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New Member

342 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 10:46:49
quote: Originally posted by Atronach Je to divne, proto se taky ptam. Hraju kazdej den, a zadnou takovouhle bednu jsem nevidel ani ve vilach ani jinde 
Nejsou to žádné bedny. Je to normálně v těch pytlíkách  Je to takový sáček jak na mince a skočí do inventáře. Po double-click je z toho random tradeskill resource. |
New Member

342 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 10:48:00
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
quote: Originally posted by Shelaida
quote: Originally posted by Atronach
quote: Originally posted by Blooderine Fungujou ty Alchemist Cache.
Muzes prosim rict, kde ti neco takoveho padlo plz?
Od včerejška to zase padá ve vilách. Padlo mi jich asi 5 včera ale Yeti bile žádný 
Co jsi za level?
Mám to v podpisu 78. Ale snad to mělo padat nezávisle na lvl. Tzn. tradeskill resource 40-49 by mi mohla padnout na mém lvl právě z toho sáčku. |
New Member

342 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 10:49:15
quote: Originally posted by Araya
A zase je nejakej patch sakra a to slibovali jen jednou tydne a daj ve ctvrtek zase mno tak to nevim
Jen záplatujou gemy ...
The servers will come down for an update on 3rd of July at 04:00 GMT. The downtime is scheduled to last about 5 hours.
The update we deployed today caused certain items to lose their sockets. A table was left out of a re-export which caused the sockets of certain items to disappear. According to our developer team any socketed gems that were put in before the patch still exist on the items (they just can't be seen or give bonuses). This update will fix this problem and should make the gems reappear when the sockets are fixed.
The update will most probably not take the full 5 hours.
Thank you. |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 10:54:06
To Shelaida: Villa se Ti scaluje podle levelu, tzn. tam nikdy nedostanes Yeti Bile. Pouze resources pro dany level a tier. Ja taky nedostanu low lvl gem kdyz jsem lvl 69..dostavam gemy lvl 60-69. Tzn. musis jit do zony, kde jsou mobove 40-49. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Edited by - Shemiramoth on 03/07/2008 10:54:22 |
New Member

342 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 11:02:11
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
To Shelaida: Villa se Ti scaluje podle levelu, tzn. tam nikdy nedostanes Yeti Bile. Pouze resources pro dany level a tier. Ja taky nedostanu low lvl gem kdyz jsem lvl 69..dostavam gemy lvl 60-69. Tzn. musis jit do zony, kde jsou mobove 40-49.
To samozřejmě vím. Proto jsem taky psal, že by to nemělo fungovat jako standartní drop z moba kde MUSÍŠ být na potřebném lvl. Někde jsem slyšel že to padá nezávisle na lvl. tzn. že padne sáček a ten se pak random rozbalí. Ale podle všeho, to tak není. Podle včerejších dropů, co jsem rozbalil to bylo 75+. |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 11:03:18
Uvidis, ze jak prijdes do zony 40-49, tak Yeti bile padne. Navic to tam muzes farmit po 50ti :)) |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
New Member

342 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 11:13:47
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
Uvidis, ze jak prijdes do zony 40-49, tak Yeti bile padne. Navic to tam muzes farmit po 50ti :))
Yeti na lvl. 40-49 jsou pouze v Field of death a jsou tam 3, slovy "tři" a je to rare drop. Tak jen tak pro tvou informaci  |

2069 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 11:24:01
quote: Originally posted by Shelaida
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
Uvidis, ze jak prijdes do zony 40-49, tak Yeti bile padne. Navic to tam muzes farmit po 50ti :))
Yeti na lvl. 40-49 jsou pouze v Field of death a jsou tam 3, slovy "tři" a je to rare drop. Tak jen tak pro tvou informaci 
Jako obvykle milion postu jak ses chytej ale o tom patchi vis kulovy.
Ty bedny co maj padat s tim alchemy obsahem, kteremu rikaji 'cache' maj nahradit NEPADAJICI itemy pro alchemku aby sel udelat T1 quest. Takze i Yeti bite pada POUZE z techto cache. Toto je docasne reseni nez opravi drop jak ma vypadat.
WOW: Kasicka, Druid, [Ceska Legie]. Moonglade TESO: Kasicka, Templar, [Ceska Legie, MdK], EU Rift: Kasicka, Cleric, [Ceska legie], Gelidra EQ2: Kasicka, Inquizitor, [Ceska legie], Splitpaw AoC: Casea, Necro, [Legie], Dagon Lotro: Casea, Minstrel, [Myth], Snow Vanguard [R.I.P.]: Attronach, High Elf Psionist, [MdK]
4339 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 11:34:50
Jinymi slovy, neni to boundnuty na Yeti. :)) Proste ti padne pytlik a po otevreni se ti vygeneruji nejake veci pro alchemku. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Edited by - Shemiramoth on 03/07/2008 11:35:10 |

2069 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 11:37:44
quote: Originally posted by Shemiramoth
Jinymi slovy, neni to boundnuty na Yeti. :)) Proste ti padne pytlik a po otevreni se ti vygeneruji nejake veci pro alchemku.
A pak to schodi server 
WOW: Kasicka, Druid, [Ceska Legie]. Moonglade TESO: Kasicka, Templar, [Ceska Legie, MdK], EU Rift: Kasicka, Cleric, [Ceska legie], Gelidra EQ2: Kasicka, Inquizitor, [Ceska legie], Splitpaw AoC: Casea, Necro, [Legie], Dagon Lotro: Casea, Minstrel, [Myth], Snow Vanguard [R.I.P.]: Attronach, High Elf Psionist, [MdK]
New Member

342 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 12:17:49
quote: Originally posted by Atronach Jako obvykle milion postu jak ses chytej ale o tom patchi vis kulovy.
Ty bedny co maj padat s tim alchemy obsahem, kteremu rikaji 'cache' maj nahradit NEPADAJICI itemy pro alchemku aby sel udelat T1 quest. Takze i Yeti bite pada POUZE z techto cache. Toto je docasne reseni nez opravi drop jak ma vypadat.
Átro ty jsi vážně pacient. Psal jsem že jsem slyšel že by měli padat věci nezávisle na lvl, tzn. na jako standartní dropy k levelu. Neříkal jsem že znám obsah patche. Takže jsi jako obvykle chytrý jako rádio a přitom jsi nám nic nezdělil. Když si přečteš moje poslední posty k tobě, tak jsem normálně reagoval a odpovídal. Jsi fakt pacoš  |

