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4339 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2007 :  21:52:44  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by †… Havran …†

tj snad jasny ne? podle pribehu je to tak ze k chaosu v podstate lidi prejdou sami, chaos jediny co ma tak mozna nejaky hrady a citadely kde skladujou zbrane :)
Chci koupit Liber Chaotica a radne si nastudovat mou favourite rasu. :-)

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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†… Havran …†
Average Member

1962 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2007 :  23:04:56  Show Profile  Send †… Havran …† an ICQ Message Send †… Havran …† a Private Message  Reply with Quote
neni spatny si koupit armybook ke stolni hre neni to moc drahy ale je to v anglictine je tam krom pravidel pro prislusnou armadu i jeji historie a pribehy atp

EVE: Lord Greg (Black Nova Corp) [Band of Brothers] [IT Alliance] BoB Forever
KILLER 73.3% LOOTER 66.7% THIEF 33.3% SCAMMER 26.7
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3722 Posts

Posted - 05/01/2007 :  11:13:56  Show Profile  Send Rashaverak an ICQ Message Send Rashaverak a Private Message  Reply with Quote


FF11 žádné UI nepotřebuje

FFXI mozna ne, ja ale jo. Jak nevidim timery (cooldowny :/), a milion cisel, tak sem "nervozni", mozna sem magor, kdyz s enekdy vizivam v tom, ze po + - roce za hrou uz vidim spis jen cisla a proste kalkuluju co kdy kde jak, ono to tu hru pak trochu zkazi, ale ... je to efektivni.

je to efektivni prave jen kvuli tomu ze tu ta moznost je a nekdo jiny to pouziva, aby ses vyrovnal potrebujes je taky, pokud to hra neumoznuje tak jsi efektivni i bez nich

toje prave ten rozdil mezi tim kdy za tebe hrajou addony a skillem hrace. v ffxi mas ty timery proste vzity a odhadnes je, makra si pamatujes a umis mezi nima prepinat, na agro management nepotrebujes presnou tabulku bezs niz jsi ztracenej ale musis dokazat odhadnout jaky agro to kouzlo udela a jakej hate ma tank jestli si to muzes dovolit nebo ne a kdyz to poseres tak se potvora urve a zabije ted na jednu ranu a ztratis 10% xp potrebne na dalsi level. Proto se taky hry jako wow nebo eq2 v dnesnim stavu povazuji za lehoucke placane pro masy.

tim nerikam ze wow nehraju a nebavi me, jen jdou hrat hry i bez milionu addonu a bez mysi a porad jsou velmi dobre, kdybys videl kontent kterej nabizi ffxi jeho promakanost a velikost sveta tak wow je tak asi 1/10


Edited by - Rashaverak on 05/01/2007 11:22:02
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4339 Posts

Posted - 08/01/2007 :  09:26:45  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sestrihane video z GameConu. Je pekne stary a ja ho NEVIDEL!!!
Kvalita nic moc, ale jsou tam ukazany pekny lokace.

http://www.warhammeralliance.com/movies/wha2_low.wmv (save as)

Edit: Smazany dva posledni posty mou despotickou rukou.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 08/01/2007 09:34:50
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4339 Posts

Posted - 23/01/2007 :  18:32:47  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Druha cast rozhovoru s Erikem Mogensenem. Prvni cast je celkem nudna, ale druha je zajimava, alespon z pohledu prevedeni Warhammeru IP do WAR. Erik M. je Licencing Manager. Rozhovor snad uz konecne uklidni lidi co nejaky zpusobem pochybuji o prevedeni Warhammeru do online hry, tzn. feel, art, design, questy atd.


Ja jen doufam, ze konecne tento mesic zverejni detailni popis classu pro Chaos a nebudou tam pouze screenshoty.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 23/01/2007 18:33:49
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4339 Posts

Posted - 31/01/2007 :  22:54:04  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Vytah z newsletteru za leden

Tak snad prvne "odhaleni", spise potvrzeni pure dps classy za Chaos, coz je ocekavany Marauder. Predstavte si Vikinga, v kuzi, ktery vsechno reze. Mno udelali to trosku jinak. Budou ho provazet mutace, takze misto dvou obycnejnych rukou muze mit klidne dve klepeta , ktery vas nastrihaji jak papir. Mutace se budou projevovat v zavislosti na levelu, zvolene specializaci, ranku atd. Nejake info zde: http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/media/video/files/Marauder-exclusive.html

Btw. Marauder je moje volba.

