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Junior Member
541 Posts |
Posted - 16/06/2008 : 08:25:51
dobry zmeny, je videt, ze na tom delaji.
btw. konecne mi budou k necemu ty prsteny a neck a nejen na okrasu, parada ze opravili ty staty konecne :) |
Senior Member

3590 Posts |
Posted - 16/06/2008 : 11:24:13
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
Stat bonuses from items (strength, wisdom, dexterity and constitution) will now properly affect your character (Note that strength now directly affects your DPS, not your attack rating).
Ještě že INT ne  |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 16/06/2008 : 11:26:48
Tu nerfnou. Nic jineho si nezaslouzite. Fuj casteri fuj fuj a fuj.  Kazdopadne jsem rad za tohle a hlavne v pripade assassinu by to mohlo byt konecne znat. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
2156 Posts |
Posted - 16/06/2008 : 11:36:13
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
Tu nerfnou. Nic jineho si nezaslouzite. Fuj casteri fuj fuj a fuj.  Kazdopadne jsem rad za tohle a hlavne v pripade assassinu by to mohlo byt konecne znat.
Už opravili ten bug s female charem, že útočily o 25 procent pomaleji jako male chary ? |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 16/06/2008 : 11:37:13
Pokud se nepletu tak barbari jako rogue maj primarni stat dex? To bude zase whinu jak jim spadlo relativni dps :) |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 16/06/2008 : 11:38:42
quote: Originally posted by brutus
Pokud se nepletu tak barbari jako rogue maj primarni stat dex? To bude zase whinu jak jim spadlo relativni dps :)
Ee maji vice str. Ohledne female, pravdepodobne ne. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Edited by - Shemiramoth on 16/06/2008 11:38:56 |
Junior Member

556 Posts |
Posted - 16/06/2008 : 11:43:03
quote: Originally posted by Gabriel
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
Tu nerfnou. Nic jineho si nezaslouzite. Fuj casteri fuj fuj a fuj.  Kazdopadne jsem rad za tohle a hlavne v pripade assassinu by to mohlo byt konecne znat.
Už opravili ten bug s female charem, že útočily o 25 procent pomaleji jako male chary ?
Oni myslim fixli jen rychlost animace, ale attack speed ne... pravě na to čekam a až trochu vylepši assassina, do te doby sem demotivovany vubec logovat... |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 16/06/2008 : 11:45:20
Assassin je v pohode. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Junior Member

556 Posts |
Posted - 16/06/2008 : 12:00:00
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
Assassin je v pohode.
V noci když funguje stealth tak jo :) |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 16/06/2008 : 12:00:47
quote: Originally posted by vlkodlak
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
Assassin je v pohode.
V noci když funguje stealth tak jo :)
Ve dne na PvP taky. Na PvE je to v pr, ale co uz. Proste s tim clovek musi pocitat no.  |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 16/06/2008 : 12:41:05
Hmmm ak slavne implementovali staty...
+35DEX u assassina = cca +1dps Evade se nezmeni |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
1990 Posts |
Posted - 16/06/2008 : 12:41:50
Neuvěřitelnej boost. |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 16/06/2008 : 12:58:17
tim padem maji bud spatny tooltip anebo je to broken. Protoze dex ma zvedat i evade. Jinak stejne tak to plati o str. 35str = 1DPS |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Senior Member

3590 Posts |
Posted - 16/06/2008 : 13:32:10
To mě nepřekvapuje, těžko se dal čekat nárůst dps o třetinu, maximálně tak jednotky procent...
Jinak Wisdom u priesta nemá žádný viditelný dopad kromě drobného nárůstu many, který byl už předtím... Žádný nárůst magic rating, rezistů, ani dmg u kouzel.
Na druhou stranu problém je, že spousta věcí se v character sheetu prostě nezobrazuje (viz bonusy z gemů), přestože třeba fungujou... Takže kdo ví. |
New Member