2069 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 13:18:30
quote: Originally posted by Shelaida Átro ty jsi vážně pacient. Psal jsem že jsem slyšel že by měli padat věci nezávisle na lvl, tzn. na jako standartní dropy k levelu. Neříkal jsem že znám obsah patche. Takže jsi jako obvykle chytrý jako rádio a přitom jsi nám nic nezdělil. Když si přečteš moje poslední posty k tobě, tak jsem normálně reagoval a odpovídal. Jsi fakt pacoš 
Napsal jsi ze to pada z Yeti coz neni pravda. Dam ti radu: Kdyz nectes patch notes, tak nepis jako by jsi je cetl. Pusobis tim zmatky u lidi kteri te jeste neznaj.
btw: dalsi radobychytre poznamky o me si nech do Targays, tam urcite dopadnou na urodnejsi pudu Tady uz pakama a pacientama zadne lidi neohromis.
WOW: Kasicka, Druid, [Ceska Legie]. Moonglade TESO: Kasicka, Templar, [Ceska Legie, MdK], EU Rift: Kasicka, Cleric, [Ceska legie], Gelidra EQ2: Kasicka, Inquizitor, [Ceska legie], Splitpaw AoC: Casea, Necro, [Legie], Dagon Lotro: Casea, Minstrel, [Myth], Snow Vanguard [R.I.P.]: Attronach, High Elf Psionist, [MdK]
New Member

342 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 13:24:36
quote: Originally posted by Atronach Napsal jsi ze to pada z Yeti coz neni pravda. Dam ti radu: Kdyz nectes patch notes, tak nepis jako by jsi je cetl. Pusobis tim zmatky u lidi kteri te jeste neznaj.
btw: dalsi radobychytre poznamky o me si nech do Targays, tam urcite dopadnou na urodnejsi pudu Tady uz pakama a pacientama zadne lidi neohromis.
Tento konkrétní patch notes jsem necetl a ani jsem to netvrdil. Už by jsi se mohl naučit číst. Celou dobu jsem psal o tom že se domnívám že je to tak. Je fakt že ty zmatky nezpůsobíš, tebe tu každý zná a ty tvoje bláboly nečte  To že jsi pako všichni vědí, takže psát to fakt nemá smysl.  |
Advanced Member
5625 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 13:30:55
quote: Originally posted by Shelaida Tento konkrétní patch notes jsem necetl a ani jsem to netvrdil. Už by jsi se mohl naučit číst. Celou dobu jsem psal o tom že se domnívám že je to tak. Je fakt že ty zmatky nezpůsobíš, tebe tu každý zná a ty tvoje bláboly nečte  To že jsi pako všichni vědí, takže psát to fakt nemá smysl. 
Zkrat to a priznej chybu! |
AO: Pan Shade Tojejedno + PvP nub - retarded (tm)by NerfTý Mittra VG: Jsem takova mala pisnicka - retarded s potencialem EQ2: Tojeonde - Pivipi - retarded Rift: Tojejedno - nejakej FOTM class, takze klerik asi:/ - retarded FF XIV: Toje Tojejedno - a opet retarded, hrozna hra TESO - tojejedno - sorcka - Sem se vratil z dovolene a prej uz se to nehraje

2069 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 13:47:20
quote: Originally posted by Shelaida Celou dobu jsem psal o tom že se domnívám že je to tak. Je fakt že ty zmatky nezpůsobíš, tebe tu každý zná a ty tvoje bláboly nečte  To že jsi pako všichni vědí, takže psát to fakt nemá smysl. 
quote: Originally posted by Shelaida"Yeti na lvl. 40-49 jsou pouze v Field of death a jsou tam 3, slovy "tři" a je to rare drop. Tak jen tak pro tvou informaci"
Kde tam je co se slovy 'domnivam se'? Nikde. To mas fakt takovej mindrak z toho, ze bys priznal, ze jsi napsal neco blbe nebo to tva hlave uz proste nebere?
A vis co, me je to jedno. Klidne si ty svoje blaboly pis dal, alespon se pobavim.
WOW: Kasicka, Druid, [Ceska Legie]. Moonglade TESO: Kasicka, Templar, [Ceska Legie, MdK], EU Rift: Kasicka, Cleric, [Ceska legie], Gelidra EQ2: Kasicka, Inquizitor, [Ceska legie], Splitpaw AoC: Casea, Necro, [Legie], Dagon Lotro: Casea, Minstrel, [Myth], Snow Vanguard [R.I.P.]: Attronach, High Elf Psionist, [MdK]
4339 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 14:25:55
Laskave toho nechte. Nehodlam zase resit flame mezi vami a uz vubec ne novy flame na tema Tarquen. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%

4364 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 15:40:15
co to je tarquen ?  |
Jerzee <Mor do Kuli> |
7950 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 16:01:18
quote: Originally posted by JerzeeG
co to je tarquen ? 
ryba co smrdi od hlavy |
Rock is overpowerd, please nerf. Paper is fine. Yours, Scissors.
Junior Member
744 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 20:18:32
quote: Originally posted by Pertha ryba co smrdi od hlavy
mnam  |
DFO: Stabajzna Sweetie - Czech Heroes @ EU-1 AO: Stabajzna (equip: pvm|pvp) - Czech Anarchy @ RK1 ---------------------- UO/VG/TR/WoW/AoC/WAR |
4085 Posts |
Posted - 03/07/2008 : 21:31:59
btw jsem vymlatil 3 villy s mym hunterem lvl 45 a padnul mi jen jedinej ten alchemy srac coz nic moc teda. A jeste k tomuz toho bylo to co slo normalne sebrat driv coz me sere |
Edited by - Araya on 03/07/2008 21:32:31 |

2069 Posts |
Posted - 04/07/2008 : 07:16:38
quote: Originally posted by Araya
btw jsem vymlatil 3 villy s mym hunterem lvl 45 a padnul mi jen jedinej ten alchemy srac coz nic moc teda. A jeste k tomuz toho bylo to co slo normalne sebrat driv coz me sere
Ja vcera zkousel FoD a padlo mi jich za 2h asi 8. Dokonce i neco, co jsem potreboval (3 ze 6ti veci co mi schazi).
Jedinej prob byl, ze tam bylo asi milion lidi.
WOW: Kasicka, Druid, [Ceska Legie]. Moonglade TESO: Kasicka, Templar, [Ceska Legie, MdK], EU Rift: Kasicka, Cleric, [Ceska legie], Gelidra EQ2: Kasicka, Inquizitor, [Ceska legie], Splitpaw AoC: Casea, Necro, [Legie], Dagon Lotro: Casea, Minstrel, [Myth], Snow Vanguard [R.I.P.]: Attronach, High Elf Psionist, [MdK]

