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62 Posts |
Posted - 15/09/2007 : 19:18:16
Jeweller, neboli klenotník, se zabývá výrobou ozdobných magických předmětů, které svému nositeli napomáhají v boji proti nepřátelům. Ať již svou schopností zvýšit sílu, přesnost nebo schopnost koncentrovat mysl a mnoho dalších, jsou šperky vyhledávaným doplňkem všech dobrodruhů.
Základní suroviny pro klenotníka jsou drahé kameny a ingoty různých druhů kovů. Je schopen opracovat drahé kameny do vysokého lesku, aby je bylo možno použít pro další výrobu. Pokud dosáhne zručnosti u určité úrovně výroby klenotů, může se naučit přidávat k výrobkům jisté druhy dalších surovin a tím znatelně vylepšit vlastnosti vyrobených věcí.
Neméně důležitým výrobkem zlatníka je takzvaný Token. Tato symboly opředená tekutina vnese po použití do duší dobrodruhů klid a zažene jejich strach. Je to důležité zvláště v případech setkání se služebníky Temného pána, kteří svou temnotou ovlivní mysl hrdinů. Se vzrůstající schopností dokáže zlatník vyrábět lepší a lepší Token.
Další z řady výrobků zlatníka jsou takzvané runy. Každá runa je popsána magickým symbolem, která napomáhá championům zmírnit nároky jejich magických schopností a zvýšit sílu jejich účinku.
Apprentice - začátečník
Polished Agate Polished Amethyst ----- Edhelharn Token - lvl 15 2x copper ingot, 1x polished amethyst +1 hope na 15 minut
Dim Edhelharn Token - lvl 15 - mastery 2x copper ingot, 1x polished amethyst, Diminutive Wight Barrow Treasure +1 hope na 30 minut
Journeyman - tovaryš
Polished Bloodstone Polished Opal ----- Taint Edhelharn Token - lvl 25 2x silver ingot, 1x polished bloodstone +2 hope na 15 minut
Pale Edhelharn Token - lvl 25 - mastery 2x silver ingot, 1x polished bloodstone, Orthodox Wight Barrow Treasure +2 hope na 30 minut ----- Minor Striking Rune - lvl 20 2x silver ingot, 1x runic striking symbol -1.0% strikes line power cost
Exceptional Minor Striking Rune - lvl 20 - mastery 2x silver ingot, 1x runic striking symbol, Orthodox Wight Barrow Treasure -2.0% strikes line power cost ----- Minor Vanquishing Rune - lvl 20 2x silver ingot, 1x runic vanquishing symbol -1.0% blade line area of effect power cost
Exceptional Minor Vanquishing Rune - lvl 20 - mastery 2x silver ingot, 1x runic vanquishing symbol, Orthodox Wight Barrow Treasure -2.0% blade line area of effect power cost
Expert - odborník
Polished Sapphire Polished Ruby ----- Glossy Edhelharn Token - lvl 30 2x gold ingot, 1x polished ruby +3 hope na 15 minut
Polished Edhelharn Token - lvl 30 - mastery 2x gold ingot, 1x polished ruby, Huge Wight Barrow Treasure +3 hope na 30 minut ----- Striking Rune - lvl 30 2x gold ingot, 1x runic striking symbol -3.0% strikes line power cost
Exceptional Striking Rune - lvl 30 - mastery 2x gold ingot, 1x runic striking symbol, Huge Wight Barrow Treasure -4.0% strikes line power cost ----- Vanquishing Rune - lvl 30 2x gold ingot, 1x runic vanquishing symbol -3.0% blade line area of effect power cost
Exceptional Vanquishing Rune - lvl 30 - mastery 2x gold ingot, 1x runic vanquishing symbol, Huge Wight Barrow Treasure -4.0% blade line area of effect power cost
Artisan - řemeslník
Polished Adamant ----- ----- Major Striking Rune - lvl 40 2x platinum ingot, 1x runic striking symbol -5.0% strikes line power cost