Ac uprimne nesnasim srabacky castery, v tomto newsletteru odhalili carreer pro Bright Wizard a Magus, vice infa zde:


Bright Wizard:

Zabirani zon v RvR detailne popsano v tomto podcastu od Senior Designera Joshe Dreshera:

Jeste vam to kdyztak updatnu, az to dukladne prolezu a najdu dalsi zajimave veci.

RvR in action :-).


50 novinaru si melo moznost zahrat RvR (dwarf vs greenskins).

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 31/01/2007 23:07:01
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1051 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2007 :  09:50:56  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mam z toho videa takový rozporuplný pocity. Jednak mi ty boje přišli děsně statický, jak tam vždycky tupě stojí dva hráči proti sobě a tlučou do sebe (i když je pravda, že to taky mohlo být "skillem" těch novinářů ) a jednak pokud jsem to pochopil dobře, se opravdu jedná o nějaké instancované PvP ala WoW BG

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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4339 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2007 :  17:15:29  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Videl jsi to zabirani zon v RvR? Jsou to normalni zony, kde je PvE a PvP, takze se mi nezda, ze by to byly instance. Respektive mohou to byt pseudo instance. Tzn. ze se ti loadne lokace. Co ja vim. Specialni PvP (RvR) instance tam jsou samozrejme taky - "Darkness Falls" ;-), capture the artifact, specialni event dobyvani castlu (viz treba brana). Take je otazka, jak to bude. Pojedes normalni outdoor siege. Zaberes urcity strategicky pointy a pak se ti loadne special event na dobyvani brany? Po dobyti se ti to loadne na "inside the castle". Fakt nevim, jenom spekuluju.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 01/02/2007 17:20:20
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2637 Posts

Posted - 02/02/2007 :  10:54:43  Show Profile  Visit Tragedy's Homepage  Send Tragedy an ICQ Message Send Tragedy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Na Gametrailers jsou nějaká poměrně zajímavá nová videa.

"Killing is my business...
...and business is good!"
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4339 Posts

Posted - 02/02/2007 :  16:45:50  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Tragedy

Na Gametrailers jsou nějaká poměrně zajímavá nová videa.

Ano jsou, ale Tragedy nam nepostnul linky, tak to delam ja.

Frenzied PvP Raid
PvP Battle

Link jako takovy nefunguje. Copy&Paste do IE. Erm, mne to funguje, jeste to zkusim doma. Kdyby vam to nechtel WMP prehrat, ale jenom ulozit, tak si ho pustte, vyberte file, OPEN URL a tam supnete tento link. Nacachuje se to a je to.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 02/02/2007 19:08:49
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1051 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2007 :  10:12:09  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
"Capture the Flag variants, murderball, domination, over 40 point-based, geography-specific, instanced, objective-driven battleground scenarios for up to 36 players a side, capital city assaults, and a ranking system that assigns NPC allies as necessary to keep teams balanced." zdroj

Jsem docela zvědavej na AI těch NPCček, kterýma budou doplňovat teamy. Aby to nebyl nějakej hroznej masér, co tě onehitne jen mu vlezeš do range

A ještě nějaké info ohledně kolizního systému.

"Collision is most definitely in and working. It's much easier to "feel" it than to see it, however, because it's not like running into a brick wall when you hit an enemy player. You can "push through" or around them (which is what you'll often see in RvR videos), but it takes time and effort to do so. Think of it like (American) football - where you CAN get past a defender, but it takes fancy footwork or a heckuva push to do so." zdroj

A podle tohole videa by snad měli i jít přerušit kouzla tím, že někdo vleze mezi castera a cíl.

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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4339 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2007 :  18:38:06  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nemuzu si pomoct, ale cim vice se na to koukam, tim vice se mi to zacina libit. Mozna mi to vymyva mozek. :-)) Uplne nesnasim zvuky kouzleni, ale to je jenom blbost. Vypnout to pujde vzdycky kdyby neco.