2124 Posts |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 10/07/2008 : 11:18:11
Mage (General)
* Dark Meditation is now a self-only channeled spell and will no longer stun the user. * Dark Meditation now has new effects associated with it.
Rogue (General)
* Mountaineer will now reduce duration of the effects of Bruised Body by 50%/100% and Broken Bones by 25%/50% per respective rank.
Soldiers (General)
* Surging Health will now increase in power with more feat points invested.
* Golden Lotus Extract now has a new particle effect.
* Clickable abilities - Unstable Mind, Reaver Stance, Blood Rage Stance, Haste, Dance of Death, Armageddon Falls, Impale, and Adrenaline Rush now have spell effects. * Fearsome Agility will now proc more consistently at all ranks, rather than reducing in rate for rank 4. * Fearsome Agility will now trigger off any melee hits, not just hits that land * The bonus granted by Fearsome Agility has been increased from 5% to 10% evade chance at max rank, and stack.
Dark Templar
* The variance on damage dealt by unholy-based Soul Covenants has been reduced to make the damage more consistent. Average damage was not modified by this change. * Covenant of Arms should now have the correct base damage across all levels * Covenant of Arms should no longer disappear from the player's spell book or fail to appear after training multiple ranks * Covenant of Putrescence should now have the correct base damage across all levels * Covenant of Putrescence now deals unholy damage instead of poison damage Unholy-based * Soul Covenants now gain a significant percentage of the Dark Templar's unholy or magical damage. * Malacodor's Blight, Sadistic Soul, Blighted Touch, Blighted Soul, Touch of Death, and Curse of Gwahlur now gain a minor amount of the Dark Templar's unholy or magical damage * Talisman Mastery has been modified to be a percentage increase of the modified damage of a Soul Covenant instead of the base damage * Pact of Malacodor will now cost 1% of health every 2 seconds over the duration of the effect. This reduces the health cost to 15% over 30 seconds instead of 25%. * Reaper of Malacodor will now cost 2% of health every 2 seconds over the duration of the effect. This reduces the health cost to 30% over 30 seconds instead of 50%. * Fixed an issue which caused Reaper of Malacodor to not always proc on secondary targets.
Herald of Xotli
* Desecrating Essence should now scale more consistently across all levels. Additionally, the variance between minimum and maximum damage has been decreased to be more consistent. * Burn to Death now receives a substantial portion of the Herald's bonus magical damage on its damage over time effect. * Burn to Death now applies a separate debuff for all Herald of Xotli players. * Spreading Flames will now always tick 5 times, instead of occasionally only ticking 4 times. * Inferno, Tongue of Xotli, and Phoenix Cloak's gain from bonus magical damage has been increased. * The area of effect damage from Inferno has been renamed to Inferno instead of Lash Field. * Phoenix Cloak and Burning Skull have had their base damage slightly increased. * The following abilities now properly scale with the Herald's bonus magical damage: -Avatar of Xotli -Bonds of Anguish -Burning Hex -Burning Skull -Burning Words (Word of Command) -Chains of Anguish -Desecrating Essence -Fiery Weapons -Flame Cleave -Hatred of the Living -Hellstep -Improved Burning Skull -Knowledge of the Underworld -Searing Curse -Searing Hatred -Spitfire
* Frozen Hatred pulsing AoE is now an AoE proc with a 100% chance instead of a passive effect. * Frozen Hatred pets will now benefit from the Unholy Power feat. * Parasitic Souls will now benefit from the Unholy Power feat. * Flesh of the Wight now has an animation associated with it. * Void now has a persistent effect on the pet while the buff is running. * Melee pets will now do splashdamage. * Scythe Shield now lasts 1 hour instead of 30 minutes * Scythe Shield's casting time has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds * Quell the Ether's casting time has been reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds * One with Death now lasts 1 hour instead of 15 minutes * One with Death has been changed to debuff invulnerability ratings by 50% per stack instead of health * The Unholy Power feat will now increase the magical damage dealt by the Undead Minion: Corruptor and Undead Minion: Necrotic Bomb * Siphon Unlife's damage component should now scale better relative to the heath of undead minions across all levels. This solves some issues with Siphon Unlife dealing inconsistent damage to the minion in some level ranges. * Siphon Unlife and Frenzy will now avoid selecting undead minions which have been recently affected by Siphon Unlife or Frenzy. This should solve issues with the same pet being targeted shortly after Siphon Unlife or Frenzy expiring, instead of targeting pets with higher health. * The core buffs placed on all Necromancer pets are now visible in the pet's buff GUI. This should allow Necromancers to better see the impact of their pet-oriented feats, as they are not displayed on the player. * Deathless Acolyte: Arcanist will now gain the correct bonus from Unnatural Dexterity ranks 2 and 3
Priest of Mitra
* Blessing of Mitra now has an effect and animation.
* Using your bow/crossbow while not in combat mode will not block you from moving for the length of that animation anymore. Instead, your attack will now be aborted. * Linebreaker should now have a knockback effect. * Piercing Shot combo line should scale properly * Shield Bash now has an animation. * Epic armor is now available with a new look for each tier.
* Female characters should now properly display dodge, parry and block animations again. * Female characters using a weapon-combination consisting of either a One-Handed Blunt weapon or a One-Handed Edged weapon in their right hand, and a Dagger in their left hand, should no longer swing the Dagger as if it was a One-Handed Edged weapon. * Neither Male nor Female characters should have animation issues causing their legs to slide around without animation when fighting with a weapon combination consisting of a One-Handed Blunt weapon equipped in their right hand and a Dagger equipped in their left hand or no weapon in their right hand and a Dagger in their left hand. * Thrown weapons have had their range increased: Light throwing weapons now have a range of 15 meters, up from 12. Heavy throwing weapons now have a range of 18 meters, up from 16.
Massive PVP
* Border Kingdoms - Several World Design and collision tweaks here. * Thieves' Guild building now has an icon. * Siege weapons should now work properly, and will display a message if your target is out of range. * You should now learn the proper resurrection points in massive siege battlefields. * You will receive notification when you are about to be teleported out of a siege battle zone during a battle you are not involved in. * Players should no longer be teleported out of a Massive PvP battle if they log back in directly after they lost connection.
* If your pet does the most damage to a target for a minigame, you will now get credited for the kill instead of the pet.
* Fixed some collision issues in Kyilliki's Crypt. * Many collision fixes in Oasis of Zaara.
* Raid bosses and Group bosses will now die in a dignified way, and refuse to be fatalitied anymore. * NPC combo "Rupture" is now named "Breach" and will now use the appropriate icon. * Tiggle Knucklebone has been removed from Lacheish Plains. * Yakhmar will now spawn minions at a correct interval. These minions are also weaker than before. * The Half Giant in Conall's Valley will no longer slide around. * It is now possible to spawn the Dark Beast boss in Sanctum of the Burning Souls just by interacting with the Sacrificial Altar while holding a Ritual Chalice. The specific quest requirement has been removed. * The camera movement has been toned down when moving around on a War Mammoth at walk-speed.
* Larozzo should now show that he has a tradeskill quest for players. * The correct message should now be displayed when mining Aurichalcum. * Stonecutter: Players should be able to hand in Basalt and Adamant again.
* Walkthrough tips for the Tortage Beach tutorial are now more visible. * Minor visual adjustments to the cutscene played in Mithrelle's Mansion during the Rogue Destiny quest Awakening II - "Mansion of the Wizard" * Eiglophian Mountains - "Cannibal Commotion": The goal marker for Attadeus now points directly to Attadeus rather than the entrance of his cave. * Khopshef Province - "Stygian Superstitions": Quest marker moved closer to quest objective. * Khopshef Province - "Troubles of Thuthmekri": Derekhar should now agro when attacked. * Khopshef Province - "Lusts of the Flesh": You will now get a cask of Tainted Ale to give to Tuthmekri. Players who want to finish this quest will unfortunately have to delete it from their quest journal and get it again. * Poitain - "Order Silks in Poitain": Completed quest now has a description. * Tarantia Noble District - "The Chef": This quest will now complete properly. If you picked up the recipe, you can ask Juan about it. If you've not picked up the recipe, Juan will not ask for it at all. * Tarantia Noble District - "The Love of a Countess": Goal markers have been modified for simplicity. * Tarantia Noble District - "The Love of a Countess": Player should have an easier time talking to this NPC, without her getting too upset. * Tarantia Noble District - "Paetus & the Nemedian Crown III": This quest now has coordinates to get to Pallantides. * Tarantia Noble District - "Patterns in Insanity": The Junk Seller will not give you a pattern if you already have one. * Tarantia Noble District - "Obtaining the Noble Arena Key" now works. Aquilus will now duel the player, and complete the quest. The goal text has been modified as well. * Tortage - "Tarisha's Sacrifice": Changed goalmarker for the Pirate's Gold Earring to an X instead of the small radius so it will be easier to locate now. * Tortage - "Tarisha's Sacrifice": Collecting a Cannibal's Tooth waypoint has been altered to cover the entire area of the Cannibals.
* Long robes and dresses should appear with less graphical errors when the player is wearing one and running or attacking.
* Resolved an issue which was causing players to recieve a message stating that a spell was on cooldown and be unable to cast even though the cooldown had finished in the GUI. * The tooltip for "Cold Nerves" now shows up as intended, in green color and with a percent sign. Other feats affecting stats with percent values should also show up correctly. * Castingbar will not be stuck anymore if you move right as the spell finishes. * A new tab named "Nametags" has been introduced in the Interface options. All nametag related options were moved there. * The options "Show target's target" and "Show team buffs" were moved to the "HUD Options" tab. * The option "Show quest item effects" was moved to basic interface options. * The dropdown "Show vicinity tag" was removed. * The options "Enable target highlighting" and "Enable target decals" were moved to the Targeting section of the interface options. * Option to block team invites should now work again * The pet GUI now show the correct icon to the left of each pet name. * The control mapping GUI should no longer falsely report a key as reserved any more. * Members of the group is now informed if the group leader change the loot options
* The client should now disconnect from the chat server after camping. * The chat server interface queue will now clear when the client logs in. * The Crouch ability should now properly indicate when it is on cooldown. * Made the attributes give their correct modifications (lower) so skills like fasthealing needs more than 1 point to work properly. * If you move while sitting down, you will automaticly abort the sit down animation * When an item gives invulnerability bonus for several different reasons, the bonuses will now be summed up and not shown individually in the tooltip. * Heal spells are no more generating a small amount of hate when they ticked, even when not actually healing anything. * Pets will now have a lower chance of breaking crowd-control effects, in most cases. * Solo players will now have their kill XP proportionally reduced if other players damage their mobs (this was already happening for groups). * 'Shield of the Risen' tooltip should now show the correct time remaining * A list of recent messages are now stored per chat channel so that when subscribing or unsubscribing chat channels to a chat window the content in the window will be instantly updated to display the history for the new set of susbscribed channels. When enabling or disabling timestamps on chat messages the entire scrollback buffer for the affected chat window is updated to show or hide timestamps. * Fixed a bug causing the cooldown timer to sometimes appear out of sync on items/spells/abilities that was displayed multiple places.
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 10/07/2008 : 11:40:29
Rozumim tomu správně, že ty kreténi zas nepřidali pvp ranky, který slibujou už asi měsíc? |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
Average Member
1142 Posts |
Posted - 10/07/2008 : 11:47:23
Jak se tak divam, tak za pul roku uz se to mozna bude dat hrat... Az teda skonci ten placeny betatest.  |
WoW-Crista <Fluffy Bunnies> Sarkasticka sova |
7950 Posts |
Posted - 10/07/2008 : 14:30:10
quote: Originally posted by pompo
Jak se tak divam, tak za pul roku uz se to mozna bude dat hrat... Az teda skonci ten placeny betatest. 
v mmorpg placeny betatest uz skoncil napriklad u AC2 , tak si ji muzes zkusit zahrat |
Rock is overpowerd, please nerf. Paper is fine. Yours, Scissors.

