message  Reply with Quote
...mimochodem není problém se těch pár desítek základních slovíček herní terminologie naučit, sice si moc nepokecáš ale k hraní to postačí a informace o kreditce vyplníš se slovníkem v ruce taky
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5 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2004 :  17:59:37  Show Profile Send Zavyslak a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Gabriel

:) No já hraju MMORPG od 2000...

To bude tim, ze sem hral jen UO v betatestu... Ale novy hry sou podle me na bugy dost bohaty, takze se muze stat ze nakej (ne)umyslne pouzijes. Ale teda nevim jestli to jak, kdy a proc GM zjistujou z logu, nebo des na vyslech jako v cz UO shardech:)

A dys sme u tech jazyku, dela se naka onlajnovka ve vice jazykach, jako kdys si koupim CZ verzi vidim vsechny popisy cesky.
Taky sem myslim nekde videl, ze maj bejt naky jakztaz prekladace, ze pude hrat treba i s japoncikama a tak.

Tusi nekdo kolik cechu hraje EQ nebo DaoC?

Edited by - Zavyslak on 06/05/2004 19:11:18
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446 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2004 :  21:01:54  Show Profile  Visit Stormer's Homepage  Send Stormer an ICQ Message Send Stormer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Zavyslak
To bude tim, ze sem hral jen UO v betatestu... Ale novy hry sou podle me na bugy dost bohaty, takze se muze stat ze nakej (ne)umyslne pouzijes. Ale teda nevim jestli to jak, kdy a proc GM zjistujou z logu, nebo des na vyslech jako v cz UO shardech:)

no mozna se budes divit ale nejvic na bugy je porad bohata UO i kdyz uz meli 6 let na odladeni.. jak se tam kazdej mesic stridaji programatori tak uz je v tom desnej chaos a kazdej novej update pridava desitky bugu... novy hry moc bugovy nejsou si myslim.. i kdyz v CoH uz sem taky neco nasel

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Starting Member

5 Posts

Posted - 07/05/2004 :  16:43:03  Show Profile Send Zavyslak a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Je to mozny, ale cim slozitejsi hra tim vic moznosti na bugy. Ke kterej novej hre nevysel aspon jeden patch ze jo?
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New Member

446 Posts

Posted - 07/05/2004 :  18:55:19  Show Profile  Visit Stormer's Homepage  Send Stormer an ICQ Message Send Stormer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Zavyslak

Je to mozny, ale cim slozitejsi hra tim vic moznosti na bugy. Ke kterej novej hre nevysel aspon jeden patch ze jo?

patche na hry ale vychazeji odjakziva.. na novy hry ty patche aspon vychazijou.. ale v ultime je tisice znamych bugu a nikdo si z toho nic nedela ;)

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4328 Posts

Posted - 07/05/2004 :  21:04:57  Show Profile  Visit Rodier's Homepage  Send Rodier an ICQ Message Send Rodier a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Zavyslaku - to, ze se objevi GM a neco po tobe bude chtit - to je folklor UO.
Ver mi, ze u placenejch her mas sanci ze se u tebe objevi GM jedine, pokud mu sam napises ze mas snecim problem :o)jinak ne. To se fakt neda s UO srovnavat.. u placenejch her ani nevis kdo GM dela.. nevis nic.. nevidis do teamu.. neni to jako UO kde kecas s lidma z teamu na forech..

Jinak ja se vcera taky regnul do bety..tak uvidim :o))) snad prihlednou k tomu ze platim SWG ;-)) a nebudu muset kupovat EQ1 ;]

btw > nepise se Zavislak ?

First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave!
Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
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Starting Member

5 Posts

Posted - 08/05/2004 :  02:11:23  Show Profile Send Zavyslak a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Rodier
btw > nepise se Zavislak ?

Asi jo pac me to pisou na fsech forech.
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2069 Posts

Posted - 14/05/2004 :  10:03:39  Show Profile Send Atronach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Prislo uz Vam nekomu potvrzeni o prijeti do Bety?