Kolizni system je fajn. Nevyslovne me sere, kdyz dostavam shoty od nekoho pres 6 zdi, 30 stromu, barak a jeste hloucek playeru. Pro meleery je to plus bo se budou moci dostat bliz ke casterovi, aniz by je "one-shotnul" po ceste k nemu.

Hodne lidi si stezuje na staticky boje, jenze pokud me pamet neklame, tak v DAOC neslo enemy taky probihat a vubec mi to nevadilo. Napr. ve WoWku je probihani a obihani nutny, diky souperove mozne ztrate swingu, pokud to delas dobre. Navic to nektery lidi vyvede z miry. Na druhou stranu. Tohle neni "v realu" mozny.

Pri obrane castlu a uzkych pruchodu, to bude naprosto spickovy imo.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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1051 Posts

Posted - 16/02/2007 :  12:54:06  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Na war-rvr.net se objevil nový telefonický rozhovor s pár lidma z EA Mythic. Celý článek najdete kdyžtak tady a komu se to nechce celý číst, tak části které mě nejvíc zaujali:

- Žádní mounti pro Magus classy. (musí si vystačit s jejich dskem)
- Magus flying disky budou mít nejspíš vlastní AI a v některých případech se budou moct otčit i proti samotnému mágovi. Jejich tvar se bude měnit s růstem mága. Budou moct přelétávat nad vodou.
- Magus nebude mít možnost summonout Horrory.
- Žádné castění za chůze/běhu. Pouze nějaké instant casty.
- Žádné postihy za smrt. Uvažují možná jen o nějaké krátké resurrection sickness.
- Jako možnost masové přepravy na větší vzdálenost bude jakýsi "Orcapult"
- Chaos bude mít nějaké dočasné formy mutace (speciálně Marauder), ale o permanentních se zatim nerozhodli.
- Witch Hunter nebude začínat s kloboukem Ale měl by jít relativně rychle získat.
- Orci budou mít samozřejmě jejich WAAAGH!! jako emote.
- Zatím stále žádný oficiální datum bety.

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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Starting Member


26 Posts

Posted - 22/02/2007 :  13:37:31  Show Profile  Visit ŠAR's Homepage Send ŠAR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Zdravím všechny blázny a magory,kteří se už nemůžou dočkat WARu
Myslíte že beta se spustí dřív než začne léto???

If you see me,you´re already dead. HONOR AND GLORY
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4339 Posts

Posted - 22/02/2007 :  14:23:00  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ŠAR

Zdravím všechny blázny a magory,kteří se už nemůžou dočkat WARu Myslíte že beta se spustí dřív než začne léto???

Here are some handy definitions of what the different phases of beta are. I also provide, for the first time, some extremely vague and tentative dates. Some of you have already won betas, and to spare you the whole "having to read" thing, you are listed as "Early Spring 2007." In theory and indeed in schedule, it may be sooner than that - but I am a bitter, cranky, old community weenie who has been through many betas, and I no longer believe in anything I can't grasp in my withered talons.

EDITED, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 2006. Clarifications, mostly, but one fairly giant change relating to my not totally understanding the implications of us becoming EA Mythic. All of my dates are still listed as they were on 7/14/06.

Alpha: What began in July. I made the grievous error of calling it a very early beta, for which I am terminally sorry. I will regret that until I die. Alpha does not have anyone playing who does not draw a paycheck from Mythic.

Double Secret Beta: That is just beyond alpha, and includes people who draw paychecks from Mythic and selected partners. STARTS: Summer 2006

First Stage of Closed Beta (Beta 1): What we are in now. Sometimes called "Friends and Family," somewhat inaccurately, this is a stage where there is actually a game, but it is not usually very complete or even stable for that matter. People who don't work here are in this stage, but usually fewer than a hundred, and they are nearly all such old, old friends that they are often mistaken for employees. STARTS: Fall 2006
DONE (nebo prave ted dobiha) Naposledy zpracovavali feedback o nekolika set testeru.

EDITED TO ADD, 11/9/06: Tragically, when I originally wrote this document in mid-July '06, I was still learning the EA ropes. I defined "First Closed" with the old Mythic way, because we were a pretty small company. Now, with thousands of employees around the world, this phase of beta is "EA Employee Only." Double Secret Beta is EA Mythic Studio Only. In this first closed phase, we begin including people outside our studio, but bound by the employee NDA.