4368 Posts |
Posted - 10/07/2008 : 15:10:58
Mate uz nekdo otestovano, kolik ted healuje surging health? |
1990 Posts |
Posted - 10/07/2008 : 15:51:38
Další patch, který mě nějak nepřesvědčil o tom abych si zaplatil next měsíc
Senior Member

2735 Posts |
Posted - 10/07/2008 : 16:04:46
quote: Originally posted by Azkaban
Další patch, který mě nějak nepřesvědčil o tom abych si zaplatil next měsíc
Canceled, skoda ze mi to nedavno "cvaknulo" . |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 10/07/2008 : 16:48:55
quote: Originally posted by Shatteren
quote: Originally posted by Azkaban
Další patch, který mě nějak nepřesvědčil o tom abych si zaplatil next měsíc
Canceled, skoda ze mi to nedavno "cvaknulo" .
Mě sice končí až za tři tejdny, ale zvažuju okažitej cancel, protože se mě zeptaj na důvod cancelu a odpověď si za rámeček nedaj. |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
7950 Posts |
Posted - 10/07/2008 : 18:02:09
hehe tak dlouho jsem AoC chvalil, az ho ted nemuzu pustit :) v prubehu loading content spadne klient
Edit: pomohlo odmazat vsechny modifikace UI |
Rock is overpowerd, please nerf. Paper is fine. Yours, Scissors.
Edited by - Pertha on 10/07/2008 18:43:28 |
1990 Posts |
Posted - 10/07/2008 : 18:24:49
mno a mě se instaluje Eve online protože mě nenapadla jiná onlainovka co bych mohl stáhnout.. máte někdo nějaký tip? |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 10/07/2008 : 18:27:15
quote: Originally posted by Azkaban
mno a mě se instaluje Eve online protože mě nenapadla jiná onlainovka co bych mohl stáhnout.. máte někdo nějaký tip?
AO by nešlo? Nebo kterýkoliv freečko LOTRO se dá taky stáhnout, za chvíli bude book 14. |
Troll lepší fanboie. |
1990 Posts |
Posted - 10/07/2008 : 18:59:08
Lotra jsem hrál a prodal, stejně jako WoW takže není se kam vracet. AO je od Funcomu snad také.. tak do toho nejdu :) |

