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Average Member
1444 Posts |
2156 Posts |
Average Member
1444 Posts |
Posted - 04/06/2008 : 09:55:59
quote: Originally posted by Gabriel
Blíží se konec měsíce zdarma a začátek placeného období, takže podobným prohlášením nebude hned tak konec. Samozřejmě budu rád, když to bude pravda, ale vzhledem ke zkušenostem a věku to už tolik nežeru :-)
no, fincom má celkem tradici v plnění slibů v ao, pokud se dobře pamatuju. Osttaně, už tenhle nebo příští týden by měli zlepšit dropy a dostupnost hezčích a lepších zbrojí, tak uvidíme |
Senior Member

2747 Posts |
Posted - 04/06/2008 : 10:01:36
mohl bych poprosit nekoho kdo ma cas o kratky rozbor jednotlivych classu? Veticku, dve popisu zamereni ke kazdemu povolani bych ocenil :) diky |
Zenová povídka: Putuji takhle Severní Koreou a najednou potkám Gurrshaela a Pompa držíce se za ruce řkouce "Ano pane Reydene ... až tady jsme zjistili, že jsme míň než ta krabice u cesty ... vyhrál jsi, Ty jsi víc!". Usmál jsem se a odvětil jim: "Od té doby co nemám žádný cíl, už nebloudím!" |
7950 Posts |
Posted - 04/06/2008 : 11:38:05
quote: Originally posted by Reyden
mohl bych poprosit nekoho kdo ma cas o kratky rozbor jednotlivych classu? Veticku, dve popisu zamereni ke kazdemu povolani bych ocenil :) diky
Soldieri jsou tank classy Rogue jsou dpska Healeri maji heal Magove se snazi o dps :) |
Rock is overpowerd, please nerf. Paper is fine. Yours, Scissors.
Junior Member
522 Posts |
Posted - 04/06/2008 : 12:06:56
takova blba otazka, ctu si zahranicni fora a pisou tam neco o Cc, co tahle zkratka znamena ? :- )
napr. tohle
Assasin outdps a 2hander barbarian by far and do the same dps as a dual wield barbarian wich have no Cc either |
New Member

329 Posts |
Posted - 04/06/2008 : 12:09:17
CC = crowd control
prebrano z wikipedie
In a Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) game, Crowd Control (also called CC) is the ability of one character to influence or prevent the abilities or actions of another character(s). Crowd control can be extremely powerful because possible future action trees can be completely eliminated. Thus, the Crowd control user (crowd controller or CCer) can control possible outcomes, forcing or controlling the opponent(s) to use an even fewer set of available abilities/actions. Used properly, CC often renders an opponent(s) nearly useless, allowing the CCer to use abilities/actions against an opponent(s) without fear of retaliation or response. Players use crowd control to create offense/defense ratio imbalances between themselves and their opponent(s). Noteworthily, in a group setting, crowd control is often used to reduce the number of opponents that one has to fight at once, which makes combat safer, easier, or possible at all. |
Edited by - Honsou on 04/06/2008 12:10:16 |
Junior Member
522 Posts |
Posted - 04/06/2008 : 12:23:10
quote: Originally posted by Honsou
CC = crowd control
prebrano z wikipedie
In a Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) game, Crowd Control (also called CC) is the ability of one character to influence or prevent the abilities or actions of another character(s). Crowd control can be extremely powerful because possible future action trees can be completely eliminated. Thus, the Crowd control user (crowd controller or CCer) can control possible outcomes, forcing or controlling the opponent(s) to use an even fewer set of available abilities/actions. Used properly, CC often renders an opponent(s) nearly useless, allowing the CCer to use abilities/actions against an opponent(s) without fear of retaliation or response. Players use crowd control to create offense/defense ratio imbalances between themselves and their opponent(s). Noteworthily, in a group setting, crowd control is often used to reduce the number of opponents that one has to fight at once, which makes combat safer, easier, or possible at all.
aha dik, takze v pripade AoC se jedna o stun , knock atd ? |
New Member

329 Posts |
Posted - 04/06/2008 : 12:26:30
nejen v pripade AoC :)
cokoliv co zabrani protihraci v utoku na tebe |
New Member

342 Posts |
Posted - 04/06/2008 : 12:27:58
quote: Originally posted by Arach aha dik, takze v pripade AoC se jedna o stun , knock atd ?
Stun, root, Stifle, Daze astd.  |
New Member

101 Posts |
Posted - 05/06/2008 : 10:07:02
a confusion  |
Stormkiss ToS Fury Arasham HoX Wildsoul Warigan BS Wildsoul Achiever 73.33%, Explorer 26.67%, Killer 86.67%, Socializer 13.33% |
Junior Member

982 Posts |
Posted - 05/06/2008 : 11:09:31
a boobs.. eee.. niples..  |
Average Member
1444 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2008 : 13:14:17
| nový patchnotes...
* By popular demand we have added a new "Level up" sound effect. * Player Building tooltip displays correct predecessor information now. * Fixed some randomness in when you would see the tutorial popup flags. * Trading with another player will no longer cause traded items to appear in the incorrect inventory tab. * Removed the commandline to setting hotkeys since it was only intended to debug hotkeys before the GUI was there * The "usable items only" checkbox with traders should now work as intended. * The facemarking 'Freckles' should now work for new characters. * Minor issue with tradeposts and setting up items for auction has been resolved. * Corrected several animations for mobs as well as NPCs during cut scenes. * Increased the xp gained from group normal mobs and group bosses. * Players will now be able to experience the destiny event in the Field of Chiefs. * New voice over for some of the events in the Capture The Skull minigame. * More client and server crashes resolved.
* Evadebonuses are now applied when you are being attacked from behind. * Players with Shield of the Risen will not be affected by secondary effects from combos.
* If you drag a chat window with only one tab in it over the tab-bar of another chat window it will now be added as a tab to that window (inserted before the tab that the mouse is over in the "target" window). * When pressing enter the input focus will by default go to the last active chat tab rather than the selected "default tab". The previous behaviour can be achieved by checking the "Default Window" menu entry for one of the tabs. * Tweaked the areas you click to resize the chat window to make them easier to use.
* Guild Feats: It should now show a scrollbar. * Buff icons no longer get stuck on after teleporting or talking to an npc. * Resolved a GUI related crash when clicking on the bank (broker). * Fixed an issue causing buffs placed outside the currently visible area of shortcut bars to still flash when ending cooldown. * Whisper replies now always go to the chat tab you sent the original message from, in addition to the tab that is subscribed to the "Tell" channel. * Added some missing class icons used by the team/raid GUI. * Raid leaders now have an orange name in the raid GUI. * Removed an unused hotkey (Show chat config).
* The weapons should now always appear sheathed in the character selection screen. * Potions: Fixed an issue with the stamina potion 'Old Redrouse', it will now get consumed when used. * The 'Nemedian War Flail' has been renamed to 'Nemedian Mace'. * The Rending Strike and Rupturing Strike proc from some equipment will no longer linger on the target indefinitely.
* Gemmed items should now work (giving bonuses) and viewing them should no longer crash the client. * Becoming a Woodcutter should no longer erroneously tell you that you've learned the 'Evading Roll' combo. * Harvesting: Script now keeps track of the persons that are using a resource node. This prevents the user from trying to use it twice and thus not harvesting anything at all.
* Monsters 4 levels or higher will now correctly have increased evade and immunity chance. * Resource gathering npcs will now display the '?' over their heads when you have the goal and items to return to them. * Princess Akivasha now attacks back when attacked in Sanctum of the Burning Souls. * The encounters in the Armsman's Arena should be less chaotic. * Demonic Pict will no longer try to cast spells at players without being able to do so. * The Quest NPC's for the Frost Swamp, Imerian Ravine and Oasis of Zaara have been shuffled around in the Resource and Building playfields to make it easier for players to spot them amongst all the other tradeskill NPC's
* Movement speed of pets have been increased both in and out of combat.
* The Armsman's Arena is now a private instance.
* Contract of Protection, Protection of Set, and Runed Flesh now have 1 hour cooldown. While any of the three is active, the player will temporarily receive a 'Weakened Protection' debuff indicating if the maximum amount of absorbed damage has been expended until the shield refreshes. * The maximum damage Protection of Set and Runed Flesh can absorb before failing has been increased by 50% * The Archmage feat has been moved to the 2nd tier of the Mage general tree
Player Characters
* The base splash damage inflicted by Fires of Gehenna has been increased from 10% to 30% * The base splash damage inflicted by Shockstrike has been increased from 15% to 20% * The base column radius of Hellfire Stream has been increased by 1 meter * Hellfire Stream and Shock have received a minor damage increase * Inferno of Amher and Shockblast have had their cooldown reduced by 0.5 seconds * The splash damage bonus of Discharge Shockstrike has been increased to 100% * Swift Shockstrike now additionally increases the damage of Shockstrike by 1/2/3/4/5% * Shock now has 35% splash damage, up to 3 targets and 3 meters from the primary target * Shockstrike and Shock have had their base chance to crit increased * The scaling of the Shock spell has been corrected, leading to a damage increase at most levels * The bonus of the Lingering Flames feat on the Incinerate effect has been increased from 30% to 250% at maximum rank * The casting time of Detonation has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds * Living Thunderstorm and Living Firestorm now correctly use a percentage-based manacost * Living Thunderstorm should now correctly appear in the hostile spells tab * The casting time of Infernal Knowledge, Diabolic Insight, Mark of Dagon, Shield of Infernal Flames, Abaddoron Warrior, Mystic Suppression, Cursed by Hell, and Cursed by the Heavens have been reduced by 50% * The beneficial effect of the Pact of Earth Walking spell has been increased from 200% to 400% * Pact of Earth Walking is now instant cast
* Fixed a bug causing the available pet point indicator in the pet list GUI to sometimes show 0 points available rather than the actual number. * Spellweaving can be cast and cancelled normally now.
Dark Templar
* 'Mystical Bane' combo: The damage dealt by the Incinerate Ether component of Mystical Bane combos will now correctly deal 50% of the mana burned to be consistent with other power burn effects.
Priest of Mitra
* Revivication Feat: The healing effect granted by the Revivication feat will no longer fail to trigger if the Priest is level 65. * Condemnation now receives a partial cooldown if the spell does not complete channelling. * Purification procs will no longer incorrectly apply a cooldown to Condemnation.
* Barbarian's should no longer be unable to attack or move directly after performing any rank of their 'Savage Rage' combo. * 'No Escape' combo should now always give you a cooldown when used and you will always get disarmed.
Herald of Xotli
* 'Fire Lance' combo now only needs 3 attacksteps to execute so it can be triggered faster. The combo now also hits targets a bit further away than before making it more effective.
* Combo 'Throat Slash' has been corrected to be a spear attack instead of a ranged attack.
Tempest of Set
* Mark of Set now has the correct casting animation and effect for all ranks.
* Updated quest journals of "Phoenix of the East" to reflect new position of NCP General Tatius. * Fixed animation problem where Arias could not decide to sit or stand during conversation. * Ninus and Si-Khu will reliably spawn when logging out near the Temple of Mitra. * The access quest for the Armsman's Arena revamped. * The Phoenix of the North: Resolved an issue with Mithrelle not standing up if not viewing the small cutscene. * Resolved an issue that forces quests to not update on zoning. * Wagon Wreck: Revamped with a new quest goal. * The Poisoned Cup: Revamped with more interaction with the objects in the quest. * The Curse of the Werewolves: Slight enhancement on quest targets. * Wolf Hunt: Slight enhancement on quest targets. * Greater Prey: Slight enhancement on quest targets. * Death to the Vanir: Slight enhancement on quest completion. * Finding Safe Passage: Revamped with a new quest goal. * Captives of the White Hand: Revamped with a new quest goal. * The Cheiftains Vengeance: Revamped with a new quest goal. * Wolves at our Throats: Revamped with a new quest goal. * Bartholomo's Wife will respawn more often, if you happen to kill her before required to by the quest 'The Awakening III' * It should be easier to deal with Renton's Corrupt Friends when doing the quest Awakening II * Sanctum of the Burning Souls: The boss drop 'Bloodtainted Hoop' will no longer end up in the quest inventory. * Field of the Dead: 'Fur of Bloodclaw' will no longer end up in the quest inventory. * Tarantia Noble: Improved these quests: Bloodroot, Concealing the Chinks, Purging the Fallen, Source of Contagion. * The Lurking Horror: The Area marker is now set on the map * Pool of Black Blood: Quest now updates when you kill the Lesser Black Ones as well. * The Slave Rebellion: Replaced radius with a fixed waypoint for one of the goals. * Fetching Fungi: A waypoint will now lead the way to Sanctum, and to the mushrooms inside. * Lifting the Curse: Waypoint will now lead you to the Sanctum of Burning Souls. * The Sinister Sepulcher: Orb is now destructible, and all the Undead Thralls in the area will update the quest. * The Black Skulls: Corrected some wrong waypoints. * Fleet of Mouth: Cycaelus has upped the difficulty. You now need to beat his record on half the time you needed before |
New Member

199 Posts |
Average Member
1444 Posts |
2901 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2008 : 13:23:53
quote: Originally posted by Kurik ve FAQ? no potěš...
Asi tak jako tvuj post do "Druha strana mince AoC" kam to vylozene patri ze? Nehlede na to proc postovat do kazdeho topicu patchnotes. |
"End of hope, end of love, end of time. The rest is silence."
New Member

199 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2008 : 13:25:09
Ano, souhlasím. Možná by se mohl ke každému většímu patchi vytvořit vlastní topic popř. Patch topic na všechny další patche. |
Lexon |
Junior Member
792 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2008 : 13:28:43
* Combo 'Throat Slash' has been corrected to be a spear attack instead of a ranged attack.
no potes, tomu se rika z blata do louze :D spear attack hmmm mazec u Conquerora... |
Marwyn Zevl Aion - Mytower <Played: 9D, AoC, AO, AC, AC2, DF, D&D, EVE, EQ2, GW, HG-London, Horizons, L2, MoM, Neocron, Ryzom, SWG, TR, UO, Vanguard, WHO, WoW, ...> |
4085 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2008 : 13:59:13
Gemmed items should now work (giving bonuses) and viewing them should no longer crash the client. ==> UPDATE: This issue has not been fixed with the latest Patch. We will provide you with more information about this asap.. |
Average Member
1444 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2008 : 15:05:05
quote: Originally posted by Little
quote: Originally posted by Kurik ve FAQ? no potěš...
Asi tak jako tvuj post do "Druha strana mince AoC" kam to vylozene patri ze? Nehlede na to proc postovat do kazdeho topicu patchnotes.
to ovšem nebyl úmysl, prostě jsme si nevšiml, že jsem vlezl do blbýho dredu :( |

3400 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2008 : 15:10:20
quote: Originally posted by Kurik
quote: Originally posted by Little
quote: Originally posted by Kurik ve FAQ? no potěš...
Asi tak jako tvuj post do "Druha strana mince AoC" kam to vylozene patri ze? Nehlede na to proc postovat do kazdeho topicu patchnotes.
to ovšem nebyl úmysl, prostě jsme si nevšiml, že jsem vlezl do blbýho dredu :(
To je na BAN!   |
Junior Member
982 Posts |
Posted - 10/06/2008 : 16:26:28
Camels are "on the way" Mammoths and Rhinos might stay pre-order exclusive Other siege mounts might be introduced to the game to not unbalance PvP Different types of mounts are being considered... __________________ Svein Erik "Sharum" Jenset Lead BCC Designer Funcom Oslo AS
Výtažek z fóra Tak camel mazeccccc
Last hope......Guild Wars 2 "that's not a log, that's a DICK!"
7950 Posts |
Posted - 10/06/2008 : 17:22:33
prosim o zabanovani rodiera pro porusovani pravidel fora o prodeji |
Rock is overpowerd, please nerf. Paper is fine. Yours, Scissors.
Starting Member
14 Posts |
Posted - 10/06/2008 : 18:10:54
hosi neviete mi poradit stale ak prechadzam do inej lokality mi to ku koncu nacitavania spadne teda nie uplne hra ale hodi ma to do uvodneho menu s logovanim na acc nieco v zmysle pripojenia proste disconnect ma s tym niekto skusenost? potom mi zhruba nejde nalogovat tak 5 min  |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 10/06/2008 : 18:37:36
quote: Originally posted by Pertha
prosim o zabanovani rodiera pro porusovani pravidel fora o prodeji
Neni nutne.
To Rodier: Post byl smazan. Smeruj ho, kam patri. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Average Member
1308 Posts |
Posted - 10/06/2008 : 19:56:48
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
quote: Originally posted by Pertha
prosim o zabanovani rodiera pro porusovani pravidel fora o prodeji
Neni nutne.
prvni spatna zprava dneska. |
Krabice je zaklad. |

3400 Posts |
Posted - 10/06/2008 : 20:33:57
Rodier je Khostriho pet, jedině on mu může dát unsummon, ale to on neudělá  |
Drizzt DoUrden
Average Member
1591 Posts |
Posted - 11/06/2008 : 14:01:37
quote: Originally posted by Jaffa
Camels are "on the way" Mammoths and Rhinos might stay pre-order exclusive Other siege mounts might be introduced to the game to not unbalance PvP Different types of mounts are being considered... __________________ Svein Erik "Sharum" Jenset Lead BCC Designer Funcom Oslo AS
Výtažek z fóra Tak camel mazeccccc
Asi nehrozí, že by si Necro mohl koupit nemrtvého koně (prostě zombie horse) v brzké době? Protože, aby trajdal na zdravém hnědákovi, je jaksi proti jeho přesvědčení. |
New Member

199 Posts |
Posted - 11/06/2008 : 14:06:21
quote: Originally posted by Drizzt DoUrden
quote: Originally posted by Jaffa
Camels are "on the way" Mammoths and Rhinos might stay pre-order exclusive Other siege mounts might be introduced to the game to not unbalance PvP Different types of mounts are being considered... __________________ Svein Erik "Sharum" Jenset Lead BCC Designer Funcom Oslo AS
Výtažek z fóra Tak camel mazeccccc
Asi nehrozí, že by si Necro mohl koupit nemrtvého koně (prostě zombie horse) v brzké době? Protože, aby trajdal na zdravém hnědákovi, je jaksi proti jeho přesvědčení.
Pochybuji, tohle není WoWko . Myslím, že ve světě Conana žádní nadpřirození mounti pro smrtelníky nikdy nebyli. Maximálně by mohli udělat nějakou jinou postroj na koně (ověsit ho lebkami a pomalovat ho). |
Lexon |
Junior Member
503 Posts |
Posted - 11/06/2008 : 14:21:19
Myslím že mají závažnější věci na práci  |
SWG:Dosec soustružník ,Dosec' Yurek JEDI -EU Chimaera server WWIIOL:Oberstleutnant,Axis side, DF:Twombly-meč,srp a kladivo WAR:Yurek pasáček vepřů -Eltharion

3400 Posts |
Posted - 11/06/2008 : 14:31:11
To budou ve hře prodávat i cigára jo?  |

2069 Posts |
Posted - 11/06/2008 : 14:51:07
quote: Originally posted by Lexon Myslím, že ve světě Conana žádní nadpřirození mounti pro smrtelníky nikdy nebyli. Maximálně by mohli udělat nějakou jinou postroj na koně (ověsit ho lebkami a pomalovat ho).
On je necro smrtelnik? Pokud se nepletu, lich podoba necra uz neni ze sveta zivych.
Btw: ja bych undead kone nebo mamuta samozrejme bral  |
WOW: Kasicka, Druid, [Ceska Legie]. Moonglade TESO: Kasicka, Templar, [Ceska Legie, MdK], EU Rift: Kasicka, Cleric, [Ceska legie], Gelidra EQ2: Kasicka, Inquizitor, [Ceska legie], Splitpaw AoC: Casea, Necro, [Legie], Dagon Lotro: Casea, Minstrel, [Myth], Snow Vanguard [R.I.P.]: Attronach, High Elf Psionist, [MdK]
New Member

253 Posts |
Posted - 11/06/2008 : 15:03:02
A BearShamani by mohli mit zase medveda jako mounta. :) |
RIFT: Stoupa * Ceska Legie * Steampike PvE EU * Weaponsmith * Male Dwarf Guardian |

3400 Posts |

4328 Posts |
Posted - 11/06/2008 : 16:34:15
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
quote: Originally posted by Pertha
prosim o zabanovani rodiera pro porusovani pravidel fora o prodeji
Neni nutne.
To Rodier: Post byl smazan. Smeruj ho, kam patri.
a kam patri? ja to neprodavam = nebyl to inzerat, jen pratelska rada.. mozna sem to mohl hodit do FAQ? co by otazku a odpoved? protoze xzone ma stale vyprodano ;)) o sberatelskejch ani nemluvim.. tam delali paniku uz mesic pred spustenim.. pritom sou vsude.
a co se tyce - to je aukce pro deti z wowka.. nemam tam co delat kdyz nic neprodavam |
First of all, who cares? Goodbye! Don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! Secondly, you will still buy this. Stop fishing for attention you lonely little troll.
4339 Posts |
Posted - 11/06/2008 : 17:21:54
quote: Originally posted by spajdr
Vypadá to že brzy vyjdou nové armor sety do hry
Toto je PvP set.  |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Average Member
2118 Posts |
Posted - 11/06/2008 : 17:42:54
Sorry ale nechce sa mi preliezat vsetkych tychto 50 stranok a mozno to tu uz bolo povedane :
Ked mam sede questy v quest logu tak stale dostavam full XP reward, jo ? A teraz dalsia otazka ... budem tieto questy vidiet na mape ? Ako myslim vykricniky ? Alebo budem musiet obiehat vsetky NPC v lokacii a klikat na kazdeho ci mi nahodou nedava nejaky quest ? Neviete ? Lebo ako su tie 3 lokacia 20-30 lvl , tak teraz som v polovici druhej a uz som lvl 30, cize ked pridem do tretej, tak tie quety budu sede pre mna, ale stale budu davat slusnu XPu v porovnani s namahou :) |
Senior Member
3722 Posts |
Posted - 11/06/2008 : 18:10:54
xp davaji, videt nejsou, musis proklikat npc |
lastfm |
Average Member
2118 Posts |
Posted - 11/06/2008 : 18:25:38
quote: Originally posted by Rashaverak
xp davaji, videt nejsou, musis proklikat npc
Toho som sa bal, kurnik .... a pokracuje to takto dalej alebo len tieto 3 zony su take vynimocne ? Proste ked robim vsetky skilly tak mam viacej roboty :) |
Starting Member
49 Posts |
Posted - 12/06/2008 : 09:34:27
quote: Originally posted by Pepo
quote: Originally posted by Rashaverak
xp davaji, videt nejsou, musis proklikat npc
Toho som sa bal, kurnik .... a pokracuje to takto dalej alebo len tieto 3 zony su take vynimocne ? Proste ked robim vsetky skilly tak mam viacej roboty :)
Fakt si myslíš žej je rozumné na lvl 30-40 dělat questy pro lvl 20, který ti daj za splnění 1000xp, když k postupu z lvl na lvl potřebuješ 100k? |
Život je příliš dlouhý na všechnu tu bolest, kterou přináší i příliš krátký pro lásku a radost kterou nám dává.... |
New Member

117 Posts |
Posted - 12/06/2008 : 09:42:07
rozumne nekoho je lepsi delat i sede questy ciste kvuli pocitu vyssi zabavnosti nez z grindovani mobu. Navic hodne questu je na sebe navazujicich takze si muzete otevrit cestu k dalsim questum i pro vyssi lvl v jinych zonach a se zajimavou odmenou. |
Sludig - Dwarf - Guardian (LOTRO) Dageorn - Man - captain(LOTRO) czlucas - WWII online, Czechoslovak PanzerBrigade Lucas -kdysi davno UO Maniak
Drizzt DoUrden
Average Member
1591 Posts |
Posted - 12/06/2008 : 15:20:24
Ad. necro kůň - je fakt, že v Conanovi nic takového nebylo, ale démonů a podobných nadpřirozených existencí tam bylo dost - proč by místo okřídleného démona nemohl být záhrobní kůň. Nebo aspoň ten postroj. Jak bylo řečeno, pokud může necro přejít na Licha, už se nepočítá mezi smrtelníky. A ne, omalovánky jsem nikdy nehrál a hrát nehodlám.
Lucas: Také bych uvítal, kdyby se low level questy zobrazovaly, proklepávat každou pojmenovanou postavu je otrava. V LOTRo na to byla možnost, zapnout si v options quest icons pro low level (šedé) questy. Tady jsem to také hledal, ale bohužel tahle možnost není.
Orias: Jak říká Lucas - hraju také hru kvůli zábavnosti a ne kvůli tomu abych za tři dny namaxoval level. V LOTRO jsem naleveloval v jiných oblastech, ale kvůli questům jsem pak šel do Shire (který jsem předtím minul) a udělal tam komplet všechny questy. A nelitoval jsem toho, questy jako Quick Post, Inn master nebo "Slepičí odyssea" za to stály. V LOTRo za šedé questy myslím ani ta expa nebyla. |
Edited by - Drizzt DoUrden on 12/06/2008 15:21:39 |
2210 Posts |
Posted - 12/06/2008 : 15:26:14
quote: Originally posted by Orias Fakt si myslíš žej je rozumné na lvl 30-40 dělat questy pro lvl 20, který ti daj za splnění 1000xp, když k postupu z lvl na lvl potřebuješ 100k?
já tedy nevím, ale pokud dávají questy fixní reward, pak je jedno, jestli uděláš quest na levelu 20 nebo 60 ne? Pořád je to 1000xp teď nebo později. To, že level dostaneš rychleji na vyšších questech nic nemění na tom, že i malej quest ti tu expu dá. některých jiných her byl reward procentuelně vztáhnutý k aktuálnímu levelu a proto se nižší questy nevyplatilo dělat z čistě materiální stránky. O Lore nemluvím.
Já také dělám všechno i zpětně, pokud můžu. |
PC, PS3, iPad |
4085 Posts |
Posted - 12/06/2008 : 15:34:23
Je pravda ze tady zatim plati Delej vsechny questy i sedivy dokud muzes. Pac na vyssich levlech 60+ budes jen grindit a muzu rict z vlastni zkusenosti ze je to pekna nuda a uz me to nebavi. |
†… Havran …†
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1962 Posts |
Posted - 12/06/2008 : 15:38:32
sem 80 a jediny kde sem grindil bylo asi 43-45 pak 68-70 a finalni 2 lvl do 80 questy sem sice pro ten lvl mel ale grupa do te oblasti ne. takze se da bezproblemu lvlovat i bez nejakyho vetsiho grindu |
EVE: Lord Greg (Black Nova Corp) [Band of Brothers] [IT Alliance] BoB Forever KILLER 73.3% LOOTER 66.7% THIEF 33.3% SCAMMER 26.7
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Posted - 12/06/2008 : 15:43:16
quote: Originally posted by Araya
Je pravda ze tady zatim plati Delej vsechny questy i sedivy dokud muzes. Pac na vyssich levlech 60+ budes jen grindit a muzu rict z vlastni zkusenosti ze je to pekna nuda a uz me to nebavi.
na lvl 60 máš dvě nový zóny,neříkám že je tam questů mraky,ale jsou tam  |
SWG:Dosec soustružník ,Dosec' Yurek JEDI -EU Chimaera server WWIIOL:Oberstleutnant,Axis side, DF:Twombly-meč,srp a kladivo WAR:Yurek pasáček vepřů -Eltharion
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3590 Posts |
Posted - 12/06/2008 : 15:43:40
Low level questy mají samozřejmě "smysl" jen pokud si je chce člověk dodělat (sám nemám sil ani všechny questy číst, i třeba jen proto že text se vypisuje hodně nešťastně) ze zájmu.
I když jdou rychleji díky neagrujícím šedým mobům a tak, od určitého levelového rozestupu je to prakticky jen ztráta času - například Main System quest dá něco přes 20k xp, což před sedmdesátkou odpovídá nějakým deseti-patnácti mobům, čili tak 5 minut času max. Hlavně díky cestování to nestojí za to, i když grind je nuda... |
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556 Posts |
Posted - 12/06/2008 : 16:07:29
quote: Originally posted by Marigold
Low level questy mají samozřejmě "smysl" jen pokud si je chce člověk dodělat (sám nemám sil ani všechny questy číst, i třeba jen proto že text se vypisuje hodně nešťastně) ze zájmu.
Včera jsem si projel Mass Effect, je to něco jako KOTOR. Zpusob zadavani a řešeni questu je tam řešeny dialogy jako AoC, ale musim řict, že jsem neodklikl ani jeden. Snad to bylo tim, že byly nadabovany všechny z obou stran + volba odovedi byla jen zjednodušená/zkrácená oproti tomu, co charakter opravdu odpovedel, nebo že se prostě hlavní quest linie táhla celou hrou a na ní se nalepovaly další zápletky které s ní většinou souvisely...
Každopadně na to, FC dělal AoC pět let jsem čekal mnohem silnější příběh a kvalitu zpracování questů. Kdyby alespoň nějak záleželo co člověk odpoví, ale to "klikni desetkrat 1. řádek a dostaneš quest" je dost nešťastné.
Možná bude chybka, že FC pracuje na pěti MMO naraz a pak trpi kvalita. |
7950 Posts |
Posted - 12/06/2008 : 16:22:35
quote: Originally posted by vlkodlak
Možná bude chybka, že FC pracuje na pěti MMO naraz a pak trpi kvalita.
ktery jsou ty dalsi tri ? |
Rock is overpowerd, please nerf. Paper is fine. Yours, Scissors.
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Posted - 12/06/2008 : 16:31:15
quote: Originally posted by vlkodlak Každopadně na to, FC dělal AoC pět let jsem čekal mnohem silnější příběh a kvalitu zpracování questů.
mmo a pribeh? k cemu?#12288;O.o |
RL: LVL 1 S/S/S AO: Ineea, Airashii, Nekrotyrael, Nanorexia
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