329 Posts |
Posted - 16/06/2008 : 13:40:23
mam dotaz je ted jeste gemcutting nejak zabugovany? |

3400 Posts |
Posted - 17/06/2008 : 01:52:48
Unannounced Changes to June 16th patch:
General - Chain Kills seem to occur more often now.
Quests - Villa Camillus now has a new quest. - Experience from Villa Quests appear to be increased - Some resource quests can't be handed in.
Items - Ruby Silver has now been properly named "Black Silver". - Steelsilk Belt. Can't craft the blue version of it. You will get fine steelsilk MITTS. - Steelsilk Leggings. Can't craft the blue version of it you get fine steelsilk BELT. - Skewbald Pinto horse now gives -3% sprinting stamina drain instead of -8%. - "Rageflame Robe" uses a different robe art now. - "Nadiral Circlet" was renamed to "Nadiral Cowl" and also had its model changed. - Several "Scorpion Cave" loots that were previously missing their names have been fixed and now got proper names assigned to them. - The dagger from the Lich in Catacombs is no longer invisible, it now has a sort of short-sword sized dagger graphic. - The 'Bloodseer Vest' has drastically changed graphics into a dark blue robe. Still called 'Bloodseer Vest', so might have been an unintended change.
World Environment - Traders are now active in Guild Cities. Still no sign of other NPCs however. - Alarms have been changed, when an NPC spots you and sets off the alarm, it triggers all NPCs in the area to run around looking for you as well as the normal 4 mobs patrol that spawns.
Bear Shaman - Bear Shamans do not have "Wreck Armor", they have "Crush Armor" which has ranks I+II+III+IV. "Crush Armor" animation has no change, for this reason.
Conqueror - All Battle Shouts now have a Sound effect.
Guardian - "Overreach" now has an addition to its animation.
Assassin - "Kidney Shot" CD removed/missing. (Lotus Spec)
Bugs - Gems still do not appear on the Trader after being searched for. - Guild members having problems stacking resources in the bank. These have to be removed, stacked in one's own bag and then placed back into the bank - Players that have previously completed the ritual to remove the Mark of Acheron still bear the mark.
"Presumed" Bugs (These are not bugs, but many presume they are) - Stack sizes have increased to 1000, however this is ONLY for building resources. - Stats have increased DPS, Spell Damage and Stamina/Mana Regeneration. However, it's a very small adjustment, and might not be noticed by all players. |
Edited by - spajdr on 17/06/2008 01:53:17 |
New Member

350 Posts |
Posted - 18/06/2008 : 08:24:12
Po instalaci a patchovani mi patcher napsal,že je patch failed,error code 103,nevite v cem je chyba,nestalo se to nekomu? |
Rasta,main char EaB,SWG,WoW,EVE,LOTRO
Edited by - Rasta on 18/06/2008 09:39:15 |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 18/06/2008 : 09:44:54
quote: Originally posted by Rasta
Po instalaci a patchovani mi patcher napsal,že je patch failed,error code 103,nevite v cem je chyba,nestalo se to nekomu?
Co takhle skusit oficialni fora? |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
New Member

350 Posts |
Posted - 18/06/2008 : 09:47:07
quote: Originally posted by brutus
quote: Originally posted by Rasta
Po instalaci a patchovani mi patcher napsal,že je patch failed,error code 103,nevite v cem je chyba,nestalo se to nekomu?
Co takhle skusit oficialni fora?
Diky |
Rasta,main char EaB,SWG,WoW,EVE,LOTRO
4339 Posts |
Posted - 19/06/2008 : 09:33:00
Co takhle patch notes z test serveru, nebyly by? Curse uz to zakazali postovat, takze clovek uz predem asi nic vedet nebude.  |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 19/06/2008 : 09:46:21
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
Co takhle patch notes z test serveru, nebyly by? Curse uz to zakazali postovat, takze clovek uz predem asi nic vedet nebude. 
no jelikoz se zatim nepatchuje tak buhvi jestli neco bude :) |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 19/06/2008 : 09:47:54
quote: Originally posted by brutus
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
Co takhle patch notes z test serveru, nebyly by? Curse uz to zakazali postovat, takze clovek uz predem asi nic vedet nebude. 
no jelikoz se zatim nepatchuje tak buhvi jestli neco bude :)
Ja vim, ale udajne 17teho byl releasnuty patch na test serveru. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 19/06/2008 : 10:10:07
Hey guys,
There is no update today. We will announce the downtimes on the launcher and forums if they should happen. We were looking to get something out today but the teams wanted to get more fixes in the update before releasing a new one today. We will keep you updated on the next update that is aiming for around Monday like before.
Thanks, __________________ Glen 'Famine' Swan US Community Manager
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
New Member