4368 Posts |
Posted - 10/07/2008 : 23:26:16
quote: Originally posted by Rahman
Mate uz nekdo otestovano, kolik ted healuje surging health?
Nasel jsem to na forech. Melo by to byt 255hp za tribodovy feat na levlu 80. To uz mozna stoji za zvazeni. |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 11/07/2008 : 09:53:24
Known Issues:
* Group Chat and Group Loot are not working properly. * Logging out to the login screen and immediately logging back in causes the client to crash.
Preliminary Update Notes These notes do not necessarily reflect the final version that will be deployed on Live*
* A new levelup animation with sound should now occur for all players who level, while in or out of combat. * Lootbags and other non-moving objects will no longer affect how many NPCs/players are visible in the vicinity. * Fixed several causes of crashes and instability. * Particle effects will no longer be played on the character selection screen. * Returning to non-combat state from a PvP fight will now take 10 seconds (instead of 5). Mana and health regen will only start then. * Mobs will now become unlocked to a player after 90 seconds, once the locked attacker stops attacking. This will allow other attackers to benefit from killing the mob. * The loot bag target bar should no longer become 'stuck' onscreen. * Clients with 'No Gore' selected will now have the same general fatality animations as the 'Gore' enabled clients, without the presence of actual decapitations and dismemberment. * You will no longer lose your helmet when fatalitied. * The looting need-greed duration was increased to 1 minute. * Gemmed items should now work as intended and give their effect after teleports. * Team buffs should now only refresh when necessary, and be properly canceled for members who leave. * Leaving sneak or crouch will not slide your character around anymore.
* Combos and all other actions will be aborted when you start to charge. * The combo chain will now be stopped when you begin a charge. * You can no longer start combos in the middle of a charge. * Dismembering fatalities should now show appropriate visual effects. * You can now abort multihit combos without all the damage being rolled back. * Aborting multihit combos will not make the target's health become desynced from the client/server anymore. * Fizzle and immunity rolls have been moved to the end of your spellcast. If your target becomes immune after you start your spellcast but before it deals damage, your target will resist the spell. * Stealth is checked again at the end of your spellcast. If your target hides before you land the spell, your spellcast will fail. * The distance to your target while casting a spell is checked again at the end of your spellcast, with a 25% bonus to your range. * Line of sight to your target is checked again at the end of your spellcast. * Combo finishers (the last attack in the combo chain) now have 25% extra range, making them easier to land in PvP. * Mobs will keep you in combat from further away now. * Aborting unarmed attacks (using a knockback, for example) will now properly cause the damage not to be dealt. * Active Blocking now displays a buff in the debuff GUI indicating the effect. * Active Blocking now has an initial stamina cost upon activation. * Active Blocking has been modified to increase the player's shielding bonus rather than evade chance. * Attacks and heals performed while in Active Blocking will now have reduced effect. * Clickable abilities with instant effects will not be queued after your attack anymore, but executed right away. * You cannot use abilities while jumping or falling anymore. * Dying while knockbacking NPCs will not cause the npc to become stuck in combat mode anymore. * For each attack in the combo chain that you do without a valid target, your end damage (on the combo finisher) is reduced 15% per miss. * Attack animation speed should be more balanced between genders. * Combat music has been tweaked so that tension music will be area specific, rather than random.
* An emote gui has been added. Press Y to access this window. * An option to disable on-screen messages has been introduced. It can be found in Options > Interface > HUD. * A chat command that allows reloading the GUI was added. The command is '/reloadui' * Attackable players should now always have a red nametag, regardless of their level. Players that were 8 levels or more below the player previously had a gray nametag. * Combo-triggered flying texts should no longer appear for combos that are not caused or directed at the client character any more. * Defensive flying texts (i.e. parry) should now always appear above the correct character - the defender (not the attacker). * Players should now be able to open the main options menu using "F10" while the rez window is up. * Right-clicking inside active GUI elements should not reorient your character any more. * Fixed a case of a stuck command progress bar. * Effects that replenish stamina should now produce correctly signed flying texts (+XX Stamina). * Added a visual and textual notification for attacks that are completely absorbed. * Nametags should now be visible even if the character meshes have not completed loading. * Spell damage to destructibles will now appear in the combat log. * The mouse pointer will now always default to the arrow. * Mousing over an NPC's corpse will not produce the sword icon any more. * The Power session indicator and tooltip will now only appear when applicable, i.e. after level 5. * Shift-clicking on a lootbag to autoloot everything should clear the target correctly once finished. * Ranged combos will now appear red on your shortcutbar when your target is out of range, similar to spells. * When attempting to share a quest, you will get feedback stating how many players in your team were too far away to receive it (if any). * The quest journal will now show the money rewards divided by each type of currency. * The Friends/Guild Members window has been changed. It now works with tabs that sort friends by type: Guild Members, Friends, Offline members, and Ignored characters. * Floating/movable character portraits were added. They can be enabled from Interface > HUD options menu. * The tooltip for spellweaving will no longer go outside of the screen. * Fixed a GUI related crash. * Implemented GUI Modifications on the skill window as support for the upcoming PvP Consequence System. PvE skills will be listed separate from PvP skills. * Clicking on the active tab on the Friends View should now move the window. Clicking on disable tabs should also move the window. * The healing modifier debuff for Active Blocking should now display correctly as -50% * Made the middle action button (between Q and E) mappable. It is called Action Button 12. E is now called Action Button 13. * Quest indicators should no longer appear on the ground. * Added a PvP xp bar to the bottom of the screen as support for upcoming PvP changes. This will be enabled and disabled via the Interface options > HUD menu. * The item links on the chat window will now show the proper item 'level color' (blue, green, etc).
* (Atzel's Approach) Kidnapping and Torture ; Diversionary Tactics Inner West - It should now be possible to ignite all palisades. * (Atzel's Approach) Revenge of the Ape God - Location of this quest is now marked in the journal. * (Black Ring Citadel) Bowls of Set, The Hunt - Quest will now complete when you speak to Kalanthes about it. * (Conall's Valley) An Impending Attack - The location marker for Torin has been changed. * (Field of the Dead) The Honored Dead - This is now a solo quest. * (Kheshatta) Den of Evil Perversions - Has been fixed. Go find the Onyx Chambers, retrieve Hakar Tep's head, then return it to Zane. **If you currently have this quest, you MUST delete the quest and go pick it up again from Zane.*** * (Kheshatta) Mouth Of Darkness - Journal text has been updated. The Marker Rune is found near the entrance, rather than within it. * (Kheshatta) Markers of the Lost Tomb - A goal marker has been added for the third objective. * (Khopshef) Yipping Hyenas - Changed quest waypoint radius, to cover a larger area and more hyenas. * (Khopshef) Usurping the Power - Now marked as a group quest. * (Khopshef) Emerald Eyes - It should no longer be possible to walk through the door to the Emerald Guardians without first getting the quest. * (Khopshef) Trapped by Lions - Timer has been changed to 10 minutes, instead of 10 hours. * (Khopshef) The Swindler's Game, Shedding Torment, Stygian Superstitions, The Forgotten Temple, Fascinating Faces, Conflicting Interests - An item reward has been added to these quests. * (Khopshef) Lusts of the Flesh - Alekeep in Caravansrai will now ask you for tin, not copper. * (Tarantia Noble) Paetus & The Nemedian Crown - Coordinates have been updated within the Villa. The map item will now have a particle effect when you have the quest. * (Tarantia Noble) Rahim and Lord Camillus - Rahim's dialog should now work properly when you tell him "Then this madman must be stopped". Player will receive a quest. * (Tarantia Noble) Obtaining the Arena Key - Tweaked to make it more completable. * Several typos corrected in many quests worldwide.
