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Posted - 25/08/2005 : 15:52:17
RP server FTW! :) Newsa z Sun Aug 21, 2005 2:12 pm |
Barabariel Herbicidia - Conjurer - FFXIV:RR - [Ragnarok] @Herbicid - Champions Online, Star Trek Online
There are many worlds where I visited already Anarchy Online | Age of Conan | Warhammer Online | StarWars Galaxies | EVE | Earth&Beyond | World of Warcraft | Dungeons & Dragons Online | City of Villains and Heroes | Saga of Ryzom | Lord of the Rings Online
Edited by - Herbicid on 25/08/2005 15:53:02 |
4191 Posts |
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Posted - 25/08/2005 : 15:57:49
Z NYXu: VEN --- --- 15.52:24 25.8.2005 --- [00:49 :: diskuze :: World Of Warcraft aneb nový patch = nové] KALIBAN: to mi pripomina kamarada ktery hraje na nemeckym RP serveru v nejake pomerne elitni guilde a ma vetsinu epic vybavy (hraje priesta), ktery vyrybaril tohle a pak si vyhlidl nejakyho gnoma kolem lvlu 12, dojel k nemu na epic mountovi a nic netusicimu gnomovi ten ring dal, rekl mu "keep it secret, keep it safe" a odjel... |
Barabariel Herbicidia - Conjurer - FFXIV:RR - [Ragnarok] @Herbicid - Champions Online, Star Trek Online
There are many worlds where I visited already Anarchy Online | Age of Conan | Warhammer Online | StarWars Galaxies | EVE | Earth&Beyond | World of Warcraft | Dungeons & Dragons Online | City of Villains and Heroes | Saga of Ryzom | Lord of the Rings Online
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Posted - 06/09/2005 : 11:06:57
Zdroj: A rogue's life
1: After driving your opponent crazy with vanish and bouncing around with sprint you realize his buddies where way closer then expected.
2: Finding out you are not the only one who likes to backstab people.
3: At the worst moment the warrior parries your blinding powder with his archanite reaper before he smacks you.
4: People still calling you rouge at level 60
5 The hunter who outrolls you for a dagger after doing the same instance 18 times
6: Selling your barman shanker thinking it was a bottle of noir
7: Realizing learing how to escape is almost as important as learning how to kill
8: The urge to pick on the warlocks as soon as you see them.
9 Being haunted by plugger in your nightmares after countless of BRD runs for the shanker
10 learning how to truely hate gnomes >>See rule 9<<
11 Making a macro for the paladin with >>>Blessing of salavtion Not Bok or might<<
12 The druid who starts the discussion about being a damage dealer to as cat before, during and after the instance
13: The hunter pet easily keeps up as you run with sprint
14 Regretting not to buy new flash powders
15: Dedicated to sap , forgetting to stealth
16: The kind words when you vanish when the rest of the party wipes.
17: Wondering why No one can make a decent dagger
18 Getting feared when you just forgot to equip your trinket.
19 Being a proud memeber of Alterac valley Kamikaze squad
20: Dislike to party with other rogues unless it is for a non stop stunlock in pvp.
21: The moment you find out Evasion isn’t the way to fight warriors
22: Being waved at by a 55 when you are in stealth
23: Forgetting to leave party before a duel and wonder how they spot you 24:That Orcs are unhealthy for you
25: Wondering if you should not have joined the hunters with range attack when onxyia breathes in your face
26: That dressing up as clown makes you more dangerous then a cool looking shadow craft set.
27: Locked boxes flying around your head as soon as you enter Ogrimmer/Iron forge
28 People still no getting improved sap is a 90%^chance
29 The same people asking every rogue to sap the undead
Bearsson Czech Heroes |
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2747 Posts |
Posted - 07/09/2005 : 02:02:19
| |
Zenová povídka: Putuji takhle Severní Koreou a najednou potkám Gurrshaela a Pompa držíce se za ruce řkouce "Ano pane Reydene ... až tady jsme zjistili, že jsme míň než ta krabice u cesty ... vyhrál jsi, Ty jsi víc!". Usmál jsem se a odvětil jim: "Od té doby co nemám žádný cíl, už nebloudím!" |
Junior Member