Exceptional Major Striking Rune - lvl 40 - mastery 2x platinum ingot, 1x runic striking symbol,Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw -6.0% strikes line power cost ----- Major Vanquishing Rune - lvl 40 2x platinum ingot, 1x runic vanquishing symbol -5.0% blade line area of effect power cost
Exceptional Major Vanquishing Rune - lvl 40 - mastery 2x platinum ingot, 1x runic vanquishing symbol, Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw -6.0% blade line area of effect power cost
Master - mistr
Polished Beryl -----
Brilliant Edhelharn Token - lvl 40 2x misty mountain silver ingot, 1x polished beryl +5 hope na 15 minut
Glorious Edhelharn Token - lvl 40 - mastery 2x misty mountain silver ingot, 1x polished beryl, Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw +5 hope na 30 minut
Anaruth Order Loremaster,grandmaster jeweller |
Edited by - Garon on 16/09/2007 18:08:11
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62 Posts |
Posted - 16/09/2007 : 03:03:02
Necklace - náhrdelník
Apprentice - začátečník
Copper Necklace - lvl 8 2x copper ingot +3 might
Fine Copper Necklace - lvl 8 - mastery 2x copper ingot, Small Wight Barrow Treasure +6 might ----- Glittering Copper Necklace - lvl 8 4x copper ingot +3 agility
Brilliant Copper Necklace - lvl 8 - mastery 4x copper ingot, Diminutive Wight Barrow Treasure +3 agility, +1.0% non-combat morale regeneration ----- Agate Necklace - lvl 13 3x copper ingot, 1x polished agate +1.0 non-combat morale regeneration
Fine Agate Necklace - lvl 13 - mastery 3x copper ingot, 1x polished agate, Diminutive Wight Barrow Treasure +2.0 non-combat norale regeneration
Journeyman - tovaryš
Silver Necklace - lvl 18 2 xsilver ingot +6 might
Shining Silver Necklace - lvl 18 - mastery 2x silver ingot, Dusky Lynx Claw +12 might ----- Glittering Silver Necklace - lvl 18 4x silver ingot +6 might, +6 agility
Brilliant Silver Necklace - lvl 18 - mastery 4x silver ingot, Orthodox Wight Barrow Treasure +12 might, +6 agility ----- Opal Necklace - lvl 23 3x silver ingot,1x polished opal +8 might, +8 fate
Polished Opal Necklace - lvl 23 - mastery 3x silver ingot, 1x polished opal, Orthodox Wight Barrow Treasure +15 might, +8 fate ----- Engraved Opal Necklace - lvl 23 - single use 4x silver ingot, 1x polished opal, 1x ruby shard +8 vitality, +8 might
Etched Opal Necklace - lvl 23 - single use - mastery 4x silver ingot, 1x polished opal, 1x ruby shard +15 might, +8 vitality, +8 will
Expert - odborník
Gold Necklace - lvl 28 2x gold ingot +9 might
Bright Gold Neckalce - lvl 28 - mastery 2x gold ingot, Shimmering Wight Barrow Treasure +18 might, +9 vitality ----- Glittering Gold Necklace - lvl 28 4x gold ingot +9 might, +28.0 morale
Brilliant Gold Necklace - lvl 28 - mastery 4x gold ingot, Huge Wight Barrow Treasure +18 might, +28.0 morale ----- Sapphire Necklace - lvl 33 3x gold ingot, 1x polished sapphire +2% wound resistance
Polished Sapphire Necklace - lvl 33 - mastery 3x gold ingot, 1x polished sapphire, Huge Wight Barrow Treasure +11 might, +2% wound resistance ----- Engraved Sapphire Necklace - lvl 33 - single use 4x gold ingot, 1x polished sapphire, 1x adamant shard +21 might, +32 morale
Etched Sapphire Necklace - lvl 33 - single use - mastery 4x gold ingot, 1x polished sapphire, 1x adamant shard +21 might, +64 morale
Artisan - řemeslník
Platinum Necklace - lvl 38 2x platinum ingot +12 might, +12 agility