Default NPCs / Mobs
* Charmed NPCs will now be able to attack and perform actions while charmed. * More NPCs should now be visible in the vicinity for several raid dungeons. * NPCs wielding two handed weapons will now attack correctly. * Knockback animations (the landing-animations in particular) will now be smoother for many creatures. * Raid bosses should now be visible from further away, in most cases. * Black Ring Citadel: Incubus and Succubus are now strong enough to knockback all players. Swamp demon's swamp has become increasingly more dangerous. * Black Ring Citadel: Seruha will wait a little before closing the door. * Conall's Valley: Wounded Vanir in Conall's Valley will no longer execute the same identical movements at the same time. * Field of the Dead: Lieutenant Rhor has learned some new skills, and should no longer be so easy to defeat. * Field of the Dead: The Lupine Superior boss has lost his floating wig. He will also spawn minions in a more correct manner. * Khemi: Rhino name-plates should now be displayed properly and will no longer clip into the rhino. * Kheshatta: Scorpion Archers should now attack more consistently at range. * Kheshatta: Several NPCs with equipped weapons have been corrected. * Tarantia Noble: Astrologer will no longer send you into a dialog loop. * Tortage: Renton should no longer make strange sounds during the Destiny Mage quest. * Underhalls: Litharia's patrol has been adjusted a bit, to end her walking through walls or pillars. * Vistrix: All players that participate in the fight against Vistrix should now get his tooth. * White Sands: Thrall Warrior armor has been tweaked so as to not clip anymore. * Wild Lands: Oris should no longer send you into a dialog loop.
Player Character
* Dead team members will now get quest kill credit if they are within range. * You now only prohibited from entering stealth mode if team members are in combat nearby. * All your team members and their pets will now get the fatality buff when a team member performs a fatality. * The mentor and apprentice will see an onscreen message regarding confirmation or declining of pending apprenticeship requests. * Mesh effects during spellweaving should no longer rotate with the character. * Characters will now display a smooth transition from standing to lying when using the 'prone' emote * Shield of the Risen will only display particle effects on hidden players if they are on your team. * Animations for the 'grin', 'laugh' and 'laughheartily' emotes have been tweaked for both male and female characters. * Emote 'squirm_on_ground' has been renamed to 'lounge', to better fit the animation.
Assassin * The following abilities now have new effects: Cat's Paw, Opportunistic Strike, Kidney Shots, Avatar of Death, Lotus Overdose, Necrotic Leech, Corrupting Strikes, and Lunge.
Barbarian * Feats "Eyes of Madness", "Rampaging Horde", "Welcoming Death", and "Too Many To Count" now have visuals associated with them.
Demonologist * Earth Recharge ability will have a better visual indicator of activation. * Let Them Burn should now have the correct cooldown. * Let Them Burn will now properly increase in damage the longer it is channeled. * Shockblast (Rank 1) and Inferno of Amher (Rank 1) will now scale correctly when compared to Rank 2. The additional splash damage of Shockblast now scales correctly, as it dealt more damage than intended previously.
Necromancer * Frostblast now has a visual cone of frost. * Ice Shackle spell is now less invasive and more optimized. * The tooltip for Malefic Chant now shows up as intended. * Night of the Harvester should now correctly increase the effect of the Harvester mana/stamina heal by 15/30%. * To offset the change to Void causing the pet no longer to be rooted, the drain effect of Void has been reduced and now scales more consistantly based on level. * Spell "Siphon Unlife" now has visuals and sound. * The casting time of Set's Ruin, Set's Cold Hatred, and Blasphemy have been reduced from 4 seconds to 2 seconds. * Parasitic Soul Swarm is now less invasive and should take up less screenspace.
Priest of Mitra * The Spellweaving animation has been tweaked.
Ranger * The ranger's tracking list should now be sortable with distance. * Dead NPCs and players will now longer appear when using the tracking ability.
Tempest of Set * Set's Life Spark should now trigger a resurrection prompt instantly after dying. * Puppets of Set should now draw the attention of nearby NPCs if you attempt to cast it on a group of NPCs.
* The special offer from Venes Venele, the Custom-made Saddle, is now unveiled and for sale! * 'Bind on Equip' has been added to some items. * The names of some sets of armor have been changed to be easier to discern what class they are intended for. Some visual looks of these armor sets have been tweaked. * The Heart of the Earth weapon will now work for 2 handed blunt combos. * Handguards of Ardent Fire now give 2handed Edge bonuses. * Fine Steelsilk Leggings should now display its name properly * Non-casters should now be able to see the effect of mana potions, even though they can't use them. * Girdle of Clawing Might now properly gives Max Health and Max Stamina, as intended, instead of Max Health twice.
* Disabled ability to mount while charging. * The tooltip for horses will no longer say "CANNOT USE" when the horse is usable. * Corrected some casting animations while on a mount. * The mount Armored Fading Black Horse can no longer be traded.
* Removed the shift-right click "Enter heroic version" option from doors.
* Massive PvP: Mercenary players in a team with a guild member should no longer be hostile-flagged during battle. * You will no longer be able to attack guild members on PvP servers. * The Massive PVP gui will show up on a separate tab than Minigame PvP. * If your pet does the most damage to a target in a minigame, you will now get credited for the kill instead of the pet. * Ground targeting AOEs should now only be allowed if the player has line of sight to the target. * The siege camps will now give a message when they are clicked on and the city is not vulnerable. * You should no longer be able to damage your raid members on Culture PvP servers.
* You can now sort items for sale on the Tradepost by "Show Can Use Only" and "Show Can Buy Only". * Powerful items (blue and green) for sale on the Tradepost will now list in color text. * Items of a level you cannot use will be listed in red. * It should now be possible to search for necklaces, rings, gems, and consumables.
* Cotton and Cottonwisp have been fixed, and will be the correct level. * Any player who speaks to a crafter trainer and doesn't get the quest because he has a full quest journal will now be able to speak to the trainer again and get the quests at a later stage. * Resource harvesting animations have been tweaked for consistency. * The items you hand in to the Crafter Trainers will from now on be returned to you. This change applies to the Weaponsmith, Armorsmith, Alchemist, and Architect classes. * Trainer dialog was updated to reflect current names of buildings in Architect quest line. * The Weaponsmith Trainer's dialog no longer references Glaive, but Awl Pike.
World Design
* Various visual fixes and improvements made in Khemi and Kheshatta. * Adjusted several areas with added collision, where players previously could become stuck on terrain. * Pyramid of Lord Atum-Keket: Door collision has been adjusted here. * Underhalls: The rez point in the "Uptown Sewer" should now be fully visible. * Underhalls: The upper climbing point on the right ladder for the Harbor entrance has been tweaked. * Underhalls: The zone called "Askia" is now renamed "Askia's Domain". * Underhalls: The lost jewel is now placed on the ground, and the respawn timer has changed from 60 to 30 seconds. * Wild Lands of Zelata: Collision on the stairs inside the Mayor's building has been adjusted.
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Edited by - Shemiramoth on 11/07/2008 09:53:46 |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 11/07/2008 : 11:21:02
To Filda LNL: Zkus to znovu a jinou formou, tzn. napsat to jako slusny clovek. To Pertha: Smazal jsem tvuj post, abych zachoval konzistenci. Ne z duvodu, ze by byl tvuj post necim spatny. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
New Member