Beta 1.7, After Things Stop Going Boom Every Day: This is the stage you'll start seeing community testers. People who have tested for Mythic for years, or have been otherwise recommended to us as quality volunteer testers, are starting to be included. There is usually a restriction on how many people get in at this point, and often perfectly wonderful people are left out. STARTS: TENTATIVE DATE: Early 2007 -
V nejblizsi dobe anebo uz castecne zacala

Beta 2: Still closed and covered under NDA, invitees include prize winners, guilds that win the guild contest, and some members of the print and web media - usually the ones we have relationships with. People who work at GW retail shops are getting in here, and we've got some plans for existing Dark Age of Camelot players to be invited to check out their new sibling. There will be up to a thousand people by the end of Beta 2. STARTS: TENTATIVE DATE: Early Spring 2007
Odhad kveten

Beta 3: Closed, NDA. This is where Lady Luck will wave her wand. We will be choosing randomly from the giant pool of people who are subscribed to our newsletter. This phase will have thousands of people invited, possibly as many as ten thousand. STARTS: TENTATIVE DATE: Summer 2007

Final Beta: No NDA. Because there is no NDA, people often refer to this as "open beta." But I wanted to be really clear with you guys - we are not planning the kind of open beta where everyone with internet access can download the game and hop in. That's nutty. Right now, we are tentatively considering having everyone who pre-orders the game invited to this phase of beta. This phase will also invite winners from our big media promotions. STARTS: TENTATIVE DATE: Summer 2007

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 22/02/2007 14:26:22
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1051 Posts

Posted - 22/02/2007 :  14:44:33  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Stručně řečeno, pokud nejsi ten zaregistrovaný šťastlivec, kterého vyberou do Bety 3, zahraješ si to nejdřív tak na konci prázdnin.

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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4339 Posts

Posted - 22/02/2007 :  16:13:45  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Kdo je uchylny na cloth --> ukazka Bright Wizarda


- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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Average Member

1613 Posts

Posted - 22/02/2007 :  17:28:51  Show Profile  Send celdric an ICQ Message Send celdric a Private Message  Reply with Quote
snad to tu nebylo


ma to 2 casti...ta druha je pomerne detailni ohledne RvR... (a pravdepodobne to tu uz v nekolika ruznych podobach padalo, ale tohle me prislo velmi detailni a presne...)

no mmo
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Starting Member


26 Posts

Posted - 23/02/2007 :  11:27:43  Show Profile  Visit ŠAR's Homepage Send ŠAR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
ohhh tak v tom případě se na prazdniny těším jak fretka reglej sem takže parada-jen sem měl starost,že to spustěj před maturitou a to bych jen tak neodmaturovalledaže bych dostal otazky o WARu!

If you see me,you´re already dead. HONOR AND GLORY
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26 Posts

Posted - 23/02/2007 :  11:31:03  Show Profile  Visit ŠAR's Homepage Send ŠAR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
jo Shemiramoth pak pls napiš stli si kupil Liber Chaotica?A jaký máš z toho pocity-mám v plánu si ji objednat taky

If you see me,you´re already dead. HONOR AND GLORY
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4364 Posts

Posted - 23/02/2007 :  11:40:17  Show Profile  Send JerzeeG an ICQ Message Send JerzeeG a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ŠAR

dneska mam vyjimecne dobrou naladu, tak se zdrzim jedovatych poznamek a pouze dobracky ti poradim, protoze jsi novacek na foru:
kdyz vidis, ze posledni v poradi je tvuj post a chces neco pripsat, pouzij tlacitko "edit" v zahlavi postu.. je to tam, jak je tlacitko "reply with quote" - s nim taky zachazej opatrne a snaz se citovat to, na co skutecne odpovidas, at se vyhnes vytvareni dlouhych vnorenych citaci..

Jerzee <Mor do Kuli>
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1051 Posts

Posted - 23/02/2007 :  16:04:58  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by JerzeeG

...tak se zdrzim jedovatych poznamek a pouze dobracky ti poradim...

