Jde nabindovat mys? Protoze v AoC nejde mouse3, mouse4 atd.
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
jo mouse 4 i mouse 5 mi spusti autorun, nicmene nastavit mi to take nejde.
Ano to je presne tak. Je to defaultni hodnota. Tohle me treba hodne vadi, bez dodatecnych mouse buttonu je to naprd. Chtel jsem si tam dat dulezite comba...
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
jo mouse 4 i mouse 5 mi spusti autorun, nicmene nastavit mi to take nejde.
Ano to je presne tak. Je to defaultni hodnota. Tohle me treba hodne vadi, bez dodatecnych mouse buttonu je to naprd. Chtel jsem si tam dat dulezite comba...
To Gabe: Nene to je moje guilda z WoW. Ted jsem na Fury, uplne v jine guilde.
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Zkousel nekdo z vas WerikUI? Mel bych par otazek, jedna je, jestli se da nejak dostat do toho ovladani Werika, upravit velikosti a umisteni baru a druha, da se nejak vypnout popis skillu, aby se to nezobrazovalo po najeti? Protoze takhle to zabere temer cely vyhled :(
Zkousel nekdo z vas WerikUI? Mel bych par otazek, jedna je, jestli se da nejak dostat do toho ovladani Werika, upravit velikosti a umisteni baru a druha, da se nejak vypnout popis skillu, aby se to nezobrazovalo po najeti? Protoze takhle to zabere temer cely vyhled :(
jo to jde vypnout nebo nastavit vetsi prodlevu v interface option/ advanced - hower info delay
Want to make those on-screen messages a bit smaller, so they don't take up your entire screen when there's a handful or more of them? Well, then this little mod is for you.
I simply reduced the font size and background image, making it all take up less space. The space between each message is also smaller.
Mirage UI for Age of Conan v1.2 Released! (5/23/2008)
================================================= LATEST CHANGES ================================================= Version 1.2, 5/23/2008
* New Group Window! Remade the group panel in a whole new layout and made all new custom graphics for it, you can also see both buffs and debuffs on all party members now. If you don't want to use this simply browse to your ..\cd_image\Gui\Customized\Views\TeamGUI\ folder and delete the two files found in there: TeamListView.xml and TeamListEntryView.xml * Modified the Player and Target frames to display both Buffs and Debuffs now. * Repositioned the Target of Target health bar centered above the Target frame, this resolves the graphic side shift issue on the Mirage UI Small version. * Modified the BottomBar to prevent it from getting distorted when certain classes hit level 40 and obtain Lower Right and Lower Left attacks. Level 40 and above players please submit feedback! * The additional floating shortcut bar #1 can now be used, be adviced that even though the shortcut bindings may appear on it, they actually apply to the MUI Shortcut Bar, this is a work in progress and you can simply turn it off if you don't need it. * Graphics to replace the minimap and resurrection icons on the minimap are included but currently can not be modified due to a bug, nevertheless they are there for when this is fixed.
Version 1.1, 5/21/2008
* By popular demand I creatded a new alternate smaller scale version of the mod, this is a 3/4 scale version (75%) smaller set of shortcut bars that keep the full functionality of the game! See the extra installation notes to set it up. * New Player and Target Health, Stamina and Mana bars graphics, this is a minor cosmetic tweak * Changed the Player and Target names to use the in-game Hyborian font. Nods go to Werik for he was the first to make the use of the in-game font in his mod. * Fixed the default position of the Player and target timer bars. BTW they can be moved if you enable them under INTERFACE OPTIONS > ADVACED > SHOW TIMER BARS.
Snad nebude vadit, kdyz to napisu sem. Nevite nekdo o nejakym appletu na pro dislay G15? Samotna hra to podporuje, ale ukazuje to jenom HP, Mana a Stamina. Tmi je na displeji k nicemu. Spis by se me tam libili udaje, ktery normalne musim hledat nepr. stav volnyho mista v inventari, staty skillu a volnych bodu do skillu, staty zbrani v ruce atd. Nebo nedokazete nekdo neco takovyho vytvorit?
Bohuzel to jen tak nepude :( Funcom by musel poskytnout API a predpokladam ze to neudela. Sam se k temto informacim nedostanes, teda mozna i dostanes, ale hra si muze myslet ze se pokousis podvadet a vyvodit z toho dusledky :( Spis si myslim ze bude mozne udelat UI addon ktery to bude nekde prehledne zobrazovat na screenu, ale rozhodne si nemyslim ze by to slo prenest do jineho processu. Leda, a to je ale fakt jen uvaha, ze by mel UI addon moznost ukladat informace do souboru kde by je mohl vyuzivat i jiny process (bohuzel opet se to da zneuzivat pro automaty a podobne, takze asi bude zakazano). Pak by nebyl problem napsat plugin pro LCD Studio ktere s G15 vyborne spolupracuje.
Pro namapovani mysi (Logitech) v AoC, pouzijte set point + uberoption http://www.mstar.net/users/rlowens/ Muzete premapovat celou mys a funguje to bajecne. Funguje s posledni verzi set pointu.