262 Posts |
Posted - 19/06/2008 : 11:20:31
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
Co takhle patch notes z test serveru, nebyly by? Curse uz to zakazali postovat, takze clovek uz predem asi nic vedet nebude. 
Nebyly :( posledni je tam z 13 promo pod patchnotes je neco o nda a ze se nesmi nikam pastovat mozna kuly tomu uz to nevesej ani na beta fora |
Edited by - xMANx on 19/06/2008 11:22:04 |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 19/06/2008 : 15:53:12
Famine US Community Manager
quote: : Originally Posted by shadesofblack View Post Anything about what these fixes might be? saaaay fixing the graphic performance issues alot of people are having with cards like the 3870. It's just nice to know wether you should be looking forward to the patch or not.
I suspect some big news might hit today in relation to what's coming for the future. I will see about some things for the next update in question. I think it's for sure some class changes are on the way from what Jayde has spoke on.
Cheers! __________________
Funcom Glen 'Famine' Swan US Community Manager |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
2156 Posts |
Posted - 19/06/2008 : 18:56:13
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth [I think it's for sure some class changes are on the way from what Jayde has spoke on.
Cheers! __________________
Funcom Glen 'Famine' Swan US Community Manager
A už to začíná :-) |
2156 Posts |
Posted - 19/06/2008 : 18:56:59
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth [I think it's for sure some class changes are on the way from what Jayde has spoke on.
Cheers! __________________
Funcom Glen 'Famine' Swan US Community Manager
A už to začíná :-) |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 09:17:39
Peknej post:
FYI confirm theres been no patch notes on the test server since June 13th. The "Candidate" for Monday's build was put on Test on the 21st. We were told that patch notes would be given to us "if they have time to write them".
Most of the bugs that people have tested are not fixed, we are currently playing a guessing game to figure out what the hell is going on. Many testers are very unhappy and we also would simply like more communication from Funcom. Most likely the only communication I will possibly get from them though is a warning or ban for posting this stuff on the regular forum :/.
PS: I would imagine they are shortstaffed and overworked if they claim they don't even have time to write up notes. It is unfortunate but going into this genre the company should know what to expect nowadays so I show no sympathy a month after release. If Funcom thinks this is a breach of their beta testing program, they should treat their testers better. |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
New Member

262 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 10:50:45
dopatchovano a koukam muj preorder batuzek se rozrostl z 8 na 16 slotu :) |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 11:02:34
quote: Originally posted by xMANx
dopatchovano a koukam muj preorder batuzek se rozrostl z 8 na 16 slotu :)
Juchuuuuu :-)))) |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
4085 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 12:20:08
mno to je sice pekny, ale ja lognul a kliknul na craft knizku a cela hra zmrzla a tak jsem to zkusil nalogovat jeste 5x a pokazdy. Takze se jim craft zase vymknul z rukou |

3400 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 12:31:48
Já se vám kurwa divím že to furt hrajete, je to prostě nedodělané zatím no :)
Araya : a ty radši necrafti ať nepřijdeš i o to druhé oko žižko   |
1990 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 12:44:51
quote: Originally posted by Araya
mno to je sice pekny, ale ja lognul a kliknul na craft knizku a cela hra zmrzla a tak jsem to zkusil nalogovat jeste 5x a pokazdy. Takze se jim craft zase vymknul z rukou
Bože nestraš.. se budu uplně bát nalogovat do hry:( Jinak byl nějaký patch notes? |

