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199 Posts

Posted - 09/06/2008 :  14:23:55  Show Profile Send Lexon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sem postujte další patche a komentáře k nim.

Update Notes - 9th of June


* By popular demand we have added a new "Level up" sound effect.
* Player Building tooltip displays correct predecessor information now.
* Fixed some randomness in when you would see the tutorial popup flags.
* Trading with another player will no longer cause traded items to appear in the incorrect inventory tab.
* Removed the commandline to setting hotkeys since it was only intended to debug hotkeys before the GUI was there
* The "usable items only" checkbox with traders should now work as intended.
* The facemarking 'Freckles' should now work for new characters.
* Minor issue with tradeposts and setting up items for auction has been resolved.
* Corrected several animations for mobs as well as NPCs during cut scenes.
* Increased the xp gained from group normal mobs and group bosses.
* Players will now be able to experience the destiny event in the Field of Chiefs.
* New voice over for some of the events in the Capture The Skull minigame.
* More client and server crashes resolved.


* Evadebonuses are now applied when you are being attacked from behind.
* Players with Shield of the Risen will not be affected by secondary effects from combos.


* If you drag a chat window with only one tab in it over the tab-bar of another chat window it will now be added as a tab to that window (inserted before the tab that the mouse is over in the "target" window).
* When pressing enter the input focus will by default go to the last active chat tab rather than the selected "default tab". The previous behaviour can be achieved by checking the "Default Window" menu entry for one of the tabs.
* Tweaked the areas you click to resize the chat window to make them easier to use.


* Guild Feats: It should now show a scrollbar.
* Buff icons no longer get stuck on after teleporting or talking to an npc.
* Resolved a GUI related crash when clicking on the bank (broker).
* Fixed an issue causing buffs placed outside the currently visible area of shortcut bars to still flash when ending cooldown.
* Whisper replies now always go to the chat tab you sent the original message from, in addition to the tab that is subscribed to the "Tell" channel.
* Added some missing class icons used by the team/raid GUI.
* Raid leaders now have an orange name in the raid GUI.
* Removed an unused hotkey (Show chat config).


* The weapons should now always appear sheathed in the character selection screen.
* Potions: Fixed an issue with the stamina potion 'Old Redrouse', it will now get consumed when used.
* The 'Nemedian War Flail' has been renamed to 'Nemedian Mace'.
* The Rending Strike and Rupturing Strike proc from some equipment will no longer linger on the target indefinitely.


* Gemmed items should now work (giving bonuses) and viewing them should no longer crash the client. ==> UPDATE: This issue has not been fixed with the latest Patch. We will provide you with more information about this asap..
* Becoming a Woodcutter should no longer erroneously tell you that you've learned the 'Evading Roll' combo.
* Harvesting: Script now keeps track of the persons that are using a resource node. This prevents the user from trying to use it twice and thus not harvesting anything at all.


* Monsters 4 levels or higher will now correctly have increased evade and immunity chance.
* Resource gathering npcs will now display the '?' over their heads when you have the goal and items to return to them.
* Princess Akivasha now attacks back when attacked in Sanctum of the Burning Souls.
* The encounters in the Armsman's Arena should be less chaotic.
* Demonic Pict will no longer try to cast spells at players without being able to do so.
* The Quest NPC's for the Frost Swamp, Imerian Ravine and Oasis of Zaara have been shuffled around in the Resource and Building playfields to make it easier for players to spot them amongst all the other tradeskill NPC's


* Movement speed of pets have been increased both in and out of combat.


* The Armsman's Arena is now a private instance.



* Contract of Protection, Protection of Set, and Runed Flesh now have 1 hour cooldown. While any of the three is active, the player will temporarily receive a 'Weakened Protection' debuff indicating if the maximum amount of absorbed damage has been expended until the shield refreshes.
* The maximum damage Protection of Set and Runed Flesh can absorb before failing has been increased by 50%
* The Archmage feat has been moved to the 2nd tier of the Mage general tree

Player Characters


* The base splash damage inflicted by Fires of Gehenna has been increased from 10% to 30%
* The base splash damage inflicted by Shockstrike has been increased from 15% to 20%
* The base column radius of Hellfire Stream has been increased by 1 meter
* Hellfire Stream and Shock have received a minor damage increase
* Inferno of Amher and Shockblast have had their cooldown reduced by 0.5 seconds
* The splash damage bonus of Discharge Shockstrike has been increased to 100%
* Swift Shockstrike now additionally increases the damage of Shockstrike by 1/2/3/4/5%
* Shock now has 35% splash damage, up to 3 targets and 3 meters from the primary target
* Shockstrike and Shock have had their base chance to crit increased
* The scaling of the Shock spell has been corrected, leading to a damage increase at most levels
* The bonus of the Lingering Flames feat on the Incinerate effect has been increased from 30% to 250% at maximum rank
* The casting time of Detonation has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds
* Living Thunderstorm and Living Firestorm now correctly use a percentage-based manacost
* Living Thunderstorm should now correctly appear in the hostile spells tab
* The casting time of Infernal Knowledge, Diabolic Insight, Mark of Dagon, Shield of Infernal Flames, Abaddoron Warrior, Mystic Suppression, Cursed by Hell, and Cursed by the Heavens have been reduced by 50%
* The beneficial effect of the Pact of Earth Walking spell has been increased from 200% to 400%
* Pact of Earth Walking is now instant cast


* Fixed a bug causing the available pet point indicator in the pet list GUI to sometimes show 0 points available rather than the actual number.
* Spellweaving can be cast and cancelled normally now.

Dark Templar

* 'Mystical Bane' combo: The damage dealt by the Incinerate Ether component of Mystical Bane combos will now correctly deal 50% of the mana burned to be consistent with other power burn effects.

Priest of Mitra

* Revivication Feat: The healing effect granted by the Revivication feat will no longer fail to trigger if the Priest is level 65.
* Condemnation now receives a partial cooldown if the spell does not complete channelling.
* Purification procs will no longer incorrectly apply a cooldown to Condemnation.


* Barbarian's should no longer be unable to attack or move directly after performing any rank of their 'Savage Rage' combo.
* 'No Escape' combo should now always give you a cooldown when used and you will always get disarmed.

Herald of Xotli

* 'Fire Lance' combo now only needs 3 attacksteps to execute so it can be triggered faster. The combo now also hits targets a bit further away than before making it more effective.


* Combo 'Throat Slash' has been corrected to be a spear attack instead of a ranged attack.

Tempest of Set

* Mark of Set now has the correct casting animation and effect for all ranks.


* Updated quest journals of "Phoenix of the East" to reflect new position of NCP General Tatius.
* Fixed animation problem where Arias could not decide to sit or stand during conversation.
* Ninus and Si-Khu will reliably spawn when logging out near the Temple of Mitra.
* The access quest for the Armsman's Arena revamped.
* The Phoenix of the North: Resolved an issue with Mithrelle not standing up if not viewing the small cutscene.
* Resolved an issue that forces quests to not update on zoning.
* Wagon Wreck: Revamped with a new quest goal.
* The Poisoned Cup: Revamped with more interaction with the objects in the quest.
* The Curse of the Werewolves: Slight enhancement on quest targets.
* Wolf Hunt: Slight enhancement on quest targets.
* Greater Prey: Slight enhancement on quest targets.
* Death to the Vanir: Slight enhancement on quest completion.
* Finding Safe Passage: Revamped with a new quest goal.
* Captives of the White Hand: Revamped with a new quest goal.
* The Cheiftains Vengeance: Revamped with a new quest goal.
* Wolves at our Throats: Revamped with a new quest goal.
* Bartholomo's Wife will respawn more often, if you happen to kill her before required to by the quest 'The Awakening III'
* It should be easier to deal with Renton's Corrupt Friends when doing the quest Awakening II
* Sanctum of the Burning Souls: The boss drop 'Bloodtainted Hoop' will no longer end up in the quest inventory.
* Field of the Dead: 'Fur of Bloodclaw' will no longer end up in the quest inventory.
* Tarantia Noble: Improved these quests: Bloodroot, Concealing the Chinks, Purging the Fallen, Source of Contagion.
* The Lurking Horror: The Area marker is now set on the map
* Pool of Black Blood: Quest now updates when you kill the Lesser Black Ones as well.
* The Slave Rebellion: Replaced radius with a fixed waypoint for one of the goals.
* Fetching Fungi: A waypoint will now lead the way to Sanctum, and to the mushrooms inside.
* Lifting the Curse: Waypoint will now lead you to the Sanctum of Burning Souls.
* The Sinister Sepulcher: Orb is now destructible, and all the Undead Thralls in the area will update the quest.
* The Black Skulls: Corrected some wrong waypoints.
* Fleet of Mouth: Cycaelus has upped the difficulty. You now need to beat his record on half the time you needed before


Edited by - Lexon on 09/06/2008 14:30:44



3400 Posts

Posted - 09/06/2008 :  17:32:47  Show Profile  Visit spajdr's Homepage  Send spajdr an ICQ Message Send spajdr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
List of undocumented changes (9th June patch)

* Horses move faster
* You no longer fall through the Guild City gates
* Party members now show on zone maps
* Summon to Instance is now enabled.
* Trade skill resource stacking has been improved
* Experience to level has been slightly reduced.
* Some of the Hyborian Foliage has taken a vacation.
* 'Crouch' ability added, allowing you to slowly move through others.
* 'Ambience' sound slider in Audio Options removed.
* Dance ability description in Skills & Abilities tab clarified.