Edit: Chybicka se vloudila...thx to NoX
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Pro namapovani mysi (Logitech) v AoC, pouzijte set point + uberoption http://www.mstar.net/users/rlowens/ Muzete premapovat celou mys a funguje to bajecne. Funguje s posledni verzi set pointu.
Edit: Chybicka se vloudila...thx to NoX
no u vetsiny programu k mysi de nastavit napriklad tlacitka 1-7 na F1-F7 ty nabindovat ve hre a mas na mysi to stejny co na F1-F7 ... nebo obdobnym zpusobem... tak to mam u X7...
Nj, ale kdyz jsem to tak udelal, tak to fungovalo jaksi podivne. Az s uberoption to bylo vsechno ok...nevim mozna nejaky bug.
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Snad nebude vadit, kdyz to napisu sem. Nevite nekdo o nejakym appletu na pro dislay G15? Samotna hra to podporuje, ale ukazuje to jenom HP, Mana a Stamina. Tmi je na displeji k nicemu. Spis by se me tam libili udaje, ktery normalne musim hledat nepr. stav volnyho mista v inventari, staty skillu a volnych bodu do skillu, staty zbrani v ruce atd. Nebo nedokazete nekdo neco takovyho vytvorit?
Abys to mohl udělat musel bysi číst z paměti, což bude určitě proti EULA. Pokud maj něco jako Warden ve WoW dostal bys pak ban.
Release notes 0.3a: - Backgrounds for your chat windows. - New 'charcoal' theme with slightly transparent background. - Default chat window docks to bottom left corner. - Top screen buffs display removed... not needed - No longer any need to mess about with different resolution backgrounds, now 1 size fits all.
Release notes 0.4b: - Fixed display problem when targeting destructable objects such as resource nodes - Target of target implemented!
Release notes 0.41b: - Fixed a bug where empty target of target frame was sometimes showing.
:( proc porad lidi zapominaj ze sou i lidi co nemaji miniaturni zobrazovaci jednotky a KONECNE nezacnou delat neco i pro ne? To je vazne desna diskriminace :D
What is AoC Quick Start? Age of Conan Quick Start (AoCQS) is a little application that will automatically skip the intros displayed by Age of Conan on startup.
What is AoC Quick Start? Age of Conan Quick Start (AoCQS) is a little application that will automatically skip the intros displayed by Age of Conan on startup.
Release notes 0.3a: - Backgrounds for your chat windows. - New 'charcoal' theme with slightly transparent background. - Default chat window docks to bottom left corner. - Top screen buffs display removed... not needed - No longer any need to mess about with different resolution backgrounds, now 1 size fits all.
Release notes 0.4b: - Fixed display problem when targeting destructable objects such as resource nodes - Target of target implemented!
Release notes 0.41b: - Fixed a bug where empty target of target frame was sometimes showing.
Release notes 0.3a: - Backgrounds for your chat windows. - New 'charcoal' theme with slightly transparent background. - Default chat window docks to bottom left corner. - Top screen buffs display removed... not needed - No longer any need to mess about with different resolution backgrounds, now 1 size fits all.
Release notes 0.4b: - Fixed display problem when targeting destructable objects such as resource nodes - Target of target implemented!
Release notes 0.41b: - Fixed a bug where empty target of target frame was sometimes showing.
Neuměl by někdo vytvořit jednoduchý prográmek, který by v okénku ve Windows ukazoval kolik je hodin v AoC? Nebo už něco takového někde je? (nenašel jsem). Jde mi o to, že si většinou raději zahraji ve dne za jasného světla, když je tam tak pěkná grafika (i když plížení v noci mezi mobama je taky fajn). Mám tabulku kde jsem si vypsal kolik je ve hře hodin, ale raději bych to viděl "real timově".
Program by byl pro naše časové pásmo (s možnosti přenastavení na jíné) a přepočítával by prostě jen čísla z reálného času (z Windows) na in-game čas. 12 našich minut je 1 hodina ve hře.
Vím že je to kravina, ale mě by se takový program hodil (nebo třeba i nějaký skript na www stránku). Pokud by se někdo šikovný nudil, může si s tím pohrát, já programovat neumím .
ShabAIO - Inventory mod for the people It simply changes the inventory to display all 48 slots on one page and removes the so called "paginator". http://www.conanmods.com/?p=mod&m=25
Super, konečně to někoho napadlo udělat . Snad to je jen dočasné řešení než předělají komplet UI jak slibovali (a doufám, že něco takovéto tam implementují). Dík za link.
To mi nejde, nemá se to nějakou kombinací kláves odemknout? Posunutí myší nejde a přes shift, ctrl a alt také ne. Mám tam MirageUI, možná to nějak blokuje.
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
to by melo blokovat pouze ikony v barech .... pravdou je ze ja mam K-UI takze tam rozdil je, ale ze by uicko samo o sobe blokovalo moznost pohybu s tema progres barama se mi nechce verit ..... ani nevim jestli to jde v defaultnim ui, nemel sem potrebu tam s tim hejbat
Shift+L je jen na ty ikony spellů a komb. Prostě s tím cast barem nemůžu hnout. Ale v nějakým videu jsem ho viděl na jiném místě. V MirageUI je položen docela na špatné pozici.