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2637 Posts |
Posted - 08/07/2005 : 11:26:49
Teh = The |
Tragedy "Killing is my business... ...and business is good!" |
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1466 Posts |
Posted - 12/07/2005 : 12:31:01
quote: Originally posted by Pacient
Jak se hraje palladin ;p
"...and Divine Shield allows a leisurely 12 seconds of quality right-hand time."
Arokh Estarioll |

126 Posts |
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132 Posts |
Posted - 13/07/2005 : 05:08:17
kdo chce mit z WoWka Quaka, at si prida Crosshair.. lol |
Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional. Gamca,@D'Thul<Black Division>, Priest Gamicka,@D'Thul<Black Division>, Mage Gamik,@D'Thul<Black Division>, Warrior
Behemot,@Kelevar,[Chaos] H.o.K. |
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191 Posts |
Posted - 15/07/2005 : 01:42:35
. The Unoffical List of Bugs in 1.6 .... .... ....19. A Druid casting Rejuvination on an ally actually damages instead of healing.
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 15/07/2005 : 14:34:42
Co se take najde na WOW forech ;)
ale radsi se tam nedivejte - dost lidi by to asi nasralo ;) |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 15/07/2005 : 14:42:01
quote: Originally posted by brutus
Co se take najde na WOW forech ;)
ale radsi se tam nedivejte - dost lidi by to asi nasralo ;)
 Good news everyone! |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Senior Member

2747 Posts |
Posted - 15/07/2005 : 14:43:58
hehe .. segra si to chce jit zejtra koupit tak ji to jdu napsat at ma radost :))) |
Zenová povídka: Putuji takhle Severní Koreou a najednou potkám Gurrshaela a Pompa držíce se za ruce řkouce "Ano pane Reydene ... až tady jsme zjistili, že jsme míň než ta krabice u cesty ... vyhrál jsi, Ty jsi víc!". Usmál jsem se a odvětil jim: "Od té doby co nemám žádný cíl, už nebloudím!" |
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1833 Posts |
Posted - 15/07/2005 : 15:10:38
quote: Originally posted by Bearsson
Stih jsem to ;]
E: Varovani ministerstva zdravotnictvi: priznivcum HP muze tento odkaz zpusobit srdecni zastavu a jine zdravotni potize.
a to bez prdele:
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
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3590 Posts |
Posted - 15/07/2005 : 18:24:20
Dneska jsem se fakt zasmál 
Hraju alta (l30 war), a cestou k nedostupnému Iron Deposit se mi podařilo zapadnou do dolíku mezi kopcem, stromem a kořenem, ze kterého se absolutně nedá dostat. Naštěstí jsem měl naagrovaného l24 pavouka, tak si říkám nechám se uplivat jedem k smrti, alespoň nebudu muset dávat HS a dlouze se dopravovat zpátky.
Když mi zbývalo asi 15 hp, tak ke mně najednou skočil l2 ally rogue jménem Prci, a dorazil mě jednou ranou (typický rogue hrdina/borec ). Naprostá bomba sledovat jak se odtamtud chudák zoufale snaží vyskákat, a jak mu pomalu dochází jakou hovadinu udělal 
Dám release, doběhnu zpátky (poslední ránu dal ten rogue, takže žádné poškození výstroje - díky kámo!!). Nebožák pořád vězí v "mojí" díře.
Zasmál jsem se mu, pocvičil jsem si na něm pušku, ustřílel ho na 50 hp, zamával mu a pokračoval  |
Edited by - Marigold on 15/07/2005 18:25:19 |
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191 Posts |
Posted - 17/07/2005 : 02:18:34
Ten konec je nejlepsi !! |
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1989 Posts |
Posted - 17/07/2005 : 09:57:39
and fangtooth.... ....make it on a pvp server.. !!!!!!!!!!
Junior Member
915 Posts |

2637 Posts |
Junior Member
915 Posts |
Posted - 18/07/2005 : 18:36:19
ovsem tohle je este brutalnejsi
priests dont need to eat,my regen is good because my spirit si so high
i like to hurt ppl for long period of time with my pain spell |
i got no time to lose mon, so i prefer having fun in real life ... comprehende ? |
Edited by - SHIMI on 18/07/2005 18:44:56 |
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2118 Posts |

2637 Posts |
Posted - 30/07/2005 : 00:31:09
Tragedy "Killing is my business... ...and business is good!" |
Senior Member

2747 Posts |
Posted - 30/07/2005 : 01:44:30
ranged nuclear attack :))))
Zenová povídka: Putuji takhle Severní Koreou a najednou potkám Gurrshaela a Pompa držíce se za ruce řkouce "Ano pane Reydene ... až tady jsme zjistili, že jsme míň než ta krabice u cesty ... vyhrál jsi, Ty jsi víc!". Usmál jsem se a odvětil jim: "Od té doby co nemám žádný cíl, už nebloudím!" |
Edited by - Reyden on 30/07/2005 01:45:39 |
New Member