* Mark of the Devourer now broken. Persists on target even after your death, causing you to res with aggro and be ganked by mobs at the spawn point.

* Overreach reduced in power (Someone with knowledge of specific changes?)

Herald of Xotli
* Fire Lance reduced in stamina cost, damage and is now a 2-step Combo. Reduction seems to be ~25-40%
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7950 Posts

Posted - 09/06/2008 :  21:27:20  Show Profile  Send Pertha an ICQ Message Send Pertha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by spajdr

* Trade skill resource stacking has been improved

tohle me dost potesilo, ze neni x ruznych rough leather napr ktery pak nejdou pouzit v craftu :)

Rock is overpowerd, please nerf. Paper is fine.
Yours, Scissors.
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Average Member

1444 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2008 :  09:04:52  Show Profile  Visit Kurik's Homepage  Send Kurik an ICQ Message Send Kurik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Pertha

Originally posted by spajdr

* Trade skill resource stacking has been improved

tohle me dost potesilo, ze neni x ruznych rough leather napr ktery pak nejdou pouzit v craftu :)

v nepopsanejch změnách je zrychlení mamutů a nosorožců plus další drobnosti
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4339 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2008 :  10:19:15  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Vsichni mounti se zrychlili, tzn. i kone.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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1212 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2008 :  10:34:14  Show Profile  Send Mandorallen an ICQ Message Send Mandorallen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tenhle patch opravil opravdu podstatnou cast z veci ktery mi vadili. Je videt ze FC na tom opravdu maka a doufam ze uz brzo dojde i na imtemy a end game contend.

DF - Gorf Ash - Reservoir Dogs
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Senior Member


3590 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2008 :  11:17:37  Show Profile Send Marigold a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Shemiramoth

Vsichni mounti se zrychlili, tzn. i kone.

Koně nezrychlili, jen opravili - před patchem jsi na ně jen musel vytáhnout zbraň, aby jeli tak jak mají :) Takzvaná "Arayova metoda".
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Junior Member

503 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2008 :  12:08:47  Show Profile  Send Yurekk an ICQ Message Send Yurekk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mám pocit že kůň jede rychleji než před tím (i kdýž se použilo turbo změnou combat statusu).

SWG:Dosec soustružník ,Dosec' Yurek JEDI -EU Chimaera server
WWIIOL:Oberstleutnant,Axis side,
DF:Twombly-meč,srp a kladivo
WAR:Yurek pasáček vepřů -Eltharion
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4085 Posts

Posted - 10/06/2008 :  13:55:24  Show Profile  Send Araya an ICQ Message Send Araya a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Yurekk

Mám pocit že kůň jede rychleji než před tím (i kdýž se použilo turbo změnou combat statusu).

Jede tak rychle jako pred patchem se zmenou kombatu
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4339 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2008 :  07:09:57  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Disclaimer: These Notes are subject to change as they are not "Officially Final". These notes Are legit, and should be used as an instrument to give you an idea of what to expect. Again, these can/could change, and additions and/or subtractions could be made before all of these items are released live. They are from the non-public test server. This is likely Alot of the items that will be pushed Live this Thursday 6/12/2008. I have attempted to contact moderators to verify thay it is not against rules to post these notes, and havent been told it is. I bring this for positive discussion. Not flame wars and immaturity. You will notice that some of these Items actually went into the game yesterday, while a majority of them have not been made live yet.
__________________________________________________ __________________________

* Animations updated for both Male and Female characters. The most noticeable change would be that Female's no longer seem quite as sluggish as they used to.
* Victim of "I eat your heart" will not fall into the attacker's mesh anymore.
* Picts will no longer raise their eyebrows at people after having been killed by a fatality
* Players should now use proper animations when interacting with items while swimming.
* By popular demand we have added a new "Level up" sound effect.
* Character Creation: Avatars can no longer be rotated after selecting enter game.
* New audio options in the options menu has been added for control of background music frequency.
* Doing a fatality will no longer cause your character to increase in size.

* Champion of the Honorguard now correctly drops T1 shoulders for Priest of Mitra instead of T3 shoulder for Ranger.
* Herald of Xotli raid gear has been fixed and should now offer proper bonuses
* Widowdusk Fauld should appear correctly now in inventory and in game.
* Crafted crossbows should now appear correctly in the character's hand.
* Added bow/crossbow fighting idles as baseanims to unarmed attacks
* Updated item names to Gold Carcanet and Filigree Gold Carcanet
* Fair Meat: will no longer end up in the quest inventory.
* Drinking cape should no longer clip with chest item

* The Killer Rhino and War Mammoth have received a minor increase to their trot and gallop speeds. The trot (default movement speed) should now be slightly faster than a jogging player, while the sprint should only be slightly slower than a sprinting player.
* The Standard Horse has received a moderate increase to it's canter and gallop speeds. The canter (default movement speed) should now be equal to a sprinting player, while the gallop should be slightly faster than twice the speed of a jogging player.
* The Armored Horse has received a moderate increase to its canter and gallop speeds. The canter (default movement speed) should now be a slightly faster than a sprinting player, while the gallop should be moderately faster than twice the speed of a jogging player.
* The Swift Horse has received a substantial increase to its canter and gallop speeds. The canter (default movement speed) should now be equal to twice the speed of a jogging player, while the gallop should be only slightly slower than three times the speed of a jogging player.

* Field of the Dead: The dusk wolf pack has developed an aversion for bridges, and has changed hunting grounds.
* Waudreen has been resupplied with an ample amount of armor.
* The Champion of the Honorguard now uses its correct abilities again.
* Toirdealbach's reset behaviour has been fixed.
* Wulfere has lost his overly large belly, and gotten a head that is the same color as his body.
* Sergeant Vargus and his troopers have gotten a visual overhaul
* Obenathis got a visual update
*Fixed so the Axeman play they're animation when they get back up.
* City of Tortage: The Town crier has realised he is not
* Cimmerian. He is Stygian. So he can, in fact, cry... and he now will.
* Conalls Valley: Hydallan has had a potential dialogue loop fixed.
* Conall's Valley: Kinkaid's dialogue has been tweaked.
* Pyramid of the Ancient: Pashi dialogue updated.
* Captain Mycus's dialogue has been updated to reflect his new career as a wagoner.
* Alyssa in the Thirsty Dog Inn has had a false level warning removed.

Player Character

* 18 new robe assets added to the game for the mage classes
* Players can no longer be knocked back while in spellweaving state
* A large number of abilities had a tendency to not trigger in some situations. This should be fixed now.

* Assassins in Unholy Stance will now generate a Soul Fragment from performing a Sneak Attack.

* If a Barbarian performs a unarmed attack after executing their * No Escape ability they should no longer slide around without animating their legs.
* Unstoppable should stop functioning when the feat is untrained
* Finishing Blow damage boost after charge should always cancel (even when missing the target) - Finishing blow it should scale like this : 1 point = 2x damage, 2 points = 3x damage, 3 points = 4x damage.
* Decapitation feat should scale better when more than one point is spent in the feat.

*There is now a 5 minute cooldown on the resurrection effect gained through your Furious Inspiration ability. This cooldown is on the character offered the resurrection, not the conqueror, so you can still resurrect multiple people in the team, just each of those people cannot be brought back to life by you more than once every 5 minutes.