WOW: Kasicka, Druid, [Ceska Legie]. Moonglade
TESO: Kasicka, Templar, [Ceska Legie, MdK], EU
Rift: Kasicka, Cleric, [Ceska legie], Gelidra
EQ2: Kasicka, Inquizitor, [Ceska legie], Splitpaw
AoC: Casea, Necro, [Legie], Dagon
Lotro: Casea, Minstrel, [Myth], Snow
Vanguard [R.I.P.]: Attronach, High Elf Psionist, [MdK]

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<Mor do Kuli>

1443 Posts

Posted - 14/05/2004 :  10:11:39  Show Profile  Visit Tibor's Homepage  Send Tibor an ICQ Message Send Tibor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Beta by měla být až někdy v létě, takže potvrzení o přijetí začnou chodit až těsně před spuštěním bety.
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2069 Posts

Posted - 14/05/2004 :  12:29:09  Show Profile Send Atronach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
\mno, pokud se nepletu je napsano v infu u aplikace na betu, ze ma byt v cervnu. Ale mozna jsem to jen spatne pochopil.

WOW: Kasicka, Druid, [Ceska Legie]. Moonglade
TESO: Kasicka, Templar, [Ceska Legie, MdK], EU
Rift: Kasicka, Cleric, [Ceska legie], Gelidra
EQ2: Kasicka, Inquizitor, [Ceska legie], Splitpaw
AoC: Casea, Necro, [Legie], Dagon
Lotro: Casea, Minstrel, [Myth], Snow
Vanguard [R.I.P.]: Attronach, High Elf Psionist, [MdK]

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4191 Posts

Posted - 14/05/2004 :  12:40:04  Show Profile Send VT a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Atronach

\mno, pokud se nepletu je napsano v infu u aplikace na betu, ze ma byt v cervnu. Ale mozna jsem to jen spatne pochopil.

V cervnu zacina leto ...
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2069 Posts

Posted - 14/05/2004 :  15:17:59  Show Profile Send Atronach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Takze podle vas EQ2 beta nezacne drive nez 21. cervna. Tak diky za info.

WOW: Kasicka, Druid, [Ceska Legie]. Moonglade
TESO: Kasicka, Templar, [Ceska Legie, MdK], EU
Rift: Kasicka, Cleric, [Ceska legie], Gelidra
EQ2: Kasicka, Inquizitor, [Ceska legie], Splitpaw
AoC: Casea, Necro, [Legie], Dagon
Lotro: Casea, Minstrel, [Myth], Snow
Vanguard [R.I.P.]: Attronach, High Elf Psionist, [MdK]

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4328 Posts

Posted - 21/05/2004 :  03:09:43  Show Profile  Visit Rodier's Homepage  Send Rodier an ICQ Message Send Rodier a Private Message  Reply with Quote
naky [novy] pics


to bude narocny jak svin ;]

First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave!
Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
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2069 Posts

Posted - 21/05/2004 :  12:38:45  Show Profile Send Atronach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Uz mam na to objednano nove zelezo: AMD FX-51 s Asus boardem, Mushkin 1GB ram, a az bude tak ti6800 vga. Zatim ale musi stacit starsi model.

WOW: Kasicka, Druid, [Ceska Legie]. Moonglade
TESO: Kasicka, Templar, [Ceska Legie, MdK], EU
Rift: Kasicka, Cleric, [Ceska legie], Gelidra
EQ2: Kasicka, Inquizitor, [Ceska legie], Splitpaw
AoC: Casea, Necro, [Legie], Dagon
Lotro: Casea, Minstrel, [Myth], Snow
Vanguard [R.I.P.]: Attronach, High Elf Psionist, [MdK]

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New Member

446 Posts

Posted - 21/05/2004 :  12:52:19  Show Profile  Visit Stormer's Homepage  Send Stormer an ICQ Message Send Stormer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Atronach

Uz mam na to objednano nove zelezo: AMD FX-51 s Asus boardem, Mushkin 1GB ram, a az bude tak ti6800 vga. Zatim ale musi stacit starsi model.

jenze nez EQ2 vyjde tak to co koupis ted uz bude zastaraly ;)
ale souhlasim, ze je potreba se predvybavit.. co kdyby nas vybrali do bety.. taky sem ted neco upgradoval ;)

ono to treba az moc narocny bejt nemusi.. zalezi na enginu jak ho udelaj.. kazdopadne kdyz to bude delany tak aby to zvladal v soucasny dobe prumernej hardware tak sem zpokojenej

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4328 Posts

Posted - 21/05/2004 :  16:40:18  Show Profile  Visit Rodier's Homepage  Send Rodier an ICQ Message Send Rodier a Private Message  Reply with Quote
verim ze to vyjde tak do 2-3 mesicu.