3400 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 12:59:29
quote: Originally posted by Azkaban
quote: Originally posted by Araya
mno to je sice pekny, ale ja lognul a kliknul na craft knizku a cela hra zmrzla a tak jsem to zkusil nalogovat jeste 5x a pokazdy. Takze se jim craft zase vymknul z rukou
Bože nestraš.. se budu uplně bát nalogovat do hry:( Jinak byl nějaký patch notes?
Bude, kokot z německa neví jak něco přeložit do té svojí helmutštiny a čeká se na něj, bez něj prostě patch notes nevydají, chtějí to společně vydat pro všechny jazyky najednou. |
Edited by - spajdr on 23/06/2008 12:59:53 |
4085 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 13:27:16
quote: Originally posted by Azkaban
quote: Originally posted by Araya
mno to je sice pekny, ale ja lognul a kliknul na craft knizku a cela hra zmrzla a tak jsem to zkusil nalogovat jeste 5x a pokazdy. Takze se jim craft zase vymknul z rukou
Bože nestraš.. se budu uplně bát nalogovat do hry:( Jinak byl nějaký patch notes?
Neboj jinak to hrat jde, jen ten craft se jim nevede. |
†… Havran …†
Average Member
1962 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 13:38:28
jezis jako by frantici a skopcaci neumeli anglicky.. |
EVE: Lord Greg (Black Nova Corp) [Band of Brothers] [IT Alliance] BoB Forever KILLER 73.3% LOOTER 66.7% THIEF 33.3% SCAMMER 26.7
1990 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 13:47:25
Němci většinou umějí a frantíci většinou neumění nebo nechtějí umět :) |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 14:50:29
Massive PvP
* Player city keeps now contain a vendor that sells siege weapons. * Players will now get teleported out of the zone before the battle starts. * Traders that would not spawn at the Battlekeep Tradeposts will now spawn. Traders will now be available at Battlekeeps. * Ballista NPCs will no longer spawn at an unbuilt tower. * The Border Kingdoms has had its environments adjusted. This should reduce draw-distance in those playfields and contribute to a performance-increase.
Player Character
* Mages will now do less damage with ranged weapons to set them apart from specialized ranged weapon classes like the Ranger.
Assassin Core Revision Adjustments
* Kidney Shots will now properly go on cooldown, is now stackable for 12 second from the original 6 seconds and it's stacking buff duration has been increased to 10 seconds. * Flesh Necrosis has been given a new and improved visual. Atrophy has an added persistent effect on the target while the debuff is in effect.
Conqueror Core Revision Adjustments
* Rage of the Tempest now correctly grants your team increased electrical damage, not increased fire damage.
Dark Templar Core Revision Adjustments
* Rite of Blood will now display health loss, stamina gain and the affect of its enhancement.
Demonologist New Spells
* Forced Summoning will allow you to summon a pet of the opposite sex than what would normally be summoned if cast before the specific summoned pet. You will receive this spell at level 9 with your first pet summon spell. All characters above level 9 will get this spell automatically.
Core Revision Adjustments
* Diabolic Insight and Infernal Knowledge now last 12 hours instead of 1 hour and will no longer be removed upon death. * Wicked Bolts received a name change to be consistent regardless of how many points you have invested in it.
Herald of Xotli Core Revision Adjustments
* Herald of Xotli fatalities now have effects to them. * Corrected spelling of the name of the feat "Spell - Undying Glory of Xotli"
Necromancer New Spells
* You will now gain a new single target snare - Ice Shackle - at level 5. If you are already higher than level 5, you will gain this spell automatically.
Core Revision Adjustments
* Dark Knowledge and Vile Insight now last 12 hours instead of 1 hour and will no longer be removed upon death. * Plagued Heart Curse will now correctly increase in damage with more feats trained. * Decomposition now increases Flesh to Worms by 35% at max rank instead of 30% * Unholy Power has been rebalanced to have a more consistent effect across all levels. * Brutal Death now increases the critical strike chance of Pestilential Blast, Life Strike, Ice Strike, and Chill by 2/4/6/8/10% * Ice Shards now increases the splash range and damage inflicted by Chill in addition to Ice Strike. * Flash Freeze now additionally increases the damage of Frost Blast by 75/150/250%. * Bones of Frost now additionally increases the damage of Gelid Bones by 5/10/15/20/30%. * Frozen Body now increases the damage of Ice Strike, Chill, and Deathly Blizzard by 2/4/6/8/10%. * Corrupted Soul now increases the damage of Pestilential Blast, Life Strike, and Blasphemous Ruin by 2/4/6/8/10%. * Soul Absorption now restores a significantly higher amount of mana when consuming a pet. * Frost Reach now additionally increases the damage of Frost Blast by 75/150/250%. * Ritual of the Lich has had its spell damage multiplier increases from 10% to 25%. * Embrace Death now has an increased effect. The maximum effect of this ability has been increased from 4% to 10%. * Pets now move faster and follow npcs better. * Void has had its stamina/mana drain increased. It will also have the chance to crit. * Archmage feat has been moved to up in the general feat tree. * Unholy Fortitude has been changed to reduce the recast time of Frenzy by 12 seconds per rank, up from 4 seconds per rank. * The levels at which you get your pet points has been significantly changed. You will now get them at the following levels: level 5 - 2 points, level 10 - 4 points, level 15 - 6 points, level 20 - 8 points. You will now have your maximum number of pet points available at level 20. * Despoiled the Soul has had its mana cost and recast time reduced. When you train Despoil the Soul you will get a secondary spell, Reap the Soul. This spell can be used to refresh your current Despoil the Soul, making it easier to keep your Despoil the Soul counter where you want it. In addition, Despoil the Soul will also increase a bonus to magical damage instead of being a damage multiplier.
Nuke Balance Adjustments
* All damage spells have been rebalanced to take into account your having all 8 pet points at level 20. This leads to better scaling of your damage spells, and reinforces that you are a pet class reliant on pets for a significant amount of damage. * Archmage pets incorrectly did not have the area-of-effect damage coefficient applied. Their damage has been corrected to take into account their nukes are AOE nukes. * Increased the damage of Necrotic Pustule, Gelid Bones, and Chill. Significantly increased the explosion damage of Necrotic Bomb Chill has received splash damage (50% damage to 1 target), and splash damage from * Ice Strike has received an increase in splash damage from 15% to 30%. Lifestrike Rank 4 will correctly have the damage-over-time effect. Parasitic Soul Swarm and Unholy Hands will now take pet damage contribution into account and should be in line with damage as it was originally intended.