342 Posts |
Posted - 11/07/2008 : 11:27:34
Undocumented Patch Notes, July 10th 2008 (
General - Invisible walls everywhere, it's now impossible to climb an average slope. - Impossible to cast buffs while under the loading-invulnerability effect - Loading times much longer than before - Mapping keys seems to no longer work, (Example: Can't Change W to Y) - Report's of decreased framerate (Also reports of increased framerate for some people) - You now get a prompt if you zone into a different instance than your group leader, and get the option to teleport to the correct instance - Show Target of Target option no longer exists - Cant toggle names on/off with Shift+N
GUI - Gems now show what items they can fit into. - You can now right click player names in the public chat channels (does not work in whispers, group or guild chats) and get the option Player Information to see their class, level, guild and location. - Login screen shows server load. - Cursor changes to a red open door when scrolling over zoning area's - Price tags in bank removed from the items already auctioned (newly auctioned items do have pricetags over them) - Nearby resources are now shown on map. - Objects in the inventory now have specular shading reflection - You can now see players new armor after they replace it (Instead of having to rezone)
PVE Mobs - Ranged mobs range seem'd to have been increased. - Ranger mobs now use their bow as much as they can (Making it harder for people to pull ranger mobs away from packs of mobs). - Melee and ranged mobs seem to hit harder, not mages - Some solo bosses has gained the ability Bladestorm that instantly kills players
Mage Classes - Mana regeneration nerfed (Some say for priest class's only) - Casters, cant buff with path of the risen due to it silencing you but melee can.
Solider Classes - Stances getting stuck
Guilds - Guild ranks seem to have reset (Some people only)
Resources - Rare resource drops increased
Quests - Arena quests have been reported fixed by some people - Aquilius bugged - Vila quests give approximately 7k exp on lvl 72
Items - Mana tap items seem to have the correct % display
Rangers - Immolation is broken. Reports indicate that the DoT associated with Immo, breaks the fear effect as soon as it is applied.
Dark Templars - Leech life no longer is leeching life - Dark templars seem to take more damage then pre-patch (reported two to three times more) - Drain life is no longer draining life
Conquerors - Small root added to the charge for conquerors
Barbarian - Reports that you can no longer use finishing blow on knocked down enemys you can only use it once they have gotten back up.
Herald of Xolti - HoX got a previous, slightly changed animation of Hellfire Breath skill
All Classes - Stamina Regeneration Decreased - Reports of fast recovery only doing half the regeneration it did before.
Instances - Can no longer kill the bosses in Catacombs using the barrels, they kill you but not the bosses - Villa mobs are buffed
4085 Posts |
Posted - 11/07/2008 : 11:47:35
quote: Originally posted by Pertha
hehe tak dlouho jsem AoC chvalil, az ho ted nemuzu pustit :) v prubehu loading content spadne klient
Edit: pomohlo odmazat vsechny modifikace UI
staci odmazat jen groupGUI, alespon u me mel jsem ViperUI |
Edited by - Araya on 11/07/2008 11:48:08 |
Filda LNL
Junior Member