First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave!
Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
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2156 Posts

Posted - 21/05/2004 :  16:55:25  Show Profile Send Gabriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
EQ vyjde tak v listopadu.
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446 Posts

Posted - 21/05/2004 :  18:42:08  Show Profile  Visit Stormer's Homepage  Send Stormer an ICQ Message Send Stormer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Gabriel

EQ vyjde tak v listopadu.

no tusim ze rikaji v rijnu zatim.. ale stejne se to 10x odlozi a vyjde to pristi rok az ;)

jinak novej Everquest 2 trailer je tady:


Edited by - Stormer on 21/05/2004 18:43:13
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4328 Posts

Posted - 22/05/2004 :  00:04:54  Show Profile  Visit Rodier's Homepage  Send Rodier an ICQ Message Send Rodier a Private Message  Reply with Quote
no, jestli nejsou blby, tak to vydaj pred WoW - aby jim ukradli co nejvic lidi...... nebo to naopak vydaj tak 2-3 mesice po WoW kdy uz nekteri odpadnou pac se jim WOW libit nebude.

First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave!
Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
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4328 Posts

Posted - 22/05/2004 :  00:08:38  Show Profile  Visit Rodier's Homepage  Send Rodier an ICQ Message Send Rodier a Private Message  Reply with Quote
dle mmorpg.com :

Upcoming MMORPG Releases

The Saga of Ryzom (06/15/04)
Face of Mankind (06/30/04)
Warhammer Online (07/01/04)
The Matrix Online (07/01/04)
World of Warcraft (08/30/04)
Ultima X: Odyssey (09/14/04)
Pirates of the Burning Sea (10/01/04)
Dragon Empires (10/01/04)
Everquest 2 (10/01/04)
Guild Wars (10/01/04)

No, WoW prej odlozili na listopad nebo co ? ale to na mmorpg.com nikde neni..ale ten EQ2 se urcite pohne. Jen vul byl vydaval ve stejny den/mesic ackovej titul kdyz uz ma vyjit jinej (DE a GW) no na ten matrix online sem taky zvedavej.. i kdyz treba u FOMK nikdo datum nevi a je to jen smyslene.. vite nekdo neco o tech warhmerech ? ..premejslim porad o tom stahnout a zkusit ten ryzom........ je to pocitva mmorpg nebo spis placacka ? jde do toho nekdo ?

First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave!
Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
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New Member

165 Posts

Posted - 22/05/2004 :  01:59:13  Show Profile  Send Kojot an ICQ Message Send Kojot a Private Message  Reply with Quote
o Warhammru od lidi - Nekteri lidi ho odsuzuji uz ted. Nadavaji hlavne na grafiku postav. Prej to je hrozny (me osobne se ta grafika docela libi). Prej ma bejt hra hlavne na PvM a PvP. Krafting tam bude jen zakladni. Prej budes moci delat jen veci ktere se hodi do PvP. Budes moci jezdit na koni nebo lodi. Zatim sem slisel jen jeden nazor cloveka z bety kterej tuhle hru dosti odsoudil. Podle jeho nazoru je to otrasny, a podobna bude i verze ktera vyjde (konkretnejc se k tomu nevyjadril).Na vyber budes mit z ras : Ogres, Halfling, Elves, Humans, Dwarves a pokud sem tomu dobre rozumel tak i nakyho vampira nebo co :).
Sreenshoty - http://www.warhammeronline.com/screenshots.asp?go_page=0

Celkove od toho nikdo neceka zazrak. Mnelo by to bejt dobry, ne vsak uzasny.. Mozna prekvapi, uvidime :-)

Guilds will exist both traditional and non-traditional. The career path you're following will have a guild of its own with items, chests and quests to help you advance. Players can form companies - bands of brothers - to fight against their common enemy. But forced grouping is not a part of Warhammer (just a wise choice).