Pane, kdo jste a co jste udělal s naším Jerzeem

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

Edited by - NoX on 23/02/2007 16:05:54
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4339 Posts

Posted - 23/02/2007 :  16:12:52  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ŠAR

jo Shemiramoth pak pls napiš stli si kupil Liber Chaotica?A jaký máš z toho pocity-mám v plánu si ji objednat taky

Ne jeste ne, zatim jsem procetl Army book chaosu. Liber Chaoticu budu kupovat pozdeji.

To Jerzee: no vidis ze to jde v klidu

To Nox: Cerveny trpaslik, Holy lodni pocitac, topic --> pozadavek na Krytona, aby natacel spoluvezenkyne (eh to je slovo) ve sprse.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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Starting Member


26 Posts

Posted - 24/02/2007 :  12:33:35  Show Profile  Visit ŠAR's Homepage Send ŠAR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by JerzeeG

Originally posted by ŠAR

dneska mam vyjimecne dobrou naladu, tak se zdrzim jedovatych poznamek a pouze dobracky ti poradim, protoze jsi novacek na foru:
kdyz vidis, ze posledni v poradi je tvuj post a chces neco pripsat, pouzij tlacitko "edit" v zahlavi postu.. je to tam, jak je tlacitko "reply with quote" - s nim taky zachazej opatrne a snaz se citovat to, na co skutecne odpovidas, at se vyhnes vytvareni dlouhych vnorenych citaci..

SRY,SRY a ještě jednou sry těm které sem urazil svou nováčkovskou chybou!(obzvláště JerzeeG)Nemám s kým si o WARHAMMERU povídat,pouze tady tak sem se nechal unést a neprohlédl sem si pořádně možnosti přízpěvků!

If you see me,you´re already dead. HONOR AND GLORY
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4339 Posts

Posted - 24/02/2007 :  16:23:26  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
To SAR: Zadnej problem. JerzeeG je starej prudil.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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Starting Member


26 Posts

Posted - 24/02/2007 :  16:42:56  Show Profile  Visit ŠAR's Homepage Send ŠAR a Private Message  Reply with Quote

nevíš ňáký podrobnosti o Chosenovi ??Nic sem nenašel a anglina mi moc nende!

If you see me,you´re already dead. HONOR AND GLORY
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4339 Posts

Posted - 24/02/2007 :  17:52:44  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ŠAR

Shemiramoth: nevíš ňáký podrobnosti o Chosenovi ??Nic sem nenašel a anglina mi moc nende!
Bohuzel ne, nic nebylo zverejneny. Jediny co se da predpokladat, ze Chosen bude tank pro Chaos. Sice s 2hand mecem nevim nevim jak to maji namysleny. Ale jina plechovka tam neni. Marauder by mel byt pure damage dealer.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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Posted - 24/02/2007 :  20:14:31  Show Profile  Visit ŠAR's Homepage Send ŠAR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Aha prostě warrior tak to bych zas nechtěl.Jediný co sem si vyčetl tak to má bejt bitelnej Seveřen(Norscan)!Ten Marauder bude asi nej pač kouzelníky moc nemusím!Tak etě počkám na Dark Elfy

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Posted - 25/02/2007 :  20:07:15  Show Profile  Send l0bos an ICQ Message Send l0bos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Taky se zeptam :)

Da se ocekavat za Destruction nejaka "rogue" class? Dal co to bude za rasu?(Asi Dark Elf? :)) a pokud se vyznate v lore jak se bude jmenovat?


Drak'Thul <Cursed Corpses>
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Posted - 25/02/2007 :  20:54:28  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mno, dark elfove maji Assasiny a je dost mozny ze tam budou. Jenze Mythic odmitl jakoukoliv class, ktera by mela stealth = neviditelnost. Tzn. necekej neco jako ve WoW, EQ2 apod. Nic takoveho by nemelo byt.

Edit: Je to nejlepsi reseni imo. Zadna class by nemela byt v takove vyhode. Neviditelnost je extremne disbalacni.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 25/02/2007 20:58:56
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Posted - 26/02/2007 :  08:37:00  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jak píše Shemi, "There will be no invisibility or stealth, which will hide a player from the game screen.". Pokud preferuješ stunlock, tak od toho by měl být Black Orc a pokud ti jde o max DPS, tak buď Chaos Marauder nebo Orc Choppa.