Pet Effect Adjustments
* Blighted One has had its proc rate and amount of mana damage significantly increased. * Dead Blight stamina damage was also significantly increased if it is trained and will have a chance to crit. * Harvester has received an increase to the amount of mana healed and stamina healed by the pet. The Harvester will now heal more mana than stamina (although the stamina gain is now still significantly increased over the previous value). These can also have a chance to crit. * Life-Stealer has had its amount of health increased significantly. We also reduced the variance of the heal and added a chance to crit. * Mutilator's Mutilation damage-over-time (DoT) effect has had an increase to the damage. This will also have a chance to crit.
Tempest of Set Core Revision Adjustments
* Storm Field is now limited to affect 3 targets at a time. * Titanic Storm now additionally increases the number of targets affected by Storm Field by 50% * Lightning Strike no longer has a cooldown * The primary damage range of Lightning Strike has adjusted to be more consistent, the average damage remains the same * Lightning Strike has been modified to deal 40% splash damage to 3 targets instead of pure AoE damage * Pillar Lightning rank 2 and 3 now additionally increase the number of targets affected by Lightning Strike splash damage * Fury of the Storm has been decreased from 60% to 40% critical damage modifier at max rank
* Blood effects on pet attacks should now trigger correctly. * The evade bonus on characters has been revised when fighting lower level monsters.
* Quests in the 20 - 40 level range have been revised so that they are all categorized under the proper locations in the quest journal. * Supply Routes quest in Conall’s Valley should now be sorted under the correct region in the quest journal. * The “Jack of Ale” you get at “Rum n' Rumble” for the Mage destiny quest can now be removed from your inventory. * Magic Orb: The orbs have been lowered for characters that could not reach them due to shortness in height. * Awakening III - Neutralize Strom's Guard: You should no longer become stuck after killing the Boozed Bullies. * Awakening III - Neutralize Strom's Guard: Resolved a minor issue with players getting stuck after killing the Boozed Bullies. * The Phoenix of the North: You should no longer become stuck in the barrier that shields the Phoenix of the North if you log off. * The Cimmerian's Axe, What Creeps Beneath, The Dangers of Decadence and D * Desert Raiders have had their waypoints corrected. * New dialog has been added for Sharak and Scyra when you've finished all the Destiny Quests. * Cannibal Commotion: The quest will now correctly update when you reach the cave that Attadeus and Demeras are located in. * Ibis, Master of Hidden Secrets: The quest can no longer be deleted from your journal to resolve an issue that made it so you could no longer attain it. * Phoenix of the East: It should no longer be possible to enter the Blood Rite Subterrene with multiple players. * To Battle a God: You should no longer experience issues with this quest if your journal is full.
* Tooltips will now properly display spell affects of the spell line and proc affects to the spell line. They will also now properly display the gem modifications on the item itself. * Despoil the Soul will now display a stack count when stacked four times.
Funcom Oliver 'Tarib' Kunz Senior Community Manager
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Default Items
* All bags have had their size doubled! * Many level 80 items that increased Max Mana have been adjusted to provide Max Stamina as they were intended. Barbarians will greatly benefit from this change. * Oil of Acuity will now replenish mana when consumed. * Vanir NPCs in Conall's Valley, Field of the Dead and the Eiglophian Mountains will drop a greater variety of Vanir-based loot. * Gossamer Silk should now be referenced correctly in the Full Trade Response. * Rusty Courage: The Rusty Old Sword has had its sized reduced to reflect that of a humans and not of a giant's. * The Bloodied Spear now has a blue glow, indicating that you can interact with it.
* The Beggar in Khemi will no longer give the chat bubble icon. * NPC cries for help should no longer trigger aggro through collision objects such as walls and buildings. * NPCs should no longer reset in mid combat. * Koruno Elder's has received a new sword as his offhand weapon. * The Town Crier in Tortage now cries much less frequently. The White Hand Priest’s Emanation of Life spell will now have a longer cooldown and will also display the icon for the spell in the Priest’s debuff window. * Awi-Awan from the Purple Lotus Swamp is now flagged as an Armorsmith Trainer. * Barkripper Ursa is now a group encounter.
Armsman Arena
* You will now need to interact with the Arena Gong after speaking with the Announcer to receive a challenge.
Eiglophian Mountains
* Eiglophian Mountains has received a number of enhancements and adjustments based on player feedback. * More Hungry Ice Worms, Ice Worm Devoures, Snow Apes, Mountain Apes and Cliff Apes have been added. * The respawn timers of the NPCs in the area have also been adjusted. * Ymirish Rimebinder has been reverted from a group encounter to a solo encounter.
Khopshef Province
* New quests and monsters have been added. * Black Castle is no longer Epic Mode enabled as it's turned into a group dungeon.
Kyllikki's Crypt
* The light and environment in Kyllikki's Crypt should be a little better.
Sanctum of the Burning Souls
* Treasures are now scattered throughout the sanctum. * NPCs will now never lose aggro.
* Silver Necklet has had its level adjusted to 40 as it was originally intended. * Skymetal-Studded Wristbands (normal) and Bluesteel-studded Wristbands (rare) now has different stats. * Stone, Iron and Gold nodes have had new visual effect applied to them to make the nodes more visible to all. * All items that contain gems will no longer have the gems removed when undoing a sale in the shop. * Wolves in Lacheish Plains have had their Worled Leather drops adjusted as intended. * Gems will no longer visually overwrite the first one. * Crafted cloaks will now support the equipping of gems.
* Performance: A number of code changes have been made to improve client performance. * New advance video options have been added for particles. Turning down the particle settings will increase performance.
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
2901 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 14:55:59
Teda toho 60+ a 70+ contentu, ja nevim co pujdu driv delat.
Khopshef Province * New quests and monsters have been added.
3x HURA, nove questy presne v tom lvl range v jakem byly potreba :) |
"End of hope, end of love, end of time. The rest is silence."