There is no player housing - this game is "about killing stuff". (get used to that line!)

There is a Fame system that can greatly affect how an NPC in town will react to you. You have choices along your paths and each one changes where you stand on the side of Chaos. Change that ever so slightly and you may find that bartender who was helpful with information will no longer even acknowledge your presence. Your decisions will affect how you can play the game. Also, death will affect your fame. Die too often and no one will offer you a quest - you've become unreliable.

GM-led events should be plentiful. The town we were shown had over 150 buildings (all unique) in it but not all were able to be entered. They are designed in such a manner that doors can be locked or unlocked at will according to the storyline. An NPC that appeared one month may not be there the next. And how an event occurs on a server will be dependent upon how much that server is in the grips of Chaos. Not every player will have the same experience. Server divergence is such a wonderful thing!

Character animations extend beyond running, jumping and sitting. You can expect to swim - there may be a quest where only a halfling is small enough to fit in the sewers - and you will be able to climb. Each race will have its own animation. Oh yes, and you can dance. Although I wouldn't call the Tai Chi the elves do dancing - not much merriment in that!

You can expect the UI to not only be customizable but also to have xml files to design your own.

And finally...don't plan on running off the edge or the world. They've placed the nastiest beasts possible there to hedge you in. You'll just have to wait for an expansion!

As you can see there is a lot to Warhammer Online that we've not even seen the surface of! Hopefully, after 3 years of hiding we'll start to see more and more of this unique and exciting MMO.

EX Ultima online, EX Horizons, EX DAoC,
EX City of Heroes, EX EQ 2, EX WoW, EX Vanguard
Active Age of Conan (Hatatitla)

Edited by - Kojot on 22/05/2004 02:29:54
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2069 Posts

Posted - 22/05/2004 :  13:05:10  Show Profile Send Atronach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Koukal jsem na ten trailer EQ2 co maj na E3.
Celkem dost emotivni ale SILENE kratkej.
Takovahle kdyby byla hra

WOW: Kasicka, Druid, [Ceska Legie]. Moonglade
TESO: Kasicka, Templar, [Ceska Legie, MdK], EU
Rift: Kasicka, Cleric, [Ceska legie], Gelidra
EQ2: Kasicka, Inquizitor, [Ceska legie], Splitpaw
AoC: Casea, Necro, [Legie], Dagon
Lotro: Casea, Minstrel, [Myth], Snow
Vanguard [R.I.P.]: Attronach, High Elf Psionist, [MdK]

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4328 Posts

Posted - 23/05/2004 :  03:01:14  Show Profile  Visit Rodier's Homepage  Send Rodier an ICQ Message Send Rodier a Private Message  Reply with Quote
hmm takze Warhammer online bude takove knight online, ale od amiku ze segy ? ;-)))

First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave!
Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
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New Member

446 Posts

Posted - 23/05/2004 :  11:32:10  Show Profile  Visit Stormer's Homepage  Send Stormer an ICQ Message Send Stormer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Rodier

hmm takze Warhammer online bude takove knight online, ale od amiku ze segy ? ;-)))

ale neni z nove vytvorenyho sveta.. ma svoji dlouhou historii.. a tebe prece na hre zajima jen tohle ;P

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2069 Posts

Posted - 25/05/2004 :  08:43:46  Show Profile Send Atronach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Info od cloveka z E3:

OMFG. Bottom Line, I got to go in the back because I work for Sony, and saw their presentation, plus got to play it a bit. I can not tell you how fast I forgot all about Worlds of Warcraft after spending 5 minutes in this exhibit. Never has a game made my Jaw drop like the first time I saw Vox, or Trak, or walked the world of old EQ, not until today.

Player Graphics:

Nice, Kind of plasticy looking, little too much in the bump mapping area. Character Generator: Think SWG with more options, a lot like CoH but with a few less things to mess with (I mean honestly your character changes based on armour you wear, where in CoH you basically get stuck with how you look through the whole game) Animations rocked. you can tell classes by how people look, monks look like martial artists, Warriors look like warriors, etc etc. Armours and weapon skins look awsome. Enough Said. Simple amazing.