* Fires of Gehenna (Rank 1) will now correctly inflict fire damage.
* Inferno of Amher (Rank 4) now has the correct casting time.
* Increased the movement speed of all your pets significantly.

Herald of Xotli
* The effect of Demonic Fortitude has been increased to convert 10/15% mana to 10/20% stamina.

* Significantly lowered the manacost of your nukes and dots.
* Increased the movement speed of all your pets significantly.
* Corruptors, Mutilators, Necrotic Bombs and Harvesters will now correctly trigger Bone Horde.
* Pets no longer have the base monster miss chance. They no longer have an innate chance to miss their attacks.
* Fixed Life Leech so that it will tick correctly on a monster that was not initially aggro to you.

Priest of Mitra
* Armor of Faith is no longer canceled by Holy Light triggering.

Tempest of Set
* Tempest of Set spellweaving should now have all abilities enabled.

* You should no longer get stuck in Renton's House.
* There should no rain and lightning in Toirdelbach's Tomb now
* Treasury of the Ancient Ones: You will no longer fall through the world when climbing up the statues. There has also been a revamp with a new event for both solo and group players. Special rewards await those who dare to take the challenge in Epic Mode.

* Den of Wolves: The Plains Wolf population has increased.
* The Curse of the Werewolves: Quest NPCs population has increased., Corinocht Slayers also update the quest now.
* Wolf Hunt: The Yukagi Wolf population has increased.
* Hunting the Vanir: Increased the number of Vanir in the SE camp, also increased their respawn rate.
* Toirdealbach's Tomb: Fixed the respawn rate, fixed the lighting and Toirdealbach's behaviour has been adjusted.
* Water for the Soldiers in Thunder River: Updated the waypoint for Guard Captain Marcus.
* Wagon Wreck: Added a missing waypoint for the quest The Wagon Wreck.
* The Chieftain's Vengeance: Updated waypoints for the goals "Destroy Vanir Supply Crates" and "Kill Crazed Vanir" in the quest "The Chieftain's Vengeance".
* Finding Safe Passage: The player now has to kill 7 Lupine Hunters. The waypoint has also been tweaked.
* Cure for Lycanthropy: Removed Skull of an Alpha Wolf pickup item, this skull can now only be gotten as a loot drop. Added mobs and reduced the respawn time of most mobs.
* Cure for Lycanthropy: Added the missing waypoint to the "Collect Wolf Blood".
* Wagon Wreck: Removed the level requirement for the handing in of the quest Wagon Wreck. The player will now see the ? above the NPCs head.
* A Silver Bracelet: Fixed requirements on Bartholomo's dialog, so he won't show destiny dialog during daytime.
* Phoenix of the South: Made sure the destiny quests are resolved and spawned in the right order, to prevent full quest journals to break the destiny quest.
* The Awakening I: The quest reward has received a revamp based on feedback.
* The Awakening I: An intermittent stall when watching the cutscene "Nadini's Vision" in the Destiny Quest has been resolved.
* In Defense of Beauty: quest can be completed now.
* Get Mantis Scales: The description was improved to better indicate where to get the scales.
* Chaos in the Fortress: Burning the tents will now provide team credit.
* Emerald Eyes: Quest classification has been corrected.
* Family Matters: Quest description has been corrected.
* Khopshef Province Quest: Updated the waypoint to Rami's Position
* Kalutma: The dialogue has been tweaked to be more logical.
* Lions and Lambs: The quest cannot be 'stolen' by other players now.
* Lost Bottles: Wine bottles will correctly show as quest items in the world.
* Seven Years: The text has been updated to be more accurate.
* The Worshipers' Demise: Certain NPCs on white sands have been eating those worshipers with glee and will now have a much higher chance of dropping their gems.
* Ante Up: Giants Approaching has had it's quest marker adjusted so that it appears in the proper location.
* Path of the Raven: Rogan will now give the player 3 feathers for the quest.
* Conall's Valley: Destroying the Ymir Totem has been updated to reward group credit.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 11/06/2008 07:11:11
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199 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  11:03:48  Show Profile Send Lexon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Update Notes - 12th of June


* The Killer Rhino and War Mammoth have received a minor increase to their trot and gallop speeds. The trot (default movement speed) should now be slightly faster than a jogging player, while the gallop should only be slightly slower than a sprinting player.
* The Standard Horse has received a moderate increase to it's canter and gallop speeds. The canter (default movement speed) should now be equal to a sprinting player, while the gallop should be slightly faster than twice the speed of a jogging player.
* The Armored Horse has received a moderate increase to its canter and gallop speeds. The canter (default movement speed) should now be a slightly faster than a sprinting player, while the gallop should be moderately faster than twice the speed of a jogging player.
* The Swift Horse has received a substantial increase to its canter and gallop speeds. The canter (default movement speed) should now be equal to twice the speed of a jogging player, while the gallop should be only slightly slower than three times the speed of a jogging player.

Player Character

* 18 new robe assets added to the game for the mage classes
* Players can no longer be knocked back while in spellweaving state
* A large number of abilities had a tendency to not trigger in some situations. This should be fixed now.
* The following emotes are now available to both male and female characters: scratchhead, scratcharm, apprehensive, danglefeet, squirm_on_ground, relaxed_lean (new)


* Assassins in Unholy Stance will now generate a Soul Fragment from performing a Sneak Attack.


* If a Barbarian performs a unarmed attack after executing their No Escape ability they should no longer slide around without animating their legs.
* Unstoppable should stop functioning when the feat is untrained
* Finishing Blow damage boost after charge should always cancel (even when missing the target) - Finishing blow should scale like this : 1 point = 2x damage, 2 points = 3x damage, 3 points = 4x damage.
* Decapitation feat should scale better when more than one point is spent in the feat.


* There is now a 5 minute cooldown on the resurrection effect gained through your Furious Inspiration ability. This cooldown is on the character offered the resurrection, not the conqueror, so you can still resurrect multiple people in the team, just each of those people cannot be brought back to life by you more than once every 5 minutes.


* Fires of Gehenna (Rank 1) will now correctly inflict fire damage.
* Inferno of Amher (Rank 4) now has the correct casting time.
* Increased the movement speed of all your pets significantly.

Herald of Xotli

* The effect of Demonic Fortitude has been increased to convert 10/15% mana to 10/20% stamina.


* Significantly lowered the manacost of your nukes and dots.
* Increased the movement speed of all your pets significantly.
* Corruptors, Mutilators, Necrotic Bombs and Harvesters will now correctly trigger Bone Horde.
* Pets no longer have the base monster miss chance. They no longer have an innate chance to miss their attacks.
* Fixed Life Leech so that it will tick correctly on a monster that was not initially aggro to you.

Priest of Mitra

* Armor of Faith is no longer cancelled by Holy Light triggering.

Tempest of Set

* Tempest of Set spellweaving should now have all abilities enabled.

Mid Level (40) gameplay improvements

* Field of the Dead: 100 additional mobs have found their way into the the playfield. In addition respawn times have been adjusted on both normal mobs and bosses to improve the playing experience. Also, a number of quests in the playfield have been improved upon.
* Treasury of the Ancient Ones: This Dark dungeon in Khopshef plays like a new dungeon now! It has been revamped with a new event for both solo and group players. Special rewards await those who dare to take the challenge in Epic Mode. And you will no longer fall through the world when climbing up the statues.


