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Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 07/07/2004 : 09:36:45
The release date and product info for the Chains of Promathia expansion pack are as follows:
Release Date: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 (Simultaneous release for PlayStation(R)2 and Windows)
Product Info: FINAL FANTASY XI: Chains of Promathia PlayStation(R)2 version: $29.99 (USD) Windows version: $29.99 (USD)
Note: This expansion pack contains only the Chains of Promathia expansion data and is intended for users who already own FINAL FANTASY XI. It is not possible to play FINAL FANTASY XI using this product alone.
For those who have not yet purchased FINAL FANTASY XI, we will continue to provide the original game, which includes the bonus Rise of the Zilart expansion pack.
We will also begin service of FINAL FANTASY XI in Europe to coincide with the simultaneous release of Chains of Promathia in Japan and North America.
A z jineho zdroje nasledujici:
FINAL FANTASY XI provides players with a rousing, non-stop 24-hour gameplay environment. As I'm sure you've noticed, you are apt to find the Worlds of FINAL FANTASY XI bustling and active with players, no matter what time you enter the game. This is the result of the FINAL FANTASY XI Global World concept, which has not only melded the PlayStation 2 and Windows PC into a multi-platform environment, but has also successfully bridged continents together while breaking down language barriers between players. Previously, MMORPGs have always had "on" and "off" peak times, which could make finding a fellow adventurer to party or trade with quite difficult. The Global World concept has provided a solution to this issue, and was devised as a means to avoid the depopulation of minor Worlds (servers), which can occur when smaller Worlds are created in different regions around the world. Japanese logins peak at around 11 p.m., with the rest generally occurring 3 hours before or after this time. On the other hand, the North American peak time occurs on a relatively smooth spread of 10 or 12 hours, with Japan's noon as the peak time. The reason for the greater spread in the curve is the 3-hour time difference that exists between North America's two coasts. This results in several peak times for each time zone, with one around 7-8 p.m. JST and another that occurs several hours before Japan's own peak time of 11 p.m. JST.
Z toho bych usuzoval, ze i Evropa pojede na stejnejch serverech - coz by bylo UBER ;)
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
Edited by - brutus on 03/09/2004 15:39:01
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Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 26/08/2004 : 10:43:11
Informace o novych vecech !!!!! |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2004 : 10:32:03
Dost zajimave zmeny ... mirny gimp NIN a mirne posileni PLD a DRG... zvlaste ten gimp UTSUSEMI asi pomuze PLD ;)
- A new storyline will begin with the addition of Chains of Promathia to the mission menu.
- Many new areas related to the Chians of Promathia expansion pack will be opened to players. In a similar fashion to battlefields, level restrictions will be imposed in several of these areas.
- Four entirely new regions, as well as new areas in existing regions, will be added. It will be possible to perform searches within these new regions and areas.
- Many new monsters will appear in the newly added areas. For further details, please read the Chains of Promathia page found in the Compendium.
- New pieces of equipment that manifest special abilities depending on their use will be introduced.
- New escort quests will be added. It will now be possible to cancel escort quests after they have been accepted.
- Skillchain elements and magic burst effects will be added to avatar blood pact abilities. Also, the accuracy and damage of low-level blood pact abilities will be increased.
- It will be possible to check a pet's TP using the command <pettp>
- The MP cost for the white magic spell Dia II will be reduced.
- The MP cost for the black magic spells Bio and Bio II will be reduced. The effect of these spells will now be dependent on the Dark magic skill.
- The skillchain element for the dagger weapon skill Evisceration will be changed.
- The recast time for the paladin job ability Cover will be decreased from 5 minutes to 3 minutes.
- The level required for paladins to learn Raise will be reduced from 75 to 50.
- The area effect of Etude bard songs will become restricted to a single target.
- The casting time for the bard song Goddess's Hymnus will be decreased.
- The dragoon weapon skill Wheeling Thrust will be enhanced.
- Several throwing weapons will become usable by dragoons.
- The effect of the ninjutsu Utsusemi will be completely removed by area attacks.
- The range of parameters adjustable by the Merit Point system partially introduced in the previous version update will be expanded. An exclusive menu for adjusting the settings of this system will be available only when inside one's Mog House.
- Several system-related adjustments will be made to Ballista.
- A new activity called "clamming" will becoming available on the beaches of a certain area.
- Several key items have been added to the list of items available by trading guild points. These key items will make it possible to perform special type of synthesis.
- Players who have reached the craftsman level in a particular synthesis skill will be able to revoke their title, making it possible to raise another skill to this level without penalties.
- It will become possible to log into PlayOnline and go directly to the FINAL FANTASY XI main page by inserting the Chains of Promathia expansion pack disc (PlayStation 2 version), or by double-clicking the FINAL FANTASY XO shortcut (Windows version). Also, a new text command will make it possible to completely log out of FINAL FANTASY XI and PlayOnline, and exit the PlayOnline Viewer. This command will shut off the power (PlayStation 2 version), or return you to the desktop (Windows version).
Many other updates are in the final stages of testing. Further details will be announced along with the introduction of the Chains of Promathiha version update. A preliminary version update is scheduled to take place in the beginning of September, before the release of the Chains of Promathia content.
Dates for Maintenance will be announced as soon as they are decided. The preliminary version update will not contain changes that immediately affect gameplay.
In order to activate the contents of the Chains of Promathia expansion pack, it is necessary to complete the Expanded Services registration process from FINAL FANTASY XI's Content ID page using the registration code that comes with the North American expansion pack or the European All-in-One pack. Registering the expansion pack contents does not incur any additional FINAL FANTASY XI user fees.
This version update is timed to coincide with the official release of the Windows version in European territories, and the commencement of worldwide service for Japan, North America, and Europe.
It is predicted that the eight-hour time zone difference between these three areas, the influx of new players will not substantially affect the maximum number of players online simultaneously in each world.
An unexplored world awaits you in Chains of Promathia. We hope you meet new friends and enjoy the adventure, as you uncover the secret history of Vana'diel.
Best regards,
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
Edited by - brutus on 03/09/2004 15:17:19 |
2210 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2004 : 12:53:35
Mám dotaz na hrající lidi - nevíte od ostatních hráčů, jestli funguje US verze FFXI pro PS2 i z Evropy? Nebo nějakým způsobem kontrolují IPčka nebo něco podobného? Pokud koupím FFXI U verzi, pomocí HDloader nebo nějako podobně jí pustím, tak mi jde o to, jestli to jede nebo ne. Nemohli byste nastražit ve hře uši?  |
PC, PS3, iPad |