NPC Graphics / Animations / Detail:

This is what is going to make EQ2 different then every other mmo coming out imo, the detail and time spent to get it where it is now is amazing. Walking through one of the 2 major cities, you felt as though you were walking through town, with people talking, one example we were walking through a courtyard, with ducks and geese gathering for hand outs, and a crazy old man they lovelingly named Bird Man, was talking to the birds and shooing away stray cats that would walk by. They said the cities would be ever evolving, and changing as they grow and events would be happening all around you, from the birdman, to salesmen, and the such talking and interacting with each other.

Quests given in audio, you actually converse with the NPC's, its not a "Pick this word because its in brackets" instead the quest is spoken to you in true voice.

We saw a couple of different NPC's from the lizard men of Cazic Thule, to Flying Dragons, and Giant Man Beasts that looked like Devils. The detail is jaw dropping, from the fire dripping out of the Man Beasts mouth, and smoke smouldering (Spelling?) up from it to fire breathing dragon... just wow.


OMFG. You think SWG had good graphics? Lineage 2? CoH? pfft you aint seen nuttin yet. Cazic Thule looks like a lost temple, from foilage, and large oblisque's with monsters praying for CT's return, to walking down corridoors and having the room around you shake and crumble about from the giant creatures walking above you.

Instancing is different in this game then ldon. Basically like East Commons, the zone itself is not instanced, where you get your quests, and interact with creatures, but where you go to fight harder mobs as a group, or explore the off zones of EC are instanced. Same kinda concept really as LDoN but more of a instanced dungeon quests or raid instead of just doing adventures for points.

Things that scare me, yet at the same time make me happy:

Max Group Size is 24 people. Some content you can not attack with more then a group designated by the design team. if a mob is only meant to be attacked by 12 people, then you only can attack it with 12 or less.

Max Raid size seems to be 24 right now also. Dragons are more of a 5 person encounter now instead of like they were in EQ, the Head Designer said he was trying to create a game where hunting becomes fun, not just a chore like EQ, and where you are not LFG for hours on end, or waiting for raids to start because you need 72 people to accomplish anything like in PoP. They are really trying to correct a lot of what was wrong with EQ, and give the players what they wanted from the beginning.

A jaw dropping experience of immersion, and fun where you and friends can enjoy your time instead of feeling like a treadmill. In the hour I spent in this booth I walked away with literally no interest in any other game at E3, and I was ready to go home. Nothing I saw really compared, and this really has made me go from a WoW hopeful to someone going WoW what? I couldnt even look at WoW after seeing this booth it just looked plain and boring. I know you might think im biased because of who I work for, but trust me when I say, if you get a chance to see this game, stop what you are doing and give it a honest look you will be very supprised about what you see.

Anyways, E3 over all was ok this year, nothing really besides the PSP that blew my mind like EQ2, and nothing that really kept me interested. If you are curious about certain games ill try to answer what I saw, but ill tell you right now I didnt even spend a second trying to get into the HL2 area the line was too long for a game that really has no interest for me.

WOW: Kasicka, Druid, [Ceska Legie]. Moonglade
TESO: Kasicka, Templar, [Ceska Legie, MdK], EU
Rift: Kasicka, Cleric, [Ceska legie], Gelidra
EQ2: Kasicka, Inquizitor, [Ceska legie], Splitpaw
AoC: Casea, Necro, [Legie], Dagon
Lotro: Casea, Minstrel, [Myth], Snow
Vanguard [R.I.P.]: Attronach, High Elf Psionist, [MdK]

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rumový kanál


2749 Posts

Posted - 25/05/2004 :  10:45:08  Show Profile Send Octopuss a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Chtel jsem stahnout ten trailer ale 12kB/s me krapet odradilo... Nemate to nekdo s rychlou linkou stahly ? Ze bych od vas sosnul :)
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<Mor do Kuli>