448 Posts |
Posted - 31/07/2005 : 09:05:25
  poslední dva comixy si dělaj srandu z palů, nechápu proč není comix o Shamanovi jako o Supermanovy "S"

2165 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2005 : 09:01:13
Jo paladiny jsou fajn ...
Colldor, Allerious, Turrin Bagalmon [UO - DP] (retired) Colldor, Enforcer <CzA> [Anarchy Online] (retired) Kremilek, Troll Warrior <Zdechliny> [WoW] (retired) Colldor, Zealot <Skull> [WHO] (retired) |

2165 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2005 : 09:12:28
NEW LEROY !!!!!!!;/fileinfo.html
ninj0r ftw ! :) |
Colldor, Allerious, Turrin Bagalmon [UO - DP] (retired) Colldor, Enforcer <CzA> [Anarchy Online] (retired) Kremilek, Troll Warrior <Zdechliny> [WoW] (retired) Colldor, Zealot <Skull> [WHO] (retired) |
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1466 Posts |
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448 Posts |
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191 Posts |
Posted - 01/08/2005 : 23:57:53
MUHAHA ... obe fidea rox  ooohhh mmyyy gooood ooohhh mmyyy fuuukkiiinng goood  |
2901 Posts |
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421 Posts |
Posted - 03/08/2005 : 13:40:09
Toto som tu este nevidel 
_How the Shaman was created_
Following situation: The son (S) of the programmer (F) responsible for the horde characters in WoW had discovered that is father was cheating on his mother. The boy told his father that he would tell mother about it, unless the boy would get his own computer and a WoW-Account. But that wasnt all ...
S: If you dont want mama know about about your little affair ... i also want my own Character Class in WoW. F: Ok, errm, well, fine, you get the Shaman. He's able to fight, can carry shields or a two handed weapon, wear leather armor. S: Hmm ... leather? No, i want something better! I want mail armor! F: Hmm Okay, mail armor it is and you can place various Totems aswell. S: Err ... what do these Totems do? F: Well, they can heal or make damage or they make your armor stronger and they'll work for your whole group. S: So, how many do I have? F: 20 diffrent, bur you can only use one at a time. S: Two F: No, One S: Three F: You want to piss me off? I said One. S: Four F: Get OUT!! S: Mom? F: Four is fine ... Cookie? S: Yeah, and I want to do magic! F: But you have already a two handed weapon, four totems and ... S: MOM !?!? F: ... you can do magic, 1.5 second casts S: Instant! F: No, that would be unfair ... S: INSTANT or else ... F: Okay ... no problem, instant. S: So what can the other character classes do? F: The others? Well, fighting, spell casting, healing ... S: I want to heal! F: Good, you can S: Thanks F: Now please leave me working and go watch TV or something ... S: So what can I do if somebody runs away from me? F: Hmm ... yes ... here, frost shock, now he is slower, and now please ... S: How long does the frost shock remain? F: 3 seconds S: And how often can I cast it? F: Every 6 seconds S: And in between? F: You got to give your enemies at least a little chance ... S: Maaaaa.... F: Okay .. it lasts 6 seconds. S: And if I forget to cast? F: Okay, 12 seconds, and now please ... S: And I want to be faster much faster - even if they are not freezed.... F: Here, Ghost Wolf ... you can change yourself into a wolf and you'll be much faster S: Hmm ... F: What? S: What if I want to make several people slower? F: Here ... Earthbind Totem ... and now piss off. S: And what if somebody hits me? F: Well, you just fight back, do magic, or ... S: But I want my enemies to draw damage when they hit me F: Wait, thats idiotic: Your enemy shall receive damage when he damages you AND when you're damaging him?? S: Exactly F: K... Lightning Shield, and now PISS OFF!! S: And what if somebody shoots with a bow at me? F: Then the Shield also works for Bows and now, please please please leave me alone S: And what if somebody casts magic $!@% at me? F: Well, you can fight, do magic yourself, heal .... S: I want something that eliminates the next incoming cast F: ...well ... i've just been working on the Totems anyway ... here you have a Grounding Totem S: And what if he heals himself? F: Well you cant do anything about that ... S: Mmmmmmaaaaaa .... F: Earth Shock, Instant ... anything else? S: And what if he is buffed? I want also Buffs F: Here... Wind Fury, should be enough ... S: But my enemies should not have any buffs .... F: But you can buff, heal, magic, stop magic, two handed weapons .... S: I WANT F: Not in this tone with me! S: MAAAAMAAAA F: Purge ... Purge is Good. Well it was designed for Warlocks but okay ... Purge. S: And if someone is poisoning me? F: You just use the Poison cleaning