885 Posts |
Posted - 07/09/2005 : 13:25:15
Z NYXu :)
VEN --- --- 21.24:45 6.9.2005 --- [17:43 :: diskuze :: World Of Warcraft aneb Camelot is a sill] Ok, here it goes - how to deal with beggars - only works if you are mage though. He asks for money and you tell him he has to help you summon a friend first. Invite him to party and explain him that he has to click on portal. Then open portal to Thunder Bluff - Voila |
Barabariel Herbicidia - Conjurer - FFXIV:RR - [Ragnarok] @Herbicid - Champions Online, Star Trek Online
There are many worlds where I visited already Anarchy Online | Age of Conan | Warhammer Online | StarWars Galaxies | EVE | Earth&Beyond | World of Warcraft | Dungeons & Dragons Online | City of Villains and Heroes | Saga of Ryzom | Lord of the Rings Online
Senior Member

2564 Posts |
Posted - 07/09/2005 : 14:56:21
Jeden ze zivota maga: A mage walks into a bar and takes a seat. The mage looks at the bartender and the bartender says "Can I have some water?"
a nebo jeden jeste lepsi: A mage and Priest, and a Druid walk into a bar..
The Priest sits down and asks the bartender "may I have some water?" Bartender replies "sorry we don't serve water here". The Druid sits down and asks again "may I have some water?" The bartender again replies "no, we don't have water here!" The Mage sits down and asks the bartender for some volitile rum. The bartender replies "how about a job instead?" The mage accepts the bartenders invite. Bartender-"Now port me out of here, these a-holes are always asking for water, it's driving me nuts!" |
Seth Forgotten
Junior Member
767 Posts |
Posted - 10/09/2005 : 20:51:53
z rogue fora A day in the life of a rogue
Earlier today in the barrens I ambushed this rogue named midnight and he was all leik ' rofltomato wtf pwnd!!!!1!!!1!!!!!!one!!!!2!!!!!!' and he assploded and when he spirit rezzed he reincarnates into a frog !! And he was all like 'WTF nwb haxxorz!!! i report you cause u r a sploiter.' And I am leik' I'M RICK JAMES B!TCH pew pew!!' So he liek calls his buddies and this hunter shows up called dagnabit and he shotts fireworks but these firework are sploitz cause they broked my *poof* button!! And I am leik WTF my I win button is broked!! And he laughs at me!!So i'm leik 'wtf pwng I r a rouge and I could PWN you with a pair of plastic saftey siscorrs noob!! '
So dagnabit say's 'damn kid how old are you' and I am leik 'I am so old I pulled a muscle trying to get the lid off my bottle of geritol.' and he's leik 'how old are you' so I say 32, and he's leik 'why you act like such a nwb?' So I say's my inner child has ADD. Then my girlfriend walks in and say's what are you yelling about and I am leik I am talking to my imaginary friend. And she's all like 'nobody likes you even your imaginary friend hates you!!' ( Girls are so mean ) so she's leik 'do you know what time it is'and im like 'umm time for you to leave my room and let me pwn this hunter. and she's leik 'nope its time to go to work'
omg wtf rofltomato
and im like 'i feel kinda sick *cough *cough *sniff' and shes like 'ok get in bed then you have to get up early for your first day on the job you loozr'
and im like 'oh i thought you meant I started today wow i feel better already!!' So she calles me bad names and goes away then this rogue named crassus sees the action and sends me a tell and is leik 'hey dude wanna group up??'
and im like 'whats that supposed to mean'
and hes like 'do you wanna group and gank this hunter?'
and im like 'Man I am not into that stuff I likes girls' /ignore crassus
Then my buddy popo shows up and he's like in bad shape cause he has leaves and twigs for armor and I'm leik 'popo what happened dude and he was leik st fu nwb' and I was leik 'dude your cooler then tom jones!!! U gotta come help me, I'm getting DP by these alliance'
so he's like "DP?"
'Double penetrated!They keep ganging up on me so help me kill this hunter.' And he's leik 'no thanks I am going to MC cause I am uber and yur a nwb !!' And he rides off into the sunset on a dinosaur which was cool, how often do you see a cow riding a dinosaur.
So I sneaks up to the hunter and I steels his gun and I am liek 'OOOHHH mr hunter whatch gonna doo I gotted your gun OOOOO!!!!'