Sparkling Platinum Necklace - lvl 38 - mastery 2x platinum ingot, Huge Drake Tail +24 might, +12 agility, +1.9 non-combat power regeneration ----- Glittering Platinum Necklace - lvl 38 4x platinum ingot +12 might, +12 vitality, +37 morale
Brilliant Platinum Necklace - lvl 38 - mastery 4x platinum ingot, Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw +24 might, +12 vitality, +73 morale ----- Adamant Necklace - lvl 43 3x white gold ingot, 1x polished adamant +14 fate, +41 morale
Polished Adamant Necklace - lvl 43 - mastery 3x white gold ingot, 1x polished adamant, Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw +27 might, +14 fate, +41 morale ----- Engraved Adamant Necklace - lvl 43 - single use 4x white gold ingot, 1x polished adamant, 1x beryl shard +27 might, +1% evade chance
Etched Adamant Necklace - lvl 43 - single use - mastery 4x white gold ingot, 1x polished adamant, 1x beryl shard +27 might, +1% evade chance, +14 will
Master - mistr
Misty Mountain Silver Necklace - lvl 46 2x misty mountain silver ingot +15 might, +1% evade chance
Splendid Misty Mountain Silver Necklace - lvl 46 - mastery 2x misty mountain silver ingot, Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw +29 might, +1% evade chance, +44 morale ----- Glittering Misty Mountain Silver Necklace - lvl 46 4x misty mountain silver ingot +29 might, +87 morale
Brilliant Misty Mountain Silver Necklace - lvl 46 - mastery 4x misty mountain silver ingot, Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw +29 might, +87 morale, +15 vitality ----- Beryl Necklace - lvl 48 3x misty mountain silver ingot, 1x beryl +15 might, +15 fate
Polished Beryl Necklace - lvl 48 - mastery 3x misty mountain silver ingot, 1x beryl, Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw +30 might, +15 fate, +15 vitality ----- Engraved Beryl Necklace - lvl 48 - single use 4x misty mountain silver ingot, 2x beryl, 1x beryl shard +30 might, +15 agility, +45 morale
Etched Beryl Necklace - lvl 48 - single use - mastery 4x misty mountain silver ingot, 2x beryl, 1x beryl shard +30 might, +15 agility, +90 morale, +2% wound resistance |
Anaruth Order Loremaster,grandmaster jeweller |
Edited by - Garon on 16/09/2007 03:08:21 |
62 Posts |
Posted - 18/09/2007 : 23:40:12
Ring - prsten
Apprentice - začátečník
Copper Ring - lvl 8 2x copper ingot +10 morale
Brilliant Copper Ring - lvl 8 - mastery 2x copper ingot, Small Wight Barrow Treasure +9 vitality ----- Glittering Copper Ring - lvl 8 4x copper ingot +10 power
Brilliant Copper Ring - lvl 8 - mastery 4x copper ingot, Diminutive Wight Barrow Treasure +19 power ----- Amethyst Ring - lvl 13 3x copper ingot, 1x polished amethyst +5 vitality
Fine Amethyst Ring - lvl 13 - mastery 3x copper ingot, 1x polished amethyst, Diminutive Wight Barrow Treasure +9 vitality
Silver Ring - lvl 18 2x silver ingot +6 will
Shining Silver Ring - lvl 18 - mastery 2x silver ingot, Dusky Lynx Claw +12 will ----- Glittering Silver Ring - 18 lvl 4x silver ingot +6 vitality, +6 fate
Brilliant Silver Ring - lvl 18 - mastery 4x silver ingot, Orthodox Wight Barrow Treasure +12 vitality, +6 fate ----- Bloodstone Ring - lvl 23 2x silver ingot, 1x polished bloodstone +8 vitality
Polished Bloodstone Ring - lvl 23 - mastery 2x silver ingot, 1x polished bloodstone, Orthodox Wight Barrow Treasure +15 will ----- Engraved Bloodstone Ring - lvl 23 - single use 4x silver ingot, 1x polished bloodstone,1x ruby shard +15 will, +8 fate