4368 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 15:14:05
quote: Originally posted by Little
Teda toho 60+ a 70+ contentu, ja nevim co pujdu driv delat.
Khopshef Province * New quests and monsters have been added.
3x HURA, nove questy presne v tom lvl range v jakem byly potreba :)
Zjevne dodelavaji veci, ktere nestihnuli do releasu. Coz je na druhou stranu docela pozitivni, Blizzard bezne nechava chain questy ktere vyzneji do ztracena a uz je nikdy nikdo nedodela. |
2901 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 15:19:04
quote: Originally posted by Rahman Zjevne dodelavaji veci, ktere nestihnuli do releasu. Coz je na druhou stranu docela pozitivni, Blizzard bezne nechava chain questy ktere vyzneji do ztracena a uz je nikdy nikdo nedodela.
A komu to ted bude prospesne? Myslis ze tam nabehne groupa 75ek dychtivych dodelat ty super questy za 1500 XP? :)
Krome twinku je nebude delat uz nikdo (mozna znudene 80ky) a pokud jde nekdo do hry az teprve ted, tak stejne nepozna rozdil, tech questu tam bylo dost.
Kdyby radsi udelali jeste jednu 70+ zonu udelali by lepe. |
"End of hope, end of love, end of time. The rest is silence."
Junior Member
541 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 15:43:09
ted jsem koukal na ofic forum AoC a pripadal jsem si jako na WoW foru, rewamp classy a milion lidi (rekl bych deti) tam breci, hned jak se postnou patch notes a pochybuju ze to vubec hrali, jestli jo tak to jsou fakt deti co uz maji po skole a nebo do ni nesli  treba se jich zbavime :) |
New Member