totem S: No F: Yes S: NO F: ... fine ... you get a spell for it S: And what if I play with party? F: Actually you dont need to play with others ... you can do everything yourself ... S: No, I want to be able to ressurect people from death F: Okay ... you can S: And if I die myself? F: Well somebody else must revive you ... S: No, I want to do that myself aswell F: Err... but you're dead!! S: I WANT !!!! F: Ok ... you can resurrect yourself when you're dead. S: I want something else ... F: Underwater breathing is still available S: Okay, but something is still missing ... F: YOU CAN USE TWO-HANDED WEAPONS, WEAR MAIL ARMOR, CARRY SHIELDS, CAST MAGIC STUFF, PREVENT MAGIC STUFF FROM OTHERS, HEAL, INSTANT CASTS, TOTEMS, DEBUFF ENEMIES, CHANGE YOURSELF INTO A WOLF, FREEZE ENEMIES, BREATHE UNDERWATER, RESURRECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS - SO WHAT THE !&$% YOU WANT ELSE - PREACHING AND WALKING ON WATER !?!???!??!!??! S: Well, certainly not preaching ...
( |
WoW Twinstar - Horde - Mathrim Horde [tauren - hunter] 1x tyzdenne
Ultima Online - Kelevar - Elessar (retired) Dark Age of Camelot US - Gareth - Alderienne [eldritch] (retired) World of Warcraft EU- Drak'thul/Horde - Jaskynka [blood elf hunter] (retired)
bezvyznamne anonymne avatary :) Rift, DAoC Uthgard, Asheron's Call 2 (frozen), LOTRO (retired), AoC (retired), Warhammer Online (rip),
Average Member
1971 Posts |
Posted - 03/08/2005 : 18:35:37
quote: Originally posted by Luka
Ona to není až taková sranda ... Shaman je lame klass, pro dementky .. obzvlast me bavi jak delaj emote a jsou namachrovany. Paladina delal asi nejaky total defend skiller .. seru na divine... dejte mi misto toho neco utocneho ...
btw: srovnani racial abilit za aliky a za hordu.. totalni vysmech
Dear: Luka
[X] Clueless Newbie [ ] Loser [ ] AOL-er [ ] 12 year old [ ] Troll [ ] Spammer [ ] l337 d00d [ ] Flamer [X] Whiner [X] Paladin
You Are Being Flamed Because:
[ ] You posted a Blizzard sucks thread [ ] You posted a personal attack against Blizzard staff [ ] You posted a Release Date thread [ ] You posted a Patch thread [ ] You posted a ( Insert Random RPG ) vs Diablo 2 thread [ ] You posted a StarCraft vs WarCraft 3 thread [ ] You posted a "Where is Starcraft 2" thread [ ] You posted a ( WarCraft 3 / WoW ) vs Diablo 2 thread [ ] You posted an OMG The Sky is Falling thread [ ] You continued a long, stupid thread [ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message [X] You posted a my class sucks *cry* thread [X] You posted a nerf Shamans thread [ ] You haven't read the stickies [ ] You don't know which forum to post in [X] You just plain suck [X] You posted false information
In Punishment, You Must:
[ ] Delete all your characters [ ] Give up your AOL Internet account [ ] Actually post something relevant [ ] Read the f****** FAQ [ ] Go to your room with no supper [ ] Apologize to everybody on this forum [X] All of the above
In Closing, I'd Like to Say:
[X] Learn to play your class, noob [ ] Get a life [X] Never post again [ ] Can I have your stuff? [X] Cry more n00b [ ] All of the above [ ] IBTL
Shaman je v poradku ... stejne jako paladin ... Paladin je defenzivni class .. chces ofenzivniho plate usera rollni warriora.
Ad racial ability: (to uz se porvnat da) Horda: Orcove - Abilita na zvednuti sily za cenu celkem silnyho DOTu ... neznam moc lidi co by to nekd y pouzili .. ta ztrata hp je dost znacna, ale nemusi to byt uplne k prdu... ale rozhodne pro huntery, warlocky, Rogue vec zcela nahovno zase maji ale celkem dobrou passivni resistenci Trollove - celkem vysmech .. pulkam classum nanic, problematicky pouziti ... dalsi bonusy jako 10% vic hp regenu a 10% z celku v boji sou taky uplne lol Taureni - Warstomp .. dobra abilita .. no doubt Undead - WoTF dobra abilita proti 2 classum z 8mi (priest warlock), jinak je dobra .. ale nevidim duvod proc ju museli nernofu (z 20ti na 5 sec .. ) ale dobra je i tak
Aliance: Humani - Perception .. nic moc abilita ale na rogue se to uplatnit da slusne .. celkem na urovni Orcke ability Dwarfove - neznam moc v praxy, podle infa to neni nic strasne super ale ten stoneskin (nebo jak se to menuje) .... no horsi jak trollovska ability to byt nemuze + detajl hledani pokladu (nanic) Gnomove - REmove root / scare kazdou minutu ... to me prijde docela dost ok ... neco jako WoTF proti rootum (po nerfnu WoTF) Night Elfove - a to nejlepsi na zaver ... ucela uber abilita ... shadowmelt v momentalni podobe je ve srovnani s tema slabsima abilitama (orc, human, troll -- ) znacne overpowered. |
[Stilgar] Usul, we have wormsign the likes of which even God has never seen.
Edited by - Stilgar on 03/08/2005 18:38:31 |
New Member