* Quests in the 20 - 40 level range have been checked that all are categorized under the proper locations in the quest journal.
* Den of Wolves: The Plains Wolf population has increased.
* The Curse of the Werewolves: Quest NPCs population has increased. Corinocht Slayers also update the quest now.
* Wolf Hunt: The Yukagi Wolf population has increased.
* Hunting the Vanir: Increased the number of Vanir in the SE camp, also increased their respawn rate.
* Cure for Lycanthropy: Removed Skull of an Alpha Wolf pickup item, this skull can now only be gotten as a loot drop. Added mobs and reduced the respawn time of most mobs.
* Toirdealbach's Tomb: Fixed the respawn rate, fixed the lighting and Toirdealbach's behaviour has been adjusted.
* Water for the Soldiers in Thunder River: Updated the waypoint for Guard Captain Marcus.
* Wagon Wreck: Added a missing waypoint for the quest The Wagon Wreck.
* The Chieftain's Vengeance: Updated waypoints for the goals "Destroy Vanir Supply Crates" and "Kill Crazed Vanir" in the quest "The Chieftain's Vengeance".
* Finding Safe Passage: The player now has to kill 7 Lupine Hunters. The waypoint has also been tweaked.
* Cure for Lycanthropy: Added the missing waypoint to the "Collect Wolf Blood".
* Wagon Wreck: Removed the level requirement for the handing in of the quest Wagon Wreck. The player will now see the ? above the NPCs head.
* A Silver Bracelet: Fixed requirements on Bartholomo's dialogue, so he won't show destiny dialogue during daytime.
* Phoenix of the South: Made sure the destiny quests are resolved and spawned in the right order, to prevent full quest journals to break the destiny quest.
* The Awakening I: The quest reward has received a revamp based on feedback.
* The Awakening I: An intermittent stall when watching the cutscene "Nadini's Vision" in the Destiny Quest has been resolved.
* In Defense of Beauty: quest can be completed now.
* Get Mantis Scales: The description was improved to better indicate where to get the scales.
* Chaos in the Fortress: Burning the tents will now provide team credit.
* Emerald Eyes: Quest classification has been corrected.
* Family Matters: Quest description has been corrected.
* Khopshef Province Quest: Updated the waypoint to Rami's Position
* Kalutma: The dialogue has been tweaked to be more logical.
* Lions and Lambs: The quest cannot be 'stolen' by other players now.
* Lost Bottles: Wine bottles will correctly show as quest items in the world.
* Seven Years: The text has been updated to be more accurate.
* The Worshippers' Demise: Certain NPCs on white sands have been eating those worshippers with glee and will now have a much higher chance of dropping their gems.
* Ante Up: Giants Approaching has had it's quest marker adjusted so that it appears in the proper location.
* Path of the Raven: Rogan will now give the player 3 feathers for the quest.
* Conall's Valley - Destroying the Ymir Totem has been updated to reward group credit.


* Champion of the Honorguard now correctly drops T1 shoulders for Priest of Mitra instead of T3 shoulder for Ranger.
* Herald of Xotli raid gear has been fixed and should now offer proper bonuses
* Widowdusk Fauld should appear correctly now in inventory and in game.
* Crafted crossbows should now appear correctly in the character's hand.
* Added bow/crossbow fighting idles as baseanimations to unarmed attacks
* Updated item names to Gold Carcanet and Filigree Gold Carcanet
* Fair Meat: will no longer end up in the quest inventory.
* Drinking cape should no longer clip with chest item
* Polearms are now all of the same length
* Katars are now held and animated correctly


* Field of the Dead: The dusk wolf pack has developed an aversion for bridges, and has changed hunting grounds.
* Waudreen has been resupplied with an ample amount of armor.
* The Champion of the Honorguard now uses its correct abilities again.
* Toirdealbach's reset behaviour has been fixed.
* Wulfere has lost his overly large belly, and gotten a head that is the same color as his body
* Sergeant Vargus and his troopers have gotten a visual overhaul
* Obenathis got a visual update
* Fixed so the Axeman play they're animation when they get back up.
* City of Tortage: The Town crier has realised he is not Cimmerian. He is Stygian. So he can, in fact, cry... and he now will.
* Conalls Valley: Hydallan has had a potential dialogue loop fixed.
* Conall's Valley: Kinkaid's dialogue has been tweaked.
* Pyramid of the Ancient: Pashi dialogue updated.
* Captain Mycus's dialogue has been updated to reflect his new career as a wagoner.
* Alyssa in the Thirsty Dog Inn has had a false level warning removed.
* Stygian Soldiers in Khopshef now correctly attack the wolves when they are out hunting.


* Gemmed items should now work (giving bonuses) and viewing them should no longer crash the client.


* You should no longer get stuck in Renton's House.
* There should no rain and lightning in Toirdelbach's Tomb now


* Combat-dodge animations updated for both Male and Female characters. Females now seem faster when dodging.
* Victim of "I eat your heart" will not fall into the attacker's mesh anymore.
* Picts will no longer raise their eyebrows at people after having been killed by a fatality
* Players should now use proper animations when interacting with items while swimming.
* Players should now have a correct landing animation when jumping.
* Character Creation: Avatars can no longer be rotated after selecting enter game.
* Doing a fatality will no longer cause your character to increase in size.
* Polearm fatalities now collide with the victim properly and show more blood
* More client and server crashes resolved.


Edited by - Lexon on 12/06/2008 11:08:10
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1990 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  12:09:03  Show Profile  Send Azkaban an ICQ Message Send Azkaban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mno..nic zásadního se mi zdá.
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3400 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  12:55:21  Show Profile  Visit spajdr's Homepage  Send spajdr an ICQ Message Send spajdr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Unannounced Changes:


- Grey Elite mobs seem to have lost their innate miss chance and damage reduction on significantly higher level characters.
- Unconfirmed reports of increased damage to all mobs. (More information Needed)
- Unconfirmed reports of improved loottable for outdoor boss types. (More information needed)



- The cooldown on the Assassin ability "Snap Kick" has been reduced to 45 seconds.


- Gems still do not appear on the Trader after being searched for.
- Major problems with gemmed items still being reported. (Further details here: http://forums-eu.ageofconan.com/showthread.php?t=41649)
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4085 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  13:22:22  Show Profile  Send Araya an ICQ Message Send Araya a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nechapu proc se vztekaj lidi kvuli gemum kdyz ty jim jdou aspon vyrobit a muzou pokrocit dale v gemcuttingu, ale co alchemka my tam proste nemame ve hre vubec 3x material na ty pocatecni questy. Nechapu proc tohle neopravej to preci nemuze byt nic tezkyho implementovat do nejakyho drop listu tri veci.
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4339 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  13:25:16  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Araya

Nechapu proc se vztekaj lidi kvuli gemum kdyz ty jim jdou aspon vyrobit a muzou pokrocit dale v gemcuttingu, ale co alchemka my tam proste nemame ve hre vubec 3x material na ty pocatecni questy. Nechapu proc tohle neopravej to preci nemuze byt nic tezkyho implementovat do nejakyho drop listu tri veci.

Co ti chybi?

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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1990 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  13:52:18  Show Profile  Send Azkaban an ICQ Message Send Azkaban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak moje angličtina si neporadila s touto větou:

- Grey Elite mobs seem to have lost their innate miss chance and damage reduction on significantly higher level characters.

Můžete mi to prosím někdo přeložit?
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7950 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  13:54:08  Show Profile  Send Pertha an ICQ Message Send Pertha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Azkaban

Tak moje angličtina si neporadila s touto větou:

- Grey Elite mobs seem to have lost their innate miss chance and damage reduction on significantly higher level characters.

Můžete mi to prosím někdo přeložit?

i sedi elitaci ti budou delat dmg

Rock is overpowerd, please nerf. Paper is fine.
Yours, Scissors.
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4085 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  13:55:35  Show Profile  Send Araya an ICQ Message Send Araya a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Shemiramoth

Originally posted by Araya

Nechapu proc se vztekaj lidi kvuli gemum kdyz ty jim jdou aspon vyrobit a muzou pokrocit dale v gemcuttingu, ale co alchemka my tam proste nemame ve hre vubec 3x material na ty pocatecni questy. Nechapu proc tohle neopravej to preci nemuze byt nic tezkyho implementovat do nejakyho drop listu tri veci.

Co ti chybi?

Napsal jsem to u nas na foru Yeti Bile, Scorpion Oil a Scorpion venom, a na forech je psany ze ty veci proste nejsou , ze to udajne i nejaky GM reklo ve hre nekomu jako odpoved na petici.
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1990 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  14:14:51  Show Profile  Send Azkaban an ICQ Message Send Azkaban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Pertha

Originally posted by Azkaban

Tak moje angličtina si neporadila s touto větou:

- Grey Elite mobs seem to have lost their innate miss chance and damage reduction on significantly higher level characters.

Můžete mi to prosím někdo přeložit?

i sedi elitaci ti budou delat dmg

No uvidíme jak to bude vypadat v praxi. Každopádně doufám, že to neohrozí moje solovaní Sanctum a Tomb.
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982 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  14:27:24  Show Profile Send Jaffa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Azkaban

Originally posted by Pertha

Originally posted by Azkaban

Tak moje angličtina si neporadila s touto větou:

- Grey Elite mobs seem to have lost their innate miss chance and damage reduction on significantly higher level characters.

Můžete mi to prosím někdo přeložit?

i sedi elitaci ti budou delat dmg

No uvidíme jak to bude vypadat v praxi. Každopádně doufám, že to neohrozí moje solovaní Sanctum a Tomb.