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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Posted - 26/02/2007 :  12:39:52  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ŠAR

Aha prostě warrior
Můžu se zeptat, co jsi vlastně od Chosena čekal?

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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Posted - 26/02/2007 :  13:09:17  Show Profile  Send l0bos an ICQ Message Send l0bos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Toho stealthu je skoda, ale asi vedi proc ho tam nedavat. Na druhou stranu bez stealthu zase pridaji nejake jine ability potrebne k preziti :) coz treba povede k vic "group friendly":)

Predpokladam spravne ze ta slicna deva v promo videu je prave assasin?
A jeste dva dotazy, bude za destruction pouze jediny healer shaman, a druhy nejake info o Zealotovi, co se od nej da priblizne ocekavat?


Drak'Thul <Cursed Corpses>

Edited by - l0bos on 26/02/2007 13:13:50
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Posted - 26/02/2007 :  13:32:38  Show Profile Send Edmund a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Zealot - healer archetype, snad i pet spam, nebo minimalne controlable pet.

Neziva - Healer of Uhni Kurva, Mordred
Mrs Ironic - Reservoir Dogs, Darkfall
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Posted - 26/02/2007 :  13:41:54  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ve WAR by podle jejich slov neměla být žádná jednoúčelová classa. Tak jako má být Goblin Shaman healer/DD prskavka, tak Zealot by měl být healer/melee DD. Podle posledních informací by měl mít možnost vysummonit si na pomoc nějaké vrány, ale myslím že né controlable. Podle slov Mythicu Chaos nebude mít žádnou pet classu.

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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Posted - 26/02/2007 :  16:59:22  Show Profile  Visit ŠAR's Homepage Send ŠAR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by NoX

Originally posted by ŠAR

Aha prostě warrior
Můžu se zeptat, co jsi vlastně od Chosena čekal?

Já vím asi sem neměl!Ale hraju MMO teprve chvilku,a přečetl sem asi kolem 30ti knížek ze světa WARHAMMERU takže sem prostě čekal tanka,ale i s nákýma schopnostma(jako v knížce)což je samo nemožný!

If you see me,you´re already dead. HONOR AND GLORY
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Posted - 26/02/2007 :  17:45:26  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak očekáváme všichni že jo Já osobně bych si představoval Chosena nějak ve smyslu Dread Knighta z Vanguardu. Tj. schopnost ustát velkou melee dmg, šířit kolem sebe nějaké debuff aury a rozdávat kolem sebe pořádný šlupky gigantickým 2h swordem. Eventuelně nějaké CC formou charge stunu nebo fearu.

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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Posted - 26/02/2007 :  20:12:48  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
To si predstavujete spravne. Takovy Chosen imo bude. Tzeentch je nejstarsi Chaos god, ktery je nejmocnejsi. Champion of Tzeentch je absolutne nejsilnejsi "leader" chaosu, ktery muze vzniknout (nemuzu pocitat Archaona , ktery cerpa silu vsech bohu Chaosu). Ovlada jak magii, tak je velmi zkuseny fighter. Uz chapu, proc vybrali Tzeentche.

Tohle vsechno nasvedcuje, ze Chosen bude opravdu nejspise neco jako Dread, ci Death Knight. Tzn. debuff spells, drainy atp. Samozrejme to nebude tak dobry jako klasicky caster. Ted si nejsem jisty, ale myslim, ze Champion of Tzeentch byva popisovany jako warrior + low lvl caster.

Edit: Navic tank Chaosu nutne nepotrebuje stit a jednorucku. Takze Lisko tvoje predsava Chosena bude asi spravna.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 26/02/2007 20:15:29
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Posted - 27/02/2007 :  09:31:50  Show Profile Send Edmund a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Shemiramoth

Uz chapu, proc vybrali Tzeentche...

proto:) http://www.war-rvr.net/mediaplayer/?id=60

Neziva - Healer of Uhni Kurva, Mordred
Mrs Ironic - Reservoir Dogs, Darkfall
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Posted - 28/02/2007 :  08:31:39  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
V novém newsletteru nám konečně prozradili (mimo jiné) pravou tvář Chaos Zealota. Všechno je jinak. Pokud jsem to pochopil správně, tak Zealot nebude primárně healer, ale jeho hlavní sílou budou buffy, debuffy a drainy. Nebude to tedy v žádném případě meleek, ale čistokrevný caster. A jestli bude healovat, o čemž se k mému překvapení vůbec nezmiňujou, tak nejspíš přes ty drainy.