1443 Posts

Posted - 25/05/2004 :  11:41:20  Show Profile  Visit Tibor's Homepage  Send Tibor an ICQ Message Send Tibor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Trailer vypadá moc pěkně, vidina upgrade kompu už tolik ne.
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446 Posts

Posted - 25/05/2004 :  14:37:20  Show Profile  Visit Stormer's Homepage  Send Stormer an ICQ Message Send Stormer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Tibor

Trailer vypadá moc pěkně, vidina upgrade kompu už tolik ne.

no podle tohodle traileru posledniho se to rict neda.. protoze se jedna o vyrenderovany intro EQ2.. ale myslim ze uz dost napovedely obrazky jakej hardware bude potreba ;)


Edited by - Stormer on 25/05/2004 14:38:08
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2156 Posts

Posted - 25/05/2004 :  15:09:15  Show Profile Send Gabriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Zase na druhou stranu - obecně - zveřejnění intra předvídá poměrně brzký nástup na trh.
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2069 Posts

Posted - 25/05/2004 :  17:35:32  Show Profile Send Atronach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Na ruznych webech jsou filmy i primo ze hry, staci hledat. Priznam se, ze to vypada (i z tech ne moc kvalitnich filmu) naprosto uzasne.

Uzasny je film z jednoho dungu kde bojuji s 2 obludama (nejbliz to ma k Balrogu z Pana prstenu).

Dobra je taky vyprava na draka, i kdyz velmi kratka. Drak je nejdriv odfoukne a kdyz se pozbiraji posle na ne zrejme nejaky ledovy dech a je vymalovano

WOW: Kasicka, Druid, [Ceska Legie]. Moonglade
TESO: Kasicka, Templar, [Ceska Legie, MdK], EU
Rift: Kasicka, Cleric, [Ceska legie], Gelidra
EQ2: Kasicka, Inquizitor, [Ceska legie], Splitpaw
AoC: Casea, Necro, [Legie], Dagon
Lotro: Casea, Minstrel, [Myth], Snow
Vanguard [R.I.P.]: Attronach, High Elf Psionist, [MdK]

Edited by - Atronach on 25/05/2004 17:42:24
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446 Posts

Posted - 25/05/2004 :  18:51:19  Show Profile  Visit Stormer's Homepage  Send Stormer an ICQ Message Send Stormer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Atronach

Dobra je taky vyprava na draka, i kdyz velmi kratka. Drak je nejdriv odfoukne a kdyz se pozbiraji posle na ne zrejme nejaky ledovy dech a je vymalovano

tak presne na tyhle situace se moc netesim ;P ale uz to chci moc moc hrat.. aspon betu ;P ma zacit v cervnu tak sem fakt zvedavej.. jenze se prihlasilo aspon milion lidi takze asi smula ;P

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165 Posts

Posted - 25/05/2004 :  19:26:40  Show Profile  Send Kojot an ICQ Message Send Kojot a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ja se prihlasil do souteze o 10 beta accountu, takze uz cekam na vysledek :)))

EX Ultima online, EX Horizons, EX DAoC,
EX City of Heroes, EX EQ 2, EX WoW, EX Vanguard
Active Age of Conan (Hatatitla)
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777 Posts

Posted - 26/05/2004 :  02:40:36  Show Profile Send Milan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Atronach

Na ruznych webech jsou filmy i primo ze hry, staci hledat. Priznam se, ze to vypada (i z tech ne moc kvalitnich filmu) naprosto uzasne.

Mohl by jsi poslat nejaky odkaz na ty videa?Dik
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4328 Posts

Posted - 26/05/2004 :  03:54:04  Show Profile  Visit Rodier's Homepage  Send Rodier an ICQ Message Send Rodier a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Kojot > ty ses z Amikova ? ;]

ad eq2 co sem videl obrazky tak mi nektere potvory prisli dost nedetailni a rozmazle..treba kostlivci.. jinak tamten anglickej zvast to je teda neco..jedna velka reklamni srajda ;] grafika nedela hru, hru dela neco uplne jinyho.. ad to klidne vypada jako daoc nebo eq1, ale ad je to fajnove. aspon se to bude hejbat. chci videt komu se tohle bude hejbat v raidech 24 lidi v grupe ;]