Solování skončilo už sou o tom topiky na ofic forech, zabraňujou grindění věcí a tím i peněz z bossu. Třeba to že v main system/cister 80 level vymplatí bosse regulerní grupě co tam jde dělat quest. Tak tohle právě zakázali, pročti si ofic fóra lidi sou dost nasra**

Last hope......Guild Wars 2
"that's not a log, that's a DICK!"
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3400 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  14:52:32  Show Profile  Visit spajdr's Homepage  Send spajdr an ICQ Message Send spajdr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Já to schvaluju.
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New Member

117 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  14:55:57  Show Profile  Send Lucas an ICQ Message Send Lucas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
no rozhodne to nefunfuje

jsem v Mainu a 80ky tu vybiji bosse porad

Sludig - Dwarf - Guardian (LOTRO)
Dageorn - Man - captain(LOTRO)
czlucas - WWII online, Czechoslovak PanzerBrigade
Lucas -kdysi davno UO Maniak

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4339 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  15:18:58  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Funguje, ale ne vsechny bossy. Napriklad Sanctum, prvni boss ok, princezna ok. Blood defiler a main boss se nedal zabit. Zkousel to lvl 56 nejaky typek. Mozna to je bug a ani to tak FC nechtel anebo to neudelal poradne. :)

by Tarib:

As soon as we also have additional information about this issue we will be back of course.

Thank you.

Takze to spise vypada na bug.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 12/06/2008 15:27:40
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†… Havran …†
Average Member

1962 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  15:35:58  Show Profile  Send †… Havran …† an ICQ Message Send †… Havran …† a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Araya

Nechapu proc se vztekaj lidi kvuli gemum kdyz ty jim jdou aspon vyrobit a muzou pokrocit dale v gemcuttingu, ale co alchemka my tam proste nemame ve hre vubec 3x material na ty pocatecni questy. Nechapu proc tohle neopravej to preci nemuze byt nic tezkyho implementovat do nejakyho drop listu tri veci.

mozna se vztekaj proto ze kdyz si neco vyrobil a najel na to mysi tak ti hra okamzite spadla... popr nekomu od nas to delalo to ze kdyz mel vyrobenou vec v inventari a otevrel si inventar hra ti taky spadla... to by ses asi taky vztekal

EVE: Lord Greg (Black Nova Corp) [Band of Brothers] [IT Alliance] BoB Forever
KILLER 73.3% LOOTER 66.7% THIEF 33.3% SCAMMER 26.7
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1990 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  15:43:47  Show Profile  Send Azkaban an ICQ Message Send Azkaban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Shemiramoth

Funguje, ale ne vsechny bossy. Napriklad Sanctum, prvni boss ok, princezna ok. Blood defiler a main boss se nedal zabit. Zkousel to lvl 56 nejaky typek. Mozna to je bug a ani to tak FC nechtel anebo to neudelal poradne. :)

by Tarib:

As soon as we also have additional information about this issue we will be back of course.

Thank you.

Takze to spise vypada na bug.

No uvidíme, čím nás funcom ještě překvapí. No, ale začínám být trochu z té hry nevrlý.
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Senior Member


3590 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  16:33:31  Show Profile Send Marigold a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Gemcutting je na tom stále špatně - teď jdou sice vyrobit (za neustálého zónování), ale pořád nefungujou, navíc lze krásně gimpnout char díky prodeji socketovaných věcí vendorovi - zřejmě to charu trvale odečte staty z gemů
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4368 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  17:19:03  Show Profile Send Rahman a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Azkaban

Originally posted by Shemiramoth

Funguje, ale ne vsechny bossy. Napriklad Sanctum, prvni boss ok, princezna ok. Blood defiler a main boss se nedal zabit. Zkousel to lvl 56 nejaky typek. Mozna to je bug a ani to tak FC nechtel anebo to neudelal poradne. :)

by Tarib:

As soon as we also have additional information about this issue we will be back of course.

Thank you.

Takze to spise vypada na bug.

No uvidíme, čím nás funcom ještě překvapí. No, ale začínám být trochu z té hry nevrlý.

Za 3 dny (ctvrtek po pondelku) vysel patch, ktery toho velmi pravdepodobne zatracene hodne opravuje (a velmi pravdepodobne par veci rozbil, ale pomer stale zustava brutalne na strane oprav a rozumnych uprav). To neni ani technicky realne udelat (samozrejme ze to zahrnuje opravy na kterych pracovali uz predtim a do predchoziho patche se nedostaly, ale i tak).

Vic k tomu z pozice ex-developera UFO:AM a UFO:AS nemam co rict. Jestli chcete stale drzkovat ze FunComaci nedelaj maximum co je v lidskych silach (osobne bych je docela podeziral ze nejakym zahadnym zpusobem delaj i vic), tak si klidne drzkujte, ale uz to fakt nema naprosto zadnou hodnotu. Howgh.
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3590 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  17:34:28  Show Profile Send Marigold a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Souhlas, že toho opravili až překvapivě hodně, překvapivě rychle.
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4339 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  17:54:01  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No v game industry se uz nejaky patek pohybuju...takze vim co to znamena. Bylo to mysleno opravdu humorne. Nektere veci, ale nemaji radne otestovane, viz problem s socketingem. Tohle neni komplexni oprava bugu, ktery vznikl. Takto se to nedela. Spise mam pocit, ze testeri to radne neotestovali, spise nemeli cas to otestovat.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 12/06/2008 17:55:04
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1990 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  18:36:42  Show Profile  Send Azkaban an ICQ Message Send Azkaban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mě to spíš přijde jako solidní polotovar a můžete to považovat za držkování. Jakto, že se řeší problémy, které se museli v beta testu určitě projevit? Nechápu to.. zezačátku jsem se funcomu zastával, ale čím dál tím víc věcí mě tu hru doslova znechucuje. Jdu brečet jinam. Držím vám palce
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4368 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  19:21:24  Show Profile Send Rahman a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Shemiramoth

No v game industry se uz nejaky patek pohybuju...takze vim co to znamena. Bylo to mysleno opravdu humorne. Nektere veci, ale nemaji radne otestovane, viz problem s socketingem. Tohle neni komplexni oprava bugu, ktery vznikl. Takto se to nedela. Spise mam pocit, ze testeri to radne neotestovali, spise nemeli cas to otestovat.

Tak o tom zadna. Na nejake dukladnejsi testovani nemohli mit absolutne cas. Jestli je tohle dobra metoda nebo ne je otazka. V podani Blizzardu na opravu tooltipu cekas dva mesice a mozna ani potom se to nepovede, aktualne mne skoro vic tesi pruzna reakce.

Samozrejme bugu je zatim tolik, ze na hromadu se jeste chvili nedostane.
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4368 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  19:25:30  Show Profile Send Rahman a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Azkaban

Mě to spíš přijde jako solidní polotovar a můžete to považovat za držkování. Jakto, že se řeší problémy, které se museli v beta testu určitě projevit? Nechápu to.. zezačátku jsem se funcomu zastával, ale čím dál tím víc věcí mě tu hru doslova znechucuje. Jdu brečet jinam. Držím vám palce

O tom jsme tu uz psali take mockrat. Vydavat online hry ve fazi alfa verze (v lepsim pripade rane bety) je bezna praxe. Je to ale VYHRADNE rozhodnuti obchodniku, kteri ten vyvoj plati a rozhoduji. Zadny vyvojar by NIKDY nic takoveho neudelal, pokud by mel moznost volby. Realita je ale takova, ze vyvojar ten vyvoj nemuze zaplatit => nemuze rozhodovat => budeme hrat placene bety at se nam to libi nebo ne, protoze je to ekonomicky vyhodne pro lidi, co to platej.

Nadavat za to lidem kteri tu hru delaji a navzdory podobnym rozhodnutim obchodniku do toho davaji treba veskery svuj cas mimo nezbytnych par hodin spanku je tezce nefer a svedci to pouze o neznalosti toho, jak to v tomhle businessu chodi.
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Average Member

1144 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  19:33:53  Show Profile  Send beldor5 an ICQ Message Send beldor5 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
nechapu.. voni nadavaju funcomu,ne zadnemu programatorovi osobne.Tydle kecy o tom ze mame drzet hubu a krok a byt radi za to co mame , me vzdycky hodne pobavi...