Celý popis Zealota najdete zde.

EDIT: Na konci tohohle videa je pár ingame záběrů Chaos Zealota.

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

Edited by - NoX on 28/02/2007 09:55:02
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Posted - 01/03/2007 :  21:32:42  Show Profile Send Vali. a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jen trosku vedle...http://www.gamespot.com/news/6166560.html
sice je to jeste daleko :) ale pro me 40k jede vic jak prapuvod :)
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Posted - 02/03/2007 :  09:09:17  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No na WH 40k jsem vyrostl a za MMO z tothle světa jsem se plánoval upsat ďáblu Takže tohle je rajská hudba pro mé uši. Nicméně mě to zatím nechává chladným, pač bůh ví kdy a jak...

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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Posted - 02/03/2007 :  20:28:41  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Goblin Wolf FTW


EDIT: Tohle tu myslím ještě nebylo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VhovQts-Qs

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

Edited by - NoX on 02/03/2007 20:34:38
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Posted - 07/03/2007 :  08:40:48  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Krapet starší článek, ale pár zajímavých informací od lidí co hráli Alpha verzi na GenCon2006.

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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Posted - 07/03/2007 :  11:10:48  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wizard Magazine ClarificationBy: Sanya Thomas06 Mar 2007 16:07:01 EST

Long time, no see, I know. We're like tulips, here at the community page. Nothing much happens in the winter, because we're gathering strength to explode in the spring. But I wanted to pipe up and clarify something that appeared in the most recent Wizard magazine.

I love Wizard, and I love Boom! Studios. (If you didn't know, Boom! is doing a Warhammer comic. Warhammer: Forge of War #1 ships this spring.) But there's some material in the article that is not accurate.

First, the first betas for WAR will not be going to those who win through a magazine contest. The first betas will be going to trusted testers, guilds, etc. And second, though I expect for most of you this goes without saying, the comic contest is not the only way you can beta test. Our newsletter sign up created a group that will make up the bulk of the beta testers.

But the comic contest will be one of many other exciting opportunities for people to gain access to the WAR beta. I hope to have a revised testing schedule posted here... soon, TM.

Edited 3:15 EST 3/6/07 to clarify the comic's release date.

Zdroj: http://www.warhammerherald.com/news/news.php?newsid=40

Mozna sance pro stare Mor do Kulaky z DAOC. :-))

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 07/03/2007 11:11:05
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Posted - 08/03/2007 :  12:22:14  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nové oficiální screenshoty zde

a jedna zajímavost...

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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Posted - 08/03/2007 :  12:33:03  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak co predobjedname?

Ten datum je slusne nastrelenej, ale docela dobre realny.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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Posted - 08/03/2007 :  19:38:03  Show Profile  Send NoX an ICQ Message Send NoX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No preorder mě určitě láká , ale asi ještě počkam, až se to objeví ve vícero obchodech. Co se týče toho data, tak ten beru hodně s rezervou. Já osobně bych to viděl spíš až kolem Vánoc.
Jinak mě pobavilo, jak už se dole v té diskuzi rozpoutala hádka WAR vs. WoW. Celkově mě veškerý diskuze na tohle téma docela drtí

A20.00%, E80.00%, K46.67%, S53.33%

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Posted - 08/03/2007 :  20:13:28  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Jo jo rozpoutala a taky jsem ji vicemene smazal. Dokud budu hnusnym adminem, tak se tady z toho nestane bordel ala WoW.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 08/03/2007 20:13:44
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Posted - 08/03/2007 :  22:00:03  Show Profile  Visit ŠAR's Homepage Send ŠAR a Private Message  Reply with Quote
50$ tak to není moc,sem myslel že takovýhle předobjednávky stojej velkej balík.Dobrá fraška srovnávat WAR s WoW

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