2637 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2004 : 12:56:29
Otazka je, jestli to pujde vubec spustit. Pokud mas PAlovou PS2 bez chipu, tak si myslim, ze nespustis NTSC hru ani z HDD (jen domenka). Pokud to ale pustis, tak by to melo jet v pohode, jelikoz se IP nekontroluji ani u PC (hraje se na stejnych serverech). |
Tragedy "Killing is my business... ...and business is good!" |
2210 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2004 : 13:05:19
Dík Už jsem házel dotaz na PS3 webu. Také nevím, jestli přepnutí PAL a NTSC je automatické a pouze se při pouštění kontroluje verce z originál media a nebo jestli je nutné mít čip, který udělá HW úpravu.
Pokud čip, tak je to stejně jedno, jelikož jsem ho prozatím dávat neplánoval. |
PC, PS3, iPad |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2004 : 13:12:40
Za par dni to mas stejne ofiko v EU tak co resis? ;) |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
2210 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2004 : 13:36:05
v EU to bude pouze na PC. Na PS2 evropská verze nebude. |
PC, PS3, iPad |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2004 : 14:00:55
dulezite upozorneni vetsina cechu je na shive :) takze nepodlehejte natlaku urcitych lobby skupin :) |
lastfm |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2004 : 15:05:21
quote: Originally posted by Khostri
v EU to bude pouze na PC. Na PS2 evropská verze nebude.
Fakt? To vis jiste? Protoze na me oblibene strance: maj odpocitavani i pro PS2 verzi... |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
2210 Posts |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2004 : 15:39:58
quote: Originally posted by Khostri
to je teda smutne... by mne zajimalo co je k tomu vedlo - taky UBI ve mne teda duveru nebudi |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |

2637 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2004 : 15:49:40
quote: Originally posted by brutus
quote: Originally posted by Khostri
to je teda smutne... by mne zajimalo co je k tomu vedlo - taky UBI ve mne teda duveru nebudi
Podle me to je jednoduche. Je tu opravdu minimalni publikum, ktere by vlastnilo HDD, network adapter a ma oblibu v online hrach. Jinak UBI ve me budi vic nez duveru. Nebo znas nekoho, kdo momentalne vydava vetsi pocet kvalitnejsich her? (jen pro priklad... Princ of Persia, Splinter Cell, Beyond Good and Evil, Rocky Legends, XIII, Far Cry... atd.) |
Tragedy "Killing is my business... ...and business is good!" |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 03/09/2004 : 16:49:37
quote: Originally posted by Tragedy
Jinak UBI ve me budi vic nez duveru.
Pro mne bude UBI navzdy spojeno s tragickym startem a prvnim pulrokem Shadowbane kterezto tuhle hru zcela zabilo. Nastesti v tomhle pripade budou fungovat jen jako distribucni kanal a to mne muze nechat zcela chladnym ;) |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
Starting Member
12 Posts |
Posted - 14/09/2004 : 22:47:35
Suska se o tom, ze v COP bude nove underground mesto goblinu. |
blm,bst75, whm73,mnk74, pld55 10x 37-42, 3x 19-21 SD,ZM,COP done. zbyva Oyryu v 2.0 a bahamut merits 58 vrtra,fafhog,tiamat,KB,aspi ,sky etc defeated blackbelt 2/3 >.> |
Starting Member
39 Posts |
Posted - 15/09/2004 : 15:38:53
quote: Originally posted by Justik
Suska se o tom, ze v COP bude nove underground mesto goblinu.
jj to mesto tam bude ale o tom se uz vi dlouho justiku :)
tak ci tak mame v nasem prime timu furt nejaky updaty cili nemoznost hrat ceklem blby |
FFXI | THF:75 | retired LoTR | HNT 65 | retired RoM | WAR/SCOUT 60/60 | retired |
Starting Member
88 Posts |
Posted - 22/09/2004 : 08:21:42
Tak Menelwo kde mame ten nas COP? ;) |
New Member

375 Posts |
Posted - 30/10/2004 : 16:41:49
Hmhm, kdyby zvysili ucinost Magic Burstu, aby to nukovani melo vetsi smysl, tak bych treba zase zacal hrat. Skoda ze se postavy mazou, muj Cyphisek uz bude nejspis vcudu.....:[ |
Mechac, The Druid Templar forever Cyphisek - FFXI tired Nouvej - CS too old :op
Starting Member
75 Posts |
Posted - 23/11/2004 : 13:21:33
magic burst vetsi ucinost ? :D BLM na 70 udela 1400-1700DMG MB :) vetsi nema snad ani smysl ;) byl bys porad mrtvej :) |
/salute all GGs DAoC,FFXI,EVE,WOW /poke all BGs E&B,CoH,AoC,ChO,WhO,STO |
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