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4368 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  19:46:01  Show Profile Send Rahman a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by beldor5

nechapu.. voni nadavaju funcomu,ne zadnemu programatorovi osobne.Tydle kecy o tom ze mame drzet hubu a krok a byt radi za to co mame , me vzdycky hodne pobavi...

Tyhle kecy samozrejme mam taky, ale z jineho duvodu. Mas v zasade jen 2 moznosti: Drzet hubu a krok, nebo cancel subscription.

Ale nechapu jak to souvisi s diskusi o tom, jestli vyvojari funcomu delaji svou praci lepe/hure nez vyvojari jinych mmo developer studii.

Ja tady davam v plen nazor podporeny osobni zkusenosti ktery kdyz nic jineho tak rika, ze to minimalne delaji jinak. To ze se vzdycky najdou lidi co budou drzkovat i kdyby dostali prase na zlatem podnose je bohuzel smutny fakt, stejne jako ze rozhodnuti vetsinou delaji lidi, kteri o tematu nemaji ani paru.

K cemu je tahle diskuse dobra pro nedrzkujici ctenare tohoto fora, kteri se treba i chteji neco dozvedet?

Otazka, ktera nas trapi samozrejme neni jestli je AoC vydane v beta fazi nebo ne. Vsichni dobre vime, ze vsechny MMO se vydavaji v beta fazi. Otazka neni, jestli v AoC je content srovnatelny s hrami, ktere maji za sebou x let content patchu a datadisku. To se samozrejme srovnavat neda.

Otazka je, jestli, jak rychle a jakym zpusobem se bude v obou smerech AoC blizit titulum, ktere na truhu nejaky cas jsou a jestli nabidne srovnatelny ci snad dokonce zajimavejsi content.

A na cast z tehle otazek myslim moje posty davaji alespon naznak odpovedi, zatimco posty o tom, jak moje posty nekoho pobavily, o tom nerikaji ani bz.

Dekuji za pozornost.
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2735 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2008 :  23:31:09  Show Profile  Visit Shatteren's Homepage Send Shatteren a Private Message  Reply with Quote
K tem testerum.. opravdu nemeli cas nebo si jim spis nechtelo?


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3590 Posts

Posted - 13/06/2008 :  02:18:32  Show Profile Send Marigold a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dost pochybuju, že by se jim nechtělo.

Například u gemcuttingu to vypadá, že to proběhlo asi takhle:

Developer dostal za úkol opravit memory leak (nebo co to bylo) se socketovanými věcmi; našel někde v kódu ten špatnej pointer, předělal to, předal k otestování jako opravené. Konkrétní tester dostal jako součást dlouhého seznamu někdy v pondělí "opraveno padání hry při equipnutí osocketované zbraně / brnění". Lognul gemcuttera, vyrobil pár šutrů, nasocketoval je, oblíknul je, zabil pár mobů - všechno v pohodě, při najetí myší nic nepadalo, O.K. odškrtnuto a další bod seznamu....

Přidáno do patch notes jako opraveno, jenže ouha, pak náhodou zjistil že to už nepadá hned, ale po určitém čase to zase začne. Do patch notes v úterý na poslední chvíli přidali poznámku že to ještě není úplně ono, programátor to dostal zpátky.

Programátor najde další memory leak, který nastává při zobrazování tooltipů u věcí po nějaké akci, opravil to, předal k testování.

Tester vezme zbraň, brnění, nasocketuje, oblíkne, procy procujou, staty statujou... Zabíjí s tím moby, hraje pár hodin, zkouší jiné věci, hra nepadá. Vše OK, odškrtnuto, přidáno do patch notes, vydáno v patchi - hra už nepadá.

Jenže ouha, když někdo osocketovanou věc prodá vendorovi, tak to u charu změní staty, navíc po zazónování se to nějak divně mrví... Prostě nikoho nenapadlo tu věc prodat a kontrolovat jestli se někde něco nezměnilo. Takže to zase dostane programátor, opraví, tester otestuje, v úterý to vydaj... A pak nějakej hráč udělá něco co nezkoušeli (například co já vím zazónuje v osocketovaném brnění na koni a v combat režimu) a zase vyplave nějaká mrnda v kódu...

Problém je, že každá oprava chyby v programu může vytvořit X dalších chyb, které se projeví třeba jen v určitých situacích... Takže ideálně by to chtělo otestovat interně, pak vypustit na closed beta server na otestování hráčů, a ti s tím mají dva měsíce hrát, takže je pravděpodobnost že vyzkouší co nejvíc možných situací. Jenže co udělá Jeniczekcz když mu dva měsíce nepůjde nic socketnout? Místo aby hrál PVP, tak zruší account Takže to prostě risknou a vydaj hned, a modlej se aby to nezmrvilo něco jinýho, nebo alespoň ne moc...

Jinak taky si myslím že za předčasné vydání nejspíš nemůžou developeři a možná ani Funcom, ale distributor, který řekl "teď je nejlepší doba, buď to vydáme hned jak to je, nebo jste skončili". S ohledem na to (a na průměrné MMORPG) je AOC ještě ve velmi slušném stavu - vzpomeňte takový Vanguard.. Stále také vřele vzpomínám na World War II Online, kterou kvůli distributorovi vydali tak ve fázi pozdní alfa verze (! - prťavá mapa, neviditelné jednotky, tanky co se záhadně vznášely ve vzduchu, jedna strana neměla vůbec žádné bombardéry, letadla neměla ve hře co dělat, nedodělané damage modely, nefunkční strategický systém, neoptimalizovaný klient naprosto tragicky náročný na HW atd atd atd), a do stavu jakž takž vhodného k vydání se dostala až tak dva roky po skutečném vydání... Firma taky málem zbankrotovala, ale nějakým zázrakem se to chytlo, svůj koutek trhu si to našlo a už to několik let běží.

Edited by - Marigold on 13/06/2008 02:20:09
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Posted - 13/06/2008 :  02:19:13  Show Profile Send x2z a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Shatteren

K tem testerum.. opravdu nemeli cas nebo si jim spis nechtelo?

Blizzard udělý 3změny a hned prskne na PTR patch. Samozřejmě, že tyhle změny co dělají oni se nedají řádně testovat, ale upřimně chtěl bys čekat další 14dní než se to pořádně otestuje? nebo radši ať to nějak opravují průběžně?

Každopadně na fóru je napsáno, že brzy zveřejní informace o Test serverech, kde se budou moci nové patch testovat.
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Posted - 13/06/2008 :  08:26:44  Show Profile  Send Pertha an ICQ Message Send Pertha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by x2z

Originally posted by Shatteren

K tem testerum.. opravdu nemeli cas nebo si jim spis nechtelo?

Blizzard udělý 3změny a hned prskne na PTR patch. Samozřejmě, že tyhle změny co dělají oni se nedají řádně testovat, ale upřimně chtěl bys čekat další 14dní než se to pořádně otestuje? nebo radši ať to nějak opravují průběžně?

Každopadně na fóru je napsáno, že brzy zveřejní informace o Test serverech, kde se budou moci nové patch testovat.

ono test server ma smysl pro updaty, dlouhodobejsicho charakteru, jako jsou ty novy planovany zony , pvp exping apod. pro to co ted delaji update kazdy dva dny jak dlouho by to asi mohli mit na test serveru :)

Rock is overpowerd, please nerf. Paper is fine.
Yours, Scissors.
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Posted - 13/06/2008 :  11:44:31  Show Profile  Send Rashaverak an ICQ Message Send Rashaverak a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Marigold

Developer dostal za úkol opravit memory leak (nebo co to bylo) se socketovanými věcmi; našel někde v kódu ten špatnej pointer, předělal to, předal k otestování jako opravené.

Developer kouka do kodu ktery psal jeho kolega pred pul rokem a zapomnel ho nahodou okomentovat, najde memory leak zpusobeny casti kodu ktera nedava smysl, zrejme pozustatek po 10ti nasobnem predchozim predelavani na zaklade requestu z vyssich sfer, kod tedy smaze cimz zdarne vyresi memory leak ovsem posere 10 dalsich veci vsude okolo.

jen jedna z moznosti :)

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Posted - 13/06/2008 :  12:03:07  Show Profile Send Jaffa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak v 0.30 hod. a teď ve 12.00 mi to patchovalo divný ten v noci byl 26 mega tenhle polední 6 mega. Samozřejmě jsem měl opatchováno čtvrtečním patchem, tohle byl nějakej divnej bonus navrch :)

Last hope......Guild Wars 2
"that's not a log, that's a DICK!"
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4368 Posts

Posted - 13/06/2008 :  12:32:21  Show Profile Send Rahman a Private Message  Reply with Quote
AoC patcher je mam dojem postaveny jako sync patcher, nikoliv addon patcher. Jinymi slovy synchronizuje tvoje data s obrazem na serveru. Upravy typu zmenena geometrie, textury (grafika obecne) nemaji vliv na funkcnost klient vs server. Jinymi slovy muzes mit trochu jinou verzi klienta nez tvuj spoluhrac (treba uz neuvidis kostkovanou texturu ale zasnezeny svah) a oba hrajete na stejne verzi programu.