429 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 16:01:36
" * Performance: A number of code changes have been made to improve client performance. * New advance video options have been added for particles. Turning down the particle settings will increase performance. "
ehm? ani minimalni zvyseni vykonu sem nezaznamenal... Je tu nekdo komu to beha lepe? |

3400 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 16:05:23
quote: Originally posted by Mag1cWalker
" * Performance: A number of code changes have been made to improve client performance. * New advance video options have been added for particles. Turning down the particle settings will increase performance. "
ehm? ani minimalni zvyseni vykonu sem nezaznamenal... Je tu nekdo komu to beha lepe?
mě to zatím pod 60fps nikde nespadlo  |
Average Member
1444 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 16:06:26
quote: Originally posted by spajdr
quote: Originally posted by Mag1cWalker
" * Performance: A number of code changes have been made to improve client performance. * New advance video options have been added for particles. Turning down the particle settings will increase performance. "
ehm? ani minimalni zvyseni vykonu sem nezaznamenal... Je tu nekdo komu to beha lepe?
mě to zatím pod 60fps nikde nespadlo 
ty seš nechutnej provokatér :) |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 16:30:09
quote: Originally posted by Little
Teda toho 60+ a 70+ contentu, ja nevim co pujdu driv delat.
Khopshef Province * New quests and monsters have been added.
3x HURA, nove questy presne v tom lvl range v jakem byly potreba :)
Ještě bych dal aspoň 20 questů do Tortage 
Jinak content 70+ už sem po patchi našel, můžu se procházet po Tarantii v texturách v módu sudden death. |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
†… Havran …†
Average Member
1962 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 17:12:47
quote: Originally posted by plussminuss
ted jsem koukal na ofic forum AoC a pripadal jsem si jako na WoW foru, rewamp classy a milion lidi (rekl bych deti) tam breci, hned jak se postnou patch notes a pochybuju ze to vubec hrali, jestli jo tak to jsou fakt deti co uz maji po skole a nebo do ni nesli  treba se jich zbavime :)
jestli to nebude tim ze tose uplne zkurvili |
EVE: Lord Greg (Black Nova Corp) [Band of Brothers] [IT Alliance] BoB Forever KILLER 73.3% LOOTER 66.7% THIEF 33.3% SCAMMER 26.7
4339 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 17:30:07
ToS byl OP to musite uznat. Chapu, ze se vam za nej hraje vyborne, ale takto to proste nejde. Lidi budou porad whinovat. Ja osobne bych se na ne vyflaknul a whinery vubec neresil a doufam, ze je FC neresi. Konstruktivni kritiky je na ofiko forech minimum. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
†… Havran …†
Average Member
1962 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 17:56:03
byl op tak mozna na grind tam to asi tak skoncilo |
EVE: Lord Greg (Black Nova Corp) [Band of Brothers] [IT Alliance] BoB Forever KILLER 73.3% LOOTER 66.7% THIEF 33.3% SCAMMER 26.7

4368 Posts |
Posted - 23/06/2008 : 18:01:56
quote: Originally posted by †… Havran …†
byl op tak mozna na grind tam to asi tak skoncilo
Aha, takze zmenou lightning striku z full aoe na splash damage aoe nezkrouhli grind, ve kterem byl ToS podle tvych slov mozna op, ale totalne zkurvilo classu. Uz tomu uplne rozumim :)
edit: BTW nekdo v gilde rikal, ze u lightning striku zrusili cooldown. Ze by to preci jen nebyla tak jednostranna zmena, jak se nam "omgoninamtotalnezkurviliclassu" hraci snazi naznacit? :P |
Edited by - Rahman on 23/06/2008 18:02:52 |
Topic  |