390 Posts |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 07/08/2005 : 17:54:04
Patch 1.7. 
--Zul'Gurub released! Lurking in the deep jungles Stranglethorn Vale, the ancient troll city of Zul'Gurub has opened up. Filled with the minions of the Atal'ai, the mighty Troll Priests of the area are attempting to summon the ancient god Hakkar the Soulflayer. Zul'Gurub is a 20-man raid instance meant for casual players, filled with many challenges and unique battles for strong adventurers willing to conquer them!
--Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza! The Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza is a grand new event set along the coasts of Stranglethorn Vale. Early in the day, friendly neighborhood goblins will visit Ironforge and Orgrimmar to inform aspiring anglers of the grand tournament and give instructions. At the appropriate time, the shout will ring out across Stranglethorn to bait your hooks and cast your lines! Are you ready to fish for valuable prizes?
--General The mount trainers of Orgrimmar have tamed wolves now capable of holding the mighty Tauren. Will of the Forsaken (Undead Racial) - No longer breaks fear, but now has a 10 second duration. Throwing Weapon Specialization (Troll Racial) - Has been removed, replaced with Dagger Specialization. New Ability - Dagger Specialization (Troll Racial) - Increases skill with Daggers by 5. Beastslaying (Troll Racial) - Removed, replaced by Headhunting. New Ability - Headhunting (Troll Racial) increases damage dealt to Humanoids by 5% Berserking (Troll Racial) - Can now be activated on both spell and melee critical strikes. Regeneration (Troll Racial) - You now gain .5% of your total health every 5 seconds. Fixed a slight graphical error on the floor of Dwarven inns. Fixed a slight graphical error with Undead wearing specific helmets. Pets can no longer recieve the "Living Bomb" debuff.
--Macintosh Fixed a character texture error that would sometimes occur during lag.
--Druids Base damage increased in Catform. Can now shoot rockets from their paws. Increased the base critical strike chance by 200% The "Rake" ability makes opponents explode for no good reason.
--Hunters Pets can now learn 30 new abilities! They are all broken and do nothing, it will take us 40 patches to fix them all, but two are pretty good, so there's no reason to fix these abilities for a while. New talent trees, because we feel that Hunters do not spend enough money, all respecs cost 1000 gold. Turned all of the talents in the Markmanship tree to "This talent does nothing". We feel this will support hunters in choosing new talent builds. All bow and gun graphics have been replaced with teddy bears and dolls. Epic guns look like GI-Joes.
--Mages New Ability - Invisbility, makes you close your eyes real hard and pretend that the enemy doesn't see you. Blink now costs 100% mana. New Epic Quest available! No wait, there isn't one. Sorry.
--Paladins Reduced the overall damage output of the class, we feel that the Paladins are doing too much damage and not enough healing. All of the talent trees except the "Concecration" and "Blessing of Kings" talent have been removed. This should prove to be an improvement. Divine Shield now automatically casts your Hearthstone, this will work even while your Hearthstone is under cooldown. New Ability - Leeroy Jenkins, proceeds to randomly move you torwards many enemies, then returns you to your allies. This should make an excellent pulling ability for the Paladin.
--Priests New Ability - Shadow Word: Melt Face, melts the face of the opponent, only useable in Shadowform. Holy Nova now does 50 damage, we felt that this ability was able to actually kill something besides critters, so we changed it. Holy Fire now has a 10 second cast time, this should improve the mana per time effeciency of the spell.
--Rogues Daggers hurt too much, Rogues can now only weild Shields. Stepping on grass, in an area with no walls or within 200 feet of a person or NPC will now break stealth, this should make Azeroth a more realistic world. Shields hurt to much, Rogues can now only weild Poseys and Roses. Roses hurt too much, Rogues can now only weild hugs.
--Shaman Frostshock has no cooldown and costs zero mana. Windfury - Name changed to "Winfury", we feel this will be more appropriate to the ability. Earthshock now generates hate on player characters, by pissing them off, a lot. Totems are now invulnerable. New Ability - Bloodlust, makes WoW forum residents lust for Blizzard's blood because this ability is just that powerful.
--Warlocks Removed from the game, they whine too much. If you had a Warlock, it's been replaced by a level 60 Rogue. Hugs hurt too much Warrogues can only weild happiness and sunshine.
--Warriors Mortal strike now does 200000000000000000000000 damage and makes every healer cry themselves to sleep. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Average Member