Takze to, ze vam to stahuje nejake drobne updaty bez upozorneni a bez downtimu serveru by nemelo vcelku nic zasadniho znamenat.
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Posted - 13/06/2008 :  15:07:14  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Neni to primo patch notes, ale spise neco co bude....presto to postnu sem.

Funcom and Eidos announce massive evolution plans for Age of Conan

Massive PvP update in June – New areas and dungeons – Powerpoints and Guild Alliance warfare to come

Durham, USA – June 13, 2008 – After the incredible initial success for Age of Conan, a whole world of MMO players are eagerly anticipating the future plans for one of the most popular online games ever released. While Age of Conan has already evolved massively since launch, numerous expansive additions are yet to come. Funcom and Eidos are therefore proud to lift the veil on Age of Conan’s promising future, and today the two companies reveal selected features which are now in production.

"While we have enjoyed the initial success for Age of Conan, we know that a solid launch is but the start when it comes to the MMO genre,” said Gaute Godager, Game Director on Age of Conan. ”As we look ahead we are preparing a huge amount of new content, and what we are presenting today will evolve Age of Conan even further. It’s naturally an incredibly ambitious update plan for a live MMO game, but we are certain our players would want nothing less.”

Without further ado, here are some of the cool things to expect in the months to come:

PvP evolved – To the Death

The great combat system in Age of Conan has taken MMO fighting to a new level of fun, and Player versus Player combat plays a major part in this. As a result, a massive new PvP update is planned for late June. Aptly called To the death, this update brings more consequence and rewards to PvP, and an important part of it is the Fugitive system. The more lower level players you kill, the easier it is for others to hunt you down. In addition, ten PvP levels with additional ranks will be introduced, as well as specific gear and weapons for PvP.

Guild Alliance Warfare

Preproduction has started on a MASSIVE free update which will come later this year. Currently titled "Kingship!”, large clusters of guilds will be able to form alliances, and rule and conquer on a massive scale. Everyone in a guild alliance will play a part in this system, and together they can even erect unique looking alliance Battlekeeps. The alliances can also fight over, and build, culture-specific "wonders of the world”, with a direct link to higher powers! As part of the system Funcom will also facilitate larger amounts of players in massive battles.


This fall, a unique reward and character evolution system called Powerpoints will be introduced. This rewards active in-game behavior, and allows for gathering points through numerous methods, including owning a Battlekeep, playing the end-game at level 80, winning PvP matches, or simply being an active guild member or subscribing to the game. There will be many ways to obtain Powerpoints, and numerous rewards, ranging from exclusive Powerfeats to weapons, armor and potions. Powerpoints may even allow you to level faster!

New areas and dungeons

You won’t need to wait for an expansion pack to explore exciting new areas. In the next period, Funcom will include several new areas, as well as evolving already existing areas. This includes a brand new dungeon in Aquilonia, reshaping three dungeons in Stygia, and an entire mountain range in Cimmeria!

Improved player-made villages and Battlekeep systems

While the guild alliance system brings a whole new level to the game, Funcom will continue to expand the existing player-made areas and the systems running them. A focus on evolving the massive elements of the game even further continues, ranging from placing NPC’s in the cities to more choices and benefits.

Social updates

An MMO is nothing without a good social scene. While Conan is all about crushing your enemies, social enhancements are also getting some love. A fun example is the combo-based dancing system which is now coming to the game, and it’s entirely motion captured by professional dance artists.

More adventures

Age of Conan has received tremendous praise for immersion and the great voice-over quests. This is but the start of the adventure, and numerous new quests are coming into the game, spread across the entire world and across the level ranges. Soon 60 additional quests will also get full voice acting, further improving immersion.

Embracing community feedback Since launch several enhancements and fixes have been implemented to Age of Conan, and Funcom has continuously staffed up the service departments to improve customer satisfaction. This has already resulted in a better game experience, but the work will continue. At the heart of all of this stands the Age of Conan community. A lot of the upcoming improvements to the game will be based directly on community feedback, and the wishes and concerns players have when it comes to the future of the game will always be taken into account.

By reading the community websites, official forums and the monthly Clan of Conan newsletter you can expect additional information about upcoming features and released updates, as well as an arena to give your feedback. A new Clan of Conan newsletter is also going live today, with more detail on the upcoming features. http://funcom.cachefly.net/WebFiles/Newsletter/Issue17/


- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

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Posted - 13/06/2008 :  16:13:34  Show Profile Send Jaffa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Shemiramoth

Neni to primo patch notes, ale spise neco co bude....presto to postnu sem.

čtu dobře u Guild Alliance Warfare a Powerpoints že to bude někdy na konci roku??

Last hope......Guild Wars 2
"that's not a log, that's a DICK!"
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Posted - 13/06/2008 :  16:33:38  Show Profile  Send Rashaverak an ICQ Message Send Rashaverak a Private Message  Reply with Quote
zajimave, jen skoda ze to je napsano v marketingovem bullshit generator stylu :(

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Posted - 13/06/2008 :  16:49:18  Show Profile  Send brutus an ICQ Message Send brutus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Rashaverak

zajimave, jen skoda ze to je napsano v marketingovem bullshit generator stylu :(

Ti to prelozim:

"Co jsme slibovali od zacatku snad do podzima implementujeme - a jsem tak dobry, ze si to nebudes muset koupit jako datadisk!"

Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE!
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1990 Posts

Posted - 13/06/2008 :  18:54:31  Show Profile  Send Azkaban an ICQ Message Send Azkaban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by brutus

Originally posted by Rashaverak

zajimave, jen skoda ze to je napsano v marketingovem bullshit generator stylu :(

Ti to prelozim:

"Co jsme slibovali od zacatku snad do podzima implementujeme - a jsem tak dobry, ze si to nebudes muset koupit jako datadisk!"

Hezky si to přeložil :)) Jinak bych ještě dodal.. pěkně drahá demoverze :))

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Posted - 13/06/2008 :  20:26:52  Show Profile  Visit Shatteren's Homepage Send Shatteren a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tak za 3 mesice mam reactivate ?


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1990 Posts

Posted - 13/06/2008 :  21:45:26  Show Profile  Send Azkaban an ICQ Message Send Azkaban a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sorry za offtopic. Co hraješ ted za onlinovku? já zkouším EQ2.. staré ale funguje to.
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Posted - 13/06/2008 :  23:40:31  Show Profile  Visit Shatteren's Homepage Send Shatteren a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No me teda nakonec prekecali a hraju zase WoW, ale od zacatku alianci na Stormscale.. Ale pocitam ze si to AoC zkusim jeste za tech par mesicu a to hlavne kvuli DX 10 a tak.

Edit: Tak se to vcera tak rozhadalo, ze zase hraju AoC


Edited by - Shatteren on 14/06/2008 10:19:45
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Posted - 15/06/2008 :  23:49:10  Show Profile  Visit spajdr's Homepage  Send spajdr an ICQ Message Send spajdr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Server Patch Notes 16th June


* You should no longer do the loot animation while swiming.
* The flame on the Torch of Eiglophian will now die after a while.
* Now all spells can be casted with dagger and staff without problems.
* When you train Basic or Advanced Riding, you will no longer be teleported
* Fixed an alignment issue with quest indicators over quest NPC's heads.
* Transition Quest Goal Markers have been updated to fit where the NPC's now stand.
* Locking to raid instances have been fixed. All players participating in a raid will now be locked.
* Fixed problem that would cause the resource manager to hang indefinitely if the client consistantly fails to download a resource.
* Bonus spell damage now increases both minimum and maximum damage, instead of just maximum (average damage will remain unchanged).
* Stat bonuses from items (strength, wisdom, dexterity and constitution) will now properly affect your character (Note that strength now directly affects your DPS, not your attack rating).