But he cant do nuthing cause I am invisible and he cant see me. So he celebrates the occasion with more fireworks !! And I am telling my buddy juna this guy is odd he is celebrating about me stealing his gun!! And he 's liek yelling 'Pokey you fking nwb gimme my gun back!!' So i get scarded cause rogues are ubah but he hax . So I drop the gun and run but he shootz mer in teh back !! and I died cause gunshots hurt and he get honor from shooting me in teh backs!! Then this finger wiggler named annastasia comes up and dances on meh body!! and i'm leik 'omg wtf she is so hot!!' so she's like 'Hey baby how would you like a little [Flask of Mojo]' and i'm like 'no thanks I like pie. So you're really are a girl in RL?' she say's 'Yup, with sexy blonde hair too'
and i'm like' yeah, and chances are your like 300 lbs and smell like sausage' and she's like' no i dont smell like sausage >.< ' so i say 'But you're 300 lbs? '
-Annastasia is Ignoring You-
So i sees my guildy dkay is in WSG with his wife msdkay and they are getting pwnaged cause they got no rouges and he's like fighting this mage and telling the guild 'My wife is a sheep!' and i'm liek you from tennessee too?? Right then gets this tell from brag and he say's pokey come join us in molten core and I am leik Dude omw lemme run to the bank and get meh snowballs and super soaker!! And he's leik 'huh ? Well just hurry up.' and im liek 'your not the boss of me' So I get's to molten core and I realize I forgetz meh pants at the bank!! so people are making fun of mah green snake and I am leik he's just shy and all the girls are laughing at me so I unsummon my green water snake and I summon my chicken instead but I still gots no pants but nobody seems to notice.
So while were waiting for the raid to form up i'm like 'hey juna check out mah epic mount' and she say's 'awesome, I sure could use a epic mount right now.' So I say's 'oh yah? where do you live????'
- Juna is Ignoring You -
Then I hears this gunshot outside my house and I am leik WTF but hillbillies be shotting for no reason so I forget about it and in liek 20 minutes a ambulance comes to my neighbors and I tell teh raid I gotta go afk my neighbor just gotz shotted and Imma gonna loot his house before his wife gets home. And they are liek WTF pokey we about to kill lucifron !! so I stay.
So we fighting luci and she's got some splaining to do cause she sploitz allot !!! I was stabbing her with a beer bottle i got from a midget in a bar fight and all the sudden the whole raid turns red and theyre mah enemies. F*king traitors!! so I am leik killing em all and yelling you #@%$!es tricked me and it scarded them cause they all then turned to my side again. So I am leik 2 can play this game so then i get this idea cause i like to think inside the box and stuff so I summon my mechanical yeti to help me pawn em but he's leik LLLEEERRROOOOY JEEENNNNKINNS and $!@% and runs up and attacks this imp instead. Karr is like 'Pokey get your head out of your assswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwdddddssdsaaa11112122212'. Stupid nwb yeti so I hits my 'poof' button and dissapreared and the imps are leik pissed off and wipes the raid but I live cause rogues are ubbernest. I'm so smooth I can't believe I'm not butter.
So my guild leader Dkay sends me a tell asking me why I wiped the raid and I am leik 'they attacked me, they all conned red!!!' And he say's 'dude you were mind controlled'. and I am leik 'No I'm not the voices in my head DO NOT CONTROLL ME!!' so he boots me out of the guild. |
"The time for desperation is upon us. Let's play." |
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1466 Posts |
Posted - 10/09/2005 : 21:43:45
quote: Originally posted by Mefisto
And he rides off into the sunset on a dinosaur which was cool, how often do you see a cow riding a dinosaur.
'My wife is a sheep!' and i'm liek you from tennessee too??
 lmao irl omg bbq!1one |
Arokh Estarioll |
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767 Posts |
Posted - 12/09/2005 : 15:52:52
takhle jednou skoncite vsichni jak ve hre tak v realu :P |
"The time for desperation is upon us. Let's play." |
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2564 Posts |