Etched Bloodstone Ring - lvl 23 - single use - mastery 4x silver ingot, 1x polished bloodstone, 1x ruby shard +15 will, +8 fate, +8 might
Expert - odborník
Gold Ring - lvl 28 2x gold ingot +9 vitality, +2.5 non-combat morale regeneration
Bright Gold Ring - lvl 28 - mastery 2x gold ingot, Shimmering Wight Barrow Treasure +18 vitality, +2.5 non-combat morale regeneration ----- Glittering Gold Ring - lvl 28 4x gold ingot +9 will, +9 might, +2.5 non-combat morale regeneration
Brilliant Gold Ring - lvl 28 - mastery 4x gold ingot, Huge Wight Barrow Treasure +18 will, +9 might, +2.5 non-combat morale regeneration ----- Ruby Ring - lvl 33 3x gold ingot, 1x polished ruby +11 will, +32 power
Polished Ruby Ring - lvl 33 - mastery 3x gold ingot, 1x polished ruby, Huge Wight Barrow Treasure +21 will, +32 power ----- Engraved Ruby Ring - lvl 33 - single use 4x gold ingot, 1x polished ruby, 1x adamant shard +21 will, +2.0% poison resistance
Etched Ruby Ring - lvl 33 - single use - mastery 4x gold ingot, 1x polished ruby, 1x adamant shard +21 will, +2.0% poison resistance, +32 power
Artisan - řemeslník
White Gold Ring - lvl 38 2x white gold ingot +12 vitality, +2.0% poison resistance
Sparkling White Gold Ring - lvl 38 - mastery 2x white gold ring, Huge Drake Tail +24 vitality, +2.0% poison resistance, +12 might ----- Glittering White Gold Ring - lvl 38 4x white gold ingot +12 vitality, +12 will, +12 might
Brilliant White Gold Ring - lvl 38 - mastery 4x white gold ring, Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw +24 vitality, +24 will, +12 might ----- Adamant Ring - lvl 43 3x platinum ingot, 1x polished adamant +14 will, +14 fate
Polished Adamant Ring - lvl 43 - mastery 3x platinum ingot, 1x polished adamant, Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw +27 will, +14 fate, +41 power ----- Engraved Adamant Ring - lvl 43 - single use 4x platinum ingot, 1x polished adamant, 1x beryl shard +14 agility, +14 fate, +1.0% parry chance
Etched Adamant Ring - lvl 43 - single use - mastery 4x platinum ingot, 1x polished adamant, 1x beryl shard +14 agility +14 fate, +1.0 parry chance, +41 morale
Master - mistr
Misty Mountain Silver Ring - lvl 46 2x misty mountain silver ingot +15 vitality, +1.0% parry chance
Splendid Misty Mountain Silver Ring - lvl 46 - mastery 2x misty mountain silver ingot, Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw +29 vitality, +1.0% parry chance, +44 power ----- Glittering Misty Mountain Silver Ring - lvl 46 4x misty mountain silver ingot +29 vitality, +15 will, +44 morale
Brilliant Misty Mountain Silver Ring - lvl 46 - mastery 4x misty mountain silver ingot, Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw +29 vitality, +15 will, +87 morale ----- Beryl Ring - lvl 48 3x misty mountain silver ingot, 1x polished beryl +15 will, +2.0% poison resistance
Polished Beryl Ring - lvl 48 - mastery 3x misty mountain silver ingot, 1x polished beryl, Lethal Sharp Dread Turtle Webbed Claw +30 will, +2.0% poison resistance, +90 morale ----- Engraved Beryl Ring - lvl 48 - single use 4x misty mountain silver ingot, 2x polished beryl, 1x beryl shard +30 vitality, +15 will, +15 might
Etched beryl Ring - lvl 48 - single use - mastery 4x misty mountain silver ingot, 2x polished beryl, 1x beryl shard +30 vitality, +30 will, +15 might, +90 morale |
Anaruth Order Loremaster,grandmaster jeweller |
Edited by - Garon on 18/09/2007 23:41:43 |
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