723 Posts |
Posted - 11/07/2008 : 12:54:43
Ok, pardon, ale ono se o nich už ani snad slušně vyjadřovat nedá. |
Troll lepší fanboie. |

3400 Posts |
Posted - 11/07/2008 : 13:05:17
quote: Originally posted by Araya
quote: Originally posted by Pertha
hehe tak dlouho jsem AoC chvalil, az ho ted nemuzu pustit :) v prubehu loading content spadne klient
Edit: pomohlo odmazat vsechny modifikace UI
staci odmazat jen groupGUI, alespon u me mel jsem ViperUI
Nebo rovnou stačit smazat celou hru a máš klid. |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 11/07/2008 : 13:41:56
quote: Originally posted by Shelaida ....
Vcera jsem hral docela dost a minimalen pulka tech "nedokumentovanejch zmen" je naprostej nesmysl pripadne lez. |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
†… Havran …†
Average Member
1962 Posts |
Posted - 11/07/2008 : 14:12:33
mozna by neskodilo si precist tu vetu pred tema zmenama :) |
EVE: Lord Greg (Black Nova Corp) [Band of Brothers] [IT Alliance] BoB Forever KILLER 73.3% LOOTER 66.7% THIEF 33.3% SCAMMER 26.7
New Member

342 Posts |
Posted - 11/07/2008 : 14:21:23
quote: Originally posted by brutus
quote: Originally posted by Shelaida ....
Vcera jsem hral docela dost a minimalen pulka tech "nedokumentovanejch zmen" je naprostej nesmysl pripadne lez.
Já si spíš říkal jestli to neprohodily  Spousta těch změn "nedokumentovaných" mi přišlo docela důležitých. A všimnul jsem si jich spíš, než těch dokumentovaných. Třeba zákaz castění v loading-invulnerability efektu. Zrušení bindování kláves, zobrazení užití gemů na itemy, server load na login screenu, dmg ranged mobů atd. atd.  |
Average Member

1833 Posts |
Posted - 11/07/2008 : 14:41:55
Abych jen plane neplacal - moje zkusenosti ze vcera kdy jsem udelal lev 54-58 po patchi (jen co IMHO neni pravda):
- Invisible walls everywhere, it's now impossible to climb an average slope. -- V E. Mountains jsem behal jak kamzik po stranich, zadny problemy jsem nezaznamenal. - Loading times much longer than before -- Stejny jako driv
PVE Mobs - Ranged mobs range seem'd to have been increased. -- nepostrehl jsem rozdil - Melee and ranged mobs seem to hit harder, not mages -- nepostrehl jsem rozdil - Some solo bosses has gained the ability Bladestorm that instantly kills players -- nesetkal jsem se s tim
Mage Classes - Mana regeneration nerfed (Some say for priest class's only) --hraju necra manu mam porad full (s jidlem samo) Quests - Arena quests have been reported fixed by some people - Aquilius bugged -- mne fungoval (konecne) a arena taky - Vila quests give approximately 7k exp on lvl 72 --na 57 davaj to co maj (25kxp cca?)
All Classes - Stamina Regeneration Decreased -- to bych nerekl kdyz sprintuju doplni se mne stejne rychle jako driv
Instances - Villa mobs are buffed -- ani nahodou jsou to stejny salati jako vzdycky (koneckoncu jsou to moby tvojeho levelu.... a ja nemam problemy zabijet moby o 4 levely vejs) |
Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows, I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand, before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand, Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed, by the power you and I possess... DRAGON SLAVE! |
New Member

342 Posts |
Posted - 11/07/2008 : 14:52:14
Tak mobi ve vile posílili a to že jsi v nečem nepostřehl rozdíl, neznamená že tam není  Jo a mana se doplňuje pitím, ne jídlem. |
4339 Posts |
Posted - 11/07/2008 : 15:03:56
Ohledne bindovani klaves. Vysvetlim, kde je problem. Nektere klavesy proste nereaguji na apply. Tzn. pokud mam napriklad nabindovane Y a chci to ypsilon hodit na jinou abilitu, tak to dost casto neveme. Pokud mame treba abilitu lunge na ypsilon, tak ji premapujte na nejakou jinou (ja pouzival "tecku" klavesu, fungovala totiz normalne) Po te uz pujde Y nabindovat jinam. :-)
Je to bugle, ale da se to takto "obejit". Imo je problem v klavesach, ktere jsou prebindovane userem. Nove bindovane klavesy, ktere nebyly nikde pouzite pravdepodobne nemaji problem. |
- If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. - When you can't run you crawl, when you can't crawl, when you can't do that, find someone to carry you. - Achiever 27%, Explorer 67%, Killer 27%, Socializer 80%
Edited by - Shemiramoth on 11/07/2008 15:06:42 |
4085 Posts |
Posted - 11/07/2008 : 15:11:28
quote: Originally posted by spajdr
quote: Originally posted by Araya
quote: Originally posted by Pertha
hehe tak dlouho jsem AoC chvalil, az ho ted nemuzu pustit :) v prubehu loading content spadne klient
Edit: pomohlo odmazat vsechny modifikace UI
staci odmazat jen groupGUI, alespon u me mel jsem ViperUI
Nebo rovnou stačit smazat celou hru a máš klid.
Proc? To preci neni jejich chyba ze ti nejede nejakej plugin |
New Member

390 Posts |
Posted - 11/07/2008 : 15:44:47
quote: Originally posted by Rahman
quote: Originally posted by Rahman
Mate uz nekdo otestovano, kolik ted healuje surging health?
Nasel jsem to na forech. Melo by to byt 255hp za tribodovy feat na levlu 80. To uz mozna stoji za zvazeni.
mas to otestovany? |
Eskel - Sith Marauder of Golden Circle (SWTOR) Rune-Keeper of Sid eb Yside (LOTRO) Dark Templar of Xanadu (AoC) Brigand of Xanadu (EQ2)
1990 Posts |
Posted - 11/07/2008 : 15:45:02
já měl nabindované celá komba na klávesnici a fungovalo to bez problémů. No a bylo fuk jestli to jedno kombíčko je ze dvou nebo čtyř máčknutí.
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