2165 Posts |
Posted - 19/09/2005 : 09:06:59
Nevedel jsem kam to dat tak to dam sem :)
Tohle prej nekodo cornul z blizzardu (neverim, moh to nakreslit kdokoliv) ale kazdopadne na te mape je videt kolik toho ve hre chyby a ze je vlastne na co cekat :) |
Colldor, Allerious, Turrin Bagalmon [UO - DP] (retired) Colldor, Enforcer <CzA> [Anarchy Online] (retired) Kremilek, Troll Warrior <Zdechliny> [WoW] (retired) Colldor, Zealot <Skull> [WHO] (retired) |
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885 Posts |
Posted - 19/09/2005 : 10:53:13
quote: Originally posted by Colldor
Nevedel jsem kam to dat tak to dam sem :)
Tohle prej nekodo cornul z blizzardu (neverim, moh to nakreslit kdokoliv) ale kazdopadne na te mape je videt kolik toho ve hre chyby a ze je vlastne na co cekat :)
:)))) Skoda ze tam chybi i alliancni trasy :) Pak by se tomu dalo aspon trosicku verit :) |
Barabariel Herbicidia - Conjurer - FFXIV:RR - [Ragnarok] @Herbicid - Champions Online, Star Trek Online
There are many worlds where I visited already Anarchy Online | Age of Conan | Warhammer Online | StarWars Galaxies | EVE | Earth&Beyond | World of Warcraft | Dungeons & Dragons Online | City of Villains and Heroes | Saga of Ryzom | Lord of the Rings Online

126 Posts |
Posted - 19/09/2005 : 13:32:33
Ano je to pravy, za 1 to je k dispozici na CD se sberatelskou edici primo od Blizzardu, takze to neni zadnej leak, je samozrejme mozny ze se to pred releasem jeste upravi, tohle je nejaka pracovni studie, ale jak rikam tenhle obrazek byl k dispozici uz cca 6 mesicu ( nebo jak dlouho je collector's edition na trhu ), za dalsi, co se tyce aliancnich tras vidim tam minimalne 2, a to z Underminu do Kul'Tiras, a Kul'Tiras pobrezi, ostatni 3 jsou neutralni takze tohle jako argument nepravosti skutecne neobstoji. |
Tak trosku...klokan |
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Posted - 21/09/2005 : 23:04:11
AMAGAD !!111one roflcopter ... "fičák" FTW |
[Stilgar] Usul, we have wormsign the likes of which even God has never seen.
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Posted - 22/09/2005 : 08:36:46
sakra ja tam neslysim ten udajny rozhovor, o kterem se tam pise  |
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Posted - 23/09/2005 : 10:51:07
from the life of alliance rogue :) teda, nevim do jaky miry je to pravdivy ale strasne me pobavila ta formulace :)
Pally: No worrys guys, I'll tank if we can't get a warrior :D Rogue: My offensive capabilities have just been reduced to white damage and feint :D
a best thread ever :p |
"The time for desperation is upon us. Let's play." |
Edited by - Mefisto on 25/09/2005 06:19:57 |
1450 Posts |
Posted - 25/09/2005 : 21:15:21
| Jestli to tu uz bylo tak sry. |
Porresha, Calldo - AO - inactive Porresha, Adelka - EQ2 Porresha - VG - inactive Socializer 73% Achiever 60% Explorer 46% Killer 20% |
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Posted - 25/09/2005 : 21:57:10
UBRS song
Arokh Estarioll |