1466 Posts |
Posted - 07/08/2005 : 18:19:35
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
--Paladins All of the talent trees except the "Concecration" and "Blessing of Kings" talent have been removed. This should prove to be an improvement. Divine Shield now automatically casts your Hearthstone, this will work even while your Hearthstone is under cooldown.
--Warlocks Removed from the game, they whine too much. If you had a Warlock, it's been replaced by a level 60 Rogue. Hugs hurt too much Warrogues can only weild happiness and sunshine.
Tak z tohodle jsem se fakt málem počůral lmao |
Arokh Estarioll |
New Member

148 Posts |
Posted - 07/08/2005 : 18:44:52
já jsem pro paláta viděl někde ještě jedny patch notes ;) snad je najdu |
Trouk CzechRO Support sage of guild - RIP Felonton (CTProfiles) WoW Human/paladin of Motion guild
New Member

148 Posts |
Posted - 07/08/2005 : 18:47:36
- Fixed a bug where Divine Shield couldn't be dispelled or purged. - Fixed a bug where Auras couldn't be dispelled or purged. - Fixed a bug where Divine Shield and Blessing were on seperate timer, this was never intended. - Fixed a bug where Flash of Light was healing more than than the tooltip indicates. - Fixed a bug where Hammer of Justice stunned the target instead of disorienting. - Fixed a bug where Hearthstone was usable when under the effects of Divine Shield. - Fixed a bug where Seals were lasting longer than intended. - Fixed a bug where Exorcism and Holy Wrath was usable on scourge NPC's and mobs. - Fixed a bug where Holy Shock was actually damaging the target instead of just making it very, very angry. - Fixed a bug where Paladin was able to wield 2-handed weapons, this was never intended.
- Duration on Blessings decreased, in attempt increase Paladins end-game raid interactivity. - New paladin skill: Dual Shielding, allows the paladin to use shields in main hand as well as in off hand. - Changed Seal of Command build: Now has 1% chance to instantly slay the targeted enemy (note: not usable in PvP due the balancing issues). - Changed Divine Intervention build: When used kills the Paladin, thus denying the Horde faction to score a HK. Cooldown also slightly increased. |
Trouk CzechRO Support sage of guild - RIP Felonton (CTProfiles) WoW Human/paladin of Motion guild
New Member

448 Posts |

2165 Posts |
Posted - 09/08/2005 : 11:13:50
tohle padlo na Us serveru:

Myslim ze rogue s timhle je fakt vysmatej ;p |
Colldor, Allerious, Turrin Bagalmon [UO - DP] (retired) Colldor, Enforcer <CzA> [Anarchy Online] (retired) Kremilek, Troll Warrior <Zdechliny> [WoW] (retired) Colldor, Zealot <Skull> [WHO] (retired) |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 09/08/2005 : 11:43:18
To Colldor:
Jestli toto neni fake, tak to Blizzard trosku prehani. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Average Member

1466 Posts |
Posted - 09/08/2005 : 11:45:32
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
To Colldor:
Jestli toto neni fake, tak to Blizzard trosku prehani.
Bude to mít jeden člověk na serveru(později možná dva), imho to zas tak strašné není. Problémem bude, když to dostane nějaký powergamer, pak bude v AV/WSG peklo  |
Arokh Estarioll |
Edited by - Kořka on 09/08/2005 11:46:13 |
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129 Posts |
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976 Posts |
Posted - 10/08/2005 : 15:37:15
quote: Originally posted by Colldor
tohle padlo na Us serveru:
Myslim ze rogue s timhle je fakt vysmatej ;p
Z ceho to proboha padlo? to bude asi nejakej fake :) |
/plugins load Hard mode |
Topic  |