First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave!
Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
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2069 Posts

Posted - 26/05/2004 :  07:10:11  Show Profile Send Atronach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mohl by jsi poslat nejaky odkaz na ty videa?Dik
Zkus si spustit google a dat vyhledat "everquest II"

WOW: Kasicka, Druid, [Ceska Legie]. Moonglade
TESO: Kasicka, Templar, [Ceska Legie, MdK], EU
Rift: Kasicka, Cleric, [Ceska legie], Gelidra
EQ2: Kasicka, Inquizitor, [Ceska legie], Splitpaw
AoC: Casea, Necro, [Legie], Dagon
Lotro: Casea, Minstrel, [Myth], Snow
Vanguard [R.I.P.]: Attronach, High Elf Psionist, [MdK]

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2069 Posts

Posted - 26/05/2004 :  07:13:00  Show Profile Send Atronach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
grafika nedela hru, hru dela neco uplne jinyho.
Nemuzu tak docela souhlasit. Ultima je skvele promakana hra ale vypada PRISERNE. AC je taky skvela hra ale vypada jen o neco lepe. Ja bohuzel nepatrim k tem lidem, co jim staci pohybujici se kvadry ke spokojenosti a plnemu pozitku ze hry.

Ja potrebuji jak dobre vypadajici tak dobre hratelnou cast hry, aby me to bavilo.

WOW: Kasicka, Druid, [Ceska Legie]. Moonglade
TESO: Kasicka, Templar, [Ceska Legie, MdK], EU
Rift: Kasicka, Cleric, [Ceska legie], Gelidra
EQ2: Kasicka, Inquizitor, [Ceska legie], Splitpaw
AoC: Casea, Necro, [Legie], Dagon
Lotro: Casea, Minstrel, [Myth], Snow
Vanguard [R.I.P.]: Attronach, High Elf Psionist, [MdK]

Edited by - Atronach on 26/05/2004 07:13:26
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446 Posts

Posted - 26/05/2004 :  08:31:34  Show Profile  Visit Stormer's Homepage  Send Stormer an ICQ Message Send Stormer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Atronach

grafika nedela hru, hru dela neco uplne jinyho.
Nemuzu tak docela souhlasit. Ultima je skvele promakana hra ale vypada PRISERNE.

tak tady nemuzu souhlasit ja.. UO je skvela hra a SKVELE vypada.. kdyby to neprasili a neprestalo to kvuli nim plno lidi hrat, tak se ta grafika jeste par let udrzi...

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77 Posts

Posted - 26/05/2004 :  08:57:44  Show Profile Send cress a Private Message  Reply with Quote
mrknete sem

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7950 Posts

Posted - 26/05/2004 :  09:14:42  Show Profile  Send Pertha an ICQ Message Send Pertha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
pochybuju ze to bude o moc narocnejsi nez SWG :) takze snad me daj beta acc :)

Rock is overpowerd, please nerf. Paper is fine.
Yours, Scissors.
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Posted - 26/05/2004 :  09:23:00  Show Profile  Send Kojot an ICQ Message Send Kojot a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Rodier - Noo temer jo :)) Ze Slovenska... Sme hned vedle ni :D

EX Ultima online, EX Horizons, EX DAoC,
EX City of Heroes, EX EQ 2, EX WoW, EX Vanguard
Active Age of Conan (Hatatitla)
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446 Posts

Posted - 26/05/2004 :  14:54:11  Show Profile  Visit Stormer's Homepage  Send Stormer an ICQ Message Send Stormer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kojot

Rodier - Noo temer jo :)) Ze Slovenska... Sme hned vedle ni :D

a kde ses prihlasil o ten beta giveaway? na mmorpg to plati jen pro USA&Canada

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165 Posts

Posted - 26/05/2004 :  15:04:02  Show Profile  Send Kojot an ICQ Message Send Kojot a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ach jo... No nejspis tady nekdo nerozumi srande.

EX Ultima online, EX Horizons, EX DAoC,
EX City of Heroes, EX EQ 2, EX WoW, EX Vanguard
Active Age of Conan (Hatatitla)
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