2165 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2005 : 14:59:01
Colldor, Allerious, Turrin Bagalmon [UO - DP] (retired) Colldor, Enforcer <CzA> [Anarchy Online] (retired) Kremilek, Troll Warrior <Zdechliny> [WoW] (retired) Colldor, Zealot <Skull> [WHO] (retired) |
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Posted - 07/10/2005 : 08:55:39

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Posted - 16/10/2005 : 21:59:59
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186 Posts |
Posted - 16/10/2005 : 23:45:48
quote: Originally posted by plussminuss

Muj nazor, nikomu ho necpu, nekamenujte me za nej. |
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749 Posts |
Posted - 17/10/2005 : 02:08:17
quote: Originally posted by Murdoc_
quote: Originally posted by plussminuss

hehe nice  |
Vanguard - ONLINE PVPhooligans - Half elf: DROOD [Sartok FFA PVP] It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum |
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Posted - 17/10/2005 : 02:17:33
Vanguard - ONLINE PVPhooligans - Half elf: DROOD [Sartok FFA PVP] It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum |
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Posted - 18/10/2005 : 13:36:03
Tragedy "Killing is my business... ...and business is good!" |
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Posted - 18/10/2005 : 13:40:44
Razorgore's chat log
Hustý je ten nábor : [1. General] [Blackhand Elite]: <Blackhand Legion> now recruiting. We’re a friendly, group-orientated guild, focusing on defending high-end instances. This is not your Deadmines guild. lvl 55+ only. |
Warrior Semir Drak´Thul -----------------------------------------------------------------
Edited by - simir on 18/10/2005 13:46:05 |
Starting Member

97 Posts |
Posted - 19/10/2005 : 12:42:12
Neskutecne me pobavila hlaska jednoho cloveka na DS (nyx), jak komentoval stiznost hrace, ze wow servery imrvere nejedou:
KOKES: Vieš čo... oni to vždy v stredu ráno reštartujú, vyberú zo serveru kúsky lososa, čo im tam napadali cez týždeň, poutierajú rozliatu kávu zo serverov, potom to nechajú bežať, potom sa im to začne mrdať, cez víkend tomu všetky tie instancie dajú dobre pokúriť, v pondelok a v utorok cez deň sa to ešte nejak dokríva, ale potom sa to začne jebať úplne, vrchný francúzsky homofil lieta po serverovni a vykrikuje "Merde, mon ami l'buzna selebré!", rozháňa sa bagetou, no nemajú to ľahké... |
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55 Posts |

4364 Posts |
Posted - 20/10/2005 : 11:01:25
quote: Originally posted by Bred
rofl, asi nejlepsi neco pro zasmani..  |
Jerzee <Mor do Kuli> |
Edited by - JerzeeG on 20/10/2005 11:02:53 |
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134 Posts |
Posted - 20/10/2005 : 13:00:55
quote: Originally posted by Bred
No lol, poster by si mel uvedomit ze bez znalosti souvislosti na ty fotce neni nic vtipneho (samozrejme je to podvrh ). Skutecne fotky z posledniho srazu nastesti tak idilicke nejsou . |
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314 Posts |
Posted - 20/10/2005 : 15:42:36
quote: Originally posted by Bred

Dneska pujdu s prace s ostudou, pac jsem si asi nach... smichy do kalhot. Mozna ale za to muze to pivo... Mam pocit, ze tohle jsou brachove, ne? Takova banda sprtu!
A sorry za offtopic, nemohl jsem si pomoct.
Uschi <Uhni Kurva> - regionální poradce UK pro jižní Moravu a Slovinsko CSS: |
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143 Posts |
Posted - 20/10/2005 : 16:06:35
tady snad někdo řeší naší TTH "elitu" ? a jinak na té fotce vypadjí ještě dobře |
- lozka(Unimpressed) - rune priest r25/rr23 - orhori(Unimpressed) - ironbreaker r31/rr26 - Heldo(Unimpressed) - bright wizard r26/r25 |
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