* All Assassin abilities which stack multiple times now have a stack count in the buff GUI.
* All Bear Shaman, Priest of Mitra, and Tempest of Set abilities which stack multiple times now have a stack count in the buff GUI.


* Hood of Jagged Barbs has been revamped.
* Polearms should now be the intended size.
* Added new purple rare drops to world loot.
* Conqueror Spear should now look the right size.
* Cimmeria hide light wrist should no longer clip with arms
* Changed reference to Steelsilk to Gossamer Silk in the Full Trade Response.
* Average, Fair, Fine and Superior Meat will no longer end up in the quest inventory.
* Crafting Item: Renamed item "Bloodsilver-studded Boots" to "Bloodsilver-mail Boots"
* The purchase price of vendor-bought alchemy reagents are now one third of what they were.
* Hek'lar's Accursed Dagger will now appear with the correct icon in the player's inventory.
* Fixed an issue with 'Darfari Armbands', they should be visible on female characters and have stats now.
* Crafting Item: Skymetal-studded Wristbands and Bluesteel-studded Wristbands (rare) And should be different from each other.


* Vistrix' Profanity debuff has been tweaked.
* Ice Cave: Ice worms should now attack correctly.
* Field of the dead: Dusk wolf should reset properly.
* The Acheronian Warlord will drop bossloot armor again.
* The trader in Lacheish Plains has been removed as intended.
* Toirdealbach should now be a more fun and playable encounter.
* The Catacombes: Necromancer Undead should now attack correctly.
* The Champion of the Honorguard now uses its correct abilities again.
* Ethi woke up with his height a bit smaller than what it was yesturday.
* Villa Lentulus: Gurges the Nimble should react normally to players.
* Yakhmar's Cave: Yakhmar should no longer get stuck if it cannot reach its target.
* Kyllikki's Crypt: Kyllikki should reset properly when noone is in her hate list.
* Khopshef Province: Freed Rogue Slave should now use his weapons correctly.


* Revamped translation so the blood is displayed relative to horse as well.
* The targetting arrow should now be positioned correctly when targetting a horse, gorilla and Mtilator
* You will half your chance of beeing knocked off the horse from the sides. You cannot be knocked off the horse if the attacker is standing in front of you
* Monsters lower level than you will have a much lower chance of knocking you off the horse. Monsters higher level than you will have a much higher chance of knocking you off the horse.
* Fixed a problem where advanced mount abilities were being given out by the basic training. Mammoth and Rhino owners - Please use /claim again. This will train the attack abilities associated with these two mount types.


* Purple Lotus Swamp: Ladders should now work correctly.
* Tarantia Noble: Players should now be able to teleport into the arena by clicking on the door.
* Tarantia Noble: The Arena in Armsman Tavern has been redone. If you are looking for challenging arena fights, you can do so either alone or as part of a group.

Player Cities

* Player Cities will now have the Trader NPC now.
* The stack-size of building materials has been raised to 1000.

Player Characters


* New buff counters were added to a number of mage and soldier effects.
* All gathering feats should now have the correct proficiency suffix in their name.
* The Goad ability can be trained and used on a NPC that does not have aggro on you. You must be in combat to use this ability.
* The buffs from rogue general feats Concealment, Distraction and Mountaineer will now be removed from characters when they untrain feats.
* You can no longer enter spellweaving when climbing or swimming. If you are hiding or crouching and enter spellweaving, you will leave that state immediately.


* Flesh Rot now applies a separate debuff for each player Lotus Weapons now now applies a separate debuff for each player.

Bear Shaman

* Wreck Armor I+II+III combos now have improved visuals and sound.


* You may now use Incite the Ranks if Fire Weave is running.
* Throat Slash can now only be used with a melee weapon and not a ranged weapon.

Dark Templar

* Soul Barrier's cast time has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second.
* Changed the Cooldown of Unhallowed Blight III to 20s.
* Changed the Unholy Debuff to be 5% on all combos. - Changed the duration of the debuff to last for 25s.
* Reduced the Mana cost of the following spells by 50%:
o Aura of Dread Fury (Ranks 1 - 4)
o Aura of Infusion (Ranks 1 - 5)
o Covenant of Pestilence (Ranks 1 - 4)
o Covenant of War (Ranks 1 - 3)
o Covenant of Death
o Covenant of Invulnerability (Ranks 1 - 3)
o Covenant of Vengeance
o Drain Life (Ranks 1 - 5)


* Waves of Flame now inflicts more damage each tick.
* The animation for the Demonologist-spell Unholy Hate has been slowed down by 25%.
* Resolved an minor issue with Demonologist spellweaving not affecting stamina potion effects.

Herald of Xotli

* Resolved a issue with "Blood Pit" so it will always spawn if you successfully kill a minion with the "I Eat Your Heat" combo.


* You no longer lose the Cannibalism spell when investing the second feat.
* Vile Insight now gives the intended Unholy Specialization as reflected in the description.
* Plauged Heart Curse will now correctly increase in damage with more feats trained.
* Parasitic Soul Swarm now inflicts more damage each tick.
* Pestilential Blast now has an additional skull visual.

Priest of Mitra

* Revoled a problem with the priest of mitra spellweaving ability.
* Repulse has had its base damage lowered slightly and contribution from bonus magic damage increased.
* Cleansing Fire now has a slightly lower manacost and now scales correctly across all levels.
* The damage bonus applied to Repulse, Cleansing Fire, and Lance of Mitra from Force of Will has been lowered to the correct amount.
* The damage bonus from Improved Repulse has been significantly increased


* The buffs from ranger stances Shattering Stance, Piercing Stance, Fire Stance and Sniper Stance will now be removed from characters when they untrain feats.

Tempest of Set

* Brutal Lightning Strike should no correctly increase the critical strike chance of Lightning Strike.


* Obsidian has been renamed to Feldspar.
* Orichalcum has been renamed to Duskmetal.
* Tigereye Gems will now end up in the resource inventory.
* Skinning Trainer will now tell you were to get skins.
* Your harvesting will no longer get interrupted by someone outside of the resource and building playfields.
* Resource nodes can now always be harvested while their health is at 10%.
* The Weaponsmith Trainer now gives the cooldown warning when the cooldown is in effect.
* The dialogues of the Resource Gatherer Trainers and Crafter Trainers now check if the player has the appropriate feats set on them, in addition to quests. If the player has the quest to gather resources or craft, but has lost the feat that enables him to do so, the feat is now retrained (to the correct tier).


* Dealing with Dila: Dila should now attack.
* Hunting the Spider: Quest can now be completed.
* The Lost Scouts: Waypoint to Dairmad was fixed.
* Oasis of Zaara: Waypoints for quest were fixed.
* In Defense of Beauty: Quest can be completed now.
* Flowers of the Snow: The flowers way markers were adjusted.
* Paetus and the Nemedian Crown: Waypoint for Armsman's Tavern was fixed.
* Wanted posters should now give proper feedback if the player already has the quest or does not meet the requirements.
* Rahim & Lord Camillus: had it's journal text modified, as he doesn't stand near the Armsman's Tavern.
* Death to the Undead: Indicators for minimap were displaying to small. This has been resolved.
* The Mark of Acheron: Players will now be able to experience the destiny event in the Field of Chiefs.
* The Mark of Acheron: The Mark of Acheron is permanently removed when performing the Medallion Ritual now.
* Soul Chamber: If you die in the soul chamber you now lose the tablet in your quest inventory.
* Destiny Quest: The quest rewards 'King Conan's Tribute' & 'King Conan's Esteem' are no longer tradeable.
* The Lost Bottles: Wine bottles will now have a blue flame indicating you can interact with them.
* Tradeskill Quests: You can now delete all tradeskill quests but tradeskill progression quests.
* Tradeskill Quests: Resolved various level requirement issues with the quests.
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4339 Posts

Posted - 16/06/2008 :  06:49:32  Show Profile  Send Shemiramoth an ICQ Message Send Shemiramoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Stat bonuses from items (strength, wisdom, dexterity and constitution) will now properly affect your character (Note that strength now directly affects your DPS, not your attack rating).

OH FUCK!!! Pardon za tu reakci, ale nemohl jsem si ji odpustit.

Edit: Also..All Assassin abilities which stack multiple times now have a stack count in the buff GUI. Vyborna "blbustka" pro Lotus tree.

- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
- When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you.
- Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

Edited by - Shemiramoth on 16/06/